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Just recently had Styes removed from my eyes! I tel you what it is a procedure that is not very pleasant at all. They numb your eye area with shots and drops basically turn your eyes inside out flipping the eye lids inside out clamp down and start cutting and draining! Bright lights shining in your eyes the whole time.
7 years ago
Hi guys. I’ve been water fasting for the last 3 days, and this morning at noon, I’ve started to refeed.So I thought to share with you my experience.
First of all, I wanted to do it, because, as I mentioned in some previous post, I’ve read that it could be very beneficial for the immune system. Actualy it could “reset it” or at least regenerate it, according to some studies. I’m not encouraging anyone to try it, as it can be a dangerous practice,if not supervised by a specialist. Anyway here’s my experience : First 24 hrs, hungry, a little dizzy, but nothing uncontrollable. Second day, less hungry, at least for very long periods of time, but way more dizzy, at moments I thought I was gonna faint, but it never happened, and I was still able to do some light activity in my house (cleaning etc.). Third day : I was feeling weak, very weak.. Lots of headaches, of mild to moderate intensity. I didn’t feel like to do anything, besides a very short walk outside. This morning I woke up even more weak and with a stronger headache. I went to the groery store, to buy some vegetables and some fruits. As soon as I started to eat (just some steamed broccoli and a zucchini) I started to feel better. After about an hour, I ate an apple and a banana. And after another hour ad a half, i ate another steamed zucchini, half of a sweet potato and a small serving of beans. Right now, I defenitly feel better overall, but I’ve noticed, since yesterday actually, that the aches in my ankles and shins, are stronger than before I started the fast. Did the abstinence from food cause that? I don’t know. What did I do differently, besides not eating? I stopped with the supplements, tha’s one, and I didn’t do any physical activity at all, besides that short walk. I think this is the right time to slowly reintroduce the supplements I was taking, expecially the vitamin D3, and see if it starts to mitigate the pain.
7 years ago
Thanks Magde. The pain is increasing right now. But magnesium never did anything to me. Actually, sometimes I had the feelings that it was making my symptoms even worse. I don’t know…This FQ’s side effects are really nasty, but more than that they’re unpredictable. One day I think I’m doing good and on the path of healing, the next one I feel as bad as it gets.
7 years ago
Hi Deb,I was floxed almost a year ago,It was Christmas time, 2016
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Little update on my symptoms and supplements, hoping it could help someone. As I mendtioned before, I was doing “quite good” a few weeks ago. Then, the last weekend, I decided to go on a 3 days fast, to try to help my immune system to regenerate. Didn’t do much. Actually my symptoms, expecially the pain in my shins and ankles came back. So I started to take supplments back. First, yesterday, I took vitamin D3 ( i use vitamin D3 1000 iu and k from pure encapsulation) and the pain in my shins eased quite a bit, after a couple of hours or so. So this morning, I took another capsule, but I was feeling really weak. Basically all my symptoms were coming back again. So I took another new supplement I was taking before the fast, the 4life trifactor supplement, thanks Joanneg 🙂 , and I started to feel a little better overall. I’m talking about fatigue, dizziness etc.
So basically,all I’m taking right now is :
Vitamin D3 1000 iu, 1xday for bone/joint pain (quite sure this one helps me)
4life Transfer Factor Trifactor Formula 2xday, for the energy issues (still not totally sure it helps, too new to say it, but it’s promising )
Anyway, as I mentioned,this crappy symptoms are very unpredictable, so I’ll see what happens in the next few days. I will keep you updated.
PS I also take some panax ginseng and some maca powder, but I don’t consider them supplements for my FQ’s issues, just something to take for overall health. I’ve never noticed any effects on energy, aches, etc while I take ’em.
Thanks everyone.
7 years ago
Hello Everyone,
My later synptoms are severe ataxia, loss of balane presure in ears and in head, lack of coordonation and now i lookfor something to hold on if i stay upright…my vison gives me trouble too sometomes blurry sometimes clear and objects moving a little…witch is stressful..
very weak overall and weak muscles, tremors in the morning..PLEASE DID SOMEBODY EXPERIENCED THE ATAXIA SYMPROMS? how did you fight this what did u do?
JoanneG i take now a vitamin complex for men,
Magnesium dayly,
and Chorella..
Want to start the cure with Tricortin ipigrix betaserc and keltikan?
What you guys think?
Please i will be very thankful for your answers..
I pray for all of us..
