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10 years ago
Has anyone tried PeaPure? I know that living in the United States we can no longer get it from the pharmacy located in San Diego. I know you can order it from the PeaPure website and have it sent overseas… yet you can only ordered 6 packs – you don’t have the option to order the peapure topical nor just one pack. It is very expensive to order it and have it sent here. I am curious to know though if anyone has actually tried it out.
10 years ago
Rene, THANK YOU for the suggestions. I’m literally leaving a trail of supplement bottles wherever I go. It’s sort of funny.
I heard topical applications of Mag can be good. I’m going to try all of this. What i’ve been doing:
LIquid mag 400 mg – 3 oz a day
Probiotics – strong ones
D Mannose (to try and prevent another UTI. This is what worries me, I’m prone to getting these and I don’t know what I’ll do if I get another one. I’m terrified of antibiotics now.)
10 years ago
Smart idea w the ankle braces. I should probably use knee and ankle if I feel like doing light excercise.. or even walking in NY.
10 years ago
Does anyone get headaches that feel like sinus headaches behind the eyes? I’ve had it only very randomly. Maybe it’s unrelated. Although I feel like nothing is unrelated with this situation.
10 years ago
Thanks Rene! I’m definitely going to work w other types of mag. I’m sort of worried about mixing so many supplements at this point – and staying organized w what I’m taking! It’s so crazy.
yes felt like optic nerves where pushing my eyes out.. now I just feel abit spaced out….
10 years ago
STILL no idea why my doctor prescribed 10 days of this 500mg 2 x a day to a 108 pound woman. Or how anyone is still this negligently prescribing this drug to anyone! Have there been any attempts at a class action lawsuit? Anything successful? At least in that situation it would draw enough attention to the danger of this drug. I think in time it will be discontinued, but innocent people are being severely damaged in the meantime. It’s so sad.
10 years ago
Does anyone have any cures for a sore throat that won’t go away? My z pack stopped my cough and sore throat for a week or so, but it’s back in full force, as is the cough. My body can’t seem to beat this. I know I’ve read being floxed can lead to slower healing, but this is ridiculous. 2.5 months now of being sick, three doctor visits, an ER visit. My throat is beyond sickly. I’ve tried normal (OTC) medicine, salt water, cough drops, some of those essential oils, eating better, resting for over a month now, that z pack, etc. The only next step i have in mind is another ENT visit.
10 years ago
Has anyone heard of or have taken Duexis ibuprofen and famotidine 800 mg tablets for pain?
10 years ago
New one: tingly arms off and on and chest tightness/pain towards the end of the day. Three days in a row now. Not sure if it’s anxiety or something physical…
Pretty frightening.
10 years ago
Does anyone have I’ve nostril that never works correctly? As if you only have one nostril? This has been going on since Dec 2013 and the ENT sees no problem. My breathing is labored, one nostril is typically 90-100% plugged, if i blow my nose nothing ever comes out, and I’ve noticed any snot is paper thin. I’ve been using nasal strips, but i can’t wear these all day, everyday.
Has anyone else had this? Any natural cures in general? This is debilitating. Not being able to breathe is aggravating beyond belief, especially over a year.
10 years ago
Can anyone share what kind of exercises are ok for us to do? Have your PT’s giving you any muscle building exercises to work on? I think that the best thing to do seems to be building muscle in order to strengthen and remove stress from the joints directly. I’m thinking core and planks would probably be ok…
Mark – you aske dhow I managed. (Sorry – space bar sticks.)
The answers are simple andnot inspiring: I managed for food andwater (because I didn’t have potable tap water) because Mercadona deliver if you’re within 10km. The rubbish dumps where I lived (and paid rent, pardi) were within 10km, so they delivered. There were a few shprtperiods when i could walk to a shop, but most of the time I could only walf a few metres/yards, ornot at all, or just a few steps. No wheelchair. Unlike yours, my not-walking wasn’t only because it hurt more if I walked and less if I didn’t – I was in agony all the time, although lying down was easier than sitting or standing – or beacuse of the stiffness, or the poor feetsies – although those were terrible – it was also that walking was impossible – my hips and legs couldn’t remember how to do walking, my whole body and brain and everything were in too much shock, I think. They said, “Wha…?!” and turned upside down and inside out and were flattened like a wheatfield aftter a storm.
