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Lisa, further down in that article it mentions calium in the context in which you discussed it, but it’s 4.27 in the moring and my eyes sting – I must sleep – so didn’t read it all.
I’ll send you a very interesting article later.
This is a Field Control Therapy practioner in the U.K., in case anyone’s interested.
I always use Ainsworths Homepathic Pharmacy in London (though I left the U.K. decades ago) but that one time I thought it’d take too long and I was in pain, so I went to a doctor here instead – oops!
11 years ago
Lisa started Floxiehope ,with the most wonderful idea of creating somewhere we could go to, where we could escape for just a little while & find some positive vibes, give us some HOPE for improvement, & for people to tell their stories who have recovered from FQ toxicity, yes RECOVERY !. People CAN recover. It was an uplifting happy place,& has always done me the world of good.
I have been monitoring this thread for a while & I must say, am becoming rather concerned on the way it seems to be deteriorating, I have been however, holding my counsel up until now, but the recent comments above, particularly todays have left feeling I must now say my piece, as IMO I feel enough is enough.
Destruida los restos, you make many interesting points of which some i am in full agreement with, however todays comments I take issue with. With respect, although i am impressed with your strength & passion regarding mistreatment of animals, there are many other more suitable places I feel that comments can be made regarding animal rights/advocacy, & believe me i am well known for my love of all creatures, please leave them in a more appropriate place,although in the grand scheme of things it matters a great deal that animals are tortured, for many reasons, IMO these comments, written in that context, do not really belong here.
I will also give you the the benefit of the doubt that maybe you are feeling depressed, & perhaps that is reason why that particular comment has been made in that vein, as to regards you caring or not about others. I say this, although you are entitled to your opinion, as that particular comment left me feeling VERY depressed, indeed.
You state that you rarely bother anymore about FQ news blogs etc, & obviously that is your choice, but to be honest it shows, in a lot of ways in your comments, particularly in your comment of Dec 26th re the Quinolone Fluoride per se &, fluoride/fluorine connection. & what may be responsible for the resulting damage the fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Firstly, you are quite correct in your assertion that quinolones were causing many problems before the fluorine was added, NALADIXIC ACID first marketed in 1962 is in itself a listed documented carcinogen, so it is not surprising.
There is however contrary to your statement, a connection of sorts between fluoride & fluorine although not many people are aware of this fact. It is as follows :
Fluoride is the inorganic anion of the element fluorine, the compounds of which are known as a group as fluorides.
Fluoride, & therefore by extension and more so fluorine, are general protoplasmic poisons,this was first mentioned as such in the American medical association editorial on sept 18th 1943.
Fluorine F1 ( a protoplasmic poison,), is attached to the carbon molecule, which forms the pharmacore of the fluoroquinolones.
The fluorine- carbon molecule was attached to the original quinolones in order to make them much more powerful ( toxic ),so as to make it easier for the drug to drive deep into every cell of the body, including making it far easier for the drug to cross the blood-brain barrier, & of course it also has the end result of saving the pharmaceutical industry a LOT of money, as by them doing this, less of the active ingredients are needed.
The fluoroquinolone antibiotics to the best of my knowledge elevate serum fluoride levels.
As far as you comment re fluoride itself is concerned Destruida los restos, I am sorry to say you could not be more wrong, as regards to its toxicity, & effects on the human body.
Fluoride is a cumulative poison. A neurotoxin, It has been linked to brain damage & learning disabilities Only 50% of any fluoride ingested is ever excreted from the body, you will NEVER remove it. It builds up over many years in places such as the bones, causing a condition know as skeletal fluorosis ( the early stages of skeletal fluorosis are often mistaken for arthritis) & it is no coincidence that this diagnosis is more common in older people. it builds up in the teeth, many children develop a condition known as dental fluorosis, It is also particularly attracted to the pineal gland, which over time it will calcify.
