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I have good news for everyone, i am getting better sleep. I am not comleptely out of the woods but considering where i was before i consider it a miracle. I have added a couple of things to my homeopathy protocol, they are the following
1. Oil swishing, first thing in the morning with a spoon of coconut oil for about 15 minutes.
2. aloe vera with clorophyl, i ahve aloe plants in my back yard, i got some leaves and took out the jeely from inside mixed it with some clorophyl and mint in water, i takes sips in the morning and during the day, for my colitis.
3. Cinammon tea with all my meals, cinammon tea helps balance sugar in the body and that is good news for hormone levels.
if you have any questions let me know.
Catherine P
8 years ago
Has anyone tried to get compensation for FQ damage in the UK? 3 1/2 years bedbound now, and still deteriorating.
I’m feeling floxed again as once decided, but was diagnosed Addisons, also Crohns patient for years… seems since back on prednisone for life now I’m getting more I’ll by each day. Thank you. I’ve been ill for since2014 when eye surgery lead to temporal interitis biopsy left eye side.
8 years ago
Just a question
Has anybody in here done a spinal tap, since beeing hurt from antibiotics?
8 years ago
Has anyone had good luck with prp and or stem cell use after being floxed? I am 6 months out.
Ryan L
8 years ago
Two tests I’d highly recommend for all floxies are a Gut Microbiome Analysis test and a Hair and Mineral Analysis Test. Here is some data on each test.
1. Hair and Mineral Analysis Test (I ordered mine through evenbetternow)
“A tissue mineral analysis or hair analysis provides a unique reading of heavy metal and mineral levels in the cells over a two to three month period. It takes into consideration that toxins are stored in the tissues of the body, not in the blood. For instance, you can have normal copper levels in the blood, but high copper levels in the tissues. The reason hair is used for testing mineral status and metabolic activity is because of its very nature. Our hair is formed from clusters of specialized cells that make up the hair follicle.
During the growth phase, the hair is exposed to the internal environment such as blood, lymph and extra-cellular fluids. As the hair continues to grow and reaches the surface of the skin, its outer layers harden, locking in the metabolic products accumulated during the period of formation.
Hair analysis report
This biological process provides a blueprint and lasting record of metal content and nutritional metabolic activity that has occurred during this time.”
Furthermore, the results come with a description of what to expect with your specific imbalances, suggested dietary changes, and even a list of recommended supplements to correct said imbalances (Like always, you need to take caution with any recommended supplement).
If you’re newly floxed, this test will show you where you were before the nightmare began, and you can get retested in a few months to see what changed as a result of your experience.
2. A Gut Microbiome Analysis Test (I used Ubiome and ordered the Times Lapse Explorer Kit)
“uBiome Explorer Kits gives you access to state-of-the-art tools to learn more about your microbiome. Using high-throughput DNA sequencing based on research from the NIH Human Microbiome Project, we’ve perfected the technology to perform large-scale microbiome studies.
Using the interactive uBiome Explorer site, you can navigate your results using interactive graphs and charts which allow you to compare your results to those of other groups such as vegetarians, or to your past results.
Health and lifestyle answers you provide from the research survey enable us to show you correlations between other users, to existing peer-reviewed studies, and to your previous samples.”
Bottom line, this test will help you know what types of probiotics you should be taking. For example, the results could show that someone might be very high in Bifidobacterium but lacking in Lactobacillus. Well, in that case you wouldn’t want to keep overdoing the one and ignoring the other.
Next, the test will show you how you compare to others in regards to microbiome diversity and which bacteria are unique within your system, Then there’s the raw data which will show you the quantities of bacteria within each class, family, and genus.
Overall, I really think the data in these two tests can help a floxie gain better insight into what steps may be beneficial for them going forward.
