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10 years ago
I’m having a deep dental cleaning and a filling done tomorrow…..will I be ok to have this done….I cannot afford to have a crown done.
10 years ago
Hi Sheryl,
I did do 4 months of physical therapy, which was very helpful for a host of reasons.
1) The owner was kind enough to read the research that i provided him about these injuries, and that was very comforting.
2) It gave me the support I needed to help me with safe therapies that revealed what my limitations were and what progress was possible.
3) Nobody judged or made me feel that I was exaggerating or other nonsense. It was emotional for me when I discovered that I had to learn how to go up and down (1) step! I was stunned that I was like a baby learning how to take steps.
Movement is very important, whatever you can do safely, do it, and keep doing it. The body is meant to be in movement. If that means lying on the floor and doing air bicycle leg movements super slow… what! That is a victory for you to have these things you can do because they are all the little baby steps that lead us forward inch by inch. Lot’s of love and kindness through out. Bad days, then good days….staying renewed in our faith daily.
10 years ago
Hey All,
Just an update, hopefully to give some hope. I posted here last maybe 8 months or so ago. I had a tendon rupture in my left knee cap and right ankle last July and November respectively. I found that eating certain foods would make my symptoms worse so I wen’t on a strict diet. This, in turn, led to other problems relating to nutrition deficiencies. They weren’t life threatening but annoying. I got recommendations to give up on soy, dairy, gluten, and most processed foods to help speed up the recovery. While I do think dieting can help in some respects, I caution that you make sure you are getting proper nutrients of everything else, calcium, riboflavin, potassium, etc.
It’s been a year since I’ve been floxed and I am doing much better. Although I’m still barred from certain activities – like running – other activities, like walking, standing, and doing my daily routine have all improved. There is really no cure for us floxed folks except TIME. And so despite how painful and depressing it is during the first symptoms of floxing episodes and the symptomatic conditions which can linger for months or even years, things do get better with time. I found the most difficult part outside of my own internal condition to be explaining to friends and family my condition and the patience they would need to endure while I healed. There is light at the end of a floxed tunnel.
I would also add that you can’t let this disease debilitate you mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’ve felt a lot better these past 6 months because I’ve just tried to live my life as normally as I can, not worrying about my condition and knowing with time that it will improve. If you keep thinking about being floxed, it will drive you insane. Staying active, seeing friends, going places, eating everything, and forgetting about my condition have all contributed positively to my recovery. Hopefully my next update will be me when I’m completely healed. I wish you all the best, God bless!
I am also wondering if anyone developed vein issues after their toxicity. I developed purple spider veins on my legs, face and arms. I am very worried this will not go away. My other larger blue veins are also much more pronounced and visible. I wonder if this is dangerous in anyway.
Melanie Kemp
10 years ago
I just dont know what to do.
This flare up is exhausting.
I havnt read much about flare ups that last weeks and weeks after being well for several years.
Honestly I can take aching bones..tingling legs..burning feet.I honestly can.
But this foggy head.!!!!
I can now only eat certain things or my head gets really foggy ..and I feel wired.So im limited to vegetables. Meats (chicken and fish) and fruits.I dont want to lose weight but on this kind of diet its inevitable.
I’m just really sad.I have bouts if crying.
I was doing really well..I was ok.One of those recovery stories…so are we never out if the woods really.
I just really cant do this a second time.
Ive already got the T shirt for this crap.
Havnt I been through enough already.
I just never read of anyone going through flare ups for so long and im scared
10 years ago
Hey all,
I just passed my one year mark a few weeks ago and was excited thinking I was finally out of the woods. I now know what a true flare-up is. A second saggital band tore and I’m now having joint pain in that finger – it’s so stiff and achey!
My sciatic nerve pain has disappeared, but has been replaced with a more steady slight nerve ache through the leg.
I did a lot of hiking a few weeks ago and started having achilles pain. I rested and that’s fine now.
Aside from this crappiness, everything else is fine. So to be fair, a year ago I was convinced my life was over and wheelchairs were my future, and if I knew then how I would feel now, I would thank my lucky stars. It’s about perspective. Okay, so I have an achey finger and slight leg pain! Tryin to stay positive!!! 😛
10 years ago
Hey all,
I just passed my one year mark a few weeks ago and was excited thinking I was finally out of the woods. I now know what a true flare-up is. A second saggital band tore and I’m now having joint pain in that finger – it’s so stiff and achey!