The pineal gland, among its many important functions controls our circadian rhythm, fluorides are suspected by many including myself to play a role, although not the whole story by far, in the horrendous intractable insomnia a great number of us experience, sometimes for years. This insomnia is known in many to resemble a circadian/delayed sleep phase disorder, myself I have only slept 3-4 hours a night EVERY night since january 2011, apart from the times i do not sleep at all( as far as this is concerned, so far my record is 72 hours) I cannot get to sleep until 3am, I will be awake without fail by 7am I constantly feel I have drunk way too much coffee, I now understand why sleep deprivation is used as torture.
As far as the fluoride added to the water supply, this is NOT as many believe sodium fluoride, but is instead something called HYDROFLUORIC/OSILICIC ACID. Hydrofluoric acid is a chemical byproduct of the manufacture of the aluminium,steel,phosphate, fertiliser, cement, nuclear & other industries & a couple of a similarly named toxic cocktail of chemicals are used in parts of the UK & Ireland.
This is what we are drinking, every day , I would say YES it will eventually cripple you.
Anyone who would like to find out the corruption/history behind this atrocity, please watch the documentary” the fluoride deception” & similar on YouTube. Believe me,you will never touch tap water again.
I must apologise Lisa for this war & peace length post, I do not often get on my soapbox, but felt I had to speak out here.
How are you coping? I know by good faith, you are doing well . I have been appreciating your marvelous sharing! I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful creation of Floxiehope. You keep me moving even in darkest moment. I don’t comment here
often but I nest in the comfort of your words everyday. Thank you, again.
Yesterday i ordered Modified CItrus Pectin for detox. have you heard of it? read that some floxie have success with this. i was skeptical because people share it works seems to be the salesman behind but ..after some checking of their background/facebook profile, they don’t seems to be affiliated with this company. so with a small leap of faith, i just buy
and try! hope it works! heard if taken with Chlorella for detox will speed up recovery.
Will reach my country in Singapore in 5 days’ time. will feedback how it goes 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing 🙂 The Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)hasn’t arrived my house yet can’t wait to try. ok so you have tried MCP for a few days, let’s be patient as you said time will tell, any supplement takes a while to show positive results. *finger crossed*
Can I know if you take MCP alone or do you mix with other supplements? I’m not sure if MCP can be taken with other supplements as i am scared it’s overload making it less effective.
Thanks and speedy recovery, Lane 🙂
11 years ago
My cat has been floxed. She was given Baytril twice for UTIs. Recently, she hurt her leg by simply jumping down from a ledge. She’s been hobbling around for a while and I’m concerned that the same effect of tendon/cartilege damage that occurs in humans could be happening to her. Is there anything I can do to help her? I don’t want to lose my baby, and I don’t want her to suffer. Please help. 🙁
11 years ago
And I also wanted to ask: what can I do to make sure this never happens to me? Does lying and telling doctors that you’re allergic to quinolones help? What if you’re in a situation where a potent antibiotic is absolutely needed – will they listen to your request for a safer alternative? I get scared that I might one day have an infection severe enough to warrant a hospital visit, and that I’ll be administered an FQ without my knowledge. Even if I’m on my deathbed, I never ever ever want an FQ in my system, ever. Not worth the risk. *massive hugs for you all* I can’t believe that these drugs are still legal.
One of the hardest thing i can’t let go is that silent anger i felt towards my doctor. Maybe this drug is needed to save someone in this world who truly needs it. but doctor who has full control who to give, give it to us. and we never doubt, never question why this drug. trust them, take it with faith. and we got poisoned. and when you share the candy they prescribe give you adverse effect, they looked shock, was alarm , said “oh dear, it’s very rare side effects” and gave some excuses to protect themselves..ended the call with “please take care”
i knew i have only myself to blame. for once when i report my side effects to him and he can’t offer much advice, i felt the whole world has stopped turning for me. imagine i was standing in the center of the globe, stagnant and yet the world still evolve around me.
