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Magnesium and Vitamin D are used to make everything in our bodies. Magnesium is one of the ions required for our muscles to function, specifically for muscles to relax and stretch out. The magnesium ion is part of the proper functioning of all cells. It is part of our bone structure improving flexibility to an otherwise strong but brittle calcium phosphate crystal. It prevents unwanted crystals – kidney stones, gall stones, tinnitus stones, calcification of arteries – by making the crystal structure more soluble, so the warm periods of the daily temperature cycle will better dissolve the daily new growth made during the cold periods. It plays a key role in our daily energy production. Given all it’s important uses, restoring fully functional levels is a complex subject.
Magnesium is the rate limiting step to increasing Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D always consumes magnesium when rebuilding or making new cells. As magnesium takes longer to acquire and get into cells, Vitamin D supplementation can cause magnesium deficiency usually observed as sore muscles.
Magnesium is a positive ion. Magnesium is acquired typically as a salt. The negative half of the salt is just as important, as different negative ions associate with different tissues drawing the positive Magnesium to those areas. Malate associates with muscles. Taurate with nerve and brain tissue, etc. See the known list below.
Commonly, Magnesium deficiency expresses itself by sore, achy, stiff muscles, charley horses, leg cramps, muscles that lockup, or restless leg syndrome.
Magnesium is acquired naturally very slowly as the blood carries only 1 gram while our tissues need 3500 times that amount. So one must elevate the concentration artificially. Ingesting magnesium salts can cause stomach pain from damaged sites in the stomach or intestinal lining and also diarrhea. Accordingly one needs to acquire some magnesium through the skin and also repair the stomach lining. Rapidly absorbing Magnesium organic salts do not cause diarrhea.
Mango pulp repairs stomach lining. Candied dried fruit is a good choice as it stores well and a small piece is all you need at a time.
Start acquiring magnesium through your skin by soaking a foot in Epsom salts. Make sure there is always some solid salt in the bottom of the bucket to keep a saturated solution. If you experience any unpleasant feeling, stop. This discomfort is caused a large salt gradient from too little salt in that tissue. Soak again in 4 hours and keep at it until you feel the salt in your eyes. After a while your eyes will not sting.
Once you are past any discomfort from soaking, a faster and more thorough soak is to find a Zen Float Epsom Salt full body soaking spa. Zen Float manufactures full body soaking tubs with filtration that you actually float in. Magnesium doesn’t have to travel as far to reach the sore muscle. Many spas use Zen Float in their name. This is an instant cure to all muscle aches.
The next step is to acquire the nine different Magnesium salts needed by all the different locations. I drink an ounce of Diluted Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt), chloride, and citrate daily. Make this mix by buying two bottles of Magnesium citrate – the laxative used for colonoscopies and pour them into a bottle. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salt, and 1/4 cup of Magnesium Chloride. Let the salts dissolve for a day or two. Pour an ounce back into a citrate bottle. This will fill the bottle to a ridge on the bottom. Fill the rest with water and sip an ounce daily.
At a vitamin shop find a bottle of taurine.
At Amazon find a bottle of 4X Magnesium Tranquility- Glucinate, Malate, Orotate, and Taurate. Now you are taking 8 magnesiums. At this point you will not need to soak your foot as often, only if your muscles request it.
At buy a bottle of Magtein – Magnesium L-Threonate.
Below is a list of the various Magnesium salts and which area they support.
Chloride – highly soluble, easily absorbed through the skin and goes everywhere. Available as a solution – magnesium oil and a lotion. Apply it directly on the sore muscles.
Citrate – also highly soluble. especially noted to reduce the formation kidney stones, gall stones, and tinnitus.
Glycinate – Brain (Calming), Bone (Flexibility, fracture resistance)
L-Threonate – Brain (Very Calming) If you have trouble falling asleep, take two before going to bed. As it is calming only take this late in the evening. If you wake in the middle of the night, take another one.
