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Yeah i was only half joking about organising a flight for you to lol
It is really nice here though 🙂 Although i do love the cold and snow is really fun. but you know they say the grass is always greener on the other side. lol I’m sorry to hear about you and your wife though Jason, my 5 year relationship also ended when this happened to me in October which was an extra hard blow to the whole ordeal. I too also love helping people and I’m glad that i’ll get a chance to do that here 🙂
I’ll definitely try laying off the Mag a bit and see what happens. I didn’t realise those baths could actually contribute to the sound sensitivity. I do know that because i have CNS symptoms that the downgraded GABA receptors are most likely the reason for mine. Because benzo withdrawal shares the identical symptoms which includes the burning in the ear and clicks and pops i’m and more likely to believe its mainly GABA related. So still hoping its nothing more serious or permanent
I had no idea fixing the gut was so complicated and that really does complicate things but hopefully with your guidance I can get mine back in shape if it needs it.
I have read through most of the pages in holistic help and wow this is really an insanely complicated topic and it seems difficult to be successful
At the bottom i compiled a summary of signs to differentiate each of the three main issues for everyone to see.
I went through everything in detail and observed whats been going on with me. I don’t really have much of these symptoms. i don’t have gas or bloating or any kinda of pain in the abdominal area. I get stomach tightness when the anxiety hits but i am not sure if that could be related to a gut problem or just the anxiety. I do have diarrhea but it doesn’t have a foul odor but normal. I haven’t noticed any sensitivity to any foods per say, i do get some gas if I eat beans but i always had that problem and was never much of a bean eater. I have CNS symptoms but i don’t think i have any brain fog. the muscle and joint pain and insomnia and anxiety i think are more closely related to the GABA problem. what do you think?
Currently i am eating:
Cooked Veggies (cabbage, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli)
Salads (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, kale)
Organic Chicken and some occasional wild caught Samon
My question is where do i go from here?
Is it that i probably don’t have a gut problem per say
If I do then what direction to i go in to deal with it seeing i don’t really have much symptoms to point me into a direction.
Maybe Herbal Antibiotics which would possibly treat SIBO and H.P with cutting out pro/prebiotics and following a candida protocol would be a good way forward?
Should i also discontinue digestive enzymes while doing this and reintroduce that with the probiotics later. Should i also take the colostrum as well i just received it?
Or should i just do nothing more than i am doing right now?
This can get very confusing lol
Looking forward to your comments as always Jason
SIBO Signs
more painful and symptoms in upper GI track can be severe
psychological problems can be more broad and disruptive
diet needs to be low in carbs, fruits, nuts.
overall health of individual is more compromised
symptoms are surrounded around the centre of the stomach
its noisy lots of gurgling moaning and squirting in mid section, Candida isn’t
Acid reflux GERD, heart burn, indigestion and belching (lower in stomach near belly button).
Gas originates in the upper abdomen
plenty gas and it smells like sulfur or ammonia, very bad
stool smells very foul as compared to candida only.
dramatic improvement when antibiotics are taken
symptoms get worse when taking a probiotic especially if it contains prebiotics.
SIBO Symptoms
Abdominal pain and cramping
Bloating and abdominal distension
Diarrhea and/or constipation. (May alternate between the two or have one or the other.)
Excessive gas (may smell like sulfur or ammonia)
Excessive belching (may also smell like sulfur)
Feeling full after just a few bites
Acid reflux
Headaches or migraines
Joint and muscle pain
Fatigue and/or weakness
Steatorrhea (excess fat in stool)
Histamine Intolerance
can be activated as soon as food hits your mouth
belching and pain 30 mins after eating.
responds very well to a low carb diet.
H. Pylori
Acid reflux GERD, heart burn, indigestion and belching (higher up), but could be located higher up the abdomen.
Gas originating from lower GI track
symptoms usually develop as food hits your stomach.
gas and pain begins 30 mins after eating, maybe
9 years ago
Hey everyone, I posted something on the FDA facebook page and actually got a very not-satisfying response. But it gave me a thought. How about EVERYONE posts on their page about allowing FFQs to be used for simple infections. They need to know we are not going to sit quietly and keep allowing this to happen. Let them know we are watching and KNOW they have done nothing as regards the Nov hearing. Let them know how it has affected you. Let them know how wrong it is to have your life torn apart for a UTI or sinus infection.
Iodine deficiency, or insufficiency, in any of these tissues will lead to dysfunction of that tissue. Hence the following symptoms could provide clues that you’re not getting enough iodine in your diet. For example, iodine deficiency in:
Salivary glands = inability to produce saliva, producing dry mouth
Skin = dry skin, and lack of sweating. Three to four weeks of iodine supplementation will typically reverse this symptom, allowing your body to sweat normally again
Brain = reduced alertness and lowered IQ
Muscles = nodules, scar tissue, pain, fibrosis, fibromyalgia
Iodine actually induces apoptosis as well, meaning it causes cancer cells to self-destruct. Dr. Jorge Flechas, MD is adamant that absence of iodine in a cell is what causes cancer, and statistics tend to support this view. Unfortunately, iodine levels have significantly dropped in the United States in recent decades due to several factors, including:
Bromine exposure: When you ingest or absorb bromine (found in baked goods, plastics, soft drinks, medications, pesticides and more), it displaces iodine, and this iodine deficiency leads to an increased risk for cancer of the breast, thyroid gland, ovary and prostate — cancers that we see at alarmingly high rates today
Declining consumption of iodine-rich foods, such as iodized salt, eggs, fish, and sea vegetables
Soil depletion
Less use of iodide in the food and agricultural industry
Fluoridated drinking water
Rocket fuel (perchlorate) contamination in food
9 years ago
Hi jwinn,
I don’t know anything about Iodine.
Yesterday, I had that stoned feeling and my eyes were blurrier, so I tried more Colostrum and more Magnesium an hour apart to see if they would help, but they didn’t. So, since I was diagnosed with the Hyperparathyroid and I know Iodine can help some Thyroid problems, I thought I’d try my Kelp pill which has 225 mcg of iodine in it. Well, about 25 minutes after I took it, my head cleared and my eyes got better.
So, I went on the internet to look it up, and I saw the excerpt that I posted on Dr. Mercola’s site, and I figured I’d post it here because I knew a number of people were suffering from dry gland issues and some of the other things in that post.
Since the Kelp pill did help me I will be trying to use it, but, like you, I’m afraid of all these supplements.
9 years ago
IBS, SIBO, Candida and Leaky Gut
Yes Gut issues can be very complex indeed
The link above does a fairly good job of trying to help distinguish between Candida and SIBO, they share many symptoms but have some distinct not always easy to discern differences, people should read through the link if they are confused. What the link did NOT do, was give full lists of symptoms as I mentioned above, this is where I said to use google to help because it helps to know what the full list looks like for each.
