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10 years ago
So more bad news. I just started my job again and after 2 days of standing and teaching, both of my ankles are hurting terribly again. This is the first time for them since the June 2013 -January 2014 episode. I’m not having any luck in getting better. I thought I beat this ankle thing too, guess not.
The other newest symptom I’m noticing more and more and can’t really say when it started is in my right wrist. In suddenly feels like someone stabbed me with a needle. The pain is intense and goes away instantly though. I had it happen today about 30 minutes ago. It was so bad that I ended up yelling loudly and jumping, scared the crap out of my girlfriend. Has anyone had these weird feelings?
Well I went to the neurologist and she said that It is not neurological. She referred me to a rheumatologist. Huh that is exactly what I wanted in the first place. I was prescribed a low dose of Neurontin for pain. Anyway another day another experience.
10 years ago
Using an ad-bot on THIS site?
10 years ago
Hey you guys! So I have a symptom that’s always been there lately, it’s kinda weird to explain I guess! So like, if I go in my bathroom at night (only at night I see this which is strange maybe it’s more pronounced cause I’m tired and what not) but when I look left to right, or whatever I get two big huge black lines in my vision that are just huge. and they kinda flicker I guess? And what else I have always had (always thought it was due to the static) is during the day if I look at something It looks like it’s vibrating slightly and my bottom vision and side vision have a noncolorless flash in it, it’s not a flash but it makes everything look like it’s vibrating/flashing in my vision. and I have been REALLY REALLY REALLY stressed out this past week and a half.. and last night I went into the bathroom and obviously I test it out to see if it’s still there or whatever, and I looked and there was a lot more lines than usual and it stood there in my vision for maybe 20 seconds or less.. and I don’t know if my visuals are getting worse or if my anxiety is creating all of this and making it worse? Can someone please shed some light on over here? I was up all night walking around testing my vision and freaking out. I was doing so well and I can’t help it! I don’t think it’s got anything to do with my birth control considering I’ve only been on it for like two days.. 😛 I’m so scared things will get bad that eventually things will look like theyre shaking badly like words and stuff (though that’s not happening… hopefully it doesn’t) I have to graduate this year and I plan on moving away from my family and I’m absolutely terrified of things getting worse… 🙁 Can someone shed some light over here? Do you think my anxiety could be making me freak out more about it? I’m gonna try that aplha lipioc acid thing that Sheryl suggested but I’m kinda scared about it… I don’t wnat this to get bad where I can’t drive. 🙁 So scary..
Got a call from the GI RN. My liver enzymes are within normal range!! Horray! She said that the Dr is sure it was all from the antibiotic. She said tho that I could go to an allergist and be tested. I had no idea they could do this. I doubt I will because I am not sure what that would entail but it sounds shady to me. She said they won’t need to see me again until I am 50 and need a colonoscopy. I told her would await anxiously lol.
Chiro said he notices significant improvement in my joints and muscles. Just need to keep up with therapy and hopefully I will one day be back to normal…or maybe if I am lucky – even better now that I won’t be losing so much blood each month.
Worst 6 months EVER!!! I can’t want for more positive changes.
Melanie Kemp
10 years ago
could you possibly E mail me if you get time.
I feel like im going down fast.Its a repeat of 2010 and im really lost here
Thank you
10 years ago
Heather I hope you do see some positive changes as well 🙂
Mark, how have you been doing? 🙂 I hope you are all doing well.
I plan on going to church this sunday! I haven’t went all summer and I really want too! (:
My visual disturbances are a lot better today and I think they are because I was so stressed out yesterday and also I missed a birth control pill! Hormone changes.. ha you wouldn’t believe how scary it was. The walls looked like they were moving!! haha! (:
Hello Again everyone,
When I went to the Neurologist she said I do not have Neuropathy. She said it is a false Neuropathy cause by inflammation pressing on my nerves. Oh I also wanted to tell everyone who has asked me on my CRP levels dropping that I asked my ND Doc and he said the IV Glutathione that I was one lowered my CRP. Along with the Boswellia nd Cat’s Claw that I was taking. He read my data from the 23andme site and it shows I have mitochondrial issues and said I should take Co-Q 10.
