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Lisa, in post-flox cases, how are the symptoms of Fibromalgia, CFS, diabetes, etc, differentiated from toxicity v actual disease?
Mark S
9 years ago
Can anyone who has had achilles issues on the lowest part of the leg advise how long it took for them to start to feel better? And what you did to help it recover? I can’t tell if I’m making it worse by icing it or not.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
In a word physio by an experienced physio. Went for treatment yesterday.
Manual traction helped me .
It is important to check all medications for the side effects of peripheral neuropathy and also any acidic foodstuffs drinks. I think fluoride toothpaste causes the burning to go worse almost immediately.
My physio told me to walk and not to sit for long periods of time. Important to keep the joints from seizing up.
Also advised to get some sketchers shoes to support fallen arches of both feet.
This is the advice I was given ad may not suit others. I do not know .
Good luck.
9 years ago
Lucy. I agree with you the vaccination thing is ridiculous. If you cannot tolerate the vaccine you can get a note from your doctor that will excuse you but you will have to wear a mask every day, all day long until late spring. This started a few years ago for us. I’m still not happy about it. I may end up wearing the mask next year.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Mike
I have only ever had one flu jab and it made me ill. Obviously that deterred me from having any more. I know the sulphites and other preservatives are damaging but I avoid as much meds as possible now after being floxed. I am in a lot of pain with peripheral neuropathy. I am having a bad day today I am afraid.
with the mask thing Is that for your protection!
9 years ago
Jason – peter yes I have been twitching for a year… all over at the start now mainly in lower legs…. when im sitting in certain office chairs they pump all day having their party…. pump pump twitch
9 years ago
just saw the commercial for a concussion movie about the NFL players. Was thinking maybe someday someone will help us and make a movie about us. But am just getting discouraged. Trying really hard not to but it’s hard when people who are supposed to stand up for the little guy don’t even care about us.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Physio has helped manage the spasms but not cure them.
My physio says ‘I you don’t use it , you will lose it’
However as we all realise we are all different and each case must be judged on an individual basis and assessed and advised accordingly. I have tried inter differential treatment, this seems to help .
At least it is better than pain killers and gives a mental break away from pain. Physio also said that the collagen build up around the area of inflammation and the body responds by going into the natural inflammatory process . This means that muscles swell pressing on nerves. Swelling is due to columns of collagen building up then irritating the tissue and nerves.
So in my case movement is encouraged to disperse the columns of collagen that have built up.To mobilise to de stiffen the joints.
Advise to myself from MY physio is not to sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time. To walk as much as possible but not to overdo it.
To wear correct footwear. He recommended Sketchers.
Hope this helps .
dan hedrich
9 years ago
can anyone please please have an antidote for nausea and dizziness. thanks.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Sorry if this posting is a bit bitty.
My neurologist said the headaches and dizziness were due to taking co codamol for pain. I was only taking 3 to 4 a week, yes a week. He said that that was more than enough to cause an analgesic induced headache plus dizziness. Codeine also causes the eye to swell.
Codeine lowers the pain threshold.
l can also do the same.Tramadom
According to the pharmacists I have spoken to the main cause of dizziness etc is due to the additives, binders and fillers particularly in the generic brands of medication.
Things like soy, maize starch/corn, zapain caused headaches, nausea.
dan hedrich
9 years ago
hi, linda what other symptoms have you had prior to 9 months?
Hello everyone,
I am sorry if this was answered already. If it was I must have missed it.
I have been officially diagnosed with a variant of Adult Autoimmune Enteropathy. I was wondering if anyone else here has been diagnosed with something similar or not.
I have to head to Cleveland Clinic for treatment seeings that adults with this syndrome or decease is very rare. Some of the medical personal said this was brought out by the Cipro Floxing me. A Chain reaction and now my immune system is in attack mode.
Anyway I have to run.
Hang in there gang!
never give up never surrender.
Mike Out.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Mike et al
I had an MRI scan which questioned an encephalopathy but auto immune tests were negative. I had already had anti nuclear antibodies done which were positive being 1 in 80. EBV was also pos . I will enquire about the encephalopathy you have mentioned .
Someone sent me an email this evening in which he mentions the statins. There is a reference in the e mail written by Dr John Biffra called the The Truth about Cholesterol.
If someone else has already made a reference to this on the Forum I apologise.
The latest propaganda about the Statins is that they are now being pushed by Big Pharma as a query way of controlling seizures!
