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6 years ago
Henk, I’m answering you here.
I don’t know, I think 50 mg is still a high dose. Anyway soon will be my birthday, I’m thinking to get a sota pulser :-). Even if I’m very skeptical about it, I want to try it. Your experience and some studies I’ve read got me convinced to buy it, even if it’s very expensive. For the zinc, I don’t know. I don’t think I’m deficent, like you were, plus I sometimes take the ReMag solution multimineral, that has 3 mg of zinc in it, so even if in really small amounts, I’m already taking some zinc. It’s quite interesting to read that, only adding some zinc to your regimen, almost healed your urological problem…I don’t think I’ll get the same results…
My kind sister-in-law has setup a Go Fund Me page to help raise money for Major Autohemotherapy treatment. I’ve been wanting to go ahead with Major Autohemotherapy but have been unable to do so because of the lack of funds. Unfortunately, I’m broke, unemployed and too sick to be employed at the moment. As many of you know, I tried to stay employed for as long as possible through this soon-to-be 4 year ordeal. This is no longer possible. I’m officially in the pits. I know many of you are as well, so forgive me if this request offends anyone.
I’ve never been one to ask for money. I’ve worked my entire adult life but now I find myself in uncharted territory. I don’t want life to pass me by. I’ve lost plenty of it already.
Major Autohemotherapy has helped a lot of people get their life back. It may or may not be the answer for me, but having tried nearly everything, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.
If you would like to help me obtain the funds for this treatment (10 sessions), please visit the link below.
Ronna, I don’t know if you are still reading floxie home but wanted to check how you are doing and if your early morning wakeup and bathroom visit is still getting better for you???? I hope it is!!!! Hope you continue to improve!!!
I’ve heard the same about the initial Herx and people feeling better than in a long time after about the 6th session. This seems to be a common denominator for those that get ozone done. Anyway, it’s great to hear that there exists a treatment that can assist us with these symptoms.
I’m on a similar timeline as you, approaching 4 years, so it’s good to compare progress and what works. I would say that I’m 70-75% better and I’m hopeful that the ozone treatment can bring me closer towards 90-95%. You’re right though, stress does seem to bring on setbacks. We have to do our best to avoid it. Also, I find lack of sleep from the night before can have setback like qualities.
Is there any other way to reset the body clock for proper sleep other than CBD? I have a hard time falling asleep and tend to wake up too early. After that, I can’t fall asleep again. Any solutions to this?
6 years ago
to everybody. Magnesium is a weak benzo and can damage some people.
Hey guys, I’m afraid I’ve contracted a genital infection. I still don’t konw if it’s just an infection or a true STD. Anyway, right now I’m just taking some antifungal cream. Tomorrow I’m going to my doctor and see what he’d prescribe me. Anyway, any suggestion ? Topical antibiotic cream and/or antibiotic pills, of course I’d like to avoid them. But what can I do?
6 years ago
I’ve read many times the article Lisa posted about antibiotics after being floxed. Does anyone have a direct experience. I hope I’m not going to take anything, but in the unfortunate case, what you guys think could be the least dangerous?
well, exclamation points aside, virtually ALL antibiotics leech magnesium. I still believe amoxicillin is one of the more benign ones. Dr Jay Cohen, in his book, suggests taking magnesium while on the antibiotic (even though they say not to) and just taking it around 4 hours apart from the pills.
6 years ago
Well this is funny. I was just going to ask if anyone took amoxicillin a long time after fluroquinolones. I was floxed severely six years ago. I recovered 60/70%. But I have a UTI after giving birth I can’t get rid of. It’s been like 90days so today I caved and took the first amoxicillin and now I’m freaking out! I took NAC 30 minutes prior since I read a study that it helps with oxidative stress when on antibiotic. Any other suggestions. Should I take magnesium 4 hours after? The antibiotic is twice a day. I tried dmannose but it didn’t fully get rid of infection. Should I continue with d mannose too?
6 years ago
I did take super bioveg which is like naturopath antibiotic. Everything would lessen it but not fully cure the UTI. The fast test comes out negative but when they send out for culture it’s positive. So annoyed I avoided all medicine through two births no epidurals and through bronchitis etc but this UTI is persistent so I’m trying the amoxicillin and trying not to panic. Just wondering if anyone took any antibiotics since and we’re fine and what supplements they took with it?
