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9 years ago
Catherine, look into autonomic dysfunction or dysautonomia.
9 years ago
JWinn and Steph—I just notice that glutamic acids cousin, L Glutamine is in the protein powder I use which is actually Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, if you want to give that a try. (I replaced my regular protein powder for smoothies with this.)
Mark S
9 years ago
Hi Jason,
Achilles tendonosis seems to be my main worry these days. Do you think this is something iodine could help?
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I would also like to ask the same question because I am unable to tolerate the tendonosis anymore.
I have had to resort to taking the seretide inhaler over the past few days too.
9 years ago
Hi Mark & Lucy. While I can’t recall at the moment whether Iodine could help “directly”, I will note that the Fluorine in the drug leeches Iodine from the body, and Iodine is important for many functions and is detected in every organ and tissue in the body.
This is a pretty good article on Iodine showing some of its importance
Jason I am having an horrendous flare up. I am unable to have Vit C and many other things. I am thinking of giving up completely
9 years ago
Lucy, hang in there! I had a horrible relapse last year for no unknown reason and am still recovering, but I’m getting there. YOU WILL TOO!!!!!! HUGS and PRAYERS!!!
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Just came across this. What do you think?
9 years ago
More reasons not to eat Animal products and consider Vegan eating (I’m debating it) and just more evidence of the sad state of affairs of the Food Supply in general.
– Dioxins are a group of chemically-related compounds that are persistent environmental pollutants (POPs).
– Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment and they accumulate in the food chain, mainly in the fatty tissue of animals. (<=ME, where many toxins are stored)
– More than 90% of human exposure is through food, mainly meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish. Many national authorities have programmes in place to monitor the food supply.
– Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer. Short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins may result in skin lesions, such as chloracne and patchy darkening of the skin, and altered liver function. Long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions.
– Due to the omnipresence of dioxins, all people have background exposure, which is not expected to affect human health. However, due to the highly toxic potential, efforts need to be undertaken to reduce current background exposure.
– Once dioxins enter the body, they last a long time because of their chemical stability and their ability to be absorbed by fat tissue, where they are then stored in the body. Their half-life in the body is estimated to be 7 to 11 years. In the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain. The higher an animal is in the food chain, the higher the concentration of dioxins.
It's virtually impossible to avoid all toxins, we just have to try and limit them as much as possible, and IMO even more so as a Floxed person (the more they build up, the more chance of bigger release and re-floxing you have IMO). Teflon non-stick frying pans have Fluoride in the coating which leaches into food, and thus your body, Mercola has stated these are highly toxic and can be stored in the body for a really long time like 20 years or something, if not forever (can't remember which). If you own these throw them away ASAP and go with fully ceramic
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Thanks jwinn. This is the worst nightmare ever. I hate Big Pharma.
I simply detest these drugs as Jason says they are all toxic. Hear, hear!
I just want my life back. Chances of that happening seem pretty remote at the moment.
Maybe there is a better environment elsewhere.
9 years ago
Hi Lucy, I just wanted to tell you what helps me when I flare up: Number one is magnesium. I take Albion Chelated Magnesium Glysinate from Puritans Pride 400-600mgs daily, but during a flare I also use the Magnesium oil spray in between oral doses, Epsom Salt foot baths, and Epsom Salt tub baths. Also, just as important is a probiotic. I mainly use VSL#3, at the least three times a day sometimes more ( I buy these on line). Lastly, I watch my diet way more.. No caffeine, sugar, fried foods very bland ect. These are the only things that I notice help me during a flare up. I notice in your list of supplements you are not taking a probiotic. I would get some asap. I pray you find out what helps because it so hard, lonely, and scarey doing this on our own. That’s why I appreciate this site so much. Good luck 🙂
9 years ago
Lucy,some other things that help me during a flare: Green Goodness drinks ( I know I should make my own but during a flare I can hardly manage anything), Keifer, any type of exercise you can manage and funny shows. I also watch animal youtube videos.
9 years ago
Lucy, after looking up your meds, I do believe they are making you worse. If I were you, I would do what Jason advised.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Thanks Joanneg. Which meds do you reckon are making matters worse? pls can u tell me what a Green Goddess drink is? are u in the US?
