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7 years ago
Thanks for all the responses regarding Cold-EEZE. I actually do try to use the sugar free ones when possible, and have always been fine. The sugar/corn syrup was indeed my biggest concern as I have been avoiding sugar for years. I don’t even eat fruit. Maybe the sugar from the Cold-EEZE was a shock to my system. Again, I was worried this could happen, but for god sakes, I figured I’d just feel bad for a day or so…I never believed it would kickstart an entire new reaction/cycle!?!
Ultimately I will never know and, L, I think you are onto something that sometimes these relapses just happen without a clear cause. I just hope this is short lasting and isn’t too much of a setback.
Anyone who is interested in learning about the dangers of fluoride should read, “The Devil’s Poison: How fluoride is killing you” by Dean Murphy, DDS. It’s interesting. The title is a bit too inflammatory for my taste, and, warning, he concludes that the Russians are trying to lower our collective IQs (which, I suppose is possible, but it seems a bit shark-jumpy and unlikely), but, other than those things, it’s a good and informative book.
Don Mowers
6 years ago
Since realizing that I have become a victim of fluoride toxicity I am finding that there is a mountain of literature out there. One just has to find it, read it and not let it happen to you.
6 years ago
There was a nice graphic showing the restaurants with the most antibiotics in their food, but since I can’t post a picture, here is an article that lists those places (hopefully you’re not eating there anyway!) further down.
Barbara received this email from Dr. Carolyn Dean, forwarded it to me, and I am now sharing it with you. 🙂
There are a staggering number of different magnesium supplements on the market. If you search for “magnesium” in the Health product category on Amazon, there are over 8,000 results!
So, with so many to choose from, how can you pick one that is going to be the safest and most effective? This list will help you in your search.
1. Read the label
Many magnesium products contain compounds that are not easily absorbed – or only provide a small increment of elemental magnesium. The 3 most popular magnesium formulations are magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, and magnesium glycinate. In one clinical study, amino acid chelates like magnesium glycinate demonstrate higher bioavailability than inorganic compounds like magnesium oxide which is only absorbed by 4%. The bioavailabilities of magnesium aspartate, magnesium citrate, magnesium lactate, and magnesium malate fall somewhere in between. In a clinical trial of 16 subjects, magnesium chloride absorption was found to be the highest of all magnesium forms.
2. Look for purity
Ask for the manufacturer’s certificate of authenticity to review for label claims and heavy metal content. Some magnesium tablets contain titanium dioxide, an insoluble whitening agent. Although “Generally Recognized as Safe” by the US Food and Drug Administration, titanium dioxide has been linked in research to cancer and neurological damage.
3. Check for ingredient safety
Many magnesium brands record elemental magnesium levels that in one serving exceed magnesium’s established upper limit of 350 mg per day. This is a red-flag for consumers indicating that the formulas have not been developed by a doctor or by using FDA guidelines.
4. Calculate the value
Consider magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate. Often these tablets or capsules will come in 400 mg servings. But, these are just a magnesium compound wherein the ions of each element – constantly ionize and then bind together. When they are bound together they are not absorbed into the cells. With this type of product, the best cellular absorption is probably about 20%. So, you think you’re getting 400 mg when you’re really only getting 80 mgs!
Hopefully, this list will help you narrow your search and find the best formula.
And, if you want to make it easy on yourself, then try our very own ReMag magnesium formula. It ticks all four of the boxes above and its pico-meter molecule size means more magnesium gets absorbed and less magnesium gets expelled.
I have gastritis and it gaves me nausea. Currently I am using mirtazapine 30mg and sulpiride 200mg. I want to quit sulpiride and take some natural product.
What you recommend?
What about mastic gum? Does it kill good bacteria in our gut? Can it make my simptoms worse? I am using probiotics.
Henk Noordhuizen
6 years ago
Kantarion tea;Never heard that name. here it’s called Sint John’s Wort.
Don Mowers
6 years ago
I have no idea if they would help and this is NOT a recommendation but one might look into Aangamik DMG. Aangamik DMG (dimethylglycine), or vitamin B-15, is a natural compound known for supporting circulatory health, cardiovascular function and the immune system. DMG also promotes muscle health, endurance and recovery through its effect on lactic acid. Caution with it though. HIGH DOSAGES repeated over several days could cause irritability, insomnia, restlessness, and heart beating faster or heart rhythm disturbances, therefore it is best to use the lowest dosage that works.
