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5 years ago
Hello, well unfortunately I was floxed 2 months ago and the last dose got me. My only issue right now is full body neuropathy. My scalp is numb and sensitive, my face burns off and on, my hands, arms, legs, and feet are numb. I have the bee stings sensation from time to time. It hurts to do anything really because its in my back and stomach as well. My skin feels like an irritated sunburn. I know Im only 2 months out, but has anyone fully recovered from this type of neuropathy?
5 years ago
Hi everyone!
I wanted to ask a few questions. Im not sure if iv been “floxed” but wanted to have some opinions/comments. Last monday, I took one 750mg cipro tablet for UTI. In the past I had a UTI and took one 750 and was fine. No side effects. I take this one and when trying to sleep that night had terrible insomnia/ felt ill. I woke up the next day and felt somewhat ok, still had an appetite, then that night when trying to go to sleep i felt as if the UTI was coming back (it didnt, but had some urgency signs) and it sent me a state of panic, well that anxiety has not come down. Iv never really been an anxious person but its been so bad. I have been sleeping but i dont feel like myself. I dont know if its just me constantly thinking about it all thats causing me to feel this way or if something seriously is wrong. my appetite has been shot as well. Im worrying iv been truly “floxed” and i dont know what to do. so far no other symptoms besides CNS, but i know they can be delayed. any help or comments would be great thanks!
Don M
5 years ago
Cold Laser therapy. Haven’t heard of it? Not surprising here in the United States. Here are a couple of excerpts from the article and a link to the article. Interesting because it discusses mitochondria and ATP. Both items are near the top of the list when floxies talk.
The excerpt ……. Cold Laser Therapy has been in use since 1967 in Eastern Europe. Although it is rather “unknown” in America, Cold Laser Therapy has been researched and used extensively by Europe’s medical establishment. It has also been embraced by both the Chinese and Japanese as well.
I assure you that if you ask your doctor about Cold Laser Therapy, one of two things will happen. He will either have a glazed over, deer-in-the-headlights look because he has no idea what you are talking about; or he will get visibly upset and start throwing around words like “Voodoo”, “Pixie dust” or “Witchdoctor”. Pay no attention to either reaction. The truth is that there is enough Scientific Research on Cold Laser Therapy to keep him reading for months if he cared to do so. In fact, current estimates are that between 250 – 300 peer-reviewed Scientific Studies on the effects of Cold Laser Therapy are being published each year!
The link to the article……..
Read it…………. You will be surprised just how well it seems to dove tail into a possible treatment for a floxie.
Michelle G.
5 years ago
How has everyone dealt with the anxiety from CIPRO? Does it ever go away or does it linger for awhile? I
5 years ago
Hi everyone,
If anyone had had an experience with using Elidel creme for dermatitis after being floxed, pls share your experience. I was prescribed this creme for persisting dermatitis that started for the first time in my life after being floxed. Dermatologists are useless, each one I went to had a different diagnosis, one said Seborrheic Dermatitis and another said contact dermatitis. They have nothing to prescribe except steroids. Last one I saw prescribed Elidel creme and of course THIS TIME I RESEARCHED. Elidel has a black box warning that some people developed cancer after using it. Of course the doctor says it is absolutely safe…yeah! Heard that before when I was given Cipro. Trusting doctors is not an option anymore! Thanks for your help!
5 years ago
OMG I just learned about this toxicity!! I got a UTI the first time ever in my life back in 2012, doctor prescribed Cipro worked great, felt great. Then 3 weeks later got another UTI again cipro it was my little miracle drug…..this continued every 3 weeks getting put on Cipro for over a year an a half!!! It’s only in the last 5 years that I have felt like my life is only about 1/4 as active as it used to be. I am a leg amputee but I was still active, I went to the gym every day for 3 hours a day sometimes I would go twice a day, I did yoga, pilates, kick boxing etc. had no problem wandering around the home improvement stores on the weekends and going for long walks in the evening. Then 5 years ago it was like a light switch got turned off I literally felt great went to bed and couldn’t drag myself out of bed the next morning….my body felt like it had been poured full of lead overnight, I ached all over and was so tired I couldn’t believe it……I never got any better and in fact I started having sinus problems which I had also NEVER EVER had in my life again was prescribed Cipro….now I have been in physical therapy for joint pain in my elbows and wrists of course we all are thinking it’s years on crutches being an amputee but I was physically fine till the cipro….I have a bunch of the symptoms for this toxicity. What I want to do is fix it – what do I need to do to get this crap out of my body??? I am going to force myself to drag my tired body into a yoga class to help start the muscle detoxification but what else can I do??? I read that vitamin C, E and selenium are good choices but I don’t like the effects of Vitamin E either – any help?? any suggestions??
