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9 years ago
Update on Healing and Colostrum …
Finally got my medical records from Kaiser … I was mistaken about when I was given the Fluoroquinolone. I had thought it was given to me IV when I was hospitalized after an accident in June, 2013. Turns out I was given Levaquin in January of 2013 when I went in to Emergency with an acute breathing problem. So I am three years out, and still having debilitating symptoms.
I have had the most persistent problem with foot disorders and pain of various sorts: burning, aching, heat, redness, cold, skritchiness, cramping, swelling, all of which have limited my mobility. Today I walked easily for the first time in ages, with gratitude for being able to do it.
These are the things that are helping with my foot problems:
Colostrum … I’m on day 13, feeling better for a longer period each day. I have had flareups and minor relapses, but generally am getting better consistently.
Detoxing — the following methods of detoxing, in conjunction with healthy diet, have been helpful to me:
— Hydration (set a timer to drink water every hour)
— Herbal detox teas
— Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey hot drinks
— Turmeric, Ginger and Honey hot drinks
— Grounding or Earthing
— cotton diabetic socks
— foot massage and acupressure
— Epsom salts baths
— Ionic foot baths
— Topically applied to ankle:
— Colloidal Silver
— Coconut Oil
— Coconut Oil with Colostrum
— Manuka Honey
— Witch Hazel
— MSM Cream with Cannabis Oil
and I just got some Glutathlone cream I plan to try.
I have tried Magnesium gel topically, but it stung and I had to wash it off.
joanne g
9 years ago
9 years ago
Just so anyone else who has issues driving I called 211 and in the state of Washington 211 is a service number where you can find transportation help. Most of them are for people 60-65 and older but I luckily found two programs in my state for disabilied people under the age of 60 in my area it’s called metro access and a church group that doesn’t require you to be religious or else I wouldn’t use it to help you get to and from doctors appointments. It’s been really helpful and wanted to share it for those unable to get to doctors appointments and can’t afford taxis like me.
I got alot of info form your earlier posts. Thanks so much for directing me there.
I was wondering if you could give me a little more insight on how you are healing and maybe how long it takes. I am quite depressed and feeling very lost.
I took 2 pills of Levofloxacin on 11th Ocotober 2015, and couple weeks later CNS stuff hit me like a ton of bricks. I got the impression that you are pretty much healed and wanted some advice on how long it took you and how to gauge my time frame of healing. You seem to be very informed about this whole thing. Do we really heal completely form this ?
I am following the ebook from Lisa to the T since October so i hope i am doing everything that i can to recover from this thing.
Wishing you all well!
9 years ago
Functional Doctor Expert Mark Hyman gives us a 4 minute video on:
well, I just sent my 4th rant to consumer reports about the FLQs (to their Facebook page) and they replied they had a piece coming up on them. Let’s hope this time it isn’t as watered down as the info in the past. Also, please sign this petition. It is against confirming Dr Califf as the new head commissioner of the FDA. This guy had most of his salary while at Duke U, underwritten by—you guessed it—big pharma.
Thanks Jason for all the info i know its very complex and your answers were all greatly appreciated.
I just have one more request that even if you cant answer ill like your opinion.
I am now about 4 1/12 months out. My main symptom thats very worrying is my right ear. its burning a lot and crackles a bit when i talk a lot and then would start to hurt.
Other symptoms are: Anxiety calming down, some muscle tension, some blurry vision and dizziness, head pressure, slight insomnia, some diarrhea that comes and goes.
I have cerebral palsy and i am a music producer and as a result i have only been able to do music as a form of income and i am wondering is this a symptom that you think will get better? I have had every imaginable ear test from my ENT and audiologist and all tests came back fine so i have no clue if the damage is permanent or not but wanted your opinion on it.
I have been taking a kelp supplement along with this set. I would greatly appreciate if you just helped me by looking over this list as its very hard for me to read a lot at times and i could really use the help from someone thats so knowledgeable about the body. It would mean a great deal to me and i know you must be super busy and get asked this a lot.
This is what i started about 2-3 weeks after i took the 2 pills.