I discovered today that drugs are not researched on women. Therefore their dangers , of the drugs, cannot be evaluated on females!!
Joan Wade.
Joan Wade was badly affected by the statins suffering polyneuropathy . Joan is on Face Book which gives in depth details on the DANGERS OF STATINS. These cause muscle damage, wastage,
9 years ago
You had a brain MRI scan? In my research to find out what has happened to my eyesight I ran across a floxie that had ptc (pseudotumor cerebri) which caused his eye problems (optic neuropathy/neuritis) You need a lumbar puncture to verify increased intracranial pressure. Sometimes headache upon rising in the am and pain in the back of your eyes when you look around are symptoms of this. It usually happens to obese pregnant women but apparently fluoroquinolones may cause this too.
Marçal William
9 years ago
Marcal William Conceição Santos, 26 years.
In February 2014, were the first symptoms. I started to present a picture of pain in the groin and pain in the lower back. So I looked for a infectious disease doctor, who prescribed some tests such as urine culture. Upon receiving the test results, the only result “abnormal” was a bacteria in the urine. Then I looked for a urologist which in turn has prescribed an antibiotic called levofloxacin 500mg, one a day for 28 days based on the result and with suspected prostatitis.
Having just ingested four tablets felt strong fatigue and malaise as if with virus. Because of this I came to seek medical infectious disease specialist who recommended change to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin 250 mg two daily for 14 days. With the use of this medication, as well as fatigue, I felt burning in the legs, I started having insomnia, irritability and pain in his right leg.
Even before finishing the medication, I felt strong pain of stomach and went to emergency, where the GP advised me to come back to take another 7 days levofloxacin up going to another urologist.
The new doctor said it was not prostatitis.
From there, the left side of antibiotics, but continued with pain in his right leg same time after you stop taking the antibiotic.
Two months later, I went to another urologist who referred me to a battery of tests, including the espermocultura pointed out that other bacteria. The doctor diagnosed again as prostatitis and said that all the symptoms were explained by this. Then again prescribed levofloxacin 500mg each day for 28 days. I did not realize at the time it was the same medication before because the trade name changes.
In the beginning of the ‘new’ treatment did not feel prominent symptoms, only the pain in his right leg that bothered much.
Until one day, during treatment, my leg was paralyzed, I ended up going to the emergency room again. Where this was not associated with the antibiotic. Then continued treatment.
Then I came to have difficulty swallowing and there were blisters on my calf. Still not associated to the antibiotic. Associated symptoms of a possible disease. Because I had never heard about side effects like those caused by a ‘simple’ antibiotic.
Until the 22 days after treatment had severe diarrhea with mucus where my belly was very swollen. I tried to treat it, but not solved with conventional remedies.
Anyway I associated the symptom to the antibiotic and researched about it.
Found that fluoroquinolones cause severe diarrhea because of a bacterium called Clostridium Difficile. And I could also have acquired a colitis.
Already tired of going to doctors and distressed by the situation, I decided to treat myself on my own against bacteria and bought Florax and metronidazole.
After four days the diarrhea has passed, but the nightmare began there, other symptoms began to appear after discontinuation of the drug: muscle wasting, chronic insomnia, burning in the legs and arms, numbness, muscle spasms, irritability, panic attacks, psychosis, anxiety attacks, dry mouth, constant cleft lips, metallic taste in the mouth, coating the tongue dorsum, dry skin, sore eyes, fall of the eyelids (ptosis), constant itchy eyes, dry and red eyes at night , constant sickness, pain and weakness in both legs, pain in the tendons, reddish urine, blood in the stool, constant diarrhea, allergy to the sun, back pain, pain in the teeth, redness and severe scaling (fungal infection) in the scalp, shut cold (electric shock), chronic fatigue, small red spots on the skin (fickle), rashes, constant tingling in two fingers, intracranial pressure, jaw pain, excessive sweating, pain in the ankle and heel, swelling inside the nails, slow metabolism, sudden weight gain (10 kg), memory loss, poor concentration, blurred vision, dizziness, constant pain in the throat and urinary incontinence.
After some time unable to sleep, I had a psychotic break, but kept aware enough to realize that my situation was the limit and that tended to worsen. So I tried suicide. But I was rescued in time and hospitalized.
I was right. I had completely lost control of myself and my life. I was experiencing a symptom called ‘depersonalization’, which was slow and air all the time. So they decided to treat me psychiatrically.
Time passed and I keep almost all symptoms.