Malate – muscles
Orotate- helps with the production of ATP throughout our whole body. ATP is our oxygen source when we burn energy. Oxygen gas is difficult to store, so the oxygen in our blood is turned into ATP with 13 oxygen atoms. It is made by tiny reaction sites called Mitochondria and is stored for later use in all cells. There are 5,000 mitochondria in each heart muscle cell and 2,500 in each of our brain cells. Guess which two organs consume the most energy per pound. Low ATP in the brain makes you sleepy. Low ATP in the heart causes shortness of breath. If you get tired at the end of the day, these two organs need improvement. A reduction of mitochondria and therefor the production of ATP has been linked to the decline of old age. Later chapters describe how to strengthen each. Surprisingly, with the ability to go up a few stairs, the right diet, supplements, and exercise; you can overcome shortness of breath in 2-3 weeks.
Sulphate – Sulphate is the third most common mineral used in our bodies. It can be converted to MSM in our intestines. MSM is used in rebuilding cartilage and ligaments. it helps dissolve cholesterol deposits.
Taurate – Nerve Tissue, Brain
Taurine – reduces the effects of high cholesterol, and hypertension. You may only find Taurine by itself.
Once the muscle aches are gone you can start increasing Vitamin D – the subject of the next chapter.
If you want to improve any specific issue, take extra supplements as described below.
evening tiredness – brain deficiency – Taurate, L-Threonate, and Orotate
Muscle aches like a sore lower back – Epsom salts. MgCl topical application, Mg Malate
Cholesterol – Mg Sulphate, MSM, MgTaurine.
Any stone – kidney, gall, tinnitus (Mg Phosphate) – Citric acid, Mg Citrate, low ph smart water, lemonade (citric acid and ascorbic acid also known as Vitamin C)
Arthritis – build ligaments and cartilage,- Mg Sulphate, MSM, glucosamine chondroitin – refer to chapter on Arthritis.
This as revised chapter for the 2nd addition of an Amazon Kindle book,- The Healthy Truth
Author – John Taylor
Where it says join the discussion. Maybe if we all do that we can all see each other’s comments. It looks like Jason has found a way to bring the old functionality back.
Marylou Ambrose
2 years ago
I was floxed 7 years ago and was doing okay with mild flares until a couple months ago, when I had a huge flare-up after taking amoxicillin. I also had a steroid shot for bursitis in January and a second Covid booster a few weeks before. I’ve been suffering terribly with widespread pain and found a functional medicine doctor who ordered blood tests and hair analysis. The blood tests showed inflammation, slightly high glucose, and other things I’ve read are side effects of Levaquin. But the hair analysis showed heavy metals in my body, including aluminum, lead, mercury, uranium, silver, and copper! Has anyone else had this happen? I have no idea if this is related to being floxed. My husband is fine, so it’s hard to believe it’s something in our environment. The doctor prescribed several supplements to detox, etc. I sure hope this helps.
2 years ago
Hi guys,
7 weeks post symptoms from an IV of Levaquin at the hospital. First symptom was severe vertigo and the next morning I woke up with the most severe anxiety I have ever experienced and what felt like my whole body tingling. Now I have improved quite a bit and can be functional but the depression and intrusive thoughts are still lingering. I am curious to anyone who has recovered how long it took to see mental relief. Appreciated!
Hey my name is Tamara and I have been suffering from Cipro steroids an MRI contrast in im only 20 years old it’s been 3 months so far my gut is not we’re it needs to be every bone in my body is cracking I don’t have no money to see a functional medicine doctor I basically had every side effect in the book. I just want my life back I came on here to see if you guys can donate in share my go fund me account I would greatly appreciate it. Nobody believes that I been poisoned in I truly believe that I will recover because I’m still young. here’s the link for my go fund me anything will help. You guys are my only hope.
2 years ago
Hi I am floxed a year ago and the symptoms come back again this year. Is anyone from Hong Kong here? please contact with me thanks.
