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Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I have gone through this believe me.
Can you recall what other drugs you were taking at the time or before you took the fluroquinolones?
Just to reassure you when I had the dry eyes, headaches and throbbing pain in my right eye, was photosensitive I thought I was going mad. Guess what? It was due to dry eyes and concretions plus a posterior vitreous detachment caused by the poisonous fluroquinolones.
Flagyl is an anti fungal as you probably know. This is another drug that may cause problems for people.
Jason will probably advise u on leaky gut syndrome. I know that anti fungals are contra indicated in a lot of conditions including Long QT syndrome and epilepsy. Just as the fluroquinololones are.
the University of Arizona carries a very comprehensive list of drugs to avoid in the Long QT syndrome.
Please hang on. We have all been and some still there with all this.
Don’t let big Pharma win.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Ann
Have u heard of the gluten syndrome? This can cause a lot of the signs and symptoms u are experiencing too.
Might be worth having a food intolerance test.
9 years ago
Does anyone have suggestions on shampoos that won’t make my head burn? I’m down to only buying so called organic shampoos in travel size due to price because living proof burned my scalp and then went hair. I have an apothecary by me but that stuff goes bad so fast. Has anyone made their own? Is it hard? Is it expensive?
When it comes to antibiotics the penicillins Cephlasporins ( of which cephalexin is a first generation member ) & Doxycycline tend to be the ‘ better tolerated ‘ somewhat less toxic ones for everyone not just us ( allergies apart ) . However we must always keep in mind that all allopathic drugs can potentially cause issues depending on the person & their many variables & the fact that as floxies we can often have problems metabolising drugs due the FQs inhibition of the Liver P450 enzyme pathway, the enzymes which are responsible for the metabolising of the majority of drugs & also some substances including caffeine that enter the body.
Have you had this UTI cultured ? If not I would strongly recommend you do so, as FQs can also cause both interstitial cystitis & also bladder neuropathic issues which can mimic UTIs extremely well. For anyone who finds they are continually getting symptoms of UTIs yet on culture no bacteria is found ( I have neuropathic issues & often get white cells sometimes blood yet have no infection ) I would recommend getting tested via cystoscopy to help with ruling out IC, & urodynamic studies done to rule FQ induced bladder neuropathic issues out. At the end of the day all allopathic drugs are toxic, some are less toxic than others. we as floxies often tend to react detrimentally to many of them, so in my opinion & experience of being around a while & having been damaged by quite a few of them myself, allopathic drugs are best avoided if humanely possible. Although antibiotics are sometimes needed to treat serious infection & cannot at times be avoided, when it comes to antibiotics I would always seek out the least toxic version which is effective for the bacterial strain concerned, & personally I would always try natural means to treat suspected UTIs first , keeping a close eye on symptoms whilst a sample is being cultured & confirmed, I would personally also try natural means first to treat early confirmed infections whilst always keeping a close eye on symptoms as UTIs can turn into kidney infection only when necessary, if natural means fail, will I go down the ‘ better tolerated ‘ antibiotic route.
Personally I would try to avoid Macrobid & also Bactrim which are so often prescribed for UTIs if humanely possible, as they are antibiotics which carry more serious toxic profiles .
For anyone here who is suffering the various neuropsychiatric symptoms from floxing here is a very good link with information on many alternatives to taking psychotropic drugs as a first choice, & this site also links to many other relevant connecting subjects including help with withdrawal issues from the same & contains links to various very good support groups.
As someone who went through 12 years of iatrogenic hell on earth from the original FQ induced toxic psychosis & resulting issues Big Pharma then gave me courtesy of their psychotropic poisons, I highly recommend it
13 days into floxing, im having Myasthenia like symptoms now, muscle weakness all over my body that started by jaw and neck, im having trouble keeping my head up, i feel to much weight on my neck. You think that this to is due to floxing ?
Mark S
9 years ago
If anyone is suffering with tendonosis, I highly recommend upping your Vitamin K2 intake to go along with the obvious magnesium supplementation. Our tendons have become calcified due to the chelation of the magnesium. What does this mean? Magnesium rushes out, calcium rushes into our soft tissues. K2 acts as a gatekeeper and pushes the calcium OUT of the blood, soft tissues, and arteries, and pushes it where it needs to go (bones and teeth). This is ESPECIALLY true if you are also supplementing large amounts of D3. This is my understanding at least.