My sciatic nerve pain has disappeared, but has been replaced with a more steady slight nerve ache through the leg.
I did a lot of hiking a few weeks ago and started having achilles pain. I rested and that’s fine now.
Aside from this crappiness, everything else is fine. So to be fair, a year ago I was convinced my life was over and wheelchairs were my future, and if I knew then how I would feel now, I would thank my lucky stars. It’s about perspective. Okay, so I have an achey finger and slight leg pain! Tryin to stay positive!!! 😛
10 years ago
Has anyone else found that their symptoms improve just before their period?
I have a slight improvement a couple of days before my period starts, and then crash down again 4 or 5 days later. I think this is the opposite to what most floxed women experience.
It’s obviously hormonal, but I’d really like to try and understand what is going on. I get about 5 “better” days every month, and then go back to square in again.
Anyone else had this, and found anything to help?
10 years ago
Just letting you know the results of,
My stool samples:
No fungi, no worms, no bacteria (shigella, campylobacter, salmonella, yersinia)
My urine sample:
Pseudomonas sp (wtf?)
Amanda Hearne
10 years ago
1) we know it attacks more efficiently in low level magnesium levels, wide spread, & with no discriminating
2) never trust & take any medications nurses/doctors proceed to administer without fully evaluating your detailed makeup, history, deficiencies etc. they literally (like anywhere you expect to get paid services) expect you to do the work/their job for them. Do not trust or even convince yourself they’ll so much as monitor any given drug, a majority describe: “this is not a full list or all possible side effects known or that can/could occur.
3) Doctors unethically & without supporting medical evidence or any actual instance where “benefit out weighs risk” as with any gross lab rat chemistry drug WILL ALWAYS treat you with antibiotics BEFORE any need thus only ever DESTROYING our body’s defenses. Literally almost killing me by shutting my kidneys down while full speed on a 65mph highway. Over a year I cleaned & dressed a nasty beaver chewed root wound almost ripping through half my thigh…NEVER had an infection. Never needed antibiotics. Thought I had a uti so I asked the elderly some 30+ years practicing medicine to order a lab only to assure me “nope all clear”…woman almost killed me! There’s no excuse! Antibiotics are the most wide spread used infectious treatment drug…I’ve only ever seen doctors use anymore as a “preventative” measure. No those are called multivitamins!
So please do not hesitate STOPPING this drug upon so much as unusual pain!! Your doctor won’t care for you like you should!
4) There’s mentioning of not taking iron at the approximate time of a dose in regards to these gross antibodies but do take your multivitamin some time first in the day! Again your doc must check you magnesium levels before prescribing administering these drugs!
5) PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS…always restore natural flora after any antibiotic…your kidneys depend on it, your intestines, & “SUPERBUG” alerts are not doomsday fear hearsay…it’s all very real & any antibiotic can leave 100% open & susceptible to mrsa superbug staph strains that can even attack & quite quickly eat you alive from the inside out. I’ve only ever learned “liquid silver” forgive my forgetting correct term can even battle super bugs vs the further ordering & administering of MORE antibiotics the doctor with dispense knowing he’s killing you faster, dispensing false hope false treatments he knows DOESNT work…KNOWING while watching you die knowing you’ll die that he’s not “licensed” to practice treating with “natural remedy type drugs”.
Not hope…hope is so you don’t give up searching for answers only to find doom & gloom or 0 accountability from the same licensed medical quacks nationwide who blindly account for more injuries & death than most street drugs!
I hope they hope the 1% effected? Not from what I only continued to read, 1 horror story after another. Perhaps I skimmed this article too fast due to not wanting to only hear for & from what seems every any person prescribed this obvious killer drug. Symptomatic-damage-severe-ongoing-irreversible…after my 2nd maybe 3rd dose: I heard & watched my middle finger joints vein rupture!
