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cindy Jones
8 years ago
Thanks barbara No problem I totially agree with you. Hugs to you and everyone. xxxxx
8 years ago
Hi everyone,long time,no post.I want to wish everyone a happy holiday and
a healthy new year(can’t stress the last one enough).I’m going to start this new year off
by doing a 60 day juice fast.I did this years back while going through my first floxing
and forgot how much it helped.At the moment I have been having a lot of good days if I don’t
break my diet-No Grains,no processed food,watch out for MSG and Nitrates.Hands and feet still hurt though…I’m also officially done with supplements.Yes done.They are too expensive and I have been taking them since I was a child and my mother put a small golden no frills multivitamin next to my breakfast.I don’t think they did me any good then,and I don’t think they’re doing me any good now,and I simply don’t trust the manufacturers.Ironiclly though,I’m considering giving Lyrica a try.My doctor thinks a short duration may help to reset
the nerves.I’m also considering medical Marijuana which is now legal in New York and doctors are now allowed to prescribe it for chronic pain.I think I will give medical Marijuana a try before going on Lyrica because the only side effects I can remember from smoking it in my youth was yellow Dorito fingers,knowing all of the dialogue from Cheech and Chong,and on occasion thinking the neighbors were staring into my bedroom window.
8 years ago
Thanks Bob,I’ll look into it,although I read the DEA just added it to “the list.”
But Cipro-not on any list…
Catherine P
8 years ago
Hi everyone, I’m 2 months into a relapse caused by a bout of gastroenteritis, still deteriorating, developing new symptoms and experiencing a recurrence of old ones I haven’t had for a while. It makes me realise that I had improved somewhat, although it didn’t feel like it at the time, and I’m finding it so hard to have to go through it all again.
Does anyone know – am I likely to continue to deteriorate for several years, as I did last time? I have heard of people who have taken several weeks to come out of a relapse following a virus, but not anyone who continues to detonate afterwards like I am. Thanks
cindy Jones
8 years ago
You will improve it takes time. I am stopping the magnesium it causes diarrhoea and depletion of nutrients. Just stick to a normal healthy diet.
8 years ago
Give it up
cindy Jones
8 years ago
Bob Good advice. Thank you.
8 years ago
Hi Joanneg
I hope you see this message
It was you that took colostrum, right? You started to feel better after starting taking that?
How much do you take ?
8 years ago
Hi anyone who is interested in finding out the benifets of cannubis please see the link below also provided a link showing how no one has ever died from using it. If you look at the link it’s an amazing 0. I know super scary that a wonderful plant has killed a whole 0 people. I personally cannot afford cbd oil as it is expensive. But I hope the think gives you all information that is helpful.
The list I’m referring to is schedule I,you use to be able to mail order cbd oil to
anywhere in the U.S. without prescription because of low THC.Come to think of it Lisa,MJ always triggered anxiety in me as well,that’s mainly why I gave it up many years ago.
The anxiety coupled together with derealization would last even days after using it.
Maybe Cbd oil will be different? God I really don’t know what to do anymore.
8 years ago
This is absolutely disgusting Madge that you are going through someone cyber stalking you when all you did was voice a differing opinion is beyond me.
My dear sweet L you being attacked too is just too much for me to shut up any longer. So while away on my dear amazing boyfriends bday weekend getaway I had to say something else because I just think it needs to be said people can have differing opinions. People who speak against naturopaths who have never gone to one are equal to a small child saying they don’t like blueberries yet never eaten them.
L has been a source of amazing support among others on this site I love. Let’s me be even more clear when I say the attacks I have had this weekend are beyond horrible and I am taking the time to write this because I am just tired of one person acting like a child whose mad because people disagree with them. get over it!!!! If someone gets help by touching a magic stone that makes them smell like poop yay for them. You touch that stone rub it all over you. Having to be right is all about ego all we are here to do is to provide information and support. Not freak people out who have anxiety issues already by googling people on the site and follow them to harass them.
Let me be even more clear that I don’t have epilepsy I have had issues with dehydration since before I ever took magnesium and I don’t have the runs.
8 years ago
Isnt this strange? Since i got Hurt from flagyl, i have taken so many test. 2 Times borrelia, that showed nothing . Now all off a sudden, The test says borrelia. Have any got The same results? This is just too weird
Catherine P
8 years ago
Cindy please stop this now. You are turning what used to be a place of help and support into something toxic. I’m finding it too stressful – if it doesn’t stop now I will be leaving the group.
8 years ago
I strongly recommend to just ignore this person completely 100%, as in my comment above even a short comment directed towards them shows their psychological manipulation is having the desired effect of upsetting you. This is exactly what this particular person is seeking, complete discord in groups & people leaving them. I strongly recommend that we do not even register this person is present, as to connect in ANY way is positive reinforcement, fuel to the fire, in my experience & opinion nothing but completely ignoring them will have a chance of anything progressing here unfortunately, Reasoning has been tried time & time again, it simply does not compute, this person does not respond to reason .