9 years ago
hey guys, could flonase or nasonex trigger symptoms? i took it on and off for about a month before levaquin maybe even during levaquin? thanks dan.
Yes, Firstly corticosteroids in any form should never be taken concurrently with FQs. One thing to keep in mind if considering taking them after floxing bearing in mind the mechanism of damage of the FQs to connective tissue which is degenerative, is that steroids are also detrimental to the connective tissues & can cause further degenerative damage to these tissues after floxing, this along with the many other nasty ADRs theses drugs can cause for anyone, whether they are floxed or not, especially if taken long term. Although some people do seem to find them helpful for symptoms, I personally would not touch them with a bargepole unless I had no choice, & there are of course people who have no choice but to take them at times for various conditions. I was on Nasonex myself before I knew what had happened to me & I took it before during & after for a long time around the time of my most damaging floxing with an NSAID & Cipro, it certainly did not help matters one little bit .
Hi I am newly floxed from 2 Levo pills. I’m at just over 3 months. I’m a sound engineer and I getting sound sensitivity and dizziness and wondering if these could be perminant damage? It’s been difficult to work so I’m a little concerned
Magnesium I take up to 1000mg a day in small doses throughout the day.
You may want to start at 400mg a day and work up until you get the laxative effect.
I also take natural calm drink form thats an ionic form thats very good i found.
Sound therapy is basically not isolating yourself in silence. Even if your ears are sensitive find something soothing like rainfall recording or just plain white noise and put it on soft as you can tolerate. the more you isolate yourself in silence the more sensitive they may get. similiar to if u stay in a dark room for long when you go outside your eyes are sensitive. The treatment for Hyperacusis (sound sensitivity) is called TRT and its something similiar to sound therapy where you listen to white noise constantly building up your tolerances to sound slowly with the use of a sound generator type hearing aid.
The Wahls diet is great to get your body back to a point where it can heal effeciently. All these processed foods, sugar and chemicals just poison our bodies and prevent them from healing. so i think the diet has helped.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I just wrote a long posting to Ann about the headaches etc and it disappeared off screen. Will write again.
9 years ago
For everyone with hair falling out issues etc, I just got an email from someone else asking about this so I am going to repeat the info here again, and have posted about this in the past. The Cipro screws up Thyroid function in many people, whether it shows up on test, or not.
Here is another good article about why Iodine is so important:
“The main causes of suppressed thyroid functions are Candida, mercury and fluoride. Until the 1970’s Fluoride was prescribed by doctors as thyroid-suppressing medication for patients with an over-active thyroid!”
You may monitor your thyroid function by checking your temperature before getting up in the morning. Measuring under the tongue is more reliable than in the armpit. Women before menopause measure in the first half of the cycle before ovulation and best in the first week after the start of a new period. The temperature should be 36.5ºC (97.6ºF) or higher, otherwise the thyroid is likely to be under-active. However, be sure that you do not have a raised temperature due to a healing reaction or an infection.”
So we see here two issues that apply to MANY and likely most Floxed people, Candida and Fluorine/Fluoride. It is no surprise Thyroid issues are so prevalent, minor or more serious with hair falling out, sagging skin etc, Fluorine robs the Thyroid of much needed Iodine this is very well documented.
The following is from Walter Last’s book, “Heal Yourself the Natural Way”, here is a quote that shows how much he thinks need to be taken for Candida (note I think the amounts are a little high, and extra care is needed because high amounts of Iodine can damage the Thyroid, also note he is not talking about Floxed people, just people with Candida below, so in my opinion more than 3 weeks is needed for Floxie):
“It is commonly used as Lugol’s solution with 10% of potassium iodide and 5% iodine, and may be called 5% iodine solution. Each drop contains about 6.5 mg of iodine/iodide. Other names for Lugol’s solution are Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution BP or Strong Iodine Solution USP (both of which contain 130 mg iodine/iodide per ml). Iodine. Topical Solution (USP) contains 2% iodine and 2.4% potassium iodide. Therefore if you use this 2% iodine solution take 2.5 times more than the amount recommended for Lugol’s solution. In the US you may also buy Iodoral tablets, each with the equivalent of 2 drops of Lugo’s solution. I do not recommend pharmaceutical types of iodine dissolved in alcohol or other solvents as they often cause side-effects.
