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10 years ago
avelox cipro levaquin…. are they as powerful as each other? …
10 years ago
Lol, Lisa you already have my story up. I’m sneaky! I just had to post since I realized that it was just about my year anniversary. I am progressing in many ways. I have been trying to keep as much notes as I can including a journal, so that I can try to show people what happened in a year and maybe two. There is definitely long term healing that needs to occur and I feel for people that bodies are having a rough time of repair. a year is a long time to be affected by 4 pills. I want to to share with others as much as I can remember because In actuality I really want to forget it. 🙂 hope
10 years ago
Hi everyone, i was floxed 3 yrs ago and didnt officially self diagnose myself until about a yr ago. Ill try to keep this concise. I knew the fq I took did some thing, I took 500mg and stopped immediately. First signs were pain in limbs, twitching and loss of mass, amongst other strange things. I never put 2 and 2 together. I did visit the doctor shortly after and explained my strange symptoms. My doctor said my body was probably stressed and that i should feel better within 6 months. I bought it, went on my marry way and life went on, full daddy and husband mode. However, my symptoms, persisted, i ignored bc i thought i was getting older, and honestly, i didnt have time to go to the doctor. Last year, the wheels began to come off. Pain in knees, floaters, changing skin. Im 36 years old, i thought some of this stuff wasnt suppose to happen yet. Finally, my question. I noticed most of you are recently floxed. Im 3 years out and am digressing instead of improving. Granted, i just started taking some of the supplements yall recommended, mag and d3. Is there anyone whose decline is a slow one like mine. Maybe i just reached my threshold? I have been able to work and raise my kids and live my “normal” life, but something is wrong. I look and feel strange. 3 yrs have aged me like 10 -15 I cant work out and like i use too. I must lather up in sunscreen to go out. My knees feel really bad. My heart and sympathy goes out to those who have not been able to live life normally. However, I am confused, am i slightly floxed bc of my delayed sympyoms? or severly floxed bc all this stuff is just manifesting to the point its noticeable? Anyway, i appreciate this site, the podcast, and the people that post, may god bless you all and that you find healing. Thanks
10 years ago
It drives me crazy how different were react. Some never have issues, some have them and they go away over time, and then a few of us just keep piling on symptoms with no improvement. I just don’t understand what helps some fight it and others suffer. I wish there was more money and research put into it.
10 years ago
If we can organize and prove to the world that there are many many of us, then the research institutions and government will pay their attentions.
Unfortunately, the thousands of people on Facebook group is not enough to prove that there are “many”, given that there are billions of people in the world. And the face group is closed group.
Hi everyone….. Rene had posted earlier about the benefits of using Taurine. I bought some the other day and it immediately stopped my muscle twitching and alleviated lots of the burning pain in my legs/feet. I’m not recovered yet but this definitely helped a lot ! Thanks Rene 🙂
10 years ago
So I took 500 mg of Cipro. I have a UTI and was given a 3-day course of 6 pills. I woke up this morning feeling sore and groggy, thinking it was part of the infection, but I decided to look up the side effects because I noticed my tinnitus was acting up. And then I found all of this and started reading, and now I’m scared. So far I’m not having any horrible side effects, but it seems they can come on later. I ordered myself an antioxidant supplement (NAC) that might be able to counter or prevent some damage early on, so we’ll see.
In any case, I’m now at a loss for what to do with this UTI. I don’t know if the one Cipro pill would be enough to get rid of it, and I do think I need antibiotics because I was developing low fever/chills and my doc was concerned about it spreading to my kidneys. I think I’m going to go to urgent care tomorrow since my doc’s office isn’t open and just tell them I had an allergic reaction. I’ll say I had hives but they went away after I took Benadryl. It’s not terribly implausible, since I have a lot of allergies to begin with. I just hope they believe me. I’ll update later on what’s happening. I hope the one pill wasn’t enough to cause any serious damage.
Does anyone know if you can get refloxed if the dentist just uses a topical anastesia???
