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10 years ago
Does anyone here know what robert grozier died from? Was is directly related to his flox symptoms or was there another cause?
10 years ago
Hi. I took cipro exactly a year ago for kidney infections. Here I am a year later, have seen 14 different doctors. None of them know what is wrong with me ! I got diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy n carpal n cubital tunnel on Aug 15 2014. Btw….nothing ever hurt me so bad in all my life as that shock test! NOthing! My elbow has been killing me ever since! I have been told possibly fibromyalgia, mono EPV, veins are diseased, in Nov 2014 blood test positive for RA. Sent to rheumatologist more blood tests and he says no I do not have RA. Low vitamen D (12) and high absolute lymphocytes is all the hundreds of blood tests reveal. Been tested for MS, lupus,hepatitis,gout, I cant remember everything right now. Every single one of my heart tests, xrays, ultrasounds,EKG ECG, and every other test I’ve had this year, unremarkable! Had biopsies from swollen foot with red hot spot that moved around. Taken out of hot spot. Differential diagnosis are hypothyroidism, connective tissue disease and something uticarial vasculitis. I’ve never been sick in my life like this. Always been healthy and very rarely did I even go to the doctor. Always active. I can barely walk most days. About to be fired after over 25 years at my job. Legs swollen. Feet always swollen. Butt hurts now. Back hurts. Elbow hurts so bad brings me to tears to put on my coat or take it off. When I stand up which have to do very slowly it feels like my tendons are going to rip away from bones from back of ankles all the way my legs. Have gained 3o pounds cause I cant do nothing. Can’t even start lawn mower. Wanted cut my arm off after trying to weed EAT for 5 feet. Can’t touch my legs they hurt so bad. My hands go so numb it feels like I get shocked to touch something. Sharp pains constantly every where that almost drop me! I can barely type or write most days now. Has gotten only worse every day. I’ve fell trying to stand up getting off toilet . My legs are so weak its pathetic. Im weak everywhere. Have zero muscle left. Couldn’t even get out of tub the other day. I am NEVER not hurting somewhere! I mean hurting bad! Can’t hardly stand it any longer. Have had two primary care doctors quit on me. Appt tomoro with new one. Always nauseated. Feverish off n on. Can’t remember anything. Always go blank lately really bad. My eyesight has totally went downhill past year. If I sit too long can’t hardly get back up. Can’t go grocery shopping. Too far to walk. So extremely exhausted all the time. Yet past couple months I’ve experienced insomnia for the first time ever. I’ve mentioned cipro poison only to be blown off n told no way. Last night…I went to urgent care…after missing work for over two weeks….and the doctor gave me a shot…I think called toradol…I cried myself to sleep…as usual the past two weeks it got so bad….and when I woke up I could not believe it! For the first time in one year I could take a step without it hurting! I turned on bathroom light n wasn’t in tears cause my arm n elbow weren’t shocked! I got off the toilet n STILL no pain or shocks or needles or nothing! And didnt even almost fall! I finally got both shoes on n actually had to tighten laces. My feet fit in them. I swear I have not felt so good! I finally made it work. But then about 9 am the tightening up starts. Swelling starts. Tingling. Numbness. Aches n pains all are completely back now! In tears all the way home. I feel like just giving up in so sick n tired of all of this! There has got to be a way…in this day n age …somebody knows how to test for cipro poisoning! N what to give us to get it out of us! So unfair! I pray for relief for us all! God bless!
10 years ago
Has anyone had nail problems where the skin under the nail permanently recedes? So over time more and more of the nail becomes white and can be cut off without any issues? My right middle finger and both big toes have nails that are more or less coming off. The toes are worse and seem to be getting worse daily. If you consider your nail is this “—“, mine can be cut to this if i remove all the white “/\”. So both sides are losing skin under the nail and thus the amount of white is growing.
I’ve been to a nail doctor and have not gotten anywhere. I just can’t stop it. Any ideas?
10 years ago
i think i had this peter in my teens.. way before cipro… i think i was just digging too hard in the alot of white in the sides of nails…try not to cut as much off and dont dig… mine grew back in a year….