To test for allergy (which is very rare) take a drop of iodine in liquid other than just water. If there is no reaction, gradually increase to 6 to 8 drops 4 times daily or 10 drops 3 times daily in liquid or mixed with food. Do not take the iodine directly with antioxidants but it is fine to have antioxidants five or more minutes later during a meal. You may use more or less iodine according to body weight. I believe that a 3-week course adjusted for body weight is generally safe for children. However, it may not be suitable if the thyroid is overactive or with goitre; with these conditions the amount of iodine may need to be increased much more gradually and adjusted according to symptoms.”
I will note that taking Iodine has been reported to mobilize Fluoride, and thus can possibly mobilize Cipro in the body as well, which is how I used it myself. Thus my recommendation to anyone going to take Iodine, is to take a LOT of antioxidants to help prevent damage from the mobilized Drug/Fluorine, and take things to BIND to the toxins, Benonite Clay, Chlorella, etc I have been over this many times in past posts, please see old posts, including the ones near the top of this page where there are other recommended things to take as well, and as always, lots of Magnesium and other “normal” things that are needed for Floxed people, will be needed even more so if the toxins are cycling through the body (so yes, in my opinion Iodine has the ability to possibly cause a down-cycle, so care is needed, however, so is the Iodine…)
9 years ago
Im thinking about q10, im not eating that supplement, but im thinking of it. How much do you take?
9 years ago
jason, help. i discontinued supplements 3 days ago. cant sleep due to itching and prickling sensations mostly in face. want to go back to the gym but i am scared.joint popping seems better but still spasms mostly at night. thinking of wellness center in atlanta to do some tests etc.. money tight. should i wait it out? still waiting on cell test. question is distiiled water better? did you have any neurological issues? do you know anything about h202 treatments? if i go back to the gym i will be taking magnisium before and after. spoke with atlanta well.. they said to exercice as much as i can but not over do it. seems like the more i rested the worse symptoms got. or they might of eventully sprung up anyway? thanks dan.
Mark S
9 years ago
I seem to react badly to Vitamin D3. It flares up my tinnitus as well as much Achilles symptoms. However I am deficient at a level 24 and need to stay on it to get into optimal range. Should I just ride it out for now to increase my levels? It’s a major catch 22 for now.
Does anyone know why we get spasms? May sound like a stupid question but I’ve tried magnesium spray to stop them to no avail. Mine are getting more violent to the point where my boyfriend watches me and gets scared. He is not the scared type. I don’t see it so I don’t know what it looks like to me it feels like my nerves are randomly firing I take all the supplements you are supposed to take every day.
9 years ago
Since I was severely floxed 3 years ago, I have been unable to sit up for more than a couple of minutes. If I do, I get more and more light headed, my whole body becomes weak and shaky and I pass out. It’s even worse if I talk – I have to make sure I am lying down before I say anything, Does anyone else have this? It’s completely disabling – because I can’t sit up I can’t even go out in a wheelchair, but am confined to bed or the sofa. After 3 years like this I’ve had enough – I want to go out in the world again,
Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea what causes it and what I can do about it?
9 years ago
Hello all. I am so glad to have found this website. I have not been able to find support otherwise. People, doctors don’t want to believe what I am trying to tell them about the cause of my symptoms. I am 10 weeks from taking the last Cipro, started to notice symptoms about two days afterwards. I had incredible pain in my hips and legs, felt as if I could not move them. The past few months have gotten better with the hip and leg pain. My muscles still feel very tight at all times, mainly my legs and glute areas. Now I am experience pelvic pain and burning pain throughout my thighs and buttocks. I also have numbness in a couple of fingers and toes. I am very, very scared as what to do next. Has anyone else experienced these type of systems and have noticed them resolving. Any help/support will be appreciated. God bless and thank you.
