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9 years ago
Neurontin and Lyrica are a Death Sentence for New Brain Synapses
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Neurontin and its newer more potent version, Lyrica, are widely used for off-label indications that are an outright flagrant danger to the public. These blockbuster drugs were approved for use even though the FDA had no idea what they actually did in the brain. A shocking new study shows that they block the formation of new brain synapses1, drastically reducing the potential for rejuvenating brain plasticity – meaning that these drugs will cause brain decline faster than any substance known to mankind.
The problem of these drugs is compounded by their flagrant illegal marketing. Neurontin was approved by the FDA for epilepsy back in 1994. The drug underwent massive illegal off-label promotion that cost Warner-Lambert 430 million dollars (the very first big fine for off-label promotion). The drug is now owned by Pfizer. Pfizer also owns Lyrica, a super-potent version of Neurontin. It has been approved by the FDA for various types of pain and fibromyalgia. Lyrica is one of four drugs which a subsidiary of Pfizer illegally marketed, resulting in a $2.3 billion settlement against Pfizer.
Even though the marketing of these drugs has been heavily fined, they continue to rack up billions in sales from the off-label uses. Doctors use them for all manner of nerve issues because they are good at suppressing symptoms. However, such uses can no longer be justified because the actual mechanism of the drugs is finally understood and they are creating a significant long-term reduction in nerve health.
The researchers in the above study try to downplay the serious nature of the drugs by saying “adult neurons don’t form many new synapses.” That is simply not true. The new science is showing that brain health during aging relies on the formation of new synapses. Even these researchers managed to question the common use of these medications in pregnant women. How is a fetus supposed to make new nerve cells when the mother is taking a drug that blocks them?
These are the kind of situations the FDA should be all over. As usual, the FDA is sitting around pondering a suicide warning for Lyrica while its off-label uses include bi-polar disorder and migraine headaches. The FDA is likely to twiddle its thumbs for the next decade on the brain damage issue. Consumer beware.
9 years ago
I wasnon I.V.Levaquin for a wk for pneumonia along with I.V. Cortisone. No one warned me that the 2 are deadly given together. I also was sent home on both drugs in pill form. I was never asked nor told of any adverse effects. The day I came homen I went to go up the stairs, stepping up on my left leg which snappwd and then buckled. I was in terrible pain. I have had every symptom that those drugs cause. I had to have a biopsy of leg was told I had vasculitis. For the last 3 mths. Ive had huge hard swelling on lower legs rt. below my knee causing unbearable pain. Ive been ti pcp, endocrinologist, eye dr., rheumatologist and now a neurologist. I went from being active to sometimes bwdriden and now have to use walker, cane and sometimes a wheelchair. Im trying to find things that might help with the toxicity if anyone can help I would appreciate any suggestions.
9 years ago
PHARMACY comes from the Greek word—Pharmakia which means POISON. Dr.’s tell you anything rather than admit you shouldnt have been given that drug and that could have been toxic with health problems. Dr. is afraid if anything is said there will be consequences.
9 years ago
to jason, i just read the floxie report of 2007. more doom and gloom. it seems that people with very little to moderate reaction after stopping this poison were more likely to deteriorate within a year. you have severe delayed reaction, severe acute. and intermediate reaction. people with muscle spasms and twiching along with neuro issues fared the worst? also listed severe reaction, intermediate reaction and mild. it looks as if i may be looking at a mess according to this report. i counted that i had about 21 symptoms not including the itching , prickling, tingling and stabbing pains and spasms. can you please interpret this report for me. i fall under severe and intermediate according to this report. is this report still valid today? still have bone popping and buzzing noises in my hands. thanks dan.
To fellow floxies out there (I was floxed 7 years ago, and still suffer PN’s and other symptoms)…I have a theory about the mechanism of being floxed that has to do with Mercury, especially mercury “silver” amalgam fillings in teeth. As a start, I would appreciate anyone that has been floxed to simply reply with either “I have mercury “silver” amalgam fillings (and how many, and for how many years)” or “I don’t have any mercury amalgams”.
