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8 years ago
I did six rounds of prolozone. No side effects, but didn’t help much either.
8 years ago
Hi all. I wanted to post something that might be of help to those of you in the Los Angeles area. As you know, if you took a generic, you can’t (at this point in time) sue the manufacturer. (There are a few firms working on that, but even if it comes to fruition it could be years down the road.) If you are interested in seeking a medical malpractice case (and please be aware you only have one year, from the time you became aware your injury was related to the Cipro or Levaquin, etc) I am going to suggest a firm I spoke with recently. Genuinely good, caring guys with great reviews.
Hey guys. I wanted to know has actually taken the fluoroquinolone toxicity solution. I wonder if people have actually fully recovered and did they have to carry on following the regime once their body fully recovered. At this point I just don’t want to believ in “hope” until i hear results from people that have tried it.
I hope people who have been damaged by this poision and finding help and do not give up.
My email is I am open to talking about my experience and listening to others. Let’s not be isolated in our problems.
I took 19 pills of Ciproflaxacin. It was 500mg twice a day for 14 days. I decided to stop on the 10th day. I’m just frustrated that I took it for that long.
8 years ago
Hey, not sure if you guys remember me as it’s been awhile since i last posted. I was floxed in 2012 and had nonstop horrible symptoms. Well some good and bad news. I think, not 100%, but i think my symptoms have improved dramatically finally. I still have ankle issues, but i haven’t griped about anumber of things this medicine caused in a good while. To give everyone some hope. It takes a ton of time….a ton…almost 5 years now.
The bad news, since one of my biggest symptoms was burning of the face, I’m not sure if that’s back or is from the car accident i was just in. I was doing fairly well from the floxie damage, but was in a car accident a few months ago and then a really bad one a week ago while i was still recovering from the first. There is significant damage and surgery is on the table…neck.
So my two cents for the day, i think there’s hope even though i never believed it with this medicine and watch out for bad motorists because there are things that suck just as bad as this medicine. Something i never believed to be the case before.
I wish everyone the best and the people on here really are kind and understanding. I’ll try to stop in and give another update once i heal up more and can accurately judge the rest of my issues.
The founder of posted this on facebook. I know that a lot of people have had problems with high B6, and I have had adrenal problems, and I thought it would be interesting to many of you.
“Food for the mind AND adrenals : There are more symptoms that are associated with this phenomenon such as calcium oxalate kidney stones, calcified nodules found in the thyroid gland and in other soft tissue organs and glands.
Many elevated B6 sufferers also experience thyroid hormonal issues, as well as heart murmur type arrhythmias, and para-thyroid hormone deficiency.
It is little known outside biochemistry that all vitamins are produced by various organisms sometimes also known as the flora of the digestive tract. The vitamins that your body needs are “harvested” or absorbed from your small intestine where these organisms live and produce various vitamins as part of their metabolism.
Under normal balanced conditions all is well, and the correct ratio of “vitamins” are produced in a bioavailable form that your bodies readily absorb and use. It is well known that the body does not prefer, but will reluctantly utilize “synthetically” or lab made vitamins when the real vitamin is not available. All B vitamins are “naturally” produced or secreted by the “B” bacteria within the intestinal tract. The “B” bacteria are highly susceptible to acid, and particularly “lactic acid” that is produced by the common pro-biotic LAB bacteria that many consume in excess. The LAB or lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid as a defense mechanism to kill off other bacteria as a way to secure more food for themselves, this results in “acidosis” of the naturally more alkaline intestines, and large bowl, and colon where the pH level should be in the range of 7.6-8.0. So, you may be asking now “If the B bacteria are killed off, where is the excess B6 coming from?” Great question! Let’s look at this, because herein is the shocking revelation.
E. Coli, and A. Niger, are organisms that naturally do not produce B6 or Oxalic acid, however, we are not talking about “natural” we are going to talk about the mutated strains of E. Coli, the mutant 0157:H7 strain.
This mutated strain of E. Coli produces extreme amounts of B6, and oxalic acid. It is also the strain that is most often found to be the leading cause of kidney and adrenal failure, or exhaustion.
This particular issue is very difficult to diagnose as it will not present in blood test, or blood cultures. It also will not show up in stool samples when labs look for the anti-bodies or shinga type toxins in the stools. The Urine must be cultured to find it. The bladder may also need to be biopsied. These also are the same organisms that cause disease in the lungs, and can only be identified by MRI or ultrascan that is operated by a trained tech who knows what to look for.