6 years ago
Hey Don, I read the above when trying to decide what to do
I don’t know how accurate it is obviously it’s anecdotal but it says Augmentin was tolerated in 50% versus amoxicillin tolerated by 75%.
I did know about the clavulanic acid and assumed that may be why people tolerate it less but who knows. So far from my two doses of amoxicillin today the only side effects I have are stomach irritation and feeling more tired.
6 years ago
Guys, I Need some infos about this antivirale drug : acyclovir. It is used ti treat herpes. Antonio info? Is It Dangerous for floxies?
6 years ago
Hey gang
Haven’t posted here in a several months as I have been in a general recovery phase. In fact I was starting to think that maybe in 3 to 6 months I might write a recovery story, but the last few days changed that – at least for a while. I am just a few days short of my 3 year floxing anniversary (not one I relish celebrating).
My floxing primarily hit five areas – sleeplessness, peripheral neuropathy, severe digestive problems and left knee and achilles tendon problems, along with severe neck pain that led to tinnitus which only hit about 8 months ago. The tendon problems are gone and have been for over 18 months. The PN has always been something that comes and goes, but generally trending in the positive direction. Was horrible 6 months post – floxing then started slowly getting better. I might have a day or two with some issues then a week with none. Typically I would relapse every six months and experience a couple of weeks of slightly worse symptoms, but each relapse would be gentler than the previous. Recently I went from end of May to end of August with basically no PN other than a tad in my feet on two or three days. Digestion has been a roller coaster ride of many different symptoms. Started with gastroparesis and lack of appetite (when first floxed I dropped 30 pounds). That resolved in about 8 months then around a year post – flox I started getting severe heart burn. That has taken nearly two years but now I seem to have beaten that (See my guess as to why in a separate post). Insomnia still not completely beat, but getting close. The tinnitus has even been getting better (now about 1/8 as loud as when first affected), though I expect I will live with a bit of ringing in my ears for my whole life.
So, it would seem that I was close to well. I was having days here or there that I described as 98% normal and most every day was 90% normal for the last month or two. A great massage therapist has the neck pain on the run and that is really helping the tinnitus. Then about 2 weeks ago I started a PN relapse. At first mild, but yesterday it struck with a vengeance and it is the most severe PN relapse I have had since initial floxing!! Problems in feet are about the same as in other relapses, but having tingling in legs and even hands that I haven’t had for nearly 2 years. Know relapses after complete healing are not unheard of, but seem less common the further you are post floxing.
Just need a chance to vent to sympathetic ears. My mom and wife have lost patience with my FQ stories. Sure some encouragement from the group here will help as you have all been there and know the situations. With my three year anniversary coming up it is disheartening because now I wonder if I will ever get to write that recovery story?? Seems like the longer you stay floxed the less the chance for total recovery. Know many of you who are recently affected would love to be where I am today and I too know that compared to where I was 2 1/2 years ago when symptoms were the worst today would seem good. It is about time for my six – month relapse. They are usually October and April, but the April one hit in late March and lasted into April this year. So this is about 2 to 3 weeks early just like the last one. Darn maybe I am having every 5 1/2 month relapses.
Please share how you deal with relapses, especially major ones and how long they tend to last. (I deal poorly, emotionally – and mine tent to last 2 to 4 weeks). Thanks in advance for your words of encouragement and solutions for dealing with relapse.
6 years ago
Another emergency: I can’t get over diarrhea. I think I had food poisoning a few months ago, and it keeps recurring. Sadly lactobacillus and saccharomyces boulardii, coconut water, sauerkraut make it worse!
6 years ago
Floxies / Digestion / and MTHF Mutations
Wanted to share some of the findings I have made concerning my problems with digestion post floxing. It has been a mess for me with just about every digestive problem known to medicine. I have had gastroparesis, post-prandial fullness, severe stomach pain and reflux / heartburn only when I burp, but I was burping a 100 times a day over the last three years.
