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Fred S
5 years ago
Quick question – has anyone had any issues with wine and fluoride? My understanding is that grapes have a lot of fluoride and that the California wines have more than European wine. Also, not too many organic choices. Thanks
Fred S
5 years ago
Controversial topic- has anyone here received a flu shot since being floxed? If so, any side effects? I do it most years to prevent a nasty flu episode. Thanks
5 years ago
Hello Henk, L,
did you hear about or try Bioresonance? I went to a doctor yesterday only for interview and he offered me Bioresonance to get some measurements from body. The problem is he puts a chemotherapy drug bottle on machine and gives its frequency to body. I was afraid to try so for showing purpose he tried it on a nurse in same room. The problem is, somehow tingling started in handsi feet and headache with nausea. I know it is electromagnetic waves which may fill the room with poisonous frequency. I hope effects will disappear, please share your opinon if you know about it?
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When CBD Doesn’t Work
Hi Barbara,
We’re grateful and very proud to receive positive feedback from our customers who love our products every single day.
Our mission is to create high quality organic products that enhance people’s lives, and for 95% of customers we are achieving that.
However, we’re aware that not everybody has the experience that they anticipated from CBD, and this can be due to a variety of reasons. If you’re in that situation, we want to help.
So in this email today, we’re going to explain the three most common reasons why you may not be getting the results you expected from CBD, and what to do about it.
1 – You haven’t found the right dose yet
CBD works by interacting with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). Everybody has a unique ECS and different goals for their CBD usage, so therefore there is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the right dose.
Here is the best way that you can find your minimum effective dose:
Start by taking a small consistent amount of CBD each day
Write down how you feel throughout the day in a CBD journal
Maintain that dose for 1-2 weeks, then increase if you’re not feeling a change
Keep going through this cycle until you find the minimum amount of CBD that gives you the desired effect
2 – Your expectations are wrong
With all the hype around CBD it’s understandable that some people mistakenly think of it as a miracle product and have unrealistic expectations.
We always aim to be transparent and honest when it comes to setting expectations by educating our customers on the reality of CBD – avoiding all the marketing hype.
In simple terms, you should consider CBD a supplement to a healthy lifestyle. That means you can add it to (not replace) your daily routine and it may contribute to your overall everyday regime.
You also need to keep in mind that CBD doesn’t always provide instant results, some people need to take it consistently for a month or longer to find the right dose and feel a difference.
3 – The delivery system is wrong
There are many different ways to experience CBD, including oils, capsules, topicals, edibles, and more. Each individual product type can affect you differently and it may be that an alternative product type is better suited to your goals.
Here’s a simple guide you can use:
Oils – For fast and potent delivery to the ECS
Capsules – Less CBD absorption, but more accurate dosage and better convenience.
Topicals – For direct application to a problem area, or as part of skincare routine
Edibles – Slow delivery, but convenient and great for mid-day top-ups
If you’re struggling to choose which product/s you should use, reach out to us anytime – we’d be delighted to help.
At the end of the day, you need to be patient and persevere in order to maximise the effect of CBD. However, as many of our customers will attest to, it’s well worth the effort once your find the right mix.
And, to help you along the way, we’re offering you a 10% off loyalty coupon code (below) as one of our valued subscribers.
10% Coupon Code: 10OFFCBD1
To your health,
The Provacan Team
Provacan CBD Oil
Provacan CBD eLiquid
Provacan CBD Topical
Provacan CBD Edibles
First UK Kosher CBD Brand
Get Social.
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The statements & references to products found on our site have not been evaluated by the FSA (Food Standards Agency). Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Information supplied here is not intended to replace advice from your doctor.
Provacan by CiiTECH
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Just a bit of info about how CBD works I dont know if it will get through as I have difficulty copying and pasting.
5 years ago
Hello Floxies
Sunday was my 4 year Floxiversary!! The day four years ago that all H.E. double toothpicks broke loose in my life. I awoke to misery and nearly total body collapse.
4 years later and, while I can’t say I am healed, I am much, much better. Last week, Thursday I had the first day where I truly felt normal in the last 4 years. I am not ready to write a recovery story yet, but I fluctuate from days where I am about 90% healed to those where I am back to 98% of my old self. Given I crossed over the 50 year-old milestone during these last four years maybe that 98% is where I would be without the poison of fluoroquinolones.