The elevated B6 by this organism directly affects the nervous system. The Oxalic acid binds to calcium and causes the calcium to precipitate out of solution and deposit into soft tissues such as the breast, thyroid, and kidney’s. The term would be Calcium Oxalate stones.”
8 years ago
I’m new to this site and am looking for some guidance. I’m an active 47 year old male and earlier this week I believe I was “floxed”. On Tuesday I went to urgent care because of a minor injury to my eye. The doctor at urgent care called it an “abrasion” and didn’t seem to concerned with it. He prescribed some antibiotic eye drops (Genatmicin) and a seven day prescription on Cipro 2×500/mg day. I don’t believe I’ve taken Cipro previously as an antibiotic.
Normally I am very vigilant about understanding the risks of the meds I’m taking but since they were “antibiotics” I didn’t give it a second thought. That was a huge mistake.
When my wife and I filled the prescription I was calling an Opthalmologist to make an appointment as the urgent care doctor recommended a followup later in the week. I didn’t speak with the pharmacist about the Cipro and my wife paid for it (I wasn’t at the counter). Second big mistake.
I started taking the Cipro that day and continued for two days – a total of five pills. On Thursday my anxiety went through the roof. I noticed on the packaging that the Cipro said “drink plenty of water” which I hadn’t really been doing up to that point. So I jumped on the web and learned the real problems with this poison. I immediately threw the rest of the pills away.
So far I’m having some minor neuropathy in my left hand and some slight pain in both achilles tendons. I’m not sleeping well at all maybe about 4 – 5 hours; nightmares and night sweats. I’m still having some serious anxiety and emotional problems dealing with this. To be honest I’m very scared. Over the last five years I’ve been an active runner, probably about 15 miles / week on average. It’s a sport that I enjoy very much and I’m scared that my body may be permanently damaged because of this drug.
My wife isn’t providing very much support, unfortunately. For the purposes of full disclosure I have a history of anxiety and depression, specifically with concerns over my health. I was able to move past those issues by introducing a regimen of exercise and healthy habits (quit smoking, eating organic, etc) five years ago.
After reading much of the information this site I have begun taking 500mg magnesium and 500 UI Vitamin D, 400mg Calcium.
From reading the stories of recovery on this site, I’m not sure what to expect now.
8 years ago
Hi Brian,
so sorry to hear, its a mess. Besides the valuable advices from L and Bob for me it is helpful to eat less or no sugar even fruit sugar increases my pain level!
Wish you all the best!
8 years ago
I haven’t posted on here in a long time but I just wanted to say that I went on a vacation to Tulum which is south of Cancun and I can honestly say that I have felt better than I have in years. For years I tried everything and nothing has worked but being in the sun and in the ocean and at much lower altitude than where I live in Colorado I experienced some healing. I felt human again for the first time in years. I’m not sure whether this is an oxygenation issue or mag in ocean water issue or what but for those of you desperate to feel better even for a bit.. go get some sun and get in the ocean!! I don’t think it is a mag issue because mag has never done anything for me.
8 years ago
Hello! I m Sophie, french 32 years old. I ve been floxed in august 2015. Since that date, things have been getting worse and worse. Arthritis.. the worst for me are Cns and Ans issues… with severe dysautonomia which means muscle twitching like crazy, shaking, trembling, fainting moments many times a day, hypotension and Pots, now moments of severe hypoglycemia, intolerance to sugar, huge loss of weight… , digestive problems lots of symptoms… I m skinny, spend days bed ridden… don t know what to eat, what supplement to take anylonger… I have a low potassium when crisis maybe because I have frequent urination… my b12 is often high… the other tests are normal, including brain MRI… any suggestion would be appreciated… I m writing this from hospital but hospital can t help… I don t know if how much more my body can handle. Thanks a lot for ANY advice. Take care. Sophie
janna marsh
8 years ago
Hi. Yesterday I went to the ER for a kidney infection. They gave me my first dose of Cipro while I was there. I did disclose to the doctor that I suffer from severe fibromyalgia when she asked my health history. Of course I was in so much pain and anxious to feel better so I didn’t even question what they were giving me. I came home with a prescription and took my second 500mg dose before bed. I then noticed an extra leaflet from the pharmacy. I was horrified! I already have tendinitis in my left knee, for years now. Obviously, I knew this is not the medication for me. I thought since I only took the two pills I should be fine. But sure enough, my knee started really hurting. Today, it seems my entire left leg is having pain in several spots. My calf, my ankle, my knee, on the top of my foot. I am scared to death!!!! I am having panic attacks because I feel like I poisoned myself and I will never get better! Someone please help!!! I’m trying to read all the information but I’m overwhelmed and my brain is shutting down. I already battle anxiety and depression because I live with chronic pain. I can’t handle anything more.
