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9 years ago
Any neuropathy sufferers here. I have posted before I know, I am 10 months out from Cipro and Have burning and tingling feet. I have tried suppliments , IV’s , I even spent a month in a hyperbaric chamber and I am getting worse. The hair is falling out around my ankles and I am severely depressed. Any thoughts? Anyone get better from this. It seems more likely to recover from the tendon damage than the Nerve damage. You are all so strong. I fear I will never get close to my old life back. Thank you?
9 years ago
F, I first heard about this toxicity syndrome in a column online by Dr. Mercola. In the article he said 91% of the test group got Periferal Neuropathy, yet the pharmaceutical companies ignored this.
This article was also how I identified what was happening to me, and it was confirmed when I checked with my doctor to find that I had indeed been given IV Fluoroquinolones while in the hospital for an injury in June 2013. I have had worsening symptoms since that time. Because the injury was to my leg, I have had the most problems with my legs, feet and ankles, including burst tendons, circulation problems, a very painful condition they call CRPS (Complex Reflex Pain Syndrome), and of course Periferal Neuropathy. I believe the toxicity attacks your body where it’s weakest first.
I’ve also noticed that when our natural treatments help relieve one symptom, another pops up. I think it’s because there is so much damage being done in various systems of the body that when one is relieved, the others are more noticeable.
Hang in there, tho, because many of us here are recovering, even if it seems terribly slow. The suggestions I have gotten here have been very helpful.
9 years ago
Linda, have you tried eye vitamins — Lutien, Bilberry? I had a lot of floaters and a dark spot in the middle of my vision that I thought might be Macular degeneration, and I started taking eye vits and it cleared them up. Started with 6 mg Lutien, now take 20. Had my eyes checked last year … Dr. said, “Keep taking those vitamins!”
9 years ago
COLOSTRUM REPORT! Four and a half days taking Colustrum and I’m feeling SO better! Have to add the disclaimer that if I felt like this when I was healthy, I would have thought I was ill, but now, compared to how I felt a week ago, a month ago, I am amazingly better.
The Colostrum has taken away a lot of the pain in my legs and feet and given me more energy. I’ve been able to get out of the house and run errands, and my energy lasts longer in the day. The swelling and excruciating pain around my ankle is shrinking, the muscle aches and spasms are lessening. I actually spent a day shopping with daughter-in-law in Sebastopol, walking several blocks, and when my legs ached, it was because of the exercise, not the illness. I do hope this helps many of us!
By the way, I have milk allergies (to the milk protein, not lactose), and I was concerned that the bovine Colostrum would aggravate them, but it has not. It has been easy to take, with no apparent side effects.
Thank you again, joanneg, for bringing this to our attention, and I hope this is a treatment that will benefit all of us.
Any other Colostrum reports? jwinn, is it helping you? I do hope so!
9 years ago
Does anyone else get new symptoms randomly over time that stick and then never go away? My newest is rather annoying. Extreme burning in my left hand, fingers, arm. It came on suddenly a few days ago and isn’t stopping now.
It never ends, I don’t understand why more symptoms keep coming up.
Hello all just checking in, I have been taking the Colostrum for about a week, it really has been helping me out a lot. I do get slight fevers from it as I had no idea about being Floxed until I was almost five years in, going into my tenth. I just wanted to thank joanneg once again for suggesting this product. It comes with so much extra information that is very interesting and helpful, as for those who can not use dairy it states that it isn’t dairy, just that it is made using the same machinery as dairy products ? I know that sounds a bit odd as it does come from a cow, it is the pre- milk as all New Mammal Mothers produce full of antibodies and such. Just that a cow has to hit the ground running and we humans get a lot more time to grow up, thus that extra dose of really strong colostrum produced by all other female mammals. I always say how sorry I am to see you all here, because I truly am. I am very happy that I found this site and all the great information here shared by you all, as I said I had no where to turn, no answers back then. People looked at me as if I were insane so many injuries from an antibiotic ? Well now that the FDA is reopening this Fluoroquinolones Toxicity it will prove to all exactly how bad these drugs are, and hopefully make Doctors more aware as well, I was extremely lucky to find an Endocrinologist that knows about these ” Big Gun ” Antibiotics and is sending me for so many blood tests, she actually told me to eat a rare steak two days before, free range antibiotic free of course. Bruce you can use oil of oregano as an Natural antibiotic, it works for everything, Viral Bacterial and fungal….. I have used it since 2011, since knowing for certain Levequin caused me to have all these injuries. Good health to all and thanks again for all of the wonderful health tips, I would still be searching if I hadn’t found you all.