I have had lots of ups and downs over the last four years; but the long term picture has always been towards healing. For those of you just starting your journey know that you must measure time in months and probably in seasons. I have had five or six months over the last four years that were worse than the previous month; but only once have I had a season that was worse than the previous season during my recovery.
I still battle many of the symptoms I experienced on day 1; but do have symptoms that have come and gone. All of my symptoms are currently manageable and my days just depend on how many symptoms act up any given day.
What I still battle:
– Minor neuropathy (most days it is completely gone others it bugs me a bit – I experience less than 5 days a month now)
– Insomnia (I have been in a holding pattern with progression on this issue for the last year – but tend to get around 5 to 6 hours of sleep nightly and every now and then 8 or more)
– Digestive issues (some days they are completely gone others I still have nausea and mild heartburn – it is about 70/30 split in favor of the completely normal now)
– Fatigue (most of the time it is no longer an issue until late in the evening, if at all)
– Head pressure / headaches (most days this is not an issue anymore – as this improved so too did the fatigue)
– Anxiety (a new issue that only started a month ago; but is already receding).
There are a few other little things, but they only show up once a month or so. When I get “good” days for all of the above issues I tend to feel like my old self. Even when I have “bad” days I can be a productive member of society and mostly enjoy life. I still tend to put off planning major activities, but have become the king of spontaniety.
I truly believe that before my 5 year floxiversary I will be able to write a recovery story!
Best of luck to all and stay positive. I know mine is not the longest road to recovery; but it is considerably longer than that for many people.
Trivial but I must reply anyway. To quote a passage in the article. “One group that consistently turns out to draw the short end of the stick when it comes to influenza vaccine failures is the elderly. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data have repeatedly demonstrated that the flu vaccine does not work for seniors”. I had to have a prescription for glucose test strips refilled and it was ordered by a different doctor. This meant that I had to listen to the instructions on use from the pharmacist. (Only been getting and using them for 20 years) During these instructions it seemed that the pharmacist was more interested in selling me a flue shot and pneumonia shot. I told him “NO” to both offers and he did not seem to happy with my answer.
5 years ago
I get emails called “floxed Friday” from a film maker who was herself floxed. I thought this was interesting, and the first I had heard it. “There are many reasons as to why people have floxed symptoms again. One reason, considered by Dr. Beatrice Golomb of UC San Diego, is that fluoroquinolones can stay in your cells, which die off after a certain time and when the cells die, they release parts of the FQ back into your system causing another reaction.” (Beatrice Golomb is the one at UCSD who has been studying fluoroquinolones, and if you have not yet participated in her ongoing study please do.)
Fellow Floxies. So last week I wrote to you all letting you know my shoulder was in extreme pain and I was getting an MRI. Update; my MRI showed that I had 3 tears in my rotator cuff! I am unaware of any acute injury that took place. My upper arm just started getting sore for a few days and then wham!!! The pain hit me like a ton of bricks!! Excruciating pain!! My Doc and ortho said I needed surgery to repair the tears since they partially tore from the bone. I am currently seeking out a second ortho opinion before I rush into surgery. Here is my concern and fear. I am 27 months out from being floxed and now all of a sudden after 2 years of walking, housework, gardening and lifting reasonable weight I blow out a rotator cuff?? Can the Cipro have weakened my tendons that much and now this far out it is tearing? Are the rest of my tendons falling apart too?? Should I worry about everything falling apart at the seams after all this time?? I definitely had a flareup in my symptoms when my shoulder started to be in extreme pain and I feel like the rest of my joints are weak and achy. Luckily the pain has subsided quite a bit over the last week. I am scared of surgery as far as going under anesthesia and being on antibiotic during the surgery. I am scared of the rest of my tendons blowing out. I felt like I was healed 85/90% and this just turned me upside down with worry!! Anybody know much about rotator cuff tears and injury?? Do you think the rest of my tendons are extremely fragile?? Maybe this was an injury that started happening awhile back and I was unaware of it and it just finally gave away? That is my hope! I am scared to get surgery but I don’t want to end up with a complete tear down the road and cause a bigger problem!! Feeling worried and scared right now
L. Thanks for your input!! I hope that your shoulder MRI doesn’t show any significant years. I know one of my tears is a SLAP tear which is where the socket is. I guess surgery is usually the best option for that kind of tear?? Hence I am seeking out the second ortho opinion because my first one offered no other options. This other ortho I’m going to see is evidently more wholistic……so hopefully may suggest other options? Because I am 63 I figure it could be due to age and ongoing degeneration which I can accept better then Cipro!!!! What is PRP???