I also sent in all my SSI paper work and I am waiting on that. Just FYI. I will be doing much more research this weekend to see if I can find anything helpful.
I wish everyone a wonderful weekend.
Mike Out.
10 years ago
What is the explanation/theory behind the loss of flexibility? Since being floxed I can no longer stretch, I can’t sit “criss cross applesauce” or reach down to touch my toes. At one point I had no problem stretching or bending forward and touching my hands flat to the ground. I also have extreme pain in my “toosh tendons” – the area near your “cheek folds” on both sides. It has been super painful, sore, and the nerve/burning pain is horrible. That part never seems to get any better… I have a very hard time sitting and can’t sit on any hard surface whatsoever.
10 years ago
I am 7 months out & now only have slight rib ‘catches’ & burning calves & ankles. Just started having very itchy skin at creases in elbows & backs of knees for few weeks. Hard to tell what’s from floxing & what’s something else. Anyone else experienced that before?
10 years ago
I was floxed about a year and a half ago. Today I went to the dentist due to a bad toothache, and he said I had an abscess requiring antibiotic treatment. Without informing him that I had been floxed, which from what I’ve heard seems to cause too many doctors to raise their eyebrows and just write the patient off as a crank, I simply told him that I’m allergic to most antibiotics except for the old-fashioned ones like tetracycline and penicillin. He ended up giving me a prescription for amoxicillin.
This is my first time having to take another antibiotic after being floxed, and I am nervous about it. Prior to my floxing, I had no issues with antibiotics at all and even tolerated several courses of fluoroquinolones over the years, before the final one that left me with serious tendon, muscle, and nerve damage. I’ve taken amoxicillin in the past without incident, but now I don’t know what to expect. It’s like I don’t have the same body anymore. I used to be very hardy and quick to recover from injuries or illnesses, but now my system is just limping along.
I intend to take the amoxicillin. I saw the x-ray. The abscess is pretty bad and has even caused some bone loss. It must be treated. I guess I’m just sort of venting my fears before taking the plunge and popping the first pill. At least I’m not being required to take a stronger antibiotic.
Please pray for me. I’ll let you know how it went if I survive it, LOL. I’ll admit I’m a bit angry that I have been reduced to being afraid of this.
Carrie and everyone,
The main problem I see is that you have to be treated as an individual because we all react differently when we are poisoned with an FQ. I think I have found out how my body and immune system is reacting. One thing that is positive is that our body is reacting in a way for self preservation. Often it is over kill and it acts like some kind of auto immune disorder.
The first thing to do is get this stuff out of our body the be st we can. Magnesium and vitamin C and glutathione Liquid chlorophyll etc.
I also run a rife machine. It seems to help. I take a multivitamin. I am taking a low dose od prednisone 5mg that my MD prescribed I am now taking a low dose of Neurontin 300mg 3 times a day that my neurologist prescribed to me.
I use DMSO on my knees and ankles and I use Cryoderm and soothanol for external pain relief. I also use a tens machine and it helps.
Went ahead and had a 23andme DNA test run and my ND read it and it is giving me something to work with.
I am going in for more labs next week running an ANA an IFA a Fed rate and an ANTICCP and maybe another CRP.
I keep soaking in Epson Salts when needed.
I hope everyone else is finding something that works for them.
Hey I also went to see my ND and he ran his PEMF machine on me and I felt great for several days. For those who do not know about this machine and how it works here is a link that explains it for you. I think I will run this for a month and see if it helps.
