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7 years ago
Hi all,
I posted a few weeks ago about needing surgery on an umbilical hernia. It is not an emergency, but it could become one someday so I’m considering going for it. I am afraid the anesthesia could make my flox symptoms worse. I primarily have nervous system issues (tingling, fatigue, heavy brain fog) and I do feel sensitive to many things.
I’ve met with a doctor. They would use local anesthesia via IV as follows: Propofol (an anesthetic, also called Diprivan), Fentanyl (an opioid narcotic) and Versed (a sedative, also called Midazolam).
I’ve done some research and I can’t find any evidence that these drugs cause issues for floxies or people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, nor do they seem to be considered neuro-toxic….nor are they fluorinated (as general anesthetic can be). I would not take any corticosteroids, antibiotics or NSAIDS.
I realize that no one can say for sure how I would react. I’m just curious to know if anyone out there has experience with any of these drugs AFTER being floxed? Did it make things worse? Or no difference at all?
Again, I understand that we are all different…but if anyone responds saying they felt worse after these specific drugs, it would make my decision fairly easy.
Thanks all.
7 years ago
Hi MJ I had midazolam a few months ago and was ok. I do not know about the other two drugs. Hope that helps. Take care.
7 years ago
Hey gang need some insight. I am about 2 1/2 years post flexing. Recovering but not well yet. About 6 weeks ago I started getting really bad neck pain sometimes with headaches. These are triggered when I sleep (or try to as insomnia is something I still battle). I don’t have the pain every night but probably 4 or 5 out of 7. I can hear vertebrae cracking and popping. Never had this more than 1 day or 2 prior to this episode. It is better when I am sitting and most days goes away a few hours after I get up only to return in the late afternoon. Then sometimes it goes away with sleep for a few days and other times sleep only makes it worse. Anybody think this is floxie related or is this a time where seeing a doctor might actually help? I kept thinking this was stress or sleeping wrong and would go away but……..
I am buying a new pillow today FINALLY to see if this helps and splurging for a high quality one. Going to try scheduling a massage too. Any other ideas? Tylenol does help but I don’t like relying on that approach.
7 years ago
A. Colman
Perhaps consider seeing a physiotherapist for an assessment as well.
7 years ago
I checked my vitamin B12 and D levels.
B12 level is 412.7 pmol/L. Normal range is 138-652
D level is 22.56 ng/ml.
Do vitamin D supplements can help me with anxiety?
7 years ago
Hi guys;
I was watching The Joe Rogan Experience, today, on Youtube, with Mel Gibson and Dr. Neil Riordan. They were talking about stem cells. it’s something that has always interested me, because In my opinion it could have some potential benefits for our issues.
What’s your thoughts on this? Has anyone here ever tryied it? Anyway, here’s the link about the video
Thanks for that article L, one day I will afford to visit him and get stem cell treatment , or better yet in Panama with Mel haha
Question for the men here, has any one had their testosterone levels checked ? Is there any connection to hormones and Cipro poisoning?
After being floxed and searching for answers to what happened I had mine looked at and it was in fact somewhat low for my age but I don’t recall having any issues whatsoever prior to the Cipro.
7 years ago
Guys, regarding the stem cells thing, I posted that video, because I founfd it interesting, and I wanted to know your opinion about it. But remember, stem cells infusion/injection is still a debatable practice with potential side effects, so, as always, be careful and try to seek as much information as you can about new medical procedures, before trying them.
7 years ago
Hi all,
I’m suffering from otitis from two days , and it’s painful ….
in this moment , my fever is 39 degrees ….
and I have no idea about any antibiotics that I can use and about any structure to compose fever
7 years ago
Colloidal silver can work for infection without side effects…better than these crappy antibiotics
7 years ago
Did someone try PRP ?
7 years ago
amoxicillin seems ok for me. I take half the dose prescribed to see how I go. BRICYNAL. This triggered off severe neuropathy last night after just one puff of this inhaler. I won’t be having anymore !
7 years ago
Has anyone heard of the opiod induced hyperalagesic syndrome?
