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Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi jwinn
Thanks again for your reply it is much appreciated.
I had physio today which helps with the neuropathic pain as it keeps the joints moving enabling some pain relief for several hours before building up again.
I have told to walk as much as possible without getting overtired of course.
Exercise , mobilising will encourage the production of endorphins which as you know are the body’s natural pain relievers and anti depressants.
I also bought a book on the Paleo diet. As well as this I spoke to my friend who was eventually diagnosed with dysbyosis due to a candida overgrowth.
When his vitamin D level reached over the official optimal level his signs and symptoms of leaky gut disappeared as did the tingling, numbness in his legs and heels and feet – so he informed me.
It took 3 months of a gluten free diet. As stated previously once his Vit D level rose he was able to introduce gluten back into his diet without any problems.
He also had adrenal fatigue.
His parasitology stool test was positive.
He had been taking prozac for years but he stopped taking it is now able to function normally.
Please note that I am not advocating stopping any drugs especially anti depressants unless under medical advice/supervision.
His panic attacks have since ceased.
So in a nutshell he:
1. Had a parasitology stool test via David Hompes Nutritionist . This proved positive for two organisms in the gut. Yet a blood test for H Pylori one week previously done under the NHS was negative!!
2.He went onto a gluten free diet for three months.
He took probiotics, Co – enzyme Q 10.Vit d.Vit B12.Calcium. Magnesium.Zinc.Capryllic acid.
Used magnesium oil and soaked in a bath with Epsom salts every night.
4. Went to a chiropractor.
5. Kept away from doctors.
6. DIET.
Apart from commencing a gluten free diet he went onto the Paleo diet or rough equivalent. That is fresh, not tinned .
Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Ate butter instead of the pro active etc.
Stopped sugar and refined carbs. No cereal.
Avoids caffeine , no tea or coffee etc during the gluten free diet period. Drank plain water.
Also he never uses/d a micro wave.
I do not know if any of this helps floxies but it is obviously important to find out the root cause of the leaky gut syndrome and treat it accordingly.
To all those suffering with PN,
I am 13 months out now and this, for me, is the one thing that has greatly imoroved. Once in a while my left foot gets a little tingly at night, but doesnt last long. A year ago at this time my legs & feet were burning, twitching so bad , I could barely walk . The only thing that really helped was time, and supplementing w Taurine helped immensely. At present, I am left w floaters , spine and back pain that comes and goes:( Hang in there everybody!
9 years ago
Lucy sky, may I add that I not only took Cipro, but one month later took Levaquin, and then put me on Predisone for a year. No one could diagnose my symptoms, so they left me on the Prednisone because they were convinced that I had an autoimmune disease, even though all of my tests came back negative each month for an entire year. I honestly thought I was going to die during that time. There is no telling how much joint damage and nerve damage that I have from the extensive use of Prednisone on top of being floxed.
9 years ago
Did a fungus cause you to lose your toenails? I lost both my big toenails and could not figure out why!! Took levaquin in ’13.
Thx, Deb
9 years ago
Hi fellow Floxie fighters … I’m new to blogging at all, but since much of my time now is consumed by dealing with the effects of Fluoroquinolones, I’m finding this site interesting and helpful. I’ve tried to reply to a couple of posts, but get lost on the main site, so I will just put my information on here and hope that it is of some help.
First I should say that I have been my own doctor for decades, had an injury that hospitalized me nearly three years ago, and was given a fluoroquinolone antibiotic intravenously in the hospital with no forewarning even tho I questioned them. I have been treating the subsequent health problems (that I now know are the side effects of these drugs) with my own combination of lots of research and experimentation with various supplements and herbs, as well as consultation with healers of many persuasions. I am healing more than backsliding and am determined to regain as much function as possible. In the meantime, here are some of the things that have helped me:
Eye deterioration, including floaters: starting getting floaters after using computers beginning in late 80s; began taking 6mg. Lutein and other eye vitamins. Finally got my eyes checked at age 70, and was told I needed reading glasses of 1.50, eyes looked good, and keep taking the vitamins.
Frozen shoulder: woke up one miserable morning with this terribly painful attack. I live in a medical marijuana state, and I had some cannabis oil, which I rubbed on for pain relief, and MSM cream, which is a joint lubricant. They worked well, and I ended up combining them to make a wonderful penetrating pain reliever for multiple purposes. If you have access, look for MSM Cream with Cannabis extract. I believe there are some online.
Foot pain, swelling, burning, neuropathy: still dealing with this, but have had positive progress with Ionic foot baths (the kind with the wristband); Manuka Honey applied to the irritated skin and wrapped with a single layer of gauze in a loose cotton sock; frequent application of various healing creams and lotions, including the MSM Cream mentioned above; and careful attention to diet and supplements and healing herbs.