Can someone message me on facebook? Josie Lynn Klemett.. I’m very scared. 🙁
10 years ago
The fluoroquinolone antibiotics carry as class effect ADR of connective tissue degenerative damage , this applies to every single person who has ever taken them floxed or not ( yet) floxed . This damage can range from slight softening of these tissues, through to complete destruction of the same. The damage to these tissues is includes the tendon cartilage/ ligament/ fascia all collagenous connective tissue in the body . One VERY important fact to keep in mind In respect to the tendons is that we as a whole do not suffer from TendonITIS ( inflammatory ) as is often assumed , but instead TendonOSIS Degenerative ) sometimes with slight inflammation at first , & this difference is extremely important to become aware of as as any PT which is attempted MUST be adapted to this fact When seeking therapy PLEASE make sure the therapist KNOWS this, as the treatment for both is not the same., If we get the wrong therapeutic input i.e. for tendonITIS, this can often cause further damage to these tissues, which can then set us back in our healing sometimes for a long time.
The class effect ADR of connective tissue degenerative damage means although none of us likes to hear it, that our bodies in respect of the connective tissues are just not the same after taking fluoroquinolone antibiotics & we must always be careful to try to avoid further injury. Also connected is the fact that wounds often take a disproportionate amount of time to heal from, I have been floxed many times over 25 years & having been part of the furniture so to speak have seen way too often, people thinking they have healed from floxing far sooner than they actually have, and them then rushing headlong into exercise at intensity, not knowing about the mechanism of damage to the connective tissues then end up wondering what the hell has just hit them, with a major relapse, feeling as if they have been refloxed. Please ALWAYS build up very slowly in respect to any exercise attempted, & LISTEN your body at all times. keep in mind that the Connective tissue injury which is universal in those who have taken fluoroquinolone antibiotics as I mention above, is NOT your usual tendonitis etc, but a completely different animal altogether .
Never trust anyone who gives you food, even if they promise about what it conatins.
Fir 45 years I’ve been vegetarian, for five years I’ve been recovering from FQtoxicity. This summer i was stronger and livelier and weller than I’d ever hpoed – it was marvelous. Then I moved to this house. I explained to the neighbou¡ts all about FQs. I also said I hadn’t eaten meat for 45 years and didn’t want to eat dead animals. A neighbour, a “sweet old lady,” brought me some soup. She assured me again and again that it was only vegetables. I thought there was a funny tstae, like chciken, asked again and she reassured me. It would have been churlñish to refus eor throw it away sectretly, so I ate it.
Since then, have been getting iller, weaker, tireder, more confused, have electrified arms and hands, feel very sick, dizzy, arms and lesg heavier each day, sight dreadful, tinnitus horrendous.. more and more symptoms.
FIVE YEARS and a bowl of soup has wrecked me. And I’ve eaten a piece of a cadaver. She has a picture of the “blessed virgin” and a rosary above her bed, but she lied to trick me into acting agaisnt my deepest principles and she’s poisoned me into the bargain.
I can’t recover again. What a stupid ay to finish.
NEVER eat anything a stranger gives you. Never trust what they say about it.
Well I am going to go in tomorrow for more test. I am switching doctors and I am being referred to a rheumatologist who has worked with Floxies before. Each day is an adventure. Oh and I am taking Co-Q10 now see if it will help me. I have been able to walk more with a cane and or crutches. So it’s a start. I hope everything is going well for all of you.
Mike Out
Melanie Kemp
10 years ago
Has anybody heard of floxies getting better only to years later have a relapse and how long did it last.
Im going into month 4. Extremely anxious.Cant work now.Just so weak along with all the original symptoms
Melanie Kemp
10 years ago
Ive started to eat regular food.
For 3 months ive been scared to eat certain things and ive been wasting away.
Ive gone from a size 12 to an 8..which might be good in other people but not me.I feel weak and ill and I think part of that is denying myself food.
Yesterday I had a cheese and ham with mayo sandwich on whear bread.Its the first time ive eaten bread in 3 months.
That was the best sandwich ever.
Nothing terrible happened. I did get a slight cramping but that was just because my stomach isnt used to certain things.It passed within 10 minutes.
This morning I had corn flakes with strawberries and milk..another sandwich for lunch and even some sugar free peanut butter crunch and chocolate candy.
Im still standing.
I think I got myself so worked up about my wonky gut.I was scared to eat just regular food and was surviving on veg and chicken and meat.
Id had enough and was so weak.
Course im not gonna go crazy.
Ill still only eat organic meats and mostly organic veg but ill be adding breads and other things.