10 years ago
Hi- just posting to offer a bit of hope. I took Levaquin for 5 days. On the 5th day I had such bad muscle and joint pain I could hardly walk and was house bound for 2 weeks, besides stumbling to the er and numerous doctors. I started on magnesium as well as used it topically and took Epsom salt baths. I drank protein shakes and ate really clean. I don’t know if any of this had to do with anything – but the reaction was short lived. It cleared up in a few weeks. Burning in my knees was the last to go. I have slowly resumed normal activity and haven’t had any further issues.
My heart goes out to all of you who are suffering.
Hallo all, just to remind you – look at my ¡Destruida! blog – I know I should update it, but look at the misery, the videos of me howling, the nightmare of it all – five years to recover, re-poisoned by soup – now I can walk, run, jump, dance, laugh, sleep and remember things and I have literally almost NO pain. No, I’m not what I was or what I might have been, but that’d be the same if I’d had any nasty modern illness, or any nasty old-fashioned one, so I’m not about to complain.
A lot ofthe time, i’m happy and have FUN!
I just saw Lori’s post and thought I’d offer some cheer. Honestly, I never even thought thought I’d survive until last year, but here Iam.
I was fortunate in that I was taken to a healer – they’re still usual and accepted in much of continental Europe, but I think in the U S A and UK they were all burnt as witches or sprayed with healercide.
If you can, try to think about other things. I know it’s difficult, but it does help. Also, try to be doing something to help others – people, cats, rainforests, whatever – and something new for yourself – something you learn or do, not buy – so that the time isn’t entirely wasted and miserable.
Hi guys, Anyone tested MrgprX2 (DNA test) and how is it ?
Thanks for sharing
10 years ago
I have a friend who has flox. I recently visited with her and heard her story. At least some of it, and I am shocked at the shear magnitude of debilitation it causes in a persons life who has become afflicted by it. The pain is I ncomprehensible but I know my friend and knkw it is no exageration. That people treat someone with floxie that way appalls me. I am here to learn more so maybe I can be of some help to my friend. My heart goes out to all of you who suffer and Im truly amazed by the strength you must have to push on. That in itself is inspiring to me. Thank you.
I was given I think 2 of these listed antibiotics a few yrs back, and since have had neuropathic pain I call “invisible itching”, and strange eczema type skin situations with no link to stress, weather fluctuations, etc. I eat organic and don’t even take advil. I knew the antibiotics were the root of the issues I now have. I suppress them holistically. …they tried to feed me prednisone. Livid. Thank you for information.
If no healer, use natural shingles remedies, but I have no experience of them, so can’t make recommendations.
10 years ago
For a while now, I’ve been trying to figure out my foot pain. I have some nerve stuff- light tingling here and there- mostly in my left foot. So I know that’s a nerve issue. But i also have bottom of foot pain that starts out minor and worsens as the day goes on. The more I’m on them the worse it becomes. It’s an ache and pain like they’re bruised. A deep pain.
My neuro doesn’t believe it is nerve related as it doesn’t sound like typical descriptions of nerve pain. I have also not been able to find any site that states that neuropathy is far worse while standing and walking. It’s usally the opposite- that nerve pain worsens at night and while at rest in bed. The biggest confusion is that my right foot, which often had zero-mild tingling sensations is usually worse in terms of pain while standing.
The podiatrist thinks plantar fasciitis but I’m not convinced. My PT doesn’t think so and I think PF is a catch-all diagnosis for foot pain. I’ve been stretch and doing things like it is PF for a couple months now but nothing has changed. I’d even say that while many symptoms have improved over my 18 month floxing, this one has worsened.
I had this pain myself my feel felt as If I had stood on by a horse. My arches have dropped also, connective tissues are softened & weakened all over the body. so it is of no surprise to me this occurs.
