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9 years ago
Okay Folks, along with these VERY important Gut seminars, there are also a LOT of great books out there that can teach you the importance of the Gut, and what can be done to heal a damaged Gut etc. (which will help a great many heal from being “FLOXED” IMO)
One such book, is called, “The Good Gut”. In it, there is a chapter called, “Eat shit & Live”.
I’m not kidding, that is what it is called. I think people need to pay attention to this chapter to see the true gravity of the situation here that Floxies have found themselves in. This is going to be a LONG quote, because it is of CRITICAL importance, especially for those people who are having trouble healing. (and it includes a study of CIPRO damage to GUT)
ANTIBIOTICS – THE INDISCRIMINATE KILLER – “Antibiotic” literally means “against life.”
David Relman and Les Dethlefsen, two of our colleagues at Stanford University, were curious about what would happen to the microbiota after multiple rounds of the potent antibiotic ciprofloxacin (trade name CIPRO). Its mechanism of action is to inhibit a microbe’s ability to replicate its DNA, effectively keeping bacteria from proliferating. Because Cipro is broad spectrum, it is active against most types of bacteria, both infection-causing bacteria AND the friendly, mutualistic type living in the gut. David and Les wanted to determine how damaging a FIVE DAY course of Cipro would be to the microbiota, and whether it would fully recover.
Microbial abundance and diversity in the test subjects’ guts PLUMMETED RAPIDLY upon starting antibiotics. There were TEN TO A HUNDRED TIMES LESS GUT BACTERIA after Cipro treatment, and the surviving community was MUCH less diverse than before. The microbiota was also significantly reorganized, with bacterial species that collectively made up 25 percent to 50 percent of the TOTAL organisms in the gut NEARLY WIPED OUT. These results should not be that surprising, although the scale of microbiota damage was even larger than many had feared it would be. Despite how critical our resident microbes are for health, there is still widespread (and often relaxed) use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, partly owing to the belief that the microbiota can regrow. But is the assumption that beneficial microbes can stage a comeback and repopulate correct? Not exactly. A few weeks after the Cipro treatment, one subject’s microbiota recovered to the pre-antibiotic state. The other two were not so resilient. One individual had a near complete recovery but still harbored visible antibiotic-induced damage. The third subject’s microbiota was struggling to regain its pre-antibiotic composition even two months after the Cipro treatment had ended.
Many microbiotas have to endure multiple antibiotic exposures, often within a single year, so Relman and Dethlefsen tested what happens to these same individuals after a second round of Cipro. From the microbiota’s perspective, the damage was even more severe. Following the second course of antibiotics, again bacterial abundance decreased, the community shifted in composition, and diversity took a hit, just as it had after the first Cipro treatment. BUT this time none of the individuals escaped unharmed. All three test subjects had visible, LASTING Cipro-induced damage to their microbiota, even TWO MONTHS after the antibiotics were stopped. None of the study participants reported any gastrointestinal symptoms, despite the massive reorganization that was occurring in their gut. Clearly, symptoms are not a reliable gauge of how much damage the microbiota sustains from antibiotics. Much of this damage can take several weeks to repair and there are some species of bacteria that may never fully recover.
Antibiotic use is one of the biggest risk factors for infection by C. difficile, a bacterial pathogen that can cause severe diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. Taking a round of antibiotics is like setting our microbial ecosystems ablaze. As in the aftermath of a forest fire, close inspection will show that while a few things survive, overall the landscape changes dramatically. After the fire, new seedlings that might not previously have had the space or resources to grow can now take hold. Some of these fledgling plants may be productive and healthy members of the rebuilding ecosystem, like mutualistic bacteria, but others may be invasive and detrimental, like pathogenic bacteria. C. difficile is responsible for the death of approximately fourteen thousand Americans each year; currently another ten times that number are battling C. difficile infections.
Until recently, the treatment for recurrent C. difficile infection was more antibiotics—the equivalent of lighting a second forest fire. In 2013, a group of scientists and physicians at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam set out to test the idea that an infusion of beneficial bacteria could stop the vicious cycle of recurrent C. difficile infection. They performed a randomized, controlled clinical trial in which individuals with recurrent C. difficile infection were treated either with antibiotics alone or antibiotics followed by a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), also known as bacteriotherapy or stool transplant. After a single FMT an astounding 81 percent of these recurrent infections were cured, compared to the 31 percent cure rate in the group that tried another round of antibiotics alone. A second FMT was performed on the remaining 19 percent of nonresponders and the overall cure rate climbed to 94 percent. This cure rate was so high that the researchers felt it was unethical to continue the study and abruptly terminated it and offered FMTs to all the participants.