Magnesium glycinate and ionic approximately 1000mg a day broken up
Magnesium Theorate 200mg
Vitamin D 5000iu
Vitamin E 400iu
Vitamin C 3000mg
Multi Mineral Vitamin
Glutamine 3000mg
Purple Rice Supplement
Recently started Kelp supplement (let me know if you recommend a better form of iodine)
Udo’s Digestive Enzyme before every meal
Udo’s 60 billion probiotic twice a day
A Salad a day with lettuce, cucumber, kale, carrots and tomatoes.
Cooked veggies (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Carrots etc)
Organic Chicken or Salmon
Sometimes berries like blueberries and blackberries.
Plenty water
Let me know what i can do to tweak this plan if you can and also if you think i should try the 1/8th teaspoon of borax in a litre of water. do you think that would help at this point?
9 years ago
I took Fluoroquinolones for five days which made me severely sick… I still have PID and the doctor wants to give me another antibiotic . Will I have the same reaction on another antibiotic ? I’m very scared to take it !!!
Thanks so much its so interesting chatting with you as I am very health conscious myself and I hope we can shed some help for floxies with ears issues etc in the future.
I did research all the info you mentioned. My ear is not getting red or feeling hot in any way on the exterior. I don’t think its ETD as I am clearing the tube fine and it doesn’t seem to be stuck closed or opening for too long. Its possible it could be nerve damage but i am not sure, mine comes and goes, is nerve damage more constant? Its possible it could be related to TMJ as well. I did however stumble upon something that i also think it could be as well. TTTS Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome. I had hyperacusis which cleared up after about 2 months or so but after that is when this problem persisted in my right ear. Its seems when your sound tolerance level is low or your startle reflex is getting triggered often, your tensor tympani muscle in your ear can get overactive and this irritates the Trigeminal nerve which can cause burning, ear and facial tingling and pain. There is various techniques of sound therapy similar to the ones i did for the hyperacusis that it said to help the TTTS which i will try. Maybe things just need some time to settle down as well.
For those interested here is a link to a hyperacusis forum with a post about music therapy protocol for decreased sound tolerance issues. it really helped me.
I forgot to mention that I do use the ancient minerals magnesium spray and also i take an epson salts bath every evening as well. I also take a high quality fish oil tablet daily.
Changes I’ll make to me Supplements:
Lugol’s Solution
Another probiotic with Saccharomyces Boulardii
Receiving Colostrum in a couple days as well
Also heard that pine nut oil can be good as well???
Glutamine & Glycine
I already take a multi mineral with 1g of boron in it so i’m not sure if thats enough?
I haven’t notice any problem with the cruciferous veggies, and i cook with a lot of onions and garlic. I even juice onions, garlic, ginger and turnips and use that as salad dressing with no problems.
I have never been much of an egg person but i do eat it off and on with no problems.
I’ll try to rotate different type of veggies though so i give my body a break from the different types
I do cook only with coconut oil, but should I decrease the organic chicken and maybe up other forms of good fats like pasture raised butter?
I do drink RO water only but i have pure celtic sea salt that i add to it. is this ok?
Unfortunately i live in a small island in the caribbean so i haven’t found any good naturopathic or functional doctors here. so i am pretty much doing this on my own and i so appreciate all your help 🙂
I do however do acupuncture and EFT
Thanks Jason
Looking forward to your comments
Wishing everyone well !!!
Mark S
9 years ago
I think it’s the iodine that’s making my face breakout like crazy. May cut back on it and start supplementing zinc as it’s good for acne as well as connective tissue.
Hi Jason
Your welcome anytime lol i would say i would not mind a personal doctor in this situation i am in. Its definitely a nice place for beaches etc but not to get sick like this lol
When you had your ears issues did you muscles in your ear tense up alot and your ears burn inside along with the sound sensitivity?
I am starting to get noises in my stomach and i still have loose stools alot. Any recommendations on how to deal with this? I will start the colostrum soon but is there anything things i can do to be more aggressive with healing?
I saw some comments about cutting out fruit as well should i also do that and just stick to veggies salads and organic chicken.
I also make fresh tumeric and ginger tea, is this something i should continue?
