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10 years ago
Hello everyone.I was floxed 3yrs ago when I took one 400mg of Ofloxacin in a day and I had reactions immediately and I stopped.I had all the pains and syptoms most floxies experience.but I recovered after a year and I live my life as if I was never floxed,cause I was 90% back to my former self.I even started carrying weights and I look good pysically.but the issue right now is that,4 days ago,I started feeling some pains at the bottom right of my rib cage and some sharp pains in my abdomen.I know I haven’t been Re-floxed,but am scared.and my urine is Dark and foamy,which also scares me.please I need urgent advice.thanks.
10 years ago
Quick story on me. This is I believe the 3rd time floxed. 1st 2 Times I didn’t know it. This last time I was on cipro for 5 weeks this past June into July then Levoquin for 1 week in Sept and Cipro again 1 week in Sept.
I got hit in the lower body. Buttocks, hamstrings and feet. Burning pain. Tinging in feet. Tendons bottom feet hurt…
Was making progress. Legs getting strong walking a about a mile a day.
This last week my feet have been horrible. Tingling top of feet and ankles.
Any suggestions for burning pain?
Thank you
Has anyone else had problems with their lower back after sitting? Although I am still in bed 95% of the time, I have recently managed a few short trips out in the car occasionally. My back is always sore afterwards, but today we were out a bit longer than intended, and by the time we got back my lower back had completely seized up. It’s incredibly painful, and I can’t straighten up or walk at all. I really need to know what is causing this, and what I can do about it, because I can’t stand the thought of never getting out of the house.
10 years ago
Hi Catherine, I had acupuncture and it did make my PN symptoms worse but I think it may be because the acupuncturist put electro stimulation on some of the needles. Fortunately with time most of the worsening sensations have passed.
10 years ago
To Jason,
I’ve had multiple people look at my mouth and they’ve all said it’s normal. It has gotten a lot worse since then, so I will need to have it looked at again. These people all said it was not thrush at the time. I took a look at the Leukoedema and immediately think the white chalky stuff is that. From quickly reading over it, it is not harmful, but my first question already becomes, why am I getting it now so suddenly? What caused it? How do you get rid of it. This is immediately depressing too, it also looks like Lichen planus. I guess they are all similar. Some pictures look like it, some are far from it.
I took antibiotics twice since this began. Once the levaquin in June of 2013 and the second time being the Z-pac at the end of January. I have been trying to help rebalance my mouth mainly with a certain yogurt with active something or other in it. This was more for counteracting my initial thought of thrush. I will need to up my intake of that as well (probiotics) and see what happens.
My nose has been insanely dry this year. I haven’t had this issue in the past and believe whatever I caught from my student in December (or possibly unrelated altogether) has messed up my nose further, and is causing all the throat and mouth problems. But as time passes, I question if a common cold or strep could really be causing this much damage anymore. I’m starting to lean toward it being something else. I actually just bought coconut oil to try out, so I will add that to my list of possible fixes….it just gets longer and longer. My only concern with that is will it be of any use if I believe the obstruction or whatever is higher up (out of reach)? The obstruction isn’t reachable if there is one. Idk. This is such a discouraging topic in general and really brings me down. If I did develop any of the above in terms of the white streaks, it’s rather depressing to say the least. I just struggle to understand why they popped up now, from what I thought was an everyday cold someone gave me.
Stories like yours disturb me. 8 years and no progress is pathetic for what our health system is hyped up to be. It should have been diagnosed and treated. I’m to the point where I don’t think doctors should be paid if they don’t treat a patient and cure them. It’s insane to pay someone for not doing their job. I wish you luck as well, thanks for the input.
10 years ago
Catherine, I had the same experience as you with the mag oil. I’m wondering the same thing too. Or maybe I didn’t spray enough of it…
10 years ago
Good evening everybody. Excuse my very imperfect English as i am French living in Vietnam at the time. I found this website just tonight and glad to get some informations relating to Fluoroquinolone.
