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Speaking as someone who has been around more than a little while, maybe I have had a bit longer to consider this scenario, as I just have one thing to say here when it comes to us feeling ashamed or bad in ANY way in respect of not knowing about the risks associated with taking fluoroquinolones .
We are actually indoctrinated from the moment that we can understand language, & taught from a VERY young age that Drs are healers, We inadvertently put them on a pedestal subconsciously. we are told that Drs have a vocation, & that they follow an oath , an oath that we are also taught they consider 100% sacrosanct , an oath to do NO HARM EVER to their patients, to those who seek their help, or are placed in their care.
This is something that is repeated parrot fashion throughout our childhood & beyond, & this indoctrination comes from MANY sources, our parents, peers, our schools, the media & so on, & this often occurs & is reinforced daily.
In many people over time, all this will be absorbed into the subconscious, & come to the point where this DO NO HARM in regards to Drs, the trust we place in them, it in many becomes absolute, & eventually WILL attain something akin to a core belief, & thus extremely difficult to see beyond, UNLESS we happen to have something like this happen to us & we are forced to look further.
To find out we have instead of being helped to heal, that we have been instead seriously injured by a Dr of ALL people, a person we are told we can place our complete & utter trust in .. period, to find out that this is in fact NOT the case, well It changes our place in the universe, it tips our supposedly safe world in this respect completely upside down, & this often feels as we have just stepped off a cliff into oblivion, as if we have NOTHING to hold on to. I mean if we cant trust our Drs who CAN we trust ? . This is often a major reason behind why we can suffer from the symptoms of what is labelled PTSD ( a totally normal reaction of course to finding out something so horrendously shocking ) when we find out what has actually happened to us, which is then unfortunately compounded by discovering what is going on behind the scenes, the much bigger picture.
We were NOT to know, & the above is imo why we must NEVER blame ourselves for getting floxed…. EVER !!!
The buck bottom line as far as I’m concerned, that stops at Big Pharma & the FDA , & the psychopathic pond life responsible, THOSE WHO KNOW & HAVE KNOWN from the very beginning EXACTLY how dangerous the FQs are, & WHAT these drugs do to the human body & brain. Those who know all this, & allowed them onto the market to create havoc, & who as a result of this crime against humanity, now have the blood of millions on their hands.
8 years ago
I’ve had a lyme ‘screen’ and a lyme test through Igenex labs. Any comments on how many times testing is necessary to rule it out?
8 years ago
Looking for recommendations on providers anyone has had success with in the metro DC area.
1. IV therapy
2. neurologist
Some of the IV therapy ‘centers’ or providers seem geared towards making money as opposed on really focusing on health or the center provides many services so it makes me weary if they are really specialists in IV therapy. Some of these places even market the therapy in a social setting.
8 years ago
Question – has anyone found pain relief through Ativan(lorazepam)? I find it helps with my neuropathic pain but I have never read anywhere that it’s supposed to help neuropathy. If so, how does it work?
Please make sure that you get your OWN informed consent before you let any psychotropic drug anywhere near you, these drugs are not what they seem & Drs do not know what the hell they are prescribing. I had many years of both experiencing the various detrimental effects of many of these poisons ( which also are mitochondrial toxins ) & also have been as a result of this permanently damaged by them in various ways . Having since as a result of this done many years of research into both the drugs & Psychopharma ( the Big Pharma/psychiatry corrupt collusion in which they are joined at the hip working together , & thus twice as dangerous than working alone ) I would urge anyone who is thinking of going down this particular road to do their homework IN depth beforehand, into both the drugs AND psychiatry itself including the history, & anyone already taking the psychotropic drugs to also do the same .
I would also bear in mind the fact that we generally do not metabolise these drugs well at all due to the FQs inhibitory effect on the Liver P450 enzyme pathway ( responsible for the metabolising of the majority of drugs, & some substances which enter the body . )
It is not my place to dictate as to whether someone should or should not take an allopathic drug psychotropic or otherwise , that is a very personal choice based on a persons personal circumstances , however I would urge you to make dammed sure that the choice you make is a full ( as possible, based on the amount or raw data being withheld on these particular drugs on the serious ADRs which actually occurred in the clinical trials ( think study 329 on Paxil here ) INFORMED choice .
I will NOT sugar coat the potential risks of taking these particular poisons. The whole of the so called ‘ science of psychiatry ‘ is fraud. The drugs are actually all interchangeable & work by flattening ‘ affect ‘ causing chemical imbalances in the brain which are NOT there before the person takes them. They wreck homeostasis, cause physical changes, disabling the higher cognitive processes, & they can lead to ALL sorts of problems. These can occur on starting the drug, changing the dose, taking them longer term, & withdrawal, they can also lead to permanent damage. I know so, It has happened to me & MANY others .
