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7 years ago
HI guys….just read something while I was at my doctor’s, getting IVs today. It is called BioPhoton Therapy. It is supposed to help with pain reduction and soft tissue injury. I know nothing personally about it, but you may want to check it out. Here is a website I found that explains it a bit more.
Walter Derzko
7 years ago
Just joined this group today……remember getting Cipro in the past and likely when I was in ICU with sepsis induced coma. Requested pharma hospital records today from previous hospital. Have all the classic symptoms, especially peripheral nerve damage. Can’t walk I’m in Rehab.
What’s helped is shiatsu massage, or deep tissue massage, but the classic Greco-Roman European shiatsu not the North American version which they teach in Toronto.2x per week since Thanksgiving for 3-4 hours per session. Ankle was totally limp or drop foot. Dr saying I would be paralyzed in wheelchair and called it ICU syndrome. Now I can flex r ankle up and down. Working on exercise bike 3x per week in Rehab. But still can’t stand. No strength yet. Shiatsu also cleared my sciatic nerve pain after pneumonia in 2015. Only took two sessions, 3 and 4 hours.
Carbon 60 hydrated fullerenes from Ukraine also helping with excess free radical damage from mitochondrial stress. In hospital for 14. Months now. Since March 2016! Anyone experience this after pneumonia?
Walter D
7 years ago
I recall getting Cipro some time earlier, but this time post pneumonia and while in a sepsis induced coma and several UTIs I did get three antibiotics: ertapenem, flagyl, and nitrofurantoin inhospital in 2016.ALL three could cause peripheral neuropathy and leg ankle swelling like Cipro. All counter indications with Tylenol! 14 months in hospital. Can’t walk.
7 years ago
Various dodgy antibiotics there Walter, including Nitrofurantoin/ macrobid which I personally call the FQs chemical friend, due to the fact it carries many ADRs very familiar to us floxies & so much else in the severe ADR dept & including the fact that the symptoms of ADRs with this one just like with FQs can be delayed.
We have quite a few people who have had run ins with the FQs nasty chemical friend macrobid either taken alone or as part of the floxing picture, which have not ended well in our various groups.
Nitrofurantoin /Macrobid is just below the FQs re potential risk on my own do not touch with a bargepole list , one of quite a few I intend to avoid like the plague if it is humanely possible.
Yet another very frequently prescribed antibiotic our miseducated Drs tend to think is quite benign is BACTRIM, despite the fact it has caused countless people to have their lives trashed worldwide over time, & where I live its dangers were realised many years ago, its use being severely restricted here at the time & now being invariably no longer used. We learned our lesson with that dodgy one here in the UK, & nowadays tend to use trimethoprim alone.
Sadly however this very important news it seems has STILL not got out to the rest of the world at large, & peoples lives are still put on hold / ruined every single day by these very dodgy drugs when others could have been prescribed instead which carry more benign toxic profiles & as a result tend to be not so risky.
At times of course we just have to cross everything & hope for the best when we run out of other options, however in SO many cases other more benign option are available & even more heartbreaking, natural treatments potentially when used as a first option for the less serious stuff in particular might have fixed the problem, without having to ever resort to using to Big Pharmas poisonous options in the first place .
Having been brainwashed since the moment we can first understand language that our Drs follow a sacred oath to NEVER hurt us, & that Big Pharma is on our side & fighting hard for cures every day, those of us unaware of Big Pharmas true modus operandi are sitting ducks. So many times people reach straight for the allopathic drugs when feeling unwell as a first choice automatically, without even stopping to think, without even considering the fact that their might just be another way to potentially treat the problem they have, via the natural world, the place where Big Pharma sources their ingredients, & then they corrupt them .
The ‘ side effects’ of the allopathic drugs being of course not their by accident but instead by design, & created to cause / mimic & to be mistaken for various diseases / syndromes, this reaching every time for those toxic drugs scenario is the most frequent way that people end up trapped in the allopathic system for life.
True healing will never be found in the bottom of a bottle of big pharma poison.
We unfortunately cannot be fixed by the same system that broke us, they do not have the word cure as part of their vocabulary .
Jason K.
7 years ago
Hi all,
I am a near ten year veteran of FQ toxicity. I want to first say that I *have* seen recovery over the years, but do still have some symptoms that I manage.
