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8 years ago
Am I permanently damaged I only took this bs 5 days that’s was two months ago still fill spasms whenever my muscles contract when I make a quick movement that’s it I want my life back I feel like kicking the guy who gave me this ass my career is slipping help please someone its 1am I can’t sleep
Barbara Arnold
8 years ago
I forgot to say, why don’t you e-mail the people at mitoq and ask about adverse re-actions, they have done ten years of research on this, so must know if there are any.
8 years ago
Who here has had the grinding & cracking of the neck bones? I get this when moving my head around. Also, if I sleep on my back it is really bad upon waking up. Has anyone here recovered from this side effect?
Thanks again!
8 years ago
I have tried everything for this terrible insomnia. Last night and The night before i only slept 2 hours. I usually now can fall asleep. But then i wake up after 1-2 hours with terrible nightmares, The whole room is spinning, and my arms and legs and The whole body twitches, and I feel like my brain rushes and cant calm down. Horrible. I try not to stress my self over this insomnia, but it starts to get too me. I dont want to take sleeping pills, but it cant be good to never sleep. I havent slept a night since this happen 14 months ago. Dont now what to do anymore?
Levaquin poisoned 2005. Warn others of the dangers and deadly effects of of Fluoroquinolones. Get the word out there best you can, save a life.
David pollard
8 years ago
I’m from Toronto and Health Canada is way behind the FDA in issuing warnings. I was on Cipro for two months prior to and after prostate surgery.
My advice is read all you can, research , and look for common threads in people’s recovery.
Most importantly get on Magnesium supplements with calcium. I’m taking 900 mg a day and truly believe magnesium saved my life. All the research seems to indicate that fluoroquinolones leach magnesium from our system at the cellular level.
I’m in my sixth month and walking again. Neuropathy has disappeared. I expect it will be August ( one year) before I’m completely well.
8 years ago
I wrote earlier. I was originally floxed in 2005 with incredible
CNS and tendon ruptures. Relapsed in 2010 and took 2 years for sleep to come back. Relapsed again in July last year. My anxiety/terrors/insomnia and pain are continually getting worse. I am in almost constant 24 hour fight or flight. I am having suicidal thoughts. I’ve tried so much magnesium and so many other supplements and nothing, absolutely nothing is helping. I am up all hours of the night due to lack of sleep and if affects my family. I have time distortions due to the anxiety/panic/terrors where minutes seem like hours. This and the insomnia is unbearable. This has cost me my job and will lose insurance and I will have no income and doctors can’t find anything wrong with me so I cannot get disability. Please pray for me and add suggestions. By the way, I have an uncle who is a Vietnam vet who just got floxed after begging him to stop the meds and he is having just about the same symptoms.
8 years ago
In my earlier post I failed to mention that my son bought me a used hyperbaric chamber in 2010 that I think did help me to heal, but took 2 years for any type of normalcy to come back. I also did glutathione IV’s that I think helped. Neither has worked this time and actually seemed to make me worse.
8 years ago
I also failed to mention that I have been treated for chronic lyme disease after having Rocky Mountain Spotted fever twice and my house had water damage and I think I have a mold issue because I am one of the 1% of the population that has two defective mold genes. I feel so doomed and hopeless. I have been living with my son because I can’t go back to my house which can’t even be sold now. I was a firefighter/emt and I always loved helping other people but now I can’t even help myself.
8 years ago
I had a doctor give me for free a major autoimmune hemotherapy treatment, where they take out blood and ozonate it and put it back in the body. I had an unbelievable reaction to it that lasted for days. I don’t detox anything at all it seems anymore. I am ready to admit myself to a psych hospital but afraid they will just make me worse in the long run. I feel beyond hopeless.
Julie Wagner
8 years ago
I want to thank everyone for all your suggestions and education. I still have setbacks but feeling much better. Have to figure out antibiotics for candida and tooth extractions now. Happy New Year.
