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8 years ago
Hey Lisa, when I click the link on my email for the Oprah story, it says “page not found.” You know, I wrote to her SEVERAL times to ask her to do a story on this and also to ask for help publishing a book on it. No response ANY of the times. So it kind of pisses me off that she herself was floxed and wouldn’t be EAGER to reach out and help others. 🙁
8 years ago
So excuse my rant but I would just like to post this for anyone living the nightmare that I am. It’s not my thyroid let me say after two naturopaths and 6 other Drs checking it my thyroid is perfect. It’s not candida after more than 100 blood tests it’s not candida. I’m getting worse and the amount of the florouquinolines I was given was insane. So I am waiting to get a muscle biopsy because they need to look at my cells. I am posting this because it’s been almost two years of this living hell for me I can barely walk, I can’t even really pet my dog. I do my best to stay positive and want to share my situation as EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT so I am happy for everyone who gets better. But it is not all thyroid and candida. In my case I am looking at DNA damage cellular damage. So I again am going off this site for a bit because my hands are curling from typing this.
Mark S
8 years ago
My girlfriend was just prescribed Cipro for a UTI and I managed to talk to her about it before she took any. Major bullet dodged.
Rhonda Robertson
8 years ago
I appreciate all the real life stories about
people being exposed to adverse reactions from Fluroquinolones and the ones that have been helped to reduce their symptoms and a chance to live a more comfortable life. I reached out to the FDA and they continue to suppress
taking these drugs off the market.
Ryan L
8 years ago
Does anyone have a recommendation on a healthy lotion that does not clog pores? I’ve been using Gold Bond Ultimate for Diabetics (I’m not diabetic) to treat dry skin and neuropathy (The fun burning kind). The Gold Bond has helped with some of my neuropathy pains, but I’m not keen on all of the ingredients within. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Jim Z
8 years ago
I booked an appointment with a new doctor in my neighbourhood. I printed out the FDA warnings about Nerve Damage, Dr. Cohen’s book cover, local news paper articles (Vancouver Sun) pertaining to Cipro and Nerve/Kidney damage and took them to my appointment. I told the Dr about my symptoms – numbness, tingling, joint pain, dizziness, carpal tunnel at night, muscle twitching, plantar fasciitis symptoms during the day etc and I asked him if he thought they could be related to Cipro. I pulled out the articles and he said “Stop, I have no interest in talking about side effects that may occur in a few out of every hundred thousand people”. He had absolutely no interest in even entertaining the thought that Cipro could have caused even my nerve related symptoms. Then I asked him “What about MS, could I have MS” to which he responded “Now thats a more interesting question”, At that point I was ready to walk out. I told him that I looked up the facts for MS in Canada, for males in my age bracket and the incidence rate is at about 45 in 100,0000 (for males of my age group). So he is willing to entertain a conversation about a disease that affects 45/100,000 but has no interest in talking about “side effects” from Cipro that are a “few in a hundred thousand” as he described. What the $%$# is the difference, these are both minute numbers and the numbers of CIPRO poisonings are vastly under reported….I suspect they are much higher. I cant find anyone in the medical community here that wishes to even engage in a conversation let alone entertain the possibility that all of my symptoms, WHICH ALL MAGICALLY APPEARED AFTER TAKING CIPRO FOR SEVERAL WEEKS, were caused by even caused by CIPRO.
On a more positive note, my acceptance that these drugs have caused these problems in my body has really alleviated a lot of my anxiety and Im at least able to focus on getting better. I listened to some of the podcasts Lisa has published, and read more of the floxie stories here, and I really do think I have a sense of hope.
Daniel L
8 years ago
I anyone needs cheering up and likes animals, check out this instagram account:
Are there any reports or documents I could give to my GP who is still adamant that FQs would not cause my symptoms? He’s already said he will only give credence to properly controlled research, not just anecdotal reports. Thanks
Lisa Kay
8 years ago
I sent a request to joint he Facebook group but it’s still pending after 2 weeks – can someone help?
Ryan L
8 years ago
For those looking to reduce future flouride exposure from water, I’d check out the site below. They sell water pitches, shower heads, and whole home filtration systems that remove a lot of flouride. It was the filtered shower head on their website that really caught my attention. Anyway, here’s the link. As always, I hope this helps someone.
Is there anyone who can give me some guidance as far as local anesthesia is concerned? I have to go to the dentist for a few cavities, and I don’t know what kind of numbing agent they can use or if I should just try to avoid any numbing at all. I’ve been off cipro for 6 weeks, and I’ve been doing everything I can to get better, but I’m at a stand still with this because I don’t want to get worse. I’m sure other people have brought this up, but I can’t look through so many pages, and any searches I’ve done are useless. Thank you to anyone who can help me.