IBS is simply just how it sounds, an irritable (irritated) bowel, shows up like spastic butt, pains, Gas, etc, google it for a full list, its VERY similar to SIBO because it is just a “Symptom” where SIBO is the MOST common root cause. There are two types of IBS Characterized, IBS-D and IBS-C, one is Diarrhea and the other is Constipation, and unsurprisingly, there are two main types of SIBO, one is methane and the other hydrogen, and you guessed it one most often causes Diarrhea and the other Constipation. So the list of SIBO symptoms above that Marc posted from the link I gave, is a VERY short list of symptoms for both SIBO and IBS more or less, and the Lady there helps to shed some light in that link again mostly on some differences between SIBO and Candida.
Candida symptom list is somewhere around a FIFTY to a HUNDRED, it causes massive amounts of issues, and gets especially nasty if it becomes systematic, which means it has spread body-wide. Again a quick google search will pull up many websites with piles of lists of these symptoms, from the Gut page I posted this link before which gives a very basic list of Candida Symptoms:
Leaky Gut I went into GREAT detail back on the “Gut Page”, there is a ton of info there, and links to even more info, Expert opinions etc etc. Leaky Gut is also a Symptom that has a root cause, VERY often that is Candida or SIBO. Yet, Leaky Gut is ALSO a root cause itself to many things, and VERY often that is any number of Auto-Immune “Diseases”, where the body starts attacking itself due to all the “misplaced” inappropriate things floating around the Blood stream, these are all listed back on the Gut page, Arthritis, Sjögren’s, Lupus, MS etc etc many mimic Cipro Symptoms and by no accident IMO.
WARNING – These “conditions” can be VERY subtle and insidious infections. You do NOT need to have many of the symptoms to have these conditions, and testing for them is sketchy at best with maybe SIBO being the more reliable test of the 3. This means sometimes Doctors (and patients) have to actually treat the symptoms, its not ideal, and resembles a failed Western Medicine model, but when testing is proven unreliable AND when other things have been ruled out this is resorted to at times. I can tell you that I “mis-diagnosed” myself many times for IBS and SIBO, because I had so few symptoms and most of the time they were relatively minor, or so I thought and I realized later that this has been a HUGE problem for me for a decade or more, intermittently, like a few months every year or two where I thought I was having trouble getting rid of a “food poisoning bug”, well I was 3/4 right, butt (see what I did there…lol) it turns out the “BUG” from food that is off can trigger a SIBO relapse, which explains why if my wife also got it she might be better in a week or less where I would still be having issues for months. AGAIN, these can be VERY SUBTLE, they fooled me, I knew I had Candida when I read off that list of symptoms (even though I only had about 10 out of 75 or so, in poking around further the 10 were some of the most common) but with only 3 or 4 SIBO symptoms that were seemingly often minor and would come and go, this was a tricky bastard to figure out, well of course I never fully dug into it like I should have, I did not have the “hallmark symptoms” and brushed it off and went on to the next probable cause, and that was a big mistake.
PS Marc – I knew I was missing something with the sound of course Gaba issues can be behind this. Sibo is a bastard to treat because the diet needs to be even more strict than an already strict Candida diet. Its very hard for me to say of course but it could be that the Diarrhea is just from the Mag as I mentioned and since you don’t seem to have many or any of the other Symptoms for Sibo then if it was me I would cut back on the Mag and Baths (both) and see how that plays out. Brain Fog is one of the Hallmarks for Candida, you will have to go through some lists for this and decide if you think you have it and want to then try and treat it, no one can tell you whether you have it or not. The muscle, joint pain, insomnia and anxiety can all be Gut related, Insomnia and Anxiety can definitely be Gaba issues but I would attribute Muscle and Joint pain to Inflammation which very often starts in the Gut. Since you have the Colostrum I would be inclined to try it on empty stomach and following the diet guidelines for best chance of success, you may also want to include more of the protocol that will be up to you.
Tom Marsella
9 years ago
The FDA response person is paid to give his “we’re sorry…” comment to our pleas and like many federal employees gets a bonus if nothing gets done. Lets ask Trump to help. -Tom
9 years ago
Hi Mark S and Everyone,
Primary Magnesium Concentration in Hyperparathyroidism
It’s a study about NOT BEING ABLE TO RETAIN MAGNESIUM if you have Hyperparathyroidism.
Since I’ve been diagnosed with Hyperparathyroid, I of course have been reading as much as I can on it.
Well, I came across this research paper, and it sure sounds like what all Floxies are dealing with concerning Magnesium.
Also, for those of you who are 35-40 (if I remember correctly, you can look it up on your normal blood Calcium level should be around 9, if it’s 10 or more, they say you are Hyperparathyroid. And that regular doctors and endos really don’t know enough about it or the blood levels.
Also Mark, according to, your blood Calcium level should not be higher than 10.7 for your age group, and you said your’s was MID 20’s !!! Please read this research paper, and then go to, It has all the blood Calcium levels for all the age groups mapped out on these really easy to read charts
SO EVERYBODY, PLEASE CHECK YOUR BLOOD WORK. Throughout this whole nightmare, I watched my Calcium levels rise from 8’s, 9’s. and now 10’s, and I told my dr., (who by the way should have been telling me) but he thought it was just fine!!! and he also knew I wasn’t able to retain my Magnesium. This just proves to me that these dr.s really don’t know enough about A LOT of things.
Here’s the summary/conclusion of
Primary Magnesium Concentration in Primary Hyperparathyroidism
In summary, this patient with Paget’s disease and hyperparathyroidism
had striking hypomagnesaemia preoperatively, associated
with a normal urinary magnesium excretion. Magnesium,
infused intravenously as magnesium sulphate, was not retained;
it was rapidly and entirely lost in the urine. After parathyroidectomy
there was a brief period of pronounced hypocalcaemia
with further lowering of the plasma magnesium concentration.
Four months after the operation both plasma
calcium and plasma magnesium concentrations had returned to
normal levels.
Two of the other hypomagnesaemic patients have been followed
up for four or more weeks after parathyroidectomy. In
one the plasma magnesium concentration had risen from 1-55
mg./100 ml. preoperatively to 1-69 mg./100 ml. at five weeks.
The other patient had a plasma magnesium concentration of
1-10 mg./100 ml., and a 24-hour urinary excretion of 120 mg.
before operation. Four weeks after parathyroidectomy, at
which time she was receiving oral magnesium supplements,
the plasma level was 2-02 mg./100 ml. Two years later, when
she had been off all treatment for one year, the plasma magnesium
concentration was 1-73 mg./100 ml. and the 24-hour
urinary magnesium excretion 108 mg.