9 years ago
ATTENTION, ATTENTION, Colostrum report … amazing! (5 days oral intake)
When I told my Chiropractor about the benefits of the Colostrum I’ve been taking, she suggested I mix it with the Manuka Honey I’ve been using on my ankle to relieve the pain and swelling. I didn’t want to do the honey last night, so I opened a capsule of the Colostrum and mixed a little with some Coconut oil and put it just on the worst part of my ankle. The area where the symptoms have persisted longest, around my Achilles tendon, was flinchingly sore to the touch, puffy and lumpy. This irritation, which had encompassed my entire swollen ankle a year ago, has been lessening, especially in the last 5 days, taking oral Colostrum, but this last irritated area was still so sore that it wakes me at night if anything touches it. I sleep with my calf on a pillow so my foot doesn’t touch the bed, and I use a very lightweight down throw to cover my foot loosely for warmth.
Fast forward to this morning … foot didn’t wake me at night, walked okay to the bathroom, looked at my ankle ….. The swelling is down, the lumpiness is gone, I can touch the area without that awful sensitivity and pain! I am so grateful for the healing of this stuff that I am almost in tears. I wanted to post this info right away, but now I’m going to go wash my foot well (with Colloidal Silver soap) and mix up more of that coconut oil and Colostrum!
All I can say at this point is that I hope this proves to be a miraculous healer for all of us!
9 years ago
I too got light-headed after the first dose. I thought maybe it had amplified my cannabis oil reactions, but now that you describe it, it was like yours, but much less so. I did feel weak in the legs and took it easy that day. Since then I’ve been increasing the Colostrum dosage and feel better. If you have surface symptoms (like the inflamed and painful swelling on my ankle), you might try topical application. I used the Colostrum, maybe 1/4 teasp., mixed in coconut oil. Amazing results!
9 years ago
Thanks ChristmasCarla, going to give it a shot. I’m glad to hear you also went through the same reaction. How long did it last before it stopped?
9 years ago
For those of you on FaceBook, I sponsor a page of healing information. check it out: ChristmasCarla’s DIY Healing Information. Lots of info on natural healing.
9 years ago
Okay Folks here is another good article from one of the “GUT” experts, on Herx die-off and what can be done, how important diet is when dealing with Gut issues, and much more like what I told Linda recently, that it is VERY very likely that all the people who got severely Floxed by taking a Steroid with the Cipro are that way because of the extra damage that happens to the Gut when these 2 things are taken together, and same goes for NSAIDS as well as Lisa found out when taking Advil 2 weeks after the Cipro which is what set the Floxei Bomb off, GUT GUT GUT
Quote – “Yeast overgrowth can happen in response to improper diet, poor immunity, difficulties in digestion and antibiotic use. Poorly digested food can lead to putrefaction (rotting) and encourages the growth of organisms. Antibiotic use destroys the normal balance of gut flora and leaves an open field for bad bacteria and fungi to move in. Hormones and steroids can make this condition worse, too. Most importantly, over-consumption of simple sugars & refined carbohydrates will feed the yeast. If the immune system is weakened or there are not enough probiotic (“good” bacteria) to combat the yeast, then it begins to grow unchecked and cause symptoms, such as “leaky gut”.
Lots of great tips in the article, less the coffee (sorry, but that is OUT for Floxies)
9 years ago
Hi Bob or anyone interested in the infared light treatments,
Planet Fitness has one of those machines. It’s like a stand-up tanning bed, but it’s infrared lights and also the floor of it vibrates. It’s suppose to release acids out of muscles, heal skin, and some other stuff I can’t remember.
Anyhow, it only cost $20.00 a month to join, and you can use it everyday, and they’re open 24 hrs. a day.