I have bronchitis for 1 month that has not disappeared despite using Cefdikon 300mg followed by 7 days of Augmentin 1G. I ve been to the hospital today and was diagnosed with acute bronchitis with asthma as well and the doctor prescribed me 750mg of Atavic daily. To be honest i just took the pills and started 2 hours after already feeling dizzy its now 2H30 in the morning an i still cannot sleep…I m also afraid of stopping the treatment s my bronchitis would get worse.. What should i do right now? Im very afraid and i do not want to takke another dose of this poison; do u think that there is a much safer antibiotic to treat the disease? What should i do right now? Thanks for reading me, as i feel terribly alone and in dire situation.. Regards. Tony
Hah! A new danger: cyber-contagion! I read all those posts about yucky, inflamed throats and mouths and now mine are ulcerated and terribly sore and my face hurts from cheekbone to lower throat. Obviously I caught it through the internet, all the way from America. Mind it doesn’t happen to you – best wear a mask when communicating with strangers online.
10 years ago
Thanks for you answers that at least, make me feel reconforted a little. Destruida los Restos, i think that my bronchitis is of bacterial origin, otherwise the expectorations would not be yellow like they actually are. I think that i will go back to the hospital tomorrow, in order to ask for another antibiotic. As u adviced me to not take any i fully agree with you, and i have been raised like that by my parents, but is there a way to treat a bacteria without antibiotics? Im afraid there isnt. Im afraid of evrything relating to health here, seeing how the doctors are uncompetent and antibiotics are freely sold among the population whom consumes it like candy. Dont know why but i have a bad feeling abt this one…I will let u know anyways as i dont want this to happen to others. The world we are living in is really completely f…..up…Thanks for reading me. The best to u all….
10 years ago
Destruida los Restos, my apologies for not spelling the name of the proper “medicine”. Yes this is Tavanic, and not Atavic.. See, im completely all over the place…
10 years ago
Hi all. Just was googling and found this link, potentially good news here for some at least, probably not news to some survivors but likely will be to others:
I have trouble believing sources that ALSO sell related products, but note the 128 references to studies and such on the 3rd page, seems pretty comprehensive and its not the first time I have read these things either.
Some summarized points:
Mitochondria are the cellular organelles that power every energy-requiring bodily process.
– Researchers recently discovered that signs of age-related mitochondrial damage appear nearly a decade before the onset of permanent DNA damage.
– They also found that mitochondrial decay and dysfunction are REVERSIBLE.
– CoQ10 speeds mitochondrial electron transport, increases energy production, and protects tissues from mitochondrial decline.
– R-alpha-lipoic acid further supports mitochondrial energy production.
– Acetyl-L-carnitine “feeds” energy-releasing molecules to mitochondria, improving their efficiency and preventing damage
• Carnosine is a nutrient comprised of two amino acids. It’s a natural antioxidant and anti-glycation molecule proven to reduce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species resulting from chronic glucose exposure, while also binding to potentially dangerous metal ions (chelation). These features make it attractive as an anti-aging, anti-Alzheimer’s agent.110-112
• Luteolin is a flavonoid with potent anti-inflammatory effects.113,114 It directly inhibits AGE formation at early, middle, and late stages in their development—more powerfully than standard chemical AGE-inhibitors.115,116 It also directly counters the sugar-induced mitochondrial damage caused by reduction in a survival protein called Bcl-2.117
• Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble form of thiamine (vitamin B1). Its higher bioavailability allows it to strongly increase glycation-fighting thiamine levels in blood and tissues in normal people and in people with either type 1 or 2 diabetes.118-120 Benfotiamine powerfully reduces AGE production and damage to vascular endothelial cells under high-glucose conditions.121,122 It blocks three distinct pathways of sugar-induced tissue damage to protect against retinal damage in diabetes.123
• Pyridoxal -5’-phosphate (PLP) is the biologically active form of vitamin B6. It is a powerful inhibitor of both protein and fat glycation.124,125 Glycation reductions by PLP are credited with reducing sugar-induced blood vessel and kidney damage from diabetes.126,127
Thanks to those who respondedto my earlier question a few days back. i am currently in the process of having hormones checked as someone suggested, i have extremely low testosterone, which i dont know is because of the floxing or the floxing has highlighted my low T. I will not take T bc im scared of potential floxing interractions and will try other natural alternatives. If anyone has dealt with this dilemma please chime in. Also, to piggy back on an earlier post, i also wonder if ive cheated some yrs off of my life, which wouldnt matter, but ive got little people who are counting on me. Both sets of grandparents lived well into their 80’s and one is 93, my dad worked in construction for 40 yrs before retiring and looks young for his age.I also wanted to express how sad our med system is that i have to come to this forum for answers and cant ask a medical professional this question about testosterone, without them percieving me as looney for even suggesting the concern of fq’s altering my system, maybe i should send my $15 copay to Floxiehope instead!