Thanks again for all your help i really appreciate it
Hey Jason
There is one question i forgot to ask and i know it will be difficult to answer. Is there anyway to tell if my reaction is more on the mild or severe side by how my symptoms have been over the last 4 months?
Hey Jason
Ok so i’v read as much as i could on your posts on healing the gut and i’v decided i definitely want you to be my doctor, when to book the flight for you? LOL hahaha
I want to start the Candida program you described and would like your guidance as i go along as i just cannot find any doctors here that know anything about this stuff, and with this Cerebral Palsy i am pretty much stuck here with no help.
Im not sure of my toxic metal levels but i do have 3 small amalgam fillings. would this be a problem is doing the following plan?
The plan:
1. Start taking Moly & Biotin & Milk Thistle.
2. Continue with Magnesium, Zinc, Vit A, Vit D, Vit E, and Iodine
3. Liver Flush, any recommendations?
4. Warm water with Bentonite Clay maybe Psyllium or Ground Flax
5. Digestive enzymes and HCL before every meal.
6. Start with veggies at a low glycemic index, should i cut out the meat completely for a bit?
7. Rotate Anti fungals for two weeks each (Oil of Oregano, Caprylic Acid)
8. Also Natural Anti fungals (Coconut oil, Undecylenic Acid, Garlic, Brussel Sprouts)
9. 20 days and add back in High Quality Probiotics with DDS-1 Strain.
10. Also start Prebiotics like Onions & Leeks etc
11. Add back in some organic chicken, eggs etc.
I also purchased the Candida diet course from the website you mentioned, but your plan seems a lot more focused to start off with.
Let me know your comments
Thanks Jason
9 years ago
So I would like to just give everyone a heads up on how doctors lie to protect each other. I was going through the records I got from the first naturopath I went to and she included the records from my stomach dr who said in his notes that I never saw that my issues most likely come from the antibiotics and I was misdiagnosed in the beginning and never had anything that the initial dr thought I had. Oh and the cherry on the shit sundae is that this was before he did the colonoscopy so why was it even done? My thinking is to just get money. I was in shock. I think I still am I hope all of you request your records and read them!!! Read them I beg you all to get them who knows what lies have been told to you.
9 years ago
Hi Marc,
As someone who has been in this world almost as long as the FQs have I would just like to say here that in my opinion It really is not possible to know how a persons reaction will manifest over time. I see that you are still quite early on into your reaction, & particularly as such, It would be my advice to NOT to try to put yourself into any category of floxing.
it can actually be quite counterproductive to do this, whether this be of severity or when it comes to timelines, for instance, if say you do not start improving at a certain time when you expect to based on mild / moderate / severe , this can leave us very disappointed, it can be quite depressing in fact, & can also leave us feeling like we might never start to improve.
One reason it is not possible to put yourself into a category of floxing, is because FQ toxicity often but not always has an insidious pattern of presenting with delayed ADRs /symptoms, some of which can manifest months / many months or perhaps later down the line, therefore it is quite impossible to put yourself into any category, whether this be of severity, or in respect to timelines, & this relates to deterioration / stabilisation, improvement or potentially eventually getting to place where you may feel recovered. Floxing also can contain flares / relapses / cycling of symptoms as well, which can pop uo unpredictably at the end of the day each persons floxing is completely unique to them, all 7 of mine were different.
It can be so unpredictable in fact that when someone asks me the question how long will it take to get through this ? I feel the only honest answer I can ever give to that question is the following : ” how long is a piece of string ” ?.
I also would advise, as someone with FQ induced chronic kidney disease, that if you have not yet done so ( particularly as I see you are using magnesium ) please get your kidney function tested, just to be on the safe side. The FQs can do quite a number on the kidneys, & If they have been compromised at all by this, supplementing with various forms of magnesium depending on the type of magnesium used / amount of damage caused, can potentially damage them further.
Myself, even after 7 floxings & 12 years worth of the worlds supply of other mitochondrial damaging drugs which were force fed to me on top of that after my first ADR way back in the 1980s , I am still much improved yet again from my darkest hour , & with a few blips along the way I do continue heading generally in the right direction, albeit slowly. I truly feel If I can still improve after all that, there is hope for us all
Hi Debs
I am so sorry to hear you have been through so much. I guess this is just very distressing for me as I already have a handycap to deal with and I feel so aweful. But i understand your points and i will try to just take it one day at a time. I have a full blood works done in December and all vital organs were fine. Do you think i should go do another test again?