Constance Ferendinou
8 years ago
Have you looked at the toxic effects of the fluoroquinolones to the liver as the possible cause of the suffering of those who have been floxed?I suspect that my illness Chronic Fatigue SYndrome was caused by medication and I am surprised at the apathy of health professionals when it comes to warning the public of hepatotoxicity of all kinds of medications and diagnosing and treating those affected.Liver disease can be very debilitating and can affect brain function.If you google fluoroquinolones and liver damage or hepatotoxicity a number of articles will show up but since liver blood tests are unreliable it can be impossible to prove liver damage (unless maybe liver biopsy is performed)If you like I can send you references regarding the unreliability of liver blootests,if you think you should warn those who have suffered damaged health after being floxed that their liver might have been affected.
8 years ago
Hey guys I’m almost 4 months out. I thought I was getting better almost at 80% 3 days ago I woke up and all my symptoms were back my legs were killing me, twitching everywhere but the worst was the mental issues. I just freaked out for a couple days. Ive been using weed to help sleep and with anxiety I wanted to know your experience with marijuana,, also about my experience. Is this what a cycle is? Do they get better? What’s the reasoning behind this? The anxiety and mental stuff scares the crap out of me its worse than withdrawal.
7 years ago
Hello! Would you know any integrative and allopathic clinic in europe where they could help me to try some treatment?
7 years ago
I keep seeing that you should never take steroids after being exposed to Cipro. I’m just wondering why?
I have low cortisol and would like to take some adrenal cortex extract, but I’m scared to! I’m unsure or it mimics Cortef (a corticosteroid). I’m just looking for the why. Thanks!
7 years ago
Has anyone taken gabapentin/neurontin after being floxed?
7 years ago
Hello every one,
After 15 monthe still i have high heart rate any advice ! Any one had same problem
7 years ago
Hi, mostly I’m just lurking here. I am a mefloquine survivor (aka lariam anti-malarial), 1 pill brought me to my knees 2013. same poison as FQ’s, cousin medication, landed me in psych hospital. All tests, brain MRI and EEG normal. High Pulse and blood pressure weird for months and months. Nothing they’ve tried worked on me, except stilnox and ativan 2 p day helped a little for first 7 months (remember its another toxin, but I could not go without it, can be very difficult to get off from, first night without stilnox extreme withdrawal that night). Cried like a baby 4 times p day (severe depression for months). After 3 years the heart issues calmed down, 2,5 years for depression and doom feeling to get better, 18 months to get to 7 hours sleep, 18 months for nightmares to calm down, still have them sometimes, could not sleep first 5 months, had to use sleeping pill first 5 months to get 6 hours and i mean a strong one. Anxiety out of this world for months and months. Still stiffness weakness soreness, brain fog, cracking popping, fatique little better, vision still affected. I follow a whole foods diet a few months now when i had the brain ability to start cooking, no gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, (terry wahls protocol more or less, not on the highest level). It helps with mood memory a little and keep the vivid nightmares away). I still cant take supplements nor homeopathic stuff not even baby doses, want so badly to take iodine for example, but cant. Brain zapps and sudden stabbing pain is gone. Tingles numbness better. My heart goes out to everyone here. It ruined my family to see me like this. Is there anyone who follows a ketogenic diet on here. I still keep on hoping that one day i will be at least 90% (70% now). Regards. I dont go to doctors so i don’t really do tests. I’m from South Africa, English my second language. BTW I don’t want to be the creators of these drugs on judgement day. Remember most people get better even if it takes years.
7 years ago
Forgot to add, tinitus took 3 years to reduce and I had diaree for a year and nausea first 5 months had to drink valoids
7 years ago
I posted for the first time about two weeks ago. I’ve been having an awful time trying to sleep. I keep waking up from a dead sleep in a “panic”, essentially. Burning chest, forearms, etc. I’ve tried Melatonin, Weed, OTC sleeping pills, Xanax and now Ambien through a prescription. The most I can manage is about 3-4 hours straight. After that it’s pretty much a vicious cycle of nodding off and then this jolting out of sleep experience.
