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11 years ago
Casey, I understand your fears, but only a small percentage of those talking the drugs develop symptoms. I believe the best thing you can do at this point…take massive amounts of PRObiotics. Today’s blog is about just this on please check it out. You’re going to be OK. Very best wishes, Annie
11 years ago
thank you ive always been emotional to things like this for sure though i have been having nightmares and anxiety. i was having both to begin with because of my salmonella it wasn’t going away and i was losing a lot of weight fast not to mention blood in my diarrhea and this was going on for almost a month so i was a frail mess nowhere near my normal body weight. then was given cipro like i said, then 3 days after starting it i did have an anxiety attack not as bad as my panic attack i had 2 1/2 years ago from an antidepressant pill. the nurse said to keep going with it. i did and after a few days of finishing it i got curious and decided to research it and thats when i was horrifie, usually i do that sort of thing with everything i take. i was just wanting to stop the diarrhea and gain sum weight back which i have and have been eating lots of yogurt the greek one but any little aches or noise i hear makes me paranoid im back in the gym again feels good nothing is in pain but im kinda taking an easy for awhile and i am spreading the word to everybody that i can this maybe a dumb question but when do u know when youre in the clear months or years?
Christina Blain
11 years ago
My barely 16 year old daughter was put on Cipro last fall when her pediatrician diagnosed her with a sinus infection that turned out to be mono instead. She had a horrific red rash that turned purple and her knees swelled up. I knew nothing of Cipro toxicity at the time. I just read this tonight. That rash she had took MONTHS to go away. Dr. Said the rash was “vasculitis”. Which means he really had no idea what it was. She only took a few pills. That rash started in September 2012 & wasn’t gone until January 2013. She still flares up around her knees with swelling, pain, numbness & just a hint of the speckled purple rash if she stands too long in the shower. The rash also appeared when she attended an iowa hawkeye football game and stood in the student section. I will be contacting her doctor who will probably just laugh me off. Not only the rash, etc. but I believe she has chronic fatigue syndrome. I feel awful!!! I thought I was helping my daughter not making her sicker. Maybe for the rest of her life!!! Someone’s gonna need to figure out how to help her. If this is true, I’m heart broken & ALL KINDS OF PISSED OFF!!!! What do I do?? Who do I go to for help?? I’m an LPN….I should have known about this??? I’m really lost & I don’t know what to do.
11 years ago
Thank you Lisa! I appreciate it. I can only hope and pray that he will recover from this toxicity poisioning.
11 years ago
Hello Everyone!
I´ve been floxed 2 and a half months ago and I only realized what it was about a week ago.
I have strong back pain that becomes stronger when someone touches my spine. My neck also hurts a lot (of course there are other symptoms like muscle pain & &) but the back pain is scarying me because it does seem to get worse not better with time,
I was floxed in Thailand (UTI infection) and should have stopped taking cipro after 5 days of 500mg per day (I am 23 by the way) First they gave me Oflocee (wich sadly is an chinilone drug too) 259 mg for two days. then I took cipro for ten days….didn´t take it for about one and a half and then took another three pills. I had taken benozepam before the flight because i have fliying anxiety and back in Germany they gave me Novalgin and Metronidazol in the ER. As I said my back pain is really scaring me…I know somehow I did it all wrong. I was also carrying a heavy heavy traveller back around while i was on cipro….i carried it about a half day or so…with breaks of course…
Is there anyone out there who was also carrying that heavy and had strong back pain that didn`t last? I try to stay positive but I´m somewhat afraid that parts of my spine will be destroyed because of this. I would so muc appreciate to hear a story of someone who recovered after havin back pains like I have..
And is there a side where I can pay magnesium oil and co??
Thank you so much for this side!!
Good luck and health to all of you out there!
if you want to contact me personally feel free to send me an e-mail:
11 years ago
I just found out that my twin took cipro two years ago!! For 5 days, I thought he only took 2 pills and then had a reaction. Now come to find out it was more than the two pills I thought.. I am scared because we didn’t know that before and the oncologist gave him the prescription that he only took the two pills of.I am now petrified because apart of the chemo is prednisone and I know it can make your symptoms worse!! Three cycles have already been completed before we knew anything about this craziness!!!