To my surprise a new side effect showed up last night and I am curious to get some input. I’ve never had the peripheral neuropathy before, but suddenly before bed last night both of my hands and both of my feet started to tingle. It lasted all night and I barely slept. This morning it seems to only be in my feet, but I am worried it will once again come back to my hands.
I have consumed the same diet and the same supplements for years. There were only a few differences over the last several days:
-Two days prior, I had a glutathione push and IV of magnesium, vitamin C, selenium, some amino acids
– I consumed caffeine in green tea two days in a row
– I had kombucha two days in a row
All three of these things are things I have done often, just not on a regular basis.
I doubt the kombucha is to blame, just noting it because it is unique to the past couple of days.
I usually have about 1-2 cups of green tea a week, but had a little more on this occasion, so perhaps it played a role? Caffeine can sometimes make my existing side effects feel worse, but I can’t imagine it bringing on entirely new side effects?
The obvious answer is probably the glutathione and/or the IV, but I have had about 10 pushes/IVs over the course of the past year and nothing like this has ever happened before. Also, would a new side effect show up two days after receiving the treatment? I had always thought I tolerated them well, but maybe I have just done one too many now…?
Sort of afraid here and unsure if I should keep my next push/IV appointment. Hoping this is a temporary appearance..
I would appreciate any insight anyone has. Thank you.
Jason K.
7 years ago
L – thank you so much for your reply. I am just so confused….I thought I had found a safe lifestyle/routine to manage this condition and have lived it for such a long time without issue, and then this happens.
I guess my theory is that the Glut or the IV caused deep detoxification and the resulting free roaming toxins were not properly excreted from my system, thus causing more damage? And maybe the damage took 48 hours to actually surface as a physical result? Do you, or anyone else, think there is any validity to that?
I guess ultimately I want to know if it would be a good idea to keep up with the Glut pushes and the IVs. I would like to, but obviously won’t if they suddenly seem to be making me worse. Thanks again.
___123___Floxie Hope | A site to give hope for healing to those adversely affected by fluoroquinolone antibiotics – Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox and Floxin___123___
7 years ago
Hi Everybody! Is there ANYTHING too do about myopathy. Ive done a EMG test ,that showed signs of myopathy. Im not suprised, because i have severe muscle loss in my whole body, but my arms are worst, they look scary now. I guess, thats why i have so much trouble with my heart too. Can it be reversed in any way? Have any had/have myopathy? And got better? I take supplements and eat very healthy, no gluten , organic foods and so on.
7 years ago
Hi all… Anyone floxed and dealing with reactive arthritis? I would need to exchange opinions and info on how to overcome so much suffering. Thank you.
7 years ago
I’ve taken 10,000 cipro meds in 25 years. Now I’m 47 and feel superhuman and super confused and moody.
I thought I should share my positive experience, to give you all more hope regarding body regeneration.
I had an Ulnar Neuropathy in my left artm induced by taking levoxacinum (minor poisioning) and unfortunate thai massage. Pain was really annoying.
Pain lasted for approx. 15 months. Now it’s totally gone! 🙂 Nerve have regenerated. Normally it should take 3-6 months, as i was floxed it took 15 months.
There were waves of getting better and worst, longer and longer waves until it did not come back.
I was using herbs, magnesium, other supplements mentioned here. Phisiotherapy did not help at all – I would not recommend phisiotherapy for issues like that.
7 years ago
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to tell you all that i am sooo much better!!! Almost a 100% !!!
I started treating myself as if it were yeast, bacteria, or viral problems, first i did LDN for about 4 days and it started making me worse, so then i started taking heaping tablespoons of coconut oil 4-5 times a day and i read if it makes your symptoms worse you definitely got candida, and you should continue maybe at a lower dose so i did. I took 3-4 heaping tablespoons a day and after about 4 days every symptom got extremely better. Its been a little less than a month (about 26 days) and i absolutely cant believe it, but i have been almost completely NORMAL!!
This past week i added a couple other natural antifungals just because they say it can adapt if you do just one. So i still take coconut oil 4 times a day plus garlic pills, apple cider vinegar pills, or olive leaf extract. I also still take colostrum and probiotics sometimes just keifer if i dont have the pills.
But, this is working! I will post again in about a month to let you’s know if it’s continuing to help, but as for now, i dont feel like i was ever sick with anything -amazing!!!
