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9 years ago
bob, the cell test is from spectra labs in texas. you have to order the kit 1-800-227-5227. dan.
9 years ago
jason, my vit k, selenium, all opther vitamin b, magniesium, vit d, zinc, copper, glucose and folate all normal, as well as fatty acids, choline and cartinine. dr wants to put me on gabetin, as it seems my pins and needles are getting worse. dan.
Deborah Harple
9 years ago
I saw T-Pain Gel mentioned. Is this for peripheral neuropathy? I’ve tried most everything on the market and only relief for short time. Hoping this may be better for longer relief??
Thx, Deb
9 years ago
jason, vit d3 also normal. calcium was borderline.
9 years ago
deborah, what symptoms are you having? dan.
9 years ago
Update: I had to stop using the CBD oil. It worked great for three days to clear my racy/soupy/dizzy brain, but yesterday it didn’t work and I even got way worse with the soupy vertigo so I stopped it. I’m really discouraged, I was sooo happy because I thought I finally found something that helped so good. I don’t understand why it turned so bad? Maybe it builds up in my system?? I don’t know, but the same thing happened in the beginning of my floxing when I took Valuim to help with the panic and anxiety. It worked great for a while then it turned on me and made my mind race out of control. It’s a total guessing game!
I’m sorry if I gave someone some hope or if you bought some and wasted your money. I know how mentally and financially frustrating that is. It just helped so good for a while that I wanted to tell everyone so they could get some relief too. Oh well, next time I will wait a little longer before posting to make sure.
Melanie Boalch
9 years ago
Has anyone noticed an increase in restless leg syndrome after taking these drugs???
9 years ago
Hi everyone. It has been a long time since I have been on because I have been doing so well. It has been 2 years this month and experiencing a BAD flare of pain. Just wanted some reassurance that this is still normal. Can anyone give me some hope? Did anyone experience a big flare up around 24 months?
9 years ago
Hey everyone. I was watching some of the segments in the Heal Your Gut Series, and something of interest struck me today. It was actually on how the thyroid is so tied to the gut. But one thing I wanted to post was about supplementing with Bifidus factors to hlep the gaba receptors. If you are taking a probiotic, you may very well have some of those strains. I see mine does, but I think I will look for one with even more…
9 years ago
Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why new research proving this common spice can prevent fluoride damage is so promising!
Fluoride’s neurotoxicity has been the subject of academic debate for decades, and now a matter of increasingly impassioned controversy among the general public, as well. From ‘conspiracy theories’ about it being first used in drinking water in Russian and Nazi concentration camps to chemically lobotomize captives, to its now well-known IQ lowering properties, to its ability to enhance the calcification of the pineal gland – the traditional ‘seat of the soul’ – many around the world, and increasingly in the heavily fluoridated regions of the United States, are starting to organize at the local and statewide level to oust this ubiquitous toxicant from municipal drinking water.
Read more at:, a new study published in the Pharmacognosy Magazine titled, “Curcumin attenuates neurotoxicity induced by fluoride: An in vivo evidence,” adds experimental support to the suspicion that fluoride is indeed a brain-damaging substance, also revealing that a natural spice-derived protective agent against the various health effects associated with this compound is available.
The study was authored by researchers from the Department of Zoology, University College of Science, M.L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India, who have spent the past decade investigating the mechanisms through which fluoride induces severe neurodegenerative changes in the mammalian brain, particularly in cells of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex.[i] [ii]
The study opens by describing the historical backdrop for concern about fluoride’s significant and wide ranging toxicity:
This is far from the first study to demonstrate curcumin’s remarkable brain-saving properties. From the perspective of the primary research alone, there are over two hundred peer-reviewed published studies indicating that curcumin is a neuroprotective agent. On our own turmeric database we have 115 articles proving this statement: Turmeric Protects The Brain. We have also featured studies on turmeric’s ability to protect and restore the brain:
I have recently been reading on some RIFE machine frequencies the square wave ones in particular. There are two settings for my machine that are for DNA repair and RNA repair.
So I just started to run them.
I also found a new product that my Natural Doctor introduced me to.
It is called restore4life it is supposed to heal the gut.
I am going to try this as well.
I am still in a holding pattern wait for all my tests to get to Cleveland Clinic.