I know I’m a short time into this but any insight would be helpful.
I did six rounds of prolozone. No side effects, but didn’t help much either.
Hi all. I wanted to post something that might be of help to those of you in the Los Angeles area. As you know, if you took a generic, you can’t (at this point in time) sue the manufacturer. (There are a few firms working on that, but even if it comes to fruition it could be years down the road.) If you are interested in seeking a medical malpractice case (and please be aware you only have one year, from the time you became aware your injury was related to the Cipro or Levaquin, etc) I am going to suggest a firm I spoke with recently. Genuinely good, caring guys with great reviews.
Hey guys. I wanted to know has actually taken the fluoroquinolone toxicity solution. I wonder if people have actually fully recovered and did they have to carry on following the regime once their body fully recovered. At this point I just don’t want to believ in “hope” until i hear results from people that have tried it.
I hope people who have been damaged by this poision and finding help and do not give up.
My email is I am open to talking about my experience and listening to others. Let’s not be isolated in our problems.
I took 19 pills of Ciproflaxacin. It was 500mg twice a day for 14 days. I decided to stop on the 10th day. I’m just frustrated that I took it for that long.
Hey, not sure if you guys remember me as it’s been awhile since i last posted. I was floxed in 2012 and had nonstop horrible symptoms. Well some good and bad news. I think, not 100%, but i think my symptoms have improved dramatically finally. I still have ankle issues, but i haven’t griped about anumber of things this medicine caused in a good while. To give everyone some hope. It takes a ton of time….a ton…almost 5 years now.
The bad news, since one of my biggest symptoms was burning of the face, I’m not sure if that’s back or is from the car accident i was just in. I was doing fairly well from the floxie damage, but was in a car accident a few months ago and then a really bad one a week ago while i was still recovering from the first. There is significant damage and surgery is on the table…neck.
So my two cents for the day, i think there’s hope even though i never believed it with this medicine and watch out for bad motorists because there are things that suck just as bad as this medicine. Something i never believed to be the case before.
I wish everyone the best and the people on here really are kind and understanding. I’ll try to stop in and give another update once i heal up more and can accurately judge the rest of my issues.
The founder of posted this on facebook. I know that a lot of people have had problems with high B6, and I have had adrenal problems, and I thought it would be interesting to many of you.
“Food for the mind AND adrenals : There are more symptoms that are associated with this phenomenon such as calcium oxalate kidney stones, calcified nodules found in the thyroid gland and in other soft tissue organs and glands.
Many elevated B6 sufferers also experience thyroid hormonal issues, as well as heart murmur type arrhythmias, and para-thyroid hormone deficiency.
It is little known outside biochemistry that all vitamins are produced by various organisms sometimes also known as the flora of the digestive tract. The vitamins that your body needs are “harvested” or absorbed from your small intestine where these organisms live and produce various vitamins as part of their metabolism.
Under normal balanced conditions all is well, and the correct ratio of “vitamins” are produced in a bioavailable form that your bodies readily absorb and use. It is well known that the body does not prefer, but will reluctantly utilize “synthetically” or lab made vitamins when the real vitamin is not available. All B vitamins are “naturally” produced or secreted by the “B” bacteria within the intestinal tract. The “B” bacteria are highly susceptible to acid, and particularly “lactic acid” that is produced by the common pro-biotic LAB bacteria that many consume in excess. The LAB or lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid as a defense mechanism to kill off other bacteria as a way to secure more food for themselves, this results in “acidosis” of the naturally more alkaline intestines, and large bowl, and colon where the pH level should be in the range of 7.6-8.0. So, you may be asking now “If the B bacteria are killed off, where is the excess B6 coming from?” Great question! Let’s look at this, because herein is the shocking revelation.
E. Coli, and A. Niger, are organisms that naturally do not produce B6 or Oxalic acid, however, we are not talking about “natural” we are going to talk about the mutated strains of E. Coli, the mutant 0157:H7 strain.
This mutated strain of E. Coli produces extreme amounts of B6, and oxalic acid. It is also the strain that is most often found to be the leading cause of kidney and adrenal failure, or exhaustion.
This particular issue is very difficult to diagnose as it will not present in blood test, or blood cultures. It also will not show up in stool samples when labs look for the anti-bodies or shinga type toxins in the stools. The Urine must be cultured to find it. The bladder may also need to be biopsied. These also are the same organisms that cause disease in the lungs, and can only be identified by MRI or ultrascan that is operated by a trained tech who knows what to look for.