when i blame myself for being so trusting and so hopeful to take drugs without thinking twice, the hurt seems to lessen. because our heart can’t bear to hate. to carry hatred to doctor we “think” we used to trust is not only a misjudgement, but also a sad realization that the one who can cure us also has the greatest power to destroy us.
it’s so much to bear the hatred by hating someone who won’t want to be responsible but when we begin to look inside ourselves, we can only blame ourselves. this way, we felt better. because we can control our choices from now without any expectation of others. it’s this maturity that gain us new respect and a way we say sorry to our body by feeding it with toxic. because doctor don’t force us, we chose to believe their choice is right – but clearly it’s wrong.
already we are nursing a hurt body and yet we have to nurse this emotional assault at the same time. it became too much. seriously i rather i have no one to hate. i hope no one is ever involved. seriously i rather i fell into a pit and only have myself to blame with my painful leg. but now, there is someone involved who got us into this terrible plight in the first place. it’s so hurting. it’s just…so sick. as someone said “i don’t want to sue anybody, i just want to get well” bring tears to my eyes. so true. we are so helpless and we can only turn to one another for support. take this chance to better ourselves, wise up and learn the hard way.
i knew you said meditation helps. can you please tell me how you meditate for a start? any starters tips to help you calm and let go of the anger during your earlier days?
Hi everyone
I had a telephone consultation with a private GP yesterday. It was the first time I’ve spoken to a doctor who is interested in helping since I was floxed, so was quite interesting. She has her own theories and ideas about it, which are interesting, but I also have a healthy degree of scepticism about it, as obviously we none of us know for sure what’s really going on.
She believes that the adverse reaction is caused by micronutrient deficiencies which cause a severe auto-immune response to switch on in the patient. She actually uses Cipro herself in patients with severe infections which have not responded to anything else, but always in conjunction with IV minerals and orher nutrients, and says her patients have no problems with them. She wants to give me magnesium and B12 injections, with other minerals, as well as nystatin and fluconazole (I have quite severe candida infection). Also melatonin for sleep. (She wanted to give me tranquilizers for sleep too, but I refused them). Has anyone else had any of these therapies? I would be grateful for your comments.
Catherine x
Paul Karpfen
11 years ago
I saw earlier on here that someone had difficulty with jerking awake everytime they were about to fall asleep. I had that also early on post floxing – it felt like as I was entering an alpha state I would be interrupted and it would keep me up. I told this to a nutritionist at a supplement store – she said that many prescription drugs rob the brain of vitamin b6 which can affect your sleep pattern then. I supplemented with vitamin b6 and the problem went away. I stopped taking it then and haven’t had the same problem since – thank God. I hope this is helpful to someone!
11 years ago
Vit B6 and magnesium helped me a lot with this problem. This now happens to me very rarely and then only once a night.
It seems heel pain is the hardest to heal or takes longest to heal. My acupuncturist told me recovery will start from top to bottom if our pain starts from bottom to top (reverse )
Pain started from heel (weakest blood circulation) travelled up to knee then to shoulder. So to note if we are starting to recover, we will know if shoulder pain has lessened then knee then heel.
The heel still painful to walk on.. As if elephant leg. And the nerve at heel can be so tensed up that makes walking difficult.
I think i will go check out a orthopedic heel insert to see if helps. Right now wearing ankle brace and use home massage (with Ion heat therapy)
When i recover, “Bitter Pills” is the book i will buy to remind myself for the grave past i used to make. but till then…i still not healed. if i buy now, it will add to my sadness.
about quinolone danger with just 1 pill sent author’s wife to hell needlessly.
Hello everyone. I was floxed December 2004. I have burning in my legs most of the day. When I wake up I don’t have any burning but it doesn’t take much for it to start up again. I do have some tendon pain behind my knees.
I plan to try the modified citrus pectin as I saw it helped someone on the TOPIX forum (which by the way that particular forum topix has been discontinued. 🙁 ) which makes me a bit sad but I am glad I found this sight.
Heres to healing for all. I hope for me my symptoms will just be burning legs and some tendon pain that will eventually heal.