All in all I have had over 200 tests in the last two years since I was Floxed.
Now they have this diagnosis of Adult Autoimmune Enteropathy and Reactive Arthritis along with tendonitis/tendonosis with a tiny bit of neuropathy.
But I am walking much better.
I don’t know what they want to try to do but I hope it is helpful.
9 years ago
So umm question for everyone because I just had a two min long spasm and I swear I can tell before they happen. If I am home alone I have no way to stop them and I have to ride them out. I just had one where I was beating my hand against my chest the more I relaxed the longer it goes it stopped because then both arms were spasming at the same time. But is was scary because I was alone during it and was really scared because I thought relaxing would make it better but it’s not. Is this Parkinson’s I swear I cannot handle that!!
HI Stephanie
Do you mean myoclonic jerks ? these are something that can occur with floxing i had them for a while myself, they can be quite scary my arms / legs used to jerk without warning etc at times my whole body i had times when i was sure my body literally used to leave the couch. if this is what it is, they do tend to eventually clear up in my experience but can take some time to do so as per usual with this stuff .
i thought it sounded familiar. it is scary but if it is myoclonus it is to my knowledge with floxing something that does tend to eventually sort itself out i did not get any tr tests or treat it with any drugs myself but it did eventually disappear it just started happen ing less often and became less severe over time i had this as a very delayed symptom only once in my most damaging floxing it started around 14 months out and was gone i think by 2 year ish out
9 years ago
Hi Stephanie,
It is not uncommon for new manifestations occur several months or into the 2nd year….and though seems counter intuitive not a worsening necessarily.
You mentioned $$ issues for testing, so if unable to order urine analysis of your minerals, trace minerals and amino acids……than you may wont to consider:
Taurine- 500 mg 2x’s per day.
Thorne Research is an excellent brand found on line on iHerb.
Taurine is often low in people with Seizures, Epilepsy, Tourettes….and minor ticks… can say spectrum are all related to these biochemicals,…Taurine being an amino acid.
Also, consider along with Taurine –
5HTP – (which is a precursor to serotonin supplement from Thorne Research as well.
“Both” These supplements and using Magnesium Oil & Fish OIL 3000 IU daily helped me a lot with my neurological issues. Remember you have ” inflammation” and giving the daily nutrient supports to mitigate that ” neurological inflammation” is meaningful. You are in essence “nourishing the soil – the terrain of your cells” – so they can use these much needed nutrient biochemical messengers to converse and heal your injuries.
Yes, it does take time….but again you are nursing yourself back to health. You do not have Parkinsons. You do have a lot of inflammation, and oxidative stress. Address those and in time things will resume to improvement in symptoms and progression in your healing. This is a long road…..on foot. No train, plane, automobile or bike.
The same approach is used for other NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES. Of course only in the NON -Pharmaceutical model of health care….a la Naturopaths and Functional Medicine MDs. From Lyme, Parkinsons, MS, Autism, ADHD, ADD, BI Polar, Depression, Tourettes,and cancer …..All have inflammation, gut issues, and oxidative stress.
AVOID – Supplementation with CALCIUM.
CALCIUM will exacerbate pain and NERVOUS SYSTEM to over fire.
Calcium is not bad….but it is not in your best interest when your need for Magnesium is greater and additionally be higher than calcium. CALM your nervous system down by using the magnesium oil, and avoiding any food additives in beverages or packaged foods. SUPER important.
Amith Vaishnav
9 years ago
Hi Rene,
Good that you have recovered from all the neurological symptoms. I was floxed in the month of Nov-15. I’m currently experiencing below symptoms:
Loss of sensation/feeling under my right foot
Random Double/blurry Vision in left eye
Random muscle/joint pain
Pins and needles in both the legs
Can you please share your email Id. Your words will mean a lot to me,
9 years ago
I also suffered with your list of symptoms and many more. The sight/vision issues were greatly concerning to me…..and were evident through out the first 3 years, randomly appearing and dissipating. I am in my 5th year as of 11 October last year. The first year is challenging physically and spiritually. I cannot emphasize enough how much the spiritual and mental aspect plays a part in one’s recovery and the quality of life throughout. This is not to criticize anyone for being terrified, depressed, angry, and overwhelmed and bitter.