I think this info, read carefully, speaks for itself (those numbers are staggering), and the conclusion is pretty obvious too. I just mentioned FMT back on page 43 of these pages yesterday, because I believe that some people’s GUT’s are probably too severely damaged to be helped by things like Probiotics, Kefir, Colostrum etc, but it does make sense I think to try these kinds of things first along with other Antifungals, clean strict diet etc.
9 years ago
Jason that was VERY interesting and informative. I remember months ago reading on this and telling my husband he was gonna be my donor. And of course he thought I was crazy. But I was really serious. and I totally forgot all about it. If the Colostrum doesn’t whined up be my cure, I will definitely ask my ND about it. Actual I have an appointment this Tuesday and I’m gonna ask if its available around here just in case. Thank you
9 years ago
This is actually pretty close to my sarcastic comment of eating “cat turds”. Lol, point being- WHATEVER WORKS!!!
I”ll definitely try it if I have to (still hoping and praying the Colostrum works).
Thank you for this information and always posting to try and help all of us even though you are better. You are better aren’t you?
9 years ago
Well, I’m GLAD to hear that you’re 95-96% better, that’s great news. But ever lingering gut issues is not so great news.
The FMT sounds like a FAST and EASY way to handle this nightmare,but I’m not sure if it would heal your gut if it was leaky?? It sounds as though it just repopulates gut flora? Any info on this would be great.
Anyhow, the internet is AMAZING!! I’ve found out so much information about soo many health things since I’ve been sick. But the main thing I learned is that all the doctors I’ve worked with are absolutely clueless to so many things which is truly scary. I have 6 kids I’m trying to get this across to and 2 of them are in nursing school, so they think I’m just off the deep end which that scares me even more.
Oh well Jason, I’m gonna be going to bed, but I appreciate all you’re doing. Thank you.
P.S. I had to have my teenage daughter tell me what YW was. 🙂
9 years ago
Oh Jason,
I just had to comment before I fell asleep– I’m so glad you ordered the Colostrum because you sound like you are almost healed, but you just need a little extra push.
I pray that it gets you to the 100% you have been working so hard for
I’ll be praying for you and all of us. Good night 🙂
9 years ago
Has any had jaw pain.
9 years ago
Well,today is seven days on the Colostrum, and yesterday I started to get a little more of my symptoms trying to come back, but still waay better than before.
Anyhow, I started using the Colostrum more, like every 3-4 hrs. @ 1 Tblsp and it’s keeping everything away!
I was using it 3x’s a day, but I think I’m gonna stay at this amount .
Just letting everyone know what’s going on and what I’m doing.
9 years ago
Hi Tom,
I’m not sure if what I had in my arms and legs was NP. I had numbness and tingling and the sensation of a heavy wet mop or heavy strings pulling across my face, arms, and legs.
As for diastolic dysfunction, in the beginning (20 mos. ago) my heart was out of control, I was even admitted to the hospital and on the heart floor for a couple of days with extremely high blood pressure, high resting heart rate, and postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS).I couldn’t walk across the room without fainting. It was horrifying. They put me on H/B meds, Salt tablets and I can’t remember, but I thought there was something else?
Anyhow, I had extreme reactions to all the meds, and I took myself off of them all,so my heart doctor mailed me a letter stating he could know longer be my doctor. I suffered through all that with the help from Valuim,which later (about 2 mos.) turned toxic on me. I think it’s called Paradoxical Effect. where it does the opposite of what it’s suppose to do-I was racing out of my mind.
My B/P issues changed to way too low and heart rate way too high, and I still deal with that today. BUT, yesterday, I took my pressure and it was 120/79 and H/R 80, these are the best numbers I’ve had since being sick. which before they averaged 94/58 H/R high 90’s.
Also, I’m gonna post that I think the first Colostrum I tried (Immune-Tree 6) was better than the Sovereign Labs. I been trying to test to see, and today I’ve decided that now I know it is definitely better (for me anyhow). And by the way I’m still having absolutely amazing results.