If this is the same as the treatment you’re getting, and you have a Planet Fitness near you, it can save you a lot of money and you can use it way more.
Just thought this might help
9 years ago
Hi Everyone,
Just want to keep you all updated .
Anyhow, I went to an ND for the first time last month. She did some blood work, ordered an SIBO test, and basically told me to keep supplements the same.
Well, I went for my follow-up visit this past Tuesday, and my blood Calcium level was too high, which it has been high since all this started, and my regular “doctor” didn’t think anything of it! But she didn’t like it, so she ordered a Parathyroid test. The Parathyroid regulates how much Calcium your body needs. and If it malfunctions it can continually call for Calcium, and the body will start pulling it out of your teeth and bones which will leave you Calcium deficient.(If I understood it all). I have to wait a month for the results.
But, in the meantime, I was to supplement with Calcium and Vitamin D3. Well .I remember reading Peggy’s Recovery Story and the plan she suggested was Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D3 at certain levels.
So today was the first day I added Peggy’s regimen along with the Colostrum, and I felt almost COMPLETELY better. I would actually say 95%.
I don’t know if this will continue, but man I sure pray to God that it does. I have not felt this good for sooooo long.
Also, my blood work was drawn before I ever started taking Colostrum, in case anyone was wondering.
I will keep you all updated.
P.S. I’m so happy for everyone who is trying the Colostrum and getting results. It’s been 12 or 13 days for me and it is absolutely GREAT. But symptoms would still fluctuate even though they were way less in severity I kept thinking what else am I needing to stop the fluctuating that we all deal with?
Well after adding the Calcium,Vitamin D3 and Zinc along with the Colostrum, If things stay like today, I’m definitely on the right road to recovery. THANK YOU GOD!!! (Peggy’s regimen doesn’t call for Zinc, I just had this blend already, so I used it)
joanne g
9 years ago
Hi jwinn,
Since you do well with the Colostrum on an empty stomach, and that’s the suggested way to take it, maybe you can just take it as soon as you get up and right before bed with a probiotic, which again is how they suggest it should be taken.
Then you can take your other supplements with your meals. Just a suggestion.
Good Luck
9 years ago
Thanks joanneg! I’m glad to know I didn’t get a defective batch of Colostrum. I’m almost tempted to just put a 1/2 spoonful in my mouth and chase it with water. It doesn’t taste bad, so that’s probably my next step for before dinner tonight! So happy you are feeling better!!!!!! Praying for you too! 🙂
I have an interesting recent experience. I’ve come down with 3 different illnesses over a 4 week period. That’s odd. Since I’ve been floxed I have rarely been sick, and when I have, I feel it is short-lived. This is a pretty common floxie experience I believe. But now 3 illnesses in 25 days?! What the hell?! It reminds me of how I rarely sweat for the first 12-18 months of floxing. Now, that’s returned to normal, or close. So, I still have foot and hand pain, but I sweat like a pig and I’m now getting sick. The lack of sweat and lack of illness might have been the only good things about floxing! Sooo glad those returned. 🙂
Daniel L
9 years ago
I wanted to let you know about a supplement I’ve tried that is really making a big difference with my remaining tendonitis.
I’ve been walking much more than usual here, sometimes up to 10km a day and my tendonitis is actually better!
There are studies showing it helps you generate your own collagen.
The supplement is: Biosil.
They market it mainly for hair skin and nails, but collagen is in your tendons and joints too and it seems to be working for me. It’s helping to get rid of that last 15% of tendonitis.
9 years ago
Hi kids … I off to work today, but wanted to put in a quick update on Colostrum. It’s definitely helping me. I take with food, or right before food, with my other supplements. I have more energy, less pain, am walking better, lasting longer before I get sore and fatigued. I did have a Herx reaction, I realized after hearing about others, but it was mild, and the low-grade headache, lightheadedness, tinnitis, loss of balance, have all been easier to cope with than the pain it has replaced. And it didn’t last … I’m now at a week of taking it, and I intend to continue … 1 gram morning and evening. I also am continuing to put it topically on my ankle, mixed with coconut oil, and that is taking the swelling down and making it much less sensitive to touch. The pain doesn’t wake me during the night now.
