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When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account.
Ken, I’m pretty sure that CAWS was trying to be helpful when suggesting that you get tested for Lyme and coinfections, and didn’t mean to offend you by making the suggestion. CAWS wouldn’t be on this site if he or she didn’t believe in fluoroquinolone toxicity and the horrible devastation that fluoroquinolones can bring. Unfortunately, Lyme and fluoroquinolone toxicity are not mutually exclusive, and there are many people suffering from both. I’m not saying that is true for you, I’m just saying that it’s possible, and suggesting that it was not meant as an offensive or dismissive comment.
Cipro has obviously devastated you and your family, and for that I am so sorry. I realize that it’s not worth much, but you have my sympathy and prayers. I hope that you find something that helps you, and that you are able to heal. It sounds like you are trying many things that people are suggesting, and I hope that they help you.
7 years ago
hello everyone again,
my symptoms are listed above just repeat them to make a full picture..
I want to share my symptoms again and Please please please if someone of you experienced the same please share your experiences.
For now my main issues are ballance loss, when i stand up i am like in a boat and if i walk straight and turn my head while walking to right or left i even loose my balance worst.
my hearing sensitiviness dissapierd at a some level but have a good tinitus at night
i heave a weird pressure on the side of my head and inseade my mouth right obove my tounge like somebody is pulling my brain and apliyng pressure on it..very weird sensations.
the ffeling off balance and tremors by the end of the day are increasing a lot a lot,and that pressue too.
from yesterday a weird sensation of warm in back where my spine is between shoulders and numbnes of skin on face where chin and cheeks are located.
Ive been today to a new neuroligist..
very weird i told him my problems then he had me laid down and did the test with his hammers and vibration feeling.then he put me to rise my leg put the heel on knee and trace it till down to feet didi these with both legs, he had me tot do this multiple times because he said my legs are kind of shaking.
Asked him about floxing..had now idea no clue..
looked into computer and then gave me a piece of paper with diagnosis:
Sensorial ataxia..
Tricortin 1000 I/M nr 10
Ipigrix 1.5% I/M nr 10
Keltikan 1caps *2 times dayly one in the morning one in the night
Milgamma N1 1caps *2 times dayly one in the morning one in the night
what is all these? can these help me at all?
the previos doctor gave me alprazalom and aminitrilin wich i did not take..
please tell me what is happening with me?
i fineshed my 14 days 750 levofloxacin course by end of july and on 26 of july i started having vertigo then head presure then ear pressure then hering loss then tinitus then brain stupitidness then inability to concentrate and big loss of balance..
what should i do?Share your healing stories?please share youyr real experiences..
sorry english is not my native.
I hope everyone will get cured vrom these.
7 years ago
It’s been 2 weeks since starting the 4life supplement, and it seems like I need to take more some days. BUT, i tried to drink coffee and got some of my symptoms back, and I switched to organic cigarettes cuz I thought they would be better cuz they don’t have all the added chemicals, but got even more symptoms back, i found out the have way more nicotine in them maybe that’s why idk.So I stopped the coffee and went back to my regular smokes, but i wasn’t getting as good as I was, so i used a glutathione spray that I had ordered and it took the remaining symptoms almost totally away. When i was flared up for those 2 months i was getting desperate so i ordered 3 things i have never tried and so far two of them are working great!!! The other one is the hyper immune egg supplement, but i havent tried it because its already in the 4life supplement. But anyways, here’s a link from where i bought the glutathione spray
The spray helped so much I think tomorrow I’m gonna only use it by itself to see how much it works on it’s own, but it might be the combination IDK?
Anyhow I’ll let you’s know how that goes????
7 years ago
I don’t know why that link didn’t work, anyhow it’s called CCL Advanced Glutathione spray, and I bought it on Amazon, I think it’s 25$
I hate to say this but welcome to the club brother. I would not get offended for testing for other things. I am floxed over beyond all recognition! But I also have AAE super rare autoimmune disease Adult Auto Immune Enteropathy. You could be floxed and have lymes.
there is no law preventing us from having a number of things.
I did the lymes tests what is interesting is that it has to be done from a tick from the region you were bitten for it to work.
People the problem is that the medical system is all messed up! It is designed for making money. Drug companies push their product to Doctors. Doctors do not have enough training to treat you really. It is a shot gun effect and never gets to the problem. I always ask my Pharmacists on meds now they know a lot more about them and they are none biased they do not get kick backs for suggesting drugs!