Finally, please don’t ask me about all of my specific results with these two tests, as they won’t be the same as yours. Diet, environment, pre-existing conditions, medications, and lifestyle will all factor into the results within your final report. For example, before I took the gut microbiome test, I had been taking General Biotics probiotic Equilibrium. That probiotic has 115 unique strains where most other probitotics only have 10 or less. As a result, I had a wider microbiome diversity (78th percentile). Or with the hair test, I had a high zinc level due to the fact I had been using a shampoo that had zinc in it for a season. So again, results will very from person to person, but the insight these tests provide is very valuable.
As always, I hope this information helps someone.
8 years ago
Hi Ryan,
Thank you for all the detailed information about the hair analysis and the gut microbe tests. I know it takes a lot of time to make posts like that. I just wanted to say I appreciate it.
Also, I looked up the probiotic, Equalibrium, that you’re taking and it sounds pretty good. I was getting ready to order my VSL#3, but I think I will try out them, especially since you had such good results with your gut diversity test. How long have you been taking them?
Danielle L
8 years ago
Hi there, I am six years post floxing by Avelox. I have pneumonia and might have to take a antibiotic. Are there any that people are reacting to less? I have not taken any antibiotics since 2011. Zithromax is what they seem to be prescribing for this.
ANY feedback appreciated! Scared….
8 years ago
I think the most frustrating (and long lasting side effect) is that being floxed (at least for me) has ruined my body’s ability to process medication. I had a horrible reaction to Augmentin two months ago, which I had taken pre-2008 with no issues, and taking Zofran for the deathly vomiting that came along with Augmentin seemed to bring back the tingling and neuropathy issues I’d experienced post Cipro. Oddly enough I seem to deal with Prednisone/Prednisolone just fine when my sinuses are at their worst, but antibiotics outside of Amox/Penicillin/Zithromax have been an absolute nightmare for me.
cindy Jones
8 years ago
Re bisoprolol.
Sorry but you are wrong to say that it is the same drug it is just the binders and fillers that are different.
There are two types of bisoprolol.
In addition the generic and brand are different as the generic contains more fillers and binders to bulk the cheapo version of the drug out.
These are the facts as advised by several pharmacists. It is very misleading and dangerously confusing to say bisoprolol is the same no matter if it is generic or branded. I suffered immensely following a dose of the generic brand of bisoprolol . My pharmacist informed me that the cause of the problem was the binders and fillers .
When I started cardicor I did not experience any adverse side effects. Cardicor as I stated previously is more expensive.
Zapain is another nasty drug .
When Pffeizer stopped manufacturing phenytoin an anti epileptic drug and Flynn Pharma started to produce it then people with epilepsy who had been controlled with phenytoin suddenly started having seizures and auras.
General information about bisoprolol and the contra indications and interactions. Yes I know it is not strictly relevant to Madge’s assertions about bisoprolol but as a former specialist in Health Education following obtaining a degree at Uni I felt that it was in the Public Interest to share all the information as this is the responsible and sensible thing to do.
General information on generic drugs and how Big Pharma are buying up generic companies.
8 years ago
Hello, everyone. I have to say I seem to be lucky, but reading your stories has been heartbreaking, inspiring, maddening (doctors!!) and induced some paranoia in me. I took Cipro once in my 20s — have no recollection of it. I guess all was fine. But with 2 small kids, I was hesitant when my gynecologist recommended it for an infection I have recently (an infection that isn’t bothering me, really, other than that it’s gross and I don’t want to infect my husband). I brought up my concerns from the FDA warning about tendon ruptures (I box, run and lift weights) and retinal detachment (I am already at elevated risk). She told me she had never had anyone have a bad reaction and that it was the “only option” for my infection. My parents have both taken it recently and claim to have no problems. I decided to be open-minded and try it. I took 3 doses, and all was well, and on the 4th I had terrible sensitivity to light and then had a massive panic attack. I haven’t had one of those in about 15 years. I called and the office told me to stop taking it, but I haven’t gotten a call back from them, as promised, to decide if we could treat the infection. I am kind of tired thinking about it all, so I can’t bring myself to go down another treatment road. I didn’t even take the Diflucan they also prescribed. I doubt that she will believe me, and probably just brush off my reaction as my being an anxious person (having called her to discuss my concerns before starting it).