The last two years have been mostly stomach pain and heartburn. I think I have FINALLY solved my digestive problems though. Know FQs destroyed gut bacteria but think my bigger problem was that it was wreaking havoc with the nerves in my digestive tract and that my good bacteria were unable to produce enough Vitamin B for me.
What I think is a solution came together over the last 3 months. My integrative medicine specialist (who believes I was floxed) had me tested for the MTHF mutation. Turns out I am C677T heterozygous – one of the milder mutations. For a typical human this mutation causes few problems as you metabolism Folate at about 60 to 70% of a normal human.
Folate is key in both DNA synthesis and in cellular and mitochondrial division. An important thing that the stupid FQ messed up.
But for a Floxie who may have had half or more of their functional mitochondria destroyed this may may be a huge deal. So, by my math as a floxie I would be correctly metabolizing 50% of the folate I need if I didn’t have the mutation. With the mutation I am probably only metabolizing 30% of the folate I need.
To solve this I started a three part attack. I first tried taking the fully methlyated verion of 5-MTHF, but even 100 mg of this was too much for my system. It caused stomach pain and other side effects, though did seem to help the heartburn. So, I turned to a version that uses folinic acid instead, which is the form of folate one step before full methylation. This form of folate is very important in DNA repair helping the gyrase with its job. To do all that DNA repair though takes lots of energy and my cells are already messed up – so I added in a high quality liposomal glutathione supplement, CoQ10, and lots of electrolytes to help the process.
This combination has led me in three months to nearly completely normal digestion for the first time in three years. It has only been a week of completely normal – so fingers crossed it stays here, but recovery has been fairly steady unlike many other FQ symptoms that bounce up and down. If not for my PN relapse (read separate post above) I would be ecstatic. Even that I think may be caused by my body chewing up Mg and other key nutrients and while I am supplementing at my “traditional” level that may not be enough.
So, here is my current MTHF specific regimine:
1. Quicksilver Methyl B complex – 2 squirts (I full dose) in AM (has to be on empty stomach)
2. Aurora liposomal Glutathione – 20ml in AM (has to be on empty stomach)
30 minutes later Breakfast
3. Garden of Life CoQ10 – 1 tablet with breakfast
4. Electrolyte powder (mix in water) 5 days a week – I skip Wednesday and Sunday used to wash down all the pills.
I have also really tried to get lots of sunlight to naturally increase Vitamin D production this summer. I also take Vitamin K and Mg as a supplement and then also take a full body Epsom salt bath once to twice a week and a foot soak once to twice a week – not both twice though.
Would love to know how many floxies test positive for MTHF and of those who do how many have digestive problems. If you are a floxie with digestive problems and haven’t been tested for MTHF I would suggest you do so.
If you are floxie and MTHF mutant with digestive problems I would suggest you try my solution. It isn’t cheap – that regimine will run you about $100 a month since all the supplements are super high quality. If you try it let us know and maybe we can find something that actually solves some issues for us.
Henk Noordhuizen
6 years ago
This might be of interest for anyone with tooth problems,and interested in ozone:
Ehy guys, yesterday a guy from the EMA hearing send me and all the parteipants an e mail. I think It’s right to let you all know what they told us. Here’s the text :
Dear public hearing participants,
I am writing to inform you that the EMA safety committee, PRAC, has this week completed its review of the persistent and disabling side effects of fluoroquinolones and quinolones. The views presented at the public hearing that you attended were vital to the committee’s deliberations.
As a result of its thorough evaluation of these serious effects, the committee has recommended placing important restrictions on how fluoroquinolone and quinolone antibiotics can be used. I enclose our communication “Fluoroquinolone and Quinolone antibiotics : recommendation to restrict use”, which we have placed on our website. It gives more details on PRAC’s recommendations.
PRAC’s recommendations will now be passed to the EMA committee responsible for human medicines, CHMP, which will review the recommendations and pass them on to the European Commission for a legally binding decision.
A letter will be sent to doctors and pharmacists in all EU countries to tell them of the new restrictions on fluoroquinolone and quinolone antibiotics. Information for patients (package leaflet) and for healthcare professionals (summary of product characteristics) will be updated to reflect the new restrictions.