Thanks Lucy
9 years ago
I just got a free download from DR Axe about healing a leaky gut, and what caught my eye was that one of the supplements suggested was l-glutamine, for those of you who are not trying to avoid it. It says that it:
• Helps repair the gut lining
• Preserves muscle tissue
• Helps with digestion and fat-burning
• Also helps with digestive disorders
including irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative
colitis, diverticulosis and diverticulitis
It is also found in bone broth, which is great for health/immune system.
9 years ago
Debs this one is for you: Edit, damn FH website, please google the following to find the webpage, FH won’t let me post link for same damn reason
“Sodium bicarbonate is not only an excellent agent for natural chemotherapy, bringing as it does higher O2 levels through increased alkalinity to the cells, it is also one of the most basic medicines we have for kidney disease. ”
“New research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.”
9 years ago
Bruce, this just came in my email, and applies to your current situation probably, good info for everyone in general too:
Dr. Sircus – “A great feeling of security for a parent comes from administering a medicinal like iodine. It is what I give my children instead of dangerous antibiotics when they are sick. It is what I use when the first symptoms of flu approach and it does spare one the worst of that misery. After we understand that iodine is an excellent antiviral, antibacterial, anti fungal, mold and yeast agent we begin to glimpse the catastrophic mistake made for substituting pharmaceutical antibiotics for iodine.”
“Antibiotics bring on fungal and yeast infections thus will eventually be seen as one additional cause of cancer since more and more oncologists are seeing yeast and fungal infections as an integral part of cancer and its cause. With upwards of 40 percent of all cancers thought to be involved with and caused by infections[3] the subject of antibiotics and the need for something safer, more effective and life serving is imperative.”
“Though it kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds its use as an antibiotic has been ignored. Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.”
“Iodine is by far the best antibiotic,antiviral and antiseptic of all time.- Dr. David Derry”
9 years ago
I’ve posted about these in the past many times but not for quite awhile, and I see them mentioned a few times recently here so want to remind everyone exactly what these are, and what they are capable of.
– Great way to relax and de-stress
– Great way to get Magnesium and Sulfur into the body
– Great way to stimulate circulation
– Great way to detox
– Other potential benefits as well
– Great way to detox, this can be BAD or VERY BAD for Floxie at the wrong times
– Can aggravate all inflammatory conditions, like the many Cipro causes
– Hot water can drag down the Adrenal Glands and add to exhaustion
– Some people can not tolerate the Sulfur and can have VERY bad reactions
There is a lot more that can be added to this list, but those are the main points I want to make about it. The combo of Sulfur and Magnesium is a great mix, both very healthy for the body, and also detoxifying, and done trans-dermal like this, can be VERY powerful, and this is the trouble, it can be too powerful for some people.
“Timing” here can be imperative, if you are not ready to have a potential “down-turn” in symptoms or relapse, which I am quite sure these can cause and have for some people in the past including myself, then I would not consider this as a good idea. If you are ready, think you are strong enough and can handle the onset of old symptoms flaring up, returning, getting stronger etc, then it “might” be something to consider.
What I think could be a good approach here, is to consider a warm to hot bath only once every 7 -10 days or so, and to consider having a cool to cold shower directly after (more or less hydrotherapy then, rotating hot and cold can be good for some conditions). I think more often than that is not a good idea for many people, the top 3 cons come into play too much and are too big otherwise.
Also, if someone still wants to do these but NOT have the detox effect be so strong, they can buy Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes, I use these instead of Epsom so I still get the Magneisum transdermally, and not the Sulfur. I also add Borax to the water, which can serve a couple purposes like hopefully not absorbing as much Fluoride from the water in the body and for getting some Boron in the body. You could add other things and minerals too, like Sea Salt for example, Clay, Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Essential Oils, I use a mix of these things as well. Anyway my 2 cents on Baths.