10 years ago
Tricia, lol I live in my running shoes! I’ve long since lost any fashion sense…can’t do much with running shoes. That’s a good sign that you didn’t need your inserts today though! That’s improvement right there Tricia! I think it’s important to note any improvement however small they may seem. I’ve been sleeping better…thank you for asking. 🙂 Have you tried the magnesium oil for the leg cramps? I think I may give it a try after I try the Taurine. I hope they work for me like they did for you. There will be good days and there will be bad days but giving up is simply not an option for me.
10 years ago
Hey John,
Your story sounds sort of like mine. In Jan of 2012 I took Cipro and developed awful golfers elbow initially. After about 14-16 days of 500mg twice daily I woke up with right shoulder pain and achilles pain. I immediately stopped the med. I got online and read all of the horror stories and was a little freaked out. For a little over TWO years I had no problems except the nagging golfers elbow and some right shoulder pain that would flare up. I thought I was out of the woods and Cipro toxicity really didn’t cross my mind until… like you said ” the wheels fell off. Starting in March of 2014 I developed cracking, popping, grinding of my joints… shoulders, wrists, neck, elbow, knees, hips. My skin became dry. My eyes became dry. My ears started ringing. My vision worsened with floaters and sensitivity. My eyesight seems to have
10 years ago
Sorry…. My eyesight seems to have blank spots in the vision? (no other way for me to describe it) Reading is difficult for me now. When I look in the mirror I look different too. Also my heart has felt funny in my chest, like its going to jump out of it. I realized recently that I can no longer tolerate coffee. I feel like finally, just now I have reached a place where I haven’t been deveoping any new strange health issues. It took me awhile to figure out that this was really FQ toxicity. After I read the flox report I pretty much knew. I would put myself in the severe delayed category.
10 years ago
John you said: I look and feel strange. 3 years have aged me like 10-15.
I feel that way but it feels more like 25 years. You are unfortunately in the delayed flox group. Less hope of recovery…
Just a quick one here regarding ‘ The Flox Report ‘ speaking as someone who has been around a while, floxed multiple times over many years.
For anyone here who is literally putting themselves into a category of floxing, please be aware that this is NOT something which can actually be done, It is also NOT something which imo is advisable to try to do. Please see my comment from 15th October last year for further information on why this is the case.
And for anyone who has yet to come across it, & wants to read it, I STRONGLY suggest reading the introduction FIRST before anything else, otherwise it can be completely misinterpreted. ‘ The Flox Report ‘ is NOT the ‘ bible’ for floxing.
NOBODY can in fact predict how than another persons adverse reaction is going to manifest / how much they are going to potentially improve / potentially recover, OR the length of time any aspect of this might take to work through, this is because each persons floxing is completely unique to them in EVERY respect.
10 years ago
Rene, thank you for your much informative answer. The Natural Calm you’re referring to…is it the Natural Vitality Natural Calm powder? And the magnesium oil…will it sting more the more magnesium deficient we are? Thank you again!
A word of caution, In my opinion I would advise anyone considering supplementing magnesium to please get your kidney function tested before you do this, as magnesium is very hard on the kidneys. The fluoroquinolone antibiotics can in fact induce both acute kidney injury & also chronic kidney disease, importantly very often no signs of the latter will be visible / noticeable until it is quite advanced, & this can be up to the point where 60-70% of the function has been lost, with CKD, unfortunately this is irreversible.
One other thing I will mention here is not everyone can tolerate magnesium I am unable to cope with any form I have tried in the past. With respect to epsom salts baths, I strongly suggest maybe soaking your feet first. I personally have been stuck twice in the bath unable to move, & in fact the last time I tried this it induced a relapse in me, one which which I am still dealing with months down the line. This is not something I see that commonly, but I do know of others who have had a similar reaction to epsom salts baths. I just want to let people know, that magnesium, although being extremely important & beneficial on the whole for us, as with anything else we put into on onto our bodies, for some of us it can carry potential risks.
be safe everyone.