FYI, personally, I have 11 teeth with 15 total mercury amalgams for over 30 years.
9 years ago
thanks for your comments, linda and debs.
9 years ago
Hi Linda,
Just wanted to say a massive thanks for your amazing work, and will be implementing some of your principles over the next few weeks.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
I am having an horrendous time right now but don’t know really know what the mechanism is behind it. ?due to 2 small applications of zacin cream. Now in trash bin.
Another victim. Another human guinea pig.
dear debs, what are your symptoms now? my tendon issues are getting worse as far as spreading but the pain seems the same. i am 10 weeks in. i keep expecting the worst. this drug can hit you more so later. the next day after stopping drug i had chills, severe ithing of foot and spasms. the next day my joint in my knee hurt but tolerable. i had all the classic symptoms, electrical shocks at night, flashing while eyes closed,frequent urination, leg swelling but no swelling, legs like there going to give way,numbness, nightmares. all have seemed to pass but the neuro symptoms stared 3 weeks later and revolving tendon pain.this drug has not given me peace. i am scared because by now i thougt it would be getting better. i did notice neck craCkling while on it i should have stopped it. thanks dan.
9 years ago
Hello Debs
Thanks for sharing your thoughts regarding Brenda’s question. I took cipro in 2013 and as usual not a doctor wanted to associate cipro with my symptoms. I immediately had joint pain after taking only 2 pills. Immediately had blood tests and inflammation markets through the roof. Referred to 3 different rheumys. 2 out of 3 said RA. The other said he simply didn’t know what it was and basically told me he wasn’t going to prescribe any meds because he didn’t want to cause me further harm if it’s not RA. I haven’t had any blood work to test for inflammation at this point. I know that I didn’t go to bed one night feeling perfectly fine and then wake up the next morning with RA. At this point I refuse to label myself because I know that cipro caused me pain when in fact I didn’t have any. I’ve also communicated with other people who took cipro who said that they eventually found out that they were misdiagnosed with a RA diagnosis.
Lynda Smith
9 years ago
Hello fellow floxies:
I first posted my story months ago after having been floxed on March 13, 2015. I am still experiencing multiple symptoms, some severe. I never consulted with a specialist, such as a naturopath, nor received IV glutathione or any of the many alternative treatments out there which might be of help. I simply take the recommended supplements, not knowing if they are helping or not. Before that date, I was active, dancing every day at an advanced level; I am 73, in pain, now walk with a cane, and am virtually housebound, except for food shopping. I am so grateful to Lisa and for the wonderful information provided on this site about fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome or (per the FDA) fluoroquinolone associated disability. What has prompted this posting is that for over forty years, I have suffered from constipation, becoming increasingly more severe especially in the last five years. Additionally, I have been hospitalized three times for a small bowel obstruction. Now this is what is odd: as of March 13, 2015, the day I was floxed, the constipation has totally resolved without medications, diet change, or treatment of any kind. I first noticed this change on March 16, 2015, the day of my last 500 mg pill (ciprofloxacin). To test the water, I withdrew the supplements I was taking for a month (to see if that is what made the difference) and still no constipation. As we all know too well, no good can come from taking something so bad such as a fluoroquinolone. But I, nonetheless, wanted to put this out there as it may be that the cipro negatively altered my gastrointestinal tract without my being aware, and regularity was an unexpected but positive outcome. Has anyone had anything change for the better after having been floxed as has happened to me?
9 years ago
I was dreading ever getting a cold or the flu, afraid my body would not be able to fend it off. Well, Monday evening I realized I had the flu. I had been advised to have some Oscillococcinum on hand, which I did. I have been taking that as well as oil of oregano a few times a day. Here it is midday Wednesday, and it is definitely going away. Yea immune system!
