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Jordan Paterson
11 years ago
Is there anti anxiety tablets that can be takes post flox? I’m currently still diagnosis and my symptoms are no where near as strong as most on this page but I believe it’s making it much worse? So would be beneficial to get myself in order to tackle it
Thanks alot, Jordan
11 years ago
I totally agree that the supplementing with magnesium is very beneficial to many of us, I would however just like to add it is not suitable for all. Anyone thinking of doing this please make sure get your kidney function assessed BEFORE implementing it, to make sure they are not/have not been compromisedMagnesium can be very hard on the kidneys. I myself am unable to go down this route, as the the FQs have irreversibly damaged mine, unfortunately resulting in chronic kidney disease.
I am close to 1 month after i got “floxed” and sometime now, i should be expecting my menstrual period. Sorry, ladies only topic 😛
In fact, it’s a bit overdue by a few days expected to be now..but anyway, Lisa, do you felt any difference during your initial recovery period when coping with menstrual period? say, more painful at pelvic ?
by the way, is there any way to determine if the effects of Cipro is still residing in our body over time? like tsunami, we are healing our damaged body like damaged homes when the first wipe of deadly wind is over but how can we be sure there is no “residing cipro” still lurking in our body somewhere that comes to revenge later on?
I did ask my acupuncturist regarding this. she told me when the symptoms first appeared, it will appear more during this “danger time” as it’s releasing it’s toxic so she did ask me to wait out for another 1 month to be sure. meanwhile TCM works to reduce inflammation as much as possible so healing can take place. now i’m believing why some people always complain they don’t heal is because perhaps they didn’t work to reduce inflammation to the lowest during the earliest critical period and this pain escalate to a deeper, inflamed condition leading to chronic pain over time. so that’s why avoid NSAID, pain killer, steroid drug is so crucial as these drugs seek to mask pain and not cure pain.
I’m now upping my Co Q10 to 2 per day coupled with a loads of multivitamin + mineral + tumeric + calcium + fish oil and liver cleanse day/night.
Now i felt my tinnitus is somewhat under better control, lesser in volume but still there. but the tendons at my ankle , knee cap is still painful and occasionally i felt that “Stabs” when walking.
the muscle twitching at the leg toes also lessened. the biggest problem as at now is to heal the tendons so it won’t affect our day to day activity. taking things slower now while healing…..
Thanks for explaining to me about your Kidney condition and sharing your stories. I knew how you felt. We are all here because we have a common cause which is to get cured and floxed out.
Sorry i am not well versed with kidney disease.
I just hope my suggestion to introduce the Chinese medicine works for you because it definitely has much less side effects . There are wonders of TCM herbs that might work for you. from my knowledge, Lingzhi mushroom (also known as Reishi mushroom) is one century herbs that has miraculous healing on illness and on Kidney. it’s proven in the chinese medical book. according to my chinese sinseh, when we are poisioned from Cipro, the first organ it attack is kidney! and that’s one of the organ, besides Liver that needs detox as soon as possible,
I am visiting my chinese doctor in Asia. You might like to check out a TCM doctor that’s in your state and you can see the difference 🙂 or you check if acupuncture helps you. it certainly unblock the stagnant flow in my body and i believe the more i go, the more stasis it can remove and allow healing to take place. it does takes time , faith and patience.
my condition isn’t so good too. the common knee pain and ankle pain that’s making me miserable and other odds bodily aches. i am surely turning my back away from the western medicine and increase my rounds of acupuncture for healing.
just last night my knee pain is acting up. i pasted some chinese herb plaster that aims to boost circulation. it works for now. at least i can move around more .
Wishing you speedy recovery, Debs.
11 years ago
Does anyone know if nausea and vomiting are symptoms of floxing? Although I’ve had no appetite for the past four months, I have been managing to eat, but for the past few days I’ve had severe nausea every time I have anything – even water. My GP is going to test my liver and kidney function, but just wondered if other floxed people have experienced this?
Andre B.
11 years ago
In terms of diets, can anyone comment about vegetables and fruits? Have you consumed legumes and fruits with no problem? Do particular vegetables or fruits make your symptoms worse, tendonitis, tendon rupture, etc.? I’ve been avoiding veggies and fruits for a while because I’m under the impression that calcium, which is contained in many of these foods, worsens my symptoms. But this is just getting ridiculous. I feel like I should be consuming these healthy foods.