Jim W.
7 years ago
Hi Everyone,
I’m seeking a bit of help here. I took Cipro a month and a half ago (as a prophylactic against infection following a medical procedure) and have had range of symptoms ever since — burning feet, tingling hands, joints all popping and cracking, muscles twitching, heart palpitations….My question is — is there someone good in Washington, DC area that can help people work through these challenges. Dr? Acupuncturist? Other? Thanks for any thoughts.
I am a 6 week floxie and am getting a cold. I know I have to be careful now of what medicine I take. I used to take Advil Cold and Sinus or Mucinex. I know Advil is out, anyone know about Mucinex? Any other suggestions?
Ryan L
7 years ago
Is there any reason why someone should avoid treating toenails with laser light therapy? I had an issue with one nail before my quinolone experience, and one of my side effects has been toenails that aren’t growing or are growing slowly. I believe I’m eating right, and I’ve exhausted numerous natural topical treatments over the last year and a half to no avail. Thus, I want to make sure the fungus is dead, even if the nail is not yet growing at a normal rate, and laser light treatments seems to be safe and effective to achieve this goal. If you have any insight for or against this treatment, please chime in.
7 years ago
I cannot think of any problems with laser treatment for fungal infected toe nails. It has tobe better than using antifungal creams.
7 years ago
Hi Jane and others. I have mentioned this many times but it is worth mentioning again.
There is no ONE protocol that can help everyone, there are many things that can help most Floxies, like Magnesium, Gut healing and many others, and there are some high risk things that people should not take risks with (there is one post pending I think Lisa is on vacation), but each person is unique in some ways, and as in any illness there are things that make each person’s journey a little different from others, so each has their own unique puzzle to solve, and unfortunately with Floxing it can be fairly complicated for the average person.
Having said that, good accurate focused information is helpful to everyone, there is some scattered here and there and everywhere and it is tricky to figure out what is accurate, what is not, and very importantly, which accurate info actually APPLIES directly to YOU. This is something I help people with one on one, it is very unfortunate there are virtually NO experts on FQ toxicity to help others, some of my clients came to me after seeing some of the ones who are thought to be, and I seen their advice, so so at best and very incomplete no wonder the person was still looking for more, and not worth the $250/hr or more they charge. Naturopaths and Functional Docs can definitely help here some, however heed my warnings further up the page and don’t ignore the MANY people who have been damaged by these things they sometimes recommend, research all recommendations they make thoroughly do not blindly trust them even though they mean well.
The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution Ebook is one focused source of some decent general info, but is missing tons of info, TONS, and makes two VERY bad recommendations which I have already warned about many times including further up the page and past pages. I think Lisa is right, I really need to write my own book, there is just so much to share and this is truly the only way I can help the most people possible in one shot, there are actually 2 books I am now thinking of writing and this is one of them. I also really have to write some articles and get a website up, all of these are a lot of work, and I am in a precarious position right now in my own life so that has delayed any of these efforts due to time needed elsewhere unfortunately.
I wish I had better more productive news, maybe my next time here I will. I do want to remind everyone again that everyone CAN HEAL!!! I have seen many many miraculous stories of healing, so never ever lose hope no matter how bad things can get, the body is a marvel of design, and amazing at healing itself, especially when given the right tools. Good healing to everyone. Jason
7 years ago
Jason Hi again
How much do you charge to help floxies?
Walter D
7 years ago
Has anyone had any experience with this for peripheral neuropathy.?
Blocking neuron signaling pathway could lead to new treatments for peripheral neuropathy
Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the University of Manitoba and St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre in Canada, have identified a molecular signaling pathway that, when blocked, promotes sensory neuron growth and prevents or reverses peripheral neuropathy in cell and rodent models of type 1 and 2 diabetes, chemotherapy-induced neuropathy and HIV.
The findings are published in the January 17, 2017 issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Peripheral neuropathy (PR) is a condition resulting from damage to the peripheral nervous system — the vast communications network that transmits information between the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body. Symptoms range from numbness, tingling and muscle weakness to severe pain, paralysis and organ dysfunction. An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of PR, which can be a symptom of many diseases, including diabetes and HIV, or a side effect of some chemotherapies.