Also D-Ribose 11 Incredible Health Benefits of D-Ribose – with Side Effects
But be aware of these side effects. By inducing protein aggregation and rapidly producing AGEs (advanced glycation end products), D-ribose may be involved in cell dysfunction and cognitive impairments [R, R].
Long-term oral administration of D-Ribose induces memory loss with anxiety-like behavior and also elevates Aβ-like deposition and Tau hyperphosphorylation associated with Alzheimer’s [R].
Would they be of any benefit? One must look at them and decide for themselves.
6 years ago
Well, I was going to leave a referral for someone on this site for an integrative MD and was unable to get it. However, I was directed to the site. OF course it is always best to try to get a referral from someone who has already worked with a doctor, but if you can’t, here a search for integrative doctors that was sent to me by the office that was closing.
Steph OG
6 years ago
So I now get Medicare and can’t seem to find a flipping dr that accepts Medicare. The one I’m going to in Thursday I have no clue if he will make fun of me or write I’m crazy in the notes. At least twice a week I can’t move or my heart beats so fast I feel like passing out. It has been like this for 3yrs and I’m sick of it. I’m sorry I’m usually much more positive but I’m scared to get made fun of again I’m so tired of this stupid need to make drs believe when it’s a double black box medication and they all have that look of what…… I don’t know what to do I’m just tired that every dr listed in the darn Medicare website no longer accepts Medicare
6 years ago
I haven’t read a full slate of comments in a while, but it seems that people are not listening to John regarding getting magnesium through saturated foot soaks. I have been doing them religiously and following Kerrie’s diet and supplement protocol (with adjustments according to trial and error, as some of the dosages are too high for me), and going to Chinese acupuncture.
I was on Xanax, then Clonopin, Lunesta and other meds to try to sleep. I am off all of them.
Don’t go on a benzo if you can help it. Getting off of them after extended use is tricky and
unpleasant if not done properly.
No more neuropathy. Gone. For several weeks now. No reoccurence. No more brain
fog. No more anxiety about floxing.
The only areas that act up as far as tendons are those that were already weak before getting floxed, but they are getting much better. Exercise every day, a different type every day. Sleep is hugely important. I also got my medical cannabis license from the state. There is a strain they offer that is very good for sleep. Valerian and melatonin are are good too, but must be from a good company. The melatonin has to be taken a few hours before bedtime.
Just before bedtime is too late. The valerian takes at least 30 minutes to take effect. It is contraindicated with some meds, so do proper research and ask a doctor first. I haven’t needed the valerian for weeks. The melatonin dosage needs to be played with. I was taking 3mg, but it was making me drowsy in the morning, so I cut the pill by 1/3, and take 2 mg.
Next time I buy it, I will just buy 2mg or 1 mg pills.
Meditation is also excellent, as it offers a different realm of consciousness than the one where all the worry occurs.
Coconut oil for brain clarity, kefir and kombucha for digestive recovery, good organic protein sources, calcium through diet, and breathing techniques by Andrew Weil. Pure clean water (lots of it) and good supplements. Organic bone broth and Okra for collagen, and collagen supplements suggested by Kerrie. I sautee the okra with onions, garlic and turmeric, and add to other vegetables or dishes. Sometimes throw in organic chicken or wild fish. Don’t overcook it.
And, really important – meditation, which creates separation from the anxiety while going through healing, and helps balance the central nervous system, and simply feels good and helps going into a deeper place from which to survey one’s life.
As far as attacking the Cipro damage, they are all important for me. If I miss a magnesium
soak, the joint popping sometimes comes back the next morning, but nothing like before, where it seemed my knees and
shoulders were going to separate from their sockets, because the connective muscle and tendon tissues were getting brittle, and losing their flexibility, and pulling the tissues away from the joints. Was going into my shoulders and neck and thumbs also. Very little discomfort now.