So more bad news. I just started my job again and after 2 days of standing and teaching, both of my ankles are hurting terribly again. This is the first time for them since the June 2013 -January 2014 episode. I’m not having any luck in getting better. I thought I beat this ankle thing too, guess not.
The other newest symptom I’m noticing more and more and can’t really say when it started is in my right wrist. In suddenly feels like someone stabbed me with a needle. The pain is intense and goes away instantly though. I had it happen today about 30 minutes ago. It was so bad that I ended up yelling loudly and jumping, scared the crap out of my girlfriend. Has anyone had these weird feelings?
Well I went to the neurologist and she said that It is not neurological. She referred me to a rheumatologist. Huh that is exactly what I wanted in the first place. I was prescribed a low dose of Neurontin for pain. Anyway another day another experience.
Using an ad-bot on THIS site?
Hey you guys! So I have a symptom that’s always been there lately, it’s kinda weird to explain I guess! So like, if I go in my bathroom at night (only at night I see this which is strange maybe it’s more pronounced cause I’m tired and what not) but when I look left to right, or whatever I get two big huge black lines in my vision that are just huge. and they kinda flicker I guess? And what else I have always had (always thought it was due to the static) is during the day if I look at something It looks like it’s vibrating slightly and my bottom vision and side vision have a noncolorless flash in it, it’s not a flash but it makes everything look like it’s vibrating/flashing in my vision. and I have been REALLY REALLY REALLY stressed out this past week and a half.. and last night I went into the bathroom and obviously I test it out to see if it’s still there or whatever, and I looked and there was a lot more lines than usual and it stood there in my vision for maybe 20 seconds or less.. and I don’t know if my visuals are getting worse or if my anxiety is creating all of this and making it worse? Can someone please shed some light on over here? I was up all night walking around testing my vision and freaking out. I was doing so well and I can’t help it! I don’t think it’s got anything to do with my birth control considering I’ve only been on it for like two days.. 😛 I’m so scared things will get bad that eventually things will look like theyre shaking badly like words and stuff (though that’s not happening… hopefully it doesn’t) I have to graduate this year and I plan on moving away from my family and I’m absolutely terrified of things getting worse… 🙁 Can someone shed some light over here? Do you think my anxiety could be making me freak out more about it? I’m gonna try that aplha lipioc acid thing that Sheryl suggested but I’m kinda scared about it… I don’t wnat this to get bad where I can’t drive. 🙁 So scary..
Got a call from the GI RN. My liver enzymes are within normal range!! Horray! She said that the Dr is sure it was all from the antibiotic. She said tho that I could go to an allergist and be tested. I had no idea they could do this. I doubt I will because I am not sure what that would entail but it sounds shady to me. She said they won’t need to see me again until I am 50 and need a colonoscopy. I told her would await anxiously lol.
Chiro said he notices significant improvement in my joints and muscles. Just need to keep up with therapy and hopefully I will one day be back to normal…or maybe if I am lucky – even better now that I won’t be losing so much blood each month.
Worst 6 months EVER!!! I can’t want for more positive changes.
could you possibly E mail me if you get time.
I feel like im going down fast.Its a repeat of 2010 and im really lost here
Thank you
Heather I hope you do see some positive changes as well 🙂
Mark, how have you been doing? 🙂 I hope you are all doing well.
I plan on going to church this sunday! I haven’t went all summer and I really want too! (:
My visual disturbances are a lot better today and I think they are because I was so stressed out yesterday and also I missed a birth control pill! Hormone changes.. ha you wouldn’t believe how scary it was. The walls looked like they were moving!! haha! (:
Hello Again everyone,
When I went to the Neurologist she said I do not have Neuropathy. She said it is a false Neuropathy cause by inflammation pressing on my nerves. Oh I also wanted to tell everyone who has asked me on my CRP levels dropping that I asked my ND Doc and he said the IV Glutathione that I was one lowered my CRP. Along with the Boswellia nd Cat’s Claw that I was taking. He read my data from the 23andme site and it shows I have mitochondrial issues and said I should take Co-Q 10.
