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10 years ago
Hi Melanie,
That you had a reaction after taking St Johns Wort actually does not surprise me, this can be quite an unpredictable herb is also often a wolf is sheeps clothing so to speak, & definitely not suitable for all. One thing I would like to say here is that many people are completely unaware of just how many major drug interactions are actually connected to ST Johns Wort, there are actually 105 MAJOR drug interactions, in which this should be avoided being taken with concurrently, A list of these can be found here .
10 years ago
Hi everyone, I got through a ton of cipro but the 40 pills of levaquin blew out my sensory nerves and to the heart. I still don’t know anyone who went through the electrocution stage I call it, there is no other world. it was like my entire body was electrocuted and I am left with the feeling of being in a bag of bees with stinging over my entire body and pounding heart. I have about 600 pills accumulative in me. None of my cipro damage did this but did a lot and have been through every stage of floxing there is.. for 25 years. I was at low level when given the levaquin.. Is there ANYONE out there who has all over stinging over the entire body for over 3 years which alternates with the pounding heart.. I have many other symptons like brain shakes, adrenaline rushes , pacing feeling like I am on 20 cups of coffee so can never rest or nap.. the body pain improved as I could not really move for the first year but I am still left with this torture. I cant take ANY meds now.. I tried low dose doxyceline and my nerves went off the chart, I was expecting maybe an upset stomach? this is totally INSANE. I think my 4p50 pathway is totally damaged. out of desperation I tried 2 Xanax and a valium to knock myself out – NOTHING.. zip was like water.. I can take no pain meds, NOTHING. I have tried every natural thing possible. My axons are swollen in my nerve biopsy which is not good. How I will ever hang on I have no clue as I have to stand in the shower or sit in the bathtub to survive.. I don’t know anyone whose nerves blew out like this.. anyone out there have any ideas.. I am wanting to heal or have god take me home.
10 years ago
I’d posted earlier about my trip to the dentist due to a toothache, which was caused by a gingival abscess. The dentist gave me a 5-day course of amoxicillin that I had no problems tolerating, and today my teeth got their first deep cleaning. I’m due to go in again for a 2nd deep cleaning next week.
I’m feeling so much perkier after having a bunch of old tartar and infectious garbage removed from my teeth and below my gum line. I have to wonder how much the infection was slowing down my ability to heal from my floxing. It turns out I’d had this abscess for quite a while, long enough to cause bone loss.
I hadn’t been as good about taking care of my teeth after being floxed. The first 6 months I was in too much pain to do much of anything, so for several months my teeth didn’t get much more than a quick skimming with a toothbrush before bedtime.
An infection in the mouth can cause all kinds of system-wide problems. It’s no small thing. After having this taken care of, not only do I feel more energetic, but I’ve noticed that the chronic dull pain and congestion that I’ve had in my left ear for quite a while is gone too. Some digestive problems that I’ve had have improved as well.
I’ve been doing some research on gingivitis for the last few days, and I stumbled across Oil Pulling, which I’m planning to try. If my dentist had not told me about the serious problems that bacteria in the mouth can cause all throughout the body, I might not have believed the testimonials from people who’ve had their health greatly improve after incorporating Oil Pulling into their routine. At the very least it can’t hurt. I’ll let you know if I think it’s helping me any.
It’s very important for us – and how unfortunate, just when we’re disabled and dependent – to avoid EM fields and especially wifi, as much as possible. The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields: What is Penetrating You?
10 years ago
Anyone experience pain when the nerves are healing…? Almost feels like having a splinter on my next and shoulders… Before it was numb…now there is a dull pain…
Melanie Kemp
10 years ago
Been feeling so bad with this flare up.
its going on month 4 .Hubby got me an appointment with the doctor today to get labs.
Yea try explaining uou to an FQ 4 yrs ago and youre having a flare up.
Didnt go down well.
She was nit nice anyways and so she certainly wasnt going to listen to that.
She did however order a ton of labs so had anout 10 vials taken.
Results on the 8th.
Im not holding my breath.
10 years ago
Not sure what this is – but I have terrible pain and horrific soreness, as if I am very bruised, along both of my outer thighs – the IT band area (?) Is it possible this is tendon issue? I wasn’t sure what it was at first – but now knowing so much more about the symptoms/issues with being floxed, I am pretty sure this is what it is. Any thoughts? The pain sometimes feels worse when I sit down, perhaps because of the stretching with the pelvis muscles/ hip flexors, hamstrings, etc.
I can no longer stand for more than 5 minutes at a time because my legs hurt badly, and feel like they will no longer support me.