Hope everyone has a great festive celebration despite being floxed.
Among other symptoms, I found knee joint pain to be the most distressing. The ankle pain acts up on and off too.
Next is the chronic leg fatigue at the end of the day, it felt heavy and uncomfortable.
I asked my acupuncturist if knee pain and fatigue leg are similar problem or separate issue. she said it’s both nerve pain. Heavy and tired leg is a result of damaged nerve.
Plus toxicity of cipro snap off magnesium at knee , losing our balance and mobility. imagine before cirpo, our magnesium at knee joint is working resiliently at the backend then cipro , being a tyrant boss, make them stopped working so magnesium become lazy and threw riot. it’s different from magnesium depleted off completely..this important mineral just took a backseat so we need treatment to enlighten them to wake up and start moving.
while many are scared damaged nerve won’t heal, i too believe damaged nerve can be healed with acupuncture. what i wasn’t sure if tendonitis can be healed? i guess again it can with calcium, magnesium, glucosamine, fish oil, collagen. i seriously hope since i never suffer from any joint injury.
by the way what are we exactly suffering from this cipro poisoning?
some people said it’s fluoride some people said it’s an extreme imbalance of calcium/magnesium. the undisputed fact is cipro change our collagen DNA, attack our energy cells and damage our mitochondria of all which can be improve by taking the right supplementation
..but my top concern is if cipro really is fluroide poisoning at all?
Thank you truly. Thanks for your reminder that time is healer. It’s frustrating to forget time is the answer when we are living with pain. but as days go by, it will get easier. take this time to better ourselves.
Yes i have the exact thinking like you too on cipro poisoning.
I think it’s a good idea to take glucosamine. but ensure it comes with chondroitin and MSM. i felt it helps. i can’t say exactly i have made a big jump but at least a little better than yesterday. concurrently i also applied glucosamine cream on my joint.
also, i read adding good fats to our diet help flush out this somewhat oil soluble drug. someone add 2 tablespoon olive oil + 2 of coconut oil to his dish and he is getting strong by day 5. hope it will be of interest to anyone who find this useful.
Andre B.
11 years ago
Thank you all so much for your advice concerning diets. This website has been a lifesaver in terms of my sanity and trying to figure out this crippling disease. I just started introducing normal foods into my diet, veggies, fruits, some meats, etc. You all rock and I hope you all have wonderful holidays. Maybe the year 2014 will treat some of us better, I pray, I hope!
11 years ago
Hi everyone,
Thanks to all who have responded to my previous posts – am still navigating my way through the maze of symptoms and supplements! I started taking magnesium glycinate a week ago, and the myoclonic attacks have lessened a lot.
I’ve just had some more blood tests to check liver/kidney function etc, and all are normal except my iron level is low. It’s always been fine before. Does anyone know if floxing causes iron depletion? Also, is it safe to supplement with iron after you’ve been floxed?
Thanks x
11 years ago
While I have enjoyed reading about the recoveries of everyone on here, I’m not convinced it will ever get better for me. I took Levaquin in June 2013, followed by Medrol (a steroid) a week later. Since then I have had more problems than I could ever imagine. My symptoms include burning of the face, numbness of the face, trouble breathing, nostrils that are clogged and do not allow in air (my nose is clear though), awful ankle pain to the point I can’t walk on it, dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, migraines, the skin under my nails retracting (on both feet and hands), most of my nails losing their color and becoming see through, depression, left chest wheezing when I cough, etc. The symptom list is endless and new ones pop up all the time (the most recent was the clogged nostrils, 1 new nail having skin retract, and 1 new nail see through).
I have been to numerous doctors, but none will listen to me or help in any way. My family doctor just tells me to take medicine and cover it up, I refuse to though. I’ve tried magnesium, multivitamins, and milk thistle. I’ve had MRIs, X-rays, a halter monitor, blood work, cat scans, and follow ups on them. My two brain MRIs have shown something abnormal in my left frontal lobe, which was not there before and they have no idea what it is.