I also sent in all my SSI paper work and I am waiting on that. Just FYI. I will be doing much more research this weekend to see if I can find anything helpful.
I wish everyone a wonderful weekend.
Mike Out.
What is the explanation/theory behind the loss of flexibility? Since being floxed I can no longer stretch, I can’t sit “criss cross applesauce” or reach down to touch my toes. At one point I had no problem stretching or bending forward and touching my hands flat to the ground. I also have extreme pain in my “toosh tendons” – the area near your “cheek folds” on both sides. It has been super painful, sore, and the nerve/burning pain is horrible. That part never seems to get any better… I have a very hard time sitting and can’t sit on any hard surface whatsoever.
I am 7 months out & now only have slight rib ‘catches’ & burning calves & ankles. Just started having very itchy skin at creases in elbows & backs of knees for few weeks. Hard to tell what’s from floxing & what’s something else. Anyone else experienced that before?
I was floxed about a year and a half ago. Today I went to the dentist due to a bad toothache, and he said I had an abscess requiring antibiotic treatment. Without informing him that I had been floxed, which from what I’ve heard seems to cause too many doctors to raise their eyebrows and just write the patient off as a crank, I simply told him that I’m allergic to most antibiotics except for the old-fashioned ones like tetracycline and penicillin. He ended up giving me a prescription for amoxicillin.
This is my first time having to take another antibiotic after being floxed, and I am nervous about it. Prior to my floxing, I had no issues with antibiotics at all and even tolerated several courses of fluoroquinolones over the years, before the final one that left me with serious tendon, muscle, and nerve damage. I’ve taken amoxicillin in the past without incident, but now I don’t know what to expect. It’s like I don’t have the same body anymore. I used to be very hardy and quick to recover from injuries or illnesses, but now my system is just limping along.
I intend to take the amoxicillin. I saw the x-ray. The abscess is pretty bad and has even caused some bone loss. It must be treated. I guess I’m just sort of venting my fears before taking the plunge and popping the first pill. At least I’m not being required to take a stronger antibiotic.
Please pray for me. I’ll let you know how it went if I survive it, LOL. I’ll admit I’m a bit angry that I have been reduced to being afraid of this.
Carrie and everyone,
The main problem I see is that you have to be treated as an individual because we all react differently when we are poisoned with an FQ. I think I have found out how my body and immune system is reacting. One thing that is positive is that our body is reacting in a way for self preservation. Often it is over kill and it acts like some kind of auto immune disorder.
The first thing to do is get this stuff out of our body the be st we can. Magnesium and vitamin C and glutathione Liquid chlorophyll etc.
Second you have to deal with the pain and inflammation. I personally take acetaminophen and Cat’s Claw and Boswellia and Tumeric. Then I chenged my diet to the anti inflammatory diet.
I also run a rife machine. It seems to help. I take a multivitamin. I am taking a low dose od prednisone 5mg that my MD prescribed I am now taking a low dose of Neurontin 300mg 3 times a day that my neurologist prescribed to me.
I use DMSO on my knees and ankles and I use Cryoderm and soothanol for external pain relief. I also use a tens machine and it helps.
Went ahead and had a 23andme DNA test run and my ND read it and it is giving me something to work with.
I am going in for more labs next week running an ANA an IFA a Fed rate and an ANTICCP and maybe another CRP.
I keep soaking in Epson Salts when needed.
I hope everyone else is finding something that works for them.
Hey I also went to see my ND and he ran his PEMF machine on me and I felt great for several days. For those who do not know about this machine and how it works here is a link that explains it for you. I think I will run this for a month and see if it helps.