It has to be a dedicated vigilant holistic attack, on all fronts, and then the body responds magnificently, as it wants to and is ready to heal. The Chinese acupuncture and herbs, if the person knows what they are doing, can reverse the aberrant autonomic response from floxing. They can focus the treatment on the autonomic and central nervous system, which
was triggered by the fluorquinolone to attack the connective and brain tissues.
I recommend to not delay, trust the process, and review it all with a doctor (which I am not)
before following anything expressed here. Just want to let people know it can be reversed –
living proof. I experience great relief for days after the acupuncture treatments, and feel the herbs giving me a calm energy.
Trust the power of life that is already within you. See the movie “Heal” on Apple TV.
Trust the process. Affirm to your inner self that you are healing, and visualize it. The
body’s internal intelligence will respond, but you have to give it the tools to do so.
These are just the things that worked for me, and continue to work. Try what feels good and works, but I found that these things have to be given a chance, and the correct dosages and possible reactions to supplements have to be discovered by trial and error. For example, I was taking way too much Magnesium until I did the foot soaks, and had loose stools, nausea, heart palpitations for 3 or 4 days in a row, and then backed off. The Epsom foot soaks are best because the body takes only what it needs. Certain supplements did not jive with my body.
Avoid sugar and alcohol during the healing process. Absolutely. Stop smoking.
I guess this seems like preaching, but these are all things I tell myself (I haven’t smoked for many years, and don’t drink at all anyhow). Stopping sugar is a challenge, but it depresses the immune system and causes fatigue.
I found that the natural things that I could take for the rest of my life without any negative side effects seem to be the most welcomed by my body. The one unknown for me is the Chinese herbs, as I have no idea what’s in them. He makes a different mixture every time I see him, according to what he diagnosed that day. But, the Chinese acupuncturist I see says they won’t interfere with other meds or protocols, and have no negative side effects, which so far seems to be true. I would add caution, however, if someone is
taking other herbs as well. Tell the acupuncturist everything you are doing to fight the floxing, and he/she can tell you if there is a contraindication.
Run everything by a doctor who is at least aware of floxing and knows your medical history before following these suggestions. It seems to me the floxing attacks the places in the body that were already weak before the floxing. It seems insidious, but it is just the autonomic system being misdirected and confused, and has to be corrected and reversed. And the weak areas need to be helped, supported and fed with nourishment, proper attention and rest so they can heal.
And a good attitude. Especially not to see yourself as a victim, as that will lead you down a dark hole. That can be reversed in a few seconds, if you choose to do so. One split second of consciousness and embracing of life can save you from a entire future of negative living and regret, and feeling sorry. It will also infuse hope and energy into your being, which the body will really respond to. It only takes a split second of light for years of darkness to disappear.
Best wishes and happy healing to all.
6 years ago
4 years later just had another flare up, my whole body hurts I’m only 27
6 years ago
NEW FLOX SYMPTOM – what is my future likely to hold?
So, I am about 2 1/2 years post floxing and finally making some significant improvement. I had started having “normal” days. Not 100%, but so close as not to matter. In fact in February alone I had 13 of these days – nearly half.
Then last Thursday I woke up with a mild buzzing in my ears. By around noon it went away. Then yesterday I woke up and it was back – this time not so lucky as it has decided to stick around.
I know that tinnitus is a floxie symptom, but I don’t read much about floxies successfully dealing with this. I scrubbed the last two years of comments on this thread and didn’t find much other than people reporting they had tinnitus. I read one recovery story where someone reported getting better. Do people learn how to “deal” with it? Do they get better and fail to share? Anybody else go over two years without a floxie symptom only to have it show up?
Hearing is one area where my “abilities” actually improved with floxing. I can hear EVERYTHING!! I can hear co-workers two rows away if I concentrate. The clock ticking at night in our bathroom down the hall was so bad that we had to start keeping the door closed. I did a simple on-line hearing analysis, my hearing isn’t going. In fact this simple test rated me at 97% and said it was highly unlikely that I had any hearing issues. So, the tinitus isn’t a complete surprise – maybe all this “loud” noise finally damaged my hearing.