“Peripheral neuropathy is a major and largely untreated cause of human suffering,” said first author Nigel Calcutt, PhD, professor of pathology at UC San Diego School of Medicine. “It has huge associated health care costs.”
Previous research has described at least some of the fundamental processes involved in healthy, on-going peripheral nerve growth regeneration, including the critical role of mitochondria — cellular organelles that produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy-carrying molecule found in all cells that is vital to driving nerve recovery after injury.
In their JCI paper, the researchers looked for key molecules and mechanisms used in sensory neuron growth and regrowth. In particular, they noted that the outgrowth of neurites — projections from a neuronal cell body that connect it to other neurons — was constrained by activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. This was surprising, they said, because acetylocholine is a neurotransmitter usually associated with activation of cells.
With identification of this signaling pathway, the scientists suggest it is now possible to investigate the utility of anti-muscarinic drugs already approved for use in other conditions as a new treatment for peripheral neuropathy.
“This is encouraging because the safety profile of anti-muscarinic drugs is well-characterized, with more than 20 years of clinical application for a variety of indications in Europe,” said senior study author Paul Fernyhough, PhD, professor in the departments of pharmacology and therapeutics and physiology at the University of Manitoba in Canada. “The novel therapeutic application of anti-muscarinic antagonists suggested by our studies could potentially translate relatively rapidly to clinical use.”
Co-authors include: Katie Frizzi, Teresa Mixcoatl-Zecuatl, Nabeel Muttalib, Joseline Ochoa, Allison Gopaul, and Corinne G. Jolivalt, UC San Diego; Darrell R. Smith, Mohammad Golam Sabbir, Kubir K. Roy Chowdhury, Ali Saleh, Randy Van der Ploeg, and Lori Tessler, St Boniface Hospital Research Centre, Winnipeg, Canada; and Jürgen Wess, NIDDK/National Institutes of Health.
Disclosure: Fernyhough, Calcutt and Lakshmi Kotra of the University of Toronto are founders and shareholders in WinSanTor, Inc., a San Diego-based biotech that has licensed intellectual property from UC San Diego and the University of Manitoba to develop treatments for neuropathy.
Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.
Media Contact
Blocking neuron signaling pathway could lead to new treatments for peripheral neuropathy
Journal of Clinical Investigation
JDRF, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, National Institutes of Health with support from the St. Boniface Hospital Foundation
HI guys….just read something while I was at my doctor’s, getting IVs today. It is called BioPhoton Therapy. It is supposed to help with pain reduction and soft tissue injury. I know nothing personally about it, but you may want to check it out. Here is a website I found that explains it a bit more.
Just joined this group today……remember getting Cipro in the past and likely when I was in ICU with sepsis induced coma. Requested pharma hospital records today from previous hospital. Have all the classic symptoms, especially peripheral nerve damage. Can’t walk I’m in Rehab.
What’s helped is shiatsu massage, or deep tissue massage, but the classic Greco-Roman European shiatsu not the North American version which they teach in Toronto.2x per week since Thanksgiving for 3-4 hours per session. Ankle was totally limp or drop foot. Dr saying I would be paralyzed in wheelchair and called it ICU syndrome. Now I can flex r ankle up and down. Working on exercise bike 3x per week in Rehab. But still can’t stand. No strength yet. Shiatsu also cleared my sciatic nerve pain after pneumonia in 2015. Only took two sessions, 3 and 4 hours.
Carbon 60 hydrated fullerenes from Ukraine also helping with excess free radical damage from mitochondrial stress. In hospital for 14. Months now. Since March 2016! Anyone experience this after pneumonia?
I recall getting Cipro some time earlier, but this time post pneumonia and while in a sepsis induced coma and several UTIs I did get three antibiotics: ertapenem, flagyl, and nitrofurantoin inhospital in 2016.ALL three could cause peripheral neuropathy and leg ankle swelling like Cipro. All counter indications with Tylenol! 14 months in hospital. Can’t walk.
Various dodgy antibiotics there Walter, including Nitrofurantoin/ macrobid which I personally call the FQs chemical friend, due to the fact it carries many ADRs very familiar to us floxies & so much else in the severe ADR dept & including the fact that the symptoms of ADRs with this one just like with FQs can be delayed.
We have quite a few people who have had run ins with the FQs nasty chemical friend macrobid either taken alone or as part of the floxing picture, which have not ended well in our various groups.