7 years ago
Hello everyone,
Did not write in here for some time,
I got a little better but still have severe balance and equilibrium problems, i am like in a boat and please if someone had these kind of problems please let me know how you guys solved these:
severe balance and equilibrium problems..not diziness but in a boat feeling and rocking in all of the sides,
weahnes in legs and tight and hard muscles of the legs, the lower part.
weakness in hands and the feeling the hands wont listen to me write like i want to grab or pull or move or write or other action and have a feeling of weaknes and like the hands are by themselvs
tremors in jaw big time and in hands and body..kind of earthquake inside especialy at 5 am when i abruptly wake up..
its been 6 month since i finished the leflox..what should i expect.
i take probiotics, magnesium, vitamin complex for men, olive and coconat oil, and started no gluten type of diet..
I was at a new neorolist and prescriped me Phenibut for a month?
What do u think? everybody thinks i have just an over reacted anxiety..
i started to have muscle twiches for about sa month..everyday is different
Joanne G please provide more info about your diziness and loss of balance and how the transfer factor sup[liment helped you..thimking to order some.
Thank u all.
7 years ago
Sorry to read this. Have you heard of the MacKenzie therapy? It is about massaging trigger points to stop the spasms etc
7 years ago
jat92517,what you suggest with Epsom bath is when you are very newly flowed I guess? for long time floxies does it work? magnesium unfortunately hasn’t be beneficial for me although I take around 1000mgs a day! magnesium oil seem even to make my symptoms worse!
7 years ago
Hi Everyone,
Just a little update,
So I’m always trying different supplements to try and HEAL, but most just flare me up and remind me of just how much I’m NOT healed. For example yesterday I read how this guy totally healed himself from Levaquin toxicity in just a few weeks using only chlorella. So I took out my chlorella to try it out. I took less than the recommended dose and within an hour all my original symptoms came back very strong, and it was very scary to realize how much I haven’t healed!
So, i became very depressed, angry, and desperate to try and help myself which always results in me going to the internet to find ANYBODY that has actually been fully cured from FQ’s, and I came across this story again (I saw it numerous times before) about this lady who had been suffering from cipro for almost 3 years who never healed, almost committed suicide because of it, then she wound up getting double pneumonia and was told only levaquin would save her life. Anyhow, she knew she was never gonna get better after being floxed again, so she went to a naturopath who suggested ozone therapy and within one week all her “pain had just went away” and 7 months later it has never returned! And she was HEALED!!!!
Anyhow, I remember thinking how great and how scary it would be to have ozone therapy, but if I wasn’t healed in 3 years (its been almost 4 years) I was going to try it.
So I did some research to see if there was any scientific evidence that ozone can reverse/heal FQ damage, and I came across numerous informatiomation that scientists have discovered that FQ’s and other antibiotics are very stable, active and don’t degrade in waste water which was leading to contamination of soils and waters so they found that if they treat the waste water with OZONE before sending back out into the environment it deactivates FQ’s and other antibiotics.
Also I found one research paper about multiple doctors and scientists who are trying to understand and help FQ victims. In their summation they cite multiple reasons and scenarios FQ’s can send our bodies into total unbalance that lead to all our symptoms/reactions and ways to treat it.
The last scenerio was IF the FQ’s are still in our bodies and active/not deactivated then Ozone therapy would definitely be the treatment.
So I made an appointment for Feb.1st to get ozone therapy. It was a very big and scary decision since I have recovered a lot, but I’m not normal, I’m not healed.
I wanted to keep you all informed and ask for your prayers as I attempt to try and once and for all try and HEAL this torture.
I pray this is the answer so we ALL can heal!!!
If anyone has tried Ozone IV therapy I sure would appreciate any information or comments.
Thank you all and happy healing????
7 years ago
Hi guys. Just a little tought, since today I feel weaker than usual and with a strong headache, so I’m also very depressed and angry.
What can we do, togheter, to make doctors aware of this madness? Everytime I speak to doctors, they always seems to underestimate my symptoms, they say I’m overreacting and so on. Some of them can’t even pronounce the name of this drug correctly ! and still, they continue to prescribe them. Sometime, in my case, without a reason, just for ” prevention”. I’d like to share all this painful pages with that ignorant doctor who took away my health more than a year ago, at just 30 yrs old. What can we do, to raise our voices?