I oftne wished that Mercadona wouldn’t deliver, as it seemed stupid to keep feeding and watering a garden (me) that had been sprayed with glypohosate, but when they didn’t I wished thuey would! The thinjgy i described, when I sometimes managyed to do the length of the campsite to the little shop and back, was so horrible because there were people looking all the time and daylight. That was during a period when i could walk a little bit, some days.
Sometimes I didn’t eat and sometimes nearly ranout of drinkingy water, which was far worse. Some people in the world never have access to good water.
As far as money is concerned, i managed becfause I’d just sold my lnad with small house and caravan and for the first three-and-ahalf years I was still legally resident in France, where I’d lived for 25 or 30years and had worked, so i got a supplpelement to my microscopic pension, but I was still using uo the hosue money very fast. Now I’m legally resident in Spain I don’t get the supplement and amseriously poor, but now I live in a very rural place where lots of people are poor, so it’s easier. At first it was terrifying and many people were very aggressivge to me, but then the nicer ones acame forward and theothers calmeed down and people have been marvelous to me. I hadno winter clothesor bedding and neighbours have given me a matress, warm sheets and blankets and a whole wardrobe fo winter clothes. The ldy in the elctricity office has helpped me to redice the bills and arranged for me to pay in stages and she’s on the church commiteeand has told me to ask if I need food or anything. There’s a large Gitano (gypsy) popuation here and many of them are dirt-poor.
This post id getting long – more soon.
Yes, alotof European countries do have state systems to stop anyonedying from lack of money; one of the things that gas shocked me in using FQ victim sites is the lack of help in the wonderful USA, Land of the Free. The wealth and luxury that many people take for granted in the USA is shocking and the sudden fall if you can’t go on working is shocking. It’s not easy for peoplpe to be recognised as sick and get state help in Europe, especially if it’s something that’s not officially and easily reconginised (diagnosed and accepted as disabling) but it’s possible and there are safety nets; it’d be difficult to die of hunger in Europe – so far (but that’ll change) and most EU countries have some financial help for theose who are ill or out of work – not massive, but enough to be able to cope. Spain has a lot less help for poor people than France, where I lived before, or Germany or the U.K. or the Nethrlands or any Scandinavian country; I think Greece and Portugal are worse than Spain, don’t know about italy, but the Baltic states( eastern bloc countries gove little or no help to poorer people.
However, all EU countries have national health services – free medical treatment for everyone – though the level and standrard vary. Also free education.
I know that Americans pay a fortune for their medical insurance and am surrised that so few have invalidity insurance or unemployment insurance, as those are quite usual for self-employed people in Europe – but I suppose most of you weren’t self-employed, so perhaps didn’t think of it. The US system is extremely cruel, isn’t it?
I didn’t try to recover during the first three years because I had forseen it when i was six (years old.) I sometimes have attacks of insight (what is often called clairvoyance) and I had known that x and y and this and that would happen, then I’d have seven months of blissful wellness and happiness and then, on or just before my 61st birthday, somehtinjg drastic would ahppen and I’d get iller and iller for the next three years….then the knowing (‘claivroyance’) stopped, but I sulkily guessed I’d die after three years, only I didn’t, but tragically Kiti died instead. I’d have preferred it to be me, but that’s nto what happened. The dates and evrything wre exact – they always are if you have a Knowing. Two days before my 61st b’day I took the tablets; Kiti was murdered two days after my 64th.
So, when I say hmeopathy is marvlous and you thhink, “So why did it take 5 years?” the answer is that i didn’t try until after the first three years and most of all aftter my shocked wheatfield of flattened cells recieved the marvek of the healer’ds magic. I cd hardly walk when I went the first time and I still cried most of the time; when Ic ame out after the last visit I was dancing in the street. After that i started using my knowledge of homeopathy and of herbs and stuff whenever I needed them.
Oh, yesterday I went to a doctor for the first time in several years! I was terrified, but they didn’t do anything nasty. Now it’s on my card that i mustn’t have quinolones; alsi, i had a tetanos jab and it hasn’t hurt me at all. (I cut my finger quite deeply with a rusty saw, it was very swollen, hurt a lot, no tetanos jab in the last 25 years, so thought I’d better- tetanos is no joke.) Doctor prescribed amoxicillin (I specified NOT Augmentin, which contains clavulanate) and I got the tablets but didn’t take any. I cured the finger in the next 24 hours with calendula. The cut hasc losed and there’s little swelingy and no pain. Lucky I had amoxicilin,’cos the cat had an ascess, so I used it for him. I love the penicillins – wonderful stuff, though shouldn’t be over-used.
