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4 years ago
Hi Blair, Great topic!
Apparantly without NAD there is no DNA repair process and we lose it as we age.
NAD+ fuels PARPS which repair damaged DNA
Its used in hundreds of enzymatic reactions and plays an important role in metabolism, ageing cell death, dna repair and gene expression
They aide your Surtuin genes which influence the ageing process regulation mitochondrial biogenesis stimulate apoptosis and inhibit inflammation, reduce oxidation reactions
NAD + molecule is bulky and doesnt pass accross the cellular membrane so you need to get NAD precursors that can and once they do convert into NAD+
There are many different pathways for boosting NAD +: Nicotinamide is the way we can get it through diet with is a water soluble version of vitamin b3 which gets converted to NMN or you can recycle from NADH
CD-38 (enzyme) apparently leaches our NAD+ and this enzyme increases with age and is responsible for mitochondrial decline. To reduce CD-38 you can use a flavanoid called Apigenin – Which I have been getting from parsley, celery and Chamomile tea
Apigenin has shown to have all round approach, when it comes to cancer. It may reduce the risk of prostate, breast, stomach and bladder cancer as well as leukemia. Scientists assume that flavonoid works in several ways from which only a few of them have been identified.
However, strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics are for sure, one of the main reasons behind its anti-cancer properties. By preventing free radical damage and blocking COX-2, the risk of cancer can be reduced, a lot.
Its the same old story for increasing NAD: Aerobic Exercise, Resitance training the latter being the most effective. Calorie restriction / CR Memetics
I am taking Reveratrol too with grape may increase NAD
Natural sources in food are: Dairy milk (not cadbury’s! DOH!) Fish, Mushrooms, Yeast, Green Veggies, whole grains, OR FAST; Fasting has been shown to increase the levels of NAD+ and surtuins; the proteins which have been found to slow the aging process. While fasting is effective in increasing NAD+ levels, drastic reduction in calorie intake or fasting can have a counterproductive effect. There is also some speculation that intermittent fasting or adopting a low carb-ketogenic diet may also provide similar positive results.
Too many draw backs to the NAD+ supplements for my liking so Im not taking it. The transport data does not support the transport of NMN by Slc12a8.
Like everything else on this journey the studies are contradictory.
Take NR or NMN if your gonna try it but be careful as there is no research and take TMG alongside as its a methyl group donor and should cancel out methylation interference.
One final pont – NAD+ can supposedly prevent cancer but If you have cancer boosting NAD levels may contribute to your cancer
4 years ago
Hi guys, the last comments where mostly about borax and boron, as a form of detox. As I mentioned in a previous post, some days ago I added to my Vit. D and K2 stack some boron, 3 mg a day and a multimineral, both from Solgar.
Anyway, I was very interested in trying boron because it seems to be very important in mineral, so also calcium, absorbtion in the bones, with a regulating effect, and, according to some studies even raising Vit D levels in the blood.
During these 4 years of being floxed, I’ve checked my blood levels quite often, minerals and vitamins expecially. During winter of 2017, so I was already supplementing with D3, my levels were at 48 ng/dcl, but the highest vitamin D level ever recorder was during the summer of 2018, if I remember correclty, where I didn’t take any supplement for months, but I was exposing myslef to the midday sun, at least 4-5 days a week, for half an hour. The levels at that time where at 78 ng/dcl. After destroyng my digestive system with a probiotic blend in Dec. 2018, after a few months of supplementing again, my levels where at 33 ng/dcl, so quite less compared to the previous winter, when I didn’t have any digestive problem yet. Anyway, yesterday, I’ve cheked my Vit.D, calcium and creatinine levels : the last 2 are at a regular level, so no hypercalcemia or any problem for the kidneys, but surprisingley the Vit D levels are at 53 ng/dcl, so very good! Apparently the boron is doing its job. I’m going to continue to take the boron and the multimineral, but probably I’m going to take less of the Multimineral, because the calcium levels where in the norm, but in the high range, so maybe I’m goin to take it every other day, instead of everyday.
I just wanted to share with you my expereince, apparently this boron/borax thing is a true key element for human health, expecially for floxies. So, thank you John Taylor to let me/us know the importance of this quite forgotten mineral.