8 years ago
It’s been 2 months in some change since levquin got me 6’4 275 bench 500 squat 600 it ate all my muscle Away slowly I have a contract workout for a cfl team coming up and I’m still catch the spasm thingies help
Shirley ann Trimble
8 years ago
How to know it is FQ TOXICITY WHEN I HAVE OTHER SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES ALTHOUGH THEY ARE ALL GETTING WORSE. THANKS SO MUCH. I hope we all can survive this. I’ve gone up and down by moving from Florida to MI see my dying brother now I’m so sick DR CHANGES. I THINK…..I CAN’T GET BACK FLORIDA.
David pollard
8 years ago
Barb. Your tendons are tightening and painful because the connective tissue in them has been drained of magnesium. Research the side effects of magnesium deficiency. Those side effects are exactly the same as those symptoms associated with fluoroquinolones.
They include severe tendinitis, cramping, neuropathy.
Integrative medicine physicians now prescribe magnesium and calcium. 2 to 1. One part magnesium to two part calcium…
I was two months on cipro but have mostly recovered because I started immediately on magnesium calcium supplements. Also, Glucosamine chondroitin builds collagen/ connective tissue and has been seen to repair some of the damage.
8 years ago
I thought I would post this for those interested in trying to raise their glutathione.
Some of the most important points of this research are:
Elevated levels of glutathione promote long healthy lives that are more resistant to diseases. All clinical studies reviewed showed that raising glutathione to its optimal levels is of great benefit to the human body.
While there are many options of how to raise Glutathione, the most natural and effective, with hardly any side effects, appear to be undenatured whey proteins, melatonin in its natural state in tart cherry concentrate, alpha lipoic acid, milk thistle and MSM.
Quality undenatured whey proteins supply cysteine – the most essential of the three glutathione precursors; while natural melatonin (tart cherry), alpha lipoic acid, MSM and milk thistle act more as enhancers of glutathione synthesis and function.
Glutamine can be converted into glutamate, the second most important glutathione precursor, and thus it plays a significant role in glutathione metabolism.
High quality undenatured colostrum may be a beneficial accompanying supplement in a GSH raising protocol
All cofactors of glutathione production (vitamins C and E, B1, B2, B6, B12, folate (B9), selenium, magnesium and zinc) are necessary in sufficient quantities. Their deficiencies are detrimental to glutathione metabolism.
It is just as important to know how not to deplete glutathione as it is to know how to raise glutathione.
Hopefully, you now have some answers to the question of how to raise glutathione. Specifically, you should have some answers on how to raise glutathione levels with natural products, with cofactors and with drugs, and also pros and cons of each of these options. You should have also gained some wisdom concerning how to raise glutathione, and wisdom is more valuable than gold.
8 years ago
Hi All
This is my last comment on this website and all other website like this
About 5-6months ago i’ve floxed and when i start searching in internet about floxing read like this like this dna mitochondria fack fack fack they made me stupid.
The best tips for our recovery is: Time and Quiting from internet.
When i quit internet my recovery increase about 2000% like turmeric increase their absorbation 2000% with black pepper, i increase my rec with quiting internet.
Dont eat bread, meat, … … .. waa dont read what say all website like this doesnt help u trust me they make u stupid 100%, go prayer prayer and prayer, the God help u not website like this.(sorryforlang)
Im H.A and im healed
Im stronger 2000% than before
Thanks God, Looking Forwad.????