I’m sorry for all you guys. I’d never have imagined that life could be so meserable because of the ignorance of someone else. I don’t want to die like this. I don’t want to die, knowing that the person responsible for so much pain will never pay for his actions. This is just wrong.
Study reveals negative long-term effects of heavy cannabis use on brain function and behavior
Download PDF Copy
January 16, 2018
New study in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging looks at the effects of heavy cannabis use on brain function and behavior
Young people with cannabis dependence have altered brain function that may be the source of emotional disturbances and increased psychosis risk that are associated with cannabis abuse, according to a new study published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. The alterations were most pronounced in people who started using cannabis at a young age. The findings reveal potential negative long-term effects of heavy cannabis use on brain function and behavior, which remain largely unknown despite the drug’s wide use and efforts to legalize the substance.
Related Stories
Research findings may have broad implications for neurorehabilitation of amputees
New review explores effects of exposing developing brains to general anesthesia
Signaling molecules likely involved in concussions, rodent studies show
The study, by Drs. Peter Manza, Dardo Tomasi, and Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, Maryland, assessed resting brain activity data from the Human Connectome Project of 441 young adults, and compared a smaller set of 30 people who met criteria for cannabis abuse with 30 controls. People with heavy cannabis use had abnormally high connectivity in brain regions important for reward processing and habit formation. The same regions have also been pegged in the development of psychosis in previous research.
“These brain imaging data provide a link between changes in brain systems involved in reward and psychopathology and chronic cannabis abuse, suggesting a mechanism by which heavy use of this popular drug may lead to depression and other even more severe forms of mental illness,” said Dr. Cameron Carter, Editor of Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
The brain alterations were also associated with heightened feelings of negative emotionality, especially alienation, where one feels a sense of hostility or rejection from others. The link points to a potential biological mechanism for why feelings of alienation are often profoundly increased in people with cannabis dependence.
“Interestingly, the hyperconnectivity was strongest in the individuals who began using cannabis in early adolescence,” said Dr. Manza, which lines up with reports of a higher risk of psychiatric problems when cannabis use begins early in life. Adolescence is a critical period of brain development, making early use of cannabis particularly detrimental. According to Dr. Manza, the measurement of resting brain activity is a relatively easy and non-invasive procedure, so the approach could be a useful measure for tracking the development of psychiatric symptoms with cannabis use.
Hi all,
I posted a few weeks ago about needing surgery on an umbilical hernia. It is not an emergency, but it could become one someday so I’m considering going for it. I am afraid the anesthesia could make my flox symptoms worse. I primarily have nervous system issues (tingling, fatigue, heavy brain fog) and I do feel sensitive to many things.
I’ve met with a doctor. They would use local anesthesia via IV as follows: Propofol (an anesthetic, also called Diprivan), Fentanyl (an opioid narcotic) and Versed (a sedative, also called Midazolam).
I’ve done some research and I can’t find any evidence that these drugs cause issues for floxies or people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, nor do they seem to be considered neuro-toxic….nor are they fluorinated (as general anesthetic can be). I would not take any corticosteroids, antibiotics or NSAIDS.
I realize that no one can say for sure how I would react. I’m just curious to know if anyone out there has experience with any of these drugs AFTER being floxed? Did it make things worse? Or no difference at all?
Again, I understand that we are all different…but if anyone responds saying they felt worse after these specific drugs, it would make my decision fairly easy.
Thanks all.
Hi MJ I had midazolam a few months ago and was ok. I do not know about the other two drugs. Hope that helps. Take care.
Hey gang need some insight. I am about 2 1/2 years post flexing. Recovering but not well yet. About 6 weeks ago I started getting really bad neck pain sometimes with headaches. These are triggered when I sleep (or try to as insomnia is something I still battle). I don’t have the pain every night but probably 4 or 5 out of 7. I can hear vertebrae cracking and popping. Never had this more than 1 day or 2 prior to this episode. It is better when I am sitting and most days goes away a few hours after I get up only to return in the late afternoon. Then sometimes it goes away with sleep for a few days and other times sleep only makes it worse. Anybody think this is floxie related or is this a time where seeing a doctor might actually help? I kept thinking this was stress or sleeping wrong and would go away but……..
I am buying a new pillow today FINALLY to see if this helps and splurging for a high quality one. Going to try scheduling a massage too. Any other ideas? Tylenol does help but I don’t like relying on that approach.