7 years ago
Hello all,
Well, I’ve joined this club that id rather not be a part of. I’ve read all there is I think, and am still confused and very much scares. My story:
I’m 32 years old, married to my great wife and have two awesome boys, ages 8 and 5. Four and a half weeks ago I was in Mexico and had travellers diarrhea and was given Cipro, 500mg. I took 2 and noticed tingling and electric pulse in my toe, and everything seemed really sensitive – in that a slight breeze tickled my leg hairs. The next day I noticed my Achilles heal was right and burning.
There were a ton of stairs at our resort so i carefully hobbled around till i got home.
Since then, I’ve really kept an easy and limited my walking around. However, my calf is still very tight and it doesn’t take much to aggravate either leg. Also concerning is that my arms are experiencing the same thing. If I don’t use them, they are fine. But if I do very basic tasks that require repetive motion (like holding up an Xbox controller) then I feel it – like my sides of arms got punched.
There has been burning pains throughout my body – neck, shoulder, arms, legs. The tingling isn’t so bad that seems to have cleared. But the tendon / muscle pain is driving me nuts.
I’ve gone to a rhumentologist who thinks it’s reactive arthritis, which I don’t believe and am going to another for a second opinion. My GP thinks it’s definitely Cipro related. I’ve also gone to a naturalpath and got an IV of magnesium and some other stuff, and not sure that did anything. Going again next week. I’ve also been taking supplements, but only 200mg or so.
A few things:
1) I’ve had horrible insomnia where I wake up at 3 and toss and turn for rest of the night. Anxiety / stress related? Not sure. I had a cold and still have a pretty bad cough, NyQuil is the only thing that has knocked me out, but I’m groggy half the next day which historically for me is not normal. What can help?
2) is it normal for muscle pain to come when I do something basic? Ripping tape as an example, where my forearms ache or burn for a bit after. Does this clear up? It’s been almost 5 weeks now.
3) not sure if I’m getting better or not as I’ve really minimized my walking around or doing anything. Excluding walking around the house to eat or go room to room, or doctor appointment, or driving….I’ve been on a couch. Do I test a bit to see if I can handle it? Calf is still tight and I can feel it in my Achilles heal and planter facsitis, but it’s minimal. Not sure how much it can take tho.
4) doc is pushing ibuprofen or the next step up that starts with an N, can’t remember. Have not taken it cause of what I’ve read.
This stuff sucks. Ive been in short term disability from work but need to go back in 2 weeks. Been so tired due to insomnia and not sure I can sit at a computer all day, haven’t tried that either.
7 years ago
Hello Everyone,
My later synptoms are severe ataxia, loss of balane presure in ears and in head, lack of coordonation and now i lookfor something to hold on if i stay upright…my vison gives me trouble too sometomes blurry sometimes clear and objects moving a little…witch is stressful..
very weak overall and weak muscles, tremors in the morning..PLEASE DID SOMEBODY EXPERIENCED THE ATAXIA SYMPROMS? how did you fight this what did u do?
please guys answer my questions because i am so afraid of MS or something else?
I have been using Kratom since last two years for Chronic pain. And this magical herb has worked great for me. I did not experience any severe side effects.
Thomas Sealy
7 years ago
Aloha Lisa,
It has been 4 months since I finished a 10 day dosage of Cipro (500mg). I have been taking the following supplements per Kerri Knox. Multivitamin, Probiotic & Vitamin D3-5000. I am also taking Dr. Carolyn Deans Remag along with a Organic Diet. I live in Hawaii and walk 5 miles a day in the sunshine. My problem is I have this off & on burning sensation in my left ankle when I am resting. I also use Ancient Minerals Magnesium Gel as needed. I am 65 years old. How long will I experience this sensation? Sorry for the long drawn out story. Mahalo, Thomas
7 years ago
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to say since watching the video I posted a few days back about what fq’s do to you and how to heal from it, I added Dr Carolyn Deans Remyte Solution which is a multimineral solution to my regimen and it was a total game changer. It’s keeping all my symptoms at about 95% better especially my dizzy soupy brain!
So for those who might be interested, I take 400mgs of magnesium 2 colostrum pills 2 4life transfer tri-factors kefir and a 1/2teaspoon of Remyte Solution 3x’s a day and it’s keeping me at a very good and very steady 95% better. If my vision wasn’t still blurry I wouldn’t even know I was floxed, but even that seems to be a little better.
I just pray it continues.
7 years ago
Need vitamin D as well.