Jen, my foot pain is basically in the middle of my feet, say if you wrapped a sock around your foot starting at the arch and wrap it all aroiund the arch of your foot. The meaty muscle part there. I don’t have any problems with heel pain or down lower by my toes, other trhan an occasional stabbing pain in my heel lately, but that doesnt make it painfull to stand. I do get nerve pain at times in different parts of my feet, but that’s another story.
The Serrapeptase I take helps a great deal with this kind of pain, and also with the nerve pain.
Mine is at present a deep throbbing ache underneath the feet in the middle, the bruised feeling has gone now. my arches only dropped after my most severe last floxing with Cipro & an NSAID. now I can no longer stand for any length of time. The neuropathic pain I still get on & off stabbing / stinging but this is much improved. treatment for this is really trial & error I feel personally. Different things seem to work for different people we are all unique in our reactions. I do strongly feel time is the one major thing which will show how much we have been injured & how much we will improve.
Sm, it gets really complicated. Salt does me in BIG TIME! So anything with salt for me is a no no.Grains are a no no. and especially whole wheat bread is bad sruff, regardless of how much they promote it as being healthy. f you can cut out all pasta, all breads and goodies, that would be a great start. Dairy affect some people in a bad way. Definitely cut out any vegetable oil and any hydrogenated foods like margarine, crackers of any kind and anything processed because they are loaded with trans fats and other additives that are not good in this situation. Did you know that if a product is less that, (I think 5 percent )trans fat, they are allowed to label it as 0 trans fat? So if you eat a lot of margarine thinking it is 0 trans fat, you are getting alot of bad stuff there. and you think you are eating healthy.
You might want to stay away from the night shade veggies. (all the squash family, tomatoes, peppers) they can be inflammatory
It would be easier to list what is good to eat.
Olive oil, Coaconut oil, nuts, (no peanuts), walnuts, almonds, are all good. Salmon is an excellent choice but I just dont care for it so I take fish oil in it’s place. Leafy greens are an excellent choice (with olive oil, no store bought dressings) Cucumbrers are great, , celery is great and any green veggies.also cabbage, brocolli, brussel sprouts are all good.carrots, etc. Rice in modereation, is what I was told.
Be carefull with fruit, especilly the high glycemic kind, and I do eat some Skinless chicken and beef. Orgainc anything is preferred but I havent gone that route yet. Take it slow Sm, Rome wasn’t built overnight. It tales awhile to adjust and Your taste buds will change in time with it.. It atually depends on how much you are hurting as to how fast you will adjust. I wish you well!
I forgot to mention that I put curcumin, pepper, ginger on all of my veggie dishes as well as cocoanut oil and olive oil over top of everything that I eat and it makes it really good!
I am trying to find Lisa Bloomquists reply to answer her earlier question, But Jenn basically asked similar questions so I’ll answer here. I’m fairly new here and I dont know my way around so please be patient if I dont answer you right off. I also get overwhelmed sometimes after reading and I just have to stop.
Jen, the nerve pain that I get in my feet sometimes feels as though a mouse grasps onto, (bites onto) the end of my toenail, (when I am laying in my bed) and it feels like a weight feeling like that just hanging there. Other sensations I feel a burning feeling in my feet, sometimes it feels like a burning pain trying to push through to the bone, I get it in my legs too at times. I get a lot of muscle spasms at times, too. I think I need to up my magnesium by a lot because I thought it was 500 mg per tablet that I was taking and it was only 100 mg per tablet. Recently I take 4 tablets of magnesium a day but I will be upping it to more). Nerve pain can be a lot of different weird sensations. My balance gets bad sometimes because something is weird about the bottom of my feet, (at times), like I don’t get the normal sensations as if you were to step out your front door, I get very anxious just stepping out to one step because I don’t have the normal feeling there in my feet that we all take for granted (if we didnt have this problem). Sometimes I have fallen because (on my kitchen floor) because my feet felt like they slid across the floor (both feet together)when they did not. Is that weird, or what? When I last fell, in August of last year I felt like every nerve in my body was wripped from where ever it was attached to, when I hit the floor. That is what I am still recovering from now. So now I have different feelings and anxieties to get used to.