5 years ago
So are you fluoride-avoiders drinking spring water or what?
I’d like to start drinking Mountain Valley Spring Water from glass bottles but am concerned about the small amount of fluoride. I realize it’s the “natural” kind as opposed to the man-made kind, but if we are so sensitive to fluoride will it make a difference?
I’ve been drinking a fluoride-free bottled water for years now but I’d like to try and cut back on my plastic exposure. The city I live in fluorinates its water and I do have a sink filter, but I still don’t trust it enough.
5 years ago
Can we use salicylic acid in skin care products or shampoo? I have clogged pores and get milia from it and this helps treat it but is it like aspirin?
Henk Noordhuizen
5 years ago
Here’s an article by Dr. Mercola,about UTI’s,antibiotics and natural ways to treat UTI’s This is where,for many of us,the missery started (way to often even for a SUSPECTED UTI).
For Selcem: this is what Dr. Mercola advices on herbal (essential ) oil use:”Make sure to do a skin patch test prior to using any essential oil.”It’s one of his advises in this article:
Yes I think it certainly could be neurological. Any time I’m stressed or have any stimulus to my nervous system my muscles are hyper excitable and tense up/inflame. It’s random and comes and goes. Hoping this goes away eventually as it’s easily my worst symptom. I also have some muscle wasting in my left leg not sure if that’s nerve related or not. Physical therapy is helping to strengthen my leg again. I can actually jog and lift weights fairly easily with a few problems but my muscles are so tight they don’t respond correctly. I’m hoping my age and only 2 pills will help me recover faster but I’m learning this is going to be a long road. Thanks for your help L!
In a previous post I mentioned Cold Lasers and light therapy. Here is an article that describes what light therapy is.
Pay particular attention to the part near the end where it discusses mitochondria, ATP and DNA. Might this be a help in overcoming the bad effects of floxing by Fluoroquinolones?
5 years ago
I have read some articles about the heavy metals being a big issue, what are you thoughts and any solutions?
5 years ago
Hi everyone,
I hope you guys can help me… I am new to this and, frankly, quite scared right now.
I am male, 36 years old, very active/sportive and with no preexisting conditions.
I was prescribed Levofloxacin 500mg 2 weeks ago for a possible infection (which since turned out to not be an infection at all…). I took one pill that evening and the next day went online to check for possible side effects. As you all can imagine, I was shocked and immediately discontinued the drug.
For the first 10 days, I felt only very minor side effects (one foot felt hot for 15 mins, slight tension in the tendons sometimes), which I thought I might be imagining since I had been quite worried since I had read about the side effects.
Since last Saturday, however, I experienced
– a sensation of cold water in running over my forearms and legs (relatively mild and not painful, but unnerving), suddenly felt strong anxiety and was very exhausted after only moderate amounts of walking.
– brain, fog which thankfully got better after a day.
– I have been thirsty nonstop, but have lost my appetite.
– On Sunday, my joints suddenly started popping a lot (still happening).
– Yesterday, I went for another walk outside and came home with beginning calf cramps and again some slight pain in the achilles. Overnight, I felt some pain in my calf, and tingling/heat in my arms and legs.
I still have the tingling/water sensation in my arms and legs and feel way too weak and exhausted. All of this is highly unusual to me, I just don’t feel “normal”, and I’m 99% sure its the Levofloxacin doing its damage.