7 years ago
Is an AHA like glycolic acid safe for use on skin after being floxed? As far as I know its not a steroid but im still wondering
Hello everyone,
It is going on 6 years since I was Floxed and it has been one heck of a ride. I want to thank everyone who has helped me on my road to recovery. I must say I miss running. Although I can walk again I feel my leg muscles are just not right anymore and I can not run. Maybe I’ll get there and Maybe I won’t I took my wife to the Club to work out the other day and I miss working out too! Don’t get me wrong I love being alive and that I am not in a wheelchair or hospital bed anymore. I am now 175 lbs which is much better than 114 lbs. I don’t even have to use a walker anymore just a cane. I do have the occasional fall from time to time.
Now that I developed a rare auto immune disease and have to be on immune suppressants because they really are afraid my immune system will kill me. It is like after floxing my system went into super kill mode and they can’t get it to stop. It caused Adult Auto Immune Enteropathy which sucks. But it could be worse. Any suggestions on how to get back to running again?
I hope everyone else is doing OK.
Remember Never Give up! Never Surrender!
Michael Out.
Barbara Arnold
7 years ago
Hi Michael,
If running is difficult, why not try treading water in a pool if you have access to one. You get a whole body workout without the pressure. I met a guy in his 70’s who was recovering from cancer and started doing this. He could only manage 5 minutes to start now he can do hours at a time. His body has a six pack and he’s really fit. Just a thought xxx
7 years ago
Just wanted everyone to know since I’m out of my flare and doing good, I’m now gonna be stopping all supplements except magnesium, kefir and occasionaly some Remyte.
I do this because i’m pretty much afraid of all supplements, so when I start feeling better I want to stop them asap, but like I said before I never was able to stop magnesium without getting really bad, so I’ll continue taking that daily.
Also, whenever I take a natural antibacterial, antivantiviral, antifungal supplement, which colostrum is, they make me feel great for a while like 10-20 days then I start to get worse. So I think they are good when needed but not long term. I think of them as antibiotics, it’s just that they’re natural.
Anyhow just wanted you all to know.
Wish me luck????
And I hope everyone’s at least better❤
7 years ago
oood luck. How did your flare last for if you do not mind my asking?
Consuming too much sugar is one of the biggest enemies I personally have re pain Harriet, It sends my own pain levels, particularly the neuropathic pain I experience off the charts.
i have to avoid sugar in my diet as much as I can possibly do so, as If I slip up, & for me this applies even just a little bit, which still can happen on occasion being human, I will subsequently pay for it each time, & also big time, with a very noticeable increase in my pain levels, & for many days afterwards, Christmas should be fun methinks.
This link between the consumption of sugar & the worsening of pain experienced, particularly neuropathic pain is recognised.
Although of course consuming too much sugar in various forms is not the only culprit here re potential worsening of symptoms, & various things can set of my flares, it is I feel, particularly having seen this mentioned so often, a major culprit for so many of us Imho when it comes to increase in our pain levels.
Hi all — has anyone had surgery post-floxing? This is what I’m facing now and I’m terrified.
Quick summary: Floxed in 2009 (tendon issues, nervous system issues), experienced some recovery but have had major set-backs due to corticosteroid use and I’ve even felt that some supplements have made me worse. I’m now off all medications and supplements, and have been on a strict paleo diet for a year.
I still don’t feel well, but I’ve had some good moments lately and thought things may potentially be looking up — but I now have a hernia that needs operating on. It is not an emergency, but a doctor I trust has told me that it could very easily become an emergency situation and strongly recommended that I have surgery to repair it (he is not a surgeon himself, but he recommended I see one).
This is a situation I have been dreading for years. I feel that I am HIGHLY sensitive to all drugs and am especially afraid of the general anesthesia that is apparently fluorinated. I think having these powerful drugs would throw a wrench in any recovery I may have had and make me much worse. With all the brain fog and cognitive issues I currently have, I cant even see myself coming out of surgery as the same person. I’m worried I’ll become practically brain-dead. Or worse.
Please, has anyone had surgery since being floxed? With general anesthesia? I’m trying to at least find a surgeon that may do it with local or twilight, but I’m not sure if that will be an option. And even if it is, I’m still worried those drugs could also make me worse.
This is just awful. I have an appointment with a surgeon, am I’m guessing he will be pushing for surgery with general anesthesia. I don’t know what to do. I can put it off and ignore this (I’m not in any pain from the hernia), but then I risk being in an emergency situation which may be harder on my body and where I may not have a choice about the kind of anesthesia.
Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Just recently had Styes removed from my eyes! I tel you what it is a procedure that is not very pleasant at all. They numb your eye area with shots and drops basically turn your eyes inside out flipping the eye lids inside out clamp down and start cutting and draining! Bright lights shining in your eyes the whole time.
Hi guys. I’ve been water fasting for the last 3 days, and this morning at noon, I’ve started to refeed.So I thought to share with you my experience.
First of all, I wanted to do it, because, as I mentioned in some previous post, I’ve read that it could be very beneficial for the immune system. Actualy it could “reset it” or at least regenerate it, according to some studies. I’m not encouraging anyone to try it, as it can be a dangerous practice,if not supervised by a specialist. Anyway here’s my experience : First 24 hrs, hungry, a little dizzy, but nothing uncontrollable. Second day, less hungry, at least for very long periods of time, but way more dizzy, at moments I thought I was gonna faint, but it never happened, and I was still able to do some light activity in my house (cleaning etc.). Third day : I was feeling weak, very weak.. Lots of headaches, of mild to moderate intensity. I didn’t feel like to do anything, besides a very short walk outside. This morning I woke up even more weak and with a stronger headache. I went to the groery store, to buy some vegetables and some fruits. As soon as I started to eat (just some steamed broccoli and a zucchini) I started to feel better. After about an hour, I ate an apple and a banana. And after another hour ad a half, i ate another steamed zucchini, half of a sweet potato and a small serving of beans. Right now, I defenitly feel better overall, but I’ve noticed, since yesterday actually, that the aches in my ankles and shins, are stronger than before I started the fast. Did the abstinence from food cause that? I don’t know. What did I do differently, besides not eating? I stopped with the supplements, tha’s one, and I didn’t do any physical activity at all, besides that short walk. I think this is the right time to slowly reintroduce the supplements I was taking, expecially the vitamin D3, and see if it starts to mitigate the pain.
Thanks Magde. The pain is increasing right now. But magnesium never did anything to me. Actually, sometimes I had the feelings that it was making my symptoms even worse. I don’t know…This FQ’s side effects are really nasty, but more than that they’re unpredictable. One day I think I’m doing good and on the path of healing, the next one I feel as bad as it gets.
Hi Deb,I was floxed almost a year ago,It was Christmas time, 2016
Hi everyone. Little update on my symptoms and supplements, hoping it could help someone. As I mendtioned before, I was doing “quite good” a few weeks ago. Then, the last weekend, I decided to go on a 3 days fast, to try to help my immune system to regenerate. Didn’t do much. Actually my symptoms, expecially the pain in my shins and ankles came back. So I started to take supplments back. First, yesterday, I took vitamin D3 ( i use vitamin D3 1000 iu and k from pure encapsulation) and the pain in my shins eased quite a bit, after a couple of hours or so. So this morning, I took another capsule, but I was feeling really weak. Basically all my symptoms were coming back again. So I took another new supplement I was taking before the fast, the 4life trifactor supplement, thanks Joanneg 🙂 , and I started to feel a little better overall. I’m talking about fatigue, dizziness etc.
So basically,all I’m taking right now is :
Vitamin D3 1000 iu, 1xday for bone/joint pain (quite sure this one helps me)
4life Transfer Factor Trifactor Formula 2xday, for the energy issues (still not totally sure it helps, too new to say it, but it’s promising )
Anyway, as I mentioned,this crappy symptoms are very unpredictable, so I’ll see what happens in the next few days. I will keep you updated.
PS I also take some panax ginseng and some maca powder, but I don’t consider them supplements for my FQ’s issues, just something to take for overall health. I’ve never noticed any effects on energy, aches, etc while I take ’em.
Thanks everyone.
Hello Everyone,
My later synptoms are severe ataxia, loss of balane presure in ears and in head, lack of coordonation and now i lookfor something to hold on if i stay upright…my vison gives me trouble too sometomes blurry sometimes clear and objects moving a little…witch is stressful..
very weak overall and weak muscles, tremors in the morning..PLEASE DID SOMEBODY EXPERIENCED THE ATAXIA SYMPROMS? how did you fight this what did u do?
JoanneG i take now a vitamin complex for men,
Magnesium dayly,
and Chorella..
Want to start the cure with Tricortin ipigrix betaserc and keltikan?
What you guys think?
Please i will be very thankful for your answers..
I pray for all of us..