Hope this helps 🙂
9 years ago
Hi ChristmasCarla, I’m so glad you tried it, and I pray it helps you as much as it’s helping me. And yea, it was totally unbelievable the results I had in three days!!
Please keep posting your results, and Good Luck, I hope we receive our LONG AWAITED HEALING!!!
9 years ago
I just wanted to post to let you all know that I think the first Colostrum I tried (Immune-Tree 6) is definitely better. My symptoms were stronger and more frequent when I was using the Sovereign Labs (but still waay better),I’ve been testing each to see. So If you already purchased the Sovereign Labs I’m sure you will get results, but on your next purchase, if I were you, I’d get the Immune-Tree 6.
Please don’t get frustrated because I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m just trying to figure this out as I go and in a very public way. Also I’m trying to post as soon as I can with any new info.
I was reading that we need some dairy for mucus membrane health… thinking that may be why the dry mouth, eyes etc…my thoughts on this.
9 years ago
Now im starting to really freak out. My nails has ridges on fingernails, and starting to crack. Is this really normal? 🙁
9 years ago
I just wanted to give everybody an update after using colostrum as recommended by joanneg. I’ve been on a very strict paleo diet, avoiding all food allergies, drinking reverse osmosis water, taking every known supplement known to man, and heavily supplementing with magnesium for the last 5 weeks. I’ve honestly lived a perfect life as far as health goes. I would say that I recovered about 20% by taking those steps. After taking the colostrum, I have improved to about 75% in just 3 days. My problems for the last 16 months have been primarily muscular and I’ve been able to feel my muscles get warm after taking the colostrum. They are stretching again and not as “crunchy” for lack of a better term. They’re also not constantly in spasm. The remaining pain seems to be due to muscles that are extremely tight after not being used properly for over a year. Each day those also seem to be loosening up. I’m praying this isn’t too good to be true, but so far so good. I’ll keep people updated with my progress moving forward. Thank you, Joanne.
Tom Marsella, Fresno
9 years ago
Joanneg : Your vertigo gone now since colostrum? -Tom
Tom Marsella, Fresno . .
9 years ago
Joanneg : that’s encouraging because I have to sleep on my back with my pillows fluffed up in an almost set up position. I just started colostrum yesterday. While waiting for the sovereign Labs powder I’m using colostrum lozenges made by immune tree 6 carried by a nearby store here in Fresno.-Tom
Bruce Brannan
9 years ago
I have been fighting sinus problem for a few weeks with Nelimed Sinus Flush and Colloidal Silver. At first it seemed that it would do the job but now it seems to be getting worse. Any more suggestions???
9 years ago
It amazes me that I’m so focused on the levaquin and all its issues, but I often fail to think about how I took the levaquin and then less than a week later, was put in a steroid.
I continue to read the tips here, but am not finding any solutions. To those who asked, I have not gotten the IVs. I don’t have insurance right now and I can’t afford them I’m sure. I also haven’t found a good homeopathic doctor here in NW Ohio yet.
How’s everyone else doing? Any positive improvements?
Bruce Brannan
9 years ago
Is Sulfamethoxazole a good option for an antibiotic???
9 years ago
Or, if it is a UTI, there is a naturopathic protocol for that using d-mannose, herb pharm urinary system support, high doses of vitamin C and vitamin A. An ND can give exact formula.
9 years ago
Hey everyone. Here’s a few things that helped me in the last 4 months. Just so you know, I lost 30 lbs in about 3 weeks. I couldn’t get warm. I had blurred vison, horrible memory loss, I couldn’t spell, I had deep depression, very low temp., pain in all my tendons, rib and chest pain, muscle spasms, 5-6 stomach ulcers, and I really did think I was going to die at the age of 43. I met with a functional medicine doctor who also does acupuncture. She put me on an elimination diet, did acupuncture, and helped me with my supplements. I took a lot of Epsom salt baths, took vitamin d3, a multi vitamin, vitamin c, magnesium taurate, fish oil and recently started taking colostrum capsules. If you would have seen me 3 months ago, you would have thought I was going to die. Just know that you will get better. I don’t think I would be anywhere near where I’m at today without the help of my functional medical doctor. I also use preservative free eye drops for dry eyes and Biotene mouthwash for dry mouth. I hope this helps someone. I know how you feel and it’s OK to be scared. Just make sure you have someone to talk to, and take good care of yourself. Stay hydrated, and put some faith in the man upstairs.