Nitrofurantoin /Macrobid is just below the FQs re potential risk on my own do not touch with a bargepole list , one of quite a few I intend to avoid like the plague if it is humanely possible.
Yet another very frequently prescribed antibiotic our miseducated Drs tend to think is quite benign is BACTRIM, despite the fact it has caused countless people to have their lives trashed worldwide over time, & where I live its dangers were realised many years ago, its use being severely restricted here at the time & now being invariably no longer used. We learned our lesson with that dodgy one here in the UK, & nowadays tend to use trimethoprim alone.
Sadly however this very important news it seems has STILL not got out to the rest of the world at large, & peoples lives are still put on hold / ruined every single day by these very dodgy drugs when others could have been prescribed instead which carry more benign toxic profiles & as a result tend to be not so risky.
At times of course we just have to cross everything & hope for the best when we run out of other options, however in SO many cases other more benign option are available & even more heartbreaking, natural treatments potentially when used as a first option for the less serious stuff in particular might have fixed the problem, without having to ever resort to using to Big Pharmas poisonous options in the first place .
Having been brainwashed since the moment we can first understand language that our Drs follow a sacred oath to NEVER hurt us, & that Big Pharma is on our side & fighting hard for cures every day, those of us unaware of Big Pharmas true modus operandi are sitting ducks. So many times people reach straight for the allopathic drugs when feeling unwell as a first choice automatically, without even stopping to think, without even considering the fact that their might just be another way to potentially treat the problem they have, via the natural world, the place where Big Pharma sources their ingredients, & then they corrupt them .
The ‘ side effects’ of the allopathic drugs being of course not their by accident but instead by design, & created to cause / mimic & to be mistaken for various diseases / syndromes, this reaching every time for those toxic drugs scenario is the most frequent way that people end up trapped in the allopathic system for life.
True healing will never be found in the bottom of a bottle of big pharma poison.
We unfortunately cannot be fixed by the same system that broke us, they do not have the word cure as part of their vocabulary .
Hi all,
I am a near ten year veteran of FQ toxicity. I want to first say that I *have* seen recovery over the years, but do still have some symptoms that I manage.
To my surprise a new side effect showed up last night and I am curious to get some input. I’ve never had the peripheral neuropathy before, but suddenly before bed last night both of my hands and both of my feet started to tingle. It lasted all night and I barely slept. This morning it seems to only be in my feet, but I am worried it will once again come back to my hands.
I have consumed the same diet and the same supplements for years. There were only a few differences over the last several days:
-Two days prior, I had a glutathione push and IV of magnesium, vitamin C, selenium, some amino acids
– I consumed caffeine in green tea two days in a row
– I had kombucha two days in a row
All three of these things are things I have done often, just not on a regular basis.
I doubt the kombucha is to blame, just noting it because it is unique to the past couple of days.
I usually have about 1-2 cups of green tea a week, but had a little more on this occasion, so perhaps it played a role? Caffeine can sometimes make my existing side effects feel worse, but I can’t imagine it bringing on entirely new side effects?
The obvious answer is probably the glutathione and/or the IV, but I have had about 10 pushes/IVs over the course of the past year and nothing like this has ever happened before. Also, would a new side effect show up two days after receiving the treatment? I had always thought I tolerated them well, but maybe I have just done one too many now…?
Sort of afraid here and unsure if I should keep my next push/IV appointment. Hoping this is a temporary appearance..
I would appreciate any insight anyone has. Thank you.
L – thank you so much for your reply. I am just so confused….I thought I had found a safe lifestyle/routine to manage this condition and have lived it for such a long time without issue, and then this happens.
I guess my theory is that the Glut or the IV caused deep detoxification and the resulting free roaming toxins were not properly excreted from my system, thus causing more damage? And maybe the damage took 48 hours to actually surface as a physical result? Do you, or anyone else, think there is any validity to that?
I guess ultimately I want to know if it would be a good idea to keep up with the Glut pushes and the IVs. I would like to, but obviously won’t if they suddenly seem to be making me worse. Thanks again.