When I was still working, (almost five years ago), I would get severe tingling in my feet while at work to the point that when I sat down for my break time I’d be sitting there twirling both feet trying to get that feeling to go away. It never ceased. Years before that probably when this all started for me, probablly around 2004, I’d be walking around doing my job and I’d get stabbing pains in my feet.(with no warning). Just a stabbing pain out of no where. This is also the year that my knees started swelling and becomming very painful…and around this time also, I became so exhausted and started sitting down alot, something I never did on the job. I was diagnosed as hyperthryoid shortly after that., and years after that, adrenal fatigue.
Jenn, I got a little off topic. The brand of Serrapeptase that I read up on first and bought was through Sandra Cabot,MD, or Two capsules of these are 250,000 IU of Serrapeptase. I innitially started at one capsule but I am a big person so I take 2 and that seems to help.
The other kind I buy is from Robert Renfern. He is from the UK. His product is called Serra enzyme, and I take ONE of them in place of 2 the other kind because his product is as strong with one capsule as the Liverdoctors kind needs two of. I hope I didnt confuse with that.
I read throughly on both of these sights before I ordered. Sandra Cabot calls Serrapeptase: a miracle pill, and it certainly has been, to me. My hubby can attest to that
On other posts, I may have said the Serrapeptase is 240,000 IU, I have the bottle here and it is 250,000IU.
Jen, the Serrapeptase knocks out the nerve pain, for me,(in my legs and feet) and makes them feel, (almost normal) but I still have to be carefull with my footing. I have issues with my arms too but I dont mention it because it’s nothing, compared to my legs and feet. Another thing that I fotget to mention, is that I sleep as much as I have to, in order to feel less pain. If I get up and I still hurt,(my legs) or they feel weird, I go back to bed for a couple hours more. I answer to no one anymore and it has to be like that in order for me to survive this ordeal and possibly regain my health. We all need a miracle to get through this!
Does anyone here know what robert grozier died from? Was is directly related to his flox symptoms or was there another cause?
Hi. I took cipro exactly a year ago for kidney infections. Here I am a year later, have seen 14 different doctors. None of them know what is wrong with me ! I got diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy n carpal n cubital tunnel on Aug 15 2014. Btw….nothing ever hurt me so bad in all my life as that shock test! NOthing! My elbow has been killing me ever since! I have been told possibly fibromyalgia, mono EPV, veins are diseased, in Nov 2014 blood test positive for RA. Sent to rheumatologist more blood tests and he says no I do not have RA. Low vitamen D (12) and high absolute lymphocytes is all the hundreds of blood tests reveal. Been tested for MS, lupus,hepatitis,gout, I cant remember everything right now. Every single one of my heart tests, xrays, ultrasounds,EKG ECG, and every other test I’ve had this year, unremarkable! Had biopsies from swollen foot with red hot spot that moved around. Taken out of hot spot. Differential diagnosis are hypothyroidism, connective tissue disease and something uticarial vasculitis. I’ve never been sick in my life like this. Always been healthy and very rarely did I even go to the doctor. Always active. I can barely walk most days. About to be fired after over 25 years at my job. Legs swollen. Feet always swollen. Butt hurts now. Back hurts. Elbow hurts so bad brings me to tears to put on my coat or take it off. When I stand up which have to do very slowly it feels like my tendons are going to rip away from bones from back of ankles all the way my legs. Have gained 3o pounds cause I cant do nothing. Can’t even start lawn mower. Wanted cut my arm off after trying to weed EAT for 5 feet. Can’t touch my legs they hurt so bad. My hands go so numb it feels like I get shocked to touch something. Sharp pains constantly every where that almost drop me! I can barely type or write most days now. Has gotten only worse every day. I’ve fell trying to stand up getting off toilet . My legs are so weak its pathetic. Im weak everywhere. Have zero muscle left. Couldn’t even get out of tub the other day. I am NEVER not hurting somewhere! I mean hurting bad! Can’t hardly stand it any longer. Have had two primary care doctors quit on me. Appt tomoro with new one. Always nauseated. Feverish off n on. Can’t remember