Sharon blevins
8 years ago
I took Levaquin August 2014 November 2014 I was diagnosed with autonomic nervous system malfunction and vagus nerve damage I do believe Levaquin was the cause of my nervous system failure they have completely ruined my life these people should be in jail
Sharon blevins
8 years ago
Has anyone been diagnosed with autonomic nervous system malfunction from taking Levaquin it happened to me I was just seeking out to find if it happened to anyone else
samara Souza cidade
8 years ago
me ajudem como posso me curar desse maldito medicamento que tomei há 6 meses atrás meu filho de 9 meses estava mamando no peito e atingiu ele também ajudem
Am I permanently damaged I only took this bs 5 days that’s was two months ago still fill spasms whenever my muscles contract when I make a quick movement that’s it I want my life back I feel like kicking the guy who gave me this ass my career is slipping help please someone its 1am I can’t sleep
I forgot to say, why don’t you e-mail the people at mitoq and ask about adverse re-actions, they have done ten years of research on this, so must know if there are any.
Who here has had the grinding & cracking of the neck bones? I get this when moving my head around. Also, if I sleep on my back it is really bad upon waking up. Has anyone here recovered from this side effect?
Thanks again!
I have tried everything for this terrible insomnia. Last night and The night before i only slept 2 hours. I usually now can fall asleep. But then i wake up after 1-2 hours with terrible nightmares, The whole room is spinning, and my arms and legs and The whole body twitches, and I feel like my brain rushes and cant calm down. Horrible. I try not to stress my self over this insomnia, but it starts to get too me. I dont want to take sleeping pills, but it cant be good to never sleep. I havent slept a night since this happen 14 months ago. Dont now what to do anymore?
I thought this would be a good place to share my sister’s story. Please help if you can. She has found a place for treatment but it’s not all covered under insurance and is far from her home.
Levaquin poisoned 2005. Warn others of the dangers and deadly effects of of Fluoroquinolones. Get the word out there best you can, save a life.
I’m from Toronto and Health Canada is way behind the FDA in issuing warnings. I was on Cipro for two months prior to and after prostate surgery.
My advice is read all you can, research , and look for common threads in people’s recovery.
Most importantly get on Magnesium supplements with calcium. I’m taking 900 mg a day and truly believe magnesium saved my life. All the research seems to indicate that fluoroquinolones leach magnesium from our system at the cellular level.
I’m in my sixth month and walking again. Neuropathy has disappeared. I expect it will be August ( one year) before I’m completely well.
I wrote earlier. I was originally floxed in 2005 with incredible
CNS and tendon ruptures. Relapsed in 2010 and took 2 years for sleep to come back. Relapsed again in July last year. My anxiety/terrors/insomnia and pain are continually getting worse. I am in almost constant 24 hour fight or flight. I am having suicidal thoughts. I’ve tried so much magnesium and so many other supplements and nothing, absolutely nothing is helping. I am up all hours of the night due to lack of sleep and if affects my family. I have time distortions due to the anxiety/panic/terrors where minutes seem like hours. This and the insomnia is unbearable. This has cost me my job and will lose insurance and I will have no income and doctors can’t find anything wrong with me so I cannot get disability. Please pray for me and add suggestions. By the way, I have an uncle who is a Vietnam vet who just got floxed after begging him to stop the meds and he is having just about the same symptoms.
In my earlier post I failed to mention that my son bought me a used hyperbaric chamber in 2010 that I think did help me to heal, but took 2 years for any type of normalcy to come back. I also did glutathione IV’s that I think helped. Neither has worked this time and actually seemed to make me worse.
I also failed to mention that I have been treated for chronic lyme disease after having Rocky Mountain Spotted fever twice and my house had water damage and I think I have a mold issue because I am one of the 1% of the population that has two defective mold genes. I feel so doomed and hopeless. I have been living with my son because I can’t go back to my house which can’t even be sold now. I was a firefighter/emt and I always loved helping other people but now I can’t even help myself.
I had a doctor give me for free a major autoimmune hemotherapy treatment, where they take out blood and ozonate it and put it back in the body. I had an unbelievable reaction to it that lasted for days. I don’t detox anything at all it seems anymore. I am ready to admit myself to a psych hospital but afraid they will just make me worse in the long run. I feel beyond hopeless.