One good place to start in regards to researching these particular drugs is here ,
Dr Peter Breggin has actually been inside the drug companies , he has seen various internal documents on these drugs, raw data withheld from the clinical trials, & as expert witness in many lawsuits connected to them , he knows what he is talking about.
Personally, I now avoid all allopathic drugs, as much as humanely possible. My own thoughts on continuing to take allopathic drugs after floxing are the following : I have already been horrendously poisoned, & it makes absolutely NO sense to me as to why I would voluntarily want to then add FURTHER poison, resulting in further damage to my already toxic & seriously physically injured & cognitively compromised body & brain.
I personally see allopathic drugs when they ARE actually needed, for example when their is NO natural effective treatment available for the condition a person has, the situation when you have NO choice but to take them as a necessary evil at best .
8 years ago
Tomorrow is my five month anniversary of getting floxed. A little down today looking back at who I was before that fateful day when I started this poison. Does it ever get better? I don’t know. Just really depressed as I reflect back at how beautiful life used to be. Hard not to choke up. I wish there was a way I could go back to being who I was.
At 5 months out you are still early out into your Floxing , this often presents with more & more symptoms popping up over a timeframe , on average i had symptoms pop up for around 18 months in my various floxings then I stabilised & subsequently jogged along for varying amounts of time before turning the corner & slowly starting to improve , this was interspersed with cycling of symptoms / flares , & the odd relapse . It is hard of course to see illness as a long term scenario we are so used to becoming unwell & getting better quite quickly, floxing is a completely different animal . if it is possible to see improvement in the longer term this it can help in the grand scheme of things . we have to be rather patient when it comes to improvement being floxed patients, but over time things WILL improve, & it WILL get better .
My life is still good, it is still beautiful it is just a little different now I live life in ‘ the slow lane ‘ . Floxing has in fact taught me a very important lesson because I had to slow down, it has actually taught me what is & what is not important in life. I realised the little things in life are actually the beautiful things, the most important things, a beautiful sunset birds singing, the sound of rain, a spider web in the sunlight with dew on, my friends, my family my pets etc.
This is something many many people rushing through life, they actually never learn until it is much too late , thats if they ever do, & for the realisation of that, I will always be grateful .
Question for the group, how are your families dealing with this? They are the other silent sufferers impacted by all of this. I am often overcome with guilt when I think about the impact this has on my family.
8 years ago
@ Stephanie – Thanks, this forum has been a huge source of support for me. I think the only people who can truly know what we are going through are the people going through the same thing. I hope you find the courage and the strength to continue to fight. I would say “god bless” but I lost my faith in god.
8 years ago
Don’t give up on God. He didn’t do this to us.
It was greedy, uncaring, money hungry, people!
We live in a cursed world full of evil, sickness and death.
God and His teachings are the only thing that remains loving and good.
And remember, even if this didn’t happen, we are all destined to die, but with God we have the hope of eternal life, which 70 – 100 of the best, healthiest years down here could never compare !!!
Don’t lose your faith. It’s more valuable than your health.
8 years ago
I have no doubt that God is looking after me and after every single one of you even though we dont always see that. May be this is the call for us all to go back to our heavenly father and ask him to help us and have mercy on us. May be we just needed a wake up call. He is listening to our prayers and we will get out of this tribulation stronger and closer to him more than ever. God bless you all in Jesus name. Amen.
Ryan L
8 years ago
Hey all, I tried posting this earlier, and it appears that it didn’t go through.
Recently I made the recommendation of using ZeroWater pitchers as a way to remove fluoride from your water source. After testing the zero water with a PH tester, I discovered that Zerowater lowers PH levels drastically making water acidic like distilled water. Long story short, acidic/distilled water will chelate a lot of nutrients in addition to toxins from your body. Not ideal for a floxie. Therefore, if you purchased one of these pitchers, I’d strongly recommend adding minerals back into your water to reduce its acidity (Like Trace Mineral Drops). It might be good to initially use a PH tester when adding minerals until you know exactly how many drops it takes to reach a neutral/alkaline PH (I think it might be better to get it slightly alkaline as opposed to neutral).
I also tested the PH in the Pure Water Freedom pitcher as well, and its level was high (8.5 with my tap water), so it may be a better pitcher for removing fluoride and maintaining nutrients. The drawback is that it takes a long time to filter water, and I don’t know its total mineral content post filtering (The good and the bad minerals remaining), so that is something one would be gambling on unless you send your filtered water to a lab for testing.