I hope everyone here will make a report to the FDA. It won’t produce immediate results, but if enough people are pointing out the correlation between fluoroquinolone drugs and these syndromes that stem from DNA damage it might be a start.
Also, I wanted to let everyone know that chiropractic is one of the most beneficial means available to help the body heal naturally, particularly the nervous system (which is the director of the self-healing chorus within the body.) I think there is a huge, popular misconception that chiropractic is used only for back pain, but that is just another lie that is promulgated by the medical profession.
Good health to all!
p.s. FYI, I recently read that Cipro was losing money in a major way for it’s maker, until the US gov’t. decided it needed to buy enormous amounts in response to the “anthrax attacks.” Since then the source of the anthrax has been very publicly traced to 2 scientists in the pay of the pharmaceutical industry. It is up to US to rise up and MAKE them change their ways!
Hi everyone,
As well as a dry mouth, I have also now developed a dry nose and ears. I’m worried because I read in The Flox Report that this is a sign of a severe reaction with a poor prognosis. Has anyone else had these symptoms, and still recovered?
Also, regarding the loss of movement in toes – is this something that heals over time, or am I unlikely to regain movement in my toes?
Finally, what dose of magnesium should I be taking? I don’t know if it’s enough to take the recommended daily dose, or if I need much more than that.
Catherine x
11 years ago
Thank You so much Lisa!! I don’t know why the email bounced back but I don’t mind sharing it on here.. I Just want to say first reading your words and others words makes me have hope that one day he will be okay.. The cancer is Lymphoma and the chemo regiment is RCHOP he has discussed it with his oncologist but like many doctors who don’t believe these antibiotics can cause such symptoms the answer was “I’m not too concerned and they should go away.” It’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place because he needs it as part of the chemo for treating the cancer…but on the other hand because of him being floxed and having to take prednisone can make his symptoms much worse afterwards!!! It’s like fighting for your life getting through that and then having to deal with something just as serious!!! Now I am just going on and on..Thank you again Lisa I appreciate it..I will look into that blog and try and speak with them.
11 years ago
Thank you very very much for your fast answer lisa! I feel very weak today but I just wanted to say thank you for this side and all the hope you give people and the hope you haven given me. I hope the pain and damage done to my back wont be permanent…I hope my body will recover with time.
Thank you so much for giving me the link for the facebook-page….it is just great to be able to share feelings and thoughts with others who know what I am going through. Thank you again..One day I will hopefully be able to send you my recovery story. Keep doing what you do Lisa…You seem to be a great and strong person. Thank you.
Sorry if Im writing strange things. I pushed my body to hard lately and I think it is paying me back right now. From now on Ill take things slow…knowing where to find help, confort and encouragement! I really cant thank you enough!
Best wishes to all of you
11 years ago
Sorry Lisa. Was unable to answer you probably earlier. So doctors have responded in differenrt ways to me. Most of them say “the drug is out after 4 weeks”. But one said that my muscle pain come from Cipro. But she said my props would be over by mid of november, Well thats when they became worse…One Psychologist said my anxiety comes from cipro “and that that is commonly known that cipro does cause anxiety props.” Another doc Im seeing says he will search for info and if its cipro he will search a specialist…but I dont want to expect to much. Ive given up docs. Since most of them told my Im mentally ill and supposed to a hospital for mentally ill people. Just because they didnt find the reason for my pain. Soi thats my doctor story 😀
11 years ago
Thank you Lisa! I hope that for my twin as well. Glad your Dad is well and enjoying life!
Recently I have been having a lot more myoclonic seizures – where my body jerks me awake every time I start to fall asleep. I have had this symptom since I was first floxed, but these episodes have become much more frequent recently. For me this has always been the most frightening symptom, and makes it impossible to get any sleep which makes everything else worse. I’m thinking of trying acupuncture again, and wonder if anyone else has had this symptom, and if they have found anything which helped?
Jordan Paterson
11 years ago
First of all, have the outmost respect for everything you are all going through and keep in there. Our body’s aren’t designed in a way not to fight off attacks but drugs like these! Time is a healer. I was wondering if any of you have any information on specialists on this? Or would it just be a naturopath I should see?
Thanks alot for your time
11 years ago
Has anyone experienced really bad head pain/headache as well as eye pains (throbbing,stinging etc) if so did anything bring you any relief? How long did it last? Thank You
Andre B.