Doctors should people as individuals, treatments tailored to the person. But they can’t make billions that way I guess!
I look forward when we won’t need doctors and drug companies anymore.
They didn’t enforce it, obvious broken corrupt systym, why do you think they would not enforce Bayer to send it FOR 9 YEARS, something dirty is going on here!
7 years ago
Hey everyone. Just sorting through my very thick “health” file where I collect info on possible treatments. I came across a brochure I obviously picked up at my doctor’s office. Now I have not tried this and really know nothing about it, but thought I would throw it out there if anyone is interested in investigating it for themselves. IT is called BioPhoton Therapy. It uses light (no radiation) and it is supposed to help with pain and inflammation. It lists things like knee pain, arthritis, headache, and so on. Again, I know NOTHING about it. Just reading from a brochure.
7 years ago
new things..
numbness of the right foot just skin?
tremor of hands? epecialy when lifting sensation across back?
7 years ago
My Vit D is 20ng/mL moderate deficiency, usually I cant handle supplements, what must I do? I also suddenly have severe silent reflux 6 months now. Ive entered I think perimenupause (age 49) so anxiety back with a force and crying spells, my throat and lungs are affected by the silent reflux, has a permanent thick sticky nasal drip and shortness of breath, but i feel the water in my ears also (reflux). Scared of permanent damage. endoscopy showns only a little gastritis, no i hear you must get a scope through nose to check silent reflux etc, must wait till next year as after a lot of blood tests, angiogram, ct scans on lungs and sinuses all clear, my medical aid is not paying anymore. Last question how does floxies do in perimenupause/menupause, I hear it can carry on 5 years. bloodtests useless as it doesnt show in blood necesseraly. nearly dies of 1 antidepress they tried on me cymbalta did not sleep i am nausious but that one made me so nausious for 24 hours, (sorry grammar Im Afrikaans speaking RSA)
7 years ago
What is Ondamed treatment
7 years ago
Hi,who tried wobenzymes for pain
7 years ago
Hey guys I’m posting here to hear from the community regarding their healing,journey and talk about different treatments, I have been a long time follower and read a lot of the stories and it’s time to add my input and share with others some tricks that helped me .
I was floxed in dec 2012 took cipro to clear up a suspected prostate infection,I don’t remember too many issues when taking the pills but weeks after treatment I have severe Achilles’ tendon tightening and burning ,weak legs , could barely stand up for 10 mins or walk to the corner store or down the stairs at night, I took many supplements and tried many things , I feel like I have healed greatly from the tendon issues through the years I still have flare ups and tendon tightening once in a while but I have been able to get back to walking miles and running thank god!,
problems I have that haven’t healed are yet – double vision , I seen a nuero right when it happened about 8 months after taking he pills ,he didn’t find anything ,ophthalmologist told me it was “astigmatism” almost believed him until realizing it’s not something you just get ,and reading countless other floxy stories ,
-Burning in my legs ,comes and goes
– balance issues , other cns related things like anxiety, hearing sensitivity in the ams.
Things that I have tried and I think helped big time are
– Floatation tanks , really good for anxiety and calming the nerves and relaxing tendons
– LLT , laser light therapy on my Achilles’ tendon really helped it is worth a try if you have tendon problems , my PT even showed me in her laser booklet thing that they do treat ‘cipro induced tendonitis ‘ which gave me a lot of hope
– massage therapy ,lots of it
– Epsom salt baths ,
– Glutathione IVs with Vit C pushes and Myers Cocktails , I felt a good difference ,had 7 sessions but will be doing more when I can afford too .
– supplements Mito Q (read about it here) , PQQ, I feel really gave me energy and helped the first time I took them , lifted the fatigue ,brain fog and was running /cycling more than ever.
I’ve taking many other supplements and things that probably helped the healing along with time but those are the ones that felt right away ,
things I’d like to try in the future are Stem cells , is there anyone here that has gotten stem cell treatments if so what kind and how was it, I feel like that will be the game changer for me but it Is just a money issue as it cost thousands to get .PRP sounds good to me too or regenex treatments for tendon issues if you can afford it, but right now I am dealing with CNS flare ups and get really dizzy and balance is been off for weeks with headaches , feel like I’m rocking in a boat standing up , any input on how to deal with that stuff would be appreciated,
Also has anyone got their doctor to acknowledge that cipro can cause these problems? , I will be brining in the FDA warning label in his office and read it with him so he can realize what is going on and stop brushing my symptons off as anxiety or some other bs,my blood work and tests always come back good and he thinks I’m a hypochondriac,but I know I was healthy 25 year old male prior to taken cipro and had no tendonitis problems, neuropathy or nerve damage or blurry vision ,ugh good luck to all of you fighting the battle of this poising, thanks for reading, hope to hear from some of you
Anyone here have hand tremors? Most noticeably when I’m holding something like a glass of water or piece of paper I can tell I’m shaking. FYI: I’m 2.5 years out and this is a fairly new symptom.