Ryan L
8 years ago
I saw an add for a new device launching in the next few days called “Elf Emmit.” It connects to your smartphone and uses electromagnetic waves to help with Concentration, Sleep, Meditation, Stress, and more. You basically plug the headphone shaped device into the headphone jack on your phone, place it around your head, and then select the type of treatment desired right on your smartphone. This could be helpful for some when it launches. To check it out, go to
8 years ago
yes thc oil working .. its only my hope . its good to make joints today using banana leaves hahahha lol balance diet is good with thc oil
Janet g
8 years ago
My round of cipro (for uti/kidney infection) ended 2 weeks ago. Last week my thumb swelled up and started popping, then my wrist and shoulder. I am assuming this is a side effect. The past week and a half Ive been losing weigh to the point that it is noticeable in clothing and just looking at me. Is this a possible side effect from taking the cipro? I haven’t read of anyone else saying they’ve lost weight, I’ve read plenty about joint problems and my doctor said the thumb is likely a side effect that will go away. I’m a bit nervous about the weight loss though. I am a small woman and don’t have much to lose!
Does anyone know if Low Dose Naltrexone is safe for floxies? Thanks
8 years ago
I’ve been using stinging nettle tincture and tart cherry pills to address the burning inflammation pain as suggested by my NP. Some success as it makes most days more bearable.
Any others have success with these or other creams or natural remedies?
8 years ago
I need some advice. I went to the pediatrician today as my son 2 years 9 months has been sick for about a week. He has really bad mucous and his eye is a little red with light “boogers” in eye. His doctor says he has pink eye and may have a sinus infection. As most of you can imagine, my heart raced as my worst fear soon became a reality, he wanted to prescribe cipro drops for his eyes. I, of course, objected and asked for something that was not a fluoroquinolone. He prescribed, polymyxin. Does anyone know if that is safe? I know it’s a sulfa antibiotic and am currently researching it. I wanted to ask the doctor more, but he really got offended when I told him no cipro drops. He told me that if I wanted his help why bother for a consultation if I was questioning his prescriptions, anyway, that’s a dialogue or post for another day. Please let me know if you guys have had experience with polymyxin. Thank you so much.
Derrick Gabbard
8 years ago
I took ciprofloxin for almost a year and I have blurred vision and I’m starting to get a lot of black dot floaters. Do these floaters ever go away? I’ve got a huge list of other problems but that is the one that is scaring me the most.
8 years ago
LDN has helped me more than anything else ever has. I highly recommend starting at a dose well below what most use. The group LDN GOT ENDORPHINS has a FB group that has a file about dosing. Dosing is key to getting it to work. I love the stuff!
Hey Lisa, when I click the link on my email for the Oprah story, it says “page not found.” You know, I wrote to her SEVERAL times to ask her to do a story on this and also to ask for help publishing a book on it. No response ANY of the times. So it kind of pisses me off that she herself was floxed and wouldn’t be EAGER to reach out and help others. 🙁
So excuse my rant but I would just like to post this for anyone living the nightmare that I am. It’s not my thyroid let me say after two naturopaths and 6 other Drs checking it my thyroid is perfect. It’s not candida after more than 100 blood tests it’s not candida. I’m getting worse and the amount of the florouquinolines I was given was insane. So I am waiting to get a muscle biopsy because they need to look at my cells. I am posting this because it’s been almost two years of this living hell for me I can barely walk, I can’t even really pet my dog. I do my best to stay positive and want to share my situation as EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT so I am happy for everyone who gets better. But it is not all thyroid and candida. In my case I am looking at DNA damage cellular damage. So I again am going off this site for a bit because my hands are curling from typing this.
My girlfriend was just prescribed Cipro for a UTI and I managed to talk to her about it before she took any. Major bullet dodged.
I appreciate all the real life stories about
people being exposed to adverse reactions from Fluroquinolones and the ones that have been helped to reduce their symptoms and a chance to live a more comfortable life. I reached out to the FDA and they continue to suppress
taking these drugs off the market.