It took me about two days to start feeling slightly normal, and I only have mild brain fog and what always feels like a “near headache.” It makes me feel so lucky I seem to be getting off easy so far compared to many stories on here I don’t know if there is hope for my infection, but I will take that over the debilitation of this stuff any day. My thoughts go out to all of you suffering. This is a terrible state to put a patient — take this stuff that could harm you permanently or suffer what could be a dangerous infection (I think mine isn’t, but I’m sure that’s normally the choice).
Also, I saw someone’s comments on here about wanting to do a big motorcycle trip when they recover. I have plans to start riding in the spring, and immediately feared this would ruin that. I certainly hope not and I hope you recover enough for your trip! It takes so much mental and physical ability to ride, any hampering of that seems unfair. I am very lucky in my life and it’s one of the few dreams I still want to pursue, so I know how important it is.
My thoughts are with you!
cindy Jones
8 years ago
I understand your anxieties and fears. It is your right to protect yourself and not to allow anyone to pressurise you into putting anything into your body that may/will harm you.
Drs will say that there isn’t anything else available because it is a lot easier for them especially if they have failed to send any bloods or other body fluids off for microbiology. The dr can always speak to the microbiologist to see what the options for treatment are.
Good luck with your future plans for travel..
Ryan L
8 years ago
For those who’ve been thinking about doing a Gut/body Microbiome Test, I wanted to pass on a digital coupon code I received in my email recently.
What is it good for: All 5-Site Explorer Kits are just $89 instead of the usual $399 (Discover all the bacteria living in your mouth, nose, skin, genital AND gut microbiomes).
So since I have been floxies I drink a high amount of water because I’m always thirsty talked to my naturopath last night and was told to add a pinch of salt to my water and it help me not feel thirsty all the time. It worked and thought if anyone else has issues feeling thirsty it may help.
cindy Jones
8 years ago
Madge I am perfectly aware of the points I made about the different types of bisoprolol which you have at long last accepted is the case.
I do not really feel bothered about your personal abuse but I am concerned about your erroneous comments that may result in vulnerable already seriously ill people taking in and ending up committing suicide.
However at long last you have backed down somewhat and admitted that there are two different types of bisoprolol which is what I stated originally.
The generic one was the one that made me extremely ill.
The branded one did not have these absolutely horrendous side effects.
If you think being floxed is bad you want to experience the side effects of the genric bisoprolol then you will really find out what true suffering is.
I am concerned that anyone reading your comments about bisoprolol being the same no matter if it is in a generic or a branded product could suffer terrible headaches, conjunctivitis, throbbing of their eyes, anorexia, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, anorexia, exhaustion, loss of interest in life itself. The need to wear sunglasses 24/7.
May I remind you that the pharmacist alerted me to the fact that the generic bisoprolol was responsible. I was immediately put back onto the branded but more expensive product. In England the chemist can dispense either the generic medication unless the dr specifies the brand on the prescription. The reason for this is because generics are cheaper.
Are you a member of the pharmaceutical industry?
The point here is that branded and generic are NOT the same. The generics are cheaper.
There has to be a reason for this.
It is based on inferior products, inferior quality assurance and different mixes.
Any chemist will tell you that. They have to because their license to practise depends on them being upfront and honest. .
God help anyone who has to go through what I have been through due to bisoprolol, the generic one I mean.
Barbara Arnold
8 years ago
Please stop arguing….this will only cause you both a lot of stress which as you both know will cause you more pain.
With respect to both of you, you both are trying to help others, but all you can do is tell what you know and leave it at that for others to do their own research.
We are all adults here, we are all trying to heal ourselves.
Arguing will not achieve that.
My heart goes out to both of you, I can see the suffering in your words.
This is what poison does to our body and minds. Don’t let the poison win.
Each of us must try to keep ourselves in a relaxed state as you both know.