I’ve honestly lost all hope now. It’s been almost 7 months to the day since I took the medicine and yet I’ve shown no progress, only regression. My left ankle is at an all time high in pain, I can’t breathe, and more of my nails are becoming messed up.
At this point, I’m not sure what to do. Can anyone help or suggest anything useful?
someone in that post said such injection is not for newly floxed. not sure why.
Lisa, what’s your view on this? Thanks in advance!!
Just last night my right shoulder is so numb it sent tears to my eyes. My right shoulder pain just surfaced since last week.
11 years ago
I wonder if anybody else who is recovering or has recovered has had an experience similar to mine? A couple of weeks ago I felt that something in me had changed for the better. It was very subtle – I was still bedbound with horrible symptoms, but I felt somehow lighter and more cheerful. My sense of humour came back, and I felt more positive and optimistic. And I also felt a slight increase in energy, and no longer felt like I was dying all the time. I thought that maybe this was the ‘turning point’ that people talk about, when recovery begins. And for the next two weeks, although the symptoms carried on as before I did feel that something had shifted. A subtle feeling which is very hard to describe. But since yesterday I have felt that I have gone straight back to square one – feeling ghastly all the time – and now I’m wondering if I just imagined that I was feeling better! Have any recovered floxed people had a similar experience at the start of their recovery? Or is it usually a more substantial feeling of improvement at the beginning? I’m not sure if this post makes much sense, and I know that symptoms wax and wane throughout recovery. But I was just so happy to think that my recovery was beginning after being bedbound for months. I even started planning a summer holiday with my children! I would be really interested to know if anyone else went through episodes like this, and whether they felt it marked the beginning of recovery.
Catherine x
11 years ago
I would love the opportunity to share hope. I was floxed severely by Cipro in 2011. I had over 50 symptoms, the worst of which was irretractable severe insomnia. I’m happy to report today that I only have 4 symptoms left and they are much milder. I’ve accepted that they may be permanent and it doesn’t scare me anymore. I’m able to live my life the way I used to. I’m happy to share what helped me although I know everyone esp. floxies are different. God Bless.
Often we know joint pain is a common problem of cipro, does your shoulder and knee cap gives a cracking / popping sound when you move the affected part?
Its sign of the tendonitis right?
Thanks again for your help
In hope of recovery,
11 years ago
My episode of feeling a bit better came after I started taking magnesium 600mg per day, so I assumed the improvement was caused by this. Now I am feeling dreadful again, do you think this means the magnesium isn’t helping after all? When other floxed people say something was helpful in their recovery, was it consistently helpful, or did you still have times when it seemed like it wasn’t helping? I’m still taking magnesium but am wondering g if it’s worth carrying on with it.
Catherine x
11 years ago
Hi its casey again my joints have been popping especially the elbows and shoulders and I don’t remember them doing it as much it isn’t followed by discomfort or pain. Im still able to do everything the same as before like heavy lifting and my stretches nothing hurts or pops that much while im doing these activities but when im at home relaxing then suddenly move that’s when they pop. I am experiencing golfers elbows with both sides but mainly the left one, I was experiencing this just sometime after I was done taking cipro and at that time was not doing anything streuous. I have never even heard of golfers elbow until my friend confirmed it for me and he knows these things he’s a personal trainer. Im going to get checked out soon but was wondering if anyone has had the same experience like me? I just don’t know what to say to the doctor I don’t want him or her to think Im losing my mind.
11 years ago
I run into this site while looking for organic food.
My question is the following:
If those drugs change your DNA (so, are you GMOs?), is it then possible to fully “recover” just by undergoing acupuncture and some diet?
Have a nice day!
11 years ago
Hi again
Recently the burning pain in my legs and feet has got much worse. Is this peripheral neuropathy? Sometimes it feels like I have had acid poured over my skin – from my scalp to my toes. Has anyone else had this, and did it get better over time?
11 years ago
Gulf War Syndrome was caused by a sandflea infecting it’s victims with a sphirochete not unlike that associated with lyme disease. The govt. was treating its Gulf War patients with 400mg of fluconazole each day. If you want the article I refer to I can go into my files.
