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Richard G Berg
8 years ago
Incidentally, almost ready with a website that I was intending to create prior to this horrific ordeal but never got round to it. Now it is a matter of survival to create it, especially as on the bad days (like today) the lifeline of writing and sharing, if not transforming, the suffering, through creativity, would be immensely helpful for me, and for others….in theory!
Will reveal the link to the website in due course once it is up and running…
The aim is to post thoughts/anecdotes/wit/wisdom/poetry every day and see where that leads to…
Richard G Berg
8 years ago
Sorry: one last post with queries:
Is the ‘acute phase’ always the same duration (two to three months)?
Has anybody lobbied the UK Parliament/GMC for a similar directive, to the one issued by the FDA in May, for physicians not to give out this drug to prostatitis sufferers?!
Does the terror ever wane?!
Do fellow ‘floxies’ tire of the well-intentioned platitudes from friends and family?!
Does anybody notice their skin, especially fingers, reeking of what can best be described as stale cat’s urine?!
What is the earliest one can expect the insomnia to truly settle?!
Andy P
8 years ago
I got floxed from a diviculitus infection they put you on IV cipro and flagy ,I suspect many divic suffered get floxed and don’t even know it
Insomnia is a hard one but I’ve overcome it before after rebound insomnia from taking olanzapine but it took many months
My mouth always tastes of metal now and it won’t go away no matter what I do
Richard G Berg
8 years ago
Hi Andy
Thanks for that. Yes, I hear the insomnia usually dissipates in months but will definitely resurface when and if put on any Benzo-oriented medication.
The metallic taste might be nothing to do with the FQT by the way as I had that prior to taking Cipro and was reliably informed that this can be from a mixture of Candida infection or over acidity in the gut. You might want to check that out and see where it takes you or have a heavy metals/toxicity test..
How did you overcome the insomnia in the end? Was it just perseverance? And, was the improvement gradual or sudden?
Also, how much Cipro did they give you by IV when in hospital and for how long?
Richard G Berg
8 years ago
Would a dry sauna be as effective as an ozone one?
Will check out ozone saunas too…
Note that you say you are dealing with insomnia now but overcame it in the past. I know that insomnia goes in the end but is made more tenacious by being on Benzos, as said in other post.
Most people’s accounts suggest that it takes a few months to settle down….
Richard G Berg
8 years ago
Yes, so I have read..
Will do this sooner as I am currently four weeks from my brush with those dreaded pills; just four of them!!
8 years ago
A word of caution from someone who has seen many people hurt by various things tried & who has experienced this also from various allopathic drugs I have had no choice to take & also from an epsom salts bath which caused me to relapse quite badly, is to Please be VERY careful with any treatment suggested, as we can react to MANY things after floxing . I would personally recommend to start any treatment at a low dose first to see how you react to it as MANY people have been further injured by trying various treatments both Allopathic drug & alternative, often by trying too many things at once / at too high a dose, & please keep in mind at all times also the fact that we many of us now have problems metabolising allopathic drug/ various substances , due to the FQs inhibition of the Liver P450 enzyme pathway. This includes a large majority of the drugs which enter the body, & this means we can now negatively react to drugs we have taken with no problems in the past & any new drug we are prescribed in the future depending on how they are metabolised . this can also be the reason we often cannot tolerate caffeine.
This inhibition can last for months or longer, & this does seem dependent somewhat on severity of reaction.
8 years ago
It is hard for me to even write on here. I am sure you have heard this before but I feel like I am losing my mind and no doctor believes me. Actually what they believe is that my weight problem is causing all my health problems. In 2011 I took my first 10 day round of a Cipro drug. The previous year I had lost 180 pounds and felt great. I did not have any notable affects of the antibiotic at the time except that I can say I have almost gained all of my weight back and it is not due to a poor diet. Then in April of 2015 I was prescribed another 10 day round of Cipro for a sinus infection. In July I went to my doctor and said I just wasn’t feeling good. My legs and feet just aches and my lymph nodes were tender. She sent me home saying viral but did do blood work including Lymes and all came out negative. The first week of September everything went horrible and I don’t think I will ever be the same again. I experienced flu like symptoms for a good week. Couldn’t get out of bed. Could hardly walk. The pain was horrid. Long story made shorter, I went to the doctor many more times. I had other tick borne illness testing done, had to go in ambulance to ER for severe abdominal pain, had CT scans, ultrasounds of thyroid and abdomen, oodles of different blood tests, endocrinologist, rheumatoid, on/gyn went to a different clinic, removed Mirena birth control thinking it was the culprit, saw a psychologist and psychiatrist, massages, chiropractor….I did everything and anything that was suggested. I take the max dose of Cymbalta for my pain. I was on a low dose of Sertraline for many years before this with no problems. I had bumps in my muscles that were so painful that I could hardly stand to be touched. My husband would use a rolling pin to try to work them out. Both of my knees are completely shot. I have muscle pain everywhere. I have numbness and tingling in my feet. I have no energy. My anxiety and depression has gotten increasingly worse. I sweat a LOT. None of this is probably new to any of you. A familiar story. But I still am not diagnosed with anything. My doctor keeps bringing up fibromyalgia and other doctors say it is all because of being obese. I have to say that I am better than I was last September-December. I missed over 20 days of work last fall. But when I start feeling better with one thing, another starts. Is there any hope since I have improved? How long has it taken some of you to recover, that is if you recovered?
