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9 years ago
Hy every one I would be very happy if you check the site I provide bellow. Please chek it, post a comment or donate. Its my only chance.
I’m writing to let you know about ‘Diagnose me’.
Take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make ‘Diagnose me’ happen!
hey bruce, thanks for the info and chat we had. dan.
Mark S
9 years ago
My Achilles gets this big red rash on it when I spray magnesium oil on. This doesn’t happen anywhere else on my body. My Achilles is what bothers me the most. What do you think this means?
9 years ago
Hey guys, can you help me out? I am wondering if symptoms randomly move about. One day I’ll have more severe pain in my hands, numbness in my fingers then it will move to my hips with burning nerve pain. Another day my skin is very sensitive to touch. All the other symptoms don’t actually go away just seem worse in other areas for some reason. Have you experienced this?
I’m 3 months from taking Cipro. I had very few symptoms in the beginning but more and more keep showing up. Most of the symptoms seem to be nerve related, burning pain, numbness and tingling through most of my body.
I went yesterday for an Vitamin C IV, I am taking magnesium, b vitamins, trying dry sauna and trying to swim every other day. Is there anything else I can try, it’s getting really hard to go to work and take care of my family.
Thank you!
9 years ago
Has anybody experienced this awful head pressure? Its like my brain is mashed. Its back on my neck, back on The head and in the forehead, and a pressure so bad in my ears. And down my back.Soon i Will take a pain killer, this is awful. I have it all day long. Have anybody had that, and did it go away?
Mark S
9 years ago
Can you recommend a good iodine protocol? I don’t really know where to start.
I read your website and post about Toxicity Syndrome and poison related effects of taking: Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Floxin, and more. The damage or possible complications that you wrote about include damage to connective tissue (tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fascia, etc.) You said that fluoroquinolone side effects may damage the central, peripheral, and automatic nervous system.
9 years ago
A little reminder, that in my opinion GUT issues are behind MANY of a Floxies symptoms, and one reason why someone can take a long time to heal if not correctly addressed.
On Monday, a FREE GUT Seminar starts, with THIRTY-FIVE GUT EXPERTS (some big names too) all going to talk about some of THE most important issues that happen in the Gut, and as it turns out, are VERY common among Floxed people.
Sign up here, again, it is FREE, there is an option to buy it but you do not need to:
dear lisa, did you have a delayed reaction to levaquin? 2 years after? thanks dan.
9 years ago
jason, have not yet exercised, but will try the sauna tonight. i think my mistake was to hit the treadmill in the first 2 weeks in. i must of lost more minerals that way. by the way more leg and butt pain in last 4 night while sleeping. wondering if it is due to inactivity? doing alot of walking though. dan.
9 years ago
Hi, this is a question for Jason. I have some maximal (mineral supplement), and it contains: potassium chloride; potassium sorbate; copper glucomate; manganese sulphate; thiamine hydrochloride; sodium molybdate; cyanocobalamin. Are these same to take? Also some ‘Mega-mag’ from Trace Minerals, contains: magnesium; chloride; sodium; potassium; sulate and boron. Are these also safe to take?
9 years ago
jason, thanks for your reply. how many times can i do the sauna? does that cause things to move around also? can i do it once a day? thanks dan.
Tom Marsella, Fresno
9 years ago
Lisa; your sickness remedy?
9 years ago
dear lisa maskovic, i am also from nj can talk offline? dan
9 years ago
This is so utterly disgusting and almost unbelievable, except sadly it is believable. I’ve read the Rockefeller history before, how they squashed Natural Medicine and took over Education including how Doctors are educated that chemical drugs are okay etc but this article goes WAY back to the beginning, where one cheating Liar set things in motion (and got the wheels in his head turning…) from a Cancer-curing scam no less in the early 1800’s (funny not much has changed in almost 200 years….).
Fascinating in one sense, yet oh so manipulative and pure greed and EVIL in another:
“How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture”
Mercola summarized the whole thing from the start to “finish”*** (not finished….)
Whole article is good, couple quotes:
“The players involved in this ‘Gene Revolution’ are almost identical to the players in the Green Revolution, with I.G. Farben offshoots Bayer CropScience and BASF Plant Science mingling with traditional oiligarch associate companies like Dow AgroScience, DuPont Biotechnology and, of course, Monsanto, all funded by the Rockefeller Foundation …”
“The takeover of education, of medicine, of the monetary system, of the food supply itself, showed that the aim was much greater than a mere oil monopoly: it was the quest to monopolize all aspects of life, to erect the perfect system of control over every aspect of society, every sector from which any threat of competition to their power could emerge … But the oiligarchs are not done yet.