Hello all,
Well, I’ve joined this club that id rather not be a part of. I’ve read all there is I think, and am still confused and very much scares. My story:
I’m 32 years old, married to my great wife and have two awesome boys, ages 8 and 5. Four and a half weeks ago I was in Mexico and had travellers diarrhea and was given Cipro, 500mg. I took 2 and noticed tingling and electric pulse in my toe, and everything seemed really sensitive – in that a slight breeze tickled my leg hairs. The next day I noticed my Achilles heal was right and burning.
There were a ton of stairs at our resort so i carefully hobbled around till i got home.
Since then, I’ve really kept an easy and limited my walking around. However, my calf is still very tight and it doesn’t take much to aggravate either leg. Also concerning is that my arms are experiencing the same thing. If I don’t use them, they are fine. But if I do very basic tasks that require repetive motion (like holding up an Xbox controller) then I feel it – like my sides of arms got punched.
There has been burning pains throughout my body – neck, shoulder, arms, legs. The tingling isn’t so bad that seems to have cleared. But the tendon / muscle pain is driving me nuts.
I’ve gone to a rhumentologist who thinks it’s reactive arthritis, which I don’t believe and am going to another for a second opinion. My GP thinks it’s definitely Cipro related. I’ve also gone to a naturalpath and got an IV of magnesium and some other stuff, and not sure that did anything. Going again next week. I’ve also been taking supplements, but only 200mg or so.
A few things:
1) I’ve had horrible insomnia where I wake up at 3 and toss and turn for rest of the night. Anxiety / stress related? Not sure. I had a cold and still have a pretty bad cough, NyQuil is the only thing that has knocked me out, but I’m groggy half the next day which historically for me is not normal. What can help?
2) is it normal for muscle pain to come when I do something basic? Ripping tape as an example, where my forearms ache or burn for a bit after. Does this clear up? It’s been almost 5 weeks now.
3) not sure if I’m getting better or not as I’ve really minimized my walking around or doing anything. Excluding walking around the house to eat or go room to room, or doctor appointment, or driving….I’ve been on a couch. Do I test a bit to see if I can handle it? Calf is still tight and I can feel it in my Achilles heal and planter facsitis, but it’s minimal. Not sure how much it can take tho.
4) doc is pushing ibuprofen or the next step up that starts with an N, can’t remember. Have not taken it cause of what I’ve read.
This stuff sucks. Ive been in short term disability from work but need to go back in 2 weeks. Been so tired due to insomnia and not sure I can sit at a computer all day, haven’t tried that either.
Hello Everyone,
My later synptoms are severe ataxia, loss of balane presure in ears and in head, lack of coordonation and now i lookfor something to hold on if i stay upright…my vison gives me trouble too sometomes blurry sometimes clear and objects moving a little…witch is stressful..
very weak overall and weak muscles, tremors in the morning..PLEASE DID SOMEBODY EXPERIENCED THE ATAXIA SYMPROMS? how did you fight this what did u do?
please guys answer my questions because i am so afraid of MS or something else?
I have been using Kratom since last two years for Chronic pain. And this magical herb has worked great for me. I did not experience any severe side effects.
Aloha Lisa,
It has been 4 months since I finished a 10 day dosage of Cipro (500mg). I have been taking the following supplements per Kerri Knox. Multivitamin, Probiotic & Vitamin D3-5000. I am also taking Dr. Carolyn Deans Remag along with a Organic Diet. I live in Hawaii and walk 5 miles a day in the sunshine. My problem is I have this off & on burning sensation in my left ankle when I am resting. I also use Ancient Minerals Magnesium Gel as needed. I am 65 years old. How long will I experience this sensation? Sorry for the long drawn out story. Mahalo, Thomas
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to say since watching the video I posted a few days back about what fq’s do to you and how to heal from it, I added Dr Carolyn Deans Remyte Solution which is a multimineral solution to my regimen and it was a total game changer. It’s keeping all my symptoms at about 95% better especially my dizzy soupy brain!
So for those who might be interested, I take 400mgs of magnesium 2 colostrum pills 2 4life transfer tri-factors kefir and a 1/2teaspoon of Remyte Solution 3x’s a day and it’s keeping me at a very good and very steady 95% better. If my vision wasn’t still blurry I wouldn’t even know I was floxed, but even that seems to be a little better.
I just pray it continues.
Need vitamin D as well.