9 years ago
Carla, I tried some cannabis extract ointment in the past, but the smell was sooo bad that I couldn’t put it on and go out of the house inorder to go to work. Does anyone know of any MSM and cannabis extract cremes that don’t have such a horrible odor? I am sorry about your frozen shoulder……it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. I am 6 months in and yet to recover. I am still in pain every day. I rub down in Traumeel gel every morning and night, and it does seem to help. However, but the time I get off from work in the afternoon, all I can do is go home and crawl in bed from the pain of the day.
9 years ago
Hi, I am not sure where to post this, but thought I’d try putting it here and see if it reaches people. I want to thank everyone who has shared their experiences here. I had a severe reaction to a different class of antibiotics that caused me to loose all of the hearing in my left ear. Since then I approach every antibiotic with caution so when Cipro was suggested to me for a current sinus infection, I began researching it and found this site, among other sites that gave stern warnings, which thankfully made me decide not to take it. I am still suffering from the sinus infection, but I know I have to find an alternative treatment. However the reason I am posting is that in my search for an alternative treatment I was doing some research about boric acid and came upon a very interesting article that describes the health benefits of boron, which includes fluoride detoxing and helping the body use magnesium. Since I had been reading about the detrimental effects of fluoroquinolones that same day, I couldn’t help but think that supplementing with boron (via boric acid) might really help people who were poisoned by fluoroquinolones. Here is a link to the article: You have to read through it a bit to find the relevant information, but I think it might be worth it. Also forgive me if this is old news or proven ineffective for fluoroquinolone poisoning, but just in case it could help even one person, I wanted to share this information.
Someone here could answer two questions?
1- How do I post a new topic and see the other topics?
2- How can i know the number of members of the site and what are they?
I’ve frequented this site since November 2013 when I first was prescribed and took cipro. I didn’t finish the script because the second pill immediately caused me unwanted side effects. My hands felt weird and achy and my joints began to pop considerably. I’ve never had any type of joint pain or popping for that matter. Of course the doc said no this is not from cipro and to continue to take the script. I didn’t I through them away and never took them again. after that I was referred to many specialists as in rheumatologist and a couple said RA then one said not RA and that he just didn’t know what it was. This rheumatologist said that he didn’t want to prescribe me a med that could possibly cause more serious problems for me if its not in fact RA. He even went as far to say that he wouldn’t even take it. I believe that it was plaqunile because it can cause vision problems. Last blood work was last year 2014 around this time. RA factor was within normal range. CRP was normal. Sed rate was 39 which is higher than the range of 20. ANA was negative. I guess my question for anyone out here is have anyone been given a misdiagnosis of some sort. Has anyone inflammation markers stabilized. Has anyone doc leaned toward an RA diagnosis and didn’t have it. I’m not seeking validations from anyone however I am just a little curious. God bless you all.
9 years ago
How do you know when you need to stop being stubborn and get a cane?
9 years ago
dear jwinn, sorry to hear about your situation. how long ago were you effected? you mentioned relapse were you better at some point? what are your symptoms now? thanks dan.
hello marcal, no i have not. how are you coping? are your symptoms still the same? thanks dan.
9 years ago
Hi everyone
Would having my teeth cleaned at the dentist worsen Flox symptoms? I had a check-up yesterday, didn’t need any work doing thankfully, but she did give my teeth a polish. I felt fine afterwards, but today the flox symptoms have flared up worse than ever. Could it be related or just a coincidence?
9 years ago
jwinn, please, please hang in there!! we are all pulling for you.just get plenty of rest. dan.
9 years ago
Thanks Tom, I’m still taking the Product B 5 times a day. I haven’t given up!
Heath Wynn
9 years ago
I am very new to all this but I would love some input on a couple questions I have. I took cipro a year ago at 21 years old and before this I was in the best shape of my life. I could bench 225 and lifted weights religously. I ate healthy and was a very happy person. Three days after taking cipro I could not lift weights without pain or even walk without pain. It steadily got worse and worse and doctor after doctor could tell nothing wrong with me. I have muscle faciculations everywhere and major cognitive issues now. I have tried all supplents and diets which seem to have no effect. I was wondering if it is possible to get worse before you get better because i am starting to lose hope.
9 years ago
Hey Lisa…just came across this site which said you need to remove ALL fluoride. That is depressing, since it is virtually impossible. I cannot remove it from the shower. I buy bottled spring water which has some naturally occurring fluoride. (I know there is the R/O route but also impossible given my living situation.) Plus there are those times that you get caught away from home and run out of water. Distilled is not supposed to be good for you. Your thoughts? Did you eliminate it entirely?