Now I’ve met my doctor and luckily it’s the nice one, not the idiot. (In a national health service, you can’t pick and choose – you’re assigned to a doctor.)
I haven’t bought a new keyboard ‘cos it costs money, but also because I0ve causeed more pollution from plastic and electronicfs in these five-and-a-half years than in my whole life before. So hard luck if it’s difficult to read my posts.
Also, my hands aren¡t accurate like they used to be, so I must be hitting more than one key at a time.
Other people to whom i owe answers:
Rich, no I’m nowhere near 100% recovered, probably about 75% as I can’t sew, type without mistakes, stand on a chair or ladder, drive, but I’m happy, lovelife and am living independently, keeping the hosue clean and everything, so why would I count percentagyes’ i feel I’m very blessed and am grateful.
About homeopathy – if you read the pages fo earlier comments you’ll see that I’ve mentioned most of the remedie sthat helped/help me and other people.
I’ll try to finish answeringy evryone I missed, but now am tired – it’s 3 a.m. here.
I think it was thehealer who made the depersonalisation, etc. go away, ‘cos I feel like myself again and everything is real.
One thing about having a nasty time – you don’t half appreciate when it stops!
10 years ago
Has anyone tried intravenous immunoglobulin therapy? I got floxed 3 wks ago and had to be rushed to ER. Won’t go into details, but have peripheral neuropathy pretty bad. My neurologist is recommending EMG Study and then the IVIG treatment
10 years ago
Hello floxie people. It has been about 1 year exactly since my floxing. It has been the worst and at the same time most profound year of my life. The different pains the long term effects, the mental effects, and on an on. But i am improved with some more to go… I dont believe now that everything will be as before floxing but i believe things can be different and possibly better. Im still in the journey as many of you are and i long for the day that i forget what ever happened to me. I want to wake up and say to myself I am 100%. I know it will happen. God bless.
Has anyone tried PeaPure? I know that living in the United States we can no longer get it from the pharmacy located in San Diego. I know you can order it from the PeaPure website and have it sent overseas… yet you can only ordered 6 packs – you don’t have the option to order the peapure topical nor just one pack. It is very expensive to order it and have it sent here. I am curious to know though if anyone has actually tried it out.
Rene, THANK YOU for the suggestions. I’m literally leaving a trail of supplement bottles wherever I go. It’s sort of funny.
I heard topical applications of Mag can be good. I’m going to try all of this. What i’ve been doing:
LIquid mag 400 mg – 3 oz a day
Probiotics – strong ones
D Mannose (to try and prevent another UTI. This is what worries me, I’m prone to getting these and I don’t know what I’ll do if I get another one. I’m terrified of antibiotics now.)
Smart idea w the ankle braces. I should probably use knee and ankle if I feel like doing light excercise.. or even walking in NY.
Does anyone get headaches that feel like sinus headaches behind the eyes? I’ve had it only very randomly. Maybe it’s unrelated. Although I feel like nothing is unrelated with this situation.
Thanks Rene! I’m definitely going to work w other types of mag. I’m sort of worried about mixing so many supplements at this point – and staying organized w what I’m taking! It’s so crazy.
Any info for NY would be much appreciated:
yes felt like optic nerves where pushing my eyes out.. now I just feel abit spaced out….
STILL no idea why my doctor prescribed 10 days of this 500mg 2 x a day to a 108 pound woman. Or how anyone is still this negligently prescribing this drug to anyone! Have there been any attempts at a class action lawsuit? Anything successful? At least in that situation it would draw enough attention to the danger of this drug. I think in time it will be discontinued, but innocent people are being severely damaged in the meantime. It’s so sad.
Does anyone have any cures for a sore throat that won’t go away? My z pack stopped my cough and sore throat for a week or so, but it’s back in full force, as is the cough. My body can’t seem to beat this. I know I’ve read being floxed can lead to slower healing, but this is ridiculous. 2.5 months now of being sick, three doctor visits, an ER visit. My throat is beyond sickly. I’ve tried normal (OTC) medicine, salt water, cough drops, some of those essential oils, eating better, resting for over a month now, that z pack, etc. The only next step i have in mind is another ENT visit.