The pharmacist even medically obligated-inclined to discuss this drug chose to warn me of sunlight. I’m 30 worked hard all my life with no denying I’ve dealt with hereditary degenerative & rhumitoid arthritis to learn this drug may have very well took my only 20 30 more good years! God bless
Sorry I wrote this quickly & angrily but I’m experiencing the onset RIGHT NOW disturbed by a “1%” transparently obviously be everyone posting!!?? Next time a doctor gets der wittle feelings hurt cus u said “internet, possible this that question their negligence arrogance” please remember you don’t owe your doctor your LIFE! If they only wanted to have dr. As a suffix to their name to better pick up chicks & have the nicest car parked on lot….you’ll know right away & these big headed in debt docs shouldn’t have the powers to criminally negligently kill peopl! Stay home & treat yourself! lol the internet is SMARTER THAN THEY ARE!!! THEY HATE THAT FACT LOL!!
10 years ago
Hello All,
I think prostate infections are to men what UTIs are to women in terms of annoyance and pointless suffering…anyways, I had one a few days ago, confirmed by a urineanalysis. After telling the urologist that I was allergic to ALL fluoroquinolones, what is the first thing he writes me a prescription for? Tavanic, aka Levaquin, aka POISON. It’s like we’re fighting a war here. My worst fear is that I’ll be given a fluoroquinolone via IV at some point without my knowledge and the damage re-ensues again. Anyways, after I insisted that Tavanic was just like Cipro (probably worse) he changed the prescription to a cephlasporin (which I still didn’t take). I just don’t get it; it’s frustrating and no different here in the Middle East from anywhere else in the world apparently. Little tummy ache? BOOM, here, have an antibiotic that will cripple you. I still ask myself, if FQs are prescribed at this rate worldwide, where are the ADRs? Are they being reported or even understood by the patient as a result of the FQs? I can’t believe we are just a select “unluckly” few that are simply “sensitive” to this medication. I believe no one escapes the damage from FQs on some level. If the doctors do nothing, the drug companys do nothing, and the FDA does nothing…the odds against us preventing people from using FQs is overwhelming because all we can do now is try to stop others from being hurt by the quinolones. The ADRs from FQs are completely life changing in a very bad way, not a little upset stomach or headache (that would be “sensitive”), total mind and body destruction as we all know. I had tears in my eyes looking at the shelf in the pharmacy loaded with boxes of Cipro and I told the pharmicist how much FQs had hurt me. As is typical, she looked at me like I was crazy and said it was completely safe.
10 years ago
I, also, continue to have blurred vision a few times per week.
I am concerned that some of my symptoms are worsening (after 2 1/2 yrs). Recently, I found that I don’t have a glucose problem any longer (from Levaquin), so I began to eat some foods containing sugar. Could eating sugar cause a worsening of my symptoms (pain and memory loss)?
Thank you!
10 years ago
Visual stuff does get better…..and can also leave behind a kind of fleeting or brief return that will show up for a moment in the day and then be relatively fine for days and weeks. Night time, fatigue, blood sugar seems to play a part in that it will play up.
Chinese Traditional Medicine consider the eyes to also be a reflection of the liver. So maintaining a clean lifestyle is the way to go. The eyes can also reflect the neurological status too. Lyme visual acuity tests reveal neurological issues.
The liver is really our protector and needs support and love from it’s keeper. Vegetables are wonderful for the liver, which means the body in every aspect and system. There really is no separation.
I have definitely noticed a good improvement with chelation therapy. I go in feeling not the best when I leave I feel 200 percent better like me old self. Need to drink plenty of water. I feel cool right now. Normally I have a afternoon nap we will see if it does it to me this time:)
Have a wonderful day everyone.
10 years ago
Hi everyone, I was floxed taking 2 pills of Cipro back in April. I also took 8 days of Doxycycline at the same time. Not sure if that is contributing to these horrible symptoms. I wanted to see if anyone had burning sensations all over there body. Like in there face, back, neck especially in the early mornings. Mine wake me up around 6 am every morning for the last few months. I have neuropaty and burining in my feet, hands and calves too. I’m also getting dry burning eyes and mouth, didn’t anyone experience that too. Does the full body wide burning ever let up and improve?