I have gone through this believe me.
Can you recall what other drugs you were taking at the time or before you took the fluroquinolones?
Just to reassure you when I had the dry eyes, headaches and throbbing pain in my right eye, was photosensitive I thought I was going mad. Guess what? It was due to dry eyes and concretions plus a posterior vitreous detachment caused by the poisonous fluroquinolones.
Flagyl is an anti fungal as you probably know. This is another drug that may cause problems for people.
Jason will probably advise u on leaky gut syndrome. I know that anti fungals are contra indicated in a lot of conditions including Long QT syndrome and epilepsy. Just as the fluroquinololones are.
the University of Arizona carries a very comprehensive list of drugs to avoid in the Long QT syndrome.
Please hang on. We have all been and some still there with all this.
Don’t let big Pharma win.
Hi Ann
Have u heard of the gluten syndrome? This can cause a lot of the signs and symptoms u are experiencing too.
Might be worth having a food intolerance test.
Does anyone have suggestions on shampoos that won’t make my head burn? I’m down to only buying so called organic shampoos in travel size due to price because living proof burned my scalp and then went hair. I have an apothecary by me but that stuff goes bad so fast. Has anyone made their own? Is it hard? Is it expensive?
Hi Dani
When it comes to antibiotics the penicillins Cephlasporins ( of which cephalexin is a first generation member ) & Doxycycline tend to be the ‘ better tolerated ‘ somewhat less toxic ones for everyone not just us ( allergies apart ) . However we must always keep in mind that all allopathic drugs can potentially cause issues depending on the person & their many variables & the fact that as floxies we can often have problems metabolising drugs due the FQs inhibition of the Liver P450 enzyme pathway, the enzymes which are responsible for the metabolising of the majority of drugs & also some substances including caffeine that enter the body.
Have you had this UTI cultured ? If not I would strongly recommend you do so, as FQs can also cause both interstitial cystitis & also bladder neuropathic issues which can mimic UTIs extremely well. For anyone who finds they are continually getting symptoms of UTIs yet on culture no bacteria is found ( I have neuropathic issues & often get white cells sometimes blood yet have no infection ) I would recommend getting tested via cystoscopy to help with ruling out IC, & urodynamic studies done to rule FQ induced bladder neuropathic issues out. At the end of the day all allopathic drugs are toxic, some are less toxic than others. we as floxies often tend to react detrimentally to many of them, so in my opinion & experience of being around a while & having been damaged by quite a few of them myself, allopathic drugs are best avoided if humanely possible. Although antibiotics are sometimes needed to treat serious infection & cannot at times be avoided, when it comes to antibiotics I would always seek out the least toxic version which is effective for the bacterial strain concerned, & personally I would always try natural means to treat suspected UTIs first , keeping a close eye on symptoms whilst a sample is being cultured & confirmed, I would personally also try natural means first to treat early confirmed infections whilst always keeping a close eye on symptoms as UTIs can turn into kidney infection only when necessary, if natural means fail, will I go down the ‘ better tolerated ‘ antibiotic route.
Personally I would try to avoid Macrobid & also Bactrim which are so often prescribed for UTIs if humanely possible, as they are antibiotics which carry more serious toxic profiles .
For anyone here who is suffering the various neuropsychiatric symptoms from floxing here is a very good link with information on many alternatives to taking psychotropic drugs as a first choice, & this site also links to many other relevant connecting subjects including help with withdrawal issues from the same & contains links to various very good support groups.
As someone who went through 12 years of iatrogenic hell on earth from the original FQ induced toxic psychosis & resulting issues Big Pharma then gave me courtesy of their psychotropic poisons, I highly recommend it
Hi guys,
13 days into floxing, im having Myasthenia like symptoms now, muscle weakness all over my body that started by jaw and neck, im having trouble keeping my head up, i feel to much weight on my neck. You think that this to is due to floxing ?