The occasional occurrence of hypomagnesaemia in primary
hyperparathyroidism has been ncted previously (Harmon, 1956;
Barnes et al., 1957; Agna and Goldsmith, 1958; Hanna et al.,
1961) and is confirmed in this study, in which a significant
negative correlation has been found between plasma calcium
and magnesium concentrations in a group of patients with
primary hyperparathyroidism. This is to be contrasted with
the positive correlation which has been shown between the
plasma calcium and magnesium concentrations in a group of
normal subjects (Briscoe and Ragan, 1967). Patients with more
severe primary hyperparathyroidism, manifested by higher
plasma calcium concentrations, tend to have lower plasma
magnesium concentrations.
In the patient studied in greatest detail striking hypomagnesaemia
(1-07 mg./100 ml.) was associated with relatively
high urinary magnesium losses (85 mg./day). Parenterally
administered magnesium was entirely excreted in the urine,
indicating either that the hypomagnesaemia was not associated
with any significant body deficit of magnesium or that if such
a deficit was present it could not be corrected by an intravenous
infusion of magnesium sulphate. After surgical correction
of the hyperparathyroidism the plasma magnesium concentration
rose to normal. It is of interest that the magnesium
infusion resulted in a slight but definite rise in the plasma
calcium concentration despite a considerable increase in urinary
calcium output. In normal subjects the plasma calcium concentration
falls during an intravenous infusion of magnesium
sulphate (Jones and Fourman, 1966). In hypomagnesaemic
subjects with associated hypocalcaemia, however, a rise of
plasma calcium concentration accompanies magnesium administration
(Heaton and Fourman, 1965; Zimmet et al., 1968).
Hypomagnesaemia may interfere with the calcium-mobilizing
effect of parathyroid hormone on the bone (Heaton and Fourman,
1965), and this would account for the effect of the magnesium
infusion on the plasma calcium concentration in our
Hanna et al. (1961) suggested that magnesium deficiency in
hyperparathyroidism might be a result of excessive urinary
magnesium losses accompanying hypercalciuria, since it is
known that an acute increase in -urinary calcium excretion,
produced by an intravenous calcium infusion, is accompanied
by increased urinary magnesium excretion, perhaps as a result
of competition of calcium and magnesium for a common renal
tubular reabsorptive pathway. Nevertheless, our five patients
(all female) with plasma magnesium concentrations below 1 6
mg./100 ml., all of whom had urea retention (plasma levels
44-70 mg./100 ml.), had a mean daily urinary calcium excretion
of 254 mg. Only one, the patient with a plasma calcium of 18-5
mg./100 ml., had a daily urinary calcium excretion exceeding
250 mg. Their mean daily urinary magnesium excretion of 65
mg. was, by contrast, inappropriately high for a group of hypomagnesaemic
subjects, since normal subjects will reduce the
urinary magnesium losses to less than 12 mg./day before the
plasma magnesium level falls significantly (see Fitzgerald and
Fourman, 1956; Dunn and Walser, 1966).
Hypomagnesaemia associated with a relatively high urinary
magnesium excretion in primary hyperparathyroidism cannot
be attributed to the known effects of parathyroid hormone.
Since the hormone increases renal magnesium reabsorption, it
would be expected to cause hypermagnesaemia. Primary hyperparathyroidism,
however, as well as other hypercalcaemic conBhnH
28 February 1970 Primary Hyperparathyroidism-Sutton MEDICAL JOURNiAL 533
ditions, occasionally results in renal wasting of other substances,
such as potassium (Sanderson, 1967) and amino-acids (Cusworth
et al., 1970), which may be reversible when the hypercalcaemia
is corrected.
The defective renal conservation of
magnesium in our patients, which was often associated with
slight urea retention, mav be a similar and sometimes REVERSIBLE (my emphasis)
effect of primary hyperparathyroidism.
I ain grateful to Professor C. E. Dent for advice in
9 years ago
I took 500mg of cipro 2x a day for two weeks. The treatment ended two weeks ago and now I’m in worse condition. My right Achilles’ tendon is constantly inflamed, left knee and calf feel knotted up, severe constipation and feels like my body is breaking down. I ended up having my mother help me to the doctor on Feb 22. My doctor put me on prednisone and stoll softener. 5 days of predisone and literally 5 days of staying home (missed work). Today Feb 29 I went work and it was just draining (Not an active moving job either). I’m 39 and pretty damn scared to be honest. I was an active naturalist who loves birding and butterflies. Now I have a hard time getting up and moving around. Tomorrow March 1, 2016 I have an apportionment with my dr again…I wish I found this forum earlier so I was better prepared for my visit. Any advice is appreciated regarding potential dr visit, future, and overall expectations.
9 years ago
Just as an FYI to everyone I have a server yeast infection underlying armpits I got it because of detoxing and didn’t know that the organic deodorant I was using was actually making my skin more moist and the more I would sweat the more deodorant I would put on. I showed Drs before my current Doctor they said it was just inflammation it got so bad that I lost skin and finally showed my ND last week. I will now have scars on my arm Pitts for the rest of my life I am using grapefruit seed and tea tree oil powder. It burns and makes me cry when I put it on but the swelling is gone thank goodness. So in case you guys are sweating non stop like I am just an FYI so it doesn’t happen to you
9 years ago
This is a very interesting complex story that does show just how complex these Health issues can get, sadly this is very common, people chasing their tail, getting no where with Doctors of course, 1 step forward 2 back, no one believes her not even “friends”, goes on for years and years, etc
I think many of you will identify with many things in the story, especially any longer term suffering or severe suffering people, I know I do myself
Note that Cipro is brought up in the comments, and several people who took it are there looking for answers in comments and also identified with the story etc.
9 years ago
Hi all
I have not been writing here on a while. Not good at all.
Just have to tell you about this. My doctor has not belived me in all this, said that i have depression and anxiethy ( off course i have that in all this, but its because off The flagyl that i have been Hurt from)
In january i did a brain scan. The doctor told me that it showed that i had to little liquid in the brain, but everything else was find, and that its not Dangerous she said . Then i did a mri recently. She called me, told me that The only answer she got from this was that everything was find. But that she Will send it to another hospital to get a second apinion. Then i had a very bad feeling, that she had not told me everything. Last week i got my medical records/journals. I had asked about all that, even The answers from The mri and brain scan. I never got that, so yesterday i went over to my doctors office and said that i wanted every paper on this that they have. First they said that they cant write that out, but i said, Yes you can! And got angry, after a while i got The papers. And when i read all that, i was chocked, my doctor has been lying to me.
She her self, had been writing “this patient has special changes in her brain” and when i read both The mri and brain scan, they had been writing “tonsill herniation in the foramen magnum and to little liquid “. How could she not tell me this? Im so angry, mad, and sad. I have The right to know every thing thats going on in my body. Im changing doctor, but it takes time here.