Jason Sousa
1 year ago
Hey Everyone, I hope this community forum will help you find answers, help and support. Please let me know if you need any help.
1 year ago
Hi! I was floxed in 2017. I nearly died but still here 🙂 I was a year without any kind of relapses but 2 weeks ago i took Nsaid and the hell loose in my head. I was dizzy, i had insomnia, tremors, hard to breath again… sh*t. Today is better but can someone tell me how to replace Nsaids? I Europe for example we have metamizole sodium – what do you think?
1 year ago
Hi my name is Graham and live in the UK. I was floxed a few months ago and have been struggling to find a doctor who understands or believes what I am going through. Does anybody know of any Doctors in the UK who have helped them with becoming floxed?
Thank you
1 year ago
anyone here who got cervical dystonia from cipro ?
Hey everyone, so my book and online course will be out soon. Is there anyone interested in suggesting any topics to cover to make sure I did not miss anything.
Marylou Ambrose
1 year ago
Has anyone else developed multiple food sensitivities after being floxed? I took levaquin over 7 years ago and was doing fine until last spring, when I had a bad reaction to my second Covid vaccine and had to take amoxicillin to stop coughing (which didn’t even help. Afterward, I developed widespread tendon pain and now I can’t eat gluten, dairy, or sugar, also can’t have wine or coffee.
1 year ago
Hello everyone. Has anyone ever heard about peptides, in particular BPC 157?
Seems interesting.
I hope it can be of some help, or at least provide some entertainment. ????
Feedback is welcome.
1 year ago
I was floxed in 2014, many years of flares I’ve been in remission or not having bad symptoms for the last few years, it seems like it hit me again in an instant. I stared a proton pump inhibitor for esophageal and haital hernia . I also am trying Invisalign braces. I can’t seem to figure out if it’s the med or the braces or something unrelated to that.
I haven’t had a shower filter for a few years.
my lymph nodes are swollen and sudden onset of multiple tendon issues.,
I have not been on the foodie sight for years, I thought it was gone. Unless this is a reaction to the new gurd/reflux med
any one have a flare after many years of no symptoms?
1 year ago
Hello everyone,
I am so thankful to find y’all! I was diagnosed with cervical cancer stage IIIb this past fall. Went through external beam radiation, low-dose chemo, and then inpatient brachytherapy where I received IV and oral Levaquin. After my stay for brachy I started to have bilateral shoulder pain, even just sitting still. I was very fatigued, anxious, couldn’t sleep, but blamed that on the treatments and recovery. The shoulders continued to get worse and my range of motion became more and more limited. It is now two months later. Still fatigued, a bit better. I can barely sleep between not being able to find a comfortable position and increased anxiety. My right shoulder has slight issues with range of motion, some pain. My left shoulder, ugh, constant pain, very limited range of motion (I think I’ve hit frozen shoulder stage). I’ve asked my doctor for a referral for Ortho just to have someone managing the damage. I’m an RN. I had no clue that fluoroquinolones could do this! They don’t teach you about this in nursing school and Levaquin is such a regularly prescribed antibiotic. I feel like shouting from the rooftops “don’t take it!”. Now I’m wondering about some of the issues my husband has had the past 20 years after he had a reaction to Cipro (has constant GI issues and chronic pain).
God bless!
1 year ago
Has anyone had problems with medication used to dilate eyes for eye exams? I have chosen not to have my eyes dilated during eye exams since I was floxed almost six years ago, but I’m thinking the doctor may encourage it this year and I’m concerned about reactions from the dilation drops. Thanks.
1 year ago
excellent post, very informative. I wonder why the opposite experts of this sector do not notice this.You must continue your writing. I’m sure, you’ve a huge readers’ base already! My Site:
Jen Bateman
1 year ago
I used Cipro ear drops while on PREDNISONE. My ears have had extreme pressure and feeling of being clogged ever since. It’s been 4 weeks. I’m DONE!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE someone tell me this will improve!! I cannot live this way!! PLEASE!!!!!
