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9 years ago
I’ve never had anemia and all of my g6pd genes are negative (normal) on my 23and me results. I should be good to go.
you might have already mentioned this in one of your posts so I apologize in advance, but is Borax and boric acid the same thing? and how long is one supposed to supplement w borax? So far I’ve been doing the 1/8tsp per day. I feel as though most of my pain has left my legs and feet and his migrated to my back, spine 🙁
9 years ago
Can leaky gut cause wierd ulcers to form that are normally seen in colitis patients?
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Jason
Hope that you do not mind my writing to you to say wow another excellent posting from you.
Many years ago as a teenager I was very ill with parathyphii B. I have a medical report to substantiate this which I can send to Lisa.
I was treated with chloramphenicol.
My gut/body has never been the same since and I blame the paratyphoid for my ill health except for the occasion when I was floxed 2 years or more ago.
I was wondering what drugs you are referring to that are enterotoxic.
I know about the steroids , the NSAIDS, pantoprazole,the antibiotics of course!! However I wondered what other drugs come under the umbrella of enterotoxic.
I was wondering what you had for your breakfast, lunch and evening meal and what snacks you have.
I am intolerant to corn, wheat, gluten, amaranth, aspartame, cow and almond milk, soy,
9 years ago
Delta Airlines WARNING:
No wheelchairs were provided to ANYONE at a major airport this week, with employees saying it’s like that all the time. Quote: “Ha, no one’s going to help you here.” Not the holiday weekend, low season between the holidays, perfect weather. People were forced to run to catch missed connections and encouraged by staff to blame and berate the elderly and the disabled for being in their way. Holding area full of the elderly, people with babies, disabled, who could not run the gauntlet and jump the hoops. Again, employees confirmed that it’s like this all the time. We went through this on a number of consecutive days, thinking each time was a one off, but the same experience was repeated.
Some of you will probably say you had wonderful experiences but just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t to others. It also didn’t happen to me but I have a little bit of empathy for my fellow human beings.
9 years ago
Just want to throw this out there. Again, first, I have to say, I am not an attorney, and as a paralegal I cannot by law give legal advice. I also believe our society in general is too litigious. Having said that though, I want to suggest, especially for those of us who took a generic and through some legal nonsense are unable to sue for our injuries—go after the doctors and pharmacies. Was there “informed consent?” Did your doctor advise you of the black box warnings and other major side effects? Did the pharmacy explain the same to you? Were you given a steroid at the same time?
I think if enough physicians were sued, they might eventually realize that they have been fed a load of crap by big pharma, and the doctors themselves might actually grow a pair and take on big pharma themselves.
I was unable to get an attorney to take my case in CA because in the 1970s they proposed laws that make it difficult if not impossible to sue doctors and hospitals, including a cap on what you can collect. So I am going on alone. It is daunting, and not something I would recommend without assistance of some kind, but at the very least, the doctor and pharmacy are now on notice of what they have done through their negligence.
Hello again everyone,
I had a real good day today. I have not felt this good in a long time. I hope it is a sign of good things to come. Doing some new things. They want to send me to Cleveland Clinic soon. Functional medicine coupled with some other stuff.
9 years ago
I was given Cipro for appendicitis in 2000 and have never been the same. I had tendonitis in every tendon. I started off with indomethacin; then switched to Vioxx and quit it because it gave me insomnia and constipation; then Celebrex; then ibuprofen; then Naprosyn. I have tried repeatedly to go off painkillers but then all my tendons from elbows to fingertips and knees to toes feel like they’re on fire. Eventually I recovered somewhat and was fairly functional by 2010; but in 2012 all my “new” tendon cells died out and it took a couple of years for them to be replaced. A few weeks ago I flunked a liver enzyme blood test (score of 74 for ALT) so I have stopped the Naprosyn and feel like I’m on fire.
I believe that the reason I was susceptible to Cipro is because I have two genetic defects of the kidney: I throw out too much potassium and magnesium (Gitelman’s syndrome), and am subject to the salicylate-induced phosphate retention form of fibromyalgia as described by Dr R. Paul St Amand. As a result, I have highly alkaline blood chemistry, and the fluoro part of the fluoroquinolones were able to make it into my tendon cell nuclei and churn them into a pulp. I need to be very careful about my electrolyte balance and take potassium supplements three times a day, calcium at noon, magnesium morning and night. I need to avoid green tea because it’s high in fluoride and blows my electrolyte balance.