And i also did other tests, and my doctor said, “you have damage to your feet like The diabetics have “, i asked her what that means, but she Will not tell me more. Im starting to Wonder if she is a real doctor, she dosent seem to know anything and not Telling me things. Im not going to write here what i think about her, but i have some words for her. 🙁
9 years ago
Hi Ann,
Sorry to hear you are dealing with such ignorant excuses for medical ‘ professionals ‘, I have so much in my medical records that is completely wrong, various things I was not told about its unreal, I probably have information in my records they are still withholding, this actually seems to be par for the course for many unfortunately.
The fact you mention that they think you have anxiety/ depression as a cause of your issues tells me all I need to know re this. One thing to keep in mind its that when medical records are released, Drs are allowed to withhold any information that ( according to them ) they decide could be detrimental to their patients health & this includes their psychological health .
It seems to matter nothing to them, that them withholding stuff & us finding out about it later could leave a total irreparable breakdown in trust of these people for life of course ( sigh )
I have symmetrical T2 high signal changes in the line of the corticospinal tracts on my brain MRI. floxing seems to often cause hypertensive lesions to show up on MRI, many of which which can mimic neurodegenerative conditions. they though I had everything, they tested me but I had none of them, instead I am floxed . I do not know the situation re this & Flagy, whether this could result in the same sort of thing l have not looked into it but will do so when i get time
The diabetic thing they are talking about re your feet, I would think they might mean you have peripheral nerve damage ( as this is often a complication of diabetes ). have you had any tests for diagnosis of this ? Ie a skin punch biopsy or a EMG/NCS ( not very useful that last one for diagnosing peripheral neuropathy, it will all too often completely miss it )
9 years ago
Stephanie, I am sooo sorry. My feet stay on fire and sweat (or the are completely FROZEN). My feet sweat in the morning and my socks stay wet all day, which makes my feet cold. I wear diabetic and sweat absorbing socks, but doesn’t seem to help. I have notice my underarms sweating more, but contributed that to the fact that I rarely take off my coat because the rest of my body stays cold. Floxing made me lose my body thermostat. When I get outside in the heat or exert myself (which doesn’t take much these days), my body doesn’t sweat like it used to. I contracted toenail fungus because of my feet staying wet all the time. I tried to take Oil of Oregano for it, but it made me really nauseated and my head hurt. I’ve been using Tea tree oil, but haven’t seen much improvement. I take 3 mg of Boric Acid by pill. Daniela, do you apply the Boric Acid Powder directly to the yeast infection?
Hi everyone … I haven’t been able to catch up on comments for a while — house guests — but I wanted to post the following link. It’s from a pharmaceutical company in the S.F. Bay Area that is well into studying mitochrondrial damage.
Their website,, has a link for medication-induced mitochrondrial damage, with further links for “Ways to Feel Better,” “Medication Induced Research,” “Medication Induced Clinical Trials,” and “Medication Induced Support Groups,” which lists FloxieHope. So perhaps you already knew about this, but I want to share this with anyone who didn’t.
9 years ago
Hi Everyone,
I haven’t been on in a while, because I’ve been preoccupied reading as much as I can about my dx of Hyperparathroid.
But, I wanted to let you all know what’s going on with Colostrum and the HPT.
The Colostrum got me out of that HORRIBLE flare that I had been in for four months since
It took away the tinnitus, the dizzy, soupy head and the vertigo.
It helped with my joints, especially my shoulders so that I can now sleep on my sides every night and lay flat without the room spinning.
And it helped my stomach so much, that I now can eat whatever I want without any problems (so far).
With all that being said, all those issues are still there and things do flare them up, so the Colostrum didn’t whined up being my “cure all” 🙁 But it keeps the intensity at a much lower level. So I don’t regret buying it or telling you all about it, because that and Magnesium have been the best help throughout this whole ordeal.
But I can’t go on living like this. Even with the help from the Colostrum, it’s a constant battle trying to keep the symptoms at bay, and it’s a constant guessing game as to what flares you up and what actually helps, and for how long it will help.
For example, the Colostrum worked like a miracle for about 20 days, then I started getting some worse flares, so I tried adjusting my dose but truly never knowing what I’m doing or why it’s flaring, or why the Colostrum isn’t working like a miracle anymore ???
So, I signed up for the surgery at The Parathyroid Center in Florida. I live in Ohio, so that was a BIG decision for me. But it’s the only dx I got throughout this, so I want to have the surgery PRAYING that it heals me or if nothing else, it eliminates it,
If you go on and read What Patients Say, you will see these people are suffering in the ways we all are. So, I have HOPE that maybe this is the answer.
We can never give up on HOPE.
I’ll keep you posted.
9 years ago
Here is one testimony,
Patient: NM. Cleveland, Ohio. Registered Nurse
Dear Dr. Norman: I am so excited and have been since awakening from my parathyroid surgery and realizing that all of the HORRIBLE symptoms that I had suffered over the past 20 months, that had literally debilitated me,are—GONE!! The generalized bone pain, the relentless nausea, the tired to the bone feeling, and most of all,the the Horrible dizziness and vertigo,are gone!!! You, with the gifted surgeons hands, and the intelligent brain, did what 11 other Drs. could not, you knew immediately that it was the high calcium causing all of my problems and you were absolutely right!! You have given me back my life and I plan to return to my nursing job and career in two weeks. I could never put into words my praise and thanks to you. I will be forever grateful.
9 years ago
Hi All,
So I am trying to get a news story together with a friend of a friend who works at a well known newspaper. I need short concise examples of your stories focusing on how Drs lied to you and or ignored you. Please send them as soon as possible along with any links to reports that I can send the reporter to the many reports about corruption in the pharmaceutical industry that can be linked to our situation. I want to make sure all our voices are heard and this is the easiest way????. I have no guarantee that the story will run but with each of your help it will be enough evidence to support running the story.
Mark S
9 years ago
I’m starting to think that iodine somehow has a connection to the connective tissue health for floxies. My achilles was starting to feel much better after supplementing with it heavy for a week. I stopped and now it’s back to feeling unstable. Interesting. I am thinking that its secondary by getting rid of heavy metals and halogens such as obviously fluoride that break down the enzymes that build connective tissues.
Richard Pyne
9 years ago
Hello everyone. Took cipro for two weeks between mid January and the beginning of February this year. Five weeks on from stopping course now. Very worried. Tested negative for peripheral neuropathy last week via all sorts of nerve tests. Not sleeping well because I am so stressed. I just can’t switch off. Any help and advice from you all would be appreciated. Any tests I should ask my doctor for? Will write more when more cogent.