Okay Folks, along with these VERY important Gut seminars, there are also a LOT of great books out there that can teach you the importance of the Gut, and what can be done to heal a damaged Gut etc. (which will help a great many heal from being “FLOXED” IMO)
One such book, is called, “The Good Gut”. In it, there is a chapter called, “Eat shit & Live”.
I’m not kidding, that is what it is called. I think people need to pay attention to this chapter to see the true gravity of the situation here that Floxies have found themselves in. This is going to be a LONG quote, because it is of CRITICAL importance, especially for those people who are having trouble healing. (and it includes a study of CIPRO damage to GUT)
ANTIBIOTICS – THE INDISCRIMINATE KILLER – “Antibiotic” literally means “against life.”
David Relman and Les Dethlefsen, two of our colleagues at Stanford University, were curious about what would happen to the microbiota after multiple rounds of the potent antibiotic ciprofloxacin (trade name CIPRO). Its mechanism of action is to inhibit a microbe’s ability to replicate its DNA, effectively keeping bacteria from proliferating. Because Cipro is broad spectrum, it is active against most types of bacteria, both infection-causing bacteria AND the friendly, mutualistic type living in the gut. David and Les wanted to determine how damaging a FIVE DAY course of Cipro would be to the microbiota, and whether it would fully recover.
Microbial abundance and diversity in the test subjects’ guts PLUMMETED RAPIDLY upon starting antibiotics. There were TEN TO A HUNDRED TIMES LESS GUT BACTERIA after Cipro treatment, and the surviving community was MUCH less diverse than before. The microbiota was also significantly reorganized, with bacterial species that collectively made up 25 percent to 50 percent of the TOTAL organisms in the gut NEARLY WIPED OUT. These results should not be that surprising, although the scale of microbiota damage was even larger than many had feared it would be. Despite how critical our resident microbes are for health, there is still widespread (and often relaxed) use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, partly owing to the belief that the microbiota can regrow. But is the assumption that beneficial microbes can stage a comeback and repopulate correct? Not exactly. A few weeks after the Cipro treatment, one subject’s microbiota recovered to the pre-antibiotic state. The other two were not so resilient. One individual had a near complete recovery but still harbored visible antibiotic-induced damage. The third subject’s microbiota was struggling to regain its pre-antibiotic composition even two months after the Cipro treatment had ended.
Many microbiotas have to endure multiple antibiotic exposures, often within a single year, so Relman and Dethlefsen tested what happens to these same individuals after a second round of Cipro. From the microbiota’s perspective, the damage was even more severe. Following the second course of antibiotics, again bacterial abundance decreased, the community shifted in composition, and diversity took a hit, just as it had after the first Cipro treatment. BUT this time none of the individuals escaped unharmed. All three test subjects had visible, LASTING Cipro-induced damage to their microbiota, even TWO MONTHS after the antibiotics were stopped. None of the study participants reported any gastrointestinal symptoms, despite the massive reorganization that was occurring in their gut. Clearly, symptoms are not a reliable gauge of how much damage the microbiota sustains from antibiotics. Much of this damage can take several weeks to repair and there are some species of bacteria that may never fully recover.
Antibiotic use is one of the biggest risk factors for infection by C. difficile, a bacterial pathogen that can cause severe diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. Taking a round of antibiotics is like setting our microbial ecosystems ablaze. As in the aftermath of a forest fire, close inspection will show that while a few things survive, overall the landscape changes dramatically. After the fire, new seedlings that might not previously have had the space or resources to grow can now take hold. Some of these fledgling plants may be productive and healthy members of the rebuilding ecosystem, like mutualistic bacteria, but others may be invasive and detrimental, like pathogenic bacteria. C. difficile is responsible for the death of approximately fourteen thousand Americans each year; currently another ten times that number are battling C. difficile infections.