Has anyone heard of or have taken Duexis ibuprofen and famotidine 800 mg tablets for pain?
New one: tingly arms off and on and chest tightness/pain towards the end of the day. Three days in a row now. Not sure if it’s anxiety or something physical…
Pretty frightening.
Does anyone have I’ve nostril that never works correctly? As if you only have one nostril? This has been going on since Dec 2013 and the ENT sees no problem. My breathing is labored, one nostril is typically 90-100% plugged, if i blow my nose nothing ever comes out, and I’ve noticed any snot is paper thin. I’ve been using nasal strips, but i can’t wear these all day, everyday.
Has anyone else had this? Any natural cures in general? This is debilitating. Not being able to breathe is aggravating beyond belief, especially over a year.
Can anyone share what kind of exercises are ok for us to do? Have your PT’s giving you any muscle building exercises to work on? I think that the best thing to do seems to be building muscle in order to strengthen and remove stress from the joints directly. I’m thinking core and planks would probably be ok…
Mark – you aske dhow I managed. (Sorry – space bar sticks.)
The answers are simple andnot inspiring: I managed for food andwater (because I didn’t have potable tap water) because Mercadona deliver if you’re within 10km. The rubbish dumps where I lived (and paid rent, pardi) were within 10km, so they delivered. There were a few shprtperiods when i could walk to a shop, but most of the time I could only walf a few metres/yards, ornot at all, or just a few steps. No wheelchair. Unlike yours, my not-walking wasn’t only because it hurt more if I walked and less if I didn’t – I was in agony all the time, although lying down was easier than sitting or standing – or beacuse of the stiffness, or the poor feetsies – although those were terrible – it was also that walking was impossible – my hips and legs couldn’t remember how to do walking, my whole body and brain and everything were in too much shock, I think. They said, “Wha…?!” and turned upside down and inside out and were flattened like a wheatfield aftter a storm.
I oftne wished that Mercadona wouldn’t deliver, as it seemed stupid to keep feeding and watering a garden (me) that had been sprayed with glypohosate, but when they didn’t I wished thuey would! The thinjgy i described, when I sometimes managyed to do the length of the campsite to the little shop and back, was so horrible because there were people looking all the time and daylight. That was during a period when i could walk a little bit, some days.
Sometimes I didn’t eat and sometimes nearly ranout of drinkingy water, which was far worse. Some people in the world never have access to good water.
As far as money is concerned, i managed becfause I’d just sold my lnad with small house and caravan and for the first three-and-ahalf years I was still legally resident in France, where I’d lived for 25 or 30years and had worked, so i got a supplpelement to my microscopic pension, but I was still using uo the hosue money very fast. Now I’m legally resident in Spain I don’t get the supplement and amseriously poor, but now I live in a very rural place where lots of people are poor, so it’s easier. At first it was terrifying and many people were very aggressivge to me, but then the nicer ones acame forward and theothers calmeed down and people have been marvelous to me. I hadno winter clothesor bedding and neighbours have given me a matress, warm sheets and blankets and a whole wardrobe fo winter clothes. The ldy in the elctricity office has helpped me to redice the bills and arranged for me to pay in stages and she’s on the church commiteeand has told me to ask if I need food or anything. There’s a large Gitano (gypsy) popuation here and many of them are dirt-poor.
This post id getting long – more soon.
Yes, alotof European countries do have state systems to stop anyonedying from lack of money; one of the things that gas shocked me in using FQ victim sites is the lack of help in the wonderful USA, Land of the Free. The wealth and luxury that many people take for granted in the USA is shocking and the sudden fall if you can’t go on working is shocking. It’s not easy for peoplpe to be recognised as sick and get state help in Europe, especially if it’s something that’s not officially and easily reconginised (diagnosed and accepted as disabling) but it’s possible and there are safety nets; it’d be difficult to die of hunger in Europe – so far (but that’ll change) and most EU countries have some financial help for theose who are ill or out of work – not massive, but enough to be able to cope. Spain has a lot less help for poor people than France, where I lived before, or Germany or the U.K. or the Nethrlands or any Scandinavian country; I think Greece and Portugal are worse than Spain, don’t know about italy, but the Baltic states( eastern bloc countries gove little or no help to poorer people.