7 years ago
Hey guys I’ve found some good studies and hope researching about stem cells, here’s a little bit of it, basically you need to fast for a minimum of 72 hours to get the regeneration of cells and Regenerated immune system ,a lot of videos and info on the net backed by studies ,,search 3 day fast ,I always knew our bodies were capable of healing ourselves but maybe this is the key to unlocking and get the healing faster , I plan on trying this as soon as i can get the free time , can’t afford the stem cell ivs right now and I came across this , this seems like a real good alternative, I haven’t read any story on here yet about it , so I figured I’d share it and have high hopes ,
A number of ancient health practices are proving to be effective in multiple ways. We recently posted an article about meditation, and how neuroscience can now explain what happens to the brain when we meditate. Now, scientists have discovered the first evidence of a natural intervention triggering stem cell-based regeneration of an organ or system. The study was published in the June 5 issue of Cell Stem Cell by researchers from the University of Southern California. The research shows that cycles of prolonged fasting protect against immune system damage and induce immune system regeneration. They concluded that fasting shifts stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal. (1)
Human clinical trials were conducted using patients who were receiving chemotherapy. For long periods of time, patients did not eat which significantly lowered their white blood cell counts. In mice, fasting cycles “flipped a regenerative switch, changing the signalling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune systems.” (1)
“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the heatopoietic system. When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged. What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. ” – Valter Longo, corresponding author. (1)
Tom West
7 years ago
Hi guys and girls, just thought I’d add what I can to help anyone out there.
Just a basic outline on me: I am a 20-year-old male, very sporty, athletic, been training for 5 years consistently (weights and cardio) I have boxed for the past three years and have a fight coming up.
About a week ago I took three tablets (500mg) I am normally very skeptical of synthetic chemicals so did some research. As soon as I found out what sort of damage this drug does i instantly discontinued these drugs, of which I was prescribed a four-week course (56 tablets)
I have recently been experiencing some side effects (pain in the back of the eyes, joint pain in the arms and a noticeable lack of strength) luckily these are minor.
I am currently at university and am close friends with two medical students and one bio-med student. We have all discussed fluoroquinolones and their effects in great detail. I myself have an interest in biology and the body and although I do not have any medical experience i would like to offer some advice in the hope of helping anyone out there. I have gained this experience over the years of training and tuning into my body as well as through my friends who study medicine.
1.) One of the most important things, in my opinion, is diet. In the case of fluoroquinolone intoxication, a high protein diet is essential. I see that a lot of you are already young athletes and as such may already be on a high protein diet. I encourage you to increase protein intake further. This is because the body is being compromised and needs further nutritional support (protein- for growth and repair). Great sources of protein include red meats such as steak which includes creatine to help muscle synthesis (creatine can also be taken as a supplement). The most important source of protein with this diet I feel includes oily fish.
Oily fish such as mackerel, Salomon, trout etc all include omega 3 fatty acids and most importantly DHA, which is one of the last molecules to be broken down in the body. I encourage you to do your own research on DHA and the multitude of benefits surrounding it.
These omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for skin health and reproduction, hair health and more importantly collagen production which as we already know, fluoroquinolones are known to penetrate and weaken. Supplementation of these omega 3’s can be taken if the cost of fish is too much, however, bare in mind that real food is ALWAYS the best option.
2.) Let us not get lost in all of the horrible side effects and damage this drug is capable of and forget what sort of drug this actually is. An antibiotic. The key is the name, Antibiotics don’t just kill the bad bacteria, they also kill the good bacteria too (microbiota, found in large quantities in the gut.) I, therefore, feel it will do no harm to include a probiotic drink into your diet once or twice a day. I personally have started to take ‘Yakult’ once in the morning and once before I got to bed.