Big Hugs
and Much Love xx
P.S. please take what I have just written in the way it was intended, with love and kindness
Here is the link to FD I cannot vouch for her.
I have good news for everyone, i am getting better sleep. I am not comleptely out of the woods but considering where i was before i consider it a miracle. I have added a couple of things to my homeopathy protocol, they are the following
1. Oil swishing, first thing in the morning with a spoon of coconut oil for about 15 minutes.
2. aloe vera with clorophyl, i ahve aloe plants in my back yard, i got some leaves and took out the jeely from inside mixed it with some clorophyl and mint in water, i takes sips in the morning and during the day, for my colitis.
3. Cinammon tea with all my meals, cinammon tea helps balance sugar in the body and that is good news for hormone levels.
if you have any questions let me know.
Has anyone tried to get compensation for FQ damage in the UK? 3 1/2 years bedbound now, and still deteriorating.
I’m feeling floxed again as once decided, but was diagnosed Addisons, also Crohns patient for years… seems since back on prednisone for life now I’m getting more I’ll by each day. Thank you. I’ve been ill for since2014 when eye surgery lead to temporal interitis biopsy left eye side.
Just a question
Has anybody in here done a spinal tap, since beeing hurt from antibiotics?
Has anyone had good luck with prp and or stem cell use after being floxed? I am 6 months out.
Two tests I’d highly recommend for all floxies are a Gut Microbiome Analysis test and a Hair and Mineral Analysis Test. Here is some data on each test.
1. Hair and Mineral Analysis Test (I ordered mine through evenbetternow)
“A tissue mineral analysis or hair analysis provides a unique reading of heavy metal and mineral levels in the cells over a two to three month period. It takes into consideration that toxins are stored in the tissues of the body, not in the blood. For instance, you can have normal copper levels in the blood, but high copper levels in the tissues. The reason hair is used for testing mineral status and metabolic activity is because of its very nature. Our hair is formed from clusters of specialized cells that make up the hair follicle.
During the growth phase, the hair is exposed to the internal environment such as blood, lymph and extra-cellular fluids. As the hair continues to grow and reaches the surface of the skin, its outer layers harden, locking in the metabolic products accumulated during the period of formation.
Hair analysis report
This biological process provides a blueprint and lasting record of metal content and nutritional metabolic activity that has occurred during this time.”
Furthermore, the results come with a description of what to expect with your specific imbalances, suggested dietary changes, and even a list of recommended supplements to correct said imbalances (Like always, you need to take caution with any recommended supplement).
If you’re newly floxed, this test will show you where you were before the nightmare began, and you can get retested in a few months to see what changed as a result of your experience.
2. A Gut Microbiome Analysis Test (I used Ubiome and ordered the Times Lapse Explorer Kit)
“uBiome Explorer Kits gives you access to state-of-the-art tools to learn more about your microbiome. Using high-throughput DNA sequencing based on research from the NIH Human Microbiome Project, we’ve perfected the technology to perform large-scale microbiome studies.
Using the interactive uBiome Explorer site, you can navigate your results using interactive graphs and charts which allow you to compare your results to those of other groups such as vegetarians, or to your past results.
Health and lifestyle answers you provide from the research survey enable us to show you correlations between other users, to existing peer-reviewed studies, and to your previous samples.”
Bottom line, this test will help you know what types of probiotics you should be taking. For example, the results could show that someone might be very high in Bifidobacterium but lacking in Lactobacillus. Well, in that case you wouldn’t want to keep overdoing the one and ignoring the other.
Next, the test will show you how you compare to others in regards to microbiome diversity and which bacteria are unique within your system, Then there’s the raw data which will show you the quantities of bacteria within each class, family, and genus.
Overall, I really think the data in these two tests can help a floxie gain better insight into what steps may be beneficial for them going forward.