Now I am scared of where this might end, and if I’ll ever feel normal again. Is it likely after one dose and the late onset of symptoms that I might be a mild case and the symptoms might go away again? I know there’s no one answer to this, but I’d be so thankful for any thoughts…
What could I best do to help my recovery? I currently take Magnesium, Vitamin & Mineral, and Zinc Supplements which appear to have helped against the brain fog.
I’d really appreciate any support, I feel quite helpless with this right now as the doctor only tells me “it’s unlikely” to be from the drug.
Thank you in advance and I wish you all the very, very best for your recovery.
5 years ago
I am looking at Mitochondria support and have found two – one includes the B vitamins (1, 2, 6, 12) and 20mg of Pyrroloquinoline, vit C, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid the other one has 108 mg calcium and 20mg Pyrroloquinoline that’s it – which one would be best I would think that the one that has the B’s would be better but I was curious what you guys thought.
Don M
5 years ago
I am posting this again with quotes from the article I post it because it discusses ATP and DNA which seem to be very important items in the treatment of floxies. It appears that light therapy (Cold Lasers and other light sources) may be of help in treating the floxed problem. Along with all the other methods light therapy may be of help. ATP
The boost in enzymes creates more ATP or Adenosine triphosphate. More ATP means more energy. More energy means easier and faster healing … and being better able to handle life’s challenges and enjoy the process.
Dr. Whelan sums up the NASA sponsored research with regards to energy:
So far, what we’ve seen in patients and what we’ve seen in laboratory cell cultures, all point to one conclusion, … The near-infrared light emitted by these LEDs seems to be perfect for increasing energy inside cells. … the LEDs boost energy to the cells and accelerate healing.5
Dr. Tiina Karu emphasizes the importance of ATP saying “… ATP is not only an energy currency inside cells, but it is also a critical signaling molecule that allows cells and tissues throughout the body to communicate with one another.”22
How do cells know what to do? It starts with DNA. Each cell contains DNA—a spiral shaped storehouse for light and sound frequencies—and the blueprint for a cell to replenish or replace itself. DNA is our blueprint for health.
Dr. Whelan explains how light applied in both the red and near infrared ranges worked: “Furthermore, DNA syntheses in fibroblasts and muscle cells has been quintupled using NASA LED light alone …”23
This means the forming power of our cells has been increased by five times in muscle cells with the application of three colors of LED light in the red to NIR range.
Summing Up
LED light stimulates a powerful team to harness our cells for health and energy—enzymes, ATP and DNA. It is also important to note that Dr. Karu emphasizes that LED light acts as a trigger to start the healing process. In other words, healing effects continue after the light source has been removed.
LEDs have given us a convenient and easy way to use light therapy for health. LED technology has made it easy to add special healthy frequencies to light therapy. The Nogier frequencies, in particular, are known to boost the healing power of the LED light therapy.
Light therapy is a trigger to help maintain the flow of our natural electrical and chemical systems. LED technology has brought us a wonderful tool for health.
For what it is worth……………. it appears that light therapy would be a good ad on to other things that floxies use to treat their problems.
5 years ago
Does anyone know any good acupuncturist in San Diego? Or any good doctors near sd?
Henk Noordhuizen
5 years ago
Here’s an article on the Dr.Mercola website,about food,and about modern food to be the cause of Macular Degeneration,and all other forms of degeneration.Ancestral Dietary,and avoiding vegetable- and seed oils and minimizing refined white flour and sugar are the most important things to do,when you want to fight this degeneration.
I want to add this:the Ancestral Dietary Strategy is,in my vision,just one part of the solution,and because Dr. Chris Knobbe is an ophthalmologist,he focussed his resaerch mainly on the eye degeneration,and expended his research to the rest of the body,while focussing on the influence of food.But there is an other cause of health degeneration,and detoriation as well: chemicals,including synthetic drugs/farmaceuticals.Those should be avoided where possible,otherwise the ancient diet,or any other diet, won’t help that much.
Henk Noordhuizen
5 years ago
I found some info on a mushroom which might be able to restore some of the nerve- and braindamage,caused by FQ’s:
I’ve found a dutch webshop selling grow sets for this,and many other mushrooms (I’m growing Shiitake,already,for 6 or seven years;nice hobby :-)) Lion’s manes might be added.