11 years ago
Just got a question I caught salmonella again and most likely gonna need antibiotics but this time I made it clear to my doctor that I am not going to take cipro or its relatives. But I was wondering is it ok to take another kind after taking cipro in the past? Its been almost a few months since I took them.
Like to share this interesting article. As we know, fluoroquinolone destroy our mitochondria cell, here is a study by that shows PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone) can rejuvenate our cells by growing new mitochondria. there is hope! more supplements are now revealing it’s help to reverse the damage done.
Fellow floxies,
Has anyone noticed significant changes in their skin since being flexed? I look like I’ve aged 5 years since my last floxing 17 months ago…sagging skin, more wrinkles, deep creases in my forehead (I’m not even 40 yet…) and the weirdest thing…everything seems to leave a lasting imprint on my skin for about 15 minutes afterwards…e.g., the bedclothes on the acupuncturist table will leave this crisscross pattern across my chest that takes what seems like a prolonged amount of time to go back to normal looking skin. Is this typical for floxies and does it “get better”?
Thank you,
11 years ago
I was just wondering does anyone else experience cracking or popping of the sternum when stretching their back. If so is it bad that its doing that?
Sandy B
11 years ago
I was floxed 3/15/12 and I am mostly recovered except for the bottoms of my feet hurt pretty bad when I do a lot of walking. I was mostly affected on my heels/ankles/back of lower legs initially, and as symptoms have improved, the soles of my feet have not really. It feels like the padding has thinned out. Do you know of anything that will help?
Also, I noticed if I eat junk food, especially stuff with processed soy, it gets worse. Meal replacement bars with soy as the protein source really puts me out of commission for a couple days. Do you know if it’s safe to eat tofu, given my reaction to soy protein bars? Since it’s not a processed food persay.
Thanks for your help.
I’m on a multivitamin, a powdered magnesium drink supplement and 500 my of carnitine 3xs daily.
Lisa, further down in that article it mentions calium in the context in which you discussed it, but it’s 4.27 in the moring and my eyes sting – I must sleep – so didn’t read it all.
I’ll send you a very interesting article later.
This is a Field Control Therapy practioner in the U.K., in case anyone’s interested.
I always use Ainsworths Homepathic Pharmacy in London (though I left the U.K. decades ago) but that one time I thought it’d take too long and I was in pain, so I went to a doctor here instead – oops!
Lisa started Floxiehope ,with the most wonderful idea of creating somewhere we could go to, where we could escape for just a little while & find some positive vibes, give us some HOPE for improvement, & for people to tell their stories who have recovered from FQ toxicity, yes RECOVERY !. People CAN recover. It was an uplifting happy place,& has always done me the world of good.
I have been monitoring this thread for a while & I must say, am becoming rather concerned on the way it seems to be deteriorating, I have been however, holding my counsel up until now, but the recent comments above, particularly todays have left feeling I must now say my piece, as IMO I feel enough is enough.
Destruida los restos, you make many interesting points of which some i am in full agreement with, however todays comments I take issue with. With respect, although i am impressed with your strength & passion regarding mistreatment of animals, there are many other more suitable places I feel that comments can be made regarding animal rights/advocacy, & believe me i am well known for my love of all creatures, please leave them in a more appropriate place,although in the grand scheme of things it matters a great deal that animals are tortured, for many reasons, IMO these comments, written in that context, do not really belong here.
I will also give you the the benefit of the doubt that maybe you are feeling depressed, & perhaps that is reason why that particular comment has been made in that vein, as to regards you caring or not about others. I say this, although you are entitled to your opinion, as that particular comment left me feeling VERY depressed, indeed.
You state that you rarely bother anymore about FQ news blogs etc, & obviously that is your choice, but to be honest it shows, in a lot of ways in your comments, particularly in your comment of Dec 26th re the Quinolone Fluoride per se &, fluoride/fluorine connection. & what may be responsible for the resulting damage the fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Firstly, you are quite correct in your assertion that quinolones were causing many problems before the fluorine was added, NALADIXIC ACID first marketed in 1962 is in itself a listed documented carcinogen, so it is not surprising.