Until recently, the treatment for recurrent C. difficile infection was more antibiotics—the equivalent of lighting a second forest fire. In 2013, a group of scientists and physicians at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam set out to test the idea that an infusion of beneficial bacteria could stop the vicious cycle of recurrent C. difficile infection. They performed a randomized, controlled clinical trial in which individuals with recurrent C. difficile infection were treated either with antibiotics alone or antibiotics followed by a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), also known as bacteriotherapy or stool transplant. After a single FMT an astounding 81 percent of these recurrent infections were cured, compared to the 31 percent cure rate in the group that tried another round of antibiotics alone. A second FMT was performed on the remaining 19 percent of nonresponders and the overall cure rate climbed to 94 percent. This cure rate was so high that the researchers felt it was unethical to continue the study and abruptly terminated it and offered FMTs to all the participants.
I think this info, read carefully, speaks for itself (those numbers are staggering), and the conclusion is pretty obvious too. I just mentioned FMT back on page 43 of these pages yesterday, because I believe that some people’s GUT’s are probably too severely damaged to be helped by things like Probiotics, Kefir, Colostrum etc, but it does make sense I think to try these kinds of things first along with other Antifungals, clean strict diet etc.
Jason that was VERY interesting and informative. I remember months ago reading on this and telling my husband he was gonna be my donor. And of course he thought I was crazy. But I was really serious. and I totally forgot all about it. If the Colostrum doesn’t whined up be my cure, I will definitely ask my ND about it. Actual I have an appointment this Tuesday and I’m gonna ask if its available around here just in case. Thank you
This is actually pretty close to my sarcastic comment of eating “cat turds”. Lol, point being- WHATEVER WORKS!!!
I”ll definitely try it if I have to (still hoping and praying the Colostrum works).
Thank you for this information and always posting to try and help all of us even though you are better. You are better aren’t you?
Well, I’m GLAD to hear that you’re 95-96% better, that’s great news. But ever lingering gut issues is not so great news.
The FMT sounds like a FAST and EASY way to handle this nightmare,but I’m not sure if it would heal your gut if it was leaky?? It sounds as though it just repopulates gut flora? Any info on this would be great.
Anyhow, the internet is AMAZING!! I’ve found out so much information about soo many health things since I’ve been sick. But the main thing I learned is that all the doctors I’ve worked with are absolutely clueless to so many things which is truly scary. I have 6 kids I’m trying to get this across to and 2 of them are in nursing school, so they think I’m just off the deep end which that scares me even more.
Oh well Jason, I’m gonna be going to bed, but I appreciate all you’re doing. Thank you.
P.S. I had to have my teenage daughter tell me what YW was. 🙂
Oh Jason,
I just had to comment before I fell asleep– I’m so glad you ordered the Colostrum because you sound like you are almost healed, but you just need a little extra push.
I pray that it gets you to the 100% you have been working so hard for
I’ll be praying for you and all of us. Good night 🙂
Has any had jaw pain.
Well,today is seven days on the Colostrum, and yesterday I started to get a little more of my symptoms trying to come back, but still waay better than before.
Anyhow, I started using the Colostrum more, like every 3-4 hrs. @ 1 Tblsp and it’s keeping everything away!
I was using it 3x’s a day, but I think I’m gonna stay at this amount .
Just letting everyone know what’s going on and what I’m doing.
Hi Tom,
I’m not sure if what I had in my arms and legs was NP. I had numbness and tingling and the sensation of a heavy wet mop or heavy strings pulling across my face, arms, and legs.
As for diastolic dysfunction, in the beginning (20 mos. ago) my heart was out of control, I was even admitted to the hospital and on the heart floor for a couple of days with extremely high blood pressure, high resting heart rate, and postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS).I couldn’t walk across the room without fainting. It was horrifying. They put me on H/B meds, Salt tablets and I can’t remember, but I thought there was something else?
Anyhow, I had extreme reactions to all the meds, and I took myself off of them all,so my heart doctor mailed me a letter stating he could know longer be my doctor. I suffered through all that with the help from Valuim,which later (about 2 mos.) turned toxic on me. I think it’s called Paradoxical Effect. where it does the opposite of what it’s suppose to do-I was racing out of my mind.
My B/P issues changed to way too low and heart rate way too high, and I still deal with that today. BUT, yesterday, I took my pressure and it was 120/79 and H/R 80, these are the best numbers I’ve had since being sick. which before they averaged 94/58 H/R high 90’s.
Also, I’m gonna post that I think the first Colostrum I tried (Immune-Tree 6) was better than the Sovereign Labs. I been trying to test to see, and today I’ve decided that now I know it is definitely better (for me anyhow). And by the way I’m still having absolutely amazing results.