Considering the high amount, variety and complexity of these symptoms is difficult and analyze their processes and their effects. However, the fact is that 1 year and 6 months later, most of the symptoms remains debilitating, limiting and destroying my quality of life.
I am convinced that all this did not occur or occurs to everyone who takes this antibiotic. Myself after finishing the first treatment did not feel much. And after the second, virtually all the effects of the medicine label and others who just found out a lot about researching broke out all over my body.
People around me were slow to understand what was happening to me, even I only dived in depth on the subject after many months. He hoped that all effects would pass and tried to lead a normal life.
We arrived at a point where I realized all my physical limitations and decided to collect me. I thought about giving up and tried suicide again. Because of this I interned in a psychiatric clinic. Of course it did no good. Except for the friendships I made and the rehabilitation that had even a not so friendly environment.
After all this, I put aside the psychiatric treatment, take only one remedy to sleep (Rivotril) and I am dedicating myself only study to find a solution or solutions pros symptoms that purchase.
There are reports, news, medical testimony, documentary, book and even scientific articles describing and detailing the danger of this drug and the irresponsibility with which it is prescribed.
I sincerely feel that I have lost my youth and I’m afraid to grow old with all of these symptoms. My situation is dramatic, I was a young healthy, happy and dreamy. Today I am weak and can not do anything I liked and planned to do.
I am currently treating me with an orthomolecular doctor and following the guidelines of the book: “The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution”.
9 years ago
Hello all, 6 months out from Cipro. My anxiety is out of this world. And now my shoulder will start to spasm randomly. My hands when I hold them up and try to keep still are extremely shaky! Its almost like a weird vibrating sensation. My hands and legs go tingly or numb very easily. Its very unsettling I hate not being in control of my mind and body. My lips and skin are very dry. I thought with time things would disappear not get worse. If anyone has any suggestions for supplements or anything, please let me know. I am currently talking 250 mg magnesium at bedtime as it makes me sleepy.
I am going for a glutathione injection tomorrow. My Dr. doesn’t offer the vitamin C injections, only a meyers. I remember that some people have said stay away from calcium (which is in a meyers along with vitamin C) I’ve also seen some floxed that have gotten meyers and improved. Any thoughts on this? I might just wait until I can get a pure vitamin C injection.
Lisa, in post-flox cases, how are the symptoms of Fibromalgia, CFS, diabetes, etc, differentiated from toxicity v actual disease?
Can anyone who has had achilles issues on the lowest part of the leg advise how long it took for them to start to feel better? And what you did to help it recover? I can’t tell if I’m making it worse by icing it or not.
In a word physio by an experienced physio. Went for treatment yesterday.
Manual traction helped me .
It is important to check all medications for the side effects of peripheral neuropathy and also any acidic foodstuffs drinks. I think fluoride toothpaste causes the burning to go worse almost immediately.
My physio told me to walk and not to sit for long periods of time. Important to keep the joints from seizing up.
Also advised to get some sketchers shoes to support fallen arches of both feet.
This is the advice I was given ad may not suit others. I do not know .
Good luck.
Lucy. I agree with you the vaccination thing is ridiculous. If you cannot tolerate the vaccine you can get a note from your doctor that will excuse you but you will have to wear a mask every day, all day long until late spring. This started a few years ago for us. I’m still not happy about it. I may end up wearing the mask next year.
Hi Mike
I have only ever had one flu jab and it made me ill. Obviously that deterred me from having any more. I know the sulphites and other preservatives are damaging but I avoid as much meds as possible now after being floxed. I am in a lot of pain with peripheral neuropathy. I am having a bad day today I am afraid.
with the mask thing Is that for your protection!
Jason – peter yes I have been twitching for a year… all over at the start now mainly in lower legs…. when im sitting in certain office chairs they pump all day having their party…. pump pump twitch
just saw the commercial for a concussion movie about the NFL players. Was thinking maybe someday someone will help us and make a movie about us. But am just getting discouraged. Trying really hard not to but it’s hard when people who are supposed to stand up for the little guy don’t even care about us.
Physio has helped manage the spasms but not cure them.
My physio says ‘I you don’t use it , you will lose it’
However as we all realise we are all different and each case must be judged on an individual basis and assessed and advised accordingly. I have tried inter differential treatment, this seems to help .
At least it is better than pain killers and gives a mental break away from pain. Physio also said that the collagen build up around the area of inflammation and the body responds by going into the natural inflammatory process . This means that muscles swell pressing on nerves. Swelling is due to columns of collagen building up then irritating the tissue and nerves.