Is an AHA like glycolic acid safe for use on skin after being floxed? As far as I know its not a steroid but im still wondering
Hello everyone,
It is going on 6 years since I was Floxed and it has been one heck of a ride. I want to thank everyone who has helped me on my road to recovery. I must say I miss running. Although I can walk again I feel my leg muscles are just not right anymore and I can not run. Maybe I’ll get there and Maybe I won’t I took my wife to the Club to work out the other day and I miss working out too! Don’t get me wrong I love being alive and that I am not in a wheelchair or hospital bed anymore. I am now 175 lbs which is much better than 114 lbs. I don’t even have to use a walker anymore just a cane. I do have the occasional fall from time to time.
Now that I developed a rare auto immune disease and have to be on immune suppressants because they really are afraid my immune system will kill me. It is like after floxing my system went into super kill mode and they can’t get it to stop. It caused Adult Auto Immune Enteropathy which sucks. But it could be worse. Any suggestions on how to get back to running again?
I hope everyone else is doing OK.
Remember Never Give up! Never Surrender!
Michael Out.
Hi Michael,
If running is difficult, why not try treading water in a pool if you have access to one. You get a whole body workout without the pressure. I met a guy in his 70’s who was recovering from cancer and started doing this. He could only manage 5 minutes to start now he can do hours at a time. His body has a six pack and he’s really fit. Just a thought xxx
Just wanted everyone to know since I’m out of my flare and doing good, I’m now gonna be stopping all supplements except magnesium, kefir and occasionaly some Remyte.
I do this because i’m pretty much afraid of all supplements, so when I start feeling better I want to stop them asap, but like I said before I never was able to stop magnesium without getting really bad, so I’ll continue taking that daily.
Also, whenever I take a natural antibacterial, antivantiviral, antifungal supplement, which colostrum is, they make me feel great for a while like 10-20 days then I start to get worse. So I think they are good when needed but not long term. I think of them as antibiotics, it’s just that they’re natural.
Anyhow just wanted you all to know.
Wish me luck????
And I hope everyone’s at least better❤
oood luck. How did your flare last for if you do not mind my asking?
Consuming too much sugar is one of the biggest enemies I personally have re pain Harriet, It sends my own pain levels, particularly the neuropathic pain I experience off the charts.
i have to avoid sugar in my diet as much as I can possibly do so, as If I slip up, & for me this applies even just a little bit, which still can happen on occasion being human, I will subsequently pay for it each time, & also big time, with a very noticeable increase in my pain levels, & for many days afterwards, Christmas should be fun methinks.
This link between the consumption of sugar & the worsening of pain experienced, particularly neuropathic pain is recognised.
Although of course consuming too much sugar in various forms is not the only culprit here re potential worsening of symptoms, & various things can set of my flares, it is I feel, particularly having seen this mentioned so often, a major culprit for so many of us Imho when it comes to increase in our pain levels.
Hi all — has anyone had surgery post-floxing? This is what I’m facing now and I’m terrified.
Quick summary: Floxed in 2009 (tendon issues, nervous system issues), experienced some recovery but have had major set-backs due to corticosteroid use and I’ve even felt that some supplements have made me worse. I’m now off all medications and supplements, and have been on a strict paleo diet for a year.
I still don’t feel well, but I’ve had some good moments lately and thought things may potentially be looking up — but I now have a hernia that needs operating on. It is not an emergency, but a doctor I trust has told me that it could very easily become an emergency situation and strongly recommended that I have surgery to repair it (he is not a surgeon himself, but he recommended I see one).
This is a situation I have been dreading for years. I feel that I am HIGHLY sensitive to all drugs and am especially afraid of the general anesthesia that is apparently fluorinated. I think having these powerful drugs would throw a wrench in any recovery I may have had and make me much worse. With all the brain fog and cognitive issues I currently have, I cant even see myself coming out of surgery as the same person. I’m worried I’ll become practically brain-dead. Or worse.
Please, has anyone had surgery since being floxed? With general anesthesia? I’m trying to at least find a surgeon that may do it with local or twilight, but I’m not sure if that will be an option. And even if it is, I’m still worried those drugs could also make me worse.
This is just awful. I have an appointment with a surgeon, am I’m guessing he will be pushing for surgery with general anesthesia. I don’t know what to do. I can put it off and ignore this (I’m not in any pain from the hernia), but then I risk being in an emergency situation which may be harder on my body and where I may not have a choice about the kind of anesthesia.
Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone. I hope ya’ll are doing OK. I just wanted to share this article on CBD oil and the pros and cons of using it.