Hello, well unfortunately I was floxed 2 months ago and the last dose got me. My only issue right now is full body neuropathy. My scalp is numb and sensitive, my face burns off and on, my hands, arms, legs, and feet are numb. I have the bee stings sensation from time to time. It hurts to do anything really because its in my back and stomach as well. My skin feels like an irritated sunburn. I know Im only 2 months out, but has anyone fully recovered from this type of neuropathy?
Hi everyone!
I wanted to ask a few questions. Im not sure if iv been “floxed” but wanted to have some opinions/comments. Last monday, I took one 750mg cipro tablet for UTI. In the past I had a UTI and took one 750 and was fine. No side effects. I take this one and when trying to sleep that night had terrible insomnia/ felt ill. I woke up the next day and felt somewhat ok, still had an appetite, then that night when trying to go to sleep i felt as if the UTI was coming back (it didnt, but had some urgency signs) and it sent me a state of panic, well that anxiety has not come down. Iv never really been an anxious person but its been so bad. I have been sleeping but i dont feel like myself. I dont know if its just me constantly thinking about it all thats causing me to feel this way or if something seriously is wrong. my appetite has been shot as well. Im worrying iv been truly “floxed” and i dont know what to do. so far no other symptoms besides CNS, but i know they can be delayed. any help or comments would be great thanks!
Cold Laser therapy. Haven’t heard of it? Not surprising here in the United States. Here are a couple of excerpts from the article and a link to the article. Interesting because it discusses mitochondria and ATP. Both items are near the top of the list when floxies talk.
The excerpt ……. Cold Laser Therapy has been in use since 1967 in Eastern Europe. Although it is rather “unknown” in America, Cold Laser Therapy has been researched and used extensively by Europe’s medical establishment. It has also been embraced by both the Chinese and Japanese as well.
I assure you that if you ask your doctor about Cold Laser Therapy, one of two things will happen. He will either have a glazed over, deer-in-the-headlights look because he has no idea what you are talking about; or he will get visibly upset and start throwing around words like “Voodoo”, “Pixie dust” or “Witchdoctor”. Pay no attention to either reaction. The truth is that there is enough Scientific Research on Cold Laser Therapy to keep him reading for months if he cared to do so. In fact, current estimates are that between 250 – 300 peer-reviewed Scientific Studies on the effects of Cold Laser Therapy are being published each year!
The link to the article……..
Read it…………. You will be surprised just how well it seems to dove tail into a possible treatment for a floxie.
How has everyone dealt with the anxiety from CIPRO? Does it ever go away or does it linger for awhile? I
Hi everyone,
If anyone had had an experience with using Elidel creme for dermatitis after being floxed, pls share your experience. I was prescribed this creme for persisting dermatitis that started for the first time in my life after being floxed. Dermatologists are useless, each one I went to had a different diagnosis, one said Seborrheic Dermatitis and another said contact dermatitis. They have nothing to prescribe except steroids. Last one I saw prescribed Elidel creme and of course THIS TIME I RESEARCHED. Elidel has a black box warning that some people developed cancer after using it. Of course the doctor says it is absolutely safe…yeah! Heard that before when I was given Cipro. Trusting doctors is not an option anymore! Thanks for your help!
OMG I just learned about this toxicity!! I got a UTI the first time ever in my life back in 2012, doctor prescribed Cipro worked great, felt great. Then 3 weeks later got another UTI again cipro it was my little miracle drug…..this continued every 3 weeks getting put on Cipro for over a year an a half!!! It’s only in the last 5 years that I have felt like my life is only about 1/4 as active as it used to be. I am a leg amputee but I was still active, I went to the gym every day for 3 hours a day sometimes I would go twice a day, I did yoga, pilates, kick boxing etc. had no problem wandering around the home improvement stores on the weekends and going for long walks in the evening. Then 5 years ago it was like a light switch got turned off I literally felt great went to bed and couldn’t drag myself out of bed the next morning….my body felt like it had been poured full of lead overnight, I ached all over and was so tired I couldn’t believe it……I never got any better and in fact I started having sinus problems which I had also NEVER EVER had in my life again was prescribed Cipro….now I have been in physical therapy for joint pain in my elbows and wrists of course we all are thinking it’s years on crutches being an amputee but I was physically fine till the cipro….I have a bunch of the symptoms for this toxicity. What I want to do is fix it – what do I need to do to get this crap out of my body??? I am going to force myself to drag my tired body into a yoga class to help start the muscle detoxification but what else can I do??? I read that vitamin C, E and selenium are good choices but I don’t like the effects of Vitamin E either – any help?? any suggestions??