However, how one frames their condition and what a person believes is everything. I encourage you to use all information or data that you receive from doctors or your own research to be a tool for learning. So often, when medical folk use language or labels that seem so fixed, and hopeless we are quick to take it as the gospel. I knew I was hurt, and injured badly…….but in spite of the mental torment, and physical torment I believed that I could heal. I didn’t bother with looking for a guarantee from the doctor or elsewhere…..but I did have a very strong conviction and faith in the intelligence of the body to prevail at all costs no matter how miserable I felt. I refused to entertain or give court to any notion that my condition was permanent. In Essence I accepted small incremental steps of improvement over vast amounts of time. I saw myself as having been injured, not damaged. The horrific days were full of tears, and pain….but I got through, and saw how the body talks, and cries too as needed….and I managed to smile, and appreciate every moment of peace, and ability, and mobility that was available to me.
WE are all ages, sizes, and weights here. Most everybody around the Globe who has been harmed by these drugs has benefited and NEEDS to get Magnesium “into the Cells”. That means you. Do not underestimate the recommendations here or what others and I suggest.
This drug Chelates or strips magnesium out of the cells…. MAGNESIUM is needed for 700 different processes in the body. The entire muscle skeletal system. That means, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, All soft tissue…also needed for the Heart, which is a MUSCLE!
AND The NERVOUS SYSTEM, Blood Sugar Balance, BRAIN – Serotonin…. The list is very very long. You cannot get MAGNESIUM “INTO” the Cells unless you get “MAGNESIUM OIL SPRAY” and apply it to your body. This form of Magnesium is: Magnesium Chloride, which is a very effective way to get magnesium “inside” the cells and rapidly. You can buy it online From “Ancient Minerals” .
Making your own spray is super easy and economical! One part bath flakes to one part filtered water.
It may tingle, or sting when first applied after 5 minutes or so…. that is normal. Just skin sensitivity. This will likely diminish after the first week or so of daily application. Apply anywhere from 8- to 20 sprays to your LIMBS ie. (The length of the limb including wrists and ankles & Hips, lower back sacral area)…these large surface areas are best. The delicate skin of the sides of neck may be sensitive…that is normal.
If it burns to the point that you are in pain then of course by all means rinse off in the shower or just get a warm wash cloth and wipe of the residue. This is easily done. It is NOT an oil…. though the name suggests that it is. It is water, w/ Magnesium Chloride. Wash you hands after so your palms wont get dry. You may wish to wipe off the excess salty residue with a warm washcloth too. Wait 30 minutes or longer for complete absorption before wiping or rinsing off. You do not have to rinse off or wipe it off, but the first couple weeks can be helpful, while the skin is acclimating to absorbing. The residue can be drying at first.
AVOID all over the counter meds, and prescribed meds.
1) ZINC Picolinate – USA everybody is deficient. Wound healing, immune system, and 100’s of enzymatic processes in the body.
2) Avoid MSG, Natural Flavors, Hydrolyzed or Autolyzed anything! Do Not use artificial sweeteners!! they are very toxic to the brain. Nothing with Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine. Makes pain worse. No to chewing gum, and fluoride toothpaste.
AVOID: packaged food -with preservatives, & chemicals. The burden on our detoxification pathway has been altered making us very sensitive to the exposure of the junk in manufactured, processed food…If God made it, it’s ok. Man made likely garbage.
Vitamin D levels.
Crucial! Vitamin (D3) supplementation is profound if your levels are low.
Mine were low. I take 10,000 IU daily from Thorne Research (excellent quality brand) and just one small Vegetarian capsule! Vitamin D3 is a hormone…very profound need by all. The United States is deficient. The minimum to address deficiencies is 2000 -5000 IU…
Vitamin C IV Drips! This will help the cells with anti-oxidants which is needed for such a great burden of Oxidative stress on the body/hence the pain. Cannot be achieved by oral Vitamin C, (1.5 hours or longer for an IV but well worth it, no joke) Your Cells will love it. Naturopath’s who do IV therapies provide this form of therapeutic care.
Consider purchasing from LIFEWAVE on line the ” Y-AGE Glutathione Patch”.