Any advice on coupling strategies? its been really draining over the last 5 months as things seem to be getting worse. I am hoping things turn around soon
9 years ago
I need moral support! My whole life has been turned upside down.
I own a company with my husband and I can’t stay focused. This has been my job for 20 years. I am so frustrated, angry, and hopeless. It is just no fair!
I hate antibiotics! Won’t even let my kids get them unless test positive for strep. I had a shot in R Buttock it became infected… Rest.. Levewuin and cipro to rescue. Argh.
I own my own business, I have a hard time focusing. I just feel like I wanna give up. This is not me ! No one seems to post how to reverse symptoms.
I am sorry, I am just in a very bad place right now.
Ann L.
9 years ago
Anyone knownof a Dr. In Pgh., pa. Area that believes in the toxic effect of these drugs? If so, please let me know. Or if someone has discovered supplements beside magnesium that are readily available here, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Bruce Brannan
9 years ago
Well after taking colostrum (Jarrow Prime Life from Puritan) for 7 days it seems to have given relief in a couple of different areas. First off I had developed inflammation in upper abdominal area 3 days prior to receiving my colostrum so this has mostly gone away. I also switched from Ultimate Flora 50 Bil probiotic to VSL#3 112 Bil probiotic the same day I got colostrum. Not sure if it was one or both that relieved inflammation. I seem to have gotten relief from some joint and muscle pain. Also I seem to have a little more energy. My shoulders, wrist and hands are my biggest area of muscle deterioration so I continue to work on these daily with stretching and low weight exercise. I have continued to tweak my diet and no alcohol (ugggg, I could drink a beer right now) to try to heal my gut. The biggest mystery to healing is trying to figure out the different symptoms between candida, IBS, SIBO and leaky gut without going to doctor. Right now I just continue to rely on my body and this forum to heal. 7 months out and getting better. Ya’ll have a blessed day!!!!
Update on Healing and Colostrum …
Finally got my medical records from Kaiser … I was mistaken about when I was given the Fluoroquinolone. I had thought it was given to me IV when I was hospitalized after an accident in June, 2013. Turns out I was given Levaquin in January of 2013 when I went in to Emergency with an acute breathing problem. So I am three years out, and still having debilitating symptoms.
I have had the most persistent problem with foot disorders and pain of various sorts: burning, aching, heat, redness, cold, skritchiness, cramping, swelling, all of which have limited my mobility. Today I walked easily for the first time in ages, with gratitude for being able to do it.
These are the things that are helping with my foot problems:
Colostrum … I’m on day 13, feeling better for a longer period each day. I have had flareups and minor relapses, but generally am getting better consistently.
Detoxing — the following methods of detoxing, in conjunction with healthy diet, have been helpful to me:
— Hydration (set a timer to drink water every hour)
— Herbal detox teas
— Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey hot drinks
— Turmeric, Ginger and Honey hot drinks
— Grounding or Earthing
— cotton diabetic socks
— foot massage and acupressure
— Epsom salts baths
— Ionic foot baths
— Topically applied to ankle:
— Colloidal Silver
— Coconut Oil
— Coconut Oil with Colostrum
— Manuka Honey
— Witch Hazel
— MSM Cream with Cannabis Oil
and I just got some Glutathlone cream I plan to try.
I have tried Magnesium gel topically, but it stung and I had to wash it off.
Just so anyone else who has issues driving I called 211 and in the state of Washington 211 is a service number where you can find transportation help. Most of them are for people 60-65 and older but I luckily found two programs in my state for disabilied people under the age of 60 in my area it’s called metro access and a church group that doesn’t require you to be religious or else I wouldn’t use it to help you get to and from doctors appointments. It’s been really helpful and wanted to share it for those unable to get to doctors appointments and can’t afford taxis like me.
Happy birthday Peter, from one Pisces to another 😉
Hi Jason
I got alot of info form your earlier posts. Thanks so much for directing me there.