Hey, everyone who can’t get glutathione IVs or shots…or basically ANY floxie. I was just reading about how turmeric boots your ability to increase your own glutathione levels. (And it also helps with depression and helps fight inflammation) so good to supplement with (or get the real deal)
9 years ago
Heading into my 30th birthday (feb) and 2 years 7 months into the medicine I’m really losing the interest to fight anymore. The latest symptom happened 2.5 months ago and hasn’t gone away for even one day. My one out was sleeping, but the new symptom has ruined that. I now get extreme dry mouth every day and the nights are horrible to say the least. I was asleep 1.5 hours tonight before I woke up with a dry mouth. It feels like candle wax on my mouth and I can’t seem to stop it or get it to go away ever. Dry mouth rinse doesn’t help at all, nothing does. My teeth feel nasty daily whether I brush them or not. This is seemingly the last straw in a long list of debilitating symptoms.
Life has lost meaning. It’s all about trying to minimize suffering these days. I still have my blocked nostril from two years ago that doesn’t allow air to pass through. My nose is mostly for show these days. My breathing is the shallowest I’ve ever felt it and I can take in more air than I can ever get out. There are so many other issues, but if you can never sleep nor breathe easily, they are of little consequence.
9 years ago
Hi everybody
Have anybody had an mri or brain scan that showed to little cerebrospinal liquid in The brain? I have had an brain scan now, that showed to little liquid. My doctor said that this is not dangerous, but i wonder? The liquid is Their to protect the brain.Maybe Thats why i have headpressure, ear pressure, pressure in my nose, in my teeth, and numbness and tingling in The whole head. Also have pressure in my spine and back now, have anybody had the same?
9 years ago
Does anyone know if there is a way to Private Message (PM) on this site? There are occasionally ideas I have for people, but I would want to PM them with personal questions first that they may or may not want to share. I would be nice if it were possible to do that… Anyone know how to PM?
Shelly bean
9 years ago
My blood test show a slightly elevated mag level 2.3 the high end of the range is 2.2. Are these good test for mag. I don’t want to overdose but the mag gel makes my joints feel better
Neurontin and Lyrica are a Death Sentence for New Brain Synapses
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Neurontin and its newer more potent version, Lyrica, are widely used for off-label indications that are an outright flagrant danger to the public. These blockbuster drugs were approved for use even though the FDA had no idea what they actually did in the brain. A shocking new study shows that they block the formation of new brain synapses1, drastically reducing the potential for rejuvenating brain plasticity – meaning that these drugs will cause brain decline faster than any substance known to mankind.
The problem of these drugs is compounded by their flagrant illegal marketing. Neurontin was approved by the FDA for epilepsy back in 1994. The drug underwent massive illegal off-label promotion that cost Warner-Lambert 430 million dollars (the very first big fine for off-label promotion). The drug is now owned by Pfizer. Pfizer also owns Lyrica, a super-potent version of Neurontin. It has been approved by the FDA for various types of pain and fibromyalgia. Lyrica is one of four drugs which a subsidiary of Pfizer illegally marketed, resulting in a $2.3 billion settlement against Pfizer.
Even though the marketing of these drugs has been heavily fined, they continue to rack up billions in sales from the off-label uses. Doctors use them for all manner of nerve issues because they are good at suppressing symptoms. However, such uses can no longer be justified because the actual mechanism of the drugs is finally understood and they are creating a significant long-term reduction in nerve health.
The researchers in the above study try to downplay the serious nature of the drugs by saying “adult neurons don’t form many new synapses.” That is simply not true. The new science is showing that brain health during aging relies on the formation of new synapses. Even these researchers managed to question the common use of these medications in pregnant women. How is a fetus supposed to make new nerve cells when the mother is taking a drug that blocks them?
These are the kind of situations the FDA should be all over. As usual, the FDA is sitting around pondering a suicide warning for Lyrica while its off-label uses include bi-polar disorder and migraine headaches. The FDA is likely to twiddle its thumbs for the next decade on the brain damage issue. Consumer beware.