3.) Again another dietary point (apologies but it is very important). Do not be scared to consume internal organs as strange as this sounds. Prior to mass manufacturing of processed foods, chemicals, colors, preservatives etc, our great ancestors would have eaten things like heart, kidney, liver etc. Things such as lamb or pig liver, heart, kidney etc are can be found in most supermarkets, usually in a very small section and at a very cheap price due to the unpopularity.
I encourage those of you reading this to do some research on the works of Dr. Weston A Price and his study of sub-Saharan tribes and their incredible healthy lives. Please read this fascinating article here:
4.) Another very important point to focus on is stretching. Myself as a boxer with upcoming fights, it is crucially important to stay on the balls on the feet, anyone in the fight game will know what I mean. As such, i cannot afford to have any mishaps, namely tendon ruptures/injuries. I stretch in the morning and at night before I go to bed. Foam rolling is also a great way of stretching out the facia and massively decreasing the chances of injury.
5.) Listen to your body when it comes to exercise. If you can participate in contact sports and fast-paced sports such as squash then great! But know when your body is trying to tell you something. Swimming is a great way of getting good cardio work in whilst maintaining and strengthening joints and collagen. If like me, you like to go to the gym, wear sleeves whenever possible e,g, knee sleeves when squatting, elbow sleeves when bench pressing etc.
6.) The sixth and final point I would like to make is regarding lifestyle choice and mentality. It is important to critically evaluate your own lifestyle. What do you do a job? does this impact on your health? how much exercise do you get? what sort of exercise do you get? Are you under any undue stress? These factors all congregate to make a massive difference in your overall recovery. Listen to your body and stay positive, look for things in your life which bring you happiness and fulfillment and your body will reward you in more ways than you can think imaginable. One of my favorite sayings is: Your mind is your body, and your body is your mind.
I wish all of you a speedy recovery and remember the body is a natural healer so give it all the best possible benefits (diet, exercise, lifestyle choice) it can use to get you to recover.
7 years ago
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to give an update on the transfer factor 4life supplement. Today is day 22 and it has continued to keep me feeling about 85% normal. I just have some very low level symptoms. Also, I tried the glutathione spray by itself and it didn’t work as good, so i think combined with the transfer factors made it work so good idk.
Anyhow, i hope whoever tried it they will post their experience.
7 years ago
This is a video by a naturopathic dr. explaining what fluoroquinolones do to our bodies and what you can do to heal.
Ken, I’m pretty sure that CAWS was trying to be helpful when suggesting that you get tested for Lyme and coinfections, and didn’t mean to offend you by making the suggestion. CAWS wouldn’t be on this site if he or she didn’t believe in fluoroquinolone toxicity and the horrible devastation that fluoroquinolones can bring. Unfortunately, Lyme and fluoroquinolone toxicity are not mutually exclusive, and there are many people suffering from both. I’m not saying that is true for you, I’m just saying that it’s possible, and suggesting that it was not meant as an offensive or dismissive comment.
Cipro has obviously devastated you and your family, and for that I am so sorry. I realize that it’s not worth much, but you have my sympathy and prayers. I hope that you find something that helps you, and that you are able to heal. It sounds like you are trying many things that people are suggesting, and I hope that they help you.
hello everyone again,
my symptoms are listed above just repeat them to make a full picture..
I want to share my symptoms again and Please please please if someone of you experienced the same please share your experiences.
For now my main issues are ballance loss, when i stand up i am like in a boat and if i walk straight and turn my head while walking to right or left i even loose my balance worst.
my hearing sensitiviness dissapierd at a some level but have a good tinitus at night
i heave a weird pressure on the side of my head and inseade my mouth right obove my tounge like somebody is pulling my brain and apliyng pressure on it..very weird sensations.
the ffeling off balance and tremors by the end of the day are increasing a lot a lot,and that pressue too.
from yesterday a weird sensation of warm in back where my spine is between shoulders and numbnes of skin on face where chin and cheeks are located.
Ive been today to a new neuroligist..
very weird i told him my problems then he had me laid down and did the test with his hammers and vibration feeling.then he put me to rise my leg put the heel on knee and trace it till down to feet didi these with both legs, he had me tot do this multiple times because he said my legs are kind of shaking.
Asked him about floxing..had now idea no clue..
looked into computer and then gave me a piece of paper with diagnosis:
Sensorial ataxia..