Hey Jason
Yeah i was only half joking about organising a flight for you to lol
It is really nice here though 🙂 Although i do love the cold and snow is really fun. but you know they say the grass is always greener on the other side. lol I’m sorry to hear about you and your wife though Jason, my 5 year relationship also ended when this happened to me in October which was an extra hard blow to the whole ordeal. I too also love helping people and I’m glad that i’ll get a chance to do that here 🙂
I’ll definitely try laying off the Mag a bit and see what happens. I didn’t realise those baths could actually contribute to the sound sensitivity. I do know that because i have CNS symptoms that the downgraded GABA receptors are most likely the reason for mine. Because benzo withdrawal shares the identical symptoms which includes the burning in the ear and clicks and pops i’m and more likely to believe its mainly GABA related. So still hoping its nothing more serious or permanent
I had no idea fixing the gut was so complicated and that really does complicate things but hopefully with your guidance I can get mine back in shape if it needs it.
I have read through most of the pages in holistic help and wow this is really an insanely complicated topic and it seems difficult to be successful
At the bottom i compiled a summary of signs to differentiate each of the three main issues for everyone to see.
I went through everything in detail and observed whats been going on with me. I don’t really have much of these symptoms. i don’t have gas or bloating or any kinda of pain in the abdominal area. I get stomach tightness when the anxiety hits but i am not sure if that could be related to a gut problem or just the anxiety. I do have diarrhea but it doesn’t have a foul odor but normal. I haven’t noticed any sensitivity to any foods per say, i do get some gas if I eat beans but i always had that problem and was never much of a bean eater. I have CNS symptoms but i don’t think i have any brain fog. the muscle and joint pain and insomnia and anxiety i think are more closely related to the GABA problem. what do you think?
Currently i am eating:
Cooked Veggies (cabbage, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli)
Salads (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, kale)
Organic Chicken and some occasional wild caught Samon
My question is where do i go from here?
Is it that i probably don’t have a gut problem per say
If I do then what direction to i go in to deal with it seeing i don’t really have much symptoms to point me into a direction.
Maybe Herbal Antibiotics which would possibly treat SIBO and H.P with cutting out pro/prebiotics and following a candida protocol would be a good way forward?
Should i also discontinue digestive enzymes while doing this and reintroduce that with the probiotics later. Should i also take the colostrum as well i just received it?
Or should i just do nothing more than i am doing right now?
This can get very confusing lol
Looking forward to your comments as always Jason
SIBO Signs
more painful and symptoms in upper GI track can be severe
psychological problems can be more broad and disruptive
diet needs to be low in carbs, fruits, nuts.
overall health of individual is more compromised
symptoms are surrounded around the centre of the stomach
its noisy lots of gurgling moaning and squirting in mid section, Candida isn’t
Acid reflux GERD, heart burn, indigestion and belching (lower in stomach near belly button).
Gas originates in the upper abdomen
plenty gas and it smells like sulfur or ammonia, very bad
stool smells very foul as compared to candida only.
dramatic improvement when antibiotics are taken
symptoms get worse when taking a probiotic especially if it contains prebiotics.
SIBO Symptoms
Abdominal pain and cramping
Bloating and abdominal distension
Diarrhea and/or constipation. (May alternate between the two or have one or the other.)
Excessive gas (may smell like sulfur or ammonia)
Excessive belching (may also smell like sulfur)
Feeling full after just a few bites
Acid reflux
Headaches or migraines
Joint and muscle pain
Fatigue and/or weakness
Steatorrhea (excess fat in stool)
Histamine Intolerance
can be activated as soon as food hits your mouth
belching and pain 30 mins after eating.
responds very well to a low carb diet.
H. Pylori
Acid reflux GERD, heart burn, indigestion and belching (higher up), but could be located higher up the abdomen.
Gas originating from lower GI track
symptoms usually develop as food hits your stomach.
gas and pain begins 30 mins after eating, maybe
Hey everyone, I posted something on the FDA facebook page and actually got a very not-satisfying response. But it gave me a thought. How about EVERYONE posts on their page about allowing FFQs to be used for simple infections. They need to know we are not going to sit quietly and keep allowing this to happen. Let them know we are watching and KNOW they have done nothing as regards the Nov hearing. Let them know how it has affected you. Let them know how wrong it is to have your life torn apart for a UTI or sinus infection.
Hey Jwinn did you check out this article that goes into alot of detail on how to tell the differences between them.
Peter or those of you dealing with dry eyes, mouth, and sweat glands, I thought this might be interesting;
Iodine Is Not Only for Your Thyroid
Though thyroid health is often what people think of when they think of iodine, other tissues also absorb and use large amounts of iodine, including:
Breasts Salivary glands Pancreas Cerebral spinal fluid
Skin Stomach Brain Thymus
Iodine deficiency, or insufficiency, in any of these tissues will lead to dysfunction of that tissue. Hence the following symptoms could provide clues that you’re not getting enough iodine in your diet. For example, iodine deficiency in:
Salivary glands = inability to produce saliva, producing dry mouth
Skin = dry skin, and lack of sweating. Three to four weeks of iodine supplementation will typically reverse this symptom, allowing your body to sweat normally again
Brain = reduced alertness and lowered IQ
Muscles = nodules, scar tissue, pain, fibrosis, fibromyalgia
Iodine actually induces apoptosis as well, meaning it causes cancer cells to self-destruct. Dr. Jorge Flechas, MD is adamant that absence of iodine in a cell is what causes cancer, and statistics tend to support this view. Unfortunately, iodine levels have significantly dropped in the United States in recent decades due to several factors, including:
Bromine exposure: When you ingest or absorb bromine (found in baked goods, plastics, soft drinks, medications, pesticides and more), it displaces iodine, and this iodine deficiency leads to an increased risk for cancer of the breast, thyroid gland, ovary and prostate — cancers that we see at alarmingly high rates today
Declining consumption of iodine-rich foods, such as iodized salt, eggs, fish, and sea vegetables
Soil depletion
Less use of iodide in the food and agricultural industry
Fluoridated drinking water
Rocket fuel (perchlorate) contamination in food
Hi jwinn,
I don’t know anything about Iodine.
Yesterday, I had that stoned feeling and my eyes were blurrier, so I tried more Colostrum and more Magnesium an hour apart to see if they would help, but they didn’t. So, since I was diagnosed with the Hyperparathyroid and I know Iodine can help some Thyroid problems, I thought I’d try my Kelp pill which has 225 mcg of iodine in it. Well, about 25 minutes after I took it, my head cleared and my eyes got better.
So, I went on the internet to look it up, and I saw the excerpt that I posted on Dr. Mercola’s site, and I figured I’d post it here because I knew a number of people were suffering from dry gland issues and some of the other things in that post.
Since the Kelp pill did help me I will be trying to use it, but, like you, I’m afraid of all these supplements.