Can I suggest: if you believe you have fibromyalgia, it is worthwhile trying to determine if you have the variety that responds to the no salicylate/guaifenesin protocol. In my case, and in the case of people with genetics similar to mine, when a salicylate ion attaches to a receptor site on the renal cell, it stops throwing away used phosphate produced in the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle screeches to a halt (“fatigue”) and the phosphate gets stowed away in various inappropriate places everywhere (“pain”). Salicylate is a natural plant antibiotic and is present in just about all plants except C.R.O.W.S: core rice oats wheat soy. The mint in my toothpaste was giving me fibromyalgia, because it is absorbed through the skin, gets in the blood, goes to the renal cells, and screws up phosphate elimination. FOR ME. Because I have the genes for this. I absolutely cannot use any aloe-containing lotion (soaps, etc.), herbal-extract- or salicylate-containing lotions (chap stick, ben gay, capsaicin, aspercream, sun block, witch hazel, Caladryl, any soap except Ivory, herbal shampoo, Listerine, dish soap, most cosmetics, sap from weeding in the garden without gloves, etc….). However if I manage to avoid all these things and clear out the salicylate, then guaifenesin corrects my renal function and I throw out the used phosphate.
I started with the protocol in 2000 (found out about it while researching my cipro tendonitis problem!) and cannot begin to describe how well it works for me. My fibromyalgia only appears on the rare occasions when I accidently get aloe on my skin (e.g. ultrasound gel).
If you have this version of fibromyalgia, then if you successfully follow the no salicylate / guaifenesin protocol, you will have a lot less pain (from THAT, anyway), and a lot more energy available to fight your other problems. Wish I knew what to do about the tendonitis, but knowing about the alkaline-blood connection may end up being a clue to why I was susceptible and what might be a direction to investigate for some relief.
Also, thank you all for all your comments. The only way we’re going to get help is by sharing information with each other. My doctor two weeks ago said “I know all about fibromyalgia” when I was trying to tell her why I take guai – doctorspeak for “shut up and stop bothering me”. Great.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Mike
That’s great!
It is very encouraging news indeed and proves that this ‘thing’ can be overcome.
Debbie Leyhew
9 years ago
Has anyone used therapeutic grade essential oils to ease the symptoms of this poisoning? It would seem that frankincense would support healing or the neuro systems. Also, Deep Blue has been incredible in easing back and joint pain. I take very few Alleve now, and use an allergy blend of lemon, peppermint, and lavender oils for allergies. No more antihistamines, Benadryl, etc. The oils are able to pass through cell walls to promote healing!
9 years ago
This guy is a BIG advocate of Alkaline eating, Water, and their role in reducing Inflammation
Here are some quick eating tips, DO’s and DONT’s from him, and how to help reduce Inflammation which can help a LOT of people on just this Floxie Hope page alone:
Somebody please tell me this neuropathy will go away. I am 8 months out and that is all I have is PN. It’s not getting better. My Neurologist says it won’t go away. I can’t live the rest of my life like this or worse. I joined a Small Fiber Neuropathy Chat on Facebook and there are many there that got it from Fluroquinolones. Many are in bad shape and have had it for years! How do I keep going! I have read everything I can on it and it all says it doesn’t go away. I am sorry. This is supposed to be a place of hope. Forgive me! I can’t live life like this!
9 years ago
So it’s been a month now of these sudden and random saliva problems and as usual with my life since the medicine, it’s only getting worse. I now have swelling under the tongue in what looks like the sublingual gland. My saliva still hasn’t returned and I still don’t know what caused it. It’s days like today where I question what’s the point anymore. This problem alone has reduced my sleep to a max of two hour intervals for some reason with miserable mouth dryness and bad breath through the night. With all the other issues that are ongoing and not getting resolved, my quality of life is depressing. I’m 2.5 years into this and I don’t see an end to the pain and problems in sight. I don’t think time will heal this unfortunately. Something would have improved by now.