There is however contrary to your statement, a connection of sorts between fluoride & fluorine although not many people are aware of this fact. It is as follows :
Fluoride is the inorganic anion of the element fluorine, the compounds of which are known as a group as fluorides.
Fluoride, & therefore by extension and more so fluorine, are general protoplasmic poisons,this was first mentioned as such in the American medical association editorial on sept 18th 1943.
Fluorine F1 ( a protoplasmic poison,), is attached to the carbon molecule, which forms the pharmacore of the fluoroquinolones.
The fluorine- carbon molecule was attached to the original quinolones in order to make them much more powerful ( toxic ),so as to make it easier for the drug to drive deep into every cell of the body, including making it far easier for the drug to cross the blood-brain barrier, & of course it also has the end result of saving the pharmaceutical industry a LOT of money, as by them doing this, less of the active ingredients are needed.
The fluoroquinolone antibiotics to the best of my knowledge elevate serum fluoride levels.
As far as you comment re fluoride itself is concerned Destruida los restos, I am sorry to say you could not be more wrong, as regards to its toxicity, & effects on the human body.
Fluoride is a cumulative poison. A neurotoxin, It has been linked to brain damage & learning disabilities Only 50% of any fluoride ingested is ever excreted from the body, you will NEVER remove it. It builds up over many years in places such as the bones, causing a condition know as skeletal fluorosis ( the early stages of skeletal fluorosis are often mistaken for arthritis) & it is no coincidence that this diagnosis is more common in older people. it builds up in the teeth, many children develop a condition known as dental fluorosis, It is also particularly attracted to the pineal gland, which over time it will calcify.
The pineal gland, among its many important functions controls our circadian rhythm, fluorides are suspected by many including myself to play a role, although not the whole story by far, in the horrendous intractable insomnia a great number of us experience, sometimes for years. This insomnia is known in many to resemble a circadian/delayed sleep phase disorder, myself I have only slept 3-4 hours a night EVERY night since january 2011, apart from the times i do not sleep at all( as far as this is concerned, so far my record is 72 hours) I cannot get to sleep until 3am, I will be awake without fail by 7am I constantly feel I have drunk way too much coffee, I now understand why sleep deprivation is used as torture.
As far as the fluoride added to the water supply, this is NOT as many believe sodium fluoride, but is instead something called HYDROFLUORIC/OSILICIC ACID. Hydrofluoric acid is a chemical byproduct of the manufacture of the aluminium,steel,phosphate, fertiliser, cement, nuclear & other industries & a couple of a similarly named toxic cocktail of chemicals are used in parts of the UK & Ireland.
This is what we are drinking, every day , I would say YES it will eventually cripple you.
Anyone who would like to find out the corruption/history behind this atrocity, please watch the documentary” the fluoride deception” & similar on YouTube. Believe me,you will never touch tap water again.
I must apologise Lisa for this war & peace length post, I do not often get on my soapbox, but felt I had to speak out here.
Hi Lisa,
How are you coping? I know by good faith, you are doing well . I have been appreciating your marvelous sharing! I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful creation of Floxiehope. You keep me moving even in darkest moment. I don’t comment here
often but I nest in the comfort of your words everyday. Thank you, again.
Yesterday i ordered Modified CItrus Pectin for detox. have you heard of it? read that some floxie have success with this. i was skeptical because people share it works seems to be the salesman behind but ..after some checking of their background/facebook profile, they don’t seems to be affiliated with this company. so with a small leap of faith, i just buy
and try! hope it works! heard if taken with Chlorella for detox will speed up recovery.
Will reach my country in Singapore in 5 days’ time. will feedback how it goes 🙂
some supporting links:
Good speedy recovery wishes going to everyone!