11 years ago
I want to chime in on Lisa and Catherine’s remarks regarding calcium. I became FLOXED back in mid June. I got severe tendonitis/tendon rupture issues. After monitoring my diet and seeing what made my symptoms worse, I noticed that every time I would consume a calcium based product my symptoms would worsen. Now, people are telling me this is because of the dairy, soy, and gluten found in most calcium products. However, I am not sure. I have been without calcium for months now and my knee got better but I am still struggling with my ankle. I can’t prolong this though because I am afraid of becoming calcium deficient.
Does anyone have any other advice on whether calcium is good/bad for FLOXIES? I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi again,
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of magnesium injections? Just wondering if it might be more effective in case I’m having problems digesting supplements.
Catherine x
11 years ago
Thank you Lisa! I appreciate it as always!!
Andre B.
11 years ago
Thank you Lisa! I tried reading that article Lisa, but it is quite scientific. I’m trying to distill it into laymen terms. We’ll see. Abandoning calcium has helped me heal my tendon issues I feel, but I am worried that I can’t go much longer without calcium. It’s a catch 22 unfortunately.
The problem with this disease, like Lisa said, is that there is no absolute treatment and each of us is just experimenting around to see what works. I take all advice with a grain of salt and know that I am the best at understanding my own situation.
Lisa is right. People do heal. The tendons in my kneecap, which were the first to have problems, have completely healed thankfully. However, tendon rupture occurred in my right ankle as well and I am still waiting for that to heal. I think setbacks are the worst. You get better, and then all of a sudden you eat something wrong and the symptoms resurface. These are by far the most mentally and emotionally challenging experiences I’ve been through. If it wasn’t my passion for life, I would have fallen into despair long ago. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Know that you are not alone.
Andre B.
11 years ago
Thank you sweetjan for the information. Yea, I have been taking a magnesium supplement since June. It’s just a standard 250mg one you get at the grocer. I’ve been taking 2-4 tablets daily and it’s been helping. I know most people will say you have to use magnesium oil and liquids, but my knee has resolved itself just through OTC magnesium supplements. I sometimes use oil. For those who feel they need it then go for it.
I definitely appreciate the conversation 🙂 Keeping each other in touch about what has or has not worked is the best us FLOXIES can hope for. So kudos for all those who have chimed in and will continue to do so.
Casey, I understand your fears, but only a small percentage of those talking the drugs develop symptoms. I believe the best thing you can do at this point…take massive amounts of PRObiotics. Today’s blog is about just this on please check it out. You’re going to be OK. Very best wishes, Annie
thank you ive always been emotional to things like this for sure though i have been having nightmares and anxiety. i was having both to begin with because of my salmonella it wasn’t going away and i was losing a lot of weight fast not to mention blood in my diarrhea and this was going on for almost a month so i was a frail mess nowhere near my normal body weight. then was given cipro like i said, then 3 days after starting it i did have an anxiety attack not as bad as my panic attack i had 2 1/2 years ago from an antidepressant pill. the nurse said to keep going with it. i did and after a few days of finishing it i got curious and decided to research it and thats when i was horrifie, usually i do that sort of thing with everything i take. i was just wanting to stop the diarrhea and gain sum weight back which i have and have been eating lots of yogurt the greek one but any little aches or noise i hear makes me paranoid im back in the gym again feels good nothing is in pain but im kinda taking an easy for awhile and i am spreading the word to everybody that i can this maybe a dumb question but when do u know when youre in the clear months or years?
My barely 16 year old daughter was put on Cipro last fall when her pediatrician diagnosed her with a sinus infection that turned out to be mono instead. She had a horrific red rash that turned purple and her knees swelled up. I knew nothing of Cipro toxicity at the time. I just read this tonight. That rash she had took MONTHS to go away. Dr. Said the rash was “vasculitis”. Which means he really had no idea what it was. She only took a few pills. That rash started in September 2012 & wasn’t gone until January 2013. She still flares up around her knees with swelling, pain, numbness & just a hint of the speckled purple rash if she stands too long in the shower. The rash also appeared when she attended an iowa hawkeye football game and stood in the student section. I will be contacting her doctor who will probably just laugh me off. Not only the rash, etc. but I believe she has chronic fatigue syndrome. I feel awful!!! I thought I was helping my daughter not making her sicker. Maybe for the rest of her life!!! Someone’s gonna need to figure out how to help her. If this is true, I’m heart broken & ALL KINDS OF PISSED OFF!!!! What do I do?? Who do I go to for help?? I’m an LPN….I should have known about this??? I’m really lost & I don’t know what to do.