The elevated B6 by this organism directly affects the nervous system. The Oxalic acid binds to calcium and causes the calcium to precipitate out of solution and deposit into soft tissues such as the breast, thyroid, and kidney’s. The term would be Calcium Oxalate stones.”
I’m new to this site and am looking for some guidance. I’m an active 47 year old male and earlier this week I believe I was “floxed”. On Tuesday I went to urgent care because of a minor injury to my eye. The doctor at urgent care called it an “abrasion” and didn’t seem to concerned with it. He prescribed some antibiotic eye drops (Genatmicin) and a seven day prescription on Cipro 2×500/mg day. I don’t believe I’ve taken Cipro previously as an antibiotic.
Normally I am very vigilant about understanding the risks of the meds I’m taking but since they were “antibiotics” I didn’t give it a second thought. That was a huge mistake.
When my wife and I filled the prescription I was calling an Opthalmologist to make an appointment as the urgent care doctor recommended a followup later in the week. I didn’t speak with the pharmacist about the Cipro and my wife paid for it (I wasn’t at the counter). Second big mistake.
I started taking the Cipro that day and continued for two days – a total of five pills. On Thursday my anxiety went through the roof. I noticed on the packaging that the Cipro said “drink plenty of water” which I hadn’t really been doing up to that point. So I jumped on the web and learned the real problems with this poison. I immediately threw the rest of the pills away.
So far I’m having some minor neuropathy in my left hand and some slight pain in both achilles tendons. I’m not sleeping well at all maybe about 4 – 5 hours; nightmares and night sweats. I’m still having some serious anxiety and emotional problems dealing with this. To be honest I’m very scared. Over the last five years I’ve been an active runner, probably about 15 miles / week on average. It’s a sport that I enjoy very much and I’m scared that my body may be permanently damaged because of this drug.
My wife isn’t providing very much support, unfortunately. For the purposes of full disclosure I have a history of anxiety and depression, specifically with concerns over my health. I was able to move past those issues by introducing a regimen of exercise and healthy habits (quit smoking, eating organic, etc) five years ago.
After reading much of the information this site I have begun taking 500mg magnesium and 500 UI Vitamin D, 400mg Calcium.
From reading the stories of recovery on this site, I’m not sure what to expect now.
Hi Brian,
so sorry to hear, its a mess. Besides the valuable advices from L and Bob for me it is helpful to eat less or no sugar even fruit sugar increases my pain level!
Wish you all the best!
I haven’t posted on here in a long time but I just wanted to say that I went on a vacation to Tulum which is south of Cancun and I can honestly say that I have felt better than I have in years. For years I tried everything and nothing has worked but being in the sun and in the ocean and at much lower altitude than where I live in Colorado I experienced some healing. I felt human again for the first time in years. I’m not sure whether this is an oxygenation issue or mag in ocean water issue or what but for those of you desperate to feel better even for a bit.. go get some sun and get in the ocean!! I don’t think it is a mag issue because mag has never done anything for me.
Hello! I m Sophie, french 32 years old. I ve been floxed in august 2015. Since that date, things have been getting worse and worse. Arthritis.. the worst for me are Cns and Ans issues… with severe dysautonomia which means muscle twitching like crazy, shaking, trembling, fainting moments many times a day, hypotension and Pots, now moments of severe hypoglycemia, intolerance to sugar, huge loss of weight… , digestive problems lots of symptoms… I m skinny, spend days bed ridden… don t know what to eat, what supplement to take anylonger… I have a low potassium when crisis maybe because I have frequent urination… my b12 is often high… the other tests are normal, including brain MRI… any suggestion would be appreciated… I m writing this from hospital but hospital can t help… I don t know if how much more my body can handle. Thanks a lot for ANY advice. Take care. Sophie
Hi. Yesterday I went to the ER for a kidney infection. They gave me my first dose of Cipro while I was there. I did disclose to the doctor that I suffer from severe fibromyalgia when she asked my health history. Of course I was in so much pain and anxious to feel better so I didn’t even question what they were giving me. I came home with a prescription and took my second 500mg dose before bed. I then noticed an extra leaflet from the pharmacy. I was horrified! I already have tendinitis in my left knee, for years now. Obviously, I knew this is not the medication for me. I thought since I only took the two pills I should be fine. But sure enough, my knee started really hurting. Today, it seems my entire left leg is having pain in several spots. My calf, my ankle, my knee, on the top of my foot. I am scared to death!!!! I am having panic attacks because I feel like I poisoned myself and I will never get better! Someone please help!!! I’m trying to read all the information but I’m overwhelmed and my brain is shutting down. I already battle anxiety and depression because I live with chronic pain. I can’t handle anything more.