I was wondering if you could give me a little more insight on how you are healing and maybe how long it takes. I am quite depressed and feeling very lost.
I took 2 pills of Levofloxacin on 11th Ocotober 2015, and couple weeks later CNS stuff hit me like a ton of bricks. I got the impression that you are pretty much healed and wanted some advice on how long it took you and how to gauge my time frame of healing. You seem to be very informed about this whole thing. Do we really heal completely form this ?
I am following the ebook from Lisa to the T since October so i hope i am doing everything that i can to recover from this thing.
Wishing you all well!
Functional Doctor Expert Mark Hyman gives us a 4 minute video on:
How to Fix Your Gut Bacteria (and lose weight)
well, I just sent my 4th rant to consumer reports about the FLQs (to their Facebook page) and they replied they had a piece coming up on them. Let’s hope this time it isn’t as watered down as the info in the past. Also, please sign this petition. It is against confirming Dr Califf as the new head commissioner of the FDA. This guy had most of his salary while at Duke U, underwritten by—you guessed it—big pharma.
Thanks Jason for all the info i know its very complex and your answers were all greatly appreciated.
I just have one more request that even if you cant answer ill like your opinion.
I am now about 4 1/12 months out. My main symptom thats very worrying is my right ear. its burning a lot and crackles a bit when i talk a lot and then would start to hurt.
Other symptoms are: Anxiety calming down, some muscle tension, some blurry vision and dizziness, head pressure, slight insomnia, some diarrhea that comes and goes.
I have cerebral palsy and i am a music producer and as a result i have only been able to do music as a form of income and i am wondering is this a symptom that you think will get better? I have had every imaginable ear test from my ENT and audiologist and all tests came back fine so i have no clue if the damage is permanent or not but wanted your opinion on it.
I have been taking a kelp supplement along with this set. I would greatly appreciate if you just helped me by looking over this list as its very hard for me to read a lot at times and i could really use the help from someone thats so knowledgeable about the body. It would mean a great deal to me and i know you must be super busy and get asked this a lot.
This is what i started about 2-3 weeks after i took the 2 pills.
Magnesium glycinate and ionic approximately 1000mg a day broken up
Magnesium Theorate 200mg
Vitamin D 5000iu
Vitamin E 400iu
Vitamin C 3000mg
Multi Mineral Vitamin
Glutamine 3000mg
Purple Rice Supplement
Recently started Kelp supplement (let me know if you recommend a better form of iodine)
Udo’s Digestive Enzyme before every meal
Udo’s 60 billion probiotic twice a day
A Salad a day with lettuce, cucumber, kale, carrots and tomatoes.
Cooked veggies (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Carrots etc)
Organic Chicken or Salmon
Sometimes berries like blueberries and blackberries.
Plenty water
Let me know what i can do to tweak this plan if you can and also if you think i should try the 1/8th teaspoon of borax in a litre of water. do you think that would help at this point?
I took Fluoroquinolones for five days which made me severely sick… I still have PID and the doctor wants to give me another antibiotic . Will I have the same reaction on another antibiotic ? I’m very scared to take it !!!
Hey Jason
Thanks so much its so interesting chatting with you as I am very health conscious myself and I hope we can shed some help for floxies with ears issues etc in the future.
I did research all the info you mentioned. My ear is not getting red or feeling hot in any way on the exterior. I don’t think its ETD as I am clearing the tube fine and it doesn’t seem to be stuck closed or opening for too long. Its possible it could be nerve damage but i am not sure, mine comes and goes, is nerve damage more constant? Its possible it could be related to TMJ as well. I did however stumble upon something that i also think it could be as well. TTTS Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome. I had hyperacusis which cleared up after about 2 months or so but after that is when this problem persisted in my right ear. Its seems when your sound tolerance level is low or your startle reflex is getting triggered often, your tensor tympani muscle in your ear can get overactive and this irritates the Trigeminal nerve which can cause burning, ear and facial tingling and pain. There is various techniques of sound therapy similar to the ones i did for the hyperacusis that it said to help the TTTS which i will try. Maybe things just need some time to settle down as well.