This will be my last comment relating to this situation as things stand right now, because directed obliquely in this persons direction, even this comment will be positive reinforcement for them.
I apologize for not taking a stronger leadership role in dealing with Cindy. I was asked to, and I failed, and I apologize to all of you for that. Thank you to all of you who did what I should have done for me – Debs, Catherine, L, Madge, Jason, Barbara, Stephanie, and I am probably missing a few others. You are right to stand up and say that this site is not a place where people should not have to endure disregard, condescension, and abuse. Everything that you have said are things I should have said earlier. I apologize for not doing so.
I asked Cindy privately to stop commenting on here. She refused. She feels that it is her right to comment on this site. It’s not. Her comments will be deleted from here out. For better or for worse, I do have to work and sleep, so her comments may show up for a few hours before I have a chance to get to them. If you can please just ignore her until I get to the comments, your help will be appreciated!
I think that we all recognize that Cindy is in need of help, just like the rest of us. Help, in the form of support, was available to her until she became abusive. Now it is no longer available. For that, she has herself to blame (though I’m sure I, and the rest of you, will be the perpetrators of her victimhood in her head).
I am hopeful that the comments on this site will return to being supportive and helpful.
Again, I apologize for not taking a stand earlier.
This community is loved and appreciated!
All my best,
8 years ago
Hi Ann,I continued with the Colostrum for about five months,you know,on and off,spread out.If I remember correctly(try searching my back posts because it’s a fog)I started to feel better after about two weeks of taking it.I went crazy at first,ingesting large amounts,up
to eight heaping tablespoons a day,then backed off to only one.Your symptoms sound
very similar to mine.The circulation problems,god forgot about them! I couldn’t stay on my iPad in bed without my hands going numb because my wrists were against my stomach!
How are your forearms may I ask? I still suffer from pain,itch,nerve like sensations in my forearms during a flare up.Same goes for my calves.Please remember you’re not going
to be as bad as you are a year from now.With or without Colostrum.Most people do recover
from this.
Harry Kay
8 years ago
I hope it is alright to say this. I had colosrom following a very frightening time with Cipro. I am now feeling very ill . Is it the colostrom or the antibiotic. I was given Levaquin.
Harry Kay
8 years ago
Also given Levaquin following the first antibiotic. Getting used to a new laptop so message sent incomplete.
8 years ago
Cindy I understand that you feel abused on this website. After reading your many posts I think I have found a remedy. GET OFF.
Thanks barbara No problem I totially agree with you. Hugs to you and everyone. xxxxx
Hi everyone,long time,no post.I want to wish everyone a happy holiday and
a healthy new year(can’t stress the last one enough).I’m going to start this new year off
by doing a 60 day juice fast.I did this years back while going through my first floxing
and forgot how much it helped.At the moment I have been having a lot of good days if I don’t
break my diet-No Grains,no processed food,watch out for MSG and Nitrates.Hands and feet still hurt though…I’m also officially done with supplements.Yes done.They are too expensive and I have been taking them since I was a child and my mother put a small golden no frills multivitamin next to my breakfast.I don’t think they did me any good then,and I don’t think they’re doing me any good now,and I simply don’t trust the manufacturers.Ironiclly though,I’m considering giving Lyrica a try.My doctor thinks a short duration may help to reset
the nerves.I’m also considering medical Marijuana which is now legal in New York and doctors are now allowed to prescribe it for chronic pain.I think I will give medical Marijuana a try before going on Lyrica because the only side effects I can remember from smoking it in my youth was yellow Dorito fingers,knowing all of the dialogue from Cheech and Chong,and on occasion thinking the neighbors were staring into my bedroom window.
Thanks Bob,I’ll look into it,although I read the DEA just added it to “the list.”
But Cipro-not on any list…
Hi everyone, I’m 2 months into a relapse caused by a bout of gastroenteritis, still deteriorating, developing new symptoms and experiencing a recurrence of old ones I haven’t had for a while. It makes me realise that I had improved somewhat, although it didn’t feel like it at the time, and I’m finding it so hard to have to go through it all again.
Does anyone know – am I likely to continue to deteriorate for several years, as I did last time? I have heard of people who have taken several weeks to come out of a relapse following a virus, but not anyone who continues to detonate afterwards like I am. Thanks
You will improve it takes time. I am stopping the magnesium it causes diarrhoea and depletion of nutrients. Just stick to a normal healthy diet.
Give it up
Bob Good advice. Thank you.
Hi Joanneg
I hope you see this message
It was you that took colostrum, right? You started to feel better after starting taking that?
How much do you take ?