I have read enough online already to learn that fixating on tinnitus only makes it worse as there is no “real” sound only perceived sound. But that is easier said than done. I only got about 3 to 4 hours of sleep last night. That is disheartening as the insomnia, which has continued to dog me post-floxing was also starting to get better – I had been averaging 5 to 6 hours of sleep; close to normal. I also know that tinnitus sometimes gets better in a “regular” person after a few months and with ear cleaning. I already downloaded a white noise app to my iPad and that is what helped me get a couple of hours of sleep early in the morning.
So, my ask of my fellow floxies to help me “believe” and not fixate on my tinnitus – Have you gotten over flox-induced tinnitus? If so please reply to give me some hope. Let me know how long it took, because I know other than the above there are no real solutions to tinnitus.
Thanks – A.Coleman
Don Mowers
6 years ago
WHY? Why when I post something not off color but relevant to floxing do I get a notice that “your comment is up for review” or NOTHING AND IT IS NEVER POSTED? Only replies to individual posts seem to be shown. Any answers anyone?
6 years ago
Tinnitus can be due to a number of things. Besides the effects of the antibiotics, it can be due to pressure on a delicate bone by the ear, which could be under pressure from stress in the jaw (have you been grinding your teeth or do you have TMJ?) or ear wax. It can also be caused by heightened activation of a set of neurons in the brain that affect hearing, which is how SSRI’s like Prozac or Zoloft trigger tinnitus. It is possible that the antibiotic affects the same neurons, I don’t know. In any case, I had tinnitus before the floxing, but it was jaw related and stopped by using Invisalign teeth straighteners, which also re-set the jaw bone.
But then, due to a genetic condition, I started taking an SSRI, and the tinnitus came on strong until I reduced dosage and the body got used to the SSRI. Cipro seems to have
contributed to it. Since then, following the regime, the tinnitus is greatly reduced and I don’t notice it. I also notice that if I start to notice the tinnitus, when I clear the pressure in my ears, as when on a plane flight,
the tinnitus diminishes, which means I need to remove some ear wax.
Chiropractic is said to help if the tinnitus is jaw related. Acupuncture is also said to help with that, and possibly if the tinnitus is due to over-stimulated neurons. If you are taking other meds, you may want to discuss with your doctor if experimenting with lower dosage might be attempted, to see if the tinnitus is reduced as a result.
Tinnitus is elusive, because it can be caused by many things, but there is a cause for it, and the cause is particular to you. You need to determine which cause is
the one that is causing your case of tinnitus. If your stress goes to your jaw, that is a good place to start, and start doing breathing exercises. Get a CD called “Breathing – the Master Key to Self Healing” by Andrew Weil. On Amazon. He was a professor of mine many years ago and is a very good resource for integrated medicine treatments. The exercises will help with more than just reducing stress. They are very powerful for regulating the central nervous system and all the systems it controls if done regularly.
Again, run any such advice by your health care practitioner before implementing. I am not a doctor and only speaking from my personal experience. My health situation is unique, due to genetic factors, so each person should consult with a professional before impulsively trying the first thing presented to you by someone you don’t know.
Don Mowers
6 years ago
I just ran on to this web site
It discusses poisoning from Fluoroquinolone antibiotics as well as many other toxicities induced by other drugs. I give no approval or any other suggestion. Just passing it on.
If your interested read what is available on the web site.
6 years ago
It’s magnesium deficiency. Cipro sucks it out of your cells at the mitochondrial level. I was in a wheelchair for four months . Completely recovered after magnesium regimen. You can take it in pill form not salts. Check symptoms of magnesium deficiency on line. They are all the same as what you are experiencing. My doctors figured this out quickly. I’m shocked people are still unaware of this information about magnesium. Please please start. You will notice changes within first weeks.
6 years ago
From Wikipedia :
“While silver is potentially toxic to humans at high doses, the risk of serious harm from low doses, given over a short term, is slight. Treatment of external infections is considered safe; oral use of colloidal silver is safe for short term administration if the dose is low. Silver is used in some medical appliances because of its anti-microbial nature, which stems from the oligodynamic effect. Chronic ingestion or inhalation of silver preparations (especially colloidal silver) can lead to argyria in the skin and other organs. This is not life-threatening, but is considered by most to be cosmetically undesirable.”
6 years ago
Hi everyone. Today I’ve done a cistoscopy. Long story short the doctor prescribed me Fosfomycin to take for 2 days. Any info about it? I’m supposed to take it tonight, to avoid any infection. I’m already taking d-mannose and cranberry.