In the meantime, we are planning to hold a teleconference very soon to inform further about the PRAC recommendations and what happens next. We will be sending a separate email about this with further details.
EMA and its committees are very grateful for your contribution to this vital review and for your participation in our public hearing.
With my personal thanks,
So basically, the PRAC has just published it’s recommendation on the use of FQs, wich is this :
The PRAC recommended that the remaining fluoroquinolone antibiotics should:
not be used
to treat infections that might get better without treatment or are not severe (such as throat infections);
for preventing traveller’s diarrhoea or recurring lower urinary tract infections (urine infections that do not extend beyond the bladder);
to treat patients who have previously had serious side effects with a fluoroquinolone or quinolone antibiotic;
to treat mild or moderately severe infections unless other antibacterial medicines commonly recommended for these infections cannot be used;
be used with caution especially for the elderly, patients with kidney problems, patients who have had an organ transplantation or those who are being treated with a systemic corticosteroid. These patients are at higher risk of tendon injury caused by fluoroquinolone and quinolone antibiotics.
The PRAC also recommended that healthcare professionals should advise patients to stop treatment with a fluoroquinolone antibiotic at the first sign of a side effect involving muscles, tendons or bones (such as inflamed or torn tendon, muscle pain or weakness, and joint pain or swelling) or the nervous system (such as feeling pins and needles, tiredness, depression, confusion, suicidal thoughts, sleep disorders, vision and hearing problems, and altered taste and smell).
Prescribing information of individual fluoroquinolone antibiotics will be updated to reflect the restricted use.
The PRAC recommendations will now be sent to EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), which will adopt the Agency’s final opinion.
6 years ago
Now, just my two cents: When I went to that hearing, ALMOST ALL the doctors and healthcare professionals who were there, said that FQs already should never being used as prevention, or for treating minor infections. Quite contradictory, judging from what happened to us. In my opinion, yes, maybe there will be some restriction, but doctors will never learn. And it will still be very difficult to sue them after they ruin your life. Again and again. Anyway, let’s see what happens…
Henk, I’m answering you here.
I don’t know, I think 50 mg is still a high dose. Anyway soon will be my birthday, I’m thinking to get a sota pulser :-). Even if I’m very skeptical about it, I want to try it. Your experience and some studies I’ve read got me convinced to buy it, even if it’s very expensive. For the zinc, I don’t know. I don’t think I’m deficent, like you were, plus I sometimes take the ReMag solution multimineral, that has 3 mg of zinc in it, so even if in really small amounts, I’m already taking some zinc. It’s quite interesting to read that, only adding some zinc to your regimen, almost healed your urological problem…I don’t think I’ll get the same results…
Hi folks,
My kind sister-in-law has setup a Go Fund Me page to help raise money for Major Autohemotherapy treatment. I’ve been wanting to go ahead with Major Autohemotherapy but have been unable to do so because of the lack of funds. Unfortunately, I’m broke, unemployed and too sick to be employed at the moment. As many of you know, I tried to stay employed for as long as possible through this soon-to-be 4 year ordeal. This is no longer possible. I’m officially in the pits. I know many of you are as well, so forgive me if this request offends anyone.
I’ve never been one to ask for money. I’ve worked my entire adult life but now I find myself in uncharted territory. I don’t want life to pass me by. I’ve lost plenty of it already.
Major Autohemotherapy has helped a lot of people get their life back. It may or may not be the answer for me, but having tried nearly everything, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.
If you would like to help me obtain the funds for this treatment (10 sessions), please visit the link below.
As always, thank you Lisa and Floxie Community for your continued support. We’re all in this together.
Ronna, I don’t know if you are still reading floxie home but wanted to check how you are doing and if your early morning wakeup and bathroom visit is still getting better for you???? I hope it is!!!! Hope you continue to improve!!!
I’ve heard the same about the initial Herx and people feeling better than in a long time after about the 6th session. This seems to be a common denominator for those that get ozone done. Anyway, it’s great to hear that there exists a treatment that can assist us with these symptoms.