Here’s a couple of links about boron supplementation :
Hi guys, yesterday I’ve posted a comment about Boron, it conteined 3 links about the topic.
It was awaiting moderation, but it hasn’t showed up yet, why’s that?
Don M
4 years ago
John Taylor…………… I read about the different ways to take the Borax. I need your comment on taking the Borax about 4 days a week and using the one ounce daily at mixing 2 teaspoons in a quart of water. But take the Borax at bed time. At bed time the one ounce of Borax would have 8 hours or more to work over night and then during the day one could take the supplements. Your opinion?
Fred S
4 years ago
John Taylor – I think there is some confusion between Borax and Boron. Can you explain the difference? Thanks
Kevin D
4 years ago
Hello everyone! I was floxed in 2014. Had a very rough first year with tendonitis, depression, high blood pressure, rapid heart beat at random times etc….6 years out and I have learned to live with it as they say. The depression, tendonitis and heart issues have subsided mostly after the first year. The long term issues that I have are the ton of “eye” floaters from vitreous detachment (luckily I didn’t go blind) and body wide fesiculations (muscle twitches) and occasional neuropathy. I take Vitamin D and Magnesium everyday as well as some other supplements. If I could get the muscle twitching to stop I would feel almost whole again. Has anyone else had any luck in getting the twitching to stop? Thanks in advance.
4 years ago
Hi Kevin, I’m Andrea.
I was floxed in Dec. 2016. I developed pain in my Achilles tendons and lower legs right away, but the “bomb” really exploded only after 5-6 months. The symtpoms were : excruciating pain in lower legs but also almost every joint in my body, dizziness, head pressure, chronic fatigue. I can describe the pain in the lower legs, expecially the shins, almost like a powerful burning and tingling sensation inside the muslces and bones. I didn’t suffer from muscle twitching, as far as I can remember, but anyway, all these symptoms slowly but gradually improved when I started to “detoxify” : eating really clean, fruits and vegetables expecially, dairy free diet on and off for a while. no junk food ect. But I expecially avoid caffeine in any form, so no coffee, tea, coke or anything else.
I’ve always found Vit. D to be probably the most important supplement of all the ones I’ve tryed. Expecially useful for “the pain inside the bones”. But like with anything, you’ve to be careful. Have you checked your vitamin d levels? Are you taking vitamin K2 with it? K2 it’s really important for Vit D absorbtion and to get the calcium inside your bones and not in your arteries. Lately on Floxie Hope, the “hot topic” has been Boron (and Borax, but I can’t talk about this one because I’ve never tryed it and I’m not so sure about it). I started to take it lately (boron), and I think it’s doing good so far. Boron is a trace mineral that some studies indicate to raise Vit. D levels in the blood, even in diet that lack this important hormone. If you scroll up, you’ll find one of my comment with 3 different links about it. Another useful thing you can do, is exposing you bare skin, most of it, so in shorts to be clear, at around 12 ‘o clock. Remeber Vit D it’s very important, but the sun has so many others benefits, even for the eyes. It just take as little as 20-30 minutes a day, depending on your complexion and the power of the sun that day, to get lots of Vit. D and many other benefits. There’re studies that have found sun exposure to alleviate or even cure certIain eye disease, so maybe it could be beneficial for your eye floaters. Some say even infrared light therapy is useful for that, but I’m not sure about it.
Hope this helped a little.
4 years ago
Hi everybody, has anyone ever had to deal with staph infection after being floxed?
4 years ago
If anybody read this, please answer ASAP, I’m probably dealing with staph infection, I even have a swollen ankle. Tomorrow I’m going to the doctor and see if it’s what I’m afraid it might be. Anyway, if it was the case, I already know what he’s going to give me…antibiotics, that’s why I’m asking you, have you ever have to deal with it after being floxed? Any natural (effective) remedies that you might suggest? I already put a little bit of tea tree oil on the rush, but I’m not sure it would do anything…
Thank you in advance
4 years ago
Can someone please recommend a topical magnesium supplement (no additives) which works well to combat muscle spams, ideally one that ships to Canada?
4 years ago
Merry Christmas to all. I know the Holidays aren’t the same since getting floxed, not even close, but nevertheless I wish for you all to have a pain-free and symptom-free Holiday Season.