Thanks for all the responses regarding Cold-EEZE. I actually do try to use the sugar free ones when possible, and have always been fine. The sugar/corn syrup was indeed my biggest concern as I have been avoiding sugar for years. I don’t even eat fruit. Maybe the sugar from the Cold-EEZE was a shock to my system. Again, I was worried this could happen, but for god sakes, I figured I’d just feel bad for a day or so…I never believed it would kickstart an entire new reaction/cycle!?!
Ultimately I will never know and, L, I think you are onto something that sometimes these relapses just happen without a clear cause. I just hope this is short lasting and isn’t too much of a setback.
This is a very interesting article about fluoride toxicity. You might like to read it.
Anyone who is interested in learning about the dangers of fluoride should read, “The Devil’s Poison: How fluoride is killing you” by Dean Murphy, DDS. It’s interesting. The title is a bit too inflammatory for my taste, and, warning, he concludes that the Russians are trying to lower our collective IQs (which, I suppose is possible, but it seems a bit shark-jumpy and unlikely), but, other than those things, it’s a good and informative book.
Since realizing that I have become a victim of fluoride toxicity I am finding that there is a mountain of literature out there. One just has to find it, read it and not let it happen to you.
There was a nice graphic showing the restaurants with the most antibiotics in their food, but since I can’t post a picture, here is an article that lists those places (hopefully you’re not eating there anyway!) further down.
Barbara received this email from Dr. Carolyn Dean, forwarded it to me, and I am now sharing it with you. 🙂
There are a staggering number of different magnesium supplements on the market. If you search for “magnesium” in the Health product category on Amazon, there are over 8,000 results!
So, with so many to choose from, how can you pick one that is going to be the safest and most effective? This list will help you in your search.
1. Read the label
Many magnesium products contain compounds that are not easily absorbed – or only provide a small increment of elemental magnesium. The 3 most popular magnesium formulations are magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, and magnesium glycinate. In one clinical study, amino acid chelates like magnesium glycinate demonstrate higher bioavailability than inorganic compounds like magnesium oxide which is only absorbed by 4%. The bioavailabilities of magnesium aspartate, magnesium citrate, magnesium lactate, and magnesium malate fall somewhere in between. In a clinical trial of 16 subjects, magnesium chloride absorption was found to be the highest of all magnesium forms.
2. Look for purity
Ask for the manufacturer’s certificate of authenticity to review for label claims and heavy metal content. Some magnesium tablets contain titanium dioxide, an insoluble whitening agent. Although “Generally Recognized as Safe” by the US Food and Drug Administration, titanium dioxide has been linked in research to cancer and neurological damage.
3. Check for ingredient safety
Many magnesium brands record elemental magnesium levels that in one serving exceed magnesium’s established upper limit of 350 mg per day. This is a red-flag for consumers indicating that the formulas have not been developed by a doctor or by using FDA guidelines.
4. Calculate the value
Consider magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate. Often these tablets or capsules will come in 400 mg servings. But, these are just a magnesium compound wherein the ions of each element – constantly ionize and then bind together. When they are bound together they are not absorbed into the cells. With this type of product, the best cellular absorption is probably about 20%. So, you think you’re getting 400 mg when you’re really only getting 80 mgs!
Hopefully, this list will help you narrow your search and find the best formula.
And, if you want to make it easy on yourself, then try our very own ReMag magnesium formula. It ticks all four of the boxes above and its pico-meter molecule size means more magnesium gets absorbed and less magnesium gets expelled.
You can find ReMag here:
Dr. Carolyn Dean
I have gastritis and it gaves me nausea. Currently I am using mirtazapine 30mg and sulpiride 200mg. I want to quit sulpiride and take some natural product.
What you recommend?
What about mastic gum? Does it kill good bacteria in our gut? Can it make my simptoms worse? I am using probiotics.
Kantarion tea;Never heard that name. here it’s called Sint John’s Wort.