Like all supplements and treatments, be aware that changing your water quality comes with risks. No two people have the exact same physical make-up, and therefore individual needs will vary. Please do your own research before making changes to the things you ingest. As always, I hope this information helps someone.
P.S., Like many others posting on this site, my faith in God has been my foundation through this whole nightmare. If I didn’t have that, I think the whole experience would be much worse.
I was floxed on June 11th after a surgery. Ok for a couple of days, woke up on June 14 with burning aching in knees and weak, painful leg muscles. Later got bad bursitis in the shoulders. Got permission from surgeon to stop Cipro on the 16th. Now the 15th of July, still painful but better, slowly. Looking for an antidote, told might try magnesium compounds. Any ideas?
8 years ago
Help I was floxed last week. Since then I have been cleansing and working with my naturopath and doing good until last night. The neuralgia and these UNBELIEVABLE SYMPTMOMS had subsided only to return with a Vengeance, especially today!! Anyone else have this before begining healing?
8 years ago
Thanki you, Anna! I know I need to keep hope, but i was doing so well.Thank you for the quick response and reassureance!
8 years ago
Can someone suggest name of a neurologist in Toronto who treats floxies and is well informed?
Tom Marsella
8 years ago
Did your Peripheral Neropathy stop after Dr. Norman surgery?
Ryan L
8 years ago
Hey Joanneg,
Thank you for the update and the encouragement for those of us who also took a FQ drug with a corticosteroid. I pray that you continue to heal and that we all see your recovery story on this site very soon.
Just curious, what brand of bottled spring water do you consume?
Regarding your blood draw inquiry, I wonder if the pain you feel is a result of the chemical(s) used to sterilize the needle or to clean the draw site. If you haven’t already, it might be worth asking the blood draw station what they use and then see if another lab uses something different.
Take care,
8 years ago
So tomorrow I am getting a muscle biopsy it takes 8-12weeks for the results. I am having more episodes where I can’t move at all. I am trying to get disability so I can restart going to get IVs this is the only way. Please think good thoughts for me I have to be knocked out they promised no florouquinolines will be used I’m still scared because of my breathing issues and spasms. I have to be totally under because of how out of control my spams have become. I have longer time periods where I can’t talk all of this happened after this crap was given to me. Fingers crossed for tomorrow I will let everyone know what the biopsy says been waiting for months for this.
Speaking as someone who has been around more than a little while, maybe I have had a bit longer to consider this scenario, as I just have one thing to say here when it comes to us feeling ashamed or bad in ANY way in respect of not knowing about the risks associated with taking fluoroquinolones .
We are actually indoctrinated from the moment that we can understand language, & taught from a VERY young age that Drs are healers, We inadvertently put them on a pedestal subconsciously. we are told that Drs have a vocation, & that they follow an oath , an oath that we are also taught they consider 100% sacrosanct , an oath to do NO HARM EVER to their patients, to those who seek their help, or are placed in their care.
This is something that is repeated parrot fashion throughout our childhood & beyond, & this indoctrination comes from MANY sources, our parents, peers, our schools, the media & so on, & this often occurs & is reinforced daily.
In many people over time, all this will be absorbed into the subconscious, & come to the point where this DO NO HARM in regards to Drs, the trust we place in them, it in many becomes absolute, & eventually WILL attain something akin to a core belief, & thus extremely difficult to see beyond, UNLESS we happen to have something like this happen to us & we are forced to look further.
To find out we have instead of being helped to heal, that we have been instead seriously injured by a Dr of ALL people, a person we are told we can place our complete & utter trust in .. period, to find out that this is in fact NOT the case, well It changes our place in the universe, it tips our supposedly safe world in this respect completely upside down, & this often feels as we have just stepped off a cliff into oblivion, as if we have NOTHING to hold on to. I mean if we cant trust our Drs who CAN we trust ? . This is often a major reason behind why we can suffer from the symptoms of what is labelled PTSD ( a totally normal reaction of course to finding out something so horrendously shocking ) when we find out what has actually happened to us, which is then unfortunately compounded by discovering what is going on behind the scenes, the much bigger picture.
We were NOT to know, & the above is imo why we must NEVER blame ourselves for getting floxed…. EVER !!!
The buck bottom line as far as I’m concerned, that stops at Big Pharma & the FDA , & the psychopathic pond life responsible, THOSE WHO KNOW & HAVE KNOWN from the very beginning EXACTLY how dangerous the FQs are, & WHAT these drugs do to the human body & brain. Those who know all this, & allowed them onto the market to create havoc, & who as a result of this crime against humanity, now have the blood of millions on their hands.