10 years ago
The DENTAL issues with teeth since big floxed appears to also be linked to the Magnesium Depletion /Defiicientcy…..Damage to teeth, as well as to bones and to soft tissues, were among the findings reported from the earliest magnesium deficiency studies. Kruse et al. (1932) found that rats surviving severe magnesium deficiency for 10 weeks had loose molars and incisors.Further data on the abnormal periodontal soft tissues were provided by H. Klein et al. (1935). Brittle, chalky teeth (loose in their sockets) were noted by Watchorn and McCance (1937) in subacute magnesium-deficient rats.
10 years ago
Leonard and Scullin (1969) and Leonard et al. (1971) have proposed that in soft tissue, where the concentration of magnesium exceeds that of calcium, the formation of MgATP inhibits calcium apatite formation. This group has demonstrated that the local magnesium/calcium ratio influences calcification of tendons (in turkeys) and that egress of magnesium precedes the onset of calcification (Leonard et al., 1976). This is a physiologic maturation process in turkey tendon. It seems plausib1e that low Mg/Ca concentrations in soft tissues, and in articular and periarticular tissues, might similarly participate in calcification, and that a higher magnesium concentration might inhibit it.
HERE it is: Calcification without MAGNESIUM being properly replenished……that can occur anywhere in the body……not just tendons…..the lungs, the heart……
10 years ago
I like you post above Jason, it sounds hopeful. I hope it’s true.
I’m so lost on what is going on with my throat and am wondering if it’s auto immune now or what. Those white pus balls are back and my tonsils are swollen. So white chalky mouth and spreading, but with white pus on the tonsils. Dry mouth at times too. Frustrating nit knowing and killing it. Been gargling nonstop. Honey, tea.
But, here’s hoping this new year brings some relief and cures for everyone and myself.
10 years ago
I just want to drive the significance of the Trans dermal Magnesium Oil from a science view to piggyback what my experience has been: All info is copy pasted ad hoc for bits that ar relative tho the meriad of sytemic issues that have manifested:
Newbies pay close attention!
The lack of intracellular MAGNESIUM sets up the stage for the pathogenesis for disease…….so bypass that problem and the FDA while your at it……
A) Approximately one half of the magnesium contained in the body is stored in the bone, while the rest exists in the soft tissues mainly in the intracellular
compartment with less that 1% being present in the extracellular compartment (Elin 1988). Indeed, magnesium is the second most common cation in the intracellular compartment after potassium.
B) Magnesium is able to cross the BBB Blood Brain Barrier (Sacco et al.,2007), and it is transported via the barrier with a net flux from the blood into the parenchyma. Active magnesium transport from blood to the extracellular fluid of the brain is evidenced by its higher concentration in the cortical extracellular fluid than its concentration in the plasma-‐dialysate or cisternal CSF (Bito, 1969)
C) Magnesium administration attenuates cell death due to cytoskeletal alteration (Saatmanet al.,2001) and reduces apoptosis and the expression of p53
following TBI (Lee et al., 2004). Thus its
administration rectifies the decline in intracellular Mg 2+ levels and cellular functions
(Saatman et al.2001)
D) In experimental closed head trauma, treatment with magnesium restores the polarity of astrocytes, in terms of aquaporin-‐4 distribution, to a “preinjury state ” (Ghabriel et al.,2006). A similar protective effect for magnesium was demonstrated in induced hypoglycemia (Kayet al. 2001). This indicates replenishing of magnesium in the extracellular space of the brain.
I just had a dental xrays, exam and cleaning last week. One of my teeth just cracked!
I’m the person who developed horrific vertigo when I was injected with septocaine and it has not gone away. Help!
10 years ago
Rene- A question for you or anyone else. I’m about 20 months out. I just started with an ND and recently did a blood test that is supposed to measure the leveled of micronutrients at the cellular level. This includes magnesium. Would you expect, then, that most floxies would show up as deficient on that test? It apparently measures the level of nutrients in the white blood cells. Thanks!