___123___Floxie Hope | A site to give hope for healing to those adversely affected by fluoroquinolone antibiotics – Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox and Floxin___123___
Hi Everybody! Is there ANYTHING too do about myopathy. Ive done a EMG test ,that showed signs of myopathy. Im not suprised, because i have severe muscle loss in my whole body, but my arms are worst, they look scary now. I guess, thats why i have so much trouble with my heart too. Can it be reversed in any way? Have any had/have myopathy? And got better? I take supplements and eat very healthy, no gluten , organic foods and so on.
Hi all… Anyone floxed and dealing with reactive arthritis? I would need to exchange opinions and info on how to overcome so much suffering. Thank you.
I’ve taken 10,000 cipro meds in 25 years. Now I’m 47 and feel superhuman and super confused and moody.
Dear All,
I thought I should share my positive experience, to give you all more hope regarding body regeneration.
I had an Ulnar Neuropathy in my left artm induced by taking levoxacinum (minor poisioning) and unfortunate thai massage. Pain was really annoying.
Pain lasted for approx. 15 months. Now it’s totally gone! 🙂 Nerve have regenerated. Normally it should take 3-6 months, as i was floxed it took 15 months.
There were waves of getting better and worst, longer and longer waves until it did not come back.
I was using herbs, magnesium, other supplements mentioned here. Phisiotherapy did not help at all – I would not recommend phisiotherapy for issues like that.
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to tell you all that i am sooo much better!!! Almost a 100% !!!
I started treating myself as if it were yeast, bacteria, or viral problems, first i did LDN for about 4 days and it started making me worse, so then i started taking heaping tablespoons of coconut oil 4-5 times a day and i read if it makes your symptoms worse you definitely got candida, and you should continue maybe at a lower dose so i did. I took 3-4 heaping tablespoons a day and after about 4 days every symptom got extremely better. Its been a little less than a month (about 26 days) and i absolutely cant believe it, but i have been almost completely NORMAL!!
This past week i added a couple other natural antifungals just because they say it can adapt if you do just one. So i still take coconut oil 4 times a day plus garlic pills, apple cider vinegar pills, or olive leaf extract. I also still take colostrum and probiotics sometimes just keifer if i dont have the pills.
But, this is working! I will post again in about a month to let you’s know if it’s continuing to help, but as for now, i dont feel like i was ever sick with anything -amazing!!!
Hi Everyone,
I’m seeking a bit of help here. I took Cipro a month and a half ago (as a prophylactic against infection following a medical procedure) and have had range of symptoms ever since — burning feet, tingling hands, joints all popping and cracking, muscles twitching, heart palpitations….My question is — is there someone good in Washington, DC area that can help people work through these challenges. Dr? Acupuncturist? Other? Thanks for any thoughts.
Here is a site that describes the 5 stages of a Candida overgrowth
I am a 6 week floxie and am getting a cold. I know I have to be careful now of what medicine I take. I used to take Advil Cold and Sinus or Mucinex. I know Advil is out, anyone know about Mucinex? Any other suggestions?
Is there any reason why someone should avoid treating toenails with laser light therapy? I had an issue with one nail before my quinolone experience, and one of my side effects has been toenails that aren’t growing or are growing slowly. I believe I’m eating right, and I’ve exhausted numerous natural topical treatments over the last year and a half to no avail. Thus, I want to make sure the fungus is dead, even if the nail is not yet growing at a normal rate, and laser light treatments seems to be safe and effective to achieve this goal. If you have any insight for or against this treatment, please chime in.
I cannot think of any problems with laser treatment for fungal infected toe nails. It has tobe better than using antifungal creams.
Hi Jane and others. I have mentioned this many times but it is worth mentioning again.
There is no ONE protocol that can help everyone, there are many things that can help most Floxies, like Magnesium, Gut healing and many others, and there are some high risk things that people should not take risks with (there is one post pending I think Lisa is on vacation), but each person is unique in some ways, and as in any illness there are things that make each person’s journey a little different from others, so each has their own unique puzzle to solve, and unfortunately with Floxing it can be fairly complicated for the average person.
Having said that, good accurate focused information is helpful to everyone, there is some scattered here and there and everywhere and it is tricky to figure out what is accurate, what is not, and very importantly, which accurate info actually APPLIES directly to YOU. This is something I help people with one on one, it is very unfortunate there are virtually NO experts on FQ toxicity to help others, some of my clients came to me after seeing some of the ones who are thought to be, and I seen their advice, so so at best and very incomplete no wonder the person was still looking for more, and not worth the $250/hr or more they charge. Naturopaths and Functional Docs can definitely help here some, however heed my warnings further up the page and don’t ignore the MANY people who have been damaged by these things they sometimes recommend, research all recommendations they make thoroughly do not blindly trust them even though they mean well.