If anyone is suffering with tendonosis, I highly recommend upping your Vitamin K2 intake to go along with the obvious magnesium supplementation. Our tendons have become calcified due to the chelation of the magnesium. What does this mean? Magnesium rushes out, calcium rushes into our soft tissues. K2 acts as a gatekeeper and pushes the calcium OUT of the blood, soft tissues, and arteries, and pushes it where it needs to go (bones and teeth). This is ESPECIALLY true if you are also supplementing large amounts of D3. This is my understanding at least.
hey guys, could flonase or nasonex trigger symptoms? i took it on and off for about a month before levaquin maybe even during levaquin? thanks dan.
Yes, Firstly corticosteroids in any form should never be taken concurrently with FQs. One thing to keep in mind if considering taking them after floxing bearing in mind the mechanism of damage of the FQs to connective tissue which is degenerative, is that steroids are also detrimental to the connective tissues & can cause further degenerative damage to these tissues after floxing, this along with the many other nasty ADRs theses drugs can cause for anyone, whether they are floxed or not, especially if taken long term. Although some people do seem to find them helpful for symptoms, I personally would not touch them with a bargepole unless I had no choice, & there are of course people who have no choice but to take them at times for various conditions. I was on Nasonex myself before I knew what had happened to me & I took it before during & after for a long time around the time of my most damaging floxing with an NSAID & Cipro, it certainly did not help matters one little bit .
Hi I am newly floxed from 2 Levo pills. I’m at just over 3 months. I’m a sound engineer and I getting sound sensitivity and dizziness and wondering if these could be perminant damage? It’s been difficult to work so I’m a little concerned
Hi Ann
Magnesium I take up to 1000mg a day in small doses throughout the day.
You may want to start at 400mg a day and work up until you get the laxative effect.
I also take natural calm drink form thats an ionic form thats very good i found.
Sound therapy is basically not isolating yourself in silence. Even if your ears are sensitive find something soothing like rainfall recording or just plain white noise and put it on soft as you can tolerate. the more you isolate yourself in silence the more sensitive they may get. similiar to if u stay in a dark room for long when you go outside your eyes are sensitive. The treatment for Hyperacusis (sound sensitivity) is called TRT and its something similiar to sound therapy where you listen to white noise constantly building up your tolerances to sound slowly with the use of a sound generator type hearing aid.
The Wahls diet is great to get your body back to a point where it can heal effeciently. All these processed foods, sugar and chemicals just poison our bodies and prevent them from healing. so i think the diet has helped.
I just wrote a long posting to Ann about the headaches etc and it disappeared off screen. Will write again.
For everyone with hair falling out issues etc, I just got an email from someone else asking about this so I am going to repeat the info here again, and have posted about this in the past. The Cipro screws up Thyroid function in many people, whether it shows up on test, or not.
Here is another good article about why Iodine is so important:
“The main causes of suppressed thyroid functions are Candida, mercury and fluoride. Until the 1970’s Fluoride was prescribed by doctors as thyroid-suppressing medication for patients with an over-active thyroid!”
You may monitor your thyroid function by checking your temperature before getting up in the morning. Measuring under the tongue is more reliable than in the armpit. Women before menopause measure in the first half of the cycle before ovulation and best in the first week after the start of a new period. The temperature should be 36.5ºC (97.6ºF) or higher, otherwise the thyroid is likely to be under-active. However, be sure that you do not have a raised temperature due to a healing reaction or an infection.”
So we see here two issues that apply to MANY and likely most Floxed people, Candida and Fluorine/Fluoride. It is no surprise Thyroid issues are so prevalent, minor or more serious with hair falling out, sagging skin etc, Fluorine robs the Thyroid of much needed Iodine this is very well documented.
The following is from Walter Last’s book, “Heal Yourself the Natural Way”, here is a quote that shows how much he thinks need to be taken for Candida (note I think the amounts are a little high, and extra care is needed because high amounts of Iodine can damage the Thyroid, also note he is not talking about Floxed people, just people with Candida below, so in my opinion more than 3 weeks is needed for Floxie):
“It is commonly used as Lugol’s solution with 10% of potassium iodide and 5% iodine, and may be called 5% iodine solution. Each drop contains about 6.5 mg of iodine/iodide. Other names for Lugol’s solution are Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution BP or Strong Iodine Solution USP (both of which contain 130 mg iodine/iodide per ml). Iodine. Topical Solution (USP) contains 2% iodine and 2.4% potassium iodide. Therefore if you use this 2% iodine solution take 2.5 times more than the amount recommended for Lugol’s solution. In the US you may also buy Iodoral tablets, each with the equivalent of 2 drops of Lugo’s solution. I do not recommend pharmaceutical types of iodine dissolved in alcohol or other solvents as they often cause side-effects.