Did anyone experience a tremendous amount of inflammation after taking cipro. And did the doctors want to label you with an autoimmune disease such as RA. The joint pain didn’t start until i took cipro. I really don’t think I have RA. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. All the docs that I’ve been to seems to think that cipro didn’t cause this.
10 years ago
Mark and Rene my crp is raised as well. I haven’t been supplementing but I’m going to start today. Doc want to say its RA. I don’t think so because I didn’t start having joint pain and popping until after I took the cipro. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions.
10 years ago
Mark and Rene recent blood tests revealed that my CRP for inflammation is very high. He want to say that I have RA and that cipro could not have caused pain in my joints or the popping. The symptoms I have didn’t start until after I took the cipro. I’ve just started to supplement. I personally don’t think that I have RA. Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated.
10 years ago
Thanks for such a great reply and info on methylation. I’m hoping this will help me get better. The doctor who I’m working with is really knowledgeable in methylation but seems to be overwhelmed with to many patients resulting in being very sloppy. Here are his recommendations as of this week on what I should be taking. If you dont mind I wanted to get your thoughts on these:
My neurotransmitters test showed high excitatory like Glutamate, Nonephrine, ephridine an low serotonin and relatively low GABA. So he recommended for Serotin 5-HTP and for Gaba he recommeded a product called Phenitropic. Can’t barely sleep at all now so scared to take these but am so sleep deprived does this ever improve?
He also wants me to take Lithium Orotate for B12 absorbtion
Super enzymes, Marshmellow root or Slippery Elm, and Liposomal Vit C (2 tsp twice to three times a day) for gut repair
NADH and COQ10 for mitochondria
B minus supplement
B12 Active lozeneger for methylation
DIM for estogren dominance
Possibly Vitamin C IV
SAMe and Magnesium
Wondering your thoughts? Also what treatment protocal IV’s, ozone, supplements, etc. are you doing or tried that seemed to work for you? Did you have sleep issues, anxiety, heart palps, adrenaline like rushs, bloating and no appetite? Not sure if I asked you this before but did you experience full body wide burning like in eyes, head, neck, feet, calves with fsaculitations under skin?
I feel like I’m falling apart! Just curious what your symptoms were, are currently? How far out are you?
Sorry for all the questions. Is there away we could talk offline for a few minutes. My email is I would love to give you a quick call if possible.
I’m having a deep dental cleaning and a filling done tomorrow…..will I be ok to have this done….I cannot afford to have a crown done.
Hi Sheryl,
I did do 4 months of physical therapy, which was very helpful for a host of reasons.
1) The owner was kind enough to read the research that i provided him about these injuries, and that was very comforting.
2) It gave me the support I needed to help me with safe therapies that revealed what my limitations were and what progress was possible.
3) Nobody judged or made me feel that I was exaggerating or other nonsense. It was emotional for me when I discovered that I had to learn how to go up and down (1) step! I was stunned that I was like a baby learning how to take steps.
Movement is very important, whatever you can do safely, do it, and keep doing it. The body is meant to be in movement. If that means lying on the floor and doing air bicycle leg movements super slow… what! That is a victory for you to have these things you can do because they are all the little baby steps that lead us forward inch by inch. Lot’s of love and kindness through out. Bad days, then good days….staying renewed in our faith daily.
Hey All,
Just an update, hopefully to give some hope. I posted here last maybe 8 months or so ago. I had a tendon rupture in my left knee cap and right ankle last July and November respectively. I found that eating certain foods would make my symptoms worse so I wen’t on a strict diet. This, in turn, led to other problems relating to nutrition deficiencies. They weren’t life threatening but annoying. I got recommendations to give up on soy, dairy, gluten, and most processed foods to help speed up the recovery. While I do think dieting can help in some respects, I caution that you make sure you are getting proper nutrients of everything else, calcium, riboflavin, potassium, etc.
It’s been a year since I’ve been floxed and I am doing much better. Although I’m still barred from certain activities – like running – other activities, like walking, standing, and doing my daily routine have all improved. There is really no cure for us floxed folks except TIME. And so despite how painful and depressing it is during the first symptoms of floxing episodes and the symptomatic conditions which can linger for months or even years, things do get better with time. I found the most difficult part outside of my own internal condition to be explaining to friends and family my condition and the patience they would need to endure while I healed. There is light at the end of a floxed tunnel.