8 years ago
Glad I found this site though not glad I’ve been floxed. My story started just last week. I was given 250 pills for 5 days to be taken every 12 hours. After the first dose my ears felt plugged up. After the second dose my tinnitus increased dramatically.. Next day I decided to stop taking the Cipro and got headaches and felt totally out of it. And that evening anxiety set in in the form of rapid heart beat and just feeling on edge. Headaches went away but tinnitus is still worse and anxiety is still there though it sometimes comes and goes. I’ve started taking magnesium supplements that seem to work well for some people. For me it does seem to take the edge off a little bit though I’m taking Magnesium Oxide and I heard other forms of magnesium are better.
What worries me is that I’m reading lots of stories where peoples’ symptoms don’t kick in until weeks after stopping the Cipro. After having taken just 2 doses, are my symptoms just a prelude for things to come? Will the anxiety go away on its own?
Andy P
8 years ago
Just tale it easy JV and don’t worry you only had a few tablets.I was pretty bad 8 weeks ago feel terrible today but had some almost no pain and no symptoms days this week
Just hang in there you will get through this
Andy P
8 years ago
Anybody in the UK want to swap emails and support each other through this mess ?
8 years ago
Anyone know what the best kinds of magnesium are? I’m now taking oxidized magnesium but hear that absorption is very low so am switching to chelated magnesium. Anyone try this or anything else that helped?
veteran floxie
8 years ago
Hi folks, i got floxed five years ago. You will recover but it will be slow and there will be some issues that will linger longer. I`ll be coming in from time to time to answer any questions. My best advice for all is this, get magnesium chloride and make a liquid, you can use it to spray it on your legs and ankles or areas where you have pain. I still use it every day on my legs for my sleep maintnance. Most people recover at the three year mark, which means you will be able to eat more different types of food. I don`t recommend taking any type of drug for anything, I always took supplements in capsule form when i got better, at the beginning i only drank calming teas. I open the capsules and take the supplement, tablets have toxic binders. For nausea i recommend mint drops (food grade) one drop in a liter of water helps with nausea. What has happened to your body? quins damage the cappillaries and small nerves in your body and everything goes downhill from there, it takes a long time for the body to heal that system, but you will heal and that is why i am here to give you a good hand to hold. The world is very cold and cruel no one will know what you are going through only another floxie.
8 years ago
Thanks everyone for the replies. VERY helpful! So, I still have my UTI and my doctor gave me a new prescription for Macrobid (Nitrofurantoin), but the side effects look equally as horrible. Was curious what people took to get rid of UTI after the FQ didn’t work out?
8 years ago
after 1 year and 1 month of suffering what help me the most hypnoneuroimmunotherapy
8 years ago
Hello. If someone can translate this Italie us very very complete about sides effects It us from France
I slept for over 12 hours last night I think my body just gave in and said enough is enough 🙂
my lower back and hip pain has drastically reduced I hope its a sign of recovery
8 years ago
Should all of the Levaquin people get on Twitter, every day, regarding MArgaret Hamburgs indictment, don’t we have a duty to warn the world, she needs to go to prison.
8 years ago
Social media (facebook, yahoo discussion list, twitter)
floxiehope, wallofpain, private wordpress blogs right
direction but not enought, people are fq poisoned still.
FDA develops new black box warning, but not warn doctors.
I have written few pages back – 100 000 votes and new president
should consider the problem.