Helped me tremendously, with fatigue, some kinds of pain, brain alertness, and sense of well being! This is non-trans dermal patch worn on meridian points. Nano- technology raises the glutathione levels within the body. The most powerful necessary anti-oxidant and detoxification that the body utilizes to handle the burden of chemicals/ drugs and i our environment. The body will make more of it’s own. Nothing goes into the body. Instructions will come with it where to place it on your leg or foot or abdomen. They ship all over the world. The guy behind it came out of Nassau. Will be worth you purchasing for approx: $80 US dollars for 30 day supply.
If you become a member the price drops. (You do not have to buy monthly) You can rotate patches. Take off at bedtime or may not fall asleep. The fatigue is because of the high Oxidative stress happening. Counter by doing the mentioned above.
L-Glutamine is very helpful to rebuild the gut lining… however it is extremely deleterious when supplemented for those with GABA & Glutamate issues. WHICH I do also. Same thing with Whey products … which can really be an issue for those with glutamate issues. Glutamic Acid found in many vitamin formulas can also be problematic. ….. I am one of those individuals. I do have, Gaba / glutamate & folate issues, methylation issues. Because of this possibility for others it is best to proceed conservatively with the bio-chemicals that tend to be with the least potential issues.
1) L-Theanine…it can help balance some of the anxiety you are experiencing from lack of Gaba…leaving you with too much Glutamate unopposed. Cipro affects the Gaba receptors in the Brain. 200 mg am – 200mg pm not more than that. I use at bedtime as needed. Purchase L- Theanine Brand that only ingredient is L-Theanine and nothing else. Some brands add Calcium. NO supplemental Calcium should be used.
Do NOT take any “supplemental” CALCIUM. This will make things worse regarding Brain Health – for those of us with Anxiety, feeling tired and wired, lack of calm in our thinking and mood. Wired & tired & pain issues. This also applies to autistic children. What we share in common is an issue with balance between Glutamate & Gaba in the Brain. Will WORSEN NERVE PAIN.
ALSO need to AVOID! MSG, Hydrolyzed or Autolysed Yeast, Natural Flavors. And high glutamate foods like BEETS, Legumes, which will “ramp up” the Glutamate in the Brain without Gaba to oppose it and keep things in check/balance.
2) OMEGA 3 – Fatty Acids. BRAIN – inflammation – “Nordic Naturals” – makes excellent quality brand. Vitamin Shoppe, Amazon, IHERB can buy from on line. Quality matters.
This is also a CNS – Central Nervous System – injury. 3000 mg daily = 2 caps 2x day.
I took a total of 5 per day the first 6 months of injury.
3) Phosphatidylserine –
Helpful for the cell membrane to keep it fluid, and able to absorb and detox waste/Brain needs this too.
God Bless and stay faithful.
9 years ago
Is there any test that show you have levaquin toxins in your body
Mark S
9 years ago
Good News: I’m finally finding strength in my legs again and not constantly fatigued in the knees from standing still! Not if if it’s the glutathione, magnesium, MitoQ, iodine, or what, but something seems to be working. Hoping to continue to progress to back to who I once was.
Bad News: My girlfriend of a year and a half broke up with me a week ago. I don’t think she can handle the person I have “changed” into anymore. As in, not wanting to go out much and not caring about things I used to. I can see where she came from and respected her decision. I hate what cipro has taken from me but I’m not just trying to focus on healing myself and become a stronger person. If she was the one for me, she would have stuck with me through this storm!
9 years ago
New article published in British Medical Journal (one of the most respected in medicine world wide)
BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Oct 5;2015. pii: bcr2015209821. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-209821.
Fluoroquinolone-induced serious, persistent, multisymptom adverse effects.
Golomb BA1, Koslik HJ1, Redd AJ2.
Author information
We present a case series of four previously healthy, employed adults without significant prior medical history in each of whom symptoms developed while on fluoroquinolones (FQs), with progression that continued following discontinuation evolving to a severe, disabling multisymptom profile variably involving tendinopathy, muscle weakness, peripheral neuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, sleep disorder, cognitive dysfunction and psychiatric disturbance. Physicians and patients should be alert to the potential for FQ-induced severe disabling multisymptom pathology that may persist and progress following FQ use. Known induction by FQs of delayed mitochondrial toxicity provides a compatible mechanism, with symptom profiles (and documented mechanisms of FQ toxicity) compatible with the hypothesis of an exposure-induced mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy.