So in my case movement is encouraged to disperse the columns of collagen that have built up.To mobilise to de stiffen the joints.
Advise to myself from MY physio is not to sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time. To walk as much as possible but not to overdo it.
To wear correct footwear. He recommended Sketchers.
Hope this helps .
can anyone please please have an antidote for nausea and dizziness. thanks.
Sorry if this posting is a bit bitty.
My neurologist said the headaches and dizziness were due to taking co codamol for pain. I was only taking 3 to 4 a week, yes a week. He said that that was more than enough to cause an analgesic induced headache plus dizziness. Codeine also causes the eye to swell.
Codeine lowers the pain threshold.
l can also do the same.Tramadom
According to the pharmacists I have spoken to the main cause of dizziness etc is due to the additives, binders and fillers particularly in the generic brands of medication.
Things like soy, maize starch/corn, zapain caused headaches, nausea.
hi, linda what other symptoms have you had prior to 9 months?
Hello everyone,
I am sorry if this was answered already. If it was I must have missed it.
I have been officially diagnosed with a variant of Adult Autoimmune Enteropathy. I was wondering if anyone else here has been diagnosed with something similar or not.
I have to head to Cleveland Clinic for treatment seeings that adults with this syndrome or decease is very rare. Some of the medical personal said this was brought out by the Cipro Floxing me. A Chain reaction and now my immune system is in attack mode.
One of the Meds they treat this with is Tacrolimus.
Anyway I have to run.
Hang in there gang!
never give up never surrender.
Mike Out.
Hi Mike et al
I had an MRI scan which questioned an encephalopathy but auto immune tests were negative. I had already had anti nuclear antibodies done which were positive being 1 in 80. EBV was also pos . I will enquire about the encephalopathy you have mentioned .
Someone sent me an email this evening in which he mentions the statins. There is a reference in the e mail written by Dr John Biffra called the The Truth about Cholesterol.
If someone else has already made a reference to this on the Forum I apologise.
The latest propaganda about the Statins is that they are now being pushed by Big Pharma as a query way of controlling seizures!
I discovered today that drugs are not researched on women. Therefore their dangers , of the drugs, cannot be evaluated on females!!
Joan Wade.
Joan Wade was badly affected by the statins suffering polyneuropathy . Joan is on Face Book which gives in depth details on the DANGERS OF STATINS. These cause muscle damage, wastage,
You had a brain MRI scan? In my research to find out what has happened to my eyesight I ran across a floxie that had ptc (pseudotumor cerebri) which caused his eye problems (optic neuropathy/neuritis) You need a lumbar puncture to verify increased intracranial pressure. Sometimes headache upon rising in the am and pain in the back of your eyes when you look around are symptoms of this. It usually happens to obese pregnant women but apparently fluoroquinolones may cause this too.
Marcal William Conceição Santos, 26 years.
In February 2014, were the first symptoms. I started to present a picture of pain in the groin and pain in the lower back. So I looked for a infectious disease doctor, who prescribed some tests such as urine culture. Upon receiving the test results, the only result “abnormal” was a bacteria in the urine. Then I looked for a urologist which in turn has prescribed an antibiotic called levofloxacin 500mg, one a day for 28 days based on the result and with suspected prostatitis.
Having just ingested four tablets felt strong fatigue and malaise as if with virus. Because of this I came to seek medical infectious disease specialist who recommended change to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin 250 mg two daily for 14 days. With the use of this medication, as well as fatigue, I felt burning in the legs, I started having insomnia, irritability and pain in his right leg.
Even before finishing the medication, I felt strong pain of stomach and went to emergency, where the GP advised me to come back to take another 7 days levofloxacin up going to another urologist.
The new doctor said it was not prostatitis.
From there, the left side of antibiotics, but continued with pain in his right leg same time after you stop taking the antibiotic.
Two months later, I went to another urologist who referred me to a battery of tests, including the espermocultura pointed out that other bacteria. The doctor diagnosed again as prostatitis and said that all the symptoms were explained by this. Then again prescribed levofloxacin 500mg each day for 28 days. I did not realize at the time it was the same medication before because the trade name changes.
In the beginning of the ‘new’ treatment did not feel prominent symptoms, only the pain in his right leg that bothered much.
Until one day, during treatment, my leg was paralyzed, I ended up going to the emergency room again. Where this was not associated with the antibiotic. Then continued treatment.
