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8 years ago
Anyone here experience the muscle wasting? My lower leg muscles are weaker and look very different. I am worried when this muscle damage will stop.
Any recovery stories for muscle wasting? Thanks!
melanie Sykes
8 years ago
Hi I am a newby here and wondered if taking any other antibiotics can harm you? I am unable to enjoy my life since taking Cipro then other antibiotics since.
Dave P
8 years ago
My wife has been dealing with severe pain and is getting worse day by day. She hAve had every test under the sun and all come back negative with the exception of peripheral neuropathy/tendinitis. All of these issues have started after taking leviquin and we are convinced this is a direct result from leviquin. We are now in search of a doctor who specializes in this type of issue that has dealt with this leviquin issue. We live 30 miles west of Chicago. Can anyone please refer a doctor. She has been dealing with this for close to 3 years now and she is wheelchair bond. Please help of you can.
8 years ago
Hi all,
I ate milk and came back as you 🙁 palpitations dizziness not the focus of pain in the tendon can not walk What do I do?
melanie Sykes
8 years ago
Someone suggested God root for neuropathy.
I am sorry to say that I do not know anything about it.
8 years ago
Well I gave vaping CBD oil a try last night.No dice.Had an allergic reaction to it
and a return of symptoms.Felt no pain relief at all.Now I’m dealing with a major flare-up.
This was my last try at natural or alternative based healing.Next is Lyrica.I know some people have said it’s Hell,but isn’t this?
Wish me luck…
8 years ago
I was given Cipro after a surgical procedure for skin cancer on my leg. I ended up with bloody diarrhea that landed me in the hospital for five days! Never again.
8 years ago
I’ve been through it all Bob.Nine years.And what if I don’t experience any side effects
and it works for me? The truth is,no one knows what is truly wrong with us.All we have is theories.Mitocondria this,GABA that,even high calcium.I actually think I’ve tried every
supplement in Vitamin Shoppe.Half the time you don’t know what’s actually in them because
there is no regulation.Can any one explain how someone can go two months with no symptoms then have a flare up from eating a slice of salami? The end result of experiencing
the worst side effect of Lyrica-Jumping off a bridge.The end result of me continuing to
be in pain-Jumping off a bridge.I hope this doesn’t sound like a flame towards you or anyone, I’m just venting.
8 years ago
How do I tell my family story for feedback?
8 years ago
Perhaps one of the main problems with our difficult recoveries is that we simply still have the drug hanging out in our bodies. We haven’t been able to detox it. Like MTHFR mutants for an example, they do not detox drugs, metals etc. very well. I myself have the MTHFR mutant genes. I have also read about fluoride itself being a poison and can pile up because of many medications we take contain it, pesticides on our foods, in our water, dental treatments, toothpaste, anesthesia etc. Normal glutathione levels are important for our bodies to be able to detox properly. I have been making a tea out of ginger root and lemon and drinking it for detoxing. I actually think I have more energy and my mind is clearer. Also some shoulder/upper arm soreness has gone away I have for quite a long time
8 years ago
I am going on 18 months out from cipro. My peripheral neuropathy is better in my feet. However I still am suffering from anxiety. Before I was floxed I had taken paxil for 21 years with little problem. I got off the paxil because of sexual side effects but the resulting return of my ocd was horrible. I was a mental case. Then I was floxed. Then I went back on paxil. Now when I take the paxil, the anxiety ramps up for several hours every day. I am not sure if the paxil is the culprit. I believe it is fluoride based. But is there anyone else who takes antidepressants noticing increased anxiousness and sometimes suicidal ideation since they’ve been floxed? I feel strange sometimes. It seems to be getting gradually better but I don’t know if it’s because the paxil is still interacting with the floride still in my body from cipro. That’s a mouthful but any comments would be appreciated.