Magnesium Restoration
Magnesium and Vitamin D are used to make everything in our bodies. Magnesium is one of the ions required for our muscles to function, specifically for muscles to relax and stretch out. The magnesium ion is part of the proper functioning of all cells. It is part of our bone structure improving flexibility to an otherwise strong but brittle calcium phosphate crystal. It prevents unwanted crystals – kidney stones, gall stones, tinnitus stones, calcification of arteries – by making the crystal structure more soluble, so the warm periods of the daily temperature cycle will better dissolve the daily new growth made during the cold periods. It plays a key role in our daily energy production. Given all it’s important uses, restoring fully functional levels is a complex subject.
Magnesium is the rate limiting step to increasing Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D always consumes magnesium when rebuilding or making new cells. As magnesium takes longer to acquire and get into cells, Vitamin D supplementation can cause magnesium deficiency usually observed as sore muscles.
Magnesium is a positive ion. Magnesium is acquired typically as a salt. The negative half of the salt is just as important, as different negative ions associate with different tissues drawing the positive Magnesium to those areas. Malate associates with muscles. Taurate with nerve and brain tissue, etc. See the known list below.
Commonly, Magnesium deficiency expresses itself by sore, achy, stiff muscles, charley horses, leg cramps, muscles that lockup, or restless leg syndrome.
Magnesium is acquired naturally very slowly as the blood carries only 1 gram while our tissues need 3500 times that amount. So one must elevate the concentration artificially. Ingesting magnesium salts can cause stomach pain from damaged sites in the stomach or intestinal lining and also diarrhea. Accordingly one needs to acquire some magnesium through the skin and also repair the stomach lining. Rapidly absorbing Magnesium organic salts do not cause diarrhea.
Mango pulp repairs stomach lining. Candied dried fruit is a good choice as it stores well and a small piece is all you need at a time.
Start acquiring magnesium through your skin by soaking a foot in Epsom salts. Make sure there is always some solid salt in the bottom of the bucket to keep a saturated solution. If you experience any unpleasant feeling, stop. This discomfort is caused a large salt gradient from too little salt in that tissue. Soak again in 4 hours and keep at it until you feel the salt in your eyes. After a while your eyes will not sting.
Once you are past any discomfort from soaking, a faster and more thorough soak is to find a Zen Float Epsom Salt full body soaking spa. Zen Float manufactures full body soaking tubs with filtration that you actually float in. Magnesium doesn’t have to travel as far to reach the sore muscle. Many spas use Zen Float in their name. This is an instant cure to all muscle aches.
The next step is to acquire the nine different Magnesium salts needed by all the different locations. I drink an ounce of Diluted Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt), chloride, and citrate daily. Make this mix by buying two bottles of Magnesium citrate – the laxative used for colonoscopies and pour them into a bottle. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salt, and 1/4 cup of Magnesium Chloride. Let the salts dissolve for a day or two. Pour an ounce back into a citrate bottle. This will fill the bottle to a ridge on the bottom. Fill the rest with water and sip an ounce daily.
At a vitamin shop find a bottle of taurine.
At Amazon find a bottle of 4X Magnesium Tranquility- Glucinate, Malate, Orotate, and Taurate. Now you are taking 8 magnesiums. At this point you will not need to soak your foot as often, only if your muscles request it.
At buy a bottle of Magtein – Magnesium L-Threonate.
Below is a list of the various Magnesium salts and which area they support.
Chloride – highly soluble, easily absorbed through the skin and goes everywhere. Available as a solution – magnesium oil and a lotion. Apply it directly on the sore muscles.
Citrate – also highly soluble. especially noted to reduce the formation kidney stones, gall stones, and tinnitus.
Glycinate – Brain (Calming), Bone (Flexibility, fracture resistance)
L-Threonate – Brain (Very Calming) If you have trouble falling asleep, take two before going to bed. As it is calming only take this late in the evening. If you wake in the middle of the night, take another one.