I’m on a similar timeline as you, approaching 4 years, so it’s good to compare progress and what works. I would say that I’m 70-75% better and I’m hopeful that the ozone treatment can bring me closer towards 90-95%. You’re right though, stress does seem to bring on setbacks. We have to do our best to avoid it. Also, I find lack of sleep from the night before can have setback like qualities.
Thanks again for your advice.
Is there any other way to reset the body clock for proper sleep other than CBD? I have a hard time falling asleep and tend to wake up too early. After that, I can’t fall asleep again. Any solutions to this?
to everybody. Magnesium is a weak benzo and can damage some people.
Sorry guys.
Hey guys, I’m afraid I’ve contracted a genital infection. I still don’t konw if it’s just an infection or a true STD. Anyway, right now I’m just taking some antifungal cream. Tomorrow I’m going to my doctor and see what he’d prescribe me. Anyway, any suggestion ? Topical antibiotic cream and/or antibiotic pills, of course I’d like to avoid them. But what can I do?
I’ve read many times the article Lisa posted about antibiotics after being floxed. Does anyone have a direct experience. I hope I’m not going to take anything, but in the unfortunate case, what you guys think could be the least dangerous?
well, exclamation points aside, virtually ALL antibiotics leech magnesium. I still believe amoxicillin is one of the more benign ones. Dr Jay Cohen, in his book, suggests taking magnesium while on the antibiotic (even though they say not to) and just taking it around 4 hours apart from the pills.
Well this is funny. I was just going to ask if anyone took amoxicillin a long time after fluroquinolones. I was floxed severely six years ago. I recovered 60/70%. But I have a UTI after giving birth I can’t get rid of. It’s been like 90days so today I caved and took the first amoxicillin and now I’m freaking out! I took NAC 30 minutes prior since I read a study that it helps with oxidative stress when on antibiotic. Any other suggestions. Should I take magnesium 4 hours after? The antibiotic is twice a day. I tried dmannose but it didn’t fully get rid of infection. Should I continue with d mannose too?
I did take super bioveg which is like naturopath antibiotic. Everything would lessen it but not fully cure the UTI. The fast test comes out negative but when they send out for culture it’s positive. So annoyed I avoided all medicine through two births no epidurals and through bronchitis etc but this UTI is persistent so I’m trying the amoxicillin and trying not to panic. Just wondering if anyone took any antibiotics since and we’re fine and what supplements they took with it?
Hey Don, I read the above when trying to decide what to do
I don’t know how accurate it is obviously it’s anecdotal but it says Augmentin was tolerated in 50% versus amoxicillin tolerated by 75%.
I did know about the clavulanic acid and assumed that may be why people tolerate it less but who knows. So far from my two doses of amoxicillin today the only side effects I have are stomach irritation and feeling more tired.
Guys, I Need some infos about this antivirale drug : acyclovir. It is used ti treat herpes. Antonio info? Is It Dangerous for floxies?
Hey gang
Haven’t posted here in a several months as I have been in a general recovery phase. In fact I was starting to think that maybe in 3 to 6 months I might write a recovery story, but the last few days changed that – at least for a while. I am just a few days short of my 3 year floxing anniversary (not one I relish celebrating).
My floxing primarily hit five areas – sleeplessness, peripheral neuropathy, severe digestive problems and left knee and achilles tendon problems, along with severe neck pain that led to tinnitus which only hit about 8 months ago. The tendon problems are gone and have been for over 18 months. The PN has always been something that comes and goes, but generally trending in the positive direction. Was horrible 6 months post – floxing then started slowly getting better. I might have a day or two with some issues then a week with none. Typically I would relapse every six months and experience a couple of weeks of slightly worse symptoms, but each relapse would be gentler than the previous. Recently I went from end of May to end of August with basically no PN other than a tad in my feet on two or three days. Digestion has been a roller coaster ride of many different symptoms. Started with gastroparesis and lack of appetite (when first floxed I dropped 30 pounds). That resolved in about 8 months then around a year post – flox I started getting severe heart burn. That has taken nearly two years but now I seem to have beaten that (See my guess as to why in a separate post). Insomnia still not completely beat, but getting close. The tinnitus has even been getting better (now about 1/8 as loud as when first affected), though I expect I will live with a bit of ringing in my ears for my whole life.