2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
PMID: 26438672 [PubMed – in process]
bob, the cell test is from spectra labs in texas. you have to order the kit 1-800-227-5227. dan.
jason, my vit k, selenium, all opther vitamin b, magniesium, vit d, zinc, copper, glucose and folate all normal, as well as fatty acids, choline and cartinine. dr wants to put me on gabetin, as it seems my pins and needles are getting worse. dan.
I saw T-Pain Gel mentioned. Is this for peripheral neuropathy? I’ve tried most everything on the market and only relief for short time. Hoping this may be better for longer relief??
Thx, Deb
jason, vit d3 also normal. calcium was borderline.
deborah, what symptoms are you having? dan.
Update: I had to stop using the CBD oil. It worked great for three days to clear my racy/soupy/dizzy brain, but yesterday it didn’t work and I even got way worse with the soupy vertigo so I stopped it. I’m really discouraged, I was sooo happy because I thought I finally found something that helped so good. I don’t understand why it turned so bad? Maybe it builds up in my system?? I don’t know, but the same thing happened in the beginning of my floxing when I took Valuim to help with the panic and anxiety. It worked great for a while then it turned on me and made my mind race out of control. It’s a total guessing game!
I’m sorry if I gave someone some hope or if you bought some and wasted your money. I know how mentally and financially frustrating that is. It just helped so good for a while that I wanted to tell everyone so they could get some relief too. Oh well, next time I will wait a little longer before posting to make sure.
Has anyone noticed an increase in restless leg syndrome after taking these drugs???
Hi everyone. It has been a long time since I have been on because I have been doing so well. It has been 2 years this month and experiencing a BAD flare of pain. Just wanted some reassurance that this is still normal. Can anyone give me some hope? Did anyone experience a big flare up around 24 months?
Hey everyone. I was watching some of the segments in the Heal Your Gut Series, and something of interest struck me today. It was actually on how the thyroid is so tied to the gut. But one thing I wanted to post was about supplementing with Bifidus factors to hlep the gaba receptors. If you are taking a probiotic, you may very well have some of those strains. I see mine does, but I think I will look for one with even more…
Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why new research proving this common spice can prevent fluoride damage is so promising!
Fluoride’s neurotoxicity has been the subject of academic debate for decades, and now a matter of increasingly impassioned controversy among the general public, as well. From ‘conspiracy theories’ about it being first used in drinking water in Russian and Nazi concentration camps to chemically lobotomize captives, to its now well-known IQ lowering properties, to its ability to enhance the calcification of the pineal gland – the traditional ‘seat of the soul’ – many around the world, and increasingly in the heavily fluoridated regions of the United States, are starting to organize at the local and statewide level to oust this ubiquitous toxicant from municipal drinking water.
Read more at:, a new study published in the Pharmacognosy Magazine titled, “Curcumin attenuates neurotoxicity induced by fluoride: An in vivo evidence,” adds experimental support to the suspicion that fluoride is indeed a brain-damaging substance, also revealing that a natural spice-derived protective agent against the various health effects associated with this compound is available.
The study was authored by researchers from the Department of Zoology, University College of Science, M.L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India, who have spent the past decade investigating the mechanisms through which fluoride induces severe neurodegenerative changes in the mammalian brain, particularly in cells of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex.[i] [ii]
The study opens by describing the historical backdrop for concern about fluoride’s significant and wide ranging toxicity:
Read more at:
This is far from the first study to demonstrate curcumin’s remarkable brain-saving properties. From the perspective of the primary research alone, there are over two hundred peer-reviewed published studies indicating that curcumin is a neuroprotective agent. On our own turmeric database we have 115 articles proving this statement: Turmeric Protects The Brain. We have also featured studies on turmeric’s ability to protect and restore the brain:
Read more at:
I have recently been reading on some RIFE machine frequencies the square wave ones in particular. There are two settings for my machine that are for DNA repair and RNA repair.
So I just started to run them.
I also found a new product that my Natural Doctor introduced me to.
It is called restore4life it is supposed to heal the gut.
I am going to try this as well.
I am still in a holding pattern wait for all my tests to get to Cleveland Clinic.