I use several sprays of oil regularly to eliminate leg cramps and boost the magnesium in my system. Cramping muscles is a sign that you are low on magnesium.
North Dakota is closer than overseas. Swanson also ships free but has order minimums for the free shipping. I have bought from Swanson Vitamins for many years.
4 years ago
Andrea, I had a rash for months that I thought was staph but I never went to the doctors so I don’t know for sure what it was. Anyhow I tried many things, and what finally helped was Milk of Magnesia
Does anyone knows why, everytime I try to post a comment containg a link directing to another web page, it always shows “your comment is awaiting moderation”, but it doesn’t show up even after a few hours?
Don M
4 years ago
Anyone know the status of John Taylor? It has been 3 weeks since he posted anything.
4 years ago
Has anyone here found a way to repair the nerve damage associated with antibiotic toxicity? I’m talking about the constant nerve tremors. They’ve been going off for 6 years straight now. Is there anything out there that will stop the tremors and repair the nerves?
I have been unable to blog for the month of December due to some physical,biochemistry issues and an rough spot in keeping up with my bills. The bills part is past now and will strat trying to answer your questions.
I apologize for the delay and feel,really bad that I have not kept up.
John Taylor
4 years ago
Hey everyone, some of us, Don in particular, if I remember correclty, wrote about Red/Near Infrared light therapy. Anyway, long story short, I’ve bought a Deep Red Light lamp, to test if the alleged benefits are real. I already know that Near Infrared it’s used mostly for deeper penetration, so for things like arthritis, joint pain etc., while Red Light it’s used for skin issues, colagen production, but surprsingly, one studie suggets it can be beneficial for your eyesight too. Anywya, today I’ve tried it direclty on my face, at about 30 cm from my face (the suggested distance), and form time to time I stared at the light for a few seconds. I think this was a mistake. Just looking direclty at the light was very intense, quite uncomfortable to be honest, so I don’t think I’m going to look at it again, but do you think I should use some form of protection even if my eyes are closed?
Thank you, and…almost Happy New Year everyone.
Hi Blair, Great topic!
Apparantly without NAD there is no DNA repair process and we lose it as we age.
NAD+ fuels PARPS which repair damaged DNA
Its used in hundreds of enzymatic reactions and plays an important role in metabolism, ageing cell death, dna repair and gene expression
They aide your Surtuin genes which influence the ageing process regulation mitochondrial biogenesis stimulate apoptosis and inhibit inflammation, reduce oxidation reactions
NAD + molecule is bulky and doesnt pass accross the cellular membrane so you need to get NAD precursors that can and once they do convert into NAD+
There are many different pathways for boosting NAD +: Nicotinamide is the way we can get it through diet with is a water soluble version of vitamin b3 which gets converted to NMN or you can recycle from NADH
CD-38 (enzyme) apparently leaches our NAD+ and this enzyme increases with age and is responsible for mitochondrial decline. To reduce CD-38 you can use a flavanoid called Apigenin – Which I have been getting from parsley, celery and Chamomile tea
Apigenin has shown to have all round approach, when it comes to cancer. It may reduce the risk of prostate, breast, stomach and bladder cancer as well as leukemia. Scientists assume that flavonoid works in several ways from which only a few of them have been identified.
However, strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics are for sure, one of the main reasons behind its anti-cancer properties. By preventing free radical damage and blocking COX-2, the risk of cancer can be reduced, a lot.
Its the same old story for increasing NAD: Aerobic Exercise, Resitance training the latter being the most effective. Calorie restriction / CR Memetics
I am taking Reveratrol too with grape may increase NAD
Natural sources in food are: Dairy milk (not cadbury’s! DOH!) Fish, Mushrooms, Yeast, Green Veggies, whole grains, OR FAST; Fasting has been shown to increase the levels of NAD+ and surtuins; the proteins which have been found to slow the aging process. While fasting is effective in increasing NAD+ levels, drastic reduction in calorie intake or fasting can have a counterproductive effect. There is also some speculation that intermittent fasting or adopting a low carb-ketogenic diet may also provide similar positive results.
Too many draw backs to the NAD+ supplements for my liking so Im not taking it. The transport data does not support the transport of NMN by Slc12a8.