I’ve had a lyme ‘screen’ and a lyme test through Igenex labs. Any comments on how many times testing is necessary to rule it out?
Looking for recommendations on providers anyone has had success with in the metro DC area.
1. IV therapy
2. neurologist
Some of the IV therapy ‘centers’ or providers seem geared towards making money as opposed on really focusing on health or the center provides many services so it makes me weary if they are really specialists in IV therapy. Some of these places even market the therapy in a social setting.
Question – has anyone found pain relief through Ativan(lorazepam)? I find it helps with my neuropathic pain but I have never read anywhere that it’s supposed to help neuropathy. If so, how does it work?
Please make sure that you get your OWN informed consent before you let any psychotropic drug anywhere near you, these drugs are not what they seem & Drs do not know what the hell they are prescribing. I had many years of both experiencing the various detrimental effects of many of these poisons ( which also are mitochondrial toxins ) & also have been as a result of this permanently damaged by them in various ways . Having since as a result of this done many years of research into both the drugs & Psychopharma ( the Big Pharma/psychiatry corrupt collusion in which they are joined at the hip working together , & thus twice as dangerous than working alone ) I would urge anyone who is thinking of going down this particular road to do their homework IN depth beforehand, into both the drugs AND psychiatry itself including the history, & anyone already taking the psychotropic drugs to also do the same .
I would also bear in mind the fact that we generally do not metabolise these drugs well at all due to the FQs inhibitory effect on the Liver P450 enzyme pathway ( responsible for the metabolising of the majority of drugs, & some substances which enter the body . )
It is not my place to dictate as to whether someone should or should not take an allopathic drug psychotropic or otherwise , that is a very personal choice based on a persons personal circumstances , however I would urge you to make dammed sure that the choice you make is a full ( as possible, based on the amount or raw data being withheld on these particular drugs on the serious ADRs which actually occurred in the clinical trials ( think study 329 on Paxil here ) INFORMED choice .
I will NOT sugar coat the potential risks of taking these particular poisons. The whole of the so called ‘ science of psychiatry ‘ is fraud. The drugs are actually all interchangeable & work by flattening ‘ affect ‘ causing chemical imbalances in the brain which are NOT there before the person takes them. They wreck homeostasis, cause physical changes, disabling the higher cognitive processes, & they can lead to ALL sorts of problems. These can occur on starting the drug, changing the dose, taking them longer term, & withdrawal, they can also lead to permanent damage. I know so, It has happened to me & MANY others .
One good place to start in regards to researching these particular drugs is here ,
Dr Peter Breggin has actually been inside the drug companies , he has seen various internal documents on these drugs, raw data withheld from the clinical trials, & as expert witness in many lawsuits connected to them , he knows what he is talking about.
Personally, I now avoid all allopathic drugs, as much as humanely possible. My own thoughts on continuing to take allopathic drugs after floxing are the following : I have already been horrendously poisoned, & it makes absolutely NO sense to me as to why I would voluntarily want to then add FURTHER poison, resulting in further damage to my already toxic & seriously physically injured & cognitively compromised body & brain.
I personally see allopathic drugs when they ARE actually needed, for example when their is NO natural effective treatment available for the condition a person has, the situation when you have NO choice but to take them as a necessary evil at best .
Tomorrow is my five month anniversary of getting floxed. A little down today looking back at who I was before that fateful day when I started this poison. Does it ever get better? I don’t know. Just really depressed as I reflect back at how beautiful life used to be. Hard not to choke up. I wish there was a way I could go back to being who I was.
At 5 months out you are still early out into your Floxing , this often presents with more & more symptoms popping up over a timeframe , on average i had symptoms pop up for around 18 months in my various floxings then I stabilised & subsequently jogged along for varying amounts of time before turning the corner & slowly starting to improve , this was interspersed with cycling of symptoms / flares , & the odd relapse . It is hard of course to see illness as a long term scenario we are so used to becoming unwell & getting better quite quickly, floxing is a completely different animal . if it is possible to see improvement in the longer term this it can help in the grand scheme of things . we have to be rather patient when it comes to improvement being floxed patients, but over time things WILL improve, & it WILL get better .
My life is still good, it is still beautiful it is just a little different now I live life in ‘ the slow lane ‘ . Floxing has in fact taught me a very important lesson because I had to slow down, it has actually taught me what is & what is not important in life. I realised the little things in life are actually the beautiful things, the most important things, a beautiful sunset birds singing, the sound of rain, a spider web in the sunlight with dew on, my friends, my family my pets etc.
This is something many many people rushing through life, they actually never learn until it is much too late , thats if they ever do, & for the realisation of that, I will always be grateful .