Any neuropathy sufferers here. I have posted before I know, I am 10 months out from Cipro and Have burning and tingling feet. I have tried suppliments , IV’s , I even spent a month in a hyperbaric chamber and I am getting worse. The hair is falling out around my ankles and I am severely depressed. Any thoughts? Anyone get better from this. It seems more likely to recover from the tendon damage than the Nerve damage. You are all so strong. I fear I will never get close to my old life back. Thank you?
F, I first heard about this toxicity syndrome in a column online by Dr. Mercola. In the article he said 91% of the test group got Periferal Neuropathy, yet the pharmaceutical companies ignored this.
This article was also how I identified what was happening to me, and it was confirmed when I checked with my doctor to find that I had indeed been given IV Fluoroquinolones while in the hospital for an injury in June 2013. I have had worsening symptoms since that time. Because the injury was to my leg, I have had the most problems with my legs, feet and ankles, including burst tendons, circulation problems, a very painful condition they call CRPS (Complex Reflex Pain Syndrome), and of course Periferal Neuropathy. I believe the toxicity attacks your body where it’s weakest first.
I’ve also noticed that when our natural treatments help relieve one symptom, another pops up. I think it’s because there is so much damage being done in various systems of the body that when one is relieved, the others are more noticeable.
Hang in there, tho, because many of us here are recovering, even if it seems terribly slow. The suggestions I have gotten here have been very helpful.
Linda, have you tried eye vitamins — Lutien, Bilberry? I had a lot of floaters and a dark spot in the middle of my vision that I thought might be Macular degeneration, and I started taking eye vits and it cleared them up. Started with 6 mg Lutien, now take 20. Had my eyes checked last year … Dr. said, “Keep taking those vitamins!”
COLOSTRUM REPORT! Four and a half days taking Colustrum and I’m feeling SO better! Have to add the disclaimer that if I felt like this when I was healthy, I would have thought I was ill, but now, compared to how I felt a week ago, a month ago, I am amazingly better.
The Colostrum has taken away a lot of the pain in my legs and feet and given me more energy. I’ve been able to get out of the house and run errands, and my energy lasts longer in the day. The swelling and excruciating pain around my ankle is shrinking, the muscle aches and spasms are lessening. I actually spent a day shopping with daughter-in-law in Sebastopol, walking several blocks, and when my legs ached, it was because of the exercise, not the illness. I do hope this helps many of us!
By the way, I have milk allergies (to the milk protein, not lactose), and I was concerned that the bovine Colostrum would aggravate them, but it has not. It has been easy to take, with no apparent side effects.
Thank you again, joanneg, for bringing this to our attention, and I hope this is a treatment that will benefit all of us.
Any other Colostrum reports? jwinn, is it helping you? I do hope so!
Does anyone else get new symptoms randomly over time that stick and then never go away? My newest is rather annoying. Extreme burning in my left hand, fingers, arm. It came on suddenly a few days ago and isn’t stopping now.
It never ends, I don’t understand why more symptoms keep coming up.
Hello all just checking in, I have been taking the Colostrum for about a week, it really has been helping me out a lot. I do get slight fevers from it as I had no idea about being Floxed until I was almost five years in, going into my tenth. I just wanted to thank joanneg once again for suggesting this product. It comes with so much extra information that is very interesting and helpful, as for those who can not use dairy it states that it isn’t dairy, just that it is made using the same machinery as dairy products ? I know that sounds a bit odd as it does come from a cow, it is the pre- milk as all New Mammal Mothers produce full of antibodies and such. Just that a cow has to hit the ground running and we humans get a lot more time to grow up, thus that extra dose of really strong colostrum produced by all other female mammals. I always say how sorry I am to see you all here, because I truly am. I am very happy that I found this site and all the great information here shared by you all, as I said I had no where to turn, no answers back then. People looked at me as if I were insane so many injuries from an antibiotic ? Well now that the FDA is reopening this Fluoroquinolones Toxicity it will prove to all exactly how bad these drugs are, and hopefully make Doctors more aware as well, I was extremely lucky to find an Endocrinologist that knows about these ” Big Gun ” Antibiotics and is sending me for so many blood tests, she actually told me to eat a rare steak two days before, free range antibiotic free of course. Bruce you can use oil of oregano as an Natural antibiotic, it works for everything, Viral Bacterial and fungal….. I have used it since 2011, since knowing for certain Levequin caused me to have all these injuries. Good health to all and thanks again for all of the wonderful health tips, I would still be searching if I hadn’t found you all.