I have no idea if they would help and this is NOT a recommendation but one might look into Aangamik DMG. Aangamik DMG (dimethylglycine), or vitamin B-15, is a natural compound known for supporting circulatory health, cardiovascular function and the immune system. DMG also promotes muscle health, endurance and recovery through its effect on lactic acid. Caution with it though. HIGH DOSAGES repeated over several days could cause irritability, insomnia, restlessness, and heart beating faster or heart rhythm disturbances, therefore it is best to use the lowest dosage that works.
Also D-Ribose 11 Incredible Health Benefits of D-Ribose – with Side Effects
But be aware of these side effects. By inducing protein aggregation and rapidly producing AGEs (advanced glycation end products), D-ribose may be involved in cell dysfunction and cognitive impairments [R, R].
Long-term oral administration of D-Ribose induces memory loss with anxiety-like behavior and also elevates Aβ-like deposition and Tau hyperphosphorylation associated with Alzheimer’s [R].
Would they be of any benefit? One must look at them and decide for themselves.
Well, I was going to leave a referral for someone on this site for an integrative MD and was unable to get it. However, I was directed to the site. OF course it is always best to try to get a referral from someone who has already worked with a doctor, but if you can’t, here a search for integrative doctors that was sent to me by the office that was closing.
So I now get Medicare and can’t seem to find a flipping dr that accepts Medicare. The one I’m going to in Thursday I have no clue if he will make fun of me or write I’m crazy in the notes. At least twice a week I can’t move or my heart beats so fast I feel like passing out. It has been like this for 3yrs and I’m sick of it. I’m sorry I’m usually much more positive but I’m scared to get made fun of again I’m so tired of this stupid need to make drs believe when it’s a double black box medication and they all have that look of what…… I don’t know what to do I’m just tired that every dr listed in the darn Medicare website no longer accepts Medicare
I haven’t read a full slate of comments in a while, but it seems that people are not listening to John regarding getting magnesium through saturated foot soaks. I have been doing them religiously and following Kerrie’s diet and supplement protocol (with adjustments according to trial and error, as some of the dosages are too high for me), and going to Chinese acupuncture.
I was on Xanax, then Clonopin, Lunesta and other meds to try to sleep. I am off all of them.
Don’t go on a benzo if you can help it. Getting off of them after extended use is tricky and
unpleasant if not done properly.
No more neuropathy. Gone. For several weeks now. No reoccurence. No more brain
fog. No more anxiety about floxing.
The only areas that act up as far as tendons are those that were already weak before getting floxed, but they are getting much better. Exercise every day, a different type every day. Sleep is hugely important. I also got my medical cannabis license from the state. There is a strain they offer that is very good for sleep. Valerian and melatonin are are good too, but must be from a good company. The melatonin has to be taken a few hours before bedtime.
Just before bedtime is too late. The valerian takes at least 30 minutes to take effect. It is contraindicated with some meds, so do proper research and ask a doctor first. I haven’t needed the valerian for weeks. The melatonin dosage needs to be played with. I was taking 3mg, but it was making me drowsy in the morning, so I cut the pill by 1/3, and take 2 mg.
Next time I buy it, I will just buy 2mg or 1 mg pills.
Meditation is also excellent, as it offers a different realm of consciousness than the one where all the worry occurs.
Coconut oil for brain clarity, kefir and kombucha for digestive recovery, good organic protein sources, calcium through diet, and breathing techniques by Andrew Weil. Pure clean water (lots of it) and good supplements. Organic bone broth and Okra for collagen, and collagen supplements suggested by Kerrie. I sautee the okra with onions, garlic and turmeric, and add to other vegetables or dishes. Sometimes throw in organic chicken or wild fish. Don’t overcook it.
And, really important – meditation, which creates separation from the anxiety while going through healing, and helps balance the central nervous system, and simply feels good and helps going into a deeper place from which to survey one’s life.
As far as attacking the Cipro damage, they are all important for me. If I miss a magnesium
soak, the joint popping sometimes comes back the next morning, but nothing like before, where it seemed my knees and
shoulders were going to separate from their sockets, because the connective muscle and tendon tissues were getting brittle, and losing their flexibility, and pulling the tissues away from the joints. Was going into my shoulders and neck and thumbs also. Very little discomfort now.