So are you fluoride-avoiders drinking spring water or what?
I’d like to start drinking Mountain Valley Spring Water from glass bottles but am concerned about the small amount of fluoride. I realize it’s the “natural” kind as opposed to the man-made kind, but if we are so sensitive to fluoride will it make a difference?
I’ve been drinking a fluoride-free bottled water for years now but I’d like to try and cut back on my plastic exposure. The city I live in fluorinates its water and I do have a sink filter, but I still don’t trust it enough.
Can we use salicylic acid in skin care products or shampoo? I have clogged pores and get milia from it and this helps treat it but is it like aspirin?
Here’s an article by Dr. Mercola,about UTI’s,antibiotics and natural ways to treat UTI’s This is where,for many of us,the missery started (way to often even for a SUSPECTED UTI).
For Selcem: this is what Dr. Mercola advices on herbal (essential ) oil use:”Make sure to do a skin patch test prior to using any essential oil.”It’s one of his advises in this article:
Yes I think it certainly could be neurological. Any time I’m stressed or have any stimulus to my nervous system my muscles are hyper excitable and tense up/inflame. It’s random and comes and goes. Hoping this goes away eventually as it’s easily my worst symptom. I also have some muscle wasting in my left leg not sure if that’s nerve related or not. Physical therapy is helping to strengthen my leg again. I can actually jog and lift weights fairly easily with a few problems but my muscles are so tight they don’t respond correctly. I’m hoping my age and only 2 pills will help me recover faster but I’m learning this is going to be a long road. Thanks for your help L!
I wanted to post this, since some have asked about taking gabapentin. Here is another risk associated with it.
In a previous post I mentioned Cold Lasers and light therapy. Here is an article that describes what light therapy is.
Pay particular attention to the part near the end where it discusses mitochondria, ATP and DNA. Might this be a help in overcoming the bad effects of floxing by Fluoroquinolones?
I have read some articles about the heavy metals being a big issue, what are you thoughts and any solutions?
Hi everyone,
I hope you guys can help me… I am new to this and, frankly, quite scared right now.
I am male, 36 years old, very active/sportive and with no preexisting conditions.
I was prescribed Levofloxacin 500mg 2 weeks ago for a possible infection (which since turned out to not be an infection at all…). I took one pill that evening and the next day went online to check for possible side effects. As you all can imagine, I was shocked and immediately discontinued the drug.
For the first 10 days, I felt only very minor side effects (one foot felt hot for 15 mins, slight tension in the tendons sometimes), which I thought I might be imagining since I had been quite worried since I had read about the side effects.
Since last Saturday, however, I experienced
– a sensation of cold water in running over my forearms and legs (relatively mild and not painful, but unnerving), suddenly felt strong anxiety and was very exhausted after only moderate amounts of walking.
– brain, fog which thankfully got better after a day.
– I have been thirsty nonstop, but have lost my appetite.
– On Sunday, my joints suddenly started popping a lot (still happening).
– Yesterday, I went for another walk outside and came home with beginning calf cramps and again some slight pain in the achilles. Overnight, I felt some pain in my calf, and tingling/heat in my arms and legs.
I still have the tingling/water sensation in my arms and legs and feel way too weak and exhausted. All of this is highly unusual to me, I just don’t feel “normal”, and I’m 99% sure its the Levofloxacin doing its damage.