I had made some comments yesterday regarding antidepressants, and then this was in my mailbox today, so I thought I would share.
Question for the group, how are your families dealing with this? They are the other silent sufferers impacted by all of this. I am often overcome with guilt when I think about the impact this has on my family.
@ Stephanie – Thanks, this forum has been a huge source of support for me. I think the only people who can truly know what we are going through are the people going through the same thing. I hope you find the courage and the strength to continue to fight. I would say “god bless” but I lost my faith in god.
Don’t give up on God. He didn’t do this to us.
It was greedy, uncaring, money hungry, people!
We live in a cursed world full of evil, sickness and death.
God and His teachings are the only thing that remains loving and good.
And remember, even if this didn’t happen, we are all destined to die, but with God we have the hope of eternal life, which 70 – 100 of the best, healthiest years down here could never compare !!!
Don’t lose your faith. It’s more valuable than your health.
I have no doubt that God is looking after me and after every single one of you even though we dont always see that. May be this is the call for us all to go back to our heavenly father and ask him to help us and have mercy on us. May be we just needed a wake up call. He is listening to our prayers and we will get out of this tribulation stronger and closer to him more than ever. God bless you all in Jesus name. Amen.
Hey all, I tried posting this earlier, and it appears that it didn’t go through.
Recently I made the recommendation of using ZeroWater pitchers as a way to remove fluoride from your water source. After testing the zero water with a PH tester, I discovered that Zerowater lowers PH levels drastically making water acidic like distilled water. Long story short, acidic/distilled water will chelate a lot of nutrients in addition to toxins from your body. Not ideal for a floxie. Therefore, if you purchased one of these pitchers, I’d strongly recommend adding minerals back into your water to reduce its acidity (Like Trace Mineral Drops). It might be good to initially use a PH tester when adding minerals until you know exactly how many drops it takes to reach a neutral/alkaline PH (I think it might be better to get it slightly alkaline as opposed to neutral).
I also tested the PH in the Pure Water Freedom pitcher as well, and its level was high (8.5 with my tap water), so it may be a better pitcher for removing fluoride and maintaining nutrients. The drawback is that it takes a long time to filter water, and I don’t know its total mineral content post filtering (The good and the bad minerals remaining), so that is something one would be gambling on unless you send your filtered water to a lab for testing.
Like all supplements and treatments, be aware that changing your water quality comes with risks. No two people have the exact same physical make-up, and therefore individual needs will vary. Please do your own research before making changes to the things you ingest. As always, I hope this information helps someone.
Here’s an article on the dangers of drinking distilled water:
Here’s a Link to trace minerals website:
P.S., Like many others posting on this site, my faith in God has been my foundation through this whole nightmare. If I didn’t have that, I think the whole experience would be much worse.
I was floxed on June 11th after a surgery. Ok for a couple of days, woke up on June 14 with burning aching in knees and weak, painful leg muscles. Later got bad bursitis in the shoulders. Got permission from surgeon to stop Cipro on the 16th. Now the 15th of July, still painful but better, slowly. Looking for an antidote, told might try magnesium compounds. Any ideas?
Help I was floxed last week. Since then I have been cleansing and working with my naturopath and doing good until last night. The neuralgia and these UNBELIEVABLE SYMPTMOMS had subsided only to return with a Vengeance, especially today!! Anyone else have this before begining healing?
Thanki you, Anna! I know I need to keep hope, but i was doing so well.Thank you for the quick response and reassureance!
Can someone suggest name of a neurologist in Toronto who treats floxies and is well informed?
Did your Peripheral Neropathy stop after Dr. Norman surgery?
Hey Joanneg,
Thank you for the update and the encouragement for those of us who also took a FQ drug with a corticosteroid. I pray that you continue to heal and that we all see your recovery story on this site very soon.
Just curious, what brand of bottled spring water do you consume?
Regarding your blood draw inquiry, I wonder if the pain you feel is a result of the chemical(s) used to sterilize the needle or to clean the draw site. If you haven’t already, it might be worth asking the blood draw station what they use and then see if another lab uses something different.
Take care,
So tomorrow I am getting a muscle biopsy it takes 8-12weeks for the results. I am having more episodes where I can’t move at all. I am trying to get disability so I can restart going to get IVs this is the only way. Please think good thoughts for me I have to be knocked out they promised no florouquinolines will be used I’m still scared because of my breathing issues and spasms. I have to be totally under because of how out of control my spams have become. I have longer time periods where I can’t talk all of this happened after this crap was given to me. Fingers crossed for tomorrow I will let everyone know what the biopsy says been waiting for months for this.