To test for allergy (which is very rare) take a drop of iodine in liquid other than just water. If there is no reaction, gradually increase to 6 to 8 drops 4 times daily or 10 drops 3 times daily in liquid or mixed with food. Do not take the iodine directly with antioxidants but it is fine to have antioxidants five or more minutes later during a meal. You may use more or less iodine according to body weight. I believe that a 3-week course adjusted for body weight is generally safe for children. However, it may not be suitable if the thyroid is overactive or with goitre; with these conditions the amount of iodine may need to be increased much more gradually and adjusted according to symptoms.”
I will note that taking Iodine has been reported to mobilize Fluoride, and thus can possibly mobilize Cipro in the body as well, which is how I used it myself. Thus my recommendation to anyone going to take Iodine, is to take a LOT of antioxidants to help prevent damage from the mobilized Drug/Fluorine, and take things to BIND to the toxins, Benonite Clay, Chlorella, etc I have been over this many times in past posts, please see old posts, including the ones near the top of this page where there are other recommended things to take as well, and as always, lots of Magnesium and other “normal” things that are needed for Floxed people, will be needed even more so if the toxins are cycling through the body (so yes, in my opinion Iodine has the ability to possibly cause a down-cycle, so care is needed, however, so is the Iodine…)
Im thinking about q10, im not eating that supplement, but im thinking of it. How much do you take?
jason, help. i discontinued supplements 3 days ago. cant sleep due to itching and prickling sensations mostly in face. want to go back to the gym but i am scared.joint popping seems better but still spasms mostly at night. thinking of wellness center in atlanta to do some tests etc.. money tight. should i wait it out? still waiting on cell test. question is distiiled water better? did you have any neurological issues? do you know anything about h202 treatments? if i go back to the gym i will be taking magnisium before and after. spoke with atlanta well.. they said to exercice as much as i can but not over do it. seems like the more i rested the worse symptoms got. or they might of eventully sprung up anyway? thanks dan.
I seem to react badly to Vitamin D3. It flares up my tinnitus as well as much Achilles symptoms. However I am deficient at a level 24 and need to stay on it to get into optimal range. Should I just ride it out for now to increase my levels? It’s a major catch 22 for now.
For those dealing with hair loss –
Does anyone know why we get spasms? May sound like a stupid question but I’ve tried magnesium spray to stop them to no avail. Mine are getting more violent to the point where my boyfriend watches me and gets scared. He is not the scared type. I don’t see it so I don’t know what it looks like to me it feels like my nerves are randomly firing I take all the supplements you are supposed to take every day.
Since I was severely floxed 3 years ago, I have been unable to sit up for more than a couple of minutes. If I do, I get more and more light headed, my whole body becomes weak and shaky and I pass out. It’s even worse if I talk – I have to make sure I am lying down before I say anything, Does anyone else have this? It’s completely disabling – because I can’t sit up I can’t even go out in a wheelchair, but am confined to bed or the sofa. After 3 years like this I’ve had enough – I want to go out in the world again,
Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea what causes it and what I can do about it?
Hello all. I am so glad to have found this website. I have not been able to find support otherwise. People, doctors don’t want to believe what I am trying to tell them about the cause of my symptoms. I am 10 weeks from taking the last Cipro, started to notice symptoms about two days afterwards. I had incredible pain in my hips and legs, felt as if I could not move them. The past few months have gotten better with the hip and leg pain. My muscles still feel very tight at all times, mainly my legs and glute areas. Now I am experience pelvic pain and burning pain throughout my thighs and buttocks. I also have numbness in a couple of fingers and toes. I am very, very scared as what to do next. Has anyone else experienced these type of systems and have noticed them resolving. Any help/support will be appreciated. God bless and thank you.