However, all EU countries have national health services – free medical treatment for everyone – though the level and standrard vary. Also free education.
I know that Americans pay a fortune for their medical insurance and am surrised that so few have invalidity insurance or unemployment insurance, as those are quite usual for self-employed people in Europe – but I suppose most of you weren’t self-employed, so perhaps didn’t think of it. The US system is extremely cruel, isn’t it?
I didn’t try to recover during the first three years because I had forseen it when i was six (years old.) I sometimes have attacks of insight (what is often called clairvoyance) and I had known that x and y and this and that would happen, then I’d have seven months of blissful wellness and happiness and then, on or just before my 61st birthday, somehtinjg drastic would ahppen and I’d get iller and iller for the next three years….then the knowing (‘claivroyance’) stopped, but I sulkily guessed I’d die after three years, only I didn’t, but tragically Kiti died instead. I’d have preferred it to be me, but that’s nto what happened. The dates and evrything wre exact – they always are if you have a Knowing. Two days before my 61st b’day I took the tablets; Kiti was murdered two days after my 64th.
So, when I say hmeopathy is marvlous and you thhink, “So why did it take 5 years?” the answer is that i didn’t try until after the first three years and most of all aftter my shocked wheatfield of flattened cells recieved the marvek of the healer’ds magic. I cd hardly walk when I went the first time and I still cried most of the time; when Ic ame out after the last visit I was dancing in the street. After that i started using my knowledge of homeopathy and of herbs and stuff whenever I needed them.
Oh, yesterday I went to a doctor for the first time in several years! I was terrified, but they didn’t do anything nasty. Now it’s on my card that i mustn’t have quinolones; alsi, i had a tetanos jab and it hasn’t hurt me at all. (I cut my finger quite deeply with a rusty saw, it was very swollen, hurt a lot, no tetanos jab in the last 25 years, so thought I’d better- tetanos is no joke.) Doctor prescribed amoxicillin (I specified NOT Augmentin, which contains clavulanate) and I got the tablets but didn’t take any. I cured the finger in the next 24 hours with calendula. The cut hasc losed and there’s little swelingy and no pain. Lucky I had amoxicilin,’cos the cat had an ascess, so I used it for him. I love the penicillins – wonderful stuff, though shouldn’t be over-used.
Now I’ve met my doctor and luckily it’s the nice one, not the idiot. (In a national health service, you can’t pick and choose – you’re assigned to a doctor.)
I haven’t bought a new keyboard ‘cos it costs money, but also because I0ve causeed more pollution from plastic and electronicfs in these five-and-a-half years than in my whole life before. So hard luck if it’s difficult to read my posts.
Also, my hands aren¡t accurate like they used to be, so I must be hitting more than one key at a time.
Other people to whom i owe answers:
Rich, no I’m nowhere near 100% recovered, probably about 75% as I can’t sew, type without mistakes, stand on a chair or ladder, drive, but I’m happy, lovelife and am living independently, keeping the hosue clean and everything, so why would I count percentagyes’ i feel I’m very blessed and am grateful.
About homeopathy – if you read the pages fo earlier comments you’ll see that I’ve mentioned most of the remedie sthat helped/help me and other people.
I’ll try to finish answeringy evryone I missed, but now am tired – it’s 3 a.m. here.
I think it was thehealer who made the depersonalisation, etc. go away, ‘cos I feel like myself again and everything is real.
One thing about having a nasty time – you don’t half appreciate when it stops!
Has anyone tried intravenous immunoglobulin therapy? I got floxed 3 wks ago and had to be rushed to ER. Won’t go into details, but have peripheral neuropathy pretty bad. My neurologist is recommending EMG Study and then the IVIG treatment
Hello floxie people. It has been about 1 year exactly since my floxing. It has been the worst and at the same time most profound year of my life. The different pains the long term effects, the mental effects, and on an on. But i am improved with some more to go… I dont believe now that everything will be as before floxing but i believe things can be different and possibly better. Im still in the journey as many of you are and i long for the day that i forget what ever happened to me. I want to wake up and say to myself I am 100%. I know it will happen. God bless.