Hello everyone.I was floxed 3yrs ago when I took one 400mg of Ofloxacin in a day and I had reactions immediately and I stopped.I had all the pains and syptoms most floxies experience.but I recovered after a year and I live my life as if I was never floxed,cause I was 90% back to my former self.I even started carrying weights and I look good pysically.but the issue right now is that,4 days ago,I started feeling some pains at the bottom right of my rib cage and some sharp pains in my abdomen.I know I haven’t been Re-floxed,but am scared.and my urine is Dark and foamy,which also scares me.please I need urgent advice.thanks.
Quick story on me. This is I believe the 3rd time floxed. 1st 2 Times I didn’t know it. This last time I was on cipro for 5 weeks this past June into July then Levoquin for 1 week in Sept and Cipro again 1 week in Sept.
I got hit in the lower body. Buttocks, hamstrings and feet. Burning pain. Tinging in feet. Tendons bottom feet hurt…
Was making progress. Legs getting strong walking a about a mile a day.
This last week my feet have been horrible. Tingling top of feet and ankles.
Any suggestions for burning pain?
Thank you
Has anyone else had problems with their lower back after sitting? Although I am still in bed 95% of the time, I have recently managed a few short trips out in the car occasionally. My back is always sore afterwards, but today we were out a bit longer than intended, and by the time we got back my lower back had completely seized up. It’s incredibly painful, and I can’t straighten up or walk at all. I really need to know what is causing this, and what I can do about it, because I can’t stand the thought of never getting out of the house.
Hi Catherine, I had acupuncture and it did make my PN symptoms worse but I think it may be because the acupuncturist put electro stimulation on some of the needles. Fortunately with time most of the worsening sensations have passed.
To Jason,
I’ve had multiple people look at my mouth and they’ve all said it’s normal. It has gotten a lot worse since then, so I will need to have it looked at again. These people all said it was not thrush at the time. I took a look at the Leukoedema and immediately think the white chalky stuff is that. From quickly reading over it, it is not harmful, but my first question already becomes, why am I getting it now so suddenly? What caused it? How do you get rid of it. This is immediately depressing too, it also looks like Lichen planus. I guess they are all similar. Some pictures look like it, some are far from it.
I took antibiotics twice since this began. Once the levaquin in June of 2013 and the second time being the Z-pac at the end of January. I have been trying to help rebalance my mouth mainly with a certain yogurt with active something or other in it. This was more for counteracting my initial thought of thrush. I will need to up my intake of that as well (probiotics) and see what happens.
My nose has been insanely dry this year. I haven’t had this issue in the past and believe whatever I caught from my student in December (or possibly unrelated altogether) has messed up my nose further, and is causing all the throat and mouth problems. But as time passes, I question if a common cold or strep could really be causing this much damage anymore. I’m starting to lean toward it being something else. I actually just bought coconut oil to try out, so I will add that to my list of possible fixes….it just gets longer and longer. My only concern with that is will it be of any use if I believe the obstruction or whatever is higher up (out of reach)? The obstruction isn’t reachable if there is one. Idk. This is such a discouraging topic in general and really brings me down. If I did develop any of the above in terms of the white streaks, it’s rather depressing to say the least. I just struggle to understand why they popped up now, from what I thought was an everyday cold someone gave me.
Stories like yours disturb me. 8 years and no progress is pathetic for what our health system is hyped up to be. It should have been diagnosed and treated. I’m to the point where I don’t think doctors should be paid if they don’t treat a patient and cure them. It’s insane to pay someone for not doing their job. I wish you luck as well, thanks for the input.
Catherine, I had the same experience as you with the mag oil. I’m wondering the same thing too. Or maybe I didn’t spray enough of it…
Good evening everybody. Excuse my very imperfect English as i am French living in Vietnam at the time. I found this website just tonight and glad to get some informations relating to Fluoroquinolone.