ATTENTION, ATTENTION, Colostrum report … amazing! (5 days oral intake)
When I told my Chiropractor about the benefits of the Colostrum I’ve been taking, she suggested I mix it with the Manuka Honey I’ve been using on my ankle to relieve the pain and swelling. I didn’t want to do the honey last night, so I opened a capsule of the Colostrum and mixed a little with some Coconut oil and put it just on the worst part of my ankle. The area where the symptoms have persisted longest, around my Achilles tendon, was flinchingly sore to the touch, puffy and lumpy. This irritation, which had encompassed my entire swollen ankle a year ago, has been lessening, especially in the last 5 days, taking oral Colostrum, but this last irritated area was still so sore that it wakes me at night if anything touches it. I sleep with my calf on a pillow so my foot doesn’t touch the bed, and I use a very lightweight down throw to cover my foot loosely for warmth.
Fast forward to this morning … foot didn’t wake me at night, walked okay to the bathroom, looked at my ankle ….. The swelling is down, the lumpiness is gone, I can touch the area without that awful sensitivity and pain! I am so grateful for the healing of this stuff that I am almost in tears. I wanted to post this info right away, but now I’m going to go wash my foot well (with Colloidal Silver soap) and mix up more of that coconut oil and Colostrum!
All I can say at this point is that I hope this proves to be a miraculous healer for all of us!
I too got light-headed after the first dose. I thought maybe it had amplified my cannabis oil reactions, but now that you describe it, it was like yours, but much less so. I did feel weak in the legs and took it easy that day. Since then I’ve been increasing the Colostrum dosage and feel better. If you have surface symptoms (like the inflamed and painful swelling on my ankle), you might try topical application. I used the Colostrum, maybe 1/4 teasp., mixed in coconut oil. Amazing results!
Thanks ChristmasCarla, going to give it a shot. I’m glad to hear you also went through the same reaction. How long did it last before it stopped?
For those of you on FaceBook, I sponsor a page of healing information. check it out: ChristmasCarla’s DIY Healing Information. Lots of info on natural healing.
Okay Folks here is another good article from one of the “GUT” experts, on Herx die-off and what can be done, how important diet is when dealing with Gut issues, and much more like what I told Linda recently, that it is VERY very likely that all the people who got severely Floxed by taking a Steroid with the Cipro are that way because of the extra damage that happens to the Gut when these 2 things are taken together, and same goes for NSAIDS as well as Lisa found out when taking Advil 2 weeks after the Cipro which is what set the Floxei Bomb off, GUT GUT GUT
Quote – “Yeast overgrowth can happen in response to improper diet, poor immunity, difficulties in digestion and antibiotic use. Poorly digested food can lead to putrefaction (rotting) and encourages the growth of organisms. Antibiotic use destroys the normal balance of gut flora and leaves an open field for bad bacteria and fungi to move in. Hormones and steroids can make this condition worse, too. Most importantly, over-consumption of simple sugars & refined carbohydrates will feed the yeast. If the immune system is weakened or there are not enough probiotic (“good” bacteria) to combat the yeast, then it begins to grow unchecked and cause symptoms, such as “leaky gut”.
Lots of great tips in the article, less the coffee (sorry, but that is OUT for Floxies)
Hi Bob or anyone interested in the infared light treatments,
Planet Fitness has one of those machines. It’s like a stand-up tanning bed, but it’s infrared lights and also the floor of it vibrates. It’s suppose to release acids out of muscles, heal skin, and some other stuff I can’t remember.
Anyhow, it only cost $20.00 a month to join, and you can use it everyday, and they’re open 24 hrs. a day.
If this is the same as the treatment you’re getting, and you have a Planet Fitness near you, it can save you a lot of money and you can use it way more.