Thank you Lisa! I appreciate it. I can only hope and pray that he will recover from this toxicity poisioning.
Hello Everyone!
I´ve been floxed 2 and a half months ago and I only realized what it was about a week ago.
I have strong back pain that becomes stronger when someone touches my spine. My neck also hurts a lot (of course there are other symptoms like muscle pain & &) but the back pain is scarying me because it does seem to get worse not better with time,
I was floxed in Thailand (UTI infection) and should have stopped taking cipro after 5 days of 500mg per day (I am 23 by the way) First they gave me Oflocee (wich sadly is an chinilone drug too) 259 mg for two days. then I took cipro for ten days….didn´t take it for about one and a half and then took another three pills. I had taken benozepam before the flight because i have fliying anxiety and back in Germany they gave me Novalgin and Metronidazol in the ER. As I said my back pain is really scaring me…I know somehow I did it all wrong. I was also carrying a heavy heavy traveller back around while i was on cipro….i carried it about a half day or so…with breaks of course…
Is there anyone out there who was also carrying that heavy and had strong back pain that didn`t last? I try to stay positive but I´m somewhat afraid that parts of my spine will be destroyed because of this. I would so muc appreciate to hear a story of someone who recovered after havin back pains like I have..
And is there a side where I can pay magnesium oil and co??
Thank you so much for this side!!
Good luck and health to all of you out there!
if you want to contact me personally feel free to send me an e-mail:
I just found out that my twin took cipro two years ago!! For 5 days, I thought he only took 2 pills and then had a reaction. Now come to find out it was more than the two pills I thought.. I am scared because we didn’t know that before and the oncologist gave him the prescription that he only took the two pills of.I am now petrified because apart of the chemo is prednisone and I know it can make your symptoms worse!! Three cycles have already been completed before we knew anything about this craziness!!!
I hope everyone here will make a report to the FDA. It won’t produce immediate results, but if enough people are pointing out the correlation between fluoroquinolone drugs and these syndromes that stem from DNA damage it might be a start.
Also, I wanted to let everyone know that chiropractic is one of the most beneficial means available to help the body heal naturally, particularly the nervous system (which is the director of the self-healing chorus within the body.) I think there is a huge, popular misconception that chiropractic is used only for back pain, but that is just another lie that is promulgated by the medical profession.
Good health to all!
p.s. FYI, I recently read that Cipro was losing money in a major way for it’s maker, until the US gov’t. decided it needed to buy enormous amounts in response to the “anthrax attacks.” Since then the source of the anthrax has been very publicly traced to 2 scientists in the pay of the pharmaceutical industry. It is up to US to rise up and MAKE them change their ways!
Hi everyone,
As well as a dry mouth, I have also now developed a dry nose and ears. I’m worried because I read in The Flox Report that this is a sign of a severe reaction with a poor prognosis. Has anyone else had these symptoms, and still recovered?
Also, regarding the loss of movement in toes – is this something that heals over time, or am I unlikely to regain movement in my toes?
Finally, what dose of magnesium should I be taking? I don’t know if it’s enough to take the recommended daily dose, or if I need much more than that.
Catherine x
Thank You so much Lisa!! I don’t know why the email bounced back but I don’t mind sharing it on here.. I Just want to say first reading your words and others words makes me have hope that one day he will be okay.. The cancer is Lymphoma and the chemo regiment is RCHOP he has discussed it with his oncologist but like many doctors who don’t believe these antibiotics can cause such symptoms the answer was “I’m not too concerned and they should go away.” It’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place because he needs it as part of the chemo for treating the cancer…but on the other hand because of him being floxed and having to take prednisone can make his symptoms much worse afterwards!!! It’s like fighting for your life getting through that and then having to deal with something just as serious!!! Now I am just going on and on..Thank you again Lisa I appreciate it..I will look into that blog and try and speak with them.
Thank you very very much for your fast answer lisa! I feel very weak today but I just wanted to say thank you for this side and all the hope you give people and the hope you haven given me. I hope the pain and damage done to my back wont be permanent…I hope my body will recover with time.