9 years ago
bruce, what were your symptoms from the begining?dan.
Hi jwinn
Thanks again for your reply it is much appreciated.
I had physio today which helps with the neuropathic pain as it keeps the joints moving enabling some pain relief for several hours before building up again.
I have told to walk as much as possible without getting overtired of course.
Exercise , mobilising will encourage the production of endorphins which as you know are the body’s natural pain relievers and anti depressants.
I also bought a book on the Paleo diet. As well as this I spoke to my friend who was eventually diagnosed with dysbyosis due to a candida overgrowth.
When his vitamin D level reached over the official optimal level his signs and symptoms of leaky gut disappeared as did the tingling, numbness in his legs and heels and feet – so he informed me.
It took 3 months of a gluten free diet. As stated previously once his Vit D level rose he was able to introduce gluten back into his diet without any problems.
He also had adrenal fatigue.
His parasitology stool test was positive.
He had been taking prozac for years but he stopped taking it is now able to function normally.
Please note that I am not advocating stopping any drugs especially anti depressants unless under medical advice/supervision.
His panic attacks have since ceased.
So in a nutshell he:
1. Had a parasitology stool test via David Hompes Nutritionist . This proved positive for two organisms in the gut. Yet a blood test for H Pylori one week previously done under the NHS was negative!!
2.He went onto a gluten free diet for three months.
He took probiotics, Co – enzyme Q 10.Vit d.Vit B12.Calcium. Magnesium.Zinc.Capryllic acid.
Used magnesium oil and soaked in a bath with Epsom salts every night.
4. Went to a chiropractor.
5. Kept away from doctors.
6. DIET.
Apart from commencing a gluten free diet he went onto the Paleo diet or rough equivalent. That is fresh, not tinned .
Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Ate butter instead of the pro active etc.
Stopped sugar and refined carbs. No cereal.
Avoids caffeine , no tea or coffee etc during the gluten free diet period. Drank plain water.
Also he never uses/d a micro wave.
I do not know if any of this helps floxies but it is obviously important to find out the root cause of the leaky gut syndrome and treat it accordingly.
To all those suffering with PN,
I am 13 months out now and this, for me, is the one thing that has greatly imoroved. Once in a while my left foot gets a little tingly at night, but doesnt last long. A year ago at this time my legs & feet were burning, twitching so bad , I could barely walk . The only thing that really helped was time, and supplementing w Taurine helped immensely. At present, I am left w floaters , spine and back pain that comes and goes:( Hang in there everybody!
Lucy sky, may I add that I not only took Cipro, but one month later took Levaquin, and then put me on Predisone for a year. No one could diagnose my symptoms, so they left me on the Prednisone because they were convinced that I had an autoimmune disease, even though all of my tests came back negative each month for an entire year. I honestly thought I was going to die during that time. There is no telling how much joint damage and nerve damage that I have from the extensive use of Prednisone on top of being floxed.
Did a fungus cause you to lose your toenails? I lost both my big toenails and could not figure out why!! Took levaquin in ’13.
Thx, Deb
Hi fellow Floxie fighters … I’m new to blogging at all, but since much of my time now is consumed by dealing with the effects of Fluoroquinolones, I’m finding this site interesting and helpful. I’ve tried to reply to a couple of posts, but get lost on the main site, so I will just put my information on here and hope that it is of some help.
First I should say that I have been my own doctor for decades, had an injury that hospitalized me nearly three years ago, and was given a fluoroquinolone antibiotic intravenously in the hospital with no forewarning even tho I questioned them. I have been treating the subsequent health problems (that I now know are the side effects of these drugs) with my own combination of lots of research and experimentation with various supplements and herbs, as well as consultation with healers of many persuasions. I am healing more than backsliding and am determined to regain as much function as possible. In the meantime, here are some of the things that have helped me:
Eye deterioration, including floaters: starting getting floaters after using computers beginning in late 80s; began taking 6mg. Lutein and other eye vitamins. Finally got my eyes checked at age 70, and was told I needed reading glasses of 1.50, eyes looked good, and keep taking the vitamins.
Frozen shoulder: woke up one miserable morning with this terribly painful attack. I live in a medical marijuana state, and I had some cannabis oil, which I rubbed on for pain relief, and MSM cream, which is a joint lubricant. They worked well, and I ended up combining them to make a wonderful penetrating pain reliever for multiple purposes. If you have access, look for MSM Cream with Cannabis extract. I believe there are some online.
Foot pain, swelling, burning, neuropathy: still dealing with this, but have had positive progress with Ionic foot baths (the kind with the wristband); Manuka Honey applied to the irritated skin and wrapped with a single layer of gauze in a loose cotton sock; frequent application of various healing creams and lotions, including the MSM Cream mentioned above; and careful attention to diet and supplements and healing herbs.