The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution Ebook is one focused source of some decent general info, but is missing tons of info, TONS, and makes two VERY bad recommendations which I have already warned about many times including further up the page and past pages. I think Lisa is right, I really need to write my own book, there is just so much to share and this is truly the only way I can help the most people possible in one shot, there are actually 2 books I am now thinking of writing and this is one of them. I also really have to write some articles and get a website up, all of these are a lot of work, and I am in a precarious position right now in my own life so that has delayed any of these efforts due to time needed elsewhere unfortunately.
I wish I had better more productive news, maybe my next time here I will. I do want to remind everyone again that everyone CAN HEAL!!! I have seen many many miraculous stories of healing, so never ever lose hope no matter how bad things can get, the body is a marvel of design, and amazing at healing itself, especially when given the right tools. Good healing to everyone. Jason
Jason Hi again
How much do you charge to help floxies?
Has anyone had any experience with this for peripheral neuropathy.?
Blocking neuron signaling pathway could lead to new treatments for peripheral neuropathy
Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the University of Manitoba and St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre in Canada, have identified a molecular signaling pathway that, when blocked, promotes sensory neuron growth and prevents or reverses peripheral neuropathy in cell and rodent models of type 1 and 2 diabetes, chemotherapy-induced neuropathy and HIV.
The findings are published in the January 17, 2017 issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Peripheral neuropathy (PR) is a condition resulting from damage to the peripheral nervous system — the vast communications network that transmits information between the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body. Symptoms range from numbness, tingling and muscle weakness to severe pain, paralysis and organ dysfunction. An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of PR, which can be a symptom of many diseases, including diabetes and HIV, or a side effect of some chemotherapies.
“Peripheral neuropathy is a major and largely untreated cause of human suffering,” said first author Nigel Calcutt, PhD, professor of pathology at UC San Diego School of Medicine. “It has huge associated health care costs.”
Previous research has described at least some of the fundamental processes involved in healthy, on-going peripheral nerve growth regeneration, including the critical role of mitochondria — cellular organelles that produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy-carrying molecule found in all cells that is vital to driving nerve recovery after injury.
In their JCI paper, the researchers looked for key molecules and mechanisms used in sensory neuron growth and regrowth. In particular, they noted that the outgrowth of neurites — projections from a neuronal cell body that connect it to other neurons — was constrained by activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. This was surprising, they said, because acetylocholine is a neurotransmitter usually associated with activation of cells.
With identification of this signaling pathway, the scientists suggest it is now possible to investigate the utility of anti-muscarinic drugs already approved for use in other conditions as a new treatment for peripheral neuropathy.
“This is encouraging because the safety profile of anti-muscarinic drugs is well-characterized, with more than 20 years of clinical application for a variety of indications in Europe,” said senior study author Paul Fernyhough, PhD, professor in the departments of pharmacology and therapeutics and physiology at the University of Manitoba in Canada. “The novel therapeutic application of anti-muscarinic antagonists suggested by our studies could potentially translate relatively rapidly to clinical use.”
Co-authors include: Katie Frizzi, Teresa Mixcoatl-Zecuatl, Nabeel Muttalib, Joseline Ochoa, Allison Gopaul, and Corinne G. Jolivalt, UC San Diego; Darrell R. Smith, Mohammad Golam Sabbir, Kubir K. Roy Chowdhury, Ali Saleh, Randy Van der Ploeg, and Lori Tessler, St Boniface Hospital Research Centre, Winnipeg, Canada; and Jürgen Wess, NIDDK/National Institutes of Health.
Disclosure: Fernyhough, Calcutt and Lakshmi Kotra of the University of Toronto are founders and shareholders in WinSanTor, Inc., a San Diego-based biotech that has licensed intellectual property from UC San Diego and the University of Manitoba to develop treatments for neuropathy.
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Scott LaFee
More on this News Release
Blocking neuron signaling pathway could lead to new treatments for peripheral neuropathy
Journal of Clinical Investigation
JDRF, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, National Institutes of Health with support from the St. Boniface Hospital Foundation