Tricortin 1000 I/M nr 10
Ipigrix 1.5% I/M nr 10
Keltikan 1caps *2 times dayly one in the morning one in the night
Milgamma N1 1caps *2 times dayly one in the morning one in the night
what is all these? can these help me at all?
the previos doctor gave me alprazalom and aminitrilin wich i did not take..
please tell me what is happening with me?
i fineshed my 14 days 750 levofloxacin course by end of july and on 26 of july i started having vertigo then head presure then ear pressure then hering loss then tinitus then brain stupitidness then inability to concentrate and big loss of balance..
what should i do?Share your healing stories?please share youyr real experiences..
sorry english is not my native.
I hope everyone will get cured vrom these.
It’s been 2 weeks since starting the 4life supplement, and it seems like I need to take more some days. BUT, i tried to drink coffee and got some of my symptoms back, and I switched to organic cigarettes cuz I thought they would be better cuz they don’t have all the added chemicals, but got even more symptoms back, i found out the have way more nicotine in them maybe that’s why idk.So I stopped the coffee and went back to my regular smokes, but i wasn’t getting as good as I was, so i used a glutathione spray that I had ordered and it took the remaining symptoms almost totally away. When i was flared up for those 2 months i was getting desperate so i ordered 3 things i have never tried and so far two of them are working great!!! The other one is the hyper immune egg supplement, but i havent tried it because its already in the 4life supplement. But anyways, here’s a link from where i bought the glutathione spray
The spray helped so much I think tomorrow I’m gonna only use it by itself to see how much it works on it’s own, but it might be the combination IDK?
Anyhow I’ll let you’s know how that goes????
I don’t know why that link didn’t work, anyhow it’s called CCL Advanced Glutathione spray, and I bought it on Amazon, I think it’s 25$
I hate to say this but welcome to the club brother. I would not get offended for testing for other things. I am floxed over beyond all recognition! But I also have AAE super rare autoimmune disease Adult Auto Immune Enteropathy. You could be floxed and have lymes.
there is no law preventing us from having a number of things.
I did the lymes tests what is interesting is that it has to be done from a tick from the region you were bitten for it to work.
I wish you the best.
Michael Out!
People the problem is that the medical system is all messed up! It is designed for making money. Drug companies push their product to Doctors. Doctors do not have enough training to treat you really. It is a shot gun effect and never gets to the problem. I always ask my Pharmacists on meds now they know a lot more about them and they are none biased they do not get kick backs for suggesting drugs!
Doctors should people as individuals, treatments tailored to the person. But they can’t make billions that way I guess!
I look forward when we won’t need doctors and drug companies anymore.
They didn’t enforce it, obvious broken corrupt systym, why do you think they would not enforce Bayer to send it FOR 9 YEARS, something dirty is going on here!
Hey everyone. Just sorting through my very thick “health” file where I collect info on possible treatments. I came across a brochure I obviously picked up at my doctor’s office. Now I have not tried this and really know nothing about it, but thought I would throw it out there if anyone is interested in investigating it for themselves. IT is called BioPhoton Therapy. It uses light (no radiation) and it is supposed to help with pain and inflammation. It lists things like knee pain, arthritis, headache, and so on. Again, I know NOTHING about it. Just reading from a brochure.
new things..
numbness of the right foot just skin?
tremor of hands? epecialy when lifting sensation across back?
My Vit D is 20ng/mL moderate deficiency, usually I cant handle supplements, what must I do? I also suddenly have severe silent reflux 6 months now. Ive entered I think perimenupause (age 49) so anxiety back with a force and crying spells, my throat and lungs are affected by the silent reflux, has a permanent thick sticky nasal drip and shortness of breath, but i feel the water in my ears also (reflux). Scared of permanent damage. endoscopy showns only a little gastritis, no i hear you must get a scope through nose to check silent reflux etc, must wait till next year as after a lot of blood tests, angiogram, ct scans on lungs and sinuses all clear, my medical aid is not paying anymore. Last question how does floxies do in perimenupause/menupause, I hear it can carry on 5 years. bloodtests useless as it doesnt show in blood necesseraly. nearly dies of 1 antidepress they tried on me cymbalta did not sleep i am nausious but that one made me so nausious for 24 hours, (sorry grammar Im Afrikaans speaking RSA)
What is Ondamed treatment
Hi,who tried wobenzymes for pain
Hey guys I’m posting here to hear from the community regarding their healing,journey and talk about different treatments, I have been a long time follower and read a lot of the stories and it’s time to add my input and share with others some tricks that helped me .