All in all I have had over 200 tests in the last two years since I was Floxed.
Now they have this diagnosis of Adult Autoimmune Enteropathy and Reactive Arthritis along with tendonitis/tendonosis with a tiny bit of neuropathy.
But I am walking much better.
I don’t know what they want to try to do but I hope it is helpful.
So umm question for everyone because I just had a two min long spasm and I swear I can tell before they happen. If I am home alone I have no way to stop them and I have to ride them out. I just had one where I was beating my hand against my chest the more I relaxed the longer it goes it stopped because then both arms were spasming at the same time. But is was scary because I was alone during it and was really scared because I thought relaxing would make it better but it’s not. Is this Parkinson’s I swear I cannot handle that!!
HI Stephanie
Do you mean myoclonic jerks ? these are something that can occur with floxing i had them for a while myself, they can be quite scary my arms / legs used to jerk without warning etc at times my whole body i had times when i was sure my body literally used to leave the couch. if this is what it is, they do tend to eventually clear up in my experience but can take some time to do so as per usual with this stuff .
i thought it sounded familiar. it is scary but if it is myoclonus it is to my knowledge with floxing something that does tend to eventually sort itself out i did not get any tr tests or treat it with any drugs myself but it did eventually disappear it just started happen ing less often and became less severe over time i had this as a very delayed symptom only once in my most damaging floxing it started around 14 months out and was gone i think by 2 year ish out
Hi Stephanie,
It is not uncommon for new manifestations occur several months or into the 2nd year….and though seems counter intuitive not a worsening necessarily.
You mentioned $$ issues for testing, so if unable to order urine analysis of your minerals, trace minerals and amino acids……than you may wont to consider:
Taurine- 500 mg 2x’s per day.
Thorne Research is an excellent brand found on line on iHerb.
Taurine is often low in people with Seizures, Epilepsy, Tourettes….and minor ticks… can say spectrum are all related to these biochemicals,…Taurine being an amino acid.
Also, consider along with Taurine –
5HTP – (which is a precursor to serotonin supplement from Thorne Research as well.
“Both” These supplements and using Magnesium Oil & Fish OIL 3000 IU daily helped me a lot with my neurological issues. Remember you have ” inflammation” and giving the daily nutrient supports to mitigate that ” neurological inflammation” is meaningful. You are in essence “nourishing the soil – the terrain of your cells” – so they can use these much needed nutrient biochemical messengers to converse and heal your injuries.
Yes, it does take time….but again you are nursing yourself back to health. You do not have Parkinsons. You do have a lot of inflammation, and oxidative stress. Address those and in time things will resume to improvement in symptoms and progression in your healing. This is a long road…..on foot. No train, plane, automobile or bike.
The same approach is used for other NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES. Of course only in the NON -Pharmaceutical model of health care….a la Naturopaths and Functional Medicine MDs. From Lyme, Parkinsons, MS, Autism, ADHD, ADD, BI Polar, Depression, Tourettes,and cancer …..All have inflammation, gut issues, and oxidative stress.
AVOID – Supplementation with CALCIUM.
CALCIUM will exacerbate pain and NERVOUS SYSTEM to over fire.
Calcium is not bad….but it is not in your best interest when your need for Magnesium is greater and additionally be higher than calcium. CALM your nervous system down by using the magnesium oil, and avoiding any food additives in beverages or packaged foods. SUPER important.
Hi Rene,
Good that you have recovered from all the neurological symptoms. I was floxed in the month of Nov-15. I’m currently experiencing below symptoms:
Loss of sensation/feeling under my right foot
Random Double/blurry Vision in left eye
Random muscle/joint pain
Pins and needles in both the legs
Can you please share your email Id. Your words will mean a lot to me,
I also suffered with your list of symptoms and many more. The sight/vision issues were greatly concerning to me…..and were evident through out the first 3 years, randomly appearing and dissipating. I am in my 5th year as of 11 October last year. The first year is challenging physically and spiritually. I cannot emphasize enough how much the spiritual and mental aspect plays a part in one’s recovery and the quality of life throughout. This is not to criticize anyone for being terrified, depressed, angry, and overwhelmed and bitter.
