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9 years ago
bob, are you starting the ivs up again? thanks for your reply. dan.
9 years ago
Does anyone know when my hair will stop falling out? It’s one of the hardest things. I used to always do my makeup and my hair. Now it falls out so much that it brings me to tears to style my hair. I have researched it and cannot find an answer.
9 years ago
Bob—also be aware that as far as the PC, they recommend doing 20 of them. So you may not notice anything after just one. Also, Lisa, do you know why sometimes there is a “reply” by a post and sometimes there isn’t? I am just always wondering if someone is actually going to read what I have posted when it is in response to a particular question.
Tom Marsella, Fresno
9 years ago
Stephanie : I take an herbal blend that has gradually restored my hair over time. …Tom in Fresno
9 years ago
Hi everyone. I was floxed in July of 2015 for a UTI. For almost the
last 6 months I have suffered CNS side effects- depression, anxiety
and panic attacks, insomnia, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and
anger. It is often difficult for me to be with others as I can
overreact, take things personally and then withdraw.I had no Christmas
spirit this year, spent the day with my brother but too anxious to
spend more than several hours. I have been able to hold down a job,
pay my bills but at times its so overwhelming. I find myself staring
at the tv at night, not interested in calling friends or going out. I
am frightened that after almost 6 months I am still so messed up. I
took an antidepressant, paxil for many years and discontinued it. When
I started it again to help with the withdrawal I found that I couldn’t
take more than 1.25-2.5 mg at a time because it reacted with the
withdrawal stuff. Can you please help me with any suggestions or
advice. I am taking magnesium powder, vitamin C, avoiding alcohol and
usually coffee. I walk regularly and want to get back to biking. So
far, no skeletal issues although several people I know have torn
ligaments or tendons in feet or toes.nn
Ok have not been on for a while, just updating for those that remember, had my surgery 4 bones taken out of my hand not Floxie related but was none the less concerned about it considering the hell I went through with Cipro but all in all I am healing but still have symptoms from the one farking time that Cipro got me but they are subsiding. I will never have the use of my right hand as I use to and that is a question that I will never be able to answer was it the Cipro on its own? I dunno but the rest of my body suffered for 2 plus years. I hope that all you tell your stories to every one my local Doctor refuses to acknowledge and continues to say its a reaction but dam if I wasn’t poisoned! Docs don’t want to hear those terms when the are getting kickbacks. Carry on. A hopeful but angry guy!
9 years ago
jason, thanks for your recovery post. iam dealing with electical pinches throuhout my body at times along with spasms. i am trying yhe 20 mule borax this morning. do you sip the stuff all day in 2 liters of water? i am going to ad lugols later. thanks dan.
Mark S
9 years ago
Diego’s video really inspired me. Cipro has damaged my body but I refuse to let it damage my spirit any longer! Sure, it may take a couple years to really feel recovered. But maybe it won’t! Maybe I’ll recover at the one year mark. That’s out of my hands so there is no point obsessing over it anymore. We all have to go through valleys in some form in our lifetime. But those valleys do not last forever and they eventually lead us to higher mountains. Stay strong everybody. This is all just very temporary in the grand scheme. Focus on the day where you will be back to the healthy person you once were. It is coming! Positive thoughts influence the brain which influences the body. Heal the mind, heal your gut, and you will start to heal the body. 2015 is now almost over and it’s only up from here.
9 years ago
jason, just had 750 mg gluthione push. now my elbow is sore. he wanted to do 1400mg but i backed off, got scared i guess. any thoughts? i am still spasming and tingling. thanks dan.
9 years ago
jason, it feels like my calf is swelling, but no swelling. i dont know if the ivs stirred this up? dan.
9 years ago
jason, doc gave me boron tablets. 5 x per day. i am wondering whether to take them? thanks dan.
9 years ago
thanks jwinn. dan.
9 years ago
sorry guys its borax pills. [homeopath]. dan.
Mark S
9 years ago
Has anyone tried Astaxanthin? It’s supposed to be an AMAZING antioxidant that works well at the cellular level. Could be pretty great for us floxies.