9 years ago
Okay now I have heard everything. If this doesn’t prove the FDA will approve anything if paid enough I don’t know what will. There is a drug called prolia that I guess is supposed to strengthen bones but on the commercial one of the side effects was possible broken bones. Really this is shit that the evil FDA approves. I already promised myself no more pills that are not natural ever but seeing this just confirmed it
9 years ago
Bob if you ever find a way to get nerves to regenerate then let me know!! I had autonomic dysfunction prior to cipro and now it’s really bad. These drugs not only affect the peripheral nervous system but also the central.
9 years ago
I was sent a link to this site where you can look up integrative doctors. It is NOT all encompassing. I know one who did not come up, but it’s a start. Also, be sure to check the box to increase the zip code area or you will keep bringing up no search results.
Morrison Bell
9 years ago
GREETINGS ………to every body , i am MORRISON BELL from LONDON(UK). I was once diagnosed with LUPUS in September 2014. I back than i was having skin rashes all over my body, this was very unbearable to me , then life was without meaning to me due to my health status , i tried my possible best to get cured but all seems in vain, So all through those period of my life, i was unhappy.
I still kept doing research on possible cure for LUPUS since 2014 though i knew science has no cure for it yet, few years ago while i was on search in the Internet i came across different testimonies on how this great man called DR.ODIGIE has been saving souls with his herbal medicine , people recommended that he has been using his medicine to cure LUPUS and different disease permanently and they advice that anyone who haven’t get in contact with him should contact him now for help.
So After reading several testimony from different people concerning DR.ODIGIE medicine for curing LUPUS , i said to myself that God could use any means to heal his servant , So without any doubt, i contacted him about my LUPUS Diagnosis treatment ,i explained my problems to him, without wasting time, he told me that he is going to help me , So he prepared a herbal medicine for me which he sent to me and he told me to use it according to the instruction that i will see on it, so i abide to him, before i know it, i was beginning to feel some changes in my body , the skin rashes i had on my body was gone and so i went for medical check up and to my greatest surprise, i was healed and cured from the disease i tut then can never be cured from my LUPUS but DR.ODIGIE gave me reasons to live , I am so very happy now as i am sharing my testimony and i want to use this medium opportunity to tell anyone who is having this sickness LUPUS or any kind of disease like HERPES, HEPATITIS B ,DERMATOMYOSITIS .HIV AIDS, Cancer, syphilis, gall stone and lot’s more should quickly contact DR ODIGIE on his email at:(drodigiesolutiontemple at rewrite the email address in a right form before contacting him . His Herbal medicine is one of a kind and i believe he can also cure you too just as he has cured me..THANKS ……..
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
How can we be sure that this herbal medicine is safe?
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about capiscain creams for getting rid of nerve pain?
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi jwinnl
Thanks for your reply about the capiscain cream.
Prof Jayson recommends capiscain cream in his book Understanding Back Pain published in association with the British Medical Association.
On page 83 he writes that you need to persevere and apply it two to three times a day for two days before it starts to be effective. He further states that after this time the nerve endings are depleted of the chemical substance causing the pain.
I have not tried it yet.
You said that it did not help you all the time. I am unsure what you meant by that .
Do you know how long it took before it did help with pain relief?
I am having pain in both Achilles tendons, the ankles, knees and soles of my feet. I can see the spasms in the tops of my feet.
My legs, thighs and buttocks are also burning. Standing is very painful but I have to keep mobilising as my physio says if you don’t use it you will lose it!
I just rue the day that I ever took an antibiotic. I have always felt very ill at ease when required to take any antibiotic but did not know why. Now I do.
it is quite true these drugs are highly detrimental to the body and dished out too rashly and frequently by doctors.
I was offered tramadol, nsaids, codeine, for the peripheral neuropathy but refused a prescription for the capiscain cream. I was told that it may not work. I replied well that applies to most drugs but I understand that the capiscain cream is a much safer option.
Anyway I am willing to give it a try because I am desperate and unwilling to take prescribed toxic chemicals designed to cause further harm..
I have to say that I am noting the increasing resistance to prescribing safer alternatives to antibiotics, opiates etc.
Sorry for keep going on about it but I feel very upset with what has happened to me.
I start to get even more panic stricken before going to bed because I cannot get comfortable in bed and know that in the morning I will be in more pain .