However, how one frames their condition and what a person believes is everything. I encourage you to use all information or data that you receive from doctors or your own research to be a tool for learning. So often, when medical folk use language or labels that seem so fixed, and hopeless we are quick to take it as the gospel. I knew I was hurt, and injured badly…….but in spite of the mental torment, and physical torment I believed that I could heal. I didn’t bother with looking for a guarantee from the doctor or elsewhere…..but I did have a very strong conviction and faith in the intelligence of the body to prevail at all costs no matter how miserable I felt. I refused to entertain or give court to any notion that my condition was permanent. In Essence I accepted small incremental steps of improvement over vast amounts of time. I saw myself as having been injured, not damaged. The horrific days were full of tears, and pain….but I got through, and saw how the body talks, and cries too as needed….and I managed to smile, and appreciate every moment of peace, and ability, and mobility that was available to me.
WE are all ages, sizes, and weights here. Most everybody around the Globe who has been harmed by these drugs has benefited and NEEDS to get Magnesium “into the Cells”. That means you. Do not underestimate the recommendations here or what others and I suggest.
This drug Chelates or strips magnesium out of the cells…. MAGNESIUM is needed for 700 different processes in the body. The entire muscle skeletal system. That means, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, All soft tissue…also needed for the Heart, which is a MUSCLE!
AND The NERVOUS SYSTEM, Blood Sugar Balance, BRAIN – Serotonin…. The list is very very long. You cannot get MAGNESIUM “INTO” the Cells unless you get “MAGNESIUM OIL SPRAY” and apply it to your body. This form of Magnesium is: Magnesium Chloride, which is a very effective way to get magnesium “inside” the cells and rapidly. You can buy it online From “Ancient Minerals” .
Making your own spray is super easy and economical! One part bath flakes to one part filtered water.
It may tingle, or sting when first applied after 5 minutes or so…. that is normal. Just skin sensitivity. This will likely diminish after the first week or so of daily application. Apply anywhere from 8- to 20 sprays to your LIMBS ie. (The length of the limb including wrists and ankles & Hips, lower back sacral area)…these large surface areas are best. The delicate skin of the sides of neck may be sensitive…that is normal.
If it burns to the point that you are in pain then of course by all means rinse off in the shower or just get a warm wash cloth and wipe of the residue. This is easily done. It is NOT an oil…. though the name suggests that it is. It is water, w/ Magnesium Chloride. Wash you hands after so your palms wont get dry. You may wish to wipe off the excess salty residue with a warm washcloth too. Wait 30 minutes or longer for complete absorption before wiping or rinsing off. You do not have to rinse off or wipe it off, but the first couple weeks can be helpful, while the skin is acclimating to absorbing. The residue can be drying at first.
AVOID all over the counter meds, and prescribed meds.
1) ZINC Picolinate – USA everybody is deficient. Wound healing, immune system, and 100’s of enzymatic processes in the body.
2) Avoid MSG, Natural Flavors, Hydrolyzed or Autolyzed anything! Do Not use artificial sweeteners!! they are very toxic to the brain. Nothing with Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine. Makes pain worse. No to chewing gum, and fluoride toothpaste.
AVOID: packaged food -with preservatives, & chemicals. The burden on our detoxification pathway has been altered making us very sensitive to the exposure of the junk in manufactured, processed food…If God made it, it’s ok. Man made likely garbage.
Vitamin D levels.
Crucial! Vitamin (D3) supplementation is profound if your levels are low.
Mine were low. I take 10,000 IU daily from Thorne Research (excellent quality brand) and just one small Vegetarian capsule! Vitamin D3 is a hormone…very profound need by all. The United States is deficient. The minimum to address deficiencies is 2000 -5000 IU…
Vitamin C IV Drips! This will help the cells with anti-oxidants which is needed for such a great burden of Oxidative stress on the body/hence the pain. Cannot be achieved by oral Vitamin C, (1.5 hours or longer for an IV but well worth it, no joke) Your Cells will love it. Naturopath’s who do IV therapies provide this form of therapeutic care.
Consider purchasing from LIFEWAVE on line the ” Y-AGE Glutathione Patch”.
