Fun facts - Nalidixic acid, the chemical compound that is the base of all fluoroquinolones, was discovered in...
Fun facts - Nalidixic acid, the chemical compound that is the base of all fluoroquinolones, was discovered in...
This post, entitled "Some Doctors Don't Believe In This Disease Yet it Predisposes Many Diseases" was published...
Exogen Biotechnology has some very cool technology that they have made available to the public. Their test is able to...
A friend recently wrote me and said (basically), “While I appreciate your efforts in telling people that recovery is...
Adverse reactions to fluoroquinolones are often delayed and people can tolerate a certain number of fluoroquinolones...
I received about a dozen emails from people who reached out to me via the Floxie Hope “Contact me” page between...
Have you seen the documentary, "I AM?" It's an interesting and insightful film. I recommend it. Here it is, for you...
Do you have a headache? Do you want one? If so, read this article - "Mechanisms of Pathogenesis in Drug...
I'm working on a couple of posts/articles/essays right now about how all sorts of chronic diseases, from diabetes to...