10 years ago
Anyone thinking about magnesium rich foods? I started using tahini (sesame seed paste), almonds and cashews. Bananas, avocado and of course green leafy veg are good, too.
10 years ago
hi all.. my pain level is really high.. unfortunately. I want to try tumeric.. what are the brands that any of you can recommend? And for those who use it, does it help you? Do I need to give a month’s time kind of thing? My pain is just awful… I have done many things – espom salt baths, topical magnesium, TENS unit, rub CBD oil on my legs.. nothing his helping me. I have pain meds- but just can’t get myself to take them every again… also back when I tried them, they didn’t touch my pain.
10 years ago
Hi all. I am really surprised more people are not talking about Iodine and Borax (Boron). These antibiotics are laced with Fluoride which of course is highly toxic. If you look at the symptoms of Fluoride poisoning there is of course a lot of overlap. I was Floxed, all my joints immediately began to fall apart, sore muscles and tendons etc. As soon as I linked the Avelox to Fluoride, I started detoxing Fluoride immediately with good results. Some others have reported the same findings, but it is SO FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. I don’t get it why more people are not detoxing the Fluoride out of their bodies to help, as long as it stays there of course you will not improve. If you leave it to your liver, well its going to take forever for sure. I am doing many other things to like Magnesium, Vit D, glucosamine, etc but I consider the most important Borax and Iodine.
God bless you all, the FDA and these companies need to be put down like rabid dogs, they are the true poison to the Human Race, allowing these drugs, our food and water to be laced with known poisons its ridiculous.
10 years ago
My name is Kim, I turned 40 January of this year, I’m married with a 7 and 4 year old, on February 1st I started taking levaquin for pneumonia, I was prescribed 14 pills but after being so sick I only took 8 days and on the 8th day actually flushed the rest down the toilet! That was all before I knew just how bad that drug was, while I was on the med that 8 days it made me crazy, I was doing weird things-picking up my kids at the wrong time, wondering around in the grocery for hours when i just went in there for steaks, my vision was blurry, sick to my stomach, headaches, dizzy, I can’t believe I took that stuff that long!! Now I guess I have the flouroquinoline toxicity thing?? Started almost immediately after I stopped taking the med. terrible thigh and back and stomach muscle (twitches) almost like a Charlie horse, now my hands and feet are numb feel like I have carpal tunnel in my hands, my calf muscles feel hard and dis formed. the muscle twitches, skin sensitivity, swelling, crazy episodes ,blurred vision have gone away, but I’m so scared its going to get worse, almost everything I’ve read it usually gets worse to were people can’t walk… I was very active and worked out/ran, I’m devastated to know I might not be able to ever do that (run) again, on the 4th of feb. I went to my “holistic” dr. Who I did shape reclaimed through and he’s put me on a lot of vitamins, herbs and a cleanse to try to help me “detox” this crap out of me! My husband says he sees an improvement in me, he can’t seethe pain in my hands or the numbness, and I’m sure he’s tired of hearing me cry about my life being over, but if some of my symptoms have gone away does that mean I’m on my way to healing??? My regular dr told me I could start walking on feb. 23rd, I want to get back to “normal” but I don’t want to over do it… Is 2 weeks long enough to wait? Has anyone had mild toxicity and came out ok?? Most stories I’ve read the people start with mild symptoms then things get really bad, I hope theres someone out there who has a similar story to mine
10 years ago
Okay here is a little more info for you all I just found now myself. Back in the days when there was an Anthrax scare, the postal workers were forced to take, you guessed it, CIPRO to in theory protect them from the Anthrax. Later they sued:
Here is the important part of this, Jason A. Uttley has done a lot of research after being floxed (2 months of pills yikes) and later being diagnosed with FIBROMYALGIA, which of course has the same symptons as Flouride toxicity and Cipro toxicity (and chronic fatigue pretty much too). You can download a 7 page PDF about this and see linked studies etc and text at the following link:
I have been unable to find where he recommends what to do, but apparently it is on the Internet somewhere because one lady followed Ted’s Borax dosing and Jason’s recommendations and got rid of FIBROMYALGIA after 17 years of suffering.