It has to be a dedicated vigilant holistic attack, on all fronts, and then the body responds magnificently, as it wants to and is ready to heal. The Chinese acupuncture and herbs, if the person knows what they are doing, can reverse the aberrant autonomic response from floxing. They can focus the treatment on the autonomic and central nervous system, which
was triggered by the fluorquinolone to attack the connective and brain tissues.
I recommend to not delay, trust the process, and review it all with a doctor (which I am not)
before following anything expressed here. Just want to let people know it can be reversed –
living proof. I experience great relief for days after the acupuncture treatments, and feel the herbs giving me a calm energy.
Trust the power of life that is already within you. See the movie “Heal” on Apple TV.
Trust the process. Affirm to your inner self that you are healing, and visualize it. The
body’s internal intelligence will respond, but you have to give it the tools to do so.
These are just the things that worked for me, and continue to work. Try what feels good and works, but I found that these things have to be given a chance, and the correct dosages and possible reactions to supplements have to be discovered by trial and error. For example, I was taking way too much Magnesium until I did the foot soaks, and had loose stools, nausea, heart palpitations for 3 or 4 days in a row, and then backed off. The Epsom foot soaks are best because the body takes only what it needs. Certain supplements did not jive with my body.
Avoid sugar and alcohol during the healing process. Absolutely. Stop smoking.
I guess this seems like preaching, but these are all things I tell myself (I haven’t smoked for many years, and don’t drink at all anyhow). Stopping sugar is a challenge, but it depresses the immune system and causes fatigue.
I found that the natural things that I could take for the rest of my life without any negative side effects seem to be the most welcomed by my body. The one unknown for me is the Chinese herbs, as I have no idea what’s in them. He makes a different mixture every time I see him, according to what he diagnosed that day. But, the Chinese acupuncturist I see says they won’t interfere with other meds or protocols, and have no negative side effects, which so far seems to be true. I would add caution, however, if someone is
taking other herbs as well. Tell the acupuncturist everything you are doing to fight the floxing, and he/she can tell you if there is a contraindication.
Run everything by a doctor who is at least aware of floxing and knows your medical history before following these suggestions. It seems to me the floxing attacks the places in the body that were already weak before the floxing. It seems insidious, but it is just the autonomic system being misdirected and confused, and has to be corrected and reversed. And the weak areas need to be helped, supported and fed with nourishment, proper attention and rest so they can heal.
And a good attitude. Especially not to see yourself as a victim, as that will lead you down a dark hole. That can be reversed in a few seconds, if you choose to do so. One split second of consciousness and embracing of life can save you from a entire future of negative living and regret, and feeling sorry. It will also infuse hope and energy into your being, which the body will really respond to. It only takes a split second of light for years of darkness to disappear.
Best wishes and happy healing to all.
4 years later just had another flare up, my whole body hurts I’m only 27
NEW FLOX SYMPTOM – what is my future likely to hold?
So, I am about 2 1/2 years post floxing and finally making some significant improvement. I had started having “normal” days. Not 100%, but so close as not to matter. In fact in February alone I had 13 of these days – nearly half.
Then last Thursday I woke up with a mild buzzing in my ears. By around noon it went away. Then yesterday I woke up and it was back – this time not so lucky as it has decided to stick around.
I know that tinnitus is a floxie symptom, but I don’t read much about floxies successfully dealing with this. I scrubbed the last two years of comments on this thread and didn’t find much other than people reporting they had tinnitus. I read one recovery story where someone reported getting better. Do people learn how to “deal” with it? Do they get better and fail to share? Anybody else go over two years without a floxie symptom only to have it show up?
Hearing is one area where my “abilities” actually improved with floxing. I can hear EVERYTHING!! I can hear co-workers two rows away if I concentrate. The clock ticking at night in our bathroom down the hall was so bad that we had to start keeping the door closed. I did a simple on-line hearing analysis, my hearing isn’t going. In fact this simple test rated me at 97% and said it was highly unlikely that I had any hearing issues. So, the tinitus isn’t a complete surprise – maybe all this “loud” noise finally damaged my hearing.