So, it would seem that I was close to well. I was having days here or there that I described as 98% normal and most every day was 90% normal for the last month or two. A great massage therapist has the neck pain on the run and that is really helping the tinnitus. Then about 2 weeks ago I started a PN relapse. At first mild, but yesterday it struck with a vengeance and it is the most severe PN relapse I have had since initial floxing!! Problems in feet are about the same as in other relapses, but having tingling in legs and even hands that I haven’t had for nearly 2 years. Know relapses after complete healing are not unheard of, but seem less common the further you are post floxing.
Just need a chance to vent to sympathetic ears. My mom and wife have lost patience with my FQ stories. Sure some encouragement from the group here will help as you have all been there and know the situations. With my three year anniversary coming up it is disheartening because now I wonder if I will ever get to write that recovery story?? Seems like the longer you stay floxed the less the chance for total recovery. Know many of you who are recently affected would love to be where I am today and I too know that compared to where I was 2 1/2 years ago when symptoms were the worst today would seem good. It is about time for my six – month relapse. They are usually October and April, but the April one hit in late March and lasted into April this year. So this is about 2 to 3 weeks early just like the last one. Darn maybe I am having every 5 1/2 month relapses.
Please share how you deal with relapses, especially major ones and how long they tend to last. (I deal poorly, emotionally – and mine tent to last 2 to 4 weeks). Thanks in advance for your words of encouragement and solutions for dealing with relapse.
Another emergency: I can’t get over diarrhea. I think I had food poisoning a few months ago, and it keeps recurring. Sadly lactobacillus and saccharomyces boulardii, coconut water, sauerkraut make it worse!
Floxies / Digestion / and MTHF Mutations
Wanted to share some of the findings I have made concerning my problems with digestion post floxing. It has been a mess for me with just about every digestive problem known to medicine. I have had gastroparesis, post-prandial fullness, severe stomach pain and reflux / heartburn only when I burp, but I was burping a 100 times a day over the last three years.
The last two years have been mostly stomach pain and heartburn. I think I have FINALLY solved my digestive problems though. Know FQs destroyed gut bacteria but think my bigger problem was that it was wreaking havoc with the nerves in my digestive tract and that my good bacteria were unable to produce enough Vitamin B for me.
What I think is a solution came together over the last 3 months. My integrative medicine specialist (who believes I was floxed) had me tested for the MTHF mutation. Turns out I am C677T heterozygous – one of the milder mutations. For a typical human this mutation causes few problems as you metabolism Folate at about 60 to 70% of a normal human.
Folate is key in both DNA synthesis and in cellular and mitochondrial division. An important thing that the stupid FQ messed up.
But for a Floxie who may have had half or more of their functional mitochondria destroyed this may may be a huge deal. So, by my math as a floxie I would be correctly metabolizing 50% of the folate I need if I didn’t have the mutation. With the mutation I am probably only metabolizing 30% of the folate I need.
To solve this I started a three part attack. I first tried taking the fully methlyated verion of 5-MTHF, but even 100 mg of this was too much for my system. It caused stomach pain and other side effects, though did seem to help the heartburn. So, I turned to a version that uses folinic acid instead, which is the form of folate one step before full methylation. This form of folate is very important in DNA repair helping the gyrase with its job. To do all that DNA repair though takes lots of energy and my cells are already messed up – so I added in a high quality liposomal glutathione supplement, CoQ10, and lots of electrolytes to help the process.
This combination has led me in three months to nearly completely normal digestion for the first time in three years. It has only been a week of completely normal – so fingers crossed it stays here, but recovery has been fairly steady unlike many other FQ symptoms that bounce up and down. If not for my PN relapse (read separate post above) I would be ecstatic. Even that I think may be caused by my body chewing up Mg and other key nutrients and while I am supplementing at my “traditional” level that may not be enough.