Does anyone have a recommendation on a healthy lotion that does not clog pores? I’ve been using Gold Bond Ultimate for Diabetics (I’m not diabetic) to treat dry skin and neuropathy (The fun burning kind). The Gold Bond has helped with some of my neuropathy pains, but I’m not keen on all of the ingredients within. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I booked an appointment with a new doctor in my neighbourhood. I printed out the FDA warnings about Nerve Damage, Dr. Cohen’s book cover, local news paper articles (Vancouver Sun) pertaining to Cipro and Nerve/Kidney damage and took them to my appointment. I told the Dr about my symptoms – numbness, tingling, joint pain, dizziness, carpal tunnel at night, muscle twitching, plantar fasciitis symptoms during the day etc and I asked him if he thought they could be related to Cipro. I pulled out the articles and he said “Stop, I have no interest in talking about side effects that may occur in a few out of every hundred thousand people”. He had absolutely no interest in even entertaining the thought that Cipro could have caused even my nerve related symptoms. Then I asked him “What about MS, could I have MS” to which he responded “Now thats a more interesting question”, At that point I was ready to walk out. I told him that I looked up the facts for MS in Canada, for males in my age bracket and the incidence rate is at about 45 in 100,0000 (for males of my age group). So he is willing to entertain a conversation about a disease that affects 45/100,000 but has no interest in talking about “side effects” from Cipro that are a “few in a hundred thousand” as he described. What the $%$# is the difference, these are both minute numbers and the numbers of CIPRO poisonings are vastly under reported….I suspect they are much higher. I cant find anyone in the medical community here that wishes to even engage in a conversation let alone entertain the possibility that all of my symptoms, WHICH ALL MAGICALLY APPEARED AFTER TAKING CIPRO FOR SEVERAL WEEKS, were caused by even caused by CIPRO.
On a more positive note, my acceptance that these drugs have caused these problems in my body has really alleviated a lot of my anxiety and Im at least able to focus on getting better. I listened to some of the podcasts Lisa has published, and read more of the floxie stories here, and I really do think I have a sense of hope.
I anyone needs cheering up and likes animals, check out this instagram account:
Someone posted on floxiehope about success with cbd. I can’t locate the posting. Pls can someone help as I am n agony.
Are there any reports or documents I could give to my GP who is still adamant that FQs would not cause my symptoms? He’s already said he will only give credence to properly controlled research, not just anecdotal reports. Thanks
I sent a request to joint he Facebook group but it’s still pending after 2 weeks – can someone help?
For those looking to reduce future flouride exposure from water, I’d check out the site below. They sell water pitches, shower heads, and whole home filtration systems that remove a lot of flouride. It was the filtered shower head on their website that really caught my attention. Anyway, here’s the link. As always, I hope this helps someone.
Is there anyone who can give me some guidance as far as local anesthesia is concerned? I have to go to the dentist for a few cavities, and I don’t know what kind of numbing agent they can use or if I should just try to avoid any numbing at all. I’ve been off cipro for 6 weeks, and I’ve been doing everything I can to get better, but I’m at a stand still with this because I don’t want to get worse. I’m sure other people have brought this up, but I can’t look through so many pages, and any searches I’ve done are useless. Thank you to anyone who can help me.
I saw an add for a new device launching in the next few days called “Elf Emmit.” It connects to your smartphone and uses electromagnetic waves to help with Concentration, Sleep, Meditation, Stress, and more. You basically plug the headphone shaped device into the headphone jack on your phone, place it around your head, and then select the type of treatment desired right on your smartphone. This could be helpful for some when it launches. To check it out, go to
yes thc oil working .. its only my hope . its good to make joints today using banana leaves hahahha lol balance diet is good with thc oil
My round of cipro (for uti/kidney infection) ended 2 weeks ago. Last week my thumb swelled up and started popping, then my wrist and shoulder. I am assuming this is a side effect. The past week and a half Ive been losing weigh to the point that it is noticeable in clothing and just looking at me. Is this a possible side effect from taking the cipro? I haven’t read of anyone else saying they’ve lost weight, I’ve read plenty about joint problems and my doctor said the thumb is likely a side effect that will go away. I’m a bit nervous about the weight loss though. I am a small woman and don’t have much to lose!
Does anyone know if Low Dose Naltrexone is safe for floxies? Thanks
I’ve been using stinging nettle tincture and tart cherry pills to address the burning inflammation pain as suggested by my NP. Some success as it makes most days more bearable.
Any others have success with these or other creams or natural remedies?
I need some advice. I went to the pediatrician today as my son 2 years 9 months has been sick for about a week. He has really bad mucous and his eye is a little red with light “boogers” in eye. His doctor says he has pink eye and may have a sinus infection. As most of you can imagine, my heart raced as my worst fear soon became a reality, he wanted to prescribe cipro drops for his eyes. I, of course, objected and asked for something that was not a fluoroquinolone. He prescribed, polymyxin. Does anyone know if that is safe? I know it’s a sulfa antibiotic and am currently researching it. I wanted to ask the doctor more, but he really got offended when I told him no cipro drops. He told me that if I wanted his help why bother for a consultation if I was questioning his prescriptions, anyway, that’s a dialogue or post for another day. Please let me know if you guys have had experience with polymyxin. Thank you so much.
I took ciprofloxin for almost a year and I have blurred vision and I’m starting to get a lot of black dot floaters. Do these floaters ever go away? I’ve got a huge list of other problems but that is the one that is scaring me the most.
LDN has helped me more than anything else ever has. I highly recommend starting at a dose well below what most use. The group LDN GOT ENDORPHINS has a FB group that has a file about dosing. Dosing is key to getting it to work. I love the stuff!