9 years ago
Hi Lucy, I do live in the USA, in Youngstown, Ohio. But the suffering’s the same no matter where you live, and no dr. I saw would even consider that this was caused by Cipro. They just gave me possible dx’s for each individual symptom. For example, I supposedly had Fibro, rheumatoid, heart disease, kidney problems, panic, anxiety, ear problems, IBS, sinus problems, vertigo, hot flashes were menopause ect. And like everyone else , I was perfectly fine before I took Cipro. So I stopped going to all dr.s and for 19 mos. clung to this site and the Levaquin Solution E-book sold here. But since Sept of this year I ‘ve been very flared up and its tearing my stomach up, so I made my first appt. with a Naturopath who has an MD. I went to her on 1/7/16. She ran some blood work. ordered a test to check for SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth) and kept my supplement regimen the same for now. I would like to say that when my stomach gets bad everything gets extremely bad, so I wanted some help to try and heal it. So please try and heal your stomach or keep it healed if its not bad yet. Anyhow, the Green Goodness drink is made by Bolthouse Farms and they sell it every where. I buy mine at Walmart. I drink them when I can’t make my own. But more important is the probiotics. Also, about your meds, I have no knowledge whatsoever about them, you,or why you’re taking them. These are questions for a doctor, but after I read all the side effects from them I thought Holy Smokes no wonder you’re in a flare. I don’t see how you could have a good day. In the beginning of my reaction/poisoning the dr.s put me on all kinds of meds-heart, pain, stomach, anxiety.. and every one I had to stop because of such severe reactions to them. That’s the reasons for my comment. Anyhow Lucy, I pray you get some relief soon and you find a dr. who can help you with all this. Keep us updated. 🙂
joanne g
9 years ago
Hi Daniela, I never tried the SCDiet. I did read about it some, but never did any diet for very long. But what’s some what interesting to me is during my worst suffering a lot of the foods in these diets that they say you shouldn’t eat were absloutely nauseous to me. The main ones were sugar, bread, spices and salt. And later when I would read about these diets I wondered if my body somehow knew. Just weird to me.
I was telling Heather that today I bought Dr. Wahls Protocol, and I plan on starting that soon, but I really appreciate you taking the time to try and help me. Thank you 🙂
How long has it been for you since being floxed/poisoned? and how you doig now?
Catherine, look into autonomic dysfunction or dysautonomia.
JWinn and Steph—I just notice that glutamic acids cousin, L Glutamine is in the protein powder I use which is actually Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, if you want to give that a try. (I replaced my regular protein powder for smoothies with this.)
Hi Jason,
Achilles tendonosis seems to be my main worry these days. Do you think this is something iodine could help?
I would also like to ask the same question because I am unable to tolerate the tendonosis anymore.
I have had to resort to taking the seretide inhaler over the past few days too.
Hi Mark & Lucy. While I can’t recall at the moment whether Iodine could help “directly”, I will note that the Fluorine in the drug leeches Iodine from the body, and Iodine is important for many functions and is detected in every organ and tissue in the body.
This is a pretty good article on Iodine showing some of its importance
Jason I am having an horrendous flare up. I am unable to have Vit C and many other things. I am thinking of giving up completely
Lucy, hang in there! I had a horrible relapse last year for no unknown reason and am still recovering, but I’m getting there. YOU WILL TOO!!!!!! HUGS and PRAYERS!!!
Just came across this. What do you think?
More reasons not to eat Animal products and consider Vegan eating (I’m debating it) and just more evidence of the sad state of affairs of the Food Supply in general.
From the World Health Organization:
– Dioxins are a group of chemically-related compounds that are persistent environmental pollutants (POPs).
– Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment and they accumulate in the food chain, mainly in the fatty tissue of animals. (<=ME, where many toxins are stored)
– More than 90% of human exposure is through food, mainly meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish. Many national authorities have programmes in place to monitor the food supply.
– Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer. Short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins may result in skin lesions, such as chloracne and patchy darkening of the skin, and altered liver function. Long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions.
– Due to the omnipresence of dioxins, all people have background exposure, which is not expected to affect human health. However, due to the highly toxic potential, efforts need to be undertaken to reduce current background exposure.