A. Colman
Perhaps consider seeing a physiotherapist for an assessment as well.
I checked my vitamin B12 and D levels.
B12 level is 412.7 pmol/L. Normal range is 138-652
D level is 22.56 ng/ml.
Do vitamin D supplements can help me with anxiety?
Hi guys;
I was watching The Joe Rogan Experience, today, on Youtube, with Mel Gibson and Dr. Neil Riordan. They were talking about stem cells. it’s something that has always interested me, because In my opinion it could have some potential benefits for our issues.
What’s your thoughts on this? Has anyone here ever tryied it? Anyway, here’s the link about the video
Thanks for that article L, one day I will afford to visit him and get stem cell treatment , or better yet in Panama with Mel haha
Question for the men here, has any one had their testosterone levels checked ? Is there any connection to hormones and Cipro poisoning?
After being floxed and searching for answers to what happened I had mine looked at and it was in fact somewhat low for my age but I don’t recall having any issues whatsoever prior to the Cipro.
Guys, regarding the stem cells thing, I posted that video, because I founfd it interesting, and I wanted to know your opinion about it. But remember, stem cells infusion/injection is still a debatable practice with potential side effects, so, as always, be careful and try to seek as much information as you can about new medical procedures, before trying them.
Hi all,
I’m suffering from otitis from two days , and it’s painful ….
in this moment , my fever is 39 degrees ….
and I have no idea about any antibiotics that I can use and about any structure to compose fever
Colloidal silver can work for infection without side effects…better than these crappy antibiotics
Did someone try PRP ?
amoxicillin seems ok for me. I take half the dose prescribed to see how I go. BRICYNAL. This triggered off severe neuropathy last night after just one puff of this inhaler. I won’t be having anymore !
Has anyone heard of the opiod induced hyperalagesic syndrome?
Hello everyone,
Did not write in here for some time,
I got a little better but still have severe balance and equilibrium problems, i am like in a boat and please if someone had these kind of problems please let me know how you guys solved these:
severe balance and equilibrium problems..not diziness but in a boat feeling and rocking in all of the sides,
weahnes in legs and tight and hard muscles of the legs, the lower part.
weakness in hands and the feeling the hands wont listen to me write like i want to grab or pull or move or write or other action and have a feeling of weaknes and like the hands are by themselvs
tremors in jaw big time and in hands and body..kind of earthquake inside especialy at 5 am when i abruptly wake up..
its been 6 month since i finished the leflox..what should i expect.
i take probiotics, magnesium, vitamin complex for men, olive and coconat oil, and started no gluten type of diet..
I was at a new neorolist and prescriped me Phenibut for a month?
What do u think? everybody thinks i have just an over reacted anxiety..
i started to have muscle twiches for about sa month..everyday is different
Joanne G please provide more info about your diziness and loss of balance and how the transfer factor sup[liment helped you..thimking to order some.
Thank u all.
Sorry to read this. Have you heard of the MacKenzie therapy? It is about massaging trigger points to stop the spasms etc
jat92517,what you suggest with Epsom bath is when you are very newly flowed I guess? for long time floxies does it work? magnesium unfortunately hasn’t be beneficial for me although I take around 1000mgs a day! magnesium oil seem even to make my symptoms worse!
Hi Everyone,
Just a little update,
So I’m always trying different supplements to try and HEAL, but most just flare me up and remind me of just how much I’m NOT healed. For example yesterday I read how this guy totally healed himself from Levaquin toxicity in just a few weeks using only chlorella. So I took out my chlorella to try it out. I took less than the recommended dose and within an hour all my original symptoms came back very strong, and it was very scary to realize how much I haven’t healed!
So, i became very depressed, angry, and desperate to try and help myself which always results in me going to the internet to find ANYBODY that has actually been fully cured from FQ’s, and I came across this story again (I saw it numerous times before) about this lady who had been suffering from cipro for almost 3 years who never healed, almost committed suicide because of it, then she wound up getting double pneumonia and was told only levaquin would save her life. Anyhow, she knew she was never gonna get better after being floxed again, so she went to a naturopath who suggested ozone therapy and within one week all her “pain had just went away” and 7 months later it has never returned! And she was HEALED!!!!