9 years ago
Yep all connected, Their long term agenda, which involves not just big Pharma but their toxic partners in crime, offshoots/ various connections is something I quite often mention, it’s all part of the same toxic brew
When it comes to research, I learned long ago, & would always advise to always look into the history of anything you are researching , right the way back to the source, the very beginning. When it comes to drugs / vaccinations seek out long overlooked / forgotten articles / medical journals / old books etc, research libraries, the history of anything., this can tell you more than you would ever want to know, the FULL history of a subject can tell you a hell of a lot. in the end what is often thought of as conspiracy by a person is often only thought of as such, and limited to that conclusion as such, by the amount of in depth research carried out by that person.
9 years ago
Hi Jason or anyone with info on CBD oil, the other day my sister gave me some capsules to try, and I poured a 1/4 of cap under my tongue and it helped tremendously with the vertigo/soupy/racey head that I’ve been dealing with for 19 mos. I’ve tried it three more times now and it worked every time. If it continues to help, I’m sooo excited to finally have found something that doesn’t just help a little, but it takes it almost completely away for about 5 hours.
I don’t think it’s from marijuana, I think it’s from hemp, but I’m not sure. I will post info when I get it. I just wanted to know if anyone else had success with or knowledge of CBD oil?
Also, I would encourage anyone dealing with this debilitating side effect to try CBD oil.
dear jason, got my cell test result back. low glutamine level, vitamin b12, ala,vit-e, chromium picolate, co q10, l-serine, glutathione and anti-ox levels all borderline. only thing low was glutamine. any suggestions on how to approach this ? thanks dan.
9 years ago
I no longer have the side effect of pain, but for those of you that do, I thought I would post something I read in a magazine. It said for acute pain, try arnica ointment (Dr Sinatra) “Arnica’s thymol helps disperse fluid that builds up around damaged tissues…and relaxes blood vessels and boosts circulation.” I have used it before for swelling and bruising but not pain, so can’t speak to its effectiveness. Then it mentions for chronic pain (maybe more effective for this group)–and is supposed to be especially effective for arthritis like pain—an enzyme blend sold under the name Wobenzym. (which is also supposed to decrease levels of a key inflammatory marker linked to heart disease, as a bonus.) They mention Garden of Life Wobenzyn N–4 caps. Sold at vitmainshoppe for $24 for 100. AGain not familiar with it myself of any of the other enzymes in the formula. But for those of you suffering from pain, might be worth a shot.
Hy every one I would be very happy if you check the site I provide bellow. Please chek it, post a comment or donate. Its my only chance.
I’m writing to let you know about ‘Diagnose me’.
Take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make ‘Diagnose me’ happen!–3/a1c1/13191021
hey bruce, thanks for the info and chat we had. dan.
My Achilles gets this big red rash on it when I spray magnesium oil on. This doesn’t happen anywhere else on my body. My Achilles is what bothers me the most. What do you think this means?
Hey guys, can you help me out? I am wondering if symptoms randomly move about. One day I’ll have more severe pain in my hands, numbness in my fingers then it will move to my hips with burning nerve pain. Another day my skin is very sensitive to touch. All the other symptoms don’t actually go away just seem worse in other areas for some reason. Have you experienced this?
I’m 3 months from taking Cipro. I had very few symptoms in the beginning but more and more keep showing up. Most of the symptoms seem to be nerve related, burning pain, numbness and tingling through most of my body.
I went yesterday for an Vitamin C IV, I am taking magnesium, b vitamins, trying dry sauna and trying to swim every other day. Is there anything else I can try, it’s getting really hard to go to work and take care of my family.
Thank you!
Has anybody experienced this awful head pressure? Its like my brain is mashed. Its back on my neck, back on The head and in the forehead, and a pressure so bad in my ears. And down my back.Soon i Will take a pain killer, this is awful. I have it all day long. Have anybody had that, and did it go away?
Can you recommend a good iodine protocol? I don’t really know where to start.
I read your website and post about Toxicity Syndrome and poison related effects of taking: Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Floxin, and more. The damage or possible complications that you wrote about include damage to connective tissue (tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fascia, etc.) You said that fluoroquinolone side effects may damage the central, peripheral, and automatic nervous system.
A little reminder, that in my opinion GUT issues are behind MANY of a Floxies symptoms, and one reason why someone can take a long time to heal if not correctly addressed.
On Monday, a FREE GUT Seminar starts, with THIRTY-FIVE GUT EXPERTS (some big names too) all going to talk about some of THE most important issues that happen in the Gut, and as it turns out, are VERY common among Floxed people.