I wasnon I.V.Levaquin for a wk for pneumonia along with I.V. Cortisone. No one warned me that the 2 are deadly given together. I also was sent home on both drugs in pill form. I was never asked nor told of any adverse effects. The day I came homen I went to go up the stairs, stepping up on my left leg which snappwd and then buckled. I was in terrible pain. I have had every symptom that those drugs cause. I had to have a biopsy of leg was told I had vasculitis. For the last 3 mths. Ive had huge hard swelling on lower legs rt. below my knee causing unbearable pain. Ive been ti pcp, endocrinologist, eye dr., rheumatologist and now a neurologist. I went from being active to sometimes bwdriden and now have to use walker, cane and sometimes a wheelchair. Im trying to find things that might help with the toxicity if anyone can help I would appreciate any suggestions.
PHARMACY comes from the Greek word—Pharmakia which means POISON. Dr.’s tell you anything rather than admit you shouldnt have been given that drug and that could have been toxic with health problems. Dr. is afraid if anything is said there will be consequences.
to jason, i just read the floxie report of 2007. more doom and gloom. it seems that people with very little to moderate reaction after stopping this poison were more likely to deteriorate within a year. you have severe delayed reaction, severe acute. and intermediate reaction. people with muscle spasms and twiching along with neuro issues fared the worst? also listed severe reaction, intermediate reaction and mild. it looks as if i may be looking at a mess according to this report. i counted that i had about 21 symptoms not including the itching , prickling, tingling and stabbing pains and spasms. can you please interpret this report for me. i fall under severe and intermediate according to this report. is this report still valid today? still have bone popping and buzzing noises in my hands. thanks dan.
and or twiching symptoms fare the worst.
To fellow floxies out there (I was floxed 7 years ago, and still suffer PN’s and other symptoms)…I have a theory about the mechanism of being floxed that has to do with Mercury, especially mercury “silver” amalgam fillings in teeth. As a start, I would appreciate anyone that has been floxed to simply reply with either “I have mercury “silver” amalgam fillings (and how many, and for how many years)” or “I don’t have any mercury amalgams”.
FYI, personally, I have 11 teeth with 15 total mercury amalgams for over 30 years.
thanks for your comments, linda and debs.
Hi Linda,
Just wanted to say a massive thanks for your amazing work, and will be implementing some of your principles over the next few weeks.
I am having an horrendous time right now but don’t know really know what the mechanism is behind it. ?due to 2 small applications of zacin cream. Now in trash bin.
Another victim. Another human guinea pig.
dear debs, what are your symptoms now? my tendon issues are getting worse as far as spreading but the pain seems the same. i am 10 weeks in. i keep expecting the worst. this drug can hit you more so later. the next day after stopping drug i had chills, severe ithing of foot and spasms. the next day my joint in my knee hurt but tolerable. i had all the classic symptoms, electrical shocks at night, flashing while eyes closed,frequent urination, leg swelling but no swelling, legs like there going to give way,numbness, nightmares. all have seemed to pass but the neuro symptoms stared 3 weeks later and revolving tendon pain.this drug has not given me peace. i am scared because by now i thougt it would be getting better. i did notice neck craCkling while on it i should have stopped it. thanks dan.
Hello Debs
Thanks for sharing your thoughts regarding Brenda’s question. I took cipro in 2013 and as usual not a doctor wanted to associate cipro with my symptoms. I immediately had joint pain after taking only 2 pills. Immediately had blood tests and inflammation markets through the roof. Referred to 3 different rheumys. 2 out of 3 said RA. The other said he simply didn’t know what it was and basically told me he wasn’t going to prescribe any meds because he didn’t want to cause me further harm if it’s not RA. I haven’t had any blood work to test for inflammation at this point. I know that I didn’t go to bed one night feeling perfectly fine and then wake up the next morning with RA. At this point I refuse to label myself because I know that cipro caused me pain when in fact I didn’t have any. I’ve also communicated with other people who took cipro who said that they eventually found out that they were misdiagnosed with a RA diagnosis.