And tendons and ligaments, buyt people aren’t so aware of the fascia matrix.
Lauralyn Baucum
10 years ago
Hi everyone! My name is Lauralyn and I am a medical professional. I work as a CNA in a rehab nursing facility. Being a CNA is a very hard job. It’s very fast paced and very physical. I never get time to take my breaks EVER let alone drink water. In February I noticed right kidney pain and I blew it off as I was new to this job and worked in transitional care. In March I finally went to the doctor. I had a very bad kidney infection. I was given 3 days off work and I was prescribed cipro. I had 20 pills to take 2 a day for 10 days. At the pharmacy, their printer was down so I never received a print out of the side effects. That reaction I had never happened to me before with any other antibiotic. It made me sleep for 5 hours straight. Because it made me drowsy I only took one pill a day and after I got off work at 10:30 at night. So this took me longer to finish the prescription. I had 3 pills left and woke up with my hands very swollen and stiff. Work gave me 3 days off. I went to the doctor that prescribed the cipro and I was put on disability. My hands were locked in place. I couldn’t write, open a soda can or bottle, nothing from my basic living abilities. The doc wanted me to get physical therapy $775 for 3 weeks. Well he just took my income away. I had to do it myself. I am also a certified RNA (restorative nurses assistant) I was out of work for over a month. The doc was trying to say I had neuropathy, arthritis blah blah blah. I said NO it didn’t start until my series was complete and I have never had symptoms before taking this pill. He had to look it up on the Internet to read the effects and how many people are suffering from it. I forced myself back to work. Every night my hands lock up and I have to use hot water in the morning to get my hands working again. Cipro targeted my flexor tendons in my hands. It is now September and I am no better than I was in March. All the doc said was that I am now allergic to my first medication ever. He warned me not to take any drug with fluoroguinolone like Avelox, levaquin or anything related. I suffer pain and stiff hands every day. I know I’m overworking my hands at work every night but I need a paycheck. Cipro has ruined the one thing I need that makes me money. My hands! I am even pissed that this drug is still on the market. Thank you for reading.
10 years ago
Did somebody post a comment on this forum a while ago about decreasing acid in the body? I think it said something about increasing acid in the stomach which has the effect of lowering acid in the rest of the body (I may have got this bit wrong). I’d like to know more, but can’t find the post. Can anybody help?
It sounds strange but, it makes sense… The symptoms of candida infection are very similar to those we have… Brain fog particularly… I will make these exams and to pray to be something that is recoverable!!
Blood Test
IgG, IgA, and IgM Candida Anti-bodies. These can be checked through most any lab. High levels of these antibodies indicate that an overgrowth of Candida is present. I find in my clinic that these can often be negative even when the stool or urine test is positive.
Stool Testing
I personally find this to be the most accurate test available. This will check for Candida in your colon or lower intestines. However, you need to make sure that your doctor orders a comprehensive stool test rather than the standard stool test. With the stool test, your stool is directly analyzed for levels of yeast. The lab can usually determine the species of yeast as well as which treatment will be effective.
Urine Organix Dysbiosis Test
This test detects D-Arabinitol a waste product of Candida yeast overgrowth. An elevated test means an overgrowth of Candida. This test will determine if there is Candida in your upper gut or small intestines.
10 years ago
Got my growth removed on my forearm today.
They used local lidocaine so far no problem other than a little dizzy.
What was bad though was the electric shock thing they used to stop the bleeding.
I felt it through my whole body right to my butt.
Sometimes I wonder “where’s my hope”?
My tinnitus gets me crazy…
Have you ever tried that thing of positive thoughts?
I just don’t know what to do with myself… Lallaalala heheh 😉
10 years ago
To those floxies who had receding gums, is there anything that can be done to stop it? I’ve tried oil pulling but it’s getting worse and worse. Am I likely to lose my teeth?
Thanks Lisa! I noted that when I use coffee my tinnitus increase and when I press my jaw it occurs too. So I read something about a man that is “solving” gulf war syndrome with his treatments… Tinnitus include too… He says it can be a ATM problem because the tendons in jaw…
What makes you continue? I wonder every night… But somehow I continue!!! 😉 best recovery folks!!
10 years ago
Has anyone tried taking folic acid?
I’m eating suoer clean right now and calculated my vitamin intake to be low on folic acid.
So I had a bloodcheck done and yes my level was 6 (normal range 4-30).
Since then I started with folic acid and now experience slightly increased tendon pain.