Is there anti anxiety tablets that can be takes post flox? I’m currently still diagnosis and my symptoms are no where near as strong as most on this page but I believe it’s making it much worse? So would be beneficial to get myself in order to tackle it
Thanks alot, Jordan
I totally agree that the supplementing with magnesium is very beneficial to many of us, I would however just like to add it is not suitable for all. Anyone thinking of doing this please make sure get your kidney function assessed BEFORE implementing it, to make sure they are not/have not been compromisedMagnesium can be very hard on the kidneys. I myself am unable to go down this route, as the the FQs have irreversibly damaged mine, unfortunately resulting in chronic kidney disease.
Hi Lisa,
Good day to you!
I am close to 1 month after i got “floxed” and sometime now, i should be expecting my menstrual period. Sorry, ladies only topic 😛
In fact, it’s a bit overdue by a few days expected to be now..but anyway, Lisa, do you felt any difference during your initial recovery period when coping with menstrual period? say, more painful at pelvic ?
by the way, is there any way to determine if the effects of Cipro is still residing in our body over time? like tsunami, we are healing our damaged body like damaged homes when the first wipe of deadly wind is over but how can we be sure there is no “residing cipro” still lurking in our body somewhere that comes to revenge later on?
I did ask my acupuncturist regarding this. she told me when the symptoms first appeared, it will appear more during this “danger time” as it’s releasing it’s toxic so she did ask me to wait out for another 1 month to be sure. meanwhile TCM works to reduce inflammation as much as possible so healing can take place. now i’m believing why some people always complain they don’t heal is because perhaps they didn’t work to reduce inflammation to the lowest during the earliest critical period and this pain escalate to a deeper, inflamed condition leading to chronic pain over time. so that’s why avoid NSAID, pain killer, steroid drug is so crucial as these drugs seek to mask pain and not cure pain.
I’m now upping my Co Q10 to 2 per day coupled with a loads of multivitamin + mineral + tumeric + calcium + fish oil and liver cleanse day/night.
Now i felt my tinnitus is somewhat under better control, lesser in volume but still there. but the tendons at my ankle , knee cap is still painful and occasionally i felt that “Stabs” when walking.
the muscle twitching at the leg toes also lessened. the biggest problem as at now is to heal the tendons so it won’t affect our day to day activity. taking things slower now while healing…..
Thanks Lisa again!
Dear Debs
Thanks for explaining to me about your Kidney condition and sharing your stories. I knew how you felt. We are all here because we have a common cause which is to get cured and floxed out.
Sorry i am not well versed with kidney disease.
I just hope my suggestion to introduce the Chinese medicine works for you because it definitely has much less side effects . There are wonders of TCM herbs that might work for you. from my knowledge, Lingzhi mushroom (also known as Reishi mushroom) is one century herbs that has miraculous healing on illness and on Kidney. it’s proven in the chinese medical book. according to my chinese sinseh, when we are poisioned from Cipro, the first organ it attack is kidney! and that’s one of the organ, besides Liver that needs detox as soon as possible,
I am visiting my chinese doctor in Asia. You might like to check out a TCM doctor that’s in your state and you can see the difference 🙂 or you check if acupuncture helps you. it certainly unblock the stagnant flow in my body and i believe the more i go, the more stasis it can remove and allow healing to take place. it does takes time , faith and patience.
my condition isn’t so good too. the common knee pain and ankle pain that’s making me miserable and other odds bodily aches. i am surely turning my back away from the western medicine and increase my rounds of acupuncture for healing.
just last night my knee pain is acting up. i pasted some chinese herb plaster that aims to boost circulation. it works for now. at least i can move around more .
Wishing you speedy recovery, Debs.
Does anyone know if nausea and vomiting are symptoms of floxing? Although I’ve had no appetite for the past four months, I have been managing to eat, but for the past few days I’ve had severe nausea every time I have anything – even water. My GP is going to test my liver and kidney function, but just wondered if other floxed people have experienced this?
In terms of diets, can anyone comment about vegetables and fruits? Have you consumed legumes and fruits with no problem? Do particular vegetables or fruits make your symptoms worse, tendonitis, tendon rupture, etc.? I’ve been avoiding veggies and fruits for a while because I’m under the impression that calcium, which is contained in many of these foods, worsens my symptoms. But this is just getting ridiculous. I feel like I should be consuming these healthy foods.