I have bronchitis for 1 month that has not disappeared despite using Cefdikon 300mg followed by 7 days of Augmentin 1G. I ve been to the hospital today and was diagnosed with acute bronchitis with asthma as well and the doctor prescribed me 750mg of Atavic daily. To be honest i just took the pills and started 2 hours after already feeling dizzy its now 2H30 in the morning an i still cannot sleep…I m also afraid of stopping the treatment s my bronchitis would get worse.. What should i do right now? Im very afraid and i do not want to takke another dose of this poison; do u think that there is a much safer antibiotic to treat the disease? What should i do right now? Thanks for reading me, as i feel terribly alone and in dire situation.. Regards. Tony
Hah! A new danger: cyber-contagion! I read all those posts about yucky, inflamed throats and mouths and now mine are ulcerated and terribly sore and my face hurts from cheekbone to lower throat. Obviously I caught it through the internet, all the way from America. Mind it doesn’t happen to you – best wear a mask when communicating with strangers online.
Thanks for you answers that at least, make me feel reconforted a little. Destruida los Restos, i think that my bronchitis is of bacterial origin, otherwise the expectorations would not be yellow like they actually are. I think that i will go back to the hospital tomorrow, in order to ask for another antibiotic. As u adviced me to not take any i fully agree with you, and i have been raised like that by my parents, but is there a way to treat a bacteria without antibiotics? Im afraid there isnt. Im afraid of evrything relating to health here, seeing how the doctors are uncompetent and antibiotics are freely sold among the population whom consumes it like candy. Dont know why but i have a bad feeling abt this one…I will let u know anyways as i dont want this to happen to others. The world we are living in is really completely f…..up…Thanks for reading me. The best to u all….
Destruida los Restos, my apologies for not spelling the name of the proper “medicine”. Yes this is Tavanic, and not Atavic.. See, im completely all over the place…
Hi all. Just was googling and found this link, potentially good news here for some at least, probably not news to some survivors but likely will be to others:
I have trouble believing sources that ALSO sell related products, but note the 128 references to studies and such on the 3rd page, seems pretty comprehensive and its not the first time I have read these things either.
Some summarized points:
Mitochondria are the cellular organelles that power every energy-requiring bodily process.
– Researchers recently discovered that signs of age-related mitochondrial damage appear nearly a decade before the onset of permanent DNA damage.
– They also found that mitochondrial decay and dysfunction are REVERSIBLE.
– CoQ10 speeds mitochondrial electron transport, increases energy production, and protects tissues from mitochondrial decline.
– R-alpha-lipoic acid further supports mitochondrial energy production.
– Acetyl-L-carnitine “feeds” energy-releasing molecules to mitochondria, improving their efficiency and preventing damage
• Carnosine is a nutrient comprised of two amino acids. It’s a natural antioxidant and anti-glycation molecule proven to reduce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species resulting from chronic glucose exposure, while also binding to potentially dangerous metal ions (chelation). These features make it attractive as an anti-aging, anti-Alzheimer’s agent.110-112
• Luteolin is a flavonoid with potent anti-inflammatory effects.113,114 It directly inhibits AGE formation at early, middle, and late stages in their development—more powerfully than standard chemical AGE-inhibitors.115,116 It also directly counters the sugar-induced mitochondrial damage caused by reduction in a survival protein called Bcl-2.117
• Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble form of thiamine (vitamin B1). Its higher bioavailability allows it to strongly increase glycation-fighting thiamine levels in blood and tissues in normal people and in people with either type 1 or 2 diabetes.118-120 Benfotiamine powerfully reduces AGE production and damage to vascular endothelial cells under high-glucose conditions.121,122 It blocks three distinct pathways of sugar-induced tissue damage to protect against retinal damage in diabetes.123
• Pyridoxal -5’-phosphate (PLP) is the biologically active form of vitamin B6. It is a powerful inhibitor of both protein and fat glycation.124,125 Glycation reductions by PLP are credited with reducing sugar-induced blood vessel and kidney damage from diabetes.126,127
Here is one more awesome link:
Thanks to those who respondedto my earlier question a few days back. i am currently in the process of having hormones checked as someone suggested, i have extremely low testosterone, which i dont know is because of the floxing or the floxing has highlighted my low T. I will not take T bc im scared of potential floxing interractions and will try other natural alternatives. If anyone has dealt with this dilemma please chime in. Also, to piggy back on an earlier post, i also wonder if ive cheated some yrs off of my life, which wouldnt matter, but ive got little people who are counting on me. Both sets of grandparents lived well into their 80’s and one is 93, my dad worked in construction for 40 yrs before retiring and looks young for his age.I also wanted to express how sad our med system is that i have to come to this forum for answers and cant ask a medical professional this question about testosterone, without them percieving me as looney for even suggesting the concern of fq’s altering my system, maybe i should send my $15 copay to Floxiehope instead!