So, here is my current MTHF specific regimine:
1. Quicksilver Methyl B complex – 2 squirts (I full dose) in AM (has to be on empty stomach)
2. Aurora liposomal Glutathione – 20ml in AM (has to be on empty stomach)
30 minutes later Breakfast
3. Garden of Life CoQ10 – 1 tablet with breakfast
4. Electrolyte powder (mix in water) 5 days a week – I skip Wednesday and Sunday used to wash down all the pills.
I have also really tried to get lots of sunlight to naturally increase Vitamin D production this summer. I also take Vitamin K and Mg as a supplement and then also take a full body Epsom salt bath once to twice a week and a foot soak once to twice a week – not both twice though.
Would love to know how many floxies test positive for MTHF and of those who do how many have digestive problems. If you are a floxie with digestive problems and haven’t been tested for MTHF I would suggest you do so.
If you are floxie and MTHF mutant with digestive problems I would suggest you try my solution. It isn’t cheap – that regimine will run you about $100 a month since all the supplements are super high quality. If you try it let us know and maybe we can find something that actually solves some issues for us.
This might be of interest for anyone with tooth problems,and interested in ozone:
Ozone therapy in periodontics
And one about prostate problems and the Beck Protocol:
Ehy guys, yesterday a guy from the EMA hearing send me and all the parteipants an e mail. I think It’s right to let you all know what they told us. Here’s the text :
Dear public hearing participants,
I am writing to inform you that the EMA safety committee, PRAC, has this week completed its review of the persistent and disabling side effects of fluoroquinolones and quinolones. The views presented at the public hearing that you attended were vital to the committee’s deliberations.
As a result of its thorough evaluation of these serious effects, the committee has recommended placing important restrictions on how fluoroquinolone and quinolone antibiotics can be used. I enclose our communication “Fluoroquinolone and Quinolone antibiotics : recommendation to restrict use”, which we have placed on our website. It gives more details on PRAC’s recommendations.
PRAC’s recommendations will now be passed to the EMA committee responsible for human medicines, CHMP, which will review the recommendations and pass them on to the European Commission for a legally binding decision.
A letter will be sent to doctors and pharmacists in all EU countries to tell them of the new restrictions on fluoroquinolone and quinolone antibiotics. Information for patients (package leaflet) and for healthcare professionals (summary of product characteristics) will be updated to reflect the new restrictions.
In the meantime, we are planning to hold a teleconference very soon to inform further about the PRAC recommendations and what happens next. We will be sending a separate email about this with further details.
EMA and its committees are very grateful for your contribution to this vital review and for your participation in our public hearing.
With my personal thanks,
So basically, the PRAC has just published it’s recommendation on the use of FQs, wich is this :
The PRAC recommended that the remaining fluoroquinolone antibiotics should:
not be used
to treat infections that might get better without treatment or are not severe (such as throat infections);
for preventing traveller’s diarrhoea or recurring lower urinary tract infections (urine infections that do not extend beyond the bladder);
to treat patients who have previously had serious side effects with a fluoroquinolone or quinolone antibiotic;
to treat mild or moderately severe infections unless other antibacterial medicines commonly recommended for these infections cannot be used;
be used with caution especially for the elderly, patients with kidney problems, patients who have had an organ transplantation or those who are being treated with a systemic corticosteroid. These patients are at higher risk of tendon injury caused by fluoroquinolone and quinolone antibiotics.
The PRAC also recommended that healthcare professionals should advise patients to stop treatment with a fluoroquinolone antibiotic at the first sign of a side effect involving muscles, tendons or bones (such as inflamed or torn tendon, muscle pain or weakness, and joint pain or swelling) or the nervous system (such as feeling pins and needles, tiredness, depression, confusion, suicidal thoughts, sleep disorders, vision and hearing problems, and altered taste and smell).
Prescribing information of individual fluoroquinolone antibiotics will be updated to reflect the restricted use.
The PRAC recommendations will now be sent to EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), which will adopt the Agency’s final opinion.
Now, just my two cents: When I went to that hearing, ALMOST ALL the doctors and healthcare professionals who were there, said that FQs already should never being used as prevention, or for treating minor infections. Quite contradictory, judging from what happened to us. In my opinion, yes, maybe there will be some restriction, but doctors will never learn. And it will still be very difficult to sue them after they ruin your life. Again and again. Anyway, let’s see what happens…