L. Thanks for the PRP site. It looks like a really good method to help tendon healing!! This second ortho I am suppose to see (don’t know when?) supposedly does this method as a friend of mine said his daughter had it done by him in her knee. I guess it really helped! It will be interesting if he feels it is right for my situation or I will need surgery for the type of tear I have? I am concerned about thr anesthesia as some contain fluoride and I wouldn’t want it to trigger another flareup besides the fear of antibiotic during surgery? I really hate living in this fear of medications! In normal circumstances I would just get the dang surgery and move on without too much worry. I do wonder if we are over paranoid to getting procedures that we should normally breeze through? Are we really that sensitive to antibiotics (other then FQs), NSAIDS, steroids etc after 2-3 years from being floxed? I feel like I live in constant fear of everything? How much do we really know about floxies reacting to meds post flox many months later? This is a scary way to live! I might have to roll the dice and get surgery?? There are those floxies that have had to go through surgeries to repair severely torn tendons etc and seem to fair through it? This is all so confusing to me!??
Don M
5 years ago
I just finished reading and copying an article (copied it off to Word and it ended up as 13 pages long) about a “small”study done on Fluoroquinolone Toxicity by a private organization. But they used some very high tech equipment. Very interesting study. Some technical stuff but in general what the findings were and in layman’s terms.
Tends to lay credence to my assertion that once floxed the “poison” never leaves the body completely. One can have remission of their terrible problems but it seems that the toxins may live deep in the cells of the host body indefinitely.
I know I have previously been admonished for my assertion that once floxed you may harbor the effects of the toxins for life. Everyone to their opinion but if you REALLY look into the available research my assertion is not all that wrong.
So what about the Floxie report that stated after testing certain markers in the blood (I can’t remember what the test was) that they felt the FQ was out of your cells 95% after 6 years?? Also the same test indicated it was 75% gone after 3 years?? I kind of go along with L and probably a lot of it is wishful and hopeful thinking that an FQ should not stet in your cells forever. That is pretty darn discouraging and it just seems pretty far fetched to remain forever? I do believe the damage it creates could be forever?
5 years ago
JoAnne, how long have you been floxed?? How much FQ did you take? Are your flox symptoms all sensitivity type or are you having other symptoms too???
Madge, thanks for your feedback on my shoulder. I actually was hoping I was only dealing with tendinitis but the MRI showed what is called a SLAP tear along with a couple of others which is at the socket area. I guess surgery is usually called for since you don’t want the tear getting bigger or worse at your socket? Still waiting on second opinion. If ortho tells me the surgery is best I probably will have to take that route against my wishes. ☹️ Did you always experience tendinitis from your onset of floxing or did it come on later like 2-3 years after???
5 years ago
Joanne. Wow that is a lot of different meds over a few years!! Did the 5 pills of Cipro hit you really hard with symptoms or do you think they evolved from some of the other meds that you took post Cipro?? My thinking is to try to wean yourself all these meds and begin the task of eating healthy organic foods, clean spring water, and minimal chemicals in products you use. I’m wondering if the combination of all those different meds just took a toll on you? Was it the initial Cipro that gave you all these problems or the evolution of taking additional meds?? Another words did you have all these symptoms take place right after the Cipro?? I think you need to work towards being medication free!??
L. Yes I have read different things about SLAP tears and I do know I have a Type 2 which means it has actually torn away from the bone. It cannot reattach itself. I am getting a second opinion and may even opt for a third. At this point in time I am just confused!! I know I don’t want a worse injury down the road so will see what the orthos think about potential damage down the road if not repaired. I don’t want a bigger tear then I have now??
Fred S
5 years ago
Hi – I am considering an IV with glutathione (among other things) but have read about issues if you have amalgam fillings. Also, someone recently mentioned issues with Lipoic acid with amalgam fillings. Any experience in this area? Also, I am 6 weeks out and the head fog, head aches and exhaustion have pretty much gone away. The only remaining issues are joint pain (if I exercise too much), dry eyes (but better) and some insomnia (but a big improvement with CBD oil and a mag chaser). Do I really need an IV is that is the case? Thanks in advance.