(Could be the lidocaine or electric shock from the growth removal too though so not sure…)
Hi Melanie,
That you had a reaction after taking St Johns Wort actually does not surprise me, this can be quite an unpredictable herb is also often a wolf is sheeps clothing so to speak, & definitely not suitable for all. One thing I would like to say here is that many people are completely unaware of just how many major drug interactions are actually connected to ST Johns Wort, there are actually 105 MAJOR drug interactions, in which this should be avoided being taken with concurrently, A list of these can be found here .
Hi everyone, I got through a ton of cipro but the 40 pills of levaquin blew out my sensory nerves and to the heart. I still don’t know anyone who went through the electrocution stage I call it, there is no other world. it was like my entire body was electrocuted and I am left with the feeling of being in a bag of bees with stinging over my entire body and pounding heart. I have about 600 pills accumulative in me. None of my cipro damage did this but did a lot and have been through every stage of floxing there is.. for 25 years. I was at low level when given the levaquin.. Is there ANYONE out there who has all over stinging over the entire body for over 3 years which alternates with the pounding heart.. I have many other symptons like brain shakes, adrenaline rushes , pacing feeling like I am on 20 cups of coffee so can never rest or nap.. the body pain improved as I could not really move for the first year but I am still left with this torture. I cant take ANY meds now.. I tried low dose doxyceline and my nerves went off the chart, I was expecting maybe an upset stomach? this is totally INSANE. I think my 4p50 pathway is totally damaged. out of desperation I tried 2 Xanax and a valium to knock myself out – NOTHING.. zip was like water.. I can take no pain meds, NOTHING. I have tried every natural thing possible. My axons are swollen in my nerve biopsy which is not good. How I will ever hang on I have no clue as I have to stand in the shower or sit in the bathtub to survive.. I don’t know anyone whose nerves blew out like this.. anyone out there have any ideas.. I am wanting to heal or have god take me home.
I’d posted earlier about my trip to the dentist due to a toothache, which was caused by a gingival abscess. The dentist gave me a 5-day course of amoxicillin that I had no problems tolerating, and today my teeth got their first deep cleaning. I’m due to go in again for a 2nd deep cleaning next week.
I’m feeling so much perkier after having a bunch of old tartar and infectious garbage removed from my teeth and below my gum line. I have to wonder how much the infection was slowing down my ability to heal from my floxing. It turns out I’d had this abscess for quite a while, long enough to cause bone loss.
I hadn’t been as good about taking care of my teeth after being floxed. The first 6 months I was in too much pain to do much of anything, so for several months my teeth didn’t get much more than a quick skimming with a toothbrush before bedtime.
An infection in the mouth can cause all kinds of system-wide problems. It’s no small thing. After having this taken care of, not only do I feel more energetic, but I’ve noticed that the chronic dull pain and congestion that I’ve had in my left ear for quite a while is gone too. Some digestive problems that I’ve had have improved as well.
I’ve been doing some research on gingivitis for the last few days, and I stumbled across Oil Pulling, which I’m planning to try. If my dentist had not told me about the serious problems that bacteria in the mouth can cause all throughout the body, I might not have believed the testimonials from people who’ve had their health greatly improve after incorporating Oil Pulling into their routine. At the very least it can’t hurt. I’ll let you know if I think it’s helping me any.
It’s very important for us – and how unfortunate, just when we’re disabled and dependent – to avoid EM fields and especially wifi, as much as possible. The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields: What is Penetrating You?
Anyone experience pain when the nerves are healing…? Almost feels like having a splinter on my next and shoulders… Before it was numb…now there is a dull pain…
Been feeling so bad with this flare up.
its going on month 4 .Hubby got me an appointment with the doctor today to get labs.
Yea try explaining uou to an FQ 4 yrs ago and youre having a flare up.
Didnt go down well.
She was nit nice anyways and so she certainly wasnt going to listen to that.
She did however order a ton of labs so had anout 10 vials taken.
Results on the 8th.
Im not holding my breath.
Not sure what this is – but I have terrible pain and horrific soreness, as if I am very bruised, along both of my outer thighs – the IT band area (?) Is it possible this is tendon issue? I wasn’t sure what it was at first – but now knowing so much more about the symptoms/issues with being floxed, I am pretty sure this is what it is. Any thoughts? The pain sometimes feels worse when I sit down, perhaps because of the stretching with the pelvis muscles/ hip flexors, hamstrings, etc.
I can no longer stand for more than 5 minutes at a time because my legs hurt badly, and feel like they will no longer support me.
And tendons and ligaments, buyt people aren’t so aware of the fascia matrix.