Hope this helps 🙂
Hi ChristmasCarla, I’m so glad you tried it, and I pray it helps you as much as it’s helping me. And yea, it was totally unbelievable the results I had in three days!!
Please keep posting your results, and Good Luck, I hope we receive our LONG AWAITED HEALING!!!
I just wanted to post to let you all know that I think the first Colostrum I tried (Immune-Tree 6) is definitely better. My symptoms were stronger and more frequent when I was using the Sovereign Labs (but still waay better),I’ve been testing each to see. So If you already purchased the Sovereign Labs I’m sure you will get results, but on your next purchase, if I were you, I’d get the Immune-Tree 6.
Please don’t get frustrated because I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m just trying to figure this out as I go and in a very public way. Also I’m trying to post as soon as I can with any new info.
Thanks and Good Luck 🙂
I was reading that we need some dairy for mucus membrane health… thinking that may be why the dry mouth, eyes etc…my thoughts on this.
Now im starting to really freak out. My nails has ridges on fingernails, and starting to crack. Is this really normal? 🙁
I just wanted to give everybody an update after using colostrum as recommended by joanneg. I’ve been on a very strict paleo diet, avoiding all food allergies, drinking reverse osmosis water, taking every known supplement known to man, and heavily supplementing with magnesium for the last 5 weeks. I’ve honestly lived a perfect life as far as health goes. I would say that I recovered about 20% by taking those steps. After taking the colostrum, I have improved to about 75% in just 3 days. My problems for the last 16 months have been primarily muscular and I’ve been able to feel my muscles get warm after taking the colostrum. They are stretching again and not as “crunchy” for lack of a better term. They’re also not constantly in spasm. The remaining pain seems to be due to muscles that are extremely tight after not being used properly for over a year. Each day those also seem to be loosening up. I’m praying this isn’t too good to be true, but so far so good. I’ll keep people updated with my progress moving forward. Thank you, Joanne.
Joanneg : Your vertigo gone now since colostrum? -Tom
Joanneg : that’s encouraging because I have to sleep on my back with my pillows fluffed up in an almost set up position. I just started colostrum yesterday. While waiting for the sovereign Labs powder I’m using colostrum lozenges made by immune tree 6 carried by a nearby store here in Fresno.-Tom
I have been fighting sinus problem for a few weeks with Nelimed Sinus Flush and Colloidal Silver. At first it seemed that it would do the job but now it seems to be getting worse. Any more suggestions???
It amazes me that I’m so focused on the levaquin and all its issues, but I often fail to think about how I took the levaquin and then less than a week later, was put in a steroid.
I continue to read the tips here, but am not finding any solutions. To those who asked, I have not gotten the IVs. I don’t have insurance right now and I can’t afford them I’m sure. I also haven’t found a good homeopathic doctor here in NW Ohio yet.
How’s everyone else doing? Any positive improvements?
Is Sulfamethoxazole a good option for an antibiotic???
Or, if it is a UTI, there is a naturopathic protocol for that using d-mannose, herb pharm urinary system support, high doses of vitamin C and vitamin A. An ND can give exact formula.
Hey everyone. Here’s a few things that helped me in the last 4 months. Just so you know, I lost 30 lbs in about 3 weeks. I couldn’t get warm. I had blurred vison, horrible memory loss, I couldn’t spell, I had deep depression, very low temp., pain in all my tendons, rib and chest pain, muscle spasms, 5-6 stomach ulcers, and I really did think I was going to die at the age of 43. I met with a functional medicine doctor who also does acupuncture. She put me on an elimination diet, did acupuncture, and helped me with my supplements. I took a lot of Epsom salt baths, took vitamin d3, a multi vitamin, vitamin c, magnesium taurate, fish oil and recently started taking colostrum capsules. If you would have seen me 3 months ago, you would have thought I was going to die. Just know that you will get better. I don’t think I would be anywhere near where I’m at today without the help of my functional medical doctor. I also use preservative free eye drops for dry eyes and Biotene mouthwash for dry mouth. I hope this helps someone. I know how you feel and it’s OK to be scared. Just make sure you have someone to talk to, and take good care of yourself. Stay hydrated, and put some faith in the man upstairs.