Like everything else on this journey the studies are contradictory.
Take NR or NMN if your gonna try it but be careful as there is no research and take TMG alongside as its a methyl group donor and should cancel out methylation interference.
One final pont – NAD+ can supposedly prevent cancer but If you have cancer boosting NAD levels may contribute to your cancer
Hi guys, the last comments where mostly about borax and boron, as a form of detox. As I mentioned in a previous post, some days ago I added to my Vit. D and K2 stack some boron, 3 mg a day and a multimineral, both from Solgar.
Anyway, I was very interested in trying boron because it seems to be very important in mineral, so also calcium, absorbtion in the bones, with a regulating effect, and, according to some studies even raising Vit D levels in the blood.
During these 4 years of being floxed, I’ve checked my blood levels quite often, minerals and vitamins expecially. During winter of 2017, so I was already supplementing with D3, my levels were at 48 ng/dcl, but the highest vitamin D level ever recorder was during the summer of 2018, if I remember correclty, where I didn’t take any supplement for months, but I was exposing myslef to the midday sun, at least 4-5 days a week, for half an hour. The levels at that time where at 78 ng/dcl. After destroyng my digestive system with a probiotic blend in Dec. 2018, after a few months of supplementing again, my levels where at 33 ng/dcl, so quite less compared to the previous winter, when I didn’t have any digestive problem yet. Anyway, yesterday, I’ve cheked my Vit.D, calcium and creatinine levels : the last 2 are at a regular level, so no hypercalcemia or any problem for the kidneys, but surprisingley the Vit D levels are at 53 ng/dcl, so very good! Apparently the boron is doing its job. I’m going to continue to take the boron and the multimineral, but probably I’m going to take less of the Multimineral, because the calcium levels where in the norm, but in the high range, so maybe I’m goin to take it every other day, instead of everyday.
I just wanted to share with you my expereince, apparently this boron/borax thing is a true key element for human health, expecially for floxies. So, thank you John Taylor to let me/us know the importance of this quite forgotten mineral.
Here’s a couple of links about boron supplementation :
Hi guys, yesterday I’ve posted a comment about Boron, it conteined 3 links about the topic.
It was awaiting moderation, but it hasn’t showed up yet, why’s that?
John Taylor…………… I read about the different ways to take the Borax. I need your comment on taking the Borax about 4 days a week and using the one ounce daily at mixing 2 teaspoons in a quart of water. But take the Borax at bed time. At bed time the one ounce of Borax would have 8 hours or more to work over night and then during the day one could take the supplements. Your opinion?
John Taylor – I think there is some confusion between Borax and Boron. Can you explain the difference? Thanks
Hello everyone! I was floxed in 2014. Had a very rough first year with tendonitis, depression, high blood pressure, rapid heart beat at random times etc….6 years out and I have learned to live with it as they say. The depression, tendonitis and heart issues have subsided mostly after the first year. The long term issues that I have are the ton of “eye” floaters from vitreous detachment (luckily I didn’t go blind) and body wide fesiculations (muscle twitches) and occasional neuropathy. I take Vitamin D and Magnesium everyday as well as some other supplements. If I could get the muscle twitching to stop I would feel almost whole again. Has anyone else had any luck in getting the twitching to stop? Thanks in advance.
Hi Kevin, I’m Andrea.
I was floxed in Dec. 2016. I developed pain in my Achilles tendons and lower legs right away, but the “bomb” really exploded only after 5-6 months. The symtpoms were : excruciating pain in lower legs but also almost every joint in my body, dizziness, head pressure, chronic fatigue. I can describe the pain in the lower legs, expecially the shins, almost like a powerful burning and tingling sensation inside the muslces and bones. I didn’t suffer from muscle twitching, as far as I can remember, but anyway, all these symptoms slowly but gradually improved when I started to “detoxify” : eating really clean, fruits and vegetables expecially, dairy free diet on and off for a while. no junk food ect. But I expecially avoid caffeine in any form, so no coffee, tea, coke or anything else.