Carla, I tried some cannabis extract ointment in the past, but the smell was sooo bad that I couldn’t put it on and go out of the house inorder to go to work. Does anyone know of any MSM and cannabis extract cremes that don’t have such a horrible odor? I am sorry about your frozen shoulder……it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. I am 6 months in and yet to recover. I am still in pain every day. I rub down in Traumeel gel every morning and night, and it does seem to help. However, but the time I get off from work in the afternoon, all I can do is go home and crawl in bed from the pain of the day.
Hi, I am not sure where to post this, but thought I’d try putting it here and see if it reaches people. I want to thank everyone who has shared their experiences here. I had a severe reaction to a different class of antibiotics that caused me to loose all of the hearing in my left ear. Since then I approach every antibiotic with caution so when Cipro was suggested to me for a current sinus infection, I began researching it and found this site, among other sites that gave stern warnings, which thankfully made me decide not to take it. I am still suffering from the sinus infection, but I know I have to find an alternative treatment. However the reason I am posting is that in my search for an alternative treatment I was doing some research about boric acid and came upon a very interesting article that describes the health benefits of boron, which includes fluoride detoxing and helping the body use magnesium. Since I had been reading about the detrimental effects of fluoroquinolones that same day, I couldn’t help but think that supplementing with boron (via boric acid) might really help people who were poisoned by fluoroquinolones. Here is a link to the article: You have to read through it a bit to find the relevant information, but I think it might be worth it. Also forgive me if this is old news or proven ineffective for fluoroquinolone poisoning, but just in case it could help even one person, I wanted to share this information.
Someone here could answer two questions?
1- How do I post a new topic and see the other topics?
2- How can i know the number of members of the site and what are they?
Has anybody have or had rib pain ?
Hello everyone,
I’ve frequented this site since November 2013 when I first was prescribed and took cipro. I didn’t finish the script because the second pill immediately caused me unwanted side effects. My hands felt weird and achy and my joints began to pop considerably. I’ve never had any type of joint pain or popping for that matter. Of course the doc said no this is not from cipro and to continue to take the script. I didn’t I through them away and never took them again. after that I was referred to many specialists as in rheumatologist and a couple said RA then one said not RA and that he just didn’t know what it was. This rheumatologist said that he didn’t want to prescribe me a med that could possibly cause more serious problems for me if its not in fact RA. He even went as far to say that he wouldn’t even take it. I believe that it was plaqunile because it can cause vision problems. Last blood work was last year 2014 around this time. RA factor was within normal range. CRP was normal. Sed rate was 39 which is higher than the range of 20. ANA was negative. I guess my question for anyone out here is have anyone been given a misdiagnosis of some sort. Has anyone inflammation markers stabilized. Has anyone doc leaned toward an RA diagnosis and didn’t have it. I’m not seeking validations from anyone however I am just a little curious. God bless you all.
How do you know when you need to stop being stubborn and get a cane?
dear jwinn, sorry to hear about your situation. how long ago were you effected? you mentioned relapse were you better at some point? what are your symptoms now? thanks dan.
Has anyone here ever tried Autohemotherapy?
hello marcal, no i have not. how are you coping? are your symptoms still the same? thanks dan.
Hi everyone
Would having my teeth cleaned at the dentist worsen Flox symptoms? I had a check-up yesterday, didn’t need any work doing thankfully, but she did give my teeth a polish. I felt fine afterwards, but today the flox symptoms have flared up worse than ever. Could it be related or just a coincidence?
jwinn, please, please hang in there!! we are all pulling for you.just get plenty of rest. dan.
Thanks Tom, I’m still taking the Product B 5 times a day. I haven’t given up!
I am very new to all this but I would love some input on a couple questions I have. I took cipro a year ago at 21 years old and before this I was in the best shape of my life. I could bench 225 and lifted weights religously. I ate healthy and was a very happy person. Three days after taking cipro I could not lift weights without pain or even walk without pain. It steadily got worse and worse and doctor after doctor could tell nothing wrong with me. I have muscle faciculations everywhere and major cognitive issues now. I have tried all supplents and diets which seem to have no effect. I was wondering if it is possible to get worse before you get better because i am starting to lose hope.
Hey Lisa…just came across this site which said you need to remove ALL fluoride. That is depressing, since it is virtually impossible. I cannot remove it from the shower. I buy bottled spring water which has some naturally occurring fluoride. (I know there is the R/O route but also impossible given my living situation.) Plus there are those times that you get caught away from home and run out of water. Distilled is not supposed to be good for you. Your thoughts? Did you eliminate it entirely?
bruce, what were your symptoms from the begining?dan.