Quick question – has anyone had any issues with wine and fluoride? My understanding is that grapes have a lot of fluoride and that the California wines have more than European wine. Also, not too many organic choices. Thanks
Controversial topic- has anyone here received a flu shot since being floxed? If so, any side effects? I do it most years to prevent a nasty flu episode. Thanks
Hello Henk, L,
did you hear about or try Bioresonance? I went to a doctor yesterday only for interview and he offered me Bioresonance to get some measurements from body. The problem is he puts a chemotherapy drug bottle on machine and gives its frequency to body. I was afraid to try so for showing purpose he tried it on a nurse in same room. The problem is, somehow tingling started in handsi feet and headache with nausea. I know it is electromagnetic waves which may fill the room with poisonous frequency. I hope effects will disappear, please share your opinon if you know about it?
Interesting article “How Fluoroquinolone Associate Disability (FQAD) Came To Be A Diagnosis” written by a litigation attorney.
Can’t see this email? View in Your Browser
Provacan Logo
When CBD Doesn’t Work
Hi Barbara,
We’re grateful and very proud to receive positive feedback from our customers who love our products every single day.
Our mission is to create high quality organic products that enhance people’s lives, and for 95% of customers we are achieving that.
However, we’re aware that not everybody has the experience that they anticipated from CBD, and this can be due to a variety of reasons. If you’re in that situation, we want to help.
So in this email today, we’re going to explain the three most common reasons why you may not be getting the results you expected from CBD, and what to do about it.
1 – You haven’t found the right dose yet
CBD works by interacting with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). Everybody has a unique ECS and different goals for their CBD usage, so therefore there is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the right dose.
Here is the best way that you can find your minimum effective dose:
Start by taking a small consistent amount of CBD each day
Write down how you feel throughout the day in a CBD journal
Maintain that dose for 1-2 weeks, then increase if you’re not feeling a change
Keep going through this cycle until you find the minimum amount of CBD that gives you the desired effect
2 – Your expectations are wrong
With all the hype around CBD it’s understandable that some people mistakenly think of it as a miracle product and have unrealistic expectations.
We always aim to be transparent and honest when it comes to setting expectations by educating our customers on the reality of CBD – avoiding all the marketing hype.
In simple terms, you should consider CBD a supplement to a healthy lifestyle. That means you can add it to (not replace) your daily routine and it may contribute to your overall everyday regime.
You also need to keep in mind that CBD doesn’t always provide instant results, some people need to take it consistently for a month or longer to find the right dose and feel a difference.
3 – The delivery system is wrong
There are many different ways to experience CBD, including oils, capsules, topicals, edibles, and more. Each individual product type can affect you differently and it may be that an alternative product type is better suited to your goals.
Here’s a simple guide you can use:
Oils – For fast and potent delivery to the ECS
Capsules – Less CBD absorption, but more accurate dosage and better convenience.
Topicals – For direct application to a problem area, or as part of skincare routine
Edibles – Slow delivery, but convenient and great for mid-day top-ups
If you’re struggling to choose which product/s you should use, reach out to us anytime – we’d be delighted to help.
At the end of the day, you need to be patient and persevere in order to maximise the effect of CBD. However, as many of our customers will attest to, it’s well worth the effort once your find the right mix.
And, to help you along the way, we’re offering you a 10% off loyalty coupon code (below) as one of our valued subscribers.
10% Coupon Code: 10OFFCBD1
To your health,
The Provacan Team
Provacan CBD Oil
Provacan CBD eLiquid
Provacan CBD Topical
Provacan CBD Edibles
First UK Kosher CBD Brand
Get Social.
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The statements & references to products found on our site have not been evaluated by the FSA (Food Standards Agency). Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Information supplied here is not intended to replace advice from your doctor.
Provacan by CiiTECH
No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe or Manage Your Preferences.
Just a bit of info about how CBD works I dont know if it will get through as I have difficulty copying and pasting.
Hello Floxies
Sunday was my 4 year Floxiversary!! The day four years ago that all H.E. double toothpicks broke loose in my life. I awoke to misery and nearly total body collapse.
4 years later and, while I can’t say I am healed, I am much, much better. Last week, Thursday I had the first day where I truly felt normal in the last 4 years. I am not ready to write a recovery story yet, but I fluctuate from days where I am about 90% healed to those where I am back to 98% of my old self. Given I crossed over the 50 year-old milestone during these last four years maybe that 98% is where I would be without the poison of fluoroquinolones.