I’ve always found Vit. D to be probably the most important supplement of all the ones I’ve tryed. Expecially useful for “the pain inside the bones”. But like with anything, you’ve to be careful. Have you checked your vitamin d levels? Are you taking vitamin K2 with it? K2 it’s really important for Vit D absorbtion and to get the calcium inside your bones and not in your arteries. Lately on Floxie Hope, the “hot topic” has been Boron (and Borax, but I can’t talk about this one because I’ve never tryed it and I’m not so sure about it). I started to take it lately (boron), and I think it’s doing good so far. Boron is a trace mineral that some studies indicate to raise Vit. D levels in the blood, even in diet that lack this important hormone. If you scroll up, you’ll find one of my comment with 3 different links about it. Another useful thing you can do, is exposing you bare skin, most of it, so in shorts to be clear, at around 12 ‘o clock. Remeber Vit D it’s very important, but the sun has so many others benefits, even for the eyes. It just take as little as 20-30 minutes a day, depending on your complexion and the power of the sun that day, to get lots of Vit. D and many other benefits. There’re studies that have found sun exposure to alleviate or even cure certIain eye disease, so maybe it could be beneficial for your eye floaters. Some say even infrared light therapy is useful for that, but I’m not sure about it.
Hope this helped a little.
Hi everybody, has anyone ever had to deal with staph infection after being floxed?
If anybody read this, please answer ASAP, I’m probably dealing with staph infection, I even have a swollen ankle. Tomorrow I’m going to the doctor and see if it’s what I’m afraid it might be. Anyway, if it was the case, I already know what he’s going to give me…antibiotics, that’s why I’m asking you, have you ever have to deal with it after being floxed? Any natural (effective) remedies that you might suggest? I already put a little bit of tea tree oil on the rush, but I’m not sure it would do anything…
Thank you in advance
Can someone please recommend a topical magnesium supplement (no additives) which works well to combat muscle spams, ideally one that ships to Canada?
Merry Christmas to all. I know the Holidays aren’t the same since getting floxed, not even close, but nevertheless I wish for you all to have a pain-free and symptom-free Holiday Season.
Lukasz……. In the US in Fargo ND there is Swanson Vitamins. (Big organization in business many years) Swanson’s has magnesium oil. You can buy the single 8 oz. bottle, the 3 pk of the 8 oz. bottles, a half gallon of it and also a 2.2 pound jar of flakes.
I use several sprays of oil regularly to eliminate leg cramps and boost the magnesium in my system. Cramping muscles is a sign that you are low on magnesium.
North Dakota is closer than overseas. Swanson also ships free but has order minimums for the free shipping. I have bought from Swanson Vitamins for many years.
Andrea, I had a rash for months that I thought was staph but I never went to the doctors so I don’t know for sure what it was. Anyhow I tried many things, and what finally helped was Milk of Magnesia
Wow, what a great news, expecially for us…
I used it topically
Does anyone knows why, everytime I try to post a comment containg a link directing to another web page, it always shows “your comment is awaiting moderation”, but it doesn’t show up even after a few hours?
Anyone know the status of John Taylor? It has been 3 weeks since he posted anything.
Has anyone here found a way to repair the nerve damage associated with antibiotic toxicity? I’m talking about the constant nerve tremors. They’ve been going off for 6 years straight now. Is there anything out there that will stop the tremors and repair the nerves?
Hi all,
I have been unable to blog for the month of December due to some physical,biochemistry issues and an rough spot in keeping up with my bills. The bills part is past now and will strat trying to answer your questions.
I apologize for the delay and feel,really bad that I have not kept up.
John Taylor
Hey everyone, some of us, Don in particular, if I remember correclty, wrote about Red/Near Infrared light therapy. Anyway, long story short, I’ve bought a Deep Red Light lamp, to test if the alleged benefits are real. I already know that Near Infrared it’s used mostly for deeper penetration, so for things like arthritis, joint pain etc., while Red Light it’s used for skin issues, colagen production, but surprsingly, one studie suggets it can be beneficial for your eyesight too. Anywya, today I’ve tried it direclty on my face, at about 30 cm from my face (the suggested distance), and form time to time I stared at the light for a few seconds. I think this was a mistake. Just looking direclty at the light was very intense, quite uncomfortable to be honest, so I don’t think I’m going to look at it again, but do you think I should use some form of protection even if my eyes are closed?
Thank you, and…almost Happy New Year everyone.