– Once dioxins enter the body, they last a long time because of their chemical stability and their ability to be absorbed by fat tissue, where they are then stored in the body. Their half-life in the body is estimated to be 7 to 11 years. In the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain. The higher an animal is in the food chain, the higher the concentration of dioxins.
It's virtually impossible to avoid all toxins, we just have to try and limit them as much as possible, and IMO even more so as a Floxed person (the more they build up, the more chance of bigger release and re-floxing you have IMO). Teflon non-stick frying pans have Fluoride in the coating which leaches into food, and thus your body, Mercola has stated these are highly toxic and can be stored in the body for a really long time like 20 years or something, if not forever (can't remember which). If you own these throw them away ASAP and go with fully ceramic
Thanks jwinn. This is the worst nightmare ever. I hate Big Pharma.
I simply detest these drugs as Jason says they are all toxic. Hear, hear!
I just want my life back. Chances of that happening seem pretty remote at the moment.
Maybe there is a better environment elsewhere.
Hi Lucy, I just wanted to tell you what helps me when I flare up: Number one is magnesium. I take Albion Chelated Magnesium Glysinate from Puritans Pride 400-600mgs daily, but during a flare I also use the Magnesium oil spray in between oral doses, Epsom Salt foot baths, and Epsom Salt tub baths. Also, just as important is a probiotic. I mainly use VSL#3, at the least three times a day sometimes more ( I buy these on line). Lastly, I watch my diet way more.. No caffeine, sugar, fried foods very bland ect. These are the only things that I notice help me during a flare up. I notice in your list of supplements you are not taking a probiotic. I would get some asap. I pray you find out what helps because it so hard, lonely, and scarey doing this on our own. That’s why I appreciate this site so much. Good luck 🙂
Lucy,some other things that help me during a flare: Green Goodness drinks ( I know I should make my own but during a flare I can hardly manage anything), Keifer, any type of exercise you can manage and funny shows. I also watch animal youtube videos.
Lucy, after looking up your meds, I do believe they are making you worse. If I were you, I would do what Jason advised.
Thanks Joanneg. Which meds do you reckon are making matters worse? pls can u tell me what a Green Goddess drink is? are u in the US?
Thanks Lucy
I just got a free download from DR Axe about healing a leaky gut, and what caught my eye was that one of the supplements suggested was l-glutamine, for those of you who are not trying to avoid it. It says that it:
• Helps repair the gut lining
• Preserves muscle tissue
• Helps with digestion and fat-burning
• Also helps with digestive disorders
including irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative
colitis, diverticulosis and diverticulitis
It is also found in bone broth, which is great for health/immune system.
Debs this one is for you: Edit, damn FH website, please google the following to find the webpage, FH won’t let me post link for same damn reason
drsircus medicine/sodium-bicarbonate-baking-soda/healing-the-kidneys-with-sodium-bicarbonate
“Sodium bicarbonate is not only an excellent agent for natural chemotherapy, bringing as it does higher O2 levels through increased alkalinity to the cells, it is also one of the most basic medicines we have for kidney disease. ”
“New research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.”
Bruce, this just came in my email, and applies to your current situation probably, good info for everyone in general too:
Dr. Sircus – “A great feeling of security for a parent comes from administering a medicinal like iodine. It is what I give my children instead of dangerous antibiotics when they are sick. It is what I use when the first symptoms of flu approach and it does spare one the worst of that misery. After we understand that iodine is an excellent antiviral, antibacterial, anti fungal, mold and yeast agent we begin to glimpse the catastrophic mistake made for substituting pharmaceutical antibiotics for iodine.”
“Antibiotics bring on fungal and yeast infections thus will eventually be seen as one additional cause of cancer since more and more oncologists are seeing yeast and fungal infections as an integral part of cancer and its cause. With upwards of 40 percent of all cancers thought to be involved with and caused by infections[3] the subject of antibiotics and the need for something safer, more effective and life serving is imperative.”
“Though it kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds its use as an antibiotic has been ignored. Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.”
“Iodine is by far the best antibiotic,antiviral and antiseptic of all time.- Dr. David Derry”
I’ve posted about these in the past many times but not for quite awhile, and I see them mentioned a few times recently here so want to remind everyone exactly what these are, and what they are capable of.