avelox cipro levaquin…. are they as powerful as each other? …
Lol, Lisa you already have my story up. I’m sneaky! I just had to post since I realized that it was just about my year anniversary. I am progressing in many ways. I have been trying to keep as much notes as I can including a journal, so that I can try to show people what happened in a year and maybe two. There is definitely long term healing that needs to occur and I feel for people that bodies are having a rough time of repair. a year is a long time to be affected by 4 pills. I want to to share with others as much as I can remember because In actuality I really want to forget it. 🙂 hope
Hi everyone, i was floxed 3 yrs ago and didnt officially self diagnose myself until about a yr ago. Ill try to keep this concise. I knew the fq I took did some thing, I took 500mg and stopped immediately. First signs were pain in limbs, twitching and loss of mass, amongst other strange things. I never put 2 and 2 together. I did visit the doctor shortly after and explained my strange symptoms. My doctor said my body was probably stressed and that i should feel better within 6 months. I bought it, went on my marry way and life went on, full daddy and husband mode. However, my symptoms, persisted, i ignored bc i thought i was getting older, and honestly, i didnt have time to go to the doctor. Last year, the wheels began to come off. Pain in knees, floaters, changing skin. Im 36 years old, i thought some of this stuff wasnt suppose to happen yet. Finally, my question. I noticed most of you are recently floxed. Im 3 years out and am digressing instead of improving. Granted, i just started taking some of the supplements yall recommended, mag and d3. Is there anyone whose decline is a slow one like mine. Maybe i just reached my threshold? I have been able to work and raise my kids and live my “normal” life, but something is wrong. I look and feel strange. 3 yrs have aged me like 10 -15 I cant work out and like i use too. I must lather up in sunscreen to go out. My knees feel really bad. My heart and sympathy goes out to those who have not been able to live life normally. However, I am confused, am i slightly floxed bc of my delayed sympyoms? or severly floxed bc all this stuff is just manifesting to the point its noticeable? Anyway, i appreciate this site, the podcast, and the people that post, may god bless you all and that you find healing. Thanks
It drives me crazy how different were react. Some never have issues, some have them and they go away over time, and then a few of us just keep piling on symptoms with no improvement. I just don’t understand what helps some fight it and others suffer. I wish there was more money and research put into it.
If we can organize and prove to the world that there are many many of us, then the research institutions and government will pay their attentions.
Unfortunately, the thousands of people on Facebook group is not enough to prove that there are “many”, given that there are billions of people in the world. And the face group is closed group.
If there is a movie …
Hi everyone….. Rene had posted earlier about the benefits of using Taurine. I bought some the other day and it immediately stopped my muscle twitching and alleviated lots of the burning pain in my legs/feet. I’m not recovered yet but this definitely helped a lot ! Thanks Rene 🙂
So I took 500 mg of Cipro. I have a UTI and was given a 3-day course of 6 pills. I woke up this morning feeling sore and groggy, thinking it was part of the infection, but I decided to look up the side effects because I noticed my tinnitus was acting up. And then I found all of this and started reading, and now I’m scared. So far I’m not having any horrible side effects, but it seems they can come on later. I ordered myself an antioxidant supplement (NAC) that might be able to counter or prevent some damage early on, so we’ll see.
In any case, I’m now at a loss for what to do with this UTI. I don’t know if the one Cipro pill would be enough to get rid of it, and I do think I need antibiotics because I was developing low fever/chills and my doc was concerned about it spreading to my kidneys. I think I’m going to go to urgent care tomorrow since my doc’s office isn’t open and just tell them I had an allergic reaction. I’ll say I had hives but they went away after I took Benadryl. It’s not terribly implausible, since I have a lot of allergies to begin with. I just hope they believe me. I’ll update later on what’s happening. I hope the one pill wasn’t enough to cause any serious damage.
Does anyone know if you can get refloxed if the dentist just uses a topical anastesia???