Hello to all I haven’t been on in a long while, I have been having good and bad days, seems after the good days I go down and out for at least two to recover. I sadly must say this has been happening to me since 2007. Ten years 3/19/2007 I was given my first 750 mg pill of Levequin, life hasn’t been the same since as we all can attest to that. Thanks to this site Floxie Hope I found so many ways, supplement’s things that actually helped me tremendously. I learned about ” Leaky Gut ” and candida, things I never heard of, also about using Colostrum LD for awhile way back when several people were trying it and having great results, I can honestly say I started using Sovereign Labs Colostrum on February 6th of 2016 and now almost a year later, I am still using it daily. It is actually the Only one that has actually helped me, on top of its healing effects, it also took a lot of pain away, which allowed me to dump almost every bit of pain medications, My thyroid function returned, no more Synthroid Hooray, I can say I have come full circle, I still have severe Gut Issues, no matter what I do ? So its back to the gastroenterologist where my journey began, four years ago, once I realized Levequin was the cause of all of these crazy weird painful things happening to me. Along with the Colostrum, I mega dose myself with chelated magnesium, strangely so many of us are extremely deficient in it, I take sublingual glutathione, vitamin D with K as we don’t absorb the D without the K, something I learned through research, seems after being Floxed that is all we do is research over and over and over again. Trying to get back to where we started, sadly depending on how badly we were Floxed some of us don’t ever get back 100% , but that is certainly no reason to stop trying right 🙂 I am wondering if joanneg and Linda are still hanging around, and if so Shout out how are you girls doing ? Best possible and better hopefully 🙂 In actuality I just stopped in to say hello and give an update, I have been diagnosed with enlarged Lymph nodes in my neck and in the ligaments between my stomach, liver and small intestines ? Several tests show absolutely no cancer Pheww. Also from the sever Chronic fatigue I suffered in the middle of my Floxing I have a partially deflated lung, no worries Breathing exercises can bring it right back again 🙂 I was just wondering if ANYONE has had lymph node enlargement from Floxing ? I had a small bump on my abdomen which popped up probably around 2008 early 2009, every Dr I showed it to said ” Its nothing just a fatty blah blah blah ” My endocrinologist seems to think I have somehow been unsuccessful in riding my body of all pesky bacteria’s, maybe even H Pylori a ? Thus the visit back to the gastro , whom I originally showed my ” Bump To ” I have diligently taken two – three 50 Billion different cultures of Pro Biotic which also have pre biotic, along with my Oil of Oregano capsules which naturally kill any bacterial fungal or viral infections. So here I am once again. If anyone has anything to offer regarding this type of thing, please message me, I know the ” Normal ” way to get rid of H pylori a is a series of Antibiotics and There is absolutely No way I will go that route, I would seriously take a chance on dying, which I have already came extremely close too. I as stated previously had absolutely No idea what was happening to me, back in 2007, there was NO PLACE TO SEARCH FOR ANSWERS, I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO ME OR WHY ? It was the scariest time of my entire life, I was an extremely active physically fit 45 year old, I went to the gym 4 X,s weekly walked 2 miles daily and suddenly No energy. My shoulders were popping ( tendon Tears) I had to fight to keep my eyes open, even after 7 -8 hours of sleep, that was full of horrific nightmares ? I think the worst part of all of this was I lost my sister to cancer in 2010, I was unable to Cry ? Depersonalization, actually being unable to FEEL EMOTION ? That was and still is something that I am so thankful for its return, thanks to the magnesium. So bottom line Levequin caused me to develop Torn tendons, peripheral neuropathy, endocrine issues Lymph node enlargement Gut Issues Chronic fatigue ( Fixed somewhat) depersonalization ( Fixed) lung deflation and sever mental anxiety, anxiety caused by trying to inform Doctors about how dangerous Fluroqonolone antibiotics actually are and applauded the FDA for all it has done these past few years with updating the Warnings, it was sad to know that Doctors were Not updating themselves regarding these toxic drugs, I can however report that after a visit with my Primary whom we have many debates regarding Levequin, He actually was still prescribing Cipro !!!! I told him he probably ruined a few young peoples lives forever and if he thought they were So wonderful, he should take them the next time he had a simple infection, ? He told me last Monday that he is not allowed to Prescribe at all, if he try’s the FDA gets on the Phone and questions the NEED for Fluroqonolone antibiotics, which are NOW ONLY USED IN A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION. Yeah Finally Triumph. Victory. No one else will ever again become a Victim of these drugs. I also have a drawer full of medical bills from MRI,s CT scans, ER visits , I had an Attorney back in 2008 until 2011 and as soon as this went Mass Tort, I received a letter saying ” I was to young to have torn tendons ” WoW talk about Greed, however I have continuously developed several more issues due to Levequin, so it was a good thing, I plan on filing a civil suit on my own for all of the medical expenses I incurred and pain and suffering punitive damages, it wont ever bring my health back, it is just to pay for what Levequin cost me, so much more then any $$ amount. My Daughter was married yesterday and I am still to Ill to Fly an hour and a half away. My only Child, heartbreaking to be on Video chat watching my baby Girl get married 🙁 It is things like that, Priceless things, Levequin took from me in 2007 and continues to do almost TEN YERS LATER ? Four side effects : May cause drowsiness, dizziness diarrhea or constipation FOUR in 2007 3/19/2007. It should of said take at your own Risk, rat poison might be a better alternative, at least you will know EXACTLY what WILL happen to you . Yes I am still very angry and probably will be for a long long while, I am lucky to still be alive, I know some people died without even KNOWING WHY ? Just please Do Not ever give up, do what is best for you, stay away from Fluoride, drink only Filtered water and lots of it, Epsom salt baths leech out toxins and pull in the magnesium. Do anything and everything possible that Helps you to feel better. My hope for 2017 is that there is Not one more victim of Fluroqonolone Poisoning , and that each and everyone is able to Find whatever it takes to help them to live the best possible life possible, living after being Floxed is a hard thing, thankfully there are sites like this for ways to help make living with it easier. Health to you all now and always Lisa M
winifred howard
8 years ago
I am unable to take probiotics . Is there an alternative I wonder.