Malate – muscles
Orotate- helps with the production of ATP throughout our whole body. ATP is our oxygen source when we burn energy. Oxygen gas is difficult to store, so the oxygen in our blood is turned into ATP with 13 oxygen atoms. It is made by tiny reaction sites called Mitochondria and is stored for later use in all cells. There are 5,000 mitochondria in each heart muscle cell and 2,500 in each of our brain cells. Guess which two organs consume the most energy per pound. Low ATP in the brain makes you sleepy. Low ATP in the heart causes shortness of breath. If you get tired at the end of the day, these two organs need improvement. A reduction of mitochondria and therefor the production of ATP has been linked to the decline of old age. Later chapters describe how to strengthen each. Surprisingly, with the ability to go up a few stairs, the right diet, supplements, and exercise; you can overcome shortness of breath in 2-3 weeks.
Sulphate – Sulphate is the third most common mineral used in our bodies. It can be converted to MSM in our intestines. MSM is used in rebuilding cartilage and ligaments. it helps dissolve cholesterol deposits.
Taurate – Nerve Tissue, Brain
Taurine – reduces the effects of high cholesterol, and hypertension. You may only find Taurine by itself.
Once the muscle aches are gone you can start increasing Vitamin D – the subject of the next chapter.
If you want to improve any specific issue, take extra supplements as described below.
evening tiredness – brain deficiency – Taurate, L-Threonate, and Orotate
Muscle aches like a sore lower back – Epsom salts. MgCl topical application, Mg Malate
Cholesterol – Mg Sulphate, MSM, MgTaurine.
Any stone – kidney, gall, tinnitus (Mg Phosphate) – Citric acid, Mg Citrate, low ph smart water, lemonade (citric acid and ascorbic acid also known as Vitamin C)
Arthritis – build ligaments and cartilage,- Mg Sulphate, MSM, glucosamine chondroitin – refer to chapter on Arthritis.
This as revised chapter for the 2nd addition of an Amazon Kindle book,- The Healthy Truth
Author – John Taylor
Hi Don M,
This post was made at the top,of the page.
Where it says join the discussion. Maybe if we all do that we can all see each other’s comments. It looks like Jason has found a way to bring the old functionality back.
I was floxed 7 years ago and was doing okay with mild flares until a couple months ago, when I had a huge flare-up after taking amoxicillin. I also had a steroid shot for bursitis in January and a second Covid booster a few weeks before. I’ve been suffering terribly with widespread pain and found a functional medicine doctor who ordered blood tests and hair analysis. The blood tests showed inflammation, slightly high glucose, and other things I’ve read are side effects of Levaquin. But the hair analysis showed heavy metals in my body, including aluminum, lead, mercury, uranium, silver, and copper! Has anyone else had this happen? I have no idea if this is related to being floxed. My husband is fine, so it’s hard to believe it’s something in our environment. The doctor prescribed several supplements to detox, etc. I sure hope this helps.
Hi guys,
7 weeks post symptoms from an IV of Levaquin at the hospital. First symptom was severe vertigo and the next morning I woke up with the most severe anxiety I have ever experienced and what felt like my whole body tingling. Now I have improved quite a bit and can be functional but the depression and intrusive thoughts are still lingering. I am curious to anyone who has recovered how long it took to see mental relief. Appreciated!
Hey my name is Tamara and I have been suffering from Cipro steroids an MRI contrast in im only 20 years old it’s been 3 months so far my gut is not we’re it needs to be every bone in my body is cracking I don’t have no money to see a functional medicine doctor I basically had every side effect in the book. I just want my life back I came on here to see if you guys can donate in share my go fund me account I would greatly appreciate it. Nobody believes that I been poisoned in I truly believe that I will recover because I’m still young. here’s the link for my go fund me anything will help. You guys are my only hope.
Hi I am floxed a year ago and the symptoms come back again this year. Is anyone from Hong Kong here? please contact with me thanks.