Fq floxed soldiers with gulf war syndrome – they should know what
happened to them, they should have organization of veterans.
Prominence this tragedy with support this people group
and the whole world will know.
This requires additional commitment, and money unfortunately.
We have no money 🙁
Incidentally, almost ready with a website that I was intending to create prior to this horrific ordeal but never got round to it. Now it is a matter of survival to create it, especially as on the bad days (like today) the lifeline of writing and sharing, if not transforming, the suffering, through creativity, would be immensely helpful for me, and for others….in theory!
Will reveal the link to the website in due course once it is up and running…
The aim is to post thoughts/anecdotes/wit/wisdom/poetry every day and see where that leads to…
Sorry: one last post with queries:
Is the ‘acute phase’ always the same duration (two to three months)?
Has anybody lobbied the UK Parliament/GMC for a similar directive, to the one issued by the FDA in May, for physicians not to give out this drug to prostatitis sufferers?!
Does the terror ever wane?!
Do fellow ‘floxies’ tire of the well-intentioned platitudes from friends and family?!
Does anybody notice their skin, especially fingers, reeking of what can best be described as stale cat’s urine?!
What is the earliest one can expect the insomnia to truly settle?!
I got floxed from a diviculitus infection they put you on IV cipro and flagy ,I suspect many divic suffered get floxed and don’t even know it
Insomnia is a hard one but I’ve overcome it before after rebound insomnia from taking olanzapine but it took many months
My mouth always tastes of metal now and it won’t go away no matter what I do
Hi Andy
Thanks for that. Yes, I hear the insomnia usually dissipates in months but will definitely resurface when and if put on any Benzo-oriented medication.
The metallic taste might be nothing to do with the FQT by the way as I had that prior to taking Cipro and was reliably informed that this can be from a mixture of Candida infection or over acidity in the gut. You might want to check that out and see where it takes you or have a heavy metals/toxicity test..
How did you overcome the insomnia in the end? Was it just perseverance? And, was the improvement gradual or sudden?
Also, how much Cipro did they give you by IV when in hospital and for how long?
Would a dry sauna be as effective as an ozone one?
Will check out ozone saunas too…
Note that you say you are dealing with insomnia now but overcame it in the past. I know that insomnia goes in the end but is made more tenacious by being on Benzos, as said in other post.
Most people’s accounts suggest that it takes a few months to settle down….
Yes, so I have read..
Will do this sooner as I am currently four weeks from my brush with those dreaded pills; just four of them!!
A word of caution from someone who has seen many people hurt by various things tried & who has experienced this also from various allopathic drugs I have had no choice to take & also from an epsom salts bath which caused me to relapse quite badly, is to Please be VERY careful with any treatment suggested, as we can react to MANY things after floxing . I would personally recommend to start any treatment at a low dose first to see how you react to it as MANY people have been further injured by trying various treatments both Allopathic drug & alternative, often by trying too many things at once / at too high a dose, & please keep in mind at all times also the fact that we many of us now have problems metabolising allopathic drug/ various substances , due to the FQs inhibition of the Liver P450 enzyme pathway. This includes a large majority of the drugs which enter the body, & this means we can now negatively react to drugs we have taken with no problems in the past & any new drug we are prescribed in the future depending on how they are metabolised . this can also be the reason we often cannot tolerate caffeine.
This inhibition can last for months or longer, & this does seem dependent somewhat on severity of reaction.
It is hard for me to even write on here. I am sure you have heard this before but I feel like I am losing my mind and no doctor believes me. Actually what they believe is that my weight problem is causing all my health problems. In 2011 I took my first 10 day round of a Cipro drug. The previous year I had lost 180 pounds and felt great. I did not have any notable affects of the antibiotic at the time except that I can say I have almost gained all of my weight back and it is not due to a poor diet. Then in April of 2015 I was prescribed another 10 day round of Cipro for a sinus infection. In July I went to my doctor and said I just wasn’t feeling good. My legs and feet just aches and my lymph nodes were tender. She sent me home saying viral but did do blood work including Lymes and all came out negative. The first week of September everything went horrible and I don’t think I will ever be the same again. I experienced flu like symptoms for a good week. Couldn’t get out of bed. Could hardly walk. The pain was horrid. Long story made shorter, I went to the doctor many more times. I had other tick borne illness testing done, had to go in ambulance to ER for severe abdominal pain, had CT scans, ultrasounds of thyroid and abdomen, oodles of different blood tests, endocrinologist, rheumatoid, on/gyn went to a different clinic, removed Mirena birth control thinking it was the culprit, saw a psychologist and psychiatrist, massages, chiropractor….I did everything and anything that was suggested. I take the max dose of Cymbalta for my pain. I was on a low dose of Sertraline for many years before this with no problems. I had bumps in my muscles that were so painful that I could hardly stand to be touched. My husband would use a rolling pin to try to work them out. Both of my knees are completely shot. I have muscle pain everywhere. I have numbness and tingling in my feet. I have no energy. My anxiety and depression has gotten increasingly worse. I sweat a LOT. None of this is probably new to any of you. A familiar story. But I still am not diagnosed with anything. My doctor keeps bringing up fibromyalgia and other doctors say it is all because of being obese. I have to say that I am better than I was last September-December. I missed over 20 days of work last fall. But when I start feeling better with one thing, another starts. Is there any hope since I have improved? How long has it taken some of you to recover, that is if you recovered?