Can someone message me on facebook? Josie Lynn Klemett.. I’m very scared. 🙁
The fluoroquinolone antibiotics carry as class effect ADR of connective tissue degenerative damage , this applies to every single person who has ever taken them floxed or not ( yet) floxed . This damage can range from slight softening of these tissues, through to complete destruction of the same. The damage to these tissues is includes the tendon cartilage/ ligament/ fascia all collagenous connective tissue in the body . One VERY important fact to keep in mind In respect to the tendons is that we as a whole do not suffer from TendonITIS ( inflammatory ) as is often assumed , but instead TendonOSIS Degenerative ) sometimes with slight inflammation at first , & this difference is extremely important to become aware of as as any PT which is attempted MUST be adapted to this fact When seeking therapy PLEASE make sure the therapist KNOWS this, as the treatment for both is not the same., If we get the wrong therapeutic input i.e. for tendonITIS, this can often cause further damage to these tissues, which can then set us back in our healing sometimes for a long time.
The class effect ADR of connective tissue degenerative damage means although none of us likes to hear it, that our bodies in respect of the connective tissues are just not the same after taking fluoroquinolone antibiotics & we must always be careful to try to avoid further injury. Also connected is the fact that wounds often take a disproportionate amount of time to heal from, I have been floxed many times over 25 years & having been part of the furniture so to speak have seen way too often, people thinking they have healed from floxing far sooner than they actually have, and them then rushing headlong into exercise at intensity, not knowing about the mechanism of damage to the connective tissues then end up wondering what the hell has just hit them, with a major relapse, feeling as if they have been refloxed. Please ALWAYS build up very slowly in respect to any exercise attempted, & LISTEN your body at all times. keep in mind that the Connective tissue injury which is universal in those who have taken fluoroquinolone antibiotics as I mention above, is NOT your usual tendonitis etc, but a completely different animal altogether .
Never trust anyone who gives you food, even if they promise about what it conatins.
Fir 45 years I’ve been vegetarian, for five years I’ve been recovering from FQtoxicity. This summer i was stronger and livelier and weller than I’d ever hpoed – it was marvelous. Then I moved to this house. I explained to the neighbou¡ts all about FQs. I also said I hadn’t eaten meat for 45 years and didn’t want to eat dead animals. A neighbour, a “sweet old lady,” brought me some soup. She assured me again and again that it was only vegetables. I thought there was a funny tstae, like chciken, asked again and she reassured me. It would have been churlñish to refus eor throw it away sectretly, so I ate it.
Since then, have been getting iller, weaker, tireder, more confused, have electrified arms and hands, feel very sick, dizzy, arms and lesg heavier each day, sight dreadful, tinnitus horrendous.. more and more symptoms.
FIVE YEARS and a bowl of soup has wrecked me. And I’ve eaten a piece of a cadaver. She has a picture of the “blessed virgin” and a rosary above her bed, but she lied to trick me into acting agaisnt my deepest principles and she’s poisoned me into the bargain.
I can’t recover again. What a stupid ay to finish.
NEVER eat anything a stranger gives you. Never trust what they say about it.
Boy am I craving seafood!
Well I am going to go in tomorrow for more test. I am switching doctors and I am being referred to a rheumatologist who has worked with Floxies before. Each day is an adventure. Oh and I am taking Co-Q10 now see if it will help me. I have been able to walk more with a cane and or crutches. So it’s a start. I hope everything is going well for all of you.
Mike Out
Has anybody heard of floxies getting better only to years later have a relapse and how long did it last.
Im going into month 4. Extremely anxious.Cant work now.Just so weak along with all the original symptoms
Ive started to eat regular food.
For 3 months ive been scared to eat certain things and ive been wasting away.
Ive gone from a size 12 to an 8..which might be good in other people but not me.I feel weak and ill and I think part of that is denying myself food.
Yesterday I had a cheese and ham with mayo sandwich on whear bread.Its the first time ive eaten bread in 3 months.
That was the best sandwich ever.
Nothing terrible happened. I did get a slight cramping but that was just because my stomach isnt used to certain things.It passed within 10 minutes.
This morning I had corn flakes with strawberries and milk..another sandwich for lunch and even some sugar free peanut butter crunch and chocolate candy.
Im still standing.
I think I got myself so worked up about my wonky gut.I was scared to eat just regular food and was surviving on veg and chicken and meat.
Id had enough and was so weak.
Course im not gonna go crazy.
Ill still only eat organic meats and mostly organic veg but ill be adding breads and other things.