Hope everyone has a great festive celebration despite being floxed.
Among other symptoms, I found knee joint pain to be the most distressing. The ankle pain acts up on and off too.
Next is the chronic leg fatigue at the end of the day, it felt heavy and uncomfortable.
I asked my acupuncturist if knee pain and fatigue leg are similar problem or separate issue. she said it’s both nerve pain. Heavy and tired leg is a result of damaged nerve.
Plus toxicity of cipro snap off magnesium at knee , losing our balance and mobility. imagine before cirpo, our magnesium at knee joint is working resiliently at the backend then cipro , being a tyrant boss, make them stopped working so magnesium become lazy and threw riot. it’s different from magnesium depleted off completely..this important mineral just took a backseat so we need treatment to enlighten them to wake up and start moving.
while many are scared damaged nerve won’t heal, i too believe damaged nerve can be healed with acupuncture. what i wasn’t sure if tendonitis can be healed? i guess again it can with calcium, magnesium, glucosamine, fish oil, collagen. i seriously hope since i never suffer from any joint injury.
by the way what are we exactly suffering from this cipro poisoning?
some people said it’s fluoride some people said it’s an extreme imbalance of calcium/magnesium. the undisputed fact is cipro change our collagen DNA, attack our energy cells and damage our mitochondria of all which can be improve by taking the right supplementation
..but my top concern is if cipro really is fluroide poisoning at all?
Dear Lisa,
Thank you truly. Thanks for your reminder that time is healer. It’s frustrating to forget time is the answer when we are living with pain. but as days go by, it will get easier. take this time to better ourselves.
Yes i have the exact thinking like you too on cipro poisoning.
I think it’s a good idea to take glucosamine. but ensure it comes with chondroitin and MSM. i felt it helps. i can’t say exactly i have made a big jump but at least a little better than yesterday. concurrently i also applied glucosamine cream on my joint.
also, i read adding good fats to our diet help flush out this somewhat oil soluble drug. someone add 2 tablespoon olive oil + 2 of coconut oil to his dish and he is getting strong by day 5. hope it will be of interest to anyone who find this useful.
Thank you all so much for your advice concerning diets. This website has been a lifesaver in terms of my sanity and trying to figure out this crippling disease. I just started introducing normal foods into my diet, veggies, fruits, some meats, etc. You all rock and I hope you all have wonderful holidays. Maybe the year 2014 will treat some of us better, I pray, I hope!
Hi everyone,
Thanks to all who have responded to my previous posts – am still navigating my way through the maze of symptoms and supplements! I started taking magnesium glycinate a week ago, and the myoclonic attacks have lessened a lot.
I’ve just had some more blood tests to check liver/kidney function etc, and all are normal except my iron level is low. It’s always been fine before. Does anyone know if floxing causes iron depletion? Also, is it safe to supplement with iron after you’ve been floxed?
Thanks x
While I have enjoyed reading about the recoveries of everyone on here, I’m not convinced it will ever get better for me. I took Levaquin in June 2013, followed by Medrol (a steroid) a week later. Since then I have had more problems than I could ever imagine. My symptoms include burning of the face, numbness of the face, trouble breathing, nostrils that are clogged and do not allow in air (my nose is clear though), awful ankle pain to the point I can’t walk on it, dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, migraines, the skin under my nails retracting (on both feet and hands), most of my nails losing their color and becoming see through, depression, left chest wheezing when I cough, etc. The symptom list is endless and new ones pop up all the time (the most recent was the clogged nostrils, 1 new nail having skin retract, and 1 new nail see through).
I have been to numerous doctors, but none will listen to me or help in any way. My family doctor just tells me to take medicine and cover it up, I refuse to though. I’ve tried magnesium, multivitamins, and milk thistle. I’ve had MRIs, X-rays, a halter monitor, blood work, cat scans, and follow ups on them. My two brain MRIs have shown something abnormal in my left frontal lobe, which was not there before and they have no idea what it is.