The DENTAL issues with teeth since big floxed appears to also be linked to the Magnesium Depletion /Defiicientcy…..Damage to teeth, as well as to bones and to soft tissues, were among the findings reported from the earliest magnesium deficiency studies. Kruse et al. (1932) found that rats surviving severe magnesium deficiency for 10 weeks had loose molars and incisors.Further data on the abnormal periodontal soft tissues were provided by H. Klein et al. (1935). Brittle, chalky teeth (loose in their sockets) were noted by Watchorn and McCance (1937) in subacute magnesium-deficient rats.
Leonard and Scullin (1969) and Leonard et al. (1971) have proposed that in soft tissue, where the concentration of magnesium exceeds that of calcium, the formation of MgATP inhibits calcium apatite formation. This group has demonstrated that the local magnesium/calcium ratio influences calcification of tendons (in turkeys) and that egress of magnesium precedes the onset of calcification (Leonard et al., 1976). This is a physiologic maturation process in turkey tendon. It seems plausib1e that low Mg/Ca concentrations in soft tissues, and in articular and periarticular tissues, might similarly participate in calcification, and that a higher magnesium concentration might inhibit it.
HERE it is: Calcification without MAGNESIUM being properly replenished……that can occur anywhere in the body……not just tendons…..the lungs, the heart……
I like you post above Jason, it sounds hopeful. I hope it’s true.
I’m so lost on what is going on with my throat and am wondering if it’s auto immune now or what. Those white pus balls are back and my tonsils are swollen. So white chalky mouth and spreading, but with white pus on the tonsils. Dry mouth at times too. Frustrating nit knowing and killing it. Been gargling nonstop. Honey, tea.
But, here’s hoping this new year brings some relief and cures for everyone and myself.
I just want to drive the significance of the Trans dermal Magnesium Oil from a science view to piggyback what my experience has been: All info is copy pasted ad hoc for bits that ar relative tho the meriad of sytemic issues that have manifested:
Newbies pay close attention!
The lack of intracellular MAGNESIUM sets up the stage for the pathogenesis for disease…….so bypass that problem and the FDA while your at it……
A) Approximately one half of the magnesium contained in the body is stored in the bone, while the rest exists in the soft tissues mainly in the intracellular
compartment with less that 1% being present in the extracellular compartment (Elin 1988). Indeed, magnesium is the second most common cation in the intracellular compartment after potassium.
B) Magnesium is able to cross the BBB Blood Brain Barrier (Sacco et al.,2007), and it is transported via the barrier with a net flux from the blood into the parenchyma. Active magnesium transport from blood to the extracellular fluid of the brain is evidenced by its higher concentration in the cortical extracellular fluid than its concentration in the plasma-‐dialysate or cisternal CSF (Bito, 1969)
C) Magnesium administration attenuates cell death due to cytoskeletal alteration (Saatmanet al.,2001) and reduces apoptosis and the expression of p53
following TBI (Lee et al., 2004). Thus its
administration rectifies the decline in intracellular Mg 2+ levels and cellular functions
(Saatman et al.2001)
D) In experimental closed head trauma, treatment with magnesium restores the polarity of astrocytes, in terms of aquaporin-‐4 distribution, to a “preinjury state ” (Ghabriel et al.,2006). A similar protective effect for magnesium was demonstrated in induced hypoglycemia (Kayet al. 2001). This indicates replenishing of magnesium in the extracellular space of the brain.
GOD is good.
Amen, and God Bless
someone else who used the spray
I just had a dental xrays, exam and cleaning last week. One of my teeth just cracked!
I’m the person who developed horrific vertigo when I was injected with septocaine and it has not gone away. Help!
Rene- A question for you or anyone else. I’m about 20 months out. I just started with an ND and recently did a blood test that is supposed to measure the leveled of micronutrients at the cellular level. This includes magnesium. Would you expect, then, that most floxies would show up as deficient on that test? It apparently measures the level of nutrients in the white blood cells. Thanks!