For those interested here is a link to a hyperacusis forum with a post about music therapy protocol for decreased sound tolerance issues. it really helped me.
I forgot to mention that I do use the ancient minerals magnesium spray and also i take an epson salts bath every evening as well. I also take a high quality fish oil tablet daily.
Changes I’ll make to me Supplements:
Lugol’s Solution
Another probiotic with Saccharomyces Boulardii
Receiving Colostrum in a couple days as well
Also heard that pine nut oil can be good as well???
Glutamine & Glycine
I already take a multi mineral with 1g of boron in it so i’m not sure if thats enough?
I haven’t notice any problem with the cruciferous veggies, and i cook with a lot of onions and garlic. I even juice onions, garlic, ginger and turnips and use that as salad dressing with no problems.
I have never been much of an egg person but i do eat it off and on with no problems.
I’ll try to rotate different type of veggies though so i give my body a break from the different types
I do cook only with coconut oil, but should I decrease the organic chicken and maybe up other forms of good fats like pasture raised butter?
I do drink RO water only but i have pure celtic sea salt that i add to it. is this ok?
Unfortunately i live in a small island in the caribbean so i haven’t found any good naturopathic or functional doctors here. so i am pretty much doing this on my own and i so appreciate all your help 🙂
I do however do acupuncture and EFT
Thanks Jason
Looking forward to your comments
Wishing everyone well !!!
I think it’s the iodine that’s making my face breakout like crazy. May cut back on it and start supplementing zinc as it’s good for acne as well as connective tissue.
Hi Jason
Your welcome anytime lol i would say i would not mind a personal doctor in this situation i am in. Its definitely a nice place for beaches etc but not to get sick like this lol
When you had your ears issues did you muscles in your ear tense up alot and your ears burn inside along with the sound sensitivity?
I am starting to get noises in my stomach and i still have loose stools alot. Any recommendations on how to deal with this? I will start the colostrum soon but is there anything things i can do to be more aggressive with healing?
I saw some comments about cutting out fruit as well should i also do that and just stick to veggies salads and organic chicken.
I also make fresh tumeric and ginger tea, is this something i should continue?
Thanks again for all your help i really appreciate it
Hey Jason
There is one question i forgot to ask and i know it will be difficult to answer. Is there anyway to tell if my reaction is more on the mild or severe side by how my symptoms have been over the last 4 months?
Hey Jason
Ok so i’v read as much as i could on your posts on healing the gut and i’v decided i definitely want you to be my doctor, when to book the flight for you? LOL hahaha
I want to start the Candida program you described and would like your guidance as i go along as i just cannot find any doctors here that know anything about this stuff, and with this Cerebral Palsy i am pretty much stuck here with no help.
Im not sure of my toxic metal levels but i do have 3 small amalgam fillings. would this be a problem is doing the following plan?
The plan:
1. Start taking Moly & Biotin & Milk Thistle.
2. Continue with Magnesium, Zinc, Vit A, Vit D, Vit E, and Iodine
3. Liver Flush, any recommendations?
4. Warm water with Bentonite Clay maybe Psyllium or Ground Flax
5. Digestive enzymes and HCL before every meal.
6. Start with veggies at a low glycemic index, should i cut out the meat completely for a bit?
7. Rotate Anti fungals for two weeks each (Oil of Oregano, Caprylic Acid)
8. Also Natural Anti fungals (Coconut oil, Undecylenic Acid, Garlic, Brussel Sprouts)
9. 20 days and add back in High Quality Probiotics with DDS-1 Strain.
10. Also start Prebiotics like Onions & Leeks etc
11. Add back in some organic chicken, eggs etc.
I also purchased the Candida diet course from the website you mentioned, but your plan seems a lot more focused to start off with.
Let me know your comments
Thanks Jason
So I would like to just give everyone a heads up on how doctors lie to protect each other. I was going through the records I got from the first naturopath I went to and she included the records from my stomach dr who said in his notes that I never saw that my issues most likely come from the antibiotics and I was misdiagnosed in the beginning and never had anything that the initial dr thought I had. Oh and the cherry on the shit sundae is that this was before he did the colonoscopy so why was it even done? My thinking is to just get money. I was in shock. I think I still am I hope all of you request your records and read them!!! Read them I beg you all to get them who knows what lies have been told to you.