Finally, please don’t ask me about all of my specific results with these two tests, as they won’t be the same as yours. Diet, environment, pre-existing conditions, medications, and lifestyle will all factor into the results within your final report. For example, before I took the gut microbiome test, I had been taking General Biotics probiotic Equilibrium. That probiotic has 115 unique strains where most other probitotics only have 10 or less. As a result, I had a wider microbiome diversity (78th percentile). Or with the hair test, I had a high zinc level due to the fact I had been using a shampoo that had zinc in it for a season. So again, results will very from person to person, but the insight these tests provide is very valuable.
As always, I hope this information helps someone.
Hi Ryan,
Thank you for all the detailed information about the hair analysis and the gut microbe tests. I know it takes a lot of time to make posts like that. I just wanted to say I appreciate it.
Also, I looked up the probiotic, Equalibrium, that you’re taking and it sounds pretty good. I was getting ready to order my VSL#3, but I think I will try out them, especially since you had such good results with your gut diversity test. How long have you been taking them?
Hi there, I am six years post floxing by Avelox. I have pneumonia and might have to take a antibiotic. Are there any that people are reacting to less? I have not taken any antibiotics since 2011. Zithromax is what they seem to be prescribing for this.
ANY feedback appreciated! Scared….
I think the most frustrating (and long lasting side effect) is that being floxed (at least for me) has ruined my body’s ability to process medication. I had a horrible reaction to Augmentin two months ago, which I had taken pre-2008 with no issues, and taking Zofran for the deathly vomiting that came along with Augmentin seemed to bring back the tingling and neuropathy issues I’d experienced post Cipro. Oddly enough I seem to deal with Prednisone/Prednisolone just fine when my sinuses are at their worst, but antibiotics outside of Amox/Penicillin/Zithromax have been an absolute nightmare for me.
Re bisoprolol.
Sorry but you are wrong to say that it is the same drug it is just the binders and fillers that are different.
There are two types of bisoprolol.
In addition the generic and brand are different as the generic contains more fillers and binders to bulk the cheapo version of the drug out.
These are the facts as advised by several pharmacists. It is very misleading and dangerously confusing to say bisoprolol is the same no matter if it is generic or branded. I suffered immensely following a dose of the generic brand of bisoprolol . My pharmacist informed me that the cause of the problem was the binders and fillers .
When I started cardicor I did not experience any adverse side effects. Cardicor as I stated previously is more expensive.
Zapain is another nasty drug .
When Pffeizer stopped manufacturing phenytoin an anti epileptic drug and Flynn Pharma started to produce it then people with epilepsy who had been controlled with phenytoin suddenly started having seizures and auras.
General information about bisoprolol and the contra indications and interactions. Yes I know it is not strictly relevant to Madge’s assertions about bisoprolol but as a former specialist in Health Education following obtaining a degree at Uni I felt that it was in the Public Interest to share all the information as this is the responsible and sensible thing to do.
General information on generic drugs and how Big Pharma are buying up generic companies.
Hello, everyone. I have to say I seem to be lucky, but reading your stories has been heartbreaking, inspiring, maddening (doctors!!) and induced some paranoia in me. I took Cipro once in my 20s — have no recollection of it. I guess all was fine. But with 2 small kids, I was hesitant when my gynecologist recommended it for an infection I have recently (an infection that isn’t bothering me, really, other than that it’s gross and I don’t want to infect my husband). I brought up my concerns from the FDA warning about tendon ruptures (I box, run and lift weights) and retinal detachment (I am already at elevated risk). She told me she had never had anyone have a bad reaction and that it was the “only option” for my infection. My parents have both taken it recently and claim to have no problems. I decided to be open-minded and try it. I took 3 doses, and all was well, and on the 4th I had terrible sensitivity to light and then had a massive panic attack. I haven’t had one of those in about 15 years. I called and the office told me to stop taking it, but I haven’t gotten a call back from them, as promised, to decide if we could treat the infection. I am kind of tired thinking about it all, so I can’t bring myself to go down another treatment road. I didn’t even take the Diflucan they also prescribed. I doubt that she will believe me, and probably just brush off my reaction as my being an anxious person (having called her to discuss my concerns before starting it).