– Great way to relax and de-stress
– Great way to get Magnesium and Sulfur into the body
– Great way to stimulate circulation
– Great way to detox
– Other potential benefits as well
– Great way to detox, this can be BAD or VERY BAD for Floxie at the wrong times
– Can aggravate all inflammatory conditions, like the many Cipro causes
– Hot water can drag down the Adrenal Glands and add to exhaustion
– Some people can not tolerate the Sulfur and can have VERY bad reactions
There is a lot more that can be added to this list, but those are the main points I want to make about it. The combo of Sulfur and Magnesium is a great mix, both very healthy for the body, and also detoxifying, and done trans-dermal like this, can be VERY powerful, and this is the trouble, it can be too powerful for some people.
“Timing” here can be imperative, if you are not ready to have a potential “down-turn” in symptoms or relapse, which I am quite sure these can cause and have for some people in the past including myself, then I would not consider this as a good idea. If you are ready, think you are strong enough and can handle the onset of old symptoms flaring up, returning, getting stronger etc, then it “might” be something to consider.
What I think could be a good approach here, is to consider a warm to hot bath only once every 7 -10 days or so, and to consider having a cool to cold shower directly after (more or less hydrotherapy then, rotating hot and cold can be good for some conditions). I think more often than that is not a good idea for many people, the top 3 cons come into play too much and are too big otherwise.
Also, if someone still wants to do these but NOT have the detox effect be so strong, they can buy Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes, I use these instead of Epsom so I still get the Magneisum transdermally, and not the Sulfur. I also add Borax to the water, which can serve a couple purposes like hopefully not absorbing as much Fluoride from the water in the body and for getting some Boron in the body. You could add other things and minerals too, like Sea Salt for example, Clay, Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Essential Oils, I use a mix of these things as well. Anyway my 2 cents on Baths.
Hi Lucy, I do live in the USA, in Youngstown, Ohio. But the suffering’s the same no matter where you live, and no dr. I saw would even consider that this was caused by Cipro. They just gave me possible dx’s for each individual symptom. For example, I supposedly had Fibro, rheumatoid, heart disease, kidney problems, panic, anxiety, ear problems, IBS, sinus problems, vertigo, hot flashes were menopause ect. And like everyone else , I was perfectly fine before I took Cipro. So I stopped going to all dr.s and for 19 mos. clung to this site and the Levaquin Solution E-book sold here. But since Sept of this year I ‘ve been very flared up and its tearing my stomach up, so I made my first appt. with a Naturopath who has an MD. I went to her on 1/7/16. She ran some blood work. ordered a test to check for SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth) and kept my supplement regimen the same for now. I would like to say that when my stomach gets bad everything gets extremely bad, so I wanted some help to try and heal it. So please try and heal your stomach or keep it healed if its not bad yet. Anyhow, the Green Goodness drink is made by Bolthouse Farms and they sell it every where. I buy mine at Walmart. I drink them when I can’t make my own. But more important is the probiotics. Also, about your meds, I have no knowledge whatsoever about them, you,or why you’re taking them. These are questions for a doctor, but after I read all the side effects from them I thought Holy Smokes no wonder you’re in a flare. I don’t see how you could have a good day. In the beginning of my reaction/poisoning the dr.s put me on all kinds of meds-heart, pain, stomach, anxiety.. and every one I had to stop because of such severe reactions to them. That’s the reasons for my comment. Anyhow Lucy, I pray you get some relief soon and you find a dr. who can help you with all this. Keep us updated. 🙂
Hi Daniela, I never tried the SCDiet. I did read about it some, but never did any diet for very long. But what’s some what interesting to me is during my worst suffering a lot of the foods in these diets that they say you shouldn’t eat were absloutely nauseous to me. The main ones were sugar, bread, spices and salt. And later when I would read about these diets I wondered if my body somehow knew. Just weird to me.
I was telling Heather that today I bought Dr. Wahls Protocol, and I plan on starting that soon, but I really appreciate you taking the time to try and help me. Thank you 🙂
How long has it been for you since being floxed/poisoned? and how you doig now?