I want to thank everyone for all your suggestions and education. I still have setbacks but feeling much better. Have to figure out antibiotics for candida and tooth extractions now. Happy New Year.
It’s been 2 months in some change since levquin got me 6’4 275 bench 500 squat 600 it ate all my muscle Away slowly I have a contract workout for a cfl team coming up and I’m still catch the spasm thingies help
How to know it is FQ TOXICITY WHEN I HAVE OTHER SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES ALTHOUGH THEY ARE ALL GETTING WORSE. THANKS SO MUCH. I hope we all can survive this. I’ve gone up and down by moving from Florida to MI see my dying brother now I’m so sick DR CHANGES. I THINK…..I CAN’T GET BACK FLORIDA.
Barb. Your tendons are tightening and painful because the connective tissue in them has been drained of magnesium. Research the side effects of magnesium deficiency. Those side effects are exactly the same as those symptoms associated with fluoroquinolones.
They include severe tendinitis, cramping, neuropathy.
Integrative medicine physicians now prescribe magnesium and calcium. 2 to 1. One part magnesium to two part calcium…
I was two months on cipro but have mostly recovered because I started immediately on magnesium calcium supplements. Also, Glucosamine chondroitin builds collagen/ connective tissue and has been seen to repair some of the damage.
I thought I would post this for those interested in trying to raise their glutathione.
Some of the most important points of this research are:
Elevated levels of glutathione promote long healthy lives that are more resistant to diseases. All clinical studies reviewed showed that raising glutathione to its optimal levels is of great benefit to the human body.
While there are many options of how to raise Glutathione, the most natural and effective, with hardly any side effects, appear to be undenatured whey proteins, melatonin in its natural state in tart cherry concentrate, alpha lipoic acid, milk thistle and MSM.
Quality undenatured whey proteins supply cysteine – the most essential of the three glutathione precursors; while natural melatonin (tart cherry), alpha lipoic acid, MSM and milk thistle act more as enhancers of glutathione synthesis and function.
Glutamine can be converted into glutamate, the second most important glutathione precursor, and thus it plays a significant role in glutathione metabolism.
High quality undenatured colostrum may be a beneficial accompanying supplement in a GSH raising protocol
All cofactors of glutathione production (vitamins C and E, B1, B2, B6, B12, folate (B9), selenium, magnesium and zinc) are necessary in sufficient quantities. Their deficiencies are detrimental to glutathione metabolism.
It is just as important to know how not to deplete glutathione as it is to know how to raise glutathione.
Hopefully, you now have some answers to the question of how to raise glutathione. Specifically, you should have some answers on how to raise glutathione levels with natural products, with cofactors and with drugs, and also pros and cons of each of these options. You should have also gained some wisdom concerning how to raise glutathione, and wisdom is more valuable than gold.
Hi All
This is my last comment on this website and all other website like this
About 5-6months ago i’ve floxed and when i start searching in internet about floxing read like this like this dna mitochondria fack fack fack they made me stupid.
The best tips for our recovery is: Time and Quiting from internet.
When i quit internet my recovery increase about 2000% like turmeric increase their absorbation 2000% with black pepper, i increase my rec with quiting internet.
Dont eat bread, meat, … … .. waa dont read what say all website like this doesnt help u trust me they make u stupid 100%, go prayer prayer and prayer, the God help u not website like this.(sorryforlang)
Im H.A and im healed
Im stronger 2000% than before
Thanks God, Looking Forwad.????
I took Levaquin August 2014 November 2014 I was diagnosed with autonomic nervous system malfunction and vagus nerve damage I do believe Levaquin was the cause of my nervous system failure they have completely ruined my life these people should be in jail
Has anyone been diagnosed with autonomic nervous system malfunction from taking Levaquin it happened to me I was just seeking out to find if it happened to anyone else
me ajudem como posso me curar desse maldito medicamento que tomei há 6 meses atrás meu filho de 9 meses estava mamando no peito e atingiu ele também ajudem