Anyhow, I remember thinking how great and how scary it would be to have ozone therapy, but if I wasn’t healed in 3 years (its been almost 4 years) I was going to try it.
So I did some research to see if there was any scientific evidence that ozone can reverse/heal FQ damage, and I came across numerous informatiomation that scientists have discovered that FQ’s and other antibiotics are very stable, active and don’t degrade in waste water which was leading to contamination of soils and waters so they found that if they treat the waste water with OZONE before sending back out into the environment it deactivates FQ’s and other antibiotics.
Also I found one research paper about multiple doctors and scientists who are trying to understand and help FQ victims. In their summation they cite multiple reasons and scenarios FQ’s can send our bodies into total unbalance that lead to all our symptoms/reactions and ways to treat it.
The last scenerio was IF the FQ’s are still in our bodies and active/not deactivated then Ozone therapy would definitely be the treatment.
So I made an appointment for Feb.1st to get ozone therapy. It was a very big and scary decision since I have recovered a lot, but I’m not normal, I’m not healed.
I wanted to keep you all informed and ask for your prayers as I attempt to try and once and for all try and HEAL this torture.
I pray this is the answer so we ALL can heal!!!
If anyone has tried Ozone IV therapy I sure would appreciate any information or comments.
Thank you all and happy healing????
Hi guys. Just a little tought, since today I feel weaker than usual and with a strong headache, so I’m also very depressed and angry.
What can we do, togheter, to make doctors aware of this madness? Everytime I speak to doctors, they always seems to underestimate my symptoms, they say I’m overreacting and so on. Some of them can’t even pronounce the name of this drug correctly ! and still, they continue to prescribe them. Sometime, in my case, without a reason, just for ” prevention”. I’d like to share all this painful pages with that ignorant doctor who took away my health more than a year ago, at just 30 yrs old. What can we do, to raise our voices?
I’m sorry for all you guys. I’d never have imagined that life could be so meserable because of the ignorance of someone else. I don’t want to die like this. I don’t want to die, knowing that the person responsible for so much pain will never pay for his actions. This is just wrong.
Study reveals negative long-term effects of heavy cannabis use on brain function and behavior
Download PDF Copy
January 16, 2018
New study in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging looks at the effects of heavy cannabis use on brain function and behavior
Young people with cannabis dependence have altered brain function that may be the source of emotional disturbances and increased psychosis risk that are associated with cannabis abuse, according to a new study published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. The alterations were most pronounced in people who started using cannabis at a young age. The findings reveal potential negative long-term effects of heavy cannabis use on brain function and behavior, which remain largely unknown despite the drug’s wide use and efforts to legalize the substance.
Related Stories
Research findings may have broad implications for neurorehabilitation of amputees
New review explores effects of exposing developing brains to general anesthesia
Signaling molecules likely involved in concussions, rodent studies show
The study, by Drs. Peter Manza, Dardo Tomasi, and Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, Maryland, assessed resting brain activity data from the Human Connectome Project of 441 young adults, and compared a smaller set of 30 people who met criteria for cannabis abuse with 30 controls. People with heavy cannabis use had abnormally high connectivity in brain regions important for reward processing and habit formation. The same regions have also been pegged in the development of psychosis in previous research.
“These brain imaging data provide a link between changes in brain systems involved in reward and psychopathology and chronic cannabis abuse, suggesting a mechanism by which heavy use of this popular drug may lead to depression and other even more severe forms of mental illness,” said Dr. Cameron Carter, Editor of Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
The brain alterations were also associated with heightened feelings of negative emotionality, especially alienation, where one feels a sense of hostility or rejection from others. The link points to a potential biological mechanism for why feelings of alienation are often profoundly increased in people with cannabis dependence.
“Interestingly, the hyperconnectivity was strongest in the individuals who began using cannabis in early adolescence,” said Dr. Manza, which lines up with reports of a higher risk of psychiatric problems when cannabis use begins early in life. Adolescence is a critical period of brain development, making early use of cannabis particularly detrimental. According to Dr. Manza, the measurement of resting brain activity is a relatively easy and non-invasive procedure, so the approach could be a useful measure for tracking the development of psychiatric symptoms with cannabis use.