I would also add that you can’t let this disease debilitate you mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’ve felt a lot better these past 6 months because I’ve just tried to live my life as normally as I can, not worrying about my condition and knowing with time that it will improve. If you keep thinking about being floxed, it will drive you insane. Staying active, seeing friends, going places, eating everything, and forgetting about my condition have all contributed positively to my recovery. Hopefully my next update will be me when I’m completely healed. I wish you all the best, God bless!
I am also wondering if anyone developed vein issues after their toxicity. I developed purple spider veins on my legs, face and arms. I am very worried this will not go away. My other larger blue veins are also much more pronounced and visible. I wonder if this is dangerous in anyway.
I just dont know what to do.
This flare up is exhausting.
I havnt read much about flare ups that last weeks and weeks after being well for several years.
Honestly I can take aching bones..tingling legs..burning feet.I honestly can.
But this foggy head.!!!!
I can now only eat certain things or my head gets really foggy ..and I feel wired.So im limited to vegetables. Meats (chicken and fish) and fruits.I dont want to lose weight but on this kind of diet its inevitable.
I’m just really sad.I have bouts if crying.
I was doing really well..I was ok.One of those recovery stories…so are we never out if the woods really.
I just really cant do this a second time.
Ive already got the T shirt for this crap.
Havnt I been through enough already.
I just never read of anyone going through flare ups for so long and im scared
Hey all,
I just passed my one year mark a few weeks ago and was excited thinking I was finally out of the woods. I now know what a true flare-up is. A second saggital band tore and I’m now having joint pain in that finger – it’s so stiff and achey!
My sciatic nerve pain has disappeared, but has been replaced with a more steady slight nerve ache through the leg.
I did a lot of hiking a few weeks ago and started having achilles pain. I rested and that’s fine now.
Aside from this crappiness, everything else is fine. So to be fair, a year ago I was convinced my life was over and wheelchairs were my future, and if I knew then how I would feel now, I would thank my lucky stars. It’s about perspective. Okay, so I have an achey finger and slight leg pain! Tryin to stay positive!!! 😛
Hey all,
I just passed my one year mark a few weeks ago and was excited thinking I was finally out of the woods. I now know what a true flare-up is. A second saggital band tore and I’m now having joint pain in that finger – it’s so stiff and achey!
My sciatic nerve pain has disappeared, but has been replaced with a more steady slight nerve ache through the leg.
I did a lot of hiking a few weeks ago and started having achilles pain. I rested and that’s fine now.
Aside from this crappiness, everything else is fine. So to be fair, a year ago I was convinced my life was over and wheelchairs were my future, and if I knew then how I would feel now, I would thank my lucky stars. It’s about perspective. Okay, so I have an achey finger and slight leg pain! Tryin to stay positive!!! 😛
Has anyone else found that their symptoms improve just before their period?
I have a slight improvement a couple of days before my period starts, and then crash down again 4 or 5 days later. I think this is the opposite to what most floxed women experience.
It’s obviously hormonal, but I’d really like to try and understand what is going on. I get about 5 “better” days every month, and then go back to square in again.
Anyone else had this, and found anything to help?
Just letting you know the results of,
My stool samples:
No fungi, no worms, no bacteria (shigella, campylobacter, salmonella, yersinia)
My urine sample:
Pseudomonas sp (wtf?)
1) we know it attacks more efficiently in low level magnesium levels, wide spread, & with no discriminating
2) never trust & take any medications nurses/doctors proceed to administer without fully evaluating your detailed makeup, history, deficiencies etc. they literally (like anywhere you expect to get paid services) expect you to do the work/their job for them. Do not trust or even convince yourself they’ll so much as monitor any given drug, a majority describe: “this is not a full list or all possible side effects known or that can/could occur.
3) Doctors unethically & without supporting medical evidence or any actual instance where “benefit out weighs risk” as with any gross lab rat chemistry drug WILL ALWAYS treat you with antibiotics BEFORE any need thus only ever DESTROYING our body’s defenses. Literally almost killing me by shutting my kidneys down while full speed on a 65mph highway. Over a year I cleaned & dressed a nasty beaver chewed root wound almost ripping through half my thigh…NEVER had an infection. Never needed antibiotics. Thought I had a uti so I asked the elderly some 30+ years practicing medicine to order a lab only to assure me “nope all clear”…woman almost killed me! There’s no excuse! Antibiotics are the most wide spread used infectious treatment drug…I’ve only ever seen doctors use anymore as a “preventative” measure. No those are called multivitamins!