anything. Always go blank lately really bad. My eyesight has totally went downhill past year. If I sit too long can’t hardly get back up. Can’t go grocery shopping. Too far to walk. So extremely exhausted all the time. Yet past couple months I’ve experienced insomnia for the first time ever. I’ve mentioned cipro poison only to be blown off n told no way. Last night…I went to urgent care…after missing work for over two weeks….and the doctor gave me a shot…I think called toradol…I cried myself to sleep…as usual the past two weeks it got so bad….and when I woke up I could not believe it! For the first time in one year I could take a step without it hurting! I turned on bathroom light n wasn’t in tears cause my arm n elbow weren’t shocked! I got off the toilet n STILL no pain or shocks or needles or nothing! And didnt even almost fall! I finally got both shoes on n actually had to tighten laces. My feet fit in them. I swear I have not felt so good! I finally made it work. But then about 9 am the tightening up starts. Swelling starts. Tingling. Numbness. Aches n pains all are completely back now! In tears all the way home. I feel like just giving up in so sick n tired of all of this! There has got to be a way…in this day n age …somebody knows how to test for cipro poisoning! N what to give us to get it out of us! So unfair! I pray for relief for us all! God bless!
Has anyone had nail problems where the skin under the nail permanently recedes? So over time more and more of the nail becomes white and can be cut off without any issues? My right middle finger and both big toes have nails that are more or less coming off. The toes are worse and seem to be getting worse daily. If you consider your nail is this “—“, mine can be cut to this if i remove all the white “/\”. So both sides are losing skin under the nail and thus the amount of white is growing.
I’ve been to a nail doctor and have not gotten anywhere. I just can’t stop it. Any ideas?
i think i had this peter in my teens.. way before cipro… i think i was just digging too hard in the alot of white in the sides of nails…try not to cut as much off and dont dig… mine grew back in a year….
Hi- just posting to offer a bit of hope. I took Levaquin for 5 days. On the 5th day I had such bad muscle and joint pain I could hardly walk and was house bound for 2 weeks, besides stumbling to the er and numerous doctors. I started on magnesium as well as used it topically and took Epsom salt baths. I drank protein shakes and ate really clean. I don’t know if any of this had to do with anything – but the reaction was short lived. It cleared up in a few weeks. Burning in my knees was the last to go. I have slowly resumed normal activity and haven’t had any further issues.
My heart goes out to all of you who are suffering.
Hallo all, just to remind you – look at my ¡Destruida! blog – I know I should update it, but look at the misery, the videos of me howling, the nightmare of it all – five years to recover, re-poisoned by soup – now I can walk, run, jump, dance, laugh, sleep and remember things and I have literally almost NO pain. No, I’m not what I was or what I might have been, but that’d be the same if I’d had any nasty modern illness, or any nasty old-fashioned one, so I’m not about to complain.
A lot ofthe time, i’m happy and have FUN!
I just saw Lori’s post and thought I’d offer some cheer. Honestly, I never even thought thought I’d survive until last year, but here Iam.
I was fortunate in that I was taken to a healer – they’re still usual and accepted in much of continental Europe, but I think in the U S A and UK they were all burnt as witches or sprayed with healercide.
If you can, try to think about other things. I know it’s difficult, but it does help. Also, try to be doing something to help others – people, cats, rainforests, whatever – and something new for yourself – something you learn or do, not buy – so that the time isn’t entirely wasted and miserable.
Hi guys, Anyone tested MrgprX2 (DNA test) and how is it ?
Thanks for sharing
I have a friend who has flox. I recently visited with her and heard her story. At least some of it, and I am shocked at the shear magnitude of debilitation it causes in a persons life who has become afflicted by it. The pain is I ncomprehensible but I know my friend and knkw it is no exageration. That people treat someone with floxie that way appalls me. I am here to learn more so maybe I can be of some help to my friend. My heart goes out to all of you who suffer and Im truly amazed by the strength you must have to push on. That in itself is inspiring to me. Thank you.