Just thought this might help
Hi Everyone,
Just want to keep you all updated .
Anyhow, I went to an ND for the first time last month. She did some blood work, ordered an SIBO test, and basically told me to keep supplements the same.
Well, I went for my follow-up visit this past Tuesday, and my blood Calcium level was too high, which it has been high since all this started, and my regular “doctor” didn’t think anything of it! But she didn’t like it, so she ordered a Parathyroid test. The Parathyroid regulates how much Calcium your body needs. and If it malfunctions it can continually call for Calcium, and the body will start pulling it out of your teeth and bones which will leave you Calcium deficient.(If I understood it all). I have to wait a month for the results.
But, in the meantime, I was to supplement with Calcium and Vitamin D3. Well .I remember reading Peggy’s Recovery Story and the plan she suggested was Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D3 at certain levels.
So today was the first day I added Peggy’s regimen along with the Colostrum, and I felt almost COMPLETELY better. I would actually say 95%.
I don’t know if this will continue, but man I sure pray to God that it does. I have not felt this good for sooooo long.
Also, my blood work was drawn before I ever started taking Colostrum, in case anyone was wondering.
I will keep you all updated.
P.S. I’m so happy for everyone who is trying the Colostrum and getting results. It’s been 12 or 13 days for me and it is absolutely GREAT. But symptoms would still fluctuate even though they were way less in severity I kept thinking what else am I needing to stop the fluctuating that we all deal with?
Well after adding the Calcium,Vitamin D3 and Zinc along with the Colostrum, If things stay like today, I’m definitely on the right road to recovery. THANK YOU GOD!!! (Peggy’s regimen doesn’t call for Zinc, I just had this blend already, so I used it)
Hi jwinn,
Since you do well with the Colostrum on an empty stomach, and that’s the suggested way to take it, maybe you can just take it as soon as you get up and right before bed with a probiotic, which again is how they suggest it should be taken.
Then you can take your other supplements with your meals. Just a suggestion.
Good Luck
Thanks joanneg! I’m glad to know I didn’t get a defective batch of Colostrum. I’m almost tempted to just put a 1/2 spoonful in my mouth and chase it with water. It doesn’t taste bad, so that’s probably my next step for before dinner tonight! So happy you are feeling better!!!!!! Praying for you too! 🙂
This is the site with a lot of information about Colostrum;
I have an interesting recent experience. I’ve come down with 3 different illnesses over a 4 week period. That’s odd. Since I’ve been floxed I have rarely been sick, and when I have, I feel it is short-lived. This is a pretty common floxie experience I believe. But now 3 illnesses in 25 days?! What the hell?! It reminds me of how I rarely sweat for the first 12-18 months of floxing. Now, that’s returned to normal, or close. So, I still have foot and hand pain, but I sweat like a pig and I’m now getting sick. The lack of sweat and lack of illness might have been the only good things about floxing! Sooo glad those returned. 🙂
I wanted to let you know about a supplement I’ve tried that is really making a big difference with my remaining tendonitis.
I’ve been walking much more than usual here, sometimes up to 10km a day and my tendonitis is actually better!
There are studies showing it helps you generate your own collagen.
The supplement is: Biosil.
They market it mainly for hair skin and nails, but collagen is in your tendons and joints too and it seems to be working for me. It’s helping to get rid of that last 15% of tendonitis.
Hi kids … I off to work today, but wanted to put in a quick update on Colostrum. It’s definitely helping me. I take with food, or right before food, with my other supplements. I have more energy, less pain, am walking better, lasting longer before I get sore and fatigued. I did have a Herx reaction, I realized after hearing about others, but it was mild, and the low-grade headache, lightheadedness, tinnitis, loss of balance, have all been easier to cope with than the pain it has replaced. And it didn’t last … I’m now at a week of taking it, and I intend to continue … 1 gram morning and evening. I also am continuing to put it topically on my ankle, mixed with coconut oil, and that is taking the swelling down and making it much less sensitive to touch. The pain doesn’t wake me during the night now.
Here’s to healing! Let’s keep it up! hugs …
What brand colostrum are you guys using?