winifred howard
8 years ago
winifred howard
8 years ago
Many people are allergic to casein, a milk protein. It blocks methylation, too, affecting your ability to detoxify, replicate DNA, etc.
There are many substitutes these days, hemp, flax, almond, coconut milks, etc.
Or, you might try sheep milk or goat milk.
winifred howard
8 years ago
I sent a link about milk allergies but it is not here.
The link states that cows milk contains lots of antibiotics and also pus cells due to mastitis of cows. The other hazard is the casein and lactose which in the case of casein causes no replication of dna and also interferes with the chelation of flqs and fl from th body.
Almond , coconut, soya milk are recommended in the link. Not sure about goats milk.
8 years ago
I Hope and Pray it’s a Happy New Year for us All 🙂 !!!
8 years ago
Anyone experience muscle wasting in their legs? What’s the best way to stop this? I’m freaking out! Hoping someone can PLEASE share their experience or recovery…
James Stamboni
8 years ago
Is taking MitoQ and CoQ10 at the same time is redundant or dangerous?
2.5 months in, after taking one 750mg levofloxacin tablet. Most of my initial symptoms have subsided (the tendons in every joint in my body swimming and weakening) But my knees remain weak and prone to injury. It started with and remains most explicit in my hamstrings, and if feels like even after a month of zero agitation and no negative sensation, a sudden movement with weight behind it can re-injure them. Healing (to the point of lack of pain or throbbing) usually takes a week or two- but It seems they never really regain function unlike the rest of my tendons?
Looking to take supplements to try and fix any mitochondrial level damage and get my knees back.
8 years ago
Can anyone on this site tell me the names of any antibiotics besides FQ that are used to treat ulcers? Appreciate the help! Thanks
Anyone here experience the muscle wasting? My lower leg muscles are weaker and look very different. I am worried when this muscle damage will stop.
Any recovery stories for muscle wasting? Thanks!
Hi I am a newby here and wondered if taking any other antibiotics can harm you? I am unable to enjoy my life since taking Cipro then other antibiotics since.
My wife has been dealing with severe pain and is getting worse day by day. She hAve had every test under the sun and all come back negative with the exception of peripheral neuropathy/tendinitis. All of these issues have started after taking leviquin and we are convinced this is a direct result from leviquin. We are now in search of a doctor who specializes in this type of issue that has dealt with this leviquin issue. We live 30 miles west of Chicago. Can anyone please refer a doctor. She has been dealing with this for close to 3 years now and she is wheelchair bond. Please help of you can.
Hi all,
I ate milk and came back as you 🙁 palpitations dizziness not the focus of pain in the tendon can not walk What do I do?
Someone suggested God root for neuropathy.
I am sorry to say that I do not know anything about it.
Well I gave vaping CBD oil a try last night.No dice.Had an allergic reaction to it
and a return of symptoms.Felt no pain relief at all.Now I’m dealing with a major flare-up.
This was my last try at natural or alternative based healing.Next is Lyrica.I know some people have said it’s Hell,but isn’t this?
Wish me luck…
I was given Cipro after a surgical procedure for skin cancer on my leg. I ended up with bloody diarrhea that landed me in the hospital for five days! Never again.
I’ve been through it all Bob.Nine years.And what if I don’t experience any side effects
and it works for me? The truth is,no one knows what is truly wrong with us.All we have is theories.Mitocondria this,GABA that,even high calcium.I actually think I’ve tried every
supplement in Vitamin Shoppe.Half the time you don’t know what’s actually in them because
there is no regulation.Can any one explain how someone can go two months with no symptoms then have a flare up from eating a slice of salami? The end result of experiencing
the worst side effect of Lyrica-Jumping off a bridge.The end result of me continuing to
be in pain-Jumping off a bridge.I hope this doesn’t sound like a flame towards you or anyone, I’m just venting.