I was given I think 2 of these listed antibiotics a few yrs back, and since have had neuropathic pain I call “invisible itching”, and strange eczema type skin situations with no link to stress, weather fluctuations, etc. I eat organic and don’t even take advil. I knew the antibiotics were the root of the issues I now have. I suppress them holistically. …they tried to feed me prednisone. Livid. Thank you for information.
If no healer, use natural shingles remedies, but I have no experience of them, so can’t make recommendations.
For a while now, I’ve been trying to figure out my foot pain. I have some nerve stuff- light tingling here and there- mostly in my left foot. So I know that’s a nerve issue. But i also have bottom of foot pain that starts out minor and worsens as the day goes on. The more I’m on them the worse it becomes. It’s an ache and pain like they’re bruised. A deep pain.
My neuro doesn’t believe it is nerve related as it doesn’t sound like typical descriptions of nerve pain. I have also not been able to find any site that states that neuropathy is far worse while standing and walking. It’s usally the opposite- that nerve pain worsens at night and while at rest in bed. The biggest confusion is that my right foot, which often had zero-mild tingling sensations is usually worse in terms of pain while standing.
The podiatrist thinks plantar fasciitis but I’m not convinced. My PT doesn’t think so and I think PF is a catch-all diagnosis for foot pain. I’ve been stretch and doing things like it is PF for a couple months now but nothing has changed. I’d even say that while many symptoms have improved over my 18 month floxing, this one has worsened.
Can anyone else relate? Any thoughts?
Thank you.
I had this pain myself my feel felt as If I had stood on by a horse. My arches have dropped also, connective tissues are softened & weakened all over the body. so it is of no surprise to me this occurs.
Jen, my foot pain is basically in the middle of my feet, say if you wrapped a sock around your foot starting at the arch and wrap it all aroiund the arch of your foot. The meaty muscle part there. I don’t have any problems with heel pain or down lower by my toes, other trhan an occasional stabbing pain in my heel lately, but that doesnt make it painfull to stand. I do get nerve pain at times in different parts of my feet, but that’s another story.
The Serrapeptase I take helps a great deal with this kind of pain, and also with the nerve pain.
Mine is at present a deep throbbing ache underneath the feet in the middle, the bruised feeling has gone now. my arches only dropped after my most severe last floxing with Cipro & an NSAID. now I can no longer stand for any length of time. The neuropathic pain I still get on & off stabbing / stinging but this is much improved. treatment for this is really trial & error I feel personally. Different things seem to work for different people we are all unique in our reactions. I do strongly feel time is the one major thing which will show how much we have been injured & how much we will improve.
Sm, it gets really complicated. Salt does me in BIG TIME! So anything with salt for me is a no no.Grains are a no no. and especially whole wheat bread is bad sruff, regardless of how much they promote it as being healthy. f you can cut out all pasta, all breads and goodies, that would be a great start. Dairy affect some people in a bad way. Definitely cut out any vegetable oil and any hydrogenated foods like margarine, crackers of any kind and anything processed because they are loaded with trans fats and other additives that are not good in this situation. Did you know that if a product is less that, (I think 5 percent )trans fat, they are allowed to label it as 0 trans fat? So if you eat a lot of margarine thinking it is 0 trans fat, you are getting alot of bad stuff there. and you think you are eating healthy.
You might want to stay away from the night shade veggies. (all the squash family, tomatoes, peppers) they can be inflammatory
It would be easier to list what is good to eat.
Olive oil, Coaconut oil, nuts, (no peanuts), walnuts, almonds, are all good. Salmon is an excellent choice but I just dont care for it so I take fish oil in it’s place. Leafy greens are an excellent choice (with olive oil, no store bought dressings) Cucumbrers are great, , celery is great and any green veggies.also cabbage, brocolli, brussel sprouts are all good.carrots, etc. Rice in modereation, is what I was told.