Glad I found this site though not glad I’ve been floxed. My story started just last week. I was given 250 pills for 5 days to be taken every 12 hours. After the first dose my ears felt plugged up. After the second dose my tinnitus increased dramatically.. Next day I decided to stop taking the Cipro and got headaches and felt totally out of it. And that evening anxiety set in in the form of rapid heart beat and just feeling on edge. Headaches went away but tinnitus is still worse and anxiety is still there though it sometimes comes and goes. I’ve started taking magnesium supplements that seem to work well for some people. For me it does seem to take the edge off a little bit though I’m taking Magnesium Oxide and I heard other forms of magnesium are better.
What worries me is that I’m reading lots of stories where peoples’ symptoms don’t kick in until weeks after stopping the Cipro. After having taken just 2 doses, are my symptoms just a prelude for things to come? Will the anxiety go away on its own?
Just tale it easy JV and don’t worry you only had a few tablets.I was pretty bad 8 weeks ago feel terrible today but had some almost no pain and no symptoms days this week
Just hang in there you will get through this
Anybody in the UK want to swap emails and support each other through this mess ?
Anyone know what the best kinds of magnesium are? I’m now taking oxidized magnesium but hear that absorption is very low so am switching to chelated magnesium. Anyone try this or anything else that helped?
Hi folks, i got floxed five years ago. You will recover but it will be slow and there will be some issues that will linger longer. I`ll be coming in from time to time to answer any questions. My best advice for all is this, get magnesium chloride and make a liquid, you can use it to spray it on your legs and ankles or areas where you have pain. I still use it every day on my legs for my sleep maintnance. Most people recover at the three year mark, which means you will be able to eat more different types of food. I don`t recommend taking any type of drug for anything, I always took supplements in capsule form when i got better, at the beginning i only drank calming teas. I open the capsules and take the supplement, tablets have toxic binders. For nausea i recommend mint drops (food grade) one drop in a liter of water helps with nausea. What has happened to your body? quins damage the cappillaries and small nerves in your body and everything goes downhill from there, it takes a long time for the body to heal that system, but you will heal and that is why i am here to give you a good hand to hold. The world is very cold and cruel no one will know what you are going through only another floxie.
Thanks everyone for the replies. VERY helpful! So, I still have my UTI and my doctor gave me a new prescription for Macrobid (Nitrofurantoin), but the side effects look equally as horrible. Was curious what people took to get rid of UTI after the FQ didn’t work out?
after 1 year and 1 month of suffering what help me the most hypnoneuroimmunotherapy
Hello. If someone can translate this Italie us very very complete about sides effects It us from France
I slept for over 12 hours last night I think my body just gave in and said enough is enough 🙂
my lower back and hip pain has drastically reduced I hope its a sign of recovery
Should all of the Levaquin people get on Twitter, every day, regarding MArgaret Hamburgs indictment, don’t we have a duty to warn the world, she needs to go to prison.
Social media (facebook, yahoo discussion list, twitter)
floxiehope, wallofpain, private wordpress blogs right
direction but not enought, people are fq poisoned still.
FDA develops new black box warning, but not warn doctors.
I have written few pages back – 100 000 votes and new president
should consider the problem.
Fq floxed soldiers with gulf war syndrome – they should know what
happened to them, they should have organization of veterans.
Prominence this tragedy with support this people group
and the whole world will know.
This requires additional commitment, and money unfortunately.
We have no money 🙁