Hi Lane,
Thanks so much for sharing 🙂 The Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)hasn’t arrived my house yet can’t wait to try. ok so you have tried MCP for a few days, let’s be patient as you said time will tell, any supplement takes a while to show positive results. *finger crossed*
Can I know if you take MCP alone or do you mix with other supplements? I’m not sure if MCP can be taken with other supplements as i am scared it’s overload making it less effective.
Thanks and speedy recovery, Lane 🙂
My cat has been floxed. She was given Baytril twice for UTIs. Recently, she hurt her leg by simply jumping down from a ledge. She’s been hobbling around for a while and I’m concerned that the same effect of tendon/cartilege damage that occurs in humans could be happening to her. Is there anything I can do to help her? I don’t want to lose my baby, and I don’t want her to suffer. Please help. 🙁
And I also wanted to ask: what can I do to make sure this never happens to me? Does lying and telling doctors that you’re allergic to quinolones help? What if you’re in a situation where a potent antibiotic is absolutely needed – will they listen to your request for a safer alternative? I get scared that I might one day have an infection severe enough to warrant a hospital visit, and that I’ll be administered an FQ without my knowledge. Even if I’m on my deathbed, I never ever ever want an FQ in my system, ever. Not worth the risk. *massive hugs for you all* I can’t believe that these drugs are still legal.
Hi Lisa dear,
One of the hardest thing i can’t let go is that silent anger i felt towards my doctor. Maybe this drug is needed to save someone in this world who truly needs it. but doctor who has full control who to give, give it to us. and we never doubt, never question why this drug. trust them, take it with faith. and we got poisoned. and when you share the candy they prescribe give you adverse effect, they looked shock, was alarm , said “oh dear, it’s very rare side effects” and gave some excuses to protect themselves..ended the call with “please take care”
i knew i have only myself to blame. for once when i report my side effects to him and he can’t offer much advice, i felt the whole world has stopped turning for me. imagine i was standing in the center of the globe, stagnant and yet the world still evolve around me.
when i blame myself for being so trusting and so hopeful to take drugs without thinking twice, the hurt seems to lessen. because our heart can’t bear to hate. to carry hatred to doctor we “think” we used to trust is not only a misjudgement, but also a sad realization that the one who can cure us also has the greatest power to destroy us.
it’s so much to bear the hatred by hating someone who won’t want to be responsible but when we begin to look inside ourselves, we can only blame ourselves. this way, we felt better. because we can control our choices from now without any expectation of others. it’s this maturity that gain us new respect and a way we say sorry to our body by feeding it with toxic. because doctor don’t force us, we chose to believe their choice is right – but clearly it’s wrong.
already we are nursing a hurt body and yet we have to nurse this emotional assault at the same time. it became too much. seriously i rather i have no one to hate. i hope no one is ever involved. seriously i rather i fell into a pit and only have myself to blame with my painful leg. but now, there is someone involved who got us into this terrible plight in the first place. it’s so hurting. it’s just…so sick. as someone said “i don’t want to sue anybody, i just want to get well” bring tears to my eyes. so true. we are so helpless and we can only turn to one another for support. take this chance to better ourselves, wise up and learn the hard way.
i knew you said meditation helps. can you please tell me how you meditate for a start? any starters tips to help you calm and let go of the anger during your earlier days?
thanks Lisa.
Hi everyone
I had a telephone consultation with a private GP yesterday. It was the first time I’ve spoken to a doctor who is interested in helping since I was floxed, so was quite interesting. She has her own theories and ideas about it, which are interesting, but I also have a healthy degree of scepticism about it, as obviously we none of us know for sure what’s really going on.
She believes that the adverse reaction is caused by micronutrient deficiencies which cause a severe auto-immune response to switch on in the patient. She actually uses Cipro herself in patients with severe infections which have not responded to anything else, but always in conjunction with IV minerals and orher nutrients, and says her patients have no problems with them. She wants to give me magnesium and B12 injections, with other minerals, as well as nystatin and fluconazole (I have quite severe candida infection). Also melatonin for sleep. (She wanted to give me tranquilizers for sleep too, but I refused them). Has anyone else had any of these therapies? I would be grateful for your comments.