IBS, SIBO, Candida and Leaky Gut
Yes Gut issues can be very complex indeed
The link above does a fairly good job of trying to help distinguish between Candida and SIBO, they share many symptoms but have some distinct not always easy to discern differences, people should read through the link if they are confused. What the link did NOT do, was give full lists of symptoms as I mentioned above, this is where I said to use google to help because it helps to know what the full list looks like for each.
IBS is simply just how it sounds, an irritable (irritated) bowel, shows up like spastic butt, pains, Gas, etc, google it for a full list, its VERY similar to SIBO because it is just a “Symptom” where SIBO is the MOST common root cause. There are two types of IBS Characterized, IBS-D and IBS-C, one is Diarrhea and the other is Constipation, and unsurprisingly, there are two main types of SIBO, one is methane and the other hydrogen, and you guessed it one most often causes Diarrhea and the other Constipation. So the list of SIBO symptoms above that Marc posted from the link I gave, is a VERY short list of symptoms for both SIBO and IBS more or less, and the Lady there helps to shed some light in that link again mostly on some differences between SIBO and Candida.
Candida symptom list is somewhere around a FIFTY to a HUNDRED, it causes massive amounts of issues, and gets especially nasty if it becomes systematic, which means it has spread body-wide. Again a quick google search will pull up many websites with piles of lists of these symptoms, from the Gut page I posted this link before which gives a very basic list of Candida Symptoms:
Leaky Gut I went into GREAT detail back on the “Gut Page”, there is a ton of info there, and links to even more info, Expert opinions etc etc. Leaky Gut is also a Symptom that has a root cause, VERY often that is Candida or SIBO. Yet, Leaky Gut is ALSO a root cause itself to many things, and VERY often that is any number of Auto-Immune “Diseases”, where the body starts attacking itself due to all the “misplaced” inappropriate things floating around the Blood stream, these are all listed back on the Gut page, Arthritis, Sjögren’s, Lupus, MS etc etc many mimic Cipro Symptoms and by no accident IMO.
WARNING – These “conditions” can be VERY subtle and insidious infections. You do NOT need to have many of the symptoms to have these conditions, and testing for them is sketchy at best with maybe SIBO being the more reliable test of the 3. This means sometimes Doctors (and patients) have to actually treat the symptoms, its not ideal, and resembles a failed Western Medicine model, but when testing is proven unreliable AND when other things have been ruled out this is resorted to at times. I can tell you that I “mis-diagnosed” myself many times for IBS and SIBO, because I had so few symptoms and most of the time they were relatively minor, or so I thought and I realized later that this has been a HUGE problem for me for a decade or more, intermittently, like a few months every year or two where I thought I was having trouble getting rid of a “food poisoning bug”, well I was 3/4 right, butt (see what I did there…lol) it turns out the “BUG” from food that is off can trigger a SIBO relapse, which explains why if my wife also got it she might be better in a week or less where I would still be having issues for months. AGAIN, these can be VERY SUBTLE, they fooled me, I knew I had Candida when I read off that list of symptoms (even though I only had about 10 out of 75 or so, in poking around further the 10 were some of the most common) but with only 3 or 4 SIBO symptoms that were seemingly often minor and would come and go, this was a tricky bastard to figure out, well of course I never fully dug into it like I should have, I did not have the “hallmark symptoms” and brushed it off and went on to the next probable cause, and that was a big mistake.
PS Marc – I knew I was missing something with the sound of course Gaba issues can be behind this. Sibo is a bastard to treat because the diet needs to be even more strict than an already strict Candida diet. Its very hard for me to say of course but it could be that the Diarrhea is just from the Mag as I mentioned and since you don’t seem to have many or any of the other Symptoms for Sibo then if it was me I would cut back on the Mag and Baths (both) and see how that plays out. Brain Fog is one of the Hallmarks for Candida, you will have to go through some lists for this and decide if you think you have it and want to then try and treat it, no one can tell you whether you have it or not. The muscle, joint pain, insomnia and anxiety can all be Gut related, Insomnia and Anxiety can definitely be Gaba issues but I would attribute Muscle and Joint pain to Inflammation which very often starts in the Gut. Since you have the Colostrum I would be inclined to try it on empty stomach and following the diet guidelines for best chance of success, you may also want to include more of the protocol that will be up to you.
The FDA response person is paid to give his “we’re sorry…” comment to our pleas and like many federal employees gets a bonus if nothing gets done. Lets ask Trump to help. -Tom
Hi Mark S and Everyone,
Primary Magnesium Concentration in Hyperparathyroidism
It’s a study about NOT BEING ABLE TO RETAIN MAGNESIUM if you have Hyperparathyroidism.
Since I’ve been diagnosed with Hyperparathyroid, I of course have been reading as much as I can on it.
Well, I came across this research paper, and it sure sounds like what all Floxies are dealing with concerning Magnesium.
Also, for those of you who are 35-40 (if I remember correctly, you can look it up on your normal blood Calcium level should be around 9, if it’s 10 or more, they say you are Hyperparathyroid. And that regular doctors and endos really don’t know enough about it or the blood levels.
Also Mark, according to, your blood Calcium level should not be higher than 10.7 for your age group, and you said your’s was MID 20’s !!! Please read this research paper, and then go to, It has all the blood Calcium levels for all the age groups mapped out on these really easy to read charts
SO EVERYBODY, PLEASE CHECK YOUR BLOOD WORK. Throughout this whole nightmare, I watched my Calcium levels rise from 8’s, 9’s. and now 10’s, and I told my dr., (who by the way should have been telling me) but he thought it was just fine!!! and he also knew I wasn’t able to retain my Magnesium. This just proves to me that these dr.s really don’t know enough about A LOT of things.
Here’s the full article
Here’s the summary/conclusion of
Primary Magnesium Concentration in Primary Hyperparathyroidism
In summary, this patient with Paget’s disease and hyperparathyroidism
had striking hypomagnesaemia preoperatively, associated
with a normal urinary magnesium excretion. Magnesium,
infused intravenously as magnesium sulphate, was not retained;
it was rapidly and entirely lost in the urine. After parathyroidectomy
there was a brief period of pronounced hypocalcaemia
with further lowering of the plasma magnesium concentration.
Four months after the operation both plasma
calcium and plasma magnesium concentrations had returned to
normal levels.
Two of the other hypomagnesaemic patients have been followed
up for four or more weeks after parathyroidectomy. In
one the plasma magnesium concentration had risen from 1-55
mg./100 ml. preoperatively to 1-69 mg./100 ml. at five weeks.