Pain that could have been avoided if I had not taken those crappy antibiotics.
I’ve never had anemia and all of my g6pd genes are negative (normal) on my 23and me results. I should be good to go.
you might have already mentioned this in one of your posts so I apologize in advance, but is Borax and boric acid the same thing? and how long is one supposed to supplement w borax? So far I’ve been doing the 1/8tsp per day. I feel as though most of my pain has left my legs and feet and his migrated to my back, spine 🙁
Can leaky gut cause wierd ulcers to form that are normally seen in colitis patients?
Hi Jason
Hope that you do not mind my writing to you to say wow another excellent posting from you.
Many years ago as a teenager I was very ill with parathyphii B. I have a medical report to substantiate this which I can send to Lisa.
I was treated with chloramphenicol.
My gut/body has never been the same since and I blame the paratyphoid for my ill health except for the occasion when I was floxed 2 years or more ago.
I was wondering what drugs you are referring to that are enterotoxic.
I know about the steroids , the NSAIDS, pantoprazole,the antibiotics of course!! However I wondered what other drugs come under the umbrella of enterotoxic.
I was wondering what you had for your breakfast, lunch and evening meal and what snacks you have.
I am intolerant to corn, wheat, gluten, amaranth, aspartame, cow and almond milk, soy,
Delta Airlines WARNING:
No wheelchairs were provided to ANYONE at a major airport this week, with employees saying it’s like that all the time. Quote: “Ha, no one’s going to help you here.” Not the holiday weekend, low season between the holidays, perfect weather. People were forced to run to catch missed connections and encouraged by staff to blame and berate the elderly and the disabled for being in their way. Holding area full of the elderly, people with babies, disabled, who could not run the gauntlet and jump the hoops. Again, employees confirmed that it’s like this all the time. We went through this on a number of consecutive days, thinking each time was a one off, but the same experience was repeated.
Some of you will probably say you had wonderful experiences but just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t to others. It also didn’t happen to me but I have a little bit of empathy for my fellow human beings.
Just want to throw this out there. Again, first, I have to say, I am not an attorney, and as a paralegal I cannot by law give legal advice. I also believe our society in general is too litigious. Having said that though, I want to suggest, especially for those of us who took a generic and through some legal nonsense are unable to sue for our injuries—go after the doctors and pharmacies. Was there “informed consent?” Did your doctor advise you of the black box warnings and other major side effects? Did the pharmacy explain the same to you? Were you given a steroid at the same time?
I think if enough physicians were sued, they might eventually realize that they have been fed a load of crap by big pharma, and the doctors themselves might actually grow a pair and take on big pharma themselves.
I was unable to get an attorney to take my case in CA because in the 1970s they proposed laws that make it difficult if not impossible to sue doctors and hospitals, including a cap on what you can collect. So I am going on alone. It is daunting, and not something I would recommend without assistance of some kind, but at the very least, the doctor and pharmacy are now on notice of what they have done through their negligence.
Hello again everyone,
I had a real good day today. I have not felt this good in a long time. I hope it is a sign of good things to come. Doing some new things. They want to send me to Cleveland Clinic soon. Functional medicine coupled with some other stuff.
I was given Cipro for appendicitis in 2000 and have never been the same. I had tendonitis in every tendon. I started off with indomethacin; then switched to Vioxx and quit it because it gave me insomnia and constipation; then Celebrex; then ibuprofen; then Naprosyn. I have tried repeatedly to go off painkillers but then all my tendons from elbows to fingertips and knees to toes feel like they’re on fire. Eventually I recovered somewhat and was fairly functional by 2010; but in 2012 all my “new” tendon cells died out and it took a couple of years for them to be replaced. A few weeks ago I flunked a liver enzyme blood test (score of 74 for ALT) so I have stopped the Naprosyn and feel like I’m on fire.
I believe that the reason I was susceptible to Cipro is because I have two genetic defects of the kidney: I throw out too much potassium and magnesium (Gitelman’s syndrome), and am subject to the salicylate-induced phosphate retention form of fibromyalgia as described by Dr R. Paul St Amand. As a result, I have highly alkaline blood chemistry, and the fluoro part of the fluoroquinolones were able to make it into my tendon cell nuclei and churn them into a pulp. I need to be very careful about my electrolyte balance and take potassium supplements three times a day, calcium at noon, magnesium morning and night. I need to avoid green tea because it’s high in fluoride and blows my electrolyte balance.