Catherine x
I saw earlier on here that someone had difficulty with jerking awake everytime they were about to fall asleep. I had that also early on post floxing – it felt like as I was entering an alpha state I would be interrupted and it would keep me up. I told this to a nutritionist at a supplement store – she said that many prescription drugs rob the brain of vitamin b6 which can affect your sleep pattern then. I supplemented with vitamin b6 and the problem went away. I stopped taking it then and haven’t had the same problem since – thank God. I hope this is helpful to someone!
Vit B6 and magnesium helped me a lot with this problem. This now happens to me very rarely and then only once a night.
It seems heel pain is the hardest to heal or takes longest to heal. My acupuncturist told me recovery will start from top to bottom if our pain starts from bottom to top (reverse )
Pain started from heel (weakest blood circulation) travelled up to knee then to shoulder. So to note if we are starting to recover, we will know if shoulder pain has lessened then knee then heel.
The heel still painful to walk on.. As if elephant leg. And the nerve at heel can be so tensed up that makes walking difficult.
I think i will go check out a orthopedic heel insert to see if helps. Right now wearing ankle brace and use home massage (with Ion heat therapy)
does shockwave therapy works for our floxed heel/ankle? Thanks in advance
When i recover, “Bitter Pills” is the book i will buy to remind myself for the grave past i used to make. but till then…i still not healed. if i buy now, it will add to my sadness.
about quinolone danger with just 1 pill sent author’s wife to hell needlessly.
the pharma industry is just so sick
Hello everyone. I was floxed December 2004. I have burning in my legs most of the day. When I wake up I don’t have any burning but it doesn’t take much for it to start up again. I do have some tendon pain behind my knees.
I plan to try the modified citrus pectin as I saw it helped someone on the TOPIX forum (which by the way that particular forum topix has been discontinued. 🙁 ) which makes me a bit sad but I am glad I found this sight.
Heres to healing for all. I hope for me my symptoms will just be burning legs and some tendon pain that will eventually heal.
Just got a question I caught salmonella again and most likely gonna need antibiotics but this time I made it clear to my doctor that I am not going to take cipro or its relatives. But I was wondering is it ok to take another kind after taking cipro in the past? Its been almost a few months since I took them.
Hi Lisa and floxie,
Like to share this interesting article. As we know, fluoroquinolone destroy our mitochondria cell, here is a study by that shows PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone) can rejuvenate our cells by growing new mitochondria. there is hope! more supplements are now revealing it’s help to reverse the damage done.
Rejuvenate Your Cells by Growing New Mitochondria
Fellow floxies,
Has anyone noticed significant changes in their skin since being flexed? I look like I’ve aged 5 years since my last floxing 17 months ago…sagging skin, more wrinkles, deep creases in my forehead (I’m not even 40 yet…) and the weirdest thing…everything seems to leave a lasting imprint on my skin for about 15 minutes afterwards…e.g., the bedclothes on the acupuncturist table will leave this crisscross pattern across my chest that takes what seems like a prolonged amount of time to go back to normal looking skin. Is this typical for floxies and does it “get better”?
Thank you,
I was just wondering does anyone else experience cracking or popping of the sternum when stretching their back. If so is it bad that its doing that?
I was floxed 3/15/12 and I am mostly recovered except for the bottoms of my feet hurt pretty bad when I do a lot of walking. I was mostly affected on my heels/ankles/back of lower legs initially, and as symptoms have improved, the soles of my feet have not really. It feels like the padding has thinned out. Do you know of anything that will help?
Also, I noticed if I eat junk food, especially stuff with processed soy, it gets worse. Meal replacement bars with soy as the protein source really puts me out of commission for a couple days. Do you know if it’s safe to eat tofu, given my reaction to soy protein bars? Since it’s not a processed food persay.
Thanks for your help.
I’m on a multivitamin, a powdered magnesium drink supplement and 500 my of carnitine 3xs daily.