I have read enough online already to learn that fixating on tinnitus only makes it worse as there is no “real” sound only perceived sound. But that is easier said than done. I only got about 3 to 4 hours of sleep last night. That is disheartening as the insomnia, which has continued to dog me post-floxing was also starting to get better – I had been averaging 5 to 6 hours of sleep; close to normal. I also know that tinnitus sometimes gets better in a “regular” person after a few months and with ear cleaning. I already downloaded a white noise app to my iPad and that is what helped me get a couple of hours of sleep early in the morning.
So, my ask of my fellow floxies to help me “believe” and not fixate on my tinnitus – Have you gotten over flox-induced tinnitus? If so please reply to give me some hope. Let me know how long it took, because I know other than the above there are no real solutions to tinnitus.
Thanks – A.Coleman
WHY? Why when I post something not off color but relevant to floxing do I get a notice that “your comment is up for review” or NOTHING AND IT IS NEVER POSTED? Only replies to individual posts seem to be shown. Any answers anyone?
Tinnitus can be due to a number of things. Besides the effects of the antibiotics, it can be due to pressure on a delicate bone by the ear, which could be under pressure from stress in the jaw (have you been grinding your teeth or do you have TMJ?) or ear wax. It can also be caused by heightened activation of a set of neurons in the brain that affect hearing, which is how SSRI’s like Prozac or Zoloft trigger tinnitus. It is possible that the antibiotic affects the same neurons, I don’t know. In any case, I had tinnitus before the floxing, but it was jaw related and stopped by using Invisalign teeth straighteners, which also re-set the jaw bone.
But then, due to a genetic condition, I started taking an SSRI, and the tinnitus came on strong until I reduced dosage and the body got used to the SSRI. Cipro seems to have
contributed to it. Since then, following the regime, the tinnitus is greatly reduced and I don’t notice it. I also notice that if I start to notice the tinnitus, when I clear the pressure in my ears, as when on a plane flight,
the tinnitus diminishes, which means I need to remove some ear wax.
Chiropractic is said to help if the tinnitus is jaw related. Acupuncture is also said to help with that, and possibly if the tinnitus is due to over-stimulated neurons. If you are taking other meds, you may want to discuss with your doctor if experimenting with lower dosage might be attempted, to see if the tinnitus is reduced as a result.
Tinnitus is elusive, because it can be caused by many things, but there is a cause for it, and the cause is particular to you. You need to determine which cause is
the one that is causing your case of tinnitus. If your stress goes to your jaw, that is a good place to start, and start doing breathing exercises. Get a CD called “Breathing – the Master Key to Self Healing” by Andrew Weil. On Amazon. He was a professor of mine many years ago and is a very good resource for integrated medicine treatments. The exercises will help with more than just reducing stress. They are very powerful for regulating the central nervous system and all the systems it controls if done regularly.
Again, run any such advice by your health care practitioner before implementing. I am not a doctor and only speaking from my personal experience. My health situation is unique, due to genetic factors, so each person should consult with a professional before impulsively trying the first thing presented to you by someone you don’t know.
I just ran on to this web site
It discusses poisoning from Fluoroquinolone antibiotics as well as many other toxicities induced by other drugs. I give no approval or any other suggestion. Just passing it on.
If your interested read what is available on the web site.
It’s magnesium deficiency. Cipro sucks it out of your cells at the mitochondrial level. I was in a wheelchair for four months . Completely recovered after magnesium regimen. You can take it in pill form not salts. Check symptoms of magnesium deficiency on line. They are all the same as what you are experiencing. My doctors figured this out quickly. I’m shocked people are still unaware of this information about magnesium. Please please start. You will notice changes within first weeks.
From Wikipedia :
“While silver is potentially toxic to humans at high doses, the risk of serious harm from low doses, given over a short term, is slight. Treatment of external infections is considered safe; oral use of colloidal silver is safe for short term administration if the dose is low. Silver is used in some medical appliances because of its anti-microbial nature, which stems from the oligodynamic effect. Chronic ingestion or inhalation of silver preparations (especially colloidal silver) can lead to argyria in the skin and other organs. This is not life-threatening, but is considered by most to be cosmetically undesirable.”
Hi everyone. Today I’ve done a cistoscopy. Long story short the doctor prescribed me Fosfomycin to take for 2 days. Any info about it? I’m supposed to take it tonight, to avoid any infection. I’m already taking d-mannose and cranberry.