Hi everyone! My name is Lauralyn and I am a medical professional. I work as a CNA in a rehab nursing facility. Being a CNA is a very hard job. It’s very fast paced and very physical. I never get time to take my breaks EVER let alone drink water. In February I noticed right kidney pain and I blew it off as I was new to this job and worked in transitional care. In March I finally went to the doctor. I had a very bad kidney infection. I was given 3 days off work and I was prescribed cipro. I had 20 pills to take 2 a day for 10 days. At the pharmacy, their printer was down so I never received a print out of the side effects. That reaction I had never happened to me before with any other antibiotic. It made me sleep for 5 hours straight. Because it made me drowsy I only took one pill a day and after I got off work at 10:30 at night. So this took me longer to finish the prescription. I had 3 pills left and woke up with my hands very swollen and stiff. Work gave me 3 days off. I went to the doctor that prescribed the cipro and I was put on disability. My hands were locked in place. I couldn’t write, open a soda can or bottle, nothing from my basic living abilities. The doc wanted me to get physical therapy $775 for 3 weeks. Well he just took my income away. I had to do it myself. I am also a certified RNA (restorative nurses assistant) I was out of work for over a month. The doc was trying to say I had neuropathy, arthritis blah blah blah. I said NO it didn’t start until my series was complete and I have never had symptoms before taking this pill. He had to look it up on the Internet to read the effects and how many people are suffering from it. I forced myself back to work. Every night my hands lock up and I have to use hot water in the morning to get my hands working again. Cipro targeted my flexor tendons in my hands. It is now September and I am no better than I was in March. All the doc said was that I am now allergic to my first medication ever. He warned me not to take any drug with fluoroguinolone like Avelox, levaquin or anything related. I suffer pain and stiff hands every day. I know I’m overworking my hands at work every night but I need a paycheck. Cipro has ruined the one thing I need that makes me money. My hands! I am even pissed that this drug is still on the market. Thank you for reading.
Did somebody post a comment on this forum a while ago about decreasing acid in the body? I think it said something about increasing acid in the stomach which has the effect of lowering acid in the rest of the body (I may have got this bit wrong). I’d like to know more, but can’t find the post. Can anybody help?
People what do you think about this:
This man states that the problem of cipro is related with candida overgrowth.
God!! thanks Mark and Melanie!
Sometime I read an article about time of recovery… It said that people recover in 2 or 7 years… Is it correct?
but, in general, you are ok Melanie, arent?
Brain fog, do you have or had?
Ok Melanie!
But the foggy head comes and goes? how it works on your case?
I wish you recovery!
It sounds strange but, it makes sense… The symptoms of candida infection are very similar to those we have… Brain fog particularly… I will make these exams and to pray to be something that is recoverable!!
What do you think Lisa??
Blood Test
IgG, IgA, and IgM Candida Anti-bodies. These can be checked through most any lab. High levels of these antibodies indicate that an overgrowth of Candida is present. I find in my clinic that these can often be negative even when the stool or urine test is positive.
Stool Testing
I personally find this to be the most accurate test available. This will check for Candida in your colon or lower intestines. However, you need to make sure that your doctor orders a comprehensive stool test rather than the standard stool test. With the stool test, your stool is directly analyzed for levels of yeast. The lab can usually determine the species of yeast as well as which treatment will be effective.
Urine Organix Dysbiosis Test
This test detects D-Arabinitol a waste product of Candida yeast overgrowth. An elevated test means an overgrowth of Candida. This test will determine if there is Candida in your upper gut or small intestines.
Got my growth removed on my forearm today.
They used local lidocaine so far no problem other than a little dizzy.
What was bad though was the electric shock thing they used to stop the bleeding.
I felt it through my whole body right to my butt.
Anybody else had something done with electricity?
Sometimes I wonder “where’s my hope”?
My tinnitus gets me crazy…
Have you ever tried that thing of positive thoughts?
I just don’t know what to do with myself… Lallaalala heheh 😉
To those floxies who had receding gums, is there anything that can be done to stop it? I’ve tried oil pulling but it’s getting worse and worse. Am I likely to lose my teeth?
Thanks Lisa! I noted that when I use coffee my tinnitus increase and when I press my jaw it occurs too. So I read something about a man that is “solving” gulf war syndrome with his treatments… Tinnitus include too… He says it can be a ATM problem because the tendons in jaw…
what do u think about this??
What makes you continue? I wonder every night… But somehow I continue!!! 😉 best recovery folks!!
Has anyone tried taking folic acid?
I’m eating suoer clean right now and calculated my vitamin intake to be low on folic acid.
So I had a bloodcheck done and yes my level was 6 (normal range 4-30).
Since then I started with folic acid and now experience slightly increased tendon pain.
(Could be the lidocaine or electric shock from the growth removal too though so not sure…)