I was floxed in dec 2012 took cipro to clear up a suspected prostate infection,I don’t remember too many issues when taking the pills but weeks after treatment I have severe Achilles’ tendon tightening and burning ,weak legs , could barely stand up for 10 mins or walk to the corner store or down the stairs at night, I took many supplements and tried many things , I feel like I have healed greatly from the tendon issues through the years I still have flare ups and tendon tightening once in a while but I have been able to get back to walking miles and running thank god!,
problems I have that haven’t healed are yet – double vision , I seen a nuero right when it happened about 8 months after taking he pills ,he didn’t find anything ,ophthalmologist told me it was “astigmatism” almost believed him until realizing it’s not something you just get ,and reading countless other floxy stories ,
-Burning in my legs ,comes and goes
– balance issues , other cns related things like anxiety, hearing sensitivity in the ams.
Things that I have tried and I think helped big time are
– Floatation tanks , really good for anxiety and calming the nerves and relaxing tendons
– LLT , laser light therapy on my Achilles’ tendon really helped it is worth a try if you have tendon problems , my PT even showed me in her laser booklet thing that they do treat ‘cipro induced tendonitis ‘ which gave me a lot of hope
– massage therapy ,lots of it
– Epsom salt baths ,
– Glutathione IVs with Vit C pushes and Myers Cocktails , I felt a good difference ,had 7 sessions but will be doing more when I can afford too .
– supplements Mito Q (read about it here) , PQQ, I feel really gave me energy and helped the first time I took them , lifted the fatigue ,brain fog and was running /cycling more than ever.
I’ve taking many other supplements and things that probably helped the healing along with time but those are the ones that felt right away ,
things I’d like to try in the future are Stem cells , is there anyone here that has gotten stem cell treatments if so what kind and how was it, I feel like that will be the game changer for me but it Is just a money issue as it cost thousands to get .PRP sounds good to me too or regenex treatments for tendon issues if you can afford it, but right now I am dealing with CNS flare ups and get really dizzy and balance is been off for weeks with headaches , feel like I’m rocking in a boat standing up , any input on how to deal with that stuff would be appreciated,
Also has anyone got their doctor to acknowledge that cipro can cause these problems? , I will be brining in the FDA warning label in his office and read it with him so he can realize what is going on and stop brushing my symptons off as anxiety or some other bs,my blood work and tests always come back good and he thinks I’m a hypochondriac,but I know I was healthy 25 year old male prior to taken cipro and had no tendonitis problems, neuropathy or nerve damage or blurry vision ,ugh good luck to all of you fighting the battle of this poising, thanks for reading, hope to hear from some of you
Well, F*CK.
Anyone here have hand tremors? Most noticeably when I’m holding something like a glass of water or piece of paper I can tell I’m shaking. FYI: I’m 2.5 years out and this is a fairly new symptom.
Hey guys I’ve found some good studies and hope researching about stem cells, here’s a little bit of it, basically you need to fast for a minimum of 72 hours to get the regeneration of cells and Regenerated immune system ,a lot of videos and info on the net backed by studies ,,search 3 day fast ,I always knew our bodies were capable of healing ourselves but maybe this is the key to unlocking and get the healing faster , I plan on trying this as soon as i can get the free time , can’t afford the stem cell ivs right now and I came across this , this seems like a real good alternative, I haven’t read any story on here yet about it , so I figured I’d share it and have high hopes ,
A number of ancient health practices are proving to be effective in multiple ways. We recently posted an article about meditation, and how neuroscience can now explain what happens to the brain when we meditate. Now, scientists have discovered the first evidence of a natural intervention triggering stem cell-based regeneration of an organ or system. The study was published in the June 5 issue of Cell Stem Cell by researchers from the University of Southern California. The research shows that cycles of prolonged fasting protect against immune system damage and induce immune system regeneration. They concluded that fasting shifts stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal. (1)
Human clinical trials were conducted using patients who were receiving chemotherapy. For long periods of time, patients did not eat which significantly lowered their white blood cell counts. In mice, fasting cycles “flipped a regenerative switch, changing the signalling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune systems.” (1)
“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the heatopoietic system. When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged. What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. ” – Valter Longo, corresponding author. (1)
Hi guys and girls, just thought I’d add what I can to help anyone out there.
Just a basic outline on me: I am a 20-year-old male, very sporty, athletic, been training for 5 years consistently (weights and cardio) I have boxed for the past three years and have a fight coming up.