Tricia, lol I live in my running shoes! I’ve long since lost any fashion sense…can’t do much with running shoes. That’s a good sign that you didn’t need your inserts today though! That’s improvement right there Tricia! I think it’s important to note any improvement however small they may seem. I’ve been sleeping better…thank you for asking. 🙂 Have you tried the magnesium oil for the leg cramps? I think I may give it a try after I try the Taurine. I hope they work for me like they did for you. There will be good days and there will be bad days but giving up is simply not an option for me.
Hey John,
Your story sounds sort of like mine. In Jan of 2012 I took Cipro and developed awful golfers elbow initially. After about 14-16 days of 500mg twice daily I woke up with right shoulder pain and achilles pain. I immediately stopped the med. I got online and read all of the horror stories and was a little freaked out. For a little over TWO years I had no problems except the nagging golfers elbow and some right shoulder pain that would flare up. I thought I was out of the woods and Cipro toxicity really didn’t cross my mind until… like you said ” the wheels fell off. Starting in March of 2014 I developed cracking, popping, grinding of my joints… shoulders, wrists, neck, elbow, knees, hips. My skin became dry. My eyes became dry. My ears started ringing. My vision worsened with floaters and sensitivity. My eyesight seems to have
Sorry…. My eyesight seems to have blank spots in the vision? (no other way for me to describe it) Reading is difficult for me now. When I look in the mirror I look different too. Also my heart has felt funny in my chest, like its going to jump out of it. I realized recently that I can no longer tolerate coffee. I feel like finally, just now I have reached a place where I haven’t been deveoping any new strange health issues. It took me awhile to figure out that this was really FQ toxicity. After I read the flox report I pretty much knew. I would put myself in the severe delayed category.
John you said: I look and feel strange. 3 years have aged me like 10-15.
I feel that way but it feels more like 25 years. You are unfortunately in the delayed flox group. Less hope of recovery…
I hope you recover.
Hi all,
Just a quick one here regarding ‘ The Flox Report ‘ speaking as someone who has been around a while, floxed multiple times over many years.
For anyone here who is literally putting themselves into a category of floxing, please be aware that this is NOT something which can actually be done, It is also NOT something which imo is advisable to try to do. Please see my comment from 15th October last year for further information on why this is the case.
And for anyone who has yet to come across it, & wants to read it, I STRONGLY suggest reading the introduction FIRST before anything else, otherwise it can be completely misinterpreted. ‘ The Flox Report ‘ is NOT the ‘ bible’ for floxing.
NOBODY can in fact predict how than another persons adverse reaction is going to manifest / how much they are going to potentially improve / potentially recover, OR the length of time any aspect of this might take to work through, this is because each persons floxing is completely unique to them in EVERY respect.
Rene, thank you for your much informative answer. The Natural Calm you’re referring to…is it the Natural Vitality Natural Calm powder? And the magnesium oil…will it sting more the more magnesium deficient we are? Thank you again!
Re Magnesium,
A word of caution, In my opinion I would advise anyone considering supplementing magnesium to please get your kidney function tested before you do this, as magnesium is very hard on the kidneys. The fluoroquinolone antibiotics can in fact induce both acute kidney injury & also chronic kidney disease, importantly very often no signs of the latter will be visible / noticeable until it is quite advanced, & this can be up to the point where 60-70% of the function has been lost, with CKD, unfortunately this is irreversible.
One other thing I will mention here is not everyone can tolerate magnesium I am unable to cope with any form I have tried in the past. With respect to epsom salts baths, I strongly suggest maybe soaking your feet first. I personally have been stuck twice in the bath unable to move, & in fact the last time I tried this it induced a relapse in me, one which which I am still dealing with months down the line. This is not something I see that commonly, but I do know of others who have had a similar reaction to epsom salts baths. I just want to let people know, that magnesium, although being extremely important & beneficial on the whole for us, as with anything else we put into on onto our bodies, for some of us it can carry potential risks.
be safe everyone.