Hi Marc,
As someone who has been in this world almost as long as the FQs have I would just like to say here that in my opinion It really is not possible to know how a persons reaction will manifest over time. I see that you are still quite early on into your reaction, & particularly as such, It would be my advice to NOT to try to put yourself into any category of floxing.
it can actually be quite counterproductive to do this, whether this be of severity or when it comes to timelines, for instance, if say you do not start improving at a certain time when you expect to based on mild / moderate / severe , this can leave us very disappointed, it can be quite depressing in fact, & can also leave us feeling like we might never start to improve.
One reason it is not possible to put yourself into a category of floxing, is because FQ toxicity often but not always has an insidious pattern of presenting with delayed ADRs /symptoms, some of which can manifest months / many months or perhaps later down the line, therefore it is quite impossible to put yourself into any category, whether this be of severity, or in respect to timelines, & this relates to deterioration / stabilisation, improvement or potentially eventually getting to place where you may feel recovered. Floxing also can contain flares / relapses / cycling of symptoms as well, which can pop uo unpredictably at the end of the day each persons floxing is completely unique to them, all 7 of mine were different.
It can be so unpredictable in fact that when someone asks me the question how long will it take to get through this ? I feel the only honest answer I can ever give to that question is the following : ” how long is a piece of string ” ?.
I also would advise, as someone with FQ induced chronic kidney disease, that if you have not yet done so ( particularly as I see you are using magnesium ) please get your kidney function tested, just to be on the safe side. The FQs can do quite a number on the kidneys, & If they have been compromised at all by this, supplementing with various forms of magnesium depending on the type of magnesium used / amount of damage caused, can potentially damage them further.
Myself, even after 7 floxings & 12 years worth of the worlds supply of other mitochondrial damaging drugs which were force fed to me on top of that after my first ADR way back in the 1980s , I am still much improved yet again from my darkest hour , & with a few blips along the way I do continue heading generally in the right direction, albeit slowly. I truly feel If I can still improve after all that, there is hope for us all
Hi Debs
I am so sorry to hear you have been through so much. I guess this is just very distressing for me as I already have a handycap to deal with and I feel so aweful. But i understand your points and i will try to just take it one day at a time. I have a full blood works done in December and all vital organs were fine. Do you think i should go do another test again?
Any advice on coupling strategies? its been really draining over the last 5 months as things seem to be getting worse. I am hoping things turn around soon
I need moral support! My whole life has been turned upside down.
I own a company with my husband and I can’t stay focused. This has been my job for 20 years. I am so frustrated, angry, and hopeless. It is just no fair!
I hate antibiotics! Won’t even let my kids get them unless test positive for strep. I had a shot in R Buttock it became infected… Rest.. Levewuin and cipro to rescue. Argh.
I own my own business, I have a hard time focusing. I just feel like I wanna give up. This is not me ! No one seems to post how to reverse symptoms.
I am sorry, I am just in a very bad place right now.
Anyone knownof a Dr. In Pgh., pa. Area that believes in the toxic effect of these drugs? If so, please let me know. Or if someone has discovered supplements beside magnesium that are readily available here, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Well after taking colostrum (Jarrow Prime Life from Puritan) for 7 days it seems to have given relief in a couple of different areas. First off I had developed inflammation in upper abdominal area 3 days prior to receiving my colostrum so this has mostly gone away. I also switched from Ultimate Flora 50 Bil probiotic to VSL#3 112 Bil probiotic the same day I got colostrum. Not sure if it was one or both that relieved inflammation. I seem to have gotten relief from some joint and muscle pain. Also I seem to have a little more energy. My shoulders, wrist and hands are my biggest area of muscle deterioration so I continue to work on these daily with stretching and low weight exercise. I have continued to tweak my diet and no alcohol (ugggg, I could drink a beer right now) to try to heal my gut. The biggest mystery to healing is trying to figure out the different symptoms between candida, IBS, SIBO and leaky gut without going to doctor. Right now I just continue to rely on my body and this forum to heal. 7 months out and getting better. Ya’ll have a blessed day!!!!