Sign up here, again, it is FREE, there is an option to buy it but you do not need to:
dear lisa, did you have a delayed reaction to levaquin? 2 years after? thanks dan.
jason, have not yet exercised, but will try the sauna tonight. i think my mistake was to hit the treadmill in the first 2 weeks in. i must of lost more minerals that way. by the way more leg and butt pain in last 4 night while sleeping. wondering if it is due to inactivity? doing alot of walking though. dan.
Hi, this is a question for Jason. I have some maximal (mineral supplement), and it contains: potassium chloride; potassium sorbate; copper glucomate; manganese sulphate; thiamine hydrochloride; sodium molybdate; cyanocobalamin. Are these same to take? Also some ‘Mega-mag’ from Trace Minerals, contains: magnesium; chloride; sodium; potassium; sulate and boron. Are these also safe to take?
jason, thanks for your reply. how many times can i do the sauna? does that cause things to move around also? can i do it once a day? thanks dan.
Lisa; your sickness remedy?
dear lisa maskovic, i am also from nj can talk offline? dan
This is so utterly disgusting and almost unbelievable, except sadly it is believable. I’ve read the Rockefeller history before, how they squashed Natural Medicine and took over Education including how Doctors are educated that chemical drugs are okay etc but this article goes WAY back to the beginning, where one cheating Liar set things in motion (and got the wheels in his head turning…) from a Cancer-curing scam no less in the early 1800’s (funny not much has changed in almost 200 years….).
Fascinating in one sense, yet oh so manipulative and pure greed and EVIL in another:
“How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture”
Mercola summarized the whole thing from the start to “finish”*** (not finished….)
Whole article is good, couple quotes:
“The players involved in this ‘Gene Revolution’ are almost identical to the players in the Green Revolution, with I.G. Farben offshoots Bayer CropScience and BASF Plant Science mingling with traditional oiligarch associate companies like Dow AgroScience, DuPont Biotechnology and, of course, Monsanto, all funded by the Rockefeller Foundation …”
“The takeover of education, of medicine, of the monetary system, of the food supply itself, showed that the aim was much greater than a mere oil monopoly: it was the quest to monopolize all aspects of life, to erect the perfect system of control over every aspect of society, every sector from which any threat of competition to their power could emerge … But the oiligarchs are not done yet.
Yep all connected, Their long term agenda, which involves not just big Pharma but their toxic partners in crime, offshoots/ various connections is something I quite often mention, it’s all part of the same toxic brew
When it comes to research, I learned long ago, & would always advise to always look into the history of anything you are researching , right the way back to the source, the very beginning. When it comes to drugs / vaccinations seek out long overlooked / forgotten articles / medical journals / old books etc, research libraries, the history of anything., this can tell you more than you would ever want to know, the FULL history of a subject can tell you a hell of a lot. in the end what is often thought of as conspiracy by a person is often only thought of as such, and limited to that conclusion as such, by the amount of in depth research carried out by that person.
Hi Jason or anyone with info on CBD oil, the other day my sister gave me some capsules to try, and I poured a 1/4 of cap under my tongue and it helped tremendously with the vertigo/soupy/racey head that I’ve been dealing with for 19 mos. I’ve tried it three more times now and it worked every time. If it continues to help, I’m sooo excited to finally have found something that doesn’t just help a little, but it takes it almost completely away for about 5 hours.
I don’t think it’s from marijuana, I think it’s from hemp, but I’m not sure. I will post info when I get it. I just wanted to know if anyone else had success with or knowledge of CBD oil?
Also, I would encourage anyone dealing with this debilitating side effect to try CBD oil.
Has anyone ever tried ‘Energize Greens” Thoughts?
dear jason, got my cell test result back. low glutamine level, vitamin b12, ala,vit-e, chromium picolate, co q10, l-serine, glutathione and anti-ox levels all borderline. only thing low was glutamine. any suggestions on how to approach this ? thanks dan.
I no longer have the side effect of pain, but for those of you that do, I thought I would post something I read in a magazine. It said for acute pain, try arnica ointment (Dr Sinatra) “Arnica’s thymol helps disperse fluid that builds up around damaged tissues…and relaxes blood vessels and boosts circulation.” I have used it before for swelling and bruising but not pain, so can’t speak to its effectiveness. Then it mentions for chronic pain (maybe more effective for this group)–and is supposed to be especially effective for arthritis like pain—an enzyme blend sold under the name Wobenzym. (which is also supposed to decrease levels of a key inflammatory marker linked to heart disease, as a bonus.) They mention Garden of Life Wobenzyn N–4 caps. Sold at vitmainshoppe for $24 for 100. AGain not familiar with it myself of any of the other enzymes in the formula. But for those of you suffering from pain, might be worth a shot.