Hey Everyone, I hope this community forum will help you find answers, help and support. Please let me know if you need any help.
Hi! I was floxed in 2017. I nearly died but still here 🙂 I was a year without any kind of relapses but 2 weeks ago i took Nsaid and the hell loose in my head. I was dizzy, i had insomnia, tremors, hard to breath again… sh*t. Today is better but can someone tell me how to replace Nsaids? I Europe for example we have metamizole sodium – what do you think?
Hi my name is Graham and live in the UK. I was floxed a few months ago and have been struggling to find a doctor who understands or believes what I am going through. Does anybody know of any Doctors in the UK who have helped them with becoming floxed?
Thank you
anyone here who got cervical dystonia from cipro ?
Hey everyone, so my book and online course will be out soon. Is there anyone interested in suggesting any topics to cover to make sure I did not miss anything.
Has anyone else developed multiple food sensitivities after being floxed? I took levaquin over 7 years ago and was doing fine until last spring, when I had a bad reaction to my second Covid vaccine and had to take amoxicillin to stop coughing (which didn’t even help. Afterward, I developed widespread tendon pain and now I can’t eat gluten, dairy, or sugar, also can’t have wine or coffee.
Hello everyone. Has anyone ever heard about peptides, in particular BPC 157?
Seems interesting.
Hi, some of you may remember me.
I just wanted to post to the main thread to say that I posted an ebook about my recovery which you can find on my recovery page here (
I hope it can be of some help, or at least provide some entertainment. ????
Feedback is welcome.
I was floxed in 2014, many years of flares I’ve been in remission or not having bad symptoms for the last few years, it seems like it hit me again in an instant. I stared a proton pump inhibitor for esophageal and haital hernia . I also am trying Invisalign braces. I can’t seem to figure out if it’s the med or the braces or something unrelated to that.
I haven’t had a shower filter for a few years.
my lymph nodes are swollen and sudden onset of multiple tendon issues.,
I have not been on the foodie sight for years, I thought it was gone. Unless this is a reaction to the new gurd/reflux med
any one have a flare after many years of no symptoms?
Hello everyone,
I am so thankful to find y’all! I was diagnosed with cervical cancer stage IIIb this past fall. Went through external beam radiation, low-dose chemo, and then inpatient brachytherapy where I received IV and oral Levaquin. After my stay for brachy I started to have bilateral shoulder pain, even just sitting still. I was very fatigued, anxious, couldn’t sleep, but blamed that on the treatments and recovery. The shoulders continued to get worse and my range of motion became more and more limited. It is now two months later. Still fatigued, a bit better. I can barely sleep between not being able to find a comfortable position and increased anxiety. My right shoulder has slight issues with range of motion, some pain. My left shoulder, ugh, constant pain, very limited range of motion (I think I’ve hit frozen shoulder stage). I’ve asked my doctor for a referral for Ortho just to have someone managing the damage. I’m an RN. I had no clue that fluoroquinolones could do this! They don’t teach you about this in nursing school and Levaquin is such a regularly prescribed antibiotic. I feel like shouting from the rooftops “don’t take it!”. Now I’m wondering about some of the issues my husband has had the past 20 years after he had a reaction to Cipro (has constant GI issues and chronic pain).
God bless!
Has anyone had problems with medication used to dilate eyes for eye exams? I have chosen not to have my eyes dilated during eye exams since I was floxed almost six years ago, but I’m thinking the doctor may encourage it this year and I’m concerned about reactions from the dilation drops. Thanks.
excellent post, very informative. I wonder why the opposite experts of this sector do not notice this.You must continue your writing. I’m sure, you’ve a huge readers’ base already! My Site:
I used Cipro ear drops while on PREDNISONE. My ears have had extreme pressure and feeling of being clogged ever since. It’s been 4 weeks. I’m DONE!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE someone tell me this will improve!! I cannot live this way!! PLEASE!!!!!