Mark S
9 years ago
“When it comes to free radical scavenging, astaxanthin can be as much as…
65 times more powerful than vitamin C*
54 times stronger than beta-carotene*
Plus, astaxanthin has been shown to be more effective than other carotenoids and other nutrients at “singlet oxygen quenching” by being up to…
800 times stronger than CoQ10*
6000 times greater than vitamin C*
550 times more powerful than green tea catechins*
11 times stronger than beta-carotene*”
9 years ago
Has anyone had this. I am 8 months out from Cipro and have PN, probably small fiber neuropathy(SFN) according to my neurologist, with pain and tingling in my feet. Also hair loss in my feet and ankles. Now I find that all my body hair, I am male, is growing in bizzare scraggly patterns and some in new places. WTF? Does this mean I have nerve damage everywhere under my skin effecting my hair growth. Scared that this means my neuropathy has spread and I am going to get pain everywhere. Anybody heard of this and has anyone recovered? I am just not prepared to live with bodywide neuropathic pain for the rest of my life. No sir! Cause there are a lot of folks out there that got SFN from Cipro,that live, or shall I say, exist, in that state. If that is my future, I would rather put a bullet in my head right now. This is all just too much!
9 years ago
Ok, well my last advocacy for 2015. I just saw a piece on NBC evening news about a medical devise that has caused death. Horrible, yes, but really pales in comparison to the deaths caused by the fluoroquinolones. So I wrote to the news person who reported it (Kate Snow) and the one who actually did the piece (Stephanie Gosk) and also sent a message to senator Grassley, who was interviewed for the piece and who said “the FDA’s only responsibility is the protection of us.” or something to that effect and commented how they had failed in this regard. Apparently the FDA did not respond to requests regarding the story (surprise surprise) they are so freaking arrogant and so removed from the rest of us. Anyhow, if anyone else want to also talk about the horrors of flq toxicity and how they should do a news piece on it, both correspondents can be messaged via facebook, and Senator Grassley’s site allows messages from all states. So, have it…Steph??? anyone? Happy New Year everyone, and let us ALL have a healthier 2016!!!!!
9 years ago
Has anybody in here vision problems, and ear problems after taking antibiotics? My vision is blurred, and I cant even look at television. My head feels like its gonna explode. And i cant take in what im seeing, and my balance is way off and dizzie all day. In my ears, i have pressure, and every sound i hear, i cant stand. Its like an echo. Has anybody experienced this? Sorry for my bad english, im from sweden. 8 weeks since i took antibiotics, and I feel worse now, than in the beginning, is it normal?
9 years ago
Just want to wish everyone here all the best for the New Year of 2016 and especially for continued healing and big improvements in Health going forward. I think 2016 will be a better year for us all, 2015 was my worst year in 20 years in general so I’m really looking forward to this year and hope you all will too:) Keep the hope, healing will come for all those who seek and work for it. Take care all
bob, are you starting the ivs up again? thanks for your reply. dan.
Does anyone know when my hair will stop falling out? It’s one of the hardest things. I used to always do my makeup and my hair. Now it falls out so much that it brings me to tears to style my hair. I have researched it and cannot find an answer.
Bob—also be aware that as far as the PC, they recommend doing 20 of them. So you may not notice anything after just one. Also, Lisa, do you know why sometimes there is a “reply” by a post and sometimes there isn’t? I am just always wondering if someone is actually going to read what I have posted when it is in response to a particular question.
Stephanie : I take an herbal blend that has gradually restored my hair over time. …Tom in Fresno
Hi everyone. I was floxed in July of 2015 for a UTI. For almost the
last 6 months I have suffered CNS side effects- depression, anxiety
and panic attacks, insomnia, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and
anger. It is often difficult for me to be with others as I can
overreact, take things personally and then withdraw.I had no Christmas
spirit this year, spent the day with my brother but too anxious to
spend more than several hours. I have been able to hold down a job,
pay my bills but at times its so overwhelming. I find myself staring
at the tv at night, not interested in calling friends or going out. I
am frightened that after almost 6 months I am still so messed up. I
took an antidepressant, paxil for many years and discontinued it. When
I started it again to help with the withdrawal I found that I couldn’t
take more than 1.25-2.5 mg at a time because it reacted with the
withdrawal stuff. Can you please help me with any suggestions or
advice. I am taking magnesium powder, vitamin C, avoiding alcohol and
usually coffee. I walk regularly and want to get back to biking. So
far, no skeletal issues although several people I know have torn
ligaments or tendons in feet or toes.nn
Did you all see Diego’s wonderful video of encouragement? Here it is –
Ok have not been on for a while, just updating for those that remember, had my surgery 4 bones taken out of my hand not Floxie related but was none the less concerned about it considering the hell I went through with Cipro but all in all I am healing but still have symptoms from the one farking time that Cipro got me but they are subsiding. I will never have the use of my right hand as I use to and that is a question that I will never be able to answer was it the Cipro on its own? I dunno but the rest of my body suffered for 2 plus years. I hope that all you tell your stories to every one my local Doctor refuses to acknowledge and continues to say its a reaction but dam if I wasn’t poisoned! Docs don’t want to hear those terms when the are getting kickbacks. Carry on. A hopeful but angry guy!
jason, thanks for your recovery post. iam dealing with electical pinches throuhout my body at times along with spasms. i am trying yhe 20 mule borax this morning. do you sip the stuff all day in 2 liters of water? i am going to ad lugols later. thanks dan.