So please do not hesitate STOPPING this drug upon so much as unusual pain!! Your doctor won’t care for you like you should!
4) There’s mentioning of not taking iron at the approximate time of a dose in regards to these gross antibodies but do take your multivitamin some time first in the day! Again your doc must check you magnesium levels before prescribing administering these drugs!
5) PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS…always restore natural flora after any antibiotic…your kidneys depend on it, your intestines, & “SUPERBUG” alerts are not doomsday fear hearsay…it’s all very real & any antibiotic can leave 100% open & susceptible to mrsa superbug staph strains that can even attack & quite quickly eat you alive from the inside out. I’ve only ever learned “liquid silver” forgive my forgetting correct term can even battle super bugs vs the further ordering & administering of MORE antibiotics the doctor with dispense knowing he’s killing you faster, dispensing false hope false treatments he knows DOESNT work…KNOWING while watching you die knowing you’ll die that he’s not “licensed” to practice treating with “natural remedy type drugs”.
Not hope…hope is so you don’t give up searching for answers only to find doom & gloom or 0 accountability from the same licensed medical quacks nationwide who blindly account for more injuries & death than most street drugs!
I hope they hope the 1% effected? Not from what I only continued to read, 1 horror story after another. Perhaps I skimmed this article too fast due to not wanting to only hear for & from what seems every any person prescribed this obvious killer drug. Symptomatic-damage-severe-ongoing-irreversible…after my 2nd maybe 3rd dose: I heard & watched my middle finger joints vein rupture!
The pharmacist even medically obligated-inclined to discuss this drug chose to warn me of sunlight. I’m 30 worked hard all my life with no denying I’ve dealt with hereditary degenerative & rhumitoid arthritis to learn this drug may have very well took my only 20 30 more good years! God bless
Sorry I wrote this quickly & angrily but I’m experiencing the onset RIGHT NOW disturbed by a “1%” transparently obviously be everyone posting!!?? Next time a doctor gets der wittle feelings hurt cus u said “internet, possible this that question their negligence arrogance” please remember you don’t owe your doctor your LIFE! If they only wanted to have dr. As a suffix to their name to better pick up chicks & have the nicest car parked on lot….you’ll know right away & these big headed in debt docs shouldn’t have the powers to criminally negligently kill peopl! Stay home & treat yourself! lol the internet is SMARTER THAN THEY ARE!!! THEY HATE THAT FACT LOL!!
Hello All,
I think prostate infections are to men what UTIs are to women in terms of annoyance and pointless suffering…anyways, I had one a few days ago, confirmed by a urineanalysis. After telling the urologist that I was allergic to ALL fluoroquinolones, what is the first thing he writes me a prescription for? Tavanic, aka Levaquin, aka POISON. It’s like we’re fighting a war here. My worst fear is that I’ll be given a fluoroquinolone via IV at some point without my knowledge and the damage re-ensues again. Anyways, after I insisted that Tavanic was just like Cipro (probably worse) he changed the prescription to a cephlasporin (which I still didn’t take). I just don’t get it; it’s frustrating and no different here in the Middle East from anywhere else in the world apparently. Little tummy ache? BOOM, here, have an antibiotic that will cripple you. I still ask myself, if FQs are prescribed at this rate worldwide, where are the ADRs? Are they being reported or even understood by the patient as a result of the FQs? I can’t believe we are just a select “unluckly” few that are simply “sensitive” to this medication. I believe no one escapes the damage from FQs on some level. If the doctors do nothing, the drug companys do nothing, and the FDA does nothing…the odds against us preventing people from using FQs is overwhelming because all we can do now is try to stop others from being hurt by the quinolones. The ADRs from FQs are completely life changing in a very bad way, not a little upset stomach or headache (that would be “sensitive”), total mind and body destruction as we all know. I had tears in my eyes looking at the shelf in the pharmacy loaded with boxes of Cipro and I told the pharmicist how much FQs had hurt me. As is typical, she looked at me like I was crazy and said it was completely safe.