It took me about two days to start feeling slightly normal, and I only have mild brain fog and what always feels like a “near headache.” It makes me feel so lucky I seem to be getting off easy so far compared to many stories on here I don’t know if there is hope for my infection, but I will take that over the debilitation of this stuff any day. My thoughts go out to all of you suffering. This is a terrible state to put a patient — take this stuff that could harm you permanently or suffer what could be a dangerous infection (I think mine isn’t, but I’m sure that’s normally the choice).
Also, I saw someone’s comments on here about wanting to do a big motorcycle trip when they recover. I have plans to start riding in the spring, and immediately feared this would ruin that. I certainly hope not and I hope you recover enough for your trip! It takes so much mental and physical ability to ride, any hampering of that seems unfair. I am very lucky in my life and it’s one of the few dreams I still want to pursue, so I know how important it is.
My thoughts are with you!
I understand your anxieties and fears. It is your right to protect yourself and not to allow anyone to pressurise you into putting anything into your body that may/will harm you.
Drs will say that there isn’t anything else available because it is a lot easier for them especially if they have failed to send any bloods or other body fluids off for microbiology. The dr can always speak to the microbiologist to see what the options for treatment are.
Good luck with your future plans for travel..
For those who’ve been thinking about doing a Gut/body Microbiome Test, I wanted to pass on a digital coupon code I received in my email recently.
What is it good for: All 5-Site Explorer Kits are just $89 instead of the usual $399 (Discover all the bacteria living in your mouth, nose, skin, genital AND gut microbiomes).
Expires: 12/25
Link to Site:
So since I have been floxies I drink a high amount of water because I’m always thirsty talked to my naturopath last night and was told to add a pinch of salt to my water and it help me not feel thirsty all the time. It worked and thought if anyone else has issues feeling thirsty it may help.
Madge I am perfectly aware of the points I made about the different types of bisoprolol which you have at long last accepted is the case.
I do not really feel bothered about your personal abuse but I am concerned about your erroneous comments that may result in vulnerable already seriously ill people taking in and ending up committing suicide.
However at long last you have backed down somewhat and admitted that there are two different types of bisoprolol which is what I stated originally.
The generic one was the one that made me extremely ill.
The branded one did not have these absolutely horrendous side effects.
If you think being floxed is bad you want to experience the side effects of the genric bisoprolol then you will really find out what true suffering is.
I am concerned that anyone reading your comments about bisoprolol being the same no matter if it is in a generic or a branded product could suffer terrible headaches, conjunctivitis, throbbing of their eyes, anorexia, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, anorexia, exhaustion, loss of interest in life itself. The need to wear sunglasses 24/7.
May I remind you that the pharmacist alerted me to the fact that the generic bisoprolol was responsible. I was immediately put back onto the branded but more expensive product. In England the chemist can dispense either the generic medication unless the dr specifies the brand on the prescription. The reason for this is because generics are cheaper.
Are you a member of the pharmaceutical industry?
The point here is that branded and generic are NOT the same. The generics are cheaper.
There has to be a reason for this.
It is based on inferior products, inferior quality assurance and different mixes.
Any chemist will tell you that. They have to because their license to practise depends on them being upfront and honest. .
God help anyone who has to go through what I have been through due to bisoprolol, the generic one I mean.
Please stop arguing….this will only cause you both a lot of stress which as you both know will cause you more pain.
With respect to both of you, you both are trying to help others, but all you can do is tell what you know and leave it at that for others to do their own research.
We are all adults here, we are all trying to heal ourselves.
Arguing will not achieve that.
My heart goes out to both of you, I can see the suffering in your words.
This is what poison does to our body and minds. Don’t let the poison win.
Each of us must try to keep ourselves in a relaxed state as you both know.
Big Hugs
and Much Love xx
P.S. please take what I have just written in the way it was intended, with love and kindness