The other patient had a plasma magnesium concentration of
1-10 mg./100 ml., and a 24-hour urinary excretion of 120 mg.
before operation. Four weeks after parathyroidectomy, at
which time she was receiving oral magnesium supplements,
the plasma level was 2-02 mg./100 ml. Two years later, when
she had been off all treatment for one year, the plasma magnesium
concentration was 1-73 mg./100 ml. and the 24-hour
urinary magnesium excretion 108 mg.
The occasional occurrence of hypomagnesaemia in primary
hyperparathyroidism has been ncted previously (Harmon, 1956;
Barnes et al., 1957; Agna and Goldsmith, 1958; Hanna et al.,
1961) and is confirmed in this study, in which a significant
negative correlation has been found between plasma calcium
and magnesium concentrations in a group of patients with
primary hyperparathyroidism. This is to be contrasted with
the positive correlation which has been shown between the
plasma calcium and magnesium concentrations in a group of
normal subjects (Briscoe and Ragan, 1967). Patients with more
severe primary hyperparathyroidism, manifested by higher
plasma calcium concentrations, tend to have lower plasma
magnesium concentrations.
In the patient studied in greatest detail striking hypomagnesaemia
(1-07 mg./100 ml.) was associated with relatively
high urinary magnesium losses (85 mg./day). Parenterally
administered magnesium was entirely excreted in the urine,
indicating either that the hypomagnesaemia was not associated
with any significant body deficit of magnesium or that if such
a deficit was present it could not be corrected by an intravenous
infusion of magnesium sulphate. After surgical correction
of the hyperparathyroidism the plasma magnesium concentration
rose to normal. It is of interest that the magnesium
infusion resulted in a slight but definite rise in the plasma
calcium concentration despite a considerable increase in urinary
calcium output. In normal subjects the plasma calcium concentration
falls during an intravenous infusion of magnesium
sulphate (Jones and Fourman, 1966). In hypomagnesaemic
subjects with associated hypocalcaemia, however, a rise of
plasma calcium concentration accompanies magnesium administration
(Heaton and Fourman, 1965; Zimmet et al., 1968).
Hypomagnesaemia may interfere with the calcium-mobilizing
effect of parathyroid hormone on the bone (Heaton and Fourman,
1965), and this would account for the effect of the magnesium
infusion on the plasma calcium concentration in our
Hanna et al. (1961) suggested that magnesium deficiency in
hyperparathyroidism might be a result of excessive urinary
magnesium losses accompanying hypercalciuria, since it is
known that an acute increase in -urinary calcium excretion,
produced by an intravenous calcium infusion, is accompanied
by increased urinary magnesium excretion, perhaps as a result
of competition of calcium and magnesium for a common renal
tubular reabsorptive pathway. Nevertheless, our five patients
(all female) with plasma magnesium concentrations below 1 6
mg./100 ml., all of whom had urea retention (plasma levels
44-70 mg./100 ml.), had a mean daily urinary calcium excretion
of 254 mg. Only one, the patient with a plasma calcium of 18-5
mg./100 ml., had a daily urinary calcium excretion exceeding
250 mg. Their mean daily urinary magnesium excretion of 65
mg. was, by contrast, inappropriately high for a group of hypomagnesaemic
subjects, since normal subjects will reduce the
urinary magnesium losses to less than 12 mg./day before the
plasma magnesium level falls significantly (see Fitzgerald and
Fourman, 1956; Dunn and Walser, 1966).
Hypomagnesaemia associated with a relatively high urinary
magnesium excretion in primary hyperparathyroidism cannot
be attributed to the known effects of parathyroid hormone.
Since the hormone increases renal magnesium reabsorption, it
would be expected to cause hypermagnesaemia. Primary hyperparathyroidism,
however, as well as other hypercalcaemic conBhnH
28 February 1970 Primary Hyperparathyroidism-Sutton MEDICAL JOURNiAL 533
ditions, occasionally results in renal wasting of other substances,
such as potassium (Sanderson, 1967) and amino-acids (Cusworth
et al., 1970), which may be reversible when the hypercalcaemia
is corrected.
The defective renal conservation of
magnesium in our patients, which was often associated with
slight urea retention, mav be a similar and sometimes REVERSIBLE (my emphasis)
effect of primary hyperparathyroidism.
I ain grateful to Professor C. E. Dent for advice in
I took 500mg of cipro 2x a day for two weeks. The treatment ended two weeks ago and now I’m in worse condition. My right Achilles’ tendon is constantly inflamed, left knee and calf feel knotted up, severe constipation and feels like my body is breaking down. I ended up having my mother help me to the doctor on Feb 22. My doctor put me on prednisone and stoll softener. 5 days of predisone and literally 5 days of staying home (missed work). Today Feb 29 I went work and it was just draining (Not an active moving job either). I’m 39 and pretty damn scared to be honest. I was an active naturalist who loves birding and butterflies. Now I have a hard time getting up and moving around. Tomorrow March 1, 2016 I have an apportionment with my dr again…I wish I found this forum earlier so I was better prepared for my visit. Any advice is appreciated regarding potential dr visit, future, and overall expectations.
Just as an FYI to everyone I have a server yeast infection underlying armpits I got it because of detoxing and didn’t know that the organic deodorant I was using was actually making my skin more moist and the more I would sweat the more deodorant I would put on. I showed Drs before my current Doctor they said it was just inflammation it got so bad that I lost skin and finally showed my ND last week. I will now have scars on my arm Pitts for the rest of my life I am using grapefruit seed and tea tree oil powder. It burns and makes me cry when I put it on but the swelling is gone thank goodness. So in case you guys are sweating non stop like I am just an FYI so it doesn’t happen to you
This is a very interesting complex story that does show just how complex these Health issues can get, sadly this is very common, people chasing their tail, getting no where with Doctors of course, 1 step forward 2 back, no one believes her not even “friends”, goes on for years and years, etc
I think many of you will identify with many things in the story, especially any longer term suffering or severe suffering people, I know I do myself
Note that Cipro is brought up in the comments, and several people who took it are there looking for answers in comments and also identified with the story etc.
Hi all
I have not been writing here on a while. Not good at all.
Just have to tell you about this. My doctor has not belived me in all this, said that i have depression and anxiethy ( off course i have that in all this, but its because off The flagyl that i have been Hurt from)
In january i did a brain scan. The doctor told me that it showed that i had to little liquid in the brain, but everything else was find, and that its not Dangerous she said . Then i did a mri recently. She called me, told me that The only answer she got from this was that everything was find. But that she Will send it to another hospital to get a second apinion. Then i had a very bad feeling, that she had not told me everything. Last week i got my medical records/journals. I had asked about all that, even The answers from The mri and brain scan. I never got that, so yesterday i went over to my doctors office and said that i wanted every paper on this that they have. First they said that they cant write that out, but i said, Yes you can! And got angry, after a while i got The papers. And when i read all that, i was chocked, my doctor has been lying to me.