Then I came to have difficulty swallowing and there were blisters on my calf. Still not associated to the antibiotic. Associated symptoms of a possible disease. Because I had never heard about side effects like those caused by a ‘simple’ antibiotic.
Until the 22 days after treatment had severe diarrhea with mucus where my belly was very swollen. I tried to treat it, but not solved with conventional remedies.
Anyway I associated the symptom to the antibiotic and researched about it.
Found that fluoroquinolones cause severe diarrhea because of a bacterium called Clostridium Difficile. And I could also have acquired a colitis.
Already tired of going to doctors and distressed by the situation, I decided to treat myself on my own against bacteria and bought Florax and metronidazole.
After four days the diarrhea has passed, but the nightmare began there, other symptoms began to appear after discontinuation of the drug: muscle wasting, chronic insomnia, burning in the legs and arms, numbness, muscle spasms, irritability, panic attacks, psychosis, anxiety attacks, dry mouth, constant cleft lips, metallic taste in the mouth, coating the tongue dorsum, dry skin, sore eyes, fall of the eyelids (ptosis), constant itchy eyes, dry and red eyes at night , constant sickness, pain and weakness in both legs, pain in the tendons, reddish urine, blood in the stool, constant diarrhea, allergy to the sun, back pain, pain in the teeth, redness and severe scaling (fungal infection) in the scalp, shut cold (electric shock), chronic fatigue, small red spots on the skin (fickle), rashes, constant tingling in two fingers, intracranial pressure, jaw pain, excessive sweating, pain in the ankle and heel, swelling inside the nails, slow metabolism, sudden weight gain (10 kg), memory loss, poor concentration, blurred vision, dizziness, constant pain in the throat and urinary incontinence.
After some time unable to sleep, I had a psychotic break, but kept aware enough to realize that my situation was the limit and that tended to worsen. So I tried suicide. But I was rescued in time and hospitalized.
I was right. I had completely lost control of myself and my life. I was experiencing a symptom called ‘depersonalization’, which was slow and air all the time. So they decided to treat me psychiatrically.
Time passed and I keep almost all symptoms.
Considering the high amount, variety and complexity of these symptoms is difficult and analyze their processes and their effects. However, the fact is that 1 year and 6 months later, most of the symptoms remains debilitating, limiting and destroying my quality of life.
I am convinced that all this did not occur or occurs to everyone who takes this antibiotic. Myself after finishing the first treatment did not feel much. And after the second, virtually all the effects of the medicine label and others who just found out a lot about researching broke out all over my body.
People around me were slow to understand what was happening to me, even I only dived in depth on the subject after many months. He hoped that all effects would pass and tried to lead a normal life.
We arrived at a point where I realized all my physical limitations and decided to collect me. I thought about giving up and tried suicide again. Because of this I interned in a psychiatric clinic. Of course it did no good. Except for the friendships I made and the rehabilitation that had even a not so friendly environment.
After all this, I put aside the psychiatric treatment, take only one remedy to sleep (Rivotril) and I am dedicating myself only study to find a solution or solutions pros symptoms that purchase.
There are reports, news, medical testimony, documentary, book and even scientific articles describing and detailing the danger of this drug and the irresponsibility with which it is prescribed.
I sincerely feel that I have lost my youth and I’m afraid to grow old with all of these symptoms. My situation is dramatic, I was a young healthy, happy and dreamy. Today I am weak and can not do anything I liked and planned to do.
I am currently treating me with an orthomolecular doctor and following the guidelines of the book: “The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution”.
Hello all, 6 months out from Cipro. My anxiety is out of this world. And now my shoulder will start to spasm randomly. My hands when I hold them up and try to keep still are extremely shaky! Its almost like a weird vibrating sensation. My hands and legs go tingly or numb very easily. Its very unsettling I hate not being in control of my mind and body. My lips and skin are very dry. I thought with time things would disappear not get worse. If anyone has any suggestions for supplements or anything, please let me know. I am currently talking 250 mg magnesium at bedtime as it makes me sleepy.
For those with breathing difficulties, this article is interesting – Something to look into. 🙂
I am going for a glutathione injection tomorrow. My Dr. doesn’t offer the vitamin C injections, only a meyers. I remember that some people have said stay away from calcium (which is in a meyers along with vitamin C) I’ve also seen some floxed that have gotten meyers and improved. Any thoughts on this? I might just wait until I can get a pure vitamin C injection.
What kind of testing for Vit C?
Marcal, did you take the brand or generic Cipro?