About a week ago I took three tablets (500mg) I am normally very skeptical of synthetic chemicals so did some research. As soon as I found out what sort of damage this drug does i instantly discontinued these drugs, of which I was prescribed a four-week course (56 tablets)
I have recently been experiencing some side effects (pain in the back of the eyes, joint pain in the arms and a noticeable lack of strength) luckily these are minor.
I am currently at university and am close friends with two medical students and one bio-med student. We have all discussed fluoroquinolones and their effects in great detail. I myself have an interest in biology and the body and although I do not have any medical experience i would like to offer some advice in the hope of helping anyone out there. I have gained this experience over the years of training and tuning into my body as well as through my friends who study medicine.
1.) One of the most important things, in my opinion, is diet. In the case of fluoroquinolone intoxication, a high protein diet is essential. I see that a lot of you are already young athletes and as such may already be on a high protein diet. I encourage you to increase protein intake further. This is because the body is being compromised and needs further nutritional support (protein- for growth and repair). Great sources of protein include red meats such as steak which includes creatine to help muscle synthesis (creatine can also be taken as a supplement). The most important source of protein with this diet I feel includes oily fish.
Oily fish such as mackerel, Salomon, trout etc all include omega 3 fatty acids and most importantly DHA, which is one of the last molecules to be broken down in the body. I encourage you to do your own research on DHA and the multitude of benefits surrounding it.
These omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for skin health and reproduction, hair health and more importantly collagen production which as we already know, fluoroquinolones are known to penetrate and weaken. Supplementation of these omega 3’s can be taken if the cost of fish is too much, however, bare in mind that real food is ALWAYS the best option.
2.) Let us not get lost in all of the horrible side effects and damage this drug is capable of and forget what sort of drug this actually is. An antibiotic. The key is the name, Antibiotics don’t just kill the bad bacteria, they also kill the good bacteria too (microbiota, found in large quantities in the gut.) I, therefore, feel it will do no harm to include a probiotic drink into your diet once or twice a day. I personally have started to take ‘Yakult’ once in the morning and once before I got to bed.
3.) Again another dietary point (apologies but it is very important). Do not be scared to consume internal organs as strange as this sounds. Prior to mass manufacturing of processed foods, chemicals, colors, preservatives etc, our great ancestors would have eaten things like heart, kidney, liver etc. Things such as lamb or pig liver, heart, kidney etc are can be found in most supermarkets, usually in a very small section and at a very cheap price due to the unpopularity.
I encourage those of you reading this to do some research on the works of Dr. Weston A Price and his study of sub-Saharan tribes and their incredible healthy lives. Please read this fascinating article here:
4.) Another very important point to focus on is stretching. Myself as a boxer with upcoming fights, it is crucially important to stay on the balls on the feet, anyone in the fight game will know what I mean. As such, i cannot afford to have any mishaps, namely tendon ruptures/injuries. I stretch in the morning and at night before I go to bed. Foam rolling is also a great way of stretching out the facia and massively decreasing the chances of injury.
5.) Listen to your body when it comes to exercise. If you can participate in contact sports and fast-paced sports such as squash then great! But know when your body is trying to tell you something. Swimming is a great way of getting good cardio work in whilst maintaining and strengthening joints and collagen. If like me, you like to go to the gym, wear sleeves whenever possible e,g, knee sleeves when squatting, elbow sleeves when bench pressing etc.
6.) The sixth and final point I would like to make is regarding lifestyle choice and mentality. It is important to critically evaluate your own lifestyle. What do you do a job? does this impact on your health? how much exercise do you get? what sort of exercise do you get? Are you under any undue stress? These factors all congregate to make a massive difference in your overall recovery. Listen to your body and stay positive, look for things in your life which bring you happiness and fulfillment and your body will reward you in more ways than you can think imaginable. One of my favorite sayings is: Your mind is your body, and your body is your mind.
I wish all of you a speedy recovery and remember the body is a natural healer so give it all the best possible benefits (diet, exercise, lifestyle choice) it can use to get you to recover.
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to give an update on the transfer factor 4life supplement. Today is day 22 and it has continued to keep me feeling about 85% normal. I just have some very low level symptoms. Also, I tried the glutathione spray by itself and it didn’t work as good, so i think combined with the transfer factors made it work so good idk.
Anyhow, i hope whoever tried it they will post their experience.
This is a video by a naturopathic dr. explaining what fluoroquinolones do to our bodies and what you can do to heal.