I have had lots of ups and downs over the last four years; but the long term picture has always been towards healing. For those of you just starting your journey know that you must measure time in months and probably in seasons. I have had five or six months over the last four years that were worse than the previous month; but only once have I had a season that was worse than the previous season during my recovery.
I still battle many of the symptoms I experienced on day 1; but do have symptoms that have come and gone. All of my symptoms are currently manageable and my days just depend on how many symptoms act up any given day.
What I still battle:
– Minor neuropathy (most days it is completely gone others it bugs me a bit – I experience less than 5 days a month now)
– Insomnia (I have been in a holding pattern with progression on this issue for the last year – but tend to get around 5 to 6 hours of sleep nightly and every now and then 8 or more)
– Digestive issues (some days they are completely gone others I still have nausea and mild heartburn – it is about 70/30 split in favor of the completely normal now)
– Fatigue (most of the time it is no longer an issue until late in the evening, if at all)
– Head pressure / headaches (most days this is not an issue anymore – as this improved so too did the fatigue)
– Anxiety (a new issue that only started a month ago; but is already receding).
There are a few other little things, but they only show up once a month or so. When I get “good” days for all of the above issues I tend to feel like my old self. Even when I have “bad” days I can be a productive member of society and mostly enjoy life. I still tend to put off planning major activities, but have become the king of spontaniety.
I truly believe that before my 5 year floxiversary I will be able to write a recovery story!
Best of luck to all and stay positive. I know mine is not the longest road to recovery; but it is considerably longer than that for many people.
A bit of interesting reading
Seems that an insider is speaking up about Bayer trying to mislead so it could reap big profits off Cipro.
Somehow had asked about the flu vaccine a few days ago.
Trivial but I must reply anyway. To quote a passage in the article. “One group that consistently turns out to draw the short end of the stick when it comes to influenza vaccine failures is the elderly. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data have repeatedly demonstrated that the flu vaccine does not work for seniors”. I had to have a prescription for glucose test strips refilled and it was ordered by a different doctor. This meant that I had to listen to the instructions on use from the pharmacist. (Only been getting and using them for 20 years) During these instructions it seemed that the pharmacist was more interested in selling me a flue shot and pneumonia shot. I told him “NO” to both offers and he did not seem to happy with my answer.
I get emails called “floxed Friday” from a film maker who was herself floxed. I thought this was interesting, and the first I had heard it. “There are many reasons as to why people have floxed symptoms again. One reason, considered by Dr. Beatrice Golomb of UC San Diego, is that fluoroquinolones can stay in your cells, which die off after a certain time and when the cells die, they release parts of the FQ back into your system causing another reaction.” (Beatrice Golomb is the one at UCSD who has been studying fluoroquinolones, and if you have not yet participated in her ongoing study please do.)
Fellow Floxies. So last week I wrote to you all letting you know my shoulder was in extreme pain and I was getting an MRI. Update; my MRI showed that I had 3 tears in my rotator cuff! I am unaware of any acute injury that took place. My upper arm just started getting sore for a few days and then wham!!! The pain hit me like a ton of bricks!! Excruciating pain!! My Doc and ortho said I needed surgery to repair the tears since they partially tore from the bone. I am currently seeking out a second ortho opinion before I rush into surgery. Here is my concern and fear. I am 27 months out from being floxed and now all of a sudden after 2 years of walking, housework, gardening and lifting reasonable weight I blow out a rotator cuff?? Can the Cipro have weakened my tendons that much and now this far out it is tearing? Are the rest of my tendons falling apart too?? Should I worry about everything falling apart at the seams after all this time?? I definitely had a flareup in my symptoms when my shoulder started to be in extreme pain and I feel like the rest of my joints are weak and achy. Luckily the pain has subsided quite a bit over the last week. I am scared of surgery as far as going under anesthesia and being on antibiotic during the surgery. I am scared of the rest of my tendons blowing out. I felt like I was healed 85/90% and this just turned me upside down with worry!! Anybody know much about rotator cuff tears and injury?? Do you think the rest of my tendons are extremely fragile?? Maybe this was an injury that started happening awhile back and I was unaware of it and it just finally gave away? That is my hope! I am scared to get surgery but I don’t want to end up with a complete tear down the road and cause a bigger problem!! Feeling worried and scared right now
L. Thanks for your input!! I hope that your shoulder MRI doesn’t show any significant years. I know one of my tears is a SLAP tear which is where the socket is. I guess surgery is usually the best option for that kind of tear?? Hence I am seeking out the second ortho opinion because my first one offered no other options. This other ortho I’m going to see is evidently more wholistic……so hopefully may suggest other options? Because I am 63 I figure it could be due to age and ongoing degeneration which I can accept better then Cipro!!!! What is PRP???