How do I tell my family story for feedback?
Perhaps one of the main problems with our difficult recoveries is that we simply still have the drug hanging out in our bodies. We haven’t been able to detox it. Like MTHFR mutants for an example, they do not detox drugs, metals etc. very well. I myself have the MTHFR mutant genes. I have also read about fluoride itself being a poison and can pile up because of many medications we take contain it, pesticides on our foods, in our water, dental treatments, toothpaste, anesthesia etc. Normal glutathione levels are important for our bodies to be able to detox properly. I have been making a tea out of ginger root and lemon and drinking it for detoxing. I actually think I have more energy and my mind is clearer. Also some shoulder/upper arm soreness has gone away I have for quite a long time
I am going on 18 months out from cipro. My peripheral neuropathy is better in my feet. However I still am suffering from anxiety. Before I was floxed I had taken paxil for 21 years with little problem. I got off the paxil because of sexual side effects but the resulting return of my ocd was horrible. I was a mental case. Then I was floxed. Then I went back on paxil. Now when I take the paxil, the anxiety ramps up for several hours every day. I am not sure if the paxil is the culprit. I believe it is fluoride based. But is there anyone else who takes antidepressants noticing increased anxiousness and sometimes suicidal ideation since they’ve been floxed? I feel strange sometimes. It seems to be getting gradually better but I don’t know if it’s because the paxil is still interacting with the floride still in my body from cipro. That’s a mouthful but any comments would be appreciated.
Hello to all I haven’t been on in a long while, I have been having good and bad days, seems after the good days I go down and out for at least two to recover. I sadly must say this has been happening to me since 2007. Ten years 3/19/2007 I was given my first 750 mg pill of Levequin, life hasn’t been the same since as we all can attest to that. Thanks to this site Floxie Hope I found so many ways, supplement’s things that actually helped me tremendously. I learned about ” Leaky Gut ” and candida, things I never heard of, also about using Colostrum LD for awhile way back when several people were trying it and having great results, I can honestly say I started using Sovereign Labs Colostrum on February 6th of 2016 and now almost a year later, I am still using it daily. It is actually the Only one that has actually helped me, on top of its healing effects, it also took a lot of pain away, which allowed me to dump almost every bit of pain medications, My thyroid function returned, no more Synthroid Hooray, I can say I have come full circle, I still have severe Gut Issues, no matter what I do ? So its back to the gastroenterologist where my journey began, four years ago, once I realized Levequin was the cause of all of these crazy weird painful things happening to me. Along with the Colostrum, I mega dose myself with chelated magnesium, strangely so many of us are extremely deficient in it, I take sublingual glutathione, vitamin D with K as we don’t absorb the D without the K, something I learned through research, seems after being Floxed that is all we do is research over and over and over again. Trying to get back to where we started, sadly depending on how badly we were Floxed some of us don’t ever get back 100% , but that is certainly no reason to stop trying right 🙂 I am wondering if joanneg and Linda are still hanging around, and if so Shout out how are you girls doing ? Best possible and better hopefully 🙂 In actuality I just stopped in to say hello and give an update, I have been diagnosed with enlarged Lymph nodes in my neck and in the ligaments between my stomach, liver and small intestines ? Several tests show absolutely no cancer Pheww. Also from the sever Chronic fatigue I suffered in the middle of my Floxing I have a partially deflated lung, no worries Breathing exercises can bring it right back again 🙂 I was just wondering if ANYONE has had lymph node enlargement from Floxing ? I had a small bump on my abdomen which popped up probably around 2008 early 2009, every Dr I showed it to said ” Its nothing just a fatty blah blah blah ” My endocrinologist seems to think I have somehow been unsuccessful in riding my body of all pesky bacteria’s, maybe even H Pylori a ? Thus the visit back to the gastro , whom I originally showed my ” Bump To ” I have diligently taken two – three 50 Billion different cultures of Pro Biotic which also have pre biotic, along with my Oil of Oregano capsules which naturally kill any bacterial fungal or viral infections. So here I am once again. If anyone has anything to offer regarding this type of thing, please message me, I know the ” Normal ” way to get rid of H pylori a is a series of Antibiotics and There is absolutely No way I will go that route, I would seriously take a chance on dying, which I have already came extremely close too. I as stated previously had absolutely No idea what was happening to me, back in 2007, there was NO PLACE TO SEARCH FOR ANSWERS, I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO ME OR WHY ? It was the scariest time of my entire life, I was an extremely active physically fit 45 year