Now I am scared of where this might end, and if I’ll ever feel normal again. Is it likely after one dose and the late onset of symptoms that I might be a mild case and the symptoms might go away again? I know there’s no one answer to this, but I’d be so thankful for any thoughts…
What could I best do to help my recovery? I currently take Magnesium, Vitamin & Mineral, and Zinc Supplements which appear to have helped against the brain fog.
I’d really appreciate any support, I feel quite helpless with this right now as the doctor only tells me “it’s unlikely” to be from the drug.
Thank you in advance and I wish you all the very, very best for your recovery.
I am looking at Mitochondria support and have found two – one includes the B vitamins (1, 2, 6, 12) and 20mg of Pyrroloquinoline, vit C, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid the other one has 108 mg calcium and 20mg Pyrroloquinoline that’s it – which one would be best I would think that the one that has the B’s would be better but I was curious what you guys thought.
I am posting this again with quotes from the article I post it because it discusses ATP and DNA which seem to be very important items in the treatment of floxies. It appears that light therapy (Cold Lasers and other light sources) may be of help in treating the floxed problem. Along with all the other methods light therapy may be of help. ATP
The boost in enzymes creates more ATP or Adenosine triphosphate. More ATP means more energy. More energy means easier and faster healing … and being better able to handle life’s challenges and enjoy the process.
Dr. Whelan sums up the NASA sponsored research with regards to energy:
So far, what we’ve seen in patients and what we’ve seen in laboratory cell cultures, all point to one conclusion, … The near-infrared light emitted by these LEDs seems to be perfect for increasing energy inside cells. … the LEDs boost energy to the cells and accelerate healing.5
Dr. Tiina Karu emphasizes the importance of ATP saying “… ATP is not only an energy currency inside cells, but it is also a critical signaling molecule that allows cells and tissues throughout the body to communicate with one another.”22
How do cells know what to do? It starts with DNA. Each cell contains DNA—a spiral shaped storehouse for light and sound frequencies—and the blueprint for a cell to replenish or replace itself. DNA is our blueprint for health.
Dr. Whelan explains how light applied in both the red and near infrared ranges worked: “Furthermore, DNA syntheses in fibroblasts and muscle cells has been quintupled using NASA LED light alone …”23
This means the forming power of our cells has been increased by five times in muscle cells with the application of three colors of LED light in the red to NIR range.
Summing Up
LED light stimulates a powerful team to harness our cells for health and energy—enzymes, ATP and DNA. It is also important to note that Dr. Karu emphasizes that LED light acts as a trigger to start the healing process. In other words, healing effects continue after the light source has been removed.
LEDs have given us a convenient and easy way to use light therapy for health. LED technology has made it easy to add special healthy frequencies to light therapy. The Nogier frequencies, in particular, are known to boost the healing power of the LED light therapy.
Light therapy is a trigger to help maintain the flow of our natural electrical and chemical systems. LED technology has brought us a wonderful tool for health.
For what it is worth……………. it appears that light therapy would be a good ad on to other things that floxies use to treat their problems.
Does anyone know any good acupuncturist in San Diego? Or any good doctors near sd?
Here’s an article on the Dr.Mercola website,about food,and about modern food to be the cause of Macular Degeneration,and all other forms of degeneration.Ancestral Dietary,and avoiding vegetable- and seed oils and minimizing refined white flour and sugar are the most important things to do,when you want to fight this degeneration.
I want to add this:the Ancestral Dietary Strategy is,in my vision,just one part of the solution,and because Dr. Chris Knobbe is an ophthalmologist,he focussed his resaerch mainly on the eye degeneration,and expended his research to the rest of the body,while focussing on the influence of food.But there is an other cause of health degeneration,and detoriation as well: chemicals,including synthetic drugs/farmaceuticals.Those should be avoided where possible,otherwise the ancient diet,or any other diet, won’t help that much.
I found some info on a mushroom which might be able to restore some of the nerve- and braindamage,caused by FQ’s:
There might be (mild?) adverse reactions,and the effect isn’t permanent,as far as known today.
Here some more info on that mushroom:
I’ve found a dutch webshop selling grow sets for this,and many other mushrooms (I’m growing Shiitake,already,for 6 or seven years;nice hobby :-)) Lion’s manes might be added.