Thank you so much for giving me the link for the facebook-page….it is just great to be able to share feelings and thoughts with others who know what I am going through. Thank you again..One day I will hopefully be able to send you my recovery story. Keep doing what you do Lisa…You seem to be a great and strong person. Thank you.
Sorry if Im writing strange things. I pushed my body to hard lately and I think it is paying me back right now. From now on Ill take things slow…knowing where to find help, confort and encouragement! I really cant thank you enough!
Best wishes to all of you
Sorry Lisa. Was unable to answer you probably earlier. So doctors have responded in differenrt ways to me. Most of them say “the drug is out after 4 weeks”. But one said that my muscle pain come from Cipro. But she said my props would be over by mid of november, Well thats when they became worse…One Psychologist said my anxiety comes from cipro “and that that is commonly known that cipro does cause anxiety props.” Another doc Im seeing says he will search for info and if its cipro he will search a specialist…but I dont want to expect to much. Ive given up docs. Since most of them told my Im mentally ill and supposed to a hospital for mentally ill people. Just because they didnt find the reason for my pain. Soi thats my doctor story 😀
Thank you Lisa! I hope that for my twin as well. Glad your Dad is well and enjoying life!
Recently I have been having a lot more myoclonic seizures – where my body jerks me awake every time I start to fall asleep. I have had this symptom since I was first floxed, but these episodes have become much more frequent recently. For me this has always been the most frightening symptom, and makes it impossible to get any sleep which makes everything else worse. I’m thinking of trying acupuncture again, and wonder if anyone else has had this symptom, and if they have found anything which helped?
First of all, have the outmost respect for everything you are all going through and keep in there. Our body’s aren’t designed in a way not to fight off attacks but drugs like these! Time is a healer. I was wondering if any of you have any information on specialists on this? Or would it just be a naturopath I should see?
Thanks alot for your time
Has anyone experienced really bad head pain/headache as well as eye pains (throbbing,stinging etc) if so did anything bring you any relief? How long did it last? Thank You
I want to chime in on Lisa and Catherine’s remarks regarding calcium. I became FLOXED back in mid June. I got severe tendonitis/tendon rupture issues. After monitoring my diet and seeing what made my symptoms worse, I noticed that every time I would consume a calcium based product my symptoms would worsen. Now, people are telling me this is because of the dairy, soy, and gluten found in most calcium products. However, I am not sure. I have been without calcium for months now and my knee got better but I am still struggling with my ankle. I can’t prolong this though because I am afraid of becoming calcium deficient.
Does anyone have any other advice on whether calcium is good/bad for FLOXIES? I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi again,
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of magnesium injections? Just wondering if it might be more effective in case I’m having problems digesting supplements.
Catherine x
Thank you Lisa! I appreciate it as always!!
Thank you Lisa! I tried reading that article Lisa, but it is quite scientific. I’m trying to distill it into laymen terms. We’ll see. Abandoning calcium has helped me heal my tendon issues I feel, but I am worried that I can’t go much longer without calcium. It’s a catch 22 unfortunately.
The problem with this disease, like Lisa said, is that there is no absolute treatment and each of us is just experimenting around to see what works. I take all advice with a grain of salt and know that I am the best at understanding my own situation.
Lisa is right. People do heal. The tendons in my kneecap, which were the first to have problems, have completely healed thankfully. However, tendon rupture occurred in my right ankle as well and I am still waiting for that to heal. I think setbacks are the worst. You get better, and then all of a sudden you eat something wrong and the symptoms resurface. These are by far the most mentally and emotionally challenging experiences I’ve been through. If it wasn’t my passion for life, I would have fallen into despair long ago. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Know that you are not alone.
Thank you sweetjan for the information. Yea, I have been taking a magnesium supplement since June. It’s just a standard 250mg one you get at the grocer. I’ve been taking 2-4 tablets daily and it’s been helping. I know most people will say you have to use magnesium oil and liquids, but my knee has resolved itself just through OTC magnesium supplements. I sometimes use oil. For those who feel they need it then go for it.
I definitely appreciate the conversation 🙂 Keeping each other in touch about what has or has not worked is the best us FLOXIES can hope for. So kudos for all those who have chimed in and will continue to do so.