Be carefull with fruit, especilly the high glycemic kind, and I do eat some Skinless chicken and beef. Orgainc anything is preferred but I havent gone that route yet. Take it slow Sm, Rome wasn’t built overnight. It tales awhile to adjust and Your taste buds will change in time with it.. It atually depends on how much you are hurting as to how fast you will adjust. I wish you well!
I forgot to mention that I put curcumin, pepper, ginger on all of my veggie dishes as well as cocoanut oil and olive oil over top of everything that I eat and it makes it really good!
I am trying to find Lisa Bloomquists reply to answer her earlier question, But Jenn basically asked similar questions so I’ll answer here. I’m fairly new here and I dont know my way around so please be patient if I dont answer you right off. I also get overwhelmed sometimes after reading and I just have to stop.
Jen, the nerve pain that I get in my feet sometimes feels as though a mouse grasps onto, (bites onto) the end of my toenail, (when I am laying in my bed) and it feels like a weight feeling like that just hanging there. Other sensations I feel a burning feeling in my feet, sometimes it feels like a burning pain trying to push through to the bone, I get it in my legs too at times. I get a lot of muscle spasms at times, too. I think I need to up my magnesium by a lot because I thought it was 500 mg per tablet that I was taking and it was only 100 mg per tablet. Recently I take 4 tablets of magnesium a day but I will be upping it to more). Nerve pain can be a lot of different weird sensations. My balance gets bad sometimes because something is weird about the bottom of my feet, (at times), like I don’t get the normal sensations as if you were to step out your front door, I get very anxious just stepping out to one step because I don’t have the normal feeling there in my feet that we all take for granted (if we didnt have this problem). Sometimes I have fallen because (on my kitchen floor) because my feet felt like they slid across the floor (both feet together)when they did not. Is that weird, or what? When I last fell, in August of last year I felt like every nerve in my body was wripped from where ever it was attached to, when I hit the floor. That is what I am still recovering from now. So now I have different feelings and anxieties to get used to.
When I was still working, (almost five years ago), I would get severe tingling in my feet while at work to the point that when I sat down for my break time I’d be sitting there twirling both feet trying to get that feeling to go away. It never ceased. Years before that probably when this all started for me, probablly around 2004, I’d be walking around doing my job and I’d get stabbing pains in my feet.(with no warning). Just a stabbing pain out of no where. This is also the year that my knees started swelling and becomming very painful…and around this time also, I became so exhausted and started sitting down alot, something I never did on the job. I was diagnosed as hyperthryoid shortly after that., and years after that, adrenal fatigue.
Jenn, I got a little off topic. The brand of Serrapeptase that I read up on first and bought was through Sandra Cabot,MD, or Two capsules of these are 250,000 IU of Serrapeptase. I innitially started at one capsule but I am a big person so I take 2 and that seems to help.
The other kind I buy is from Robert Renfern. He is from the UK. His product is called Serra enzyme, and I take ONE of them in place of 2 the other kind because his product is as strong with one capsule as the Liverdoctors kind needs two of. I hope I didnt confuse with that.
I read throughly on both of these sights before I ordered. Sandra Cabot calls Serrapeptase: a miracle pill, and it certainly has been, to me. My hubby can attest to that
On other posts, I may have said the Serrapeptase is 240,000 IU, I have the bottle here and it is 250,000IU.
Jen, the Serrapeptase knocks out the nerve pain, for me,(in my legs and feet) and makes them feel, (almost normal) but I still have to be carefull with my footing. I have issues with my arms too but I dont mention it because it’s nothing, compared to my legs and feet. Another thing that I fotget to mention, is that I sleep as much as I have to, in order to feel less pain. If I get up and I still hurt,(my legs) or they feel weird, I go back to bed for a couple hours more. I answer to no one anymore and it has to be like that in order for me to survive this ordeal and possibly regain my health. We all need a miracle to get through this!
Sm, it is VERY IMportant to make sure that you take Serrapeptase on an EMPTY stomach. The best of luck to you and to everyone here.
Has anyone suffered from loss of smell after taking Levaquin/Avelox? I no longer can smell and my sense of taste has diminished.