Can I suggest: if you believe you have fibromyalgia, it is worthwhile trying to determine if you have the variety that responds to the no salicylate/guaifenesin protocol. In my case, and in the case of people with genetics similar to mine, when a salicylate ion attaches to a receptor site on the renal cell, it stops throwing away used phosphate produced in the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle screeches to a halt (“fatigue”) and the phosphate gets stowed away in various inappropriate places everywhere (“pain”). Salicylate is a natural plant antibiotic and is present in just about all plants except C.R.O.W.S: core rice oats wheat soy. The mint in my toothpaste was giving me fibromyalgia, because it is absorbed through the skin, gets in the blood, goes to the renal cells, and screws up phosphate elimination. FOR ME. Because I have the genes for this. I absolutely cannot use any aloe-containing lotion (soaps, etc.), herbal-extract- or salicylate-containing lotions (chap stick, ben gay, capsaicin, aspercream, sun block, witch hazel, Caladryl, any soap except Ivory, herbal shampoo, Listerine, dish soap, most cosmetics, sap from weeding in the garden without gloves, etc….). However if I manage to avoid all these things and clear out the salicylate, then guaifenesin corrects my renal function and I throw out the used phosphate.
I started with the protocol in 2000 (found out about it while researching my cipro tendonitis problem!) and cannot begin to describe how well it works for me. My fibromyalgia only appears on the rare occasions when I accidently get aloe on my skin (e.g. ultrasound gel).
If you have this version of fibromyalgia, then if you successfully follow the no salicylate / guaifenesin protocol, you will have a lot less pain (from THAT, anyway), and a lot more energy available to fight your other problems. Wish I knew what to do about the tendonitis, but knowing about the alkaline-blood connection may end up being a clue to why I was susceptible and what might be a direction to investigate for some relief.
Also, thank you all for all your comments. The only way we’re going to get help is by sharing information with each other. My doctor two weeks ago said “I know all about fibromyalgia” when I was trying to tell her why I take guai – doctorspeak for “shut up and stop bothering me”. Great.
Hi Mike
That’s great!
It is very encouraging news indeed and proves that this ‘thing’ can be overcome.
Has anyone used therapeutic grade essential oils to ease the symptoms of this poisoning? It would seem that frankincense would support healing or the neuro systems. Also, Deep Blue has been incredible in easing back and joint pain. I take very few Alleve now, and use an allergy blend of lemon, peppermint, and lavender oils for allergies. No more antihistamines, Benadryl, etc. The oils are able to pass through cell walls to promote healing!
This guy is a BIG advocate of Alkaline eating, Water, and their role in reducing Inflammation
Here are some quick eating tips, DO’s and DONT’s from him, and how to help reduce Inflammation which can help a LOT of people on just this Floxie Hope page alone:
Somebody please tell me this neuropathy will go away. I am 8 months out and that is all I have is PN. It’s not getting better. My Neurologist says it won’t go away. I can’t live the rest of my life like this or worse. I joined a Small Fiber Neuropathy Chat on Facebook and there are many there that got it from Fluroquinolones. Many are in bad shape and have had it for years! How do I keep going! I have read everything I can on it and it all says it doesn’t go away. I am sorry. This is supposed to be a place of hope. Forgive me! I can’t live life like this!
So it’s been a month now of these sudden and random saliva problems and as usual with my life since the medicine, it’s only getting worse. I now have swelling under the tongue in what looks like the sublingual gland. My saliva still hasn’t returned and I still don’t know what caused it. It’s days like today where I question what’s the point anymore. This problem alone has reduced my sleep to a max of two hour intervals for some reason with miserable mouth dryness and bad breath through the night. With all the other issues that are ongoing and not getting resolved, my quality of life is depressing. I’m 2.5 years into this and I don’t see an end to the pain and problems in sight. I don’t think time will heal this unfortunately. Something would have improved by now.