Hello fellow floxies:
I first posted my story months ago after having been floxed on March 13, 2015. I am still experiencing multiple symptoms, some severe. I never consulted with a specialist, such as a naturopath, nor received IV glutathione or any of the many alternative treatments out there which might be of help. I simply take the recommended supplements, not knowing if they are helping or not. Before that date, I was active, dancing every day at an advanced level; I am 73, in pain, now walk with a cane, and am virtually housebound, except for food shopping. I am so grateful to Lisa and for the wonderful information provided on this site about fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome or (per the FDA) fluoroquinolone associated disability. What has prompted this posting is that for over forty years, I have suffered from constipation, becoming increasingly more severe especially in the last five years. Additionally, I have been hospitalized three times for a small bowel obstruction. Now this is what is odd: as of March 13, 2015, the day I was floxed, the constipation has totally resolved without medications, diet change, or treatment of any kind. I first noticed this change on March 16, 2015, the day of my last 500 mg pill (ciprofloxacin). To test the water, I withdrew the supplements I was taking for a month (to see if that is what made the difference) and still no constipation. As we all know too well, no good can come from taking something so bad such as a fluoroquinolone. But I, nonetheless, wanted to put this out there as it may be that the cipro negatively altered my gastrointestinal tract without my being aware, and regularity was an unexpected but positive outcome. Has anyone had anything change for the better after having been floxed as has happened to me?
I was dreading ever getting a cold or the flu, afraid my body would not be able to fend it off. Well, Monday evening I realized I had the flu. I had been advised to have some Oscillococcinum on hand, which I did. I have been taking that as well as oil of oregano a few times a day. Here it is midday Wednesday, and it is definitely going away. Yea immune system!
does anyone know anything about l-theanine? dan.
Hey, everyone who can’t get glutathione IVs or shots…or basically ANY floxie. I was just reading about how turmeric boots your ability to increase your own glutathione levels. (And it also helps with depression and helps fight inflammation) so good to supplement with (or get the real deal)
Heading into my 30th birthday (feb) and 2 years 7 months into the medicine I’m really losing the interest to fight anymore. The latest symptom happened 2.5 months ago and hasn’t gone away for even one day. My one out was sleeping, but the new symptom has ruined that. I now get extreme dry mouth every day and the nights are horrible to say the least. I was asleep 1.5 hours tonight before I woke up with a dry mouth. It feels like candle wax on my mouth and I can’t seem to stop it or get it to go away ever. Dry mouth rinse doesn’t help at all, nothing does. My teeth feel nasty daily whether I brush them or not. This is seemingly the last straw in a long list of debilitating symptoms.
Life has lost meaning. It’s all about trying to minimize suffering these days. I still have my blocked nostril from two years ago that doesn’t allow air to pass through. My nose is mostly for show these days. My breathing is the shallowest I’ve ever felt it and I can take in more air than I can ever get out. There are so many other issues, but if you can never sleep nor breathe easily, they are of little consequence.
Hi everybody
Have anybody had an mri or brain scan that showed to little cerebrospinal liquid in The brain? I have had an brain scan now, that showed to little liquid. My doctor said that this is not dangerous, but i wonder? The liquid is Their to protect the brain.Maybe Thats why i have headpressure, ear pressure, pressure in my nose, in my teeth, and numbness and tingling in The whole head. Also have pressure in my spine and back now, have anybody had the same?
Does anyone know if there is a way to Private Message (PM) on this site? There are occasionally ideas I have for people, but I would want to PM them with personal questions first that they may or may not want to share. I would be nice if it were possible to do that… Anyone know how to PM?
My blood test show a slightly elevated mag level 2.3 the high end of the range is 2.2. Are these good test for mag. I don’t want to overdose but the mag gel makes my joints feel better