old, I went to the gym 4 X,s weekly walked 2 miles daily and suddenly No energy. My shoulders were popping ( tendon Tears) I had to fight to keep my eyes open, even after 7 -8 hours of sleep, that was full of horrific nightmares ? I think the worst part of all of this was I lost my sister to cancer in 2010, I was unable to Cry ? Depersonalization, actually being unable to FEEL EMOTION ? That was and still is something that I am so thankful for its return, thanks to the magnesium. So bottom line Levequin caused me to develop Torn tendons, peripheral neuropathy, endocrine issues Lymph node enlargement Gut Issues Chronic fatigue ( Fixed somewhat) depersonalization ( Fixed) lung deflation and sever mental anxiety, anxiety caused by trying to inform Doctors about how dangerous Fluroqonolone antibiotics actually are and applauded the FDA for all it has done these past few years with updating the Warnings, it was sad to know that Doctors were Not updating themselves regarding these toxic drugs, I can however report that after a visit with my Primary whom we have many debates regarding Levequin, He actually was still prescribing Cipro !!!! I told him he probably ruined a few young peoples lives forever and if he thought they were So wonderful, he should take them the next time he had a simple infection, ? He told me last Monday that he is not allowed to Prescribe at all, if he try’s the FDA gets on the Phone and questions the NEED for Fluroqonolone antibiotics, which are NOW ONLY USED IN A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION. Yeah Finally Triumph. Victory. No one else will ever again become a Victim of these drugs. I also have a drawer full of medical bills from MRI,s CT scans, ER visits , I had an Attorney back in 2008 until 2011 and as soon as this went Mass Tort, I received a letter saying ” I was to young to have torn tendons ” WoW talk about Greed, however I have continuously developed several more issues due to Levequin, so it was a good thing, I plan on filing a civil suit on my own for all of the medical expenses I incurred and pain and suffering punitive damages, it wont ever bring my health back, it is just to pay for what Levequin cost me, so much more then any $$ amount. My Daughter was married yesterday and I am still to Ill to Fly an hour and a half away. My only Child, heartbreaking to be on Video chat watching my baby Girl get married 🙁 It is things like that, Priceless things, Levequin took from me in 2007 and continues to do almost TEN YERS LATER ? Four side effects : May cause drowsiness, dizziness diarrhea or constipation FOUR in 2007 3/19/2007. It should of said take at your own Risk, rat poison might be a better alternative, at least you will know EXACTLY what WILL happen to you . Yes I am still very angry and probably will be for a long long while, I am lucky to still be alive, I know some people died without even KNOWING WHY ? Just please Do Not ever give up, do what is best for you, stay away from Fluoride, drink only Filtered water and lots of it, Epsom salt baths leech out toxins and pull in the magnesium. Do anything and everything possible that Helps you to feel better. My hope for 2017 is that there is Not one more victim of Fluroqonolone Poisoning , and that each and everyone is able to Find whatever it takes to help them to live the best possible life possible, living after being Floxed is a hard thing, thankfully there are sites like this for ways to help make living with it easier. Health to you all now and always Lisa M
I am unable to take probiotics . Is there an alternative I wonder.
Many people are allergic to casein, a milk protein. It blocks methylation, too, affecting your ability to detoxify, replicate DNA, etc.
There are many substitutes these days, hemp, flax, almond, coconut milks, etc.
Or, you might try sheep milk or goat milk.
I sent a link about milk allergies but it is not here.
The link states that cows milk contains lots of antibiotics and also pus cells due to mastitis of cows. The other hazard is the casein and lactose which in the case of casein causes no replication of dna and also interferes with the chelation of flqs and fl from th body.
Almond , coconut, soya milk are recommended in the link. Not sure about goats milk.
I Hope and Pray it’s a Happy New Year for us All 🙂 !!!
Anyone experience muscle wasting in their legs? What’s the best way to stop this? I’m freaking out! Hoping someone can PLEASE share their experience or recovery…
Is taking MitoQ and CoQ10 at the same time is redundant or dangerous?
2.5 months in, after taking one 750mg levofloxacin tablet. Most of my initial symptoms have subsided (the tendons in every joint in my body swimming and weakening) But my knees remain weak and prone to injury. It started with and remains most explicit in my hamstrings, and if feels like even after a month of zero agitation and no negative sensation, a sudden movement with weight behind it can re-injure them. Healing (to the point of lack of pain or throbbing) usually takes a week or two- but It seems they never really regain function unlike the rest of my tendons?
Looking to take supplements to try and fix any mitochondrial level damage and get my knees back.
Can anyone on this site tell me the names of any antibiotics besides FQ that are used to treat ulcers? Appreciate the help! Thanks