Hi anyone who is interested in finding out the benifets of cannubis please see the link below also provided a link showing how no one has ever died from using it. If you look at the link it’s an amazing 0. I know super scary that a wonderful plant has killed a whole 0 people. I personally cannot afford cbd oil as it is expensive. But I hope the think gives you all information that is helpful.
The list I’m referring to is schedule I,you use to be able to mail order cbd oil to
anywhere in the U.S. without prescription because of low THC.Come to think of it Lisa,MJ always triggered anxiety in me as well,that’s mainly why I gave it up many years ago.
The anxiety coupled together with derealization would last even days after using it.
Maybe Cbd oil will be different? God I really don’t know what to do anymore.
This is absolutely disgusting Madge that you are going through someone cyber stalking you when all you did was voice a differing opinion is beyond me.
My dear sweet L you being attacked too is just too much for me to shut up any longer. So while away on my dear amazing boyfriends bday weekend getaway I had to say something else because I just think it needs to be said people can have differing opinions. People who speak against naturopaths who have never gone to one are equal to a small child saying they don’t like blueberries yet never eaten them.
L has been a source of amazing support among others on this site I love. Let’s me be even more clear when I say the attacks I have had this weekend are beyond horrible and I am taking the time to write this because I am just tired of one person acting like a child whose mad because people disagree with them. get over it!!!! If someone gets help by touching a magic stone that makes them smell like poop yay for them. You touch that stone rub it all over you. Having to be right is all about ego all we are here to do is to provide information and support. Not freak people out who have anxiety issues already by googling people on the site and follow them to harass them.
Let me be even more clear that I don’t have epilepsy I have had issues with dehydration since before I ever took magnesium and I don’t have the runs.
Isnt this strange? Since i got Hurt from flagyl, i have taken so many test. 2 Times borrelia, that showed nothing . Now all off a sudden, The test says borrelia. Have any got The same results? This is just too weird
Cindy please stop this now. You are turning what used to be a place of help and support into something toxic. I’m finding it too stressful – if it doesn’t stop now I will be leaving the group.
I strongly recommend to just ignore this person completely 100%, as in my comment above even a short comment directed towards them shows their psychological manipulation is having the desired effect of upsetting you. This is exactly what this particular person is seeking, complete discord in groups & people leaving them. I strongly recommend that we do not even register this person is present, as to connect in ANY way is positive reinforcement, fuel to the fire, in my experience & opinion nothing but completely ignoring them will have a chance of anything progressing here unfortunately, Reasoning has been tried time & time again, it simply does not compute, this person does not respond to reason .
This will be my last comment relating to this situation as things stand right now, because directed obliquely in this persons direction, even this comment will be positive reinforcement for them.
I apologize for not taking a stronger leadership role in dealing with Cindy. I was asked to, and I failed, and I apologize to all of you for that. Thank you to all of you who did what I should have done for me – Debs, Catherine, L, Madge, Jason, Barbara, Stephanie, and I am probably missing a few others. You are right to stand up and say that this site is not a place where people should not have to endure disregard, condescension, and abuse. Everything that you have said are things I should have said earlier. I apologize for not doing so.
I asked Cindy privately to stop commenting on here. She refused. She feels that it is her right to comment on this site. It’s not. Her comments will be deleted from here out. For better or for worse, I do have to work and sleep, so her comments may show up for a few hours before I have a chance to get to them. If you can please just ignore her until I get to the comments, your help will be appreciated!
I think that we all recognize that Cindy is in need of help, just like the rest of us. Help, in the form of support, was available to her until she became abusive. Now it is no longer available. For that, she has herself to blame (though I’m sure I, and the rest of you, will be the perpetrators of her victimhood in her head).
I am hopeful that the comments on this site will return to being supportive and helpful.
Again, I apologize for not taking a stand earlier.
This community is loved and appreciated!
All my best,
Hi Ann,I continued with the Colostrum for about five months,you know,on and off,spread out.If I remember correctly(try searching my back posts because it’s a fog)I started to feel better after about two weeks of taking it.I went crazy at first,ingesting large amounts,up
to eight heaping tablespoons a day,then backed off to only one.Your symptoms sound
very similar to mine.The circulation problems,god forgot about them! I couldn’t stay on my iPad in bed without my hands going numb because my wrists were against my stomach!
How are your forearms may I ask? I still suffer from pain,itch,nerve like sensations in my forearms during a flare up.Same goes for my calves.Please remember you’re not going
to be as bad as you are a year from now.With or without Colostrum.Most people do recover
from this.
I hope it is alright to say this. I had colosrom following a very frightening time with Cipro. I am now feeling very ill . Is it the colostrom or the antibiotic. I was given Levaquin.
Also given Levaquin following the first antibiotic. Getting used to a new laptop so message sent incomplete.
Cindy I understand that you feel abused on this website. After reading your many posts I think I have found a remedy. GET OFF.
You need serious help.