Helped me tremendously, with fatigue, some kinds of pain, brain alertness, and sense of well being! This is non-trans dermal patch worn on meridian points. Nano- technology raises the glutathione levels within the body. The most powerful necessary anti-oxidant and detoxification that the body utilizes to handle the burden of chemicals/ drugs and i our environment. The body will make more of it’s own. Nothing goes into the body. Instructions will come with it where to place it on your leg or foot or abdomen. They ship all over the world. The guy behind it came out of Nassau. Will be worth you purchasing for approx: $80 US dollars for 30 day supply.
If you become a member the price drops. (You do not have to buy monthly) You can rotate patches. Take off at bedtime or may not fall asleep. The fatigue is because of the high Oxidative stress happening. Counter by doing the mentioned above.
L-Glutamine is very helpful to rebuild the gut lining… however it is extremely deleterious when supplemented for those with GABA & Glutamate issues. WHICH I do also. Same thing with Whey products … which can really be an issue for those with glutamate issues. Glutamic Acid found in many vitamin formulas can also be problematic. ….. I am one of those individuals. I do have, Gaba / glutamate & folate issues, methylation issues. Because of this possibility for others it is best to proceed conservatively with the bio-chemicals that tend to be with the least potential issues.
1) L-Theanine…it can help balance some of the anxiety you are experiencing from lack of Gaba…leaving you with too much Glutamate unopposed. Cipro affects the Gaba receptors in the Brain. 200 mg am – 200mg pm not more than that. I use at bedtime as needed. Purchase L- Theanine Brand that only ingredient is L-Theanine and nothing else. Some brands add Calcium. NO supplemental Calcium should be used.
Do NOT take any “supplemental” CALCIUM. This will make things worse regarding Brain Health – for those of us with Anxiety, feeling tired and wired, lack of calm in our thinking and mood. Wired & tired & pain issues. This also applies to autistic children. What we share in common is an issue with balance between Glutamate & Gaba in the Brain. Will WORSEN NERVE PAIN.
ALSO need to AVOID! MSG, Hydrolyzed or Autolysed Yeast, Natural Flavors. And high glutamate foods like BEETS, Legumes, which will “ramp up” the Glutamate in the Brain without Gaba to oppose it and keep things in check/balance.
2) OMEGA 3 – Fatty Acids. BRAIN – inflammation – “Nordic Naturals” – makes excellent quality brand. Vitamin Shoppe, Amazon, IHERB can buy from on line. Quality matters.
This is also a CNS – Central Nervous System – injury. 3000 mg daily = 2 caps 2x day.
I took a total of 5 per day the first 6 months of injury.
3) Phosphatidylserine –
Helpful for the cell membrane to keep it fluid, and able to absorb and detox waste/Brain needs this too.
God Bless and stay faithful.
Is there any test that show you have levaquin toxins in your body
Good News: I’m finally finding strength in my legs again and not constantly fatigued in the knees from standing still! Not if if it’s the glutathione, magnesium, MitoQ, iodine, or what, but something seems to be working. Hoping to continue to progress to back to who I once was.
Bad News: My girlfriend of a year and a half broke up with me a week ago. I don’t think she can handle the person I have “changed” into anymore. As in, not wanting to go out much and not caring about things I used to. I can see where she came from and respected her decision. I hate what cipro has taken from me but I’m not just trying to focus on healing myself and become a stronger person. If she was the one for me, she would have stuck with me through this storm!
New article published in British Medical Journal (one of the most respected in medicine world wide)
BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Oct 5;2015. pii: bcr2015209821. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-209821.
Fluoroquinolone-induced serious, persistent, multisymptom adverse effects.
Golomb BA1, Koslik HJ1, Redd AJ2.
Author information
We present a case series of four previously healthy, employed adults without significant prior medical history in each of whom symptoms developed while on fluoroquinolones (FQs), with progression that continued following discontinuation evolving to a severe, disabling multisymptom profile variably involving tendinopathy, muscle weakness, peripheral neuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, sleep disorder, cognitive dysfunction and psychiatric disturbance. Physicians and patients should be alert to the potential for FQ-induced severe disabling multisymptom pathology that may persist and progress following FQ use. Known induction by FQs of delayed mitochondrial toxicity provides a compatible mechanism, with symptom profiles (and documented mechanisms of FQ toxicity) compatible with the hypothesis of an exposure-induced mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy.
2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
PMID: 26438672 [PubMed – in process]