Okay now I have heard everything. If this doesn’t prove the FDA will approve anything if paid enough I don’t know what will. There is a drug called prolia that I guess is supposed to strengthen bones but on the commercial one of the side effects was possible broken bones. Really this is shit that the evil FDA approves. I already promised myself no more pills that are not natural ever but seeing this just confirmed it
Bob if you ever find a way to get nerves to regenerate then let me know!! I had autonomic dysfunction prior to cipro and now it’s really bad. These drugs not only affect the peripheral nervous system but also the central.
I was sent a link to this site where you can look up integrative doctors. It is NOT all encompassing. I know one who did not come up, but it’s a start. Also, be sure to check the box to increase the zip code area or you will keep bringing up no search results.
GREETINGS ………to every body , i am MORRISON BELL from LONDON(UK). I was once diagnosed with LUPUS in September 2014. I back than i was having skin rashes all over my body, this was very unbearable to me , then life was without meaning to me due to my health status , i tried my possible best to get cured but all seems in vain, So all through those period of my life, i was unhappy.
I still kept doing research on possible cure for LUPUS since 2014 though i knew science has no cure for it yet, few years ago while i was on search in the Internet i came across different testimonies on how this great man called DR.ODIGIE has been saving souls with his herbal medicine , people recommended that he has been using his medicine to cure LUPUS and different disease permanently and they advice that anyone who haven’t get in contact with him should contact him now for help.
So After reading several testimony from different people concerning DR.ODIGIE medicine for curing LUPUS , i said to myself that God could use any means to heal his servant , So without any doubt, i contacted him about my LUPUS Diagnosis treatment ,i explained my problems to him, without wasting time, he told me that he is going to help me , So he prepared a herbal medicine for me which he sent to me and he told me to use it according to the instruction that i will see on it, so i abide to him, before i know it, i was beginning to feel some changes in my body , the skin rashes i had on my body was gone and so i went for medical check up and to my greatest surprise, i was healed and cured from the disease i tut then can never be cured from my LUPUS but DR.ODIGIE gave me reasons to live , I am so very happy now as i am sharing my testimony and i want to use this medium opportunity to tell anyone who is having this sickness LUPUS or any kind of disease like HERPES, HEPATITIS B ,DERMATOMYOSITIS .HIV AIDS, Cancer, syphilis, gall stone and lot’s more should quickly contact DR ODIGIE on his email at:(drodigiesolutiontemple at rewrite the email address in a right form before contacting him . His Herbal medicine is one of a kind and i believe he can also cure you too just as he has cured me..THANKS ……..
How can we be sure that this herbal medicine is safe?
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about capiscain creams for getting rid of nerve pain?
Hi jwinnl
Thanks for your reply about the capiscain cream.
Prof Jayson recommends capiscain cream in his book Understanding Back Pain published in association with the British Medical Association.
On page 83 he writes that you need to persevere and apply it two to three times a day for two days before it starts to be effective. He further states that after this time the nerve endings are depleted of the chemical substance causing the pain.
I have not tried it yet.
You said that it did not help you all the time. I am unsure what you meant by that .
Do you know how long it took before it did help with pain relief?
I am having pain in both Achilles tendons, the ankles, knees and soles of my feet. I can see the spasms in the tops of my feet.
My legs, thighs and buttocks are also burning. Standing is very painful but I have to keep mobilising as my physio says if you don’t use it you will lose it!
I just rue the day that I ever took an antibiotic. I have always felt very ill at ease when required to take any antibiotic but did not know why. Now I do.
it is quite true these drugs are highly detrimental to the body and dished out too rashly and frequently by doctors.
I was offered tramadol, nsaids, codeine, for the peripheral neuropathy but refused a prescription for the capiscain cream. I was told that it may not work. I replied well that applies to most drugs but I understand that the capiscain cream is a much safer option.
Anyway I am willing to give it a try because I am desperate and unwilling to take prescribed toxic chemicals designed to cause further harm..
I have to say that I am noting the increasing resistance to prescribing safer alternatives to antibiotics, opiates etc.
Sorry for keep going on about it but I feel very upset with what has happened to me.
I start to get even more panic stricken before going to bed because I cannot get comfortable in bed and know that in the morning I will be in more pain .
Pain that could have been avoided if I had not taken those crappy antibiotics.