I, also, continue to have blurred vision a few times per week.
I am concerned that some of my symptoms are worsening (after 2 1/2 yrs). Recently, I found that I don’t have a glucose problem any longer (from Levaquin), so I began to eat some foods containing sugar. Could eating sugar cause a worsening of my symptoms (pain and memory loss)?
Thank you!
Visual stuff does get better…..and can also leave behind a kind of fleeting or brief return that will show up for a moment in the day and then be relatively fine for days and weeks. Night time, fatigue, blood sugar seems to play a part in that it will play up.
Chinese Traditional Medicine consider the eyes to also be a reflection of the liver. So maintaining a clean lifestyle is the way to go. The eyes can also reflect the neurological status too. Lyme visual acuity tests reveal neurological issues.
The liver is really our protector and needs support and love from it’s keeper. Vegetables are wonderful for the liver, which means the body in every aspect and system. There really is no separation.
I have definitely noticed a good improvement with chelation therapy. I go in feeling not the best when I leave I feel 200 percent better like me old self. Need to drink plenty of water. I feel cool right now. Normally I have a afternoon nap we will see if it does it to me this time:)
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Hi everyone, I was floxed taking 2 pills of Cipro back in April. I also took 8 days of Doxycycline at the same time. Not sure if that is contributing to these horrible symptoms. I wanted to see if anyone had burning sensations all over there body. Like in there face, back, neck especially in the early mornings. Mine wake me up around 6 am every morning for the last few months. I have neuropaty and burining in my feet, hands and calves too. I’m also getting dry burning eyes and mouth, didn’t anyone experience that too. Does the full body wide burning ever let up and improve?
Just wanted to share my latest post about this fiasco. Warning – I do swear in my writing.
Did anyone experience a tremendous amount of inflammation after taking cipro. And did the doctors want to label you with an autoimmune disease such as RA. The joint pain didn’t start until i took cipro. I really don’t think I have RA. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. All the docs that I’ve been to seems to think that cipro didn’t cause this.
Mark and Rene my crp is raised as well. I haven’t been supplementing but I’m going to start today. Doc want to say its RA. I don’t think so because I didn’t start having joint pain and popping until after I took the cipro. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions.
Mark and Rene recent blood tests revealed that my CRP for inflammation is very high. He want to say that I have RA and that cipro could not have caused pain in my joints or the popping. The symptoms I have didn’t start until after I took the cipro. I’ve just started to supplement. I personally don’t think that I have RA. Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for such a great reply and info on methylation. I’m hoping this will help me get better. The doctor who I’m working with is really knowledgeable in methylation but seems to be overwhelmed with to many patients resulting in being very sloppy. Here are his recommendations as of this week on what I should be taking. If you dont mind I wanted to get your thoughts on these:
My neurotransmitters test showed high excitatory like Glutamate, Nonephrine, ephridine an low serotonin and relatively low GABA. So he recommended for Serotin 5-HTP and for Gaba he recommeded a product called Phenitropic. Can’t barely sleep at all now so scared to take these but am so sleep deprived does this ever improve?
He also wants me to take Lithium Orotate for B12 absorbtion
Super enzymes, Marshmellow root or Slippery Elm, and Liposomal Vit C (2 tsp twice to three times a day) for gut repair
NADH and COQ10 for mitochondria
B minus supplement
B12 Active lozeneger for methylation
DIM for estogren dominance
Possibly Vitamin C IV
SAMe and Magnesium
Wondering your thoughts? Also what treatment protocal IV’s, ozone, supplements, etc. are you doing or tried that seemed to work for you? Did you have sleep issues, anxiety, heart palps, adrenaline like rushs, bloating and no appetite? Not sure if I asked you this before but did you experience full body wide burning like in eyes, head, neck, feet, calves with fsaculitations under skin?
I feel like I’m falling apart! Just curious what your symptoms were, are currently? How far out are you?
Sorry for all the questions. Is there away we could talk offline for a few minutes. My email is I would love to give you a quick call if possible.
Thanks so much Rene!