I’ve honestly lost all hope now. It’s been almost 7 months to the day since I took the medicine and yet I’ve shown no progress, only regression. My left ankle is at an all time high in pain, I can’t breathe, and more of my nails are becoming messed up.
At this point, I’m not sure what to do. Can anyone help or suggest anything useful?
Hi, hope 2014 marks a good recovery year!
Has anyone tried Prolotherapy? Someone posted great success with this treatment in facebook. it looks so good to restore damaged tendons back to normal!
someone in that post said such injection is not for newly floxed. not sure why.
Lisa, what’s your view on this? Thanks in advance!!
Just last night my right shoulder is so numb it sent tears to my eyes. My right shoulder pain just surfaced since last week.
I wonder if anybody else who is recovering or has recovered has had an experience similar to mine? A couple of weeks ago I felt that something in me had changed for the better. It was very subtle – I was still bedbound with horrible symptoms, but I felt somehow lighter and more cheerful. My sense of humour came back, and I felt more positive and optimistic. And I also felt a slight increase in energy, and no longer felt like I was dying all the time. I thought that maybe this was the ‘turning point’ that people talk about, when recovery begins. And for the next two weeks, although the symptoms carried on as before I did feel that something had shifted. A subtle feeling which is very hard to describe. But since yesterday I have felt that I have gone straight back to square one – feeling ghastly all the time – and now I’m wondering if I just imagined that I was feeling better! Have any recovered floxed people had a similar experience at the start of their recovery? Or is it usually a more substantial feeling of improvement at the beginning? I’m not sure if this post makes much sense, and I know that symptoms wax and wane throughout recovery. But I was just so happy to think that my recovery was beginning after being bedbound for months. I even started planning a summer holiday with my children! I would be really interested to know if anyone else went through episodes like this, and whether they felt it marked the beginning of recovery.
Catherine x
I would love the opportunity to share hope. I was floxed severely by Cipro in 2011. I had over 50 symptoms, the worst of which was irretractable severe insomnia. I’m happy to report today that I only have 4 symptoms left and they are much milder. I’ve accepted that they may be permanent and it doesn’t scare me anymore. I’m able to live my life the way I used to. I’m happy to share what helped me although I know everyone esp. floxies are different. God Bless.
Hi Lisa,
Often we know joint pain is a common problem of cipro, does your shoulder and knee cap gives a cracking / popping sound when you move the affected part?
Its sign of the tendonitis right?
Thanks again for your help
In hope of recovery,
My episode of feeling a bit better came after I started taking magnesium 600mg per day, so I assumed the improvement was caused by this. Now I am feeling dreadful again, do you think this means the magnesium isn’t helping after all? When other floxed people say something was helpful in their recovery, was it consistently helpful, or did you still have times when it seemed like it wasn’t helping? I’m still taking magnesium but am wondering g if it’s worth carrying on with it.
Catherine x
Hi its casey again my joints have been popping especially the elbows and shoulders and I don’t remember them doing it as much it isn’t followed by discomfort or pain. Im still able to do everything the same as before like heavy lifting and my stretches nothing hurts or pops that much while im doing these activities but when im at home relaxing then suddenly move that’s when they pop. I am experiencing golfers elbows with both sides but mainly the left one, I was experiencing this just sometime after I was done taking cipro and at that time was not doing anything streuous. I have never even heard of golfers elbow until my friend confirmed it for me and he knows these things he’s a personal trainer. Im going to get checked out soon but was wondering if anyone has had the same experience like me? I just don’t know what to say to the doctor I don’t want him or her to think Im losing my mind.
I run into this site while looking for organic food.
My question is the following:
If those drugs change your DNA (so, are you GMOs?), is it then possible to fully “recover” just by undergoing acupuncture and some diet?
Have a nice day!
Hi again
Recently the burning pain in my legs and feet has got much worse. Is this peripheral neuropathy? Sometimes it feels like I have had acid poured over my skin – from my scalp to my toes. Has anyone else had this, and did it get better over time?
Gulf War Syndrome was caused by a sandflea infecting it’s victims with a sphirochete not unlike that associated with lyme disease. The govt. was treating its Gulf War patients with 400mg of fluconazole each day. If you want the article I refer to I can go into my files.