Anyone thinking about magnesium rich foods? I started using tahini (sesame seed paste), almonds and cashews. Bananas, avocado and of course green leafy veg are good, too.
hi all.. my pain level is really high.. unfortunately. I want to try tumeric.. what are the brands that any of you can recommend? And for those who use it, does it help you? Do I need to give a month’s time kind of thing? My pain is just awful… I have done many things – espom salt baths, topical magnesium, TENS unit, rub CBD oil on my legs.. nothing his helping me. I have pain meds- but just can’t get myself to take them every again… also back when I tried them, they didn’t touch my pain.
Hi all. I am really surprised more people are not talking about Iodine and Borax (Boron). These antibiotics are laced with Fluoride which of course is highly toxic. If you look at the symptoms of Fluoride poisoning there is of course a lot of overlap. I was Floxed, all my joints immediately began to fall apart, sore muscles and tendons etc. As soon as I linked the Avelox to Fluoride, I started detoxing Fluoride immediately with good results. Some others have reported the same findings, but it is SO FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. I don’t get it why more people are not detoxing the Fluoride out of their bodies to help, as long as it stays there of course you will not improve. If you leave it to your liver, well its going to take forever for sure. I am doing many other things to like Magnesium, Vit D, glucosamine, etc but I consider the most important Borax and Iodine.
God bless you all, the FDA and these companies need to be put down like rabid dogs, they are the true poison to the Human Race, allowing these drugs, our food and water to be laced with known poisons its ridiculous.
My name is Kim, I turned 40 January of this year, I’m married with a 7 and 4 year old, on February 1st I started taking levaquin for pneumonia, I was prescribed 14 pills but after being so sick I only took 8 days and on the 8th day actually flushed the rest down the toilet! That was all before I knew just how bad that drug was, while I was on the med that 8 days it made me crazy, I was doing weird things-picking up my kids at the wrong time, wondering around in the grocery for hours when i just went in there for steaks, my vision was blurry, sick to my stomach, headaches, dizzy, I can’t believe I took that stuff that long!! Now I guess I have the flouroquinoline toxicity thing?? Started almost immediately after I stopped taking the med. terrible thigh and back and stomach muscle (twitches) almost like a Charlie horse, now my hands and feet are numb feel like I have carpal tunnel in my hands, my calf muscles feel hard and dis formed. the muscle twitches, skin sensitivity, swelling, crazy episodes ,blurred vision have gone away, but I’m so scared its going to get worse, almost everything I’ve read it usually gets worse to were people can’t walk… I was very active and worked out/ran, I’m devastated to know I might not be able to ever do that (run) again, on the 4th of feb. I went to my “holistic” dr. Who I did shape reclaimed through and he’s put me on a lot of vitamins, herbs and a cleanse to try to help me “detox” this crap out of me! My husband says he sees an improvement in me, he can’t seethe pain in my hands or the numbness, and I’m sure he’s tired of hearing me cry about my life being over, but if some of my symptoms have gone away does that mean I’m on my way to healing??? My regular dr told me I could start walking on feb. 23rd, I want to get back to “normal” but I don’t want to over do it… Is 2 weeks long enough to wait? Has anyone had mild toxicity and came out ok?? Most stories I’ve read the people start with mild symptoms then things get really bad, I hope theres someone out there who has a similar story to mine
Okay here is a little more info for you all I just found now myself. Back in the days when there was an Anthrax scare, the postal workers were forced to take, you guessed it, CIPRO to in theory protect them from the Anthrax. Later they sued:
Here is the important part of this, Jason A. Uttley has done a lot of research after being floxed (2 months of pills yikes) and later being diagnosed with FIBROMYALGIA, which of course has the same symptons as Flouride toxicity and Cipro toxicity (and chronic fatigue pretty much too). You can download a 7 page PDF about this and see linked studies etc and text at the following link:
I have been unable to find where he recommends what to do, but apparently it is on the Internet somewhere because one lady followed Ted’s Borax dosing and Jason’s recommendations and got rid of FIBROMYALGIA after 17 years of suffering.