Have you looked at the toxic effects of the fluoroquinolones to the liver as the possible cause of the suffering of those who have been floxed?I suspect that my illness Chronic Fatigue SYndrome was caused by medication and I am surprised at the apathy of health professionals when it comes to warning the public of hepatotoxicity of all kinds of medications and diagnosing and treating those affected.Liver disease can be very debilitating and can affect brain function.If you google fluoroquinolones and liver damage or hepatotoxicity a number of articles will show up but since liver blood tests are unreliable it can be impossible to prove liver damage (unless maybe liver biopsy is performed)If you like I can send you references regarding the unreliability of liver blootests,if you think you should warn those who have suffered damaged health after being floxed that their liver might have been affected.
Hey guys I’m almost 4 months out. I thought I was getting better almost at 80% 3 days ago I woke up and all my symptoms were back my legs were killing me, twitching everywhere but the worst was the mental issues. I just freaked out for a couple days. Ive been using weed to help sleep and with anxiety I wanted to know your experience with marijuana,, also about my experience. Is this what a cycle is? Do they get better? What’s the reasoning behind this? The anxiety and mental stuff scares the crap out of me its worse than withdrawal.
Hello! Would you know any integrative and allopathic clinic in europe where they could help me to try some treatment?
I keep seeing that you should never take steroids after being exposed to Cipro. I’m just wondering why?
I have low cortisol and would like to take some adrenal cortex extract, but I’m scared to! I’m unsure or it mimics Cortef (a corticosteroid). I’m just looking for the why. Thanks!
Has anyone taken gabapentin/neurontin after being floxed?
Hello every one,
After 15 monthe still i have high heart rate any advice ! Any one had same problem
Hi, mostly I’m just lurking here. I am a mefloquine survivor (aka lariam anti-malarial), 1 pill brought me to my knees 2013. same poison as FQ’s, cousin medication, landed me in psych hospital. All tests, brain MRI and EEG normal. High Pulse and blood pressure weird for months and months. Nothing they’ve tried worked on me, except stilnox and ativan 2 p day helped a little for first 7 months (remember its another toxin, but I could not go without it, can be very difficult to get off from, first night without stilnox extreme withdrawal that night). Cried like a baby 4 times p day (severe depression for months). After 3 years the heart issues calmed down, 2,5 years for depression and doom feeling to get better, 18 months to get to 7 hours sleep, 18 months for nightmares to calm down, still have them sometimes, could not sleep first 5 months, had to use sleeping pill first 5 months to get 6 hours and i mean a strong one. Anxiety out of this world for months and months. Still stiffness weakness soreness, brain fog, cracking popping, fatique little better, vision still affected. I follow a whole foods diet a few months now when i had the brain ability to start cooking, no gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, (terry wahls protocol more or less, not on the highest level). It helps with mood memory a little and keep the vivid nightmares away). I still cant take supplements nor homeopathic stuff not even baby doses, want so badly to take iodine for example, but cant. Brain zapps and sudden stabbing pain is gone. Tingles numbness better. My heart goes out to everyone here. It ruined my family to see me like this. Is there anyone who follows a ketogenic diet on here. I still keep on hoping that one day i will be at least 90% (70% now). Regards. I dont go to doctors so i don’t really do tests. I’m from South Africa, English my second language. BTW I don’t want to be the creators of these drugs on judgement day. Remember most people get better even if it takes years.
Forgot to add, tinitus took 3 years to reduce and I had diaree for a year and nausea first 5 months had to drink valoids
I posted for the first time about two weeks ago. I’ve been having an awful time trying to sleep. I keep waking up from a dead sleep in a “panic”, essentially. Burning chest, forearms, etc. I’ve tried Melatonin, Weed, OTC sleeping pills, Xanax and now Ambien through a prescription. The most I can manage is about 3-4 hours straight. After that it’s pretty much a vicious cycle of nodding off and then this jolting out of sleep experience.
I know I’m a short time into this but any insight would be helpful.