L. Thanks for the PRP site. It looks like a really good method to help tendon healing!! This second ortho I am suppose to see (don’t know when?) supposedly does this method as a friend of mine said his daughter had it done by him in her knee. I guess it really helped! It will be interesting if he feels it is right for my situation or I will need surgery for the type of tear I have? I am concerned about thr anesthesia as some contain fluoride and I wouldn’t want it to trigger another flareup besides the fear of antibiotic during surgery? I really hate living in this fear of medications! In normal circumstances I would just get the dang surgery and move on without too much worry. I do wonder if we are over paranoid to getting procedures that we should normally breeze through? Are we really that sensitive to antibiotics (other then FQs), NSAIDS, steroids etc after 2-3 years from being floxed? I feel like I live in constant fear of everything? How much do we really know about floxies reacting to meds post flox many months later? This is a scary way to live! I might have to roll the dice and get surgery?? There are those floxies that have had to go through surgeries to repair severely torn tendons etc and seem to fair through it? This is all so confusing to me!??
I just finished reading and copying an article (copied it off to Word and it ended up as 13 pages long) about a “small”study done on Fluoroquinolone Toxicity by a private organization. But they used some very high tech equipment. Very interesting study. Some technical stuff but in general what the findings were and in layman’s terms.
Tends to lay credence to my assertion that once floxed the “poison” never leaves the body completely. One can have remission of their terrible problems but it seems that the toxins may live deep in the cells of the host body indefinitely.
I know I have previously been admonished for my assertion that once floxed you may harbor the effects of the toxins for life. Everyone to their opinion but if you REALLY look into the available research my assertion is not all that wrong.
So what about the Floxie report that stated after testing certain markers in the blood (I can’t remember what the test was) that they felt the FQ was out of your cells 95% after 6 years?? Also the same test indicated it was 75% gone after 3 years?? I kind of go along with L and probably a lot of it is wishful and hopeful thinking that an FQ should not stet in your cells forever. That is pretty darn discouraging and it just seems pretty far fetched to remain forever? I do believe the damage it creates could be forever?
JoAnne, how long have you been floxed?? How much FQ did you take? Are your flox symptoms all sensitivity type or are you having other symptoms too???
Madge, thanks for your feedback on my shoulder. I actually was hoping I was only dealing with tendinitis but the MRI showed what is called a SLAP tear along with a couple of others which is at the socket area. I guess surgery is usually called for since you don’t want the tear getting bigger or worse at your socket? Still waiting on second opinion. If ortho tells me the surgery is best I probably will have to take that route against my wishes. ☹️ Did you always experience tendinitis from your onset of floxing or did it come on later like 2-3 years after???
Joanne. Wow that is a lot of different meds over a few years!! Did the 5 pills of Cipro hit you really hard with symptoms or do you think they evolved from some of the other meds that you took post Cipro?? My thinking is to try to wean yourself all these meds and begin the task of eating healthy organic foods, clean spring water, and minimal chemicals in products you use. I’m wondering if the combination of all those different meds just took a toll on you? Was it the initial Cipro that gave you all these problems or the evolution of taking additional meds?? Another words did you have all these symptoms take place right after the Cipro?? I think you need to work towards being medication free!??
L. Yes I have read different things about SLAP tears and I do know I have a Type 2 which means it has actually torn away from the bone. It cannot reattach itself. I am getting a second opinion and may even opt for a third. At this point in time I am just confused!! I know I don’t want a worse injury down the road so will see what the orthos think about potential damage down the road if not repaired. I don’t want a bigger tear then I have now??
Hi – I am considering an IV with glutathione (among other things) but have read about issues if you have amalgam fillings. Also, someone recently mentioned issues with Lipoic acid with amalgam fillings. Any experience in this area? Also, I am 6 weeks out and the head fog, head aches and exhaustion have pretty much gone away. The only remaining issues are joint pain (if I exercise too much), dry eyes (but better) and some insomnia (but a big improvement with CBD oil and a mag chaser). Do I really need an IV is that is the case? Thanks in advance.