She her self, had been writing “this patient has special changes in her brain” and when i read both The mri and brain scan, they had been writing “tonsill herniation in the foramen magnum and to little liquid “. How could she not tell me this? Im so angry, mad, and sad. I have The right to know every thing thats going on in my body. Im changing doctor, but it takes time here.
And i also did other tests, and my doctor said, “you have damage to your feet like The diabetics have “, i asked her what that means, but she Will not tell me more. Im starting to Wonder if she is a real doctor, she dosent seem to know anything and not Telling me things. Im not going to write here what i think about her, but i have some words for her. 🙁
Hi Ann,
Sorry to hear you are dealing with such ignorant excuses for medical ‘ professionals ‘, I have so much in my medical records that is completely wrong, various things I was not told about its unreal, I probably have information in my records they are still withholding, this actually seems to be par for the course for many unfortunately.
The fact you mention that they think you have anxiety/ depression as a cause of your issues tells me all I need to know re this. One thing to keep in mind its that when medical records are released, Drs are allowed to withhold any information that ( according to them ) they decide could be detrimental to their patients health & this includes their psychological health .
It seems to matter nothing to them, that them withholding stuff & us finding out about it later could leave a total irreparable breakdown in trust of these people for life of course ( sigh )
I have symmetrical T2 high signal changes in the line of the corticospinal tracts on my brain MRI. floxing seems to often cause hypertensive lesions to show up on MRI, many of which which can mimic neurodegenerative conditions. they though I had everything, they tested me but I had none of them, instead I am floxed . I do not know the situation re this & Flagy, whether this could result in the same sort of thing l have not looked into it but will do so when i get time
The diabetic thing they are talking about re your feet, I would think they might mean you have peripheral nerve damage ( as this is often a complication of diabetes ). have you had any tests for diagnosis of this ? Ie a skin punch biopsy or a EMG/NCS ( not very useful that last one for diagnosing peripheral neuropathy, it will all too often completely miss it )
Stephanie, I am sooo sorry. My feet stay on fire and sweat (or the are completely FROZEN). My feet sweat in the morning and my socks stay wet all day, which makes my feet cold. I wear diabetic and sweat absorbing socks, but doesn’t seem to help. I have notice my underarms sweating more, but contributed that to the fact that I rarely take off my coat because the rest of my body stays cold. Floxing made me lose my body thermostat. When I get outside in the heat or exert myself (which doesn’t take much these days), my body doesn’t sweat like it used to. I contracted toenail fungus because of my feet staying wet all the time. I tried to take Oil of Oregano for it, but it made me really nauseated and my head hurt. I’ve been using Tea tree oil, but haven’t seen much improvement. I take 3 mg of Boric Acid by pill. Daniela, do you apply the Boric Acid Powder directly to the yeast infection?
Hi everyone … I haven’t been able to catch up on comments for a while — house guests — but I wanted to post the following link. It’s from a pharmaceutical company in the S.F. Bay Area that is well into studying mitochrondrial damage.
Their website,, has a link for medication-induced mitochrondrial damage, with further links for “Ways to Feel Better,” “Medication Induced Research,” “Medication Induced Clinical Trials,” and “Medication Induced Support Groups,” which lists FloxieHope. So perhaps you already knew about this, but I want to share this with anyone who didn’t.
Hi Everyone,
I haven’t been on in a while, because I’ve been preoccupied reading as much as I can about my dx of Hyperparathroid.
But, I wanted to let you all know what’s going on with Colostrum and the HPT.
The Colostrum got me out of that HORRIBLE flare that I had been in for four months since
It took away the tinnitus, the dizzy, soupy head and the vertigo.
It helped with my joints, especially my shoulders so that I can now sleep on my sides every night and lay flat without the room spinning.
And it helped my stomach so much, that I now can eat whatever I want without any problems (so far).
With all that being said, all those issues are still there and things do flare them up, so the Colostrum didn’t whined up being my “cure all” 🙁 But it keeps the intensity at a much lower level. So I don’t regret buying it or telling you all about it, because that and Magnesium have been the best help throughout this whole ordeal.
But I can’t go on living like this. Even with the help from the Colostrum, it’s a constant battle trying to keep the symptoms at bay, and it’s a constant guessing game as to what flares you up and what actually helps, and for how long it will help.
For example, the Colostrum worked like a miracle for about 20 days, then I started getting some worse flares, so I tried adjusting my dose but truly never knowing what I’m doing or why it’s flaring, or why the Colostrum isn’t working like a miracle anymore ???
So, I signed up for the surgery at The Parathyroid Center in Florida. I live in Ohio, so that was a BIG decision for me. But it’s the only dx I got throughout this, so I want to have the surgery PRAYING that it heals me or if nothing else, it eliminates it,
If you go on and read What Patients Say, you will see these people are suffering in the ways we all are. So, I have HOPE that maybe this is the answer.
We can never give up on HOPE.
I’ll keep you posted.
Here is one testimony,
Patient: NM. Cleveland, Ohio. Registered Nurse
Dear Dr. Norman: I am so excited and have been since awakening from my parathyroid surgery and realizing that all of the HORRIBLE symptoms that I had suffered over the past 20 months, that had literally debilitated me,are—GONE!! The generalized bone pain, the relentless nausea, the tired to the bone feeling, and most of all,the the Horrible dizziness and vertigo,are gone!!! You, with the gifted surgeons hands, and the intelligent brain, did what 11 other Drs. could not, you knew immediately that it was the high calcium causing all of my problems and you were absolutely right!! You have given me back my life and I plan to return to my nursing job and career in two weeks. I could never put into words my praise and thanks to you. I will be forever grateful.
Hi All,
So I am trying to get a news story together with a friend of a friend who works at a well known newspaper. I need short concise examples of your stories focusing on how Drs lied to you and or ignored you. Please send them as soon as possible along with any links to reports that I can send the reporter to the many reports about corruption in the pharmaceutical industry that can be linked to our situation. I want to make sure all our voices are heard and this is the easiest way????. I have no guarantee that the story will run but with each of your help it will be enough evidence to support running the story.
I’m starting to think that iodine somehow has a connection to the connective tissue health for floxies. My achilles was starting to feel much better after supplementing with it heavy for a week. I stopped and now it’s back to feeling unstable. Interesting. I am thinking that its secondary by getting rid of heavy metals and halogens such as obviously fluoride that break down the enzymes that build connective tissues.
Hello everyone. Took cipro for two weeks between mid January and the beginning of February this year. Five weeks on from stopping course now. Very worried. Tested negative for peripheral neuropathy last week via all sorts of nerve tests. Not sleeping well because I am so stressed. I just can’t switch off. Any help and advice from you all would be appreciated. Any tests I should ask my doctor for? Will write more when more cogent.