Diego’s video really inspired me. Cipro has damaged my body but I refuse to let it damage my spirit any longer! Sure, it may take a couple years to really feel recovered. But maybe it won’t! Maybe I’ll recover at the one year mark. That’s out of my hands so there is no point obsessing over it anymore. We all have to go through valleys in some form in our lifetime. But those valleys do not last forever and they eventually lead us to higher mountains. Stay strong everybody. This is all just very temporary in the grand scheme. Focus on the day where you will be back to the healthy person you once were. It is coming! Positive thoughts influence the brain which influences the body. Heal the mind, heal your gut, and you will start to heal the body. 2015 is now almost over and it’s only up from here.
jason, just had 750 mg gluthione push. now my elbow is sore. he wanted to do 1400mg but i backed off, got scared i guess. any thoughts? i am still spasming and tingling. thanks dan.
jason, it feels like my calf is swelling, but no swelling. i dont know if the ivs stirred this up? dan.
jason, doc gave me boron tablets. 5 x per day. i am wondering whether to take them? thanks dan.
thanks jwinn. dan.
sorry guys its borax pills. [homeopath]. dan.
Has anyone tried Astaxanthin? It’s supposed to be an AMAZING antioxidant that works well at the cellular level. Could be pretty great for us floxies.
“When it comes to free radical scavenging, astaxanthin can be as much as…
65 times more powerful than vitamin C*
54 times stronger than beta-carotene*
Plus, astaxanthin has been shown to be more effective than other carotenoids and other nutrients at “singlet oxygen quenching” by being up to…
800 times stronger than CoQ10*
6000 times greater than vitamin C*
550 times more powerful than green tea catechins*
11 times stronger than beta-carotene*”
Has anyone had this. I am 8 months out from Cipro and have PN, probably small fiber neuropathy(SFN) according to my neurologist, with pain and tingling in my feet. Also hair loss in my feet and ankles. Now I find that all my body hair, I am male, is growing in bizzare scraggly patterns and some in new places. WTF? Does this mean I have nerve damage everywhere under my skin effecting my hair growth. Scared that this means my neuropathy has spread and I am going to get pain everywhere. Anybody heard of this and has anyone recovered? I am just not prepared to live with bodywide neuropathic pain for the rest of my life. No sir! Cause there are a lot of folks out there that got SFN from Cipro,that live, or shall I say, exist, in that state. If that is my future, I would rather put a bullet in my head right now. This is all just too much!
Ok, well my last advocacy for 2015. I just saw a piece on NBC evening news about a medical devise that has caused death. Horrible, yes, but really pales in comparison to the deaths caused by the fluoroquinolones. So I wrote to the news person who reported it (Kate Snow) and the one who actually did the piece (Stephanie Gosk) and also sent a message to senator Grassley, who was interviewed for the piece and who said “the FDA’s only responsibility is the protection of us.” or something to that effect and commented how they had failed in this regard. Apparently the FDA did not respond to requests regarding the story (surprise surprise) they are so freaking arrogant and so removed from the rest of us. Anyhow, if anyone else want to also talk about the horrors of flq toxicity and how they should do a news piece on it, both correspondents can be messaged via facebook, and Senator Grassley’s site allows messages from all states. So, have it…Steph??? anyone? Happy New Year everyone, and let us ALL have a healthier 2016!!!!!
Has anybody in here vision problems, and ear problems after taking antibiotics? My vision is blurred, and I cant even look at television. My head feels like its gonna explode. And i cant take in what im seeing, and my balance is way off and dizzie all day. In my ears, i have pressure, and every sound i hear, i cant stand. Its like an echo. Has anybody experienced this? Sorry for my bad english, im from sweden. 8 weeks since i took antibiotics, and I feel worse now, than in the beginning, is it normal?
Just want to wish everyone here all the best for the New Year of 2016 and especially for continued healing and big improvements in Health going forward. I think 2016 will be a better year for us all, 2015 was my worst year in 20 years in general so I’m really looking forward to this year and hope you all will too:) Keep the hope, healing will come for all those who seek and work for it. Take care all