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10 years ago
Does anyone know whether inhaled steroids are ok? I have had this cough for almost three months and would hate to let it turn into something chronic. Have tried herbal teas, cough syrup, natural cough remedies with honey and herbs, cough drops, avoiding cold air and nothing has helped. The doctor gave me this as last resort.
I am losing my mind with all the issues I am having post floxing!!!! So exhausting physically and emotionally! And to be fearful of taking drugs to help recovery is just too much!!!
10 years ago
Sorry for spelling errors….Read your pulse is how it should have been written.
10 years ago
Can anyone recommend a water filtration system to remove flouride, that works well. There are so many brands and I’d rather use reviews than marketing to figure out which one is right for me. Buying water is crazy expensive and hurtful for the environment. I’m leaning toward an under the counter system. Thanks everyone! Lisa, my case is still under review at my insurance for the IVIG treatment. I’m hoping to hear something soon, was told could take up to 45 days! I’ll just sit and wait around while it gets worse, don’t rush on my acct…crazy!!!
Melanie kemp
10 years ago
Hi Rene
Got the ancient minerals today. Made the spray and sprayed on legs and arms. Also did a foot soak. Really no stinging..maybe just a little. I didn’t wipe off yet but will.
Thank you
10 years ago
This one is especially for your Rene, but also for any other fellow Floxie that would like to “Mind their Mitochondria”.
Magnesium Bicarbonate – The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail: Essentially Dr. Sircus is saying that drinking a Magnesium Bicarbonate water is maybe the ultimate water (and it would imply that it is ESPECIALLY good for us Floxies since our DNA, Mitochondria and Magnesium levels are all under attack).
He is a big MAG evangelist, and has written many articles and at least THREE books on it. You can tell from the title what he believes about this type of water, its a good article I recommend Floxies read. Here is a little except:
[i]Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens.
Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances.
This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail[/i]
That should be enough to wet the whistle of you fellow floxies to hopefully read the article. There are many comments from people at the bottom, and a link from a site moderator on how to make it at home fairly cheap. Note the instructions and components used must be STRICTLY followed. Here is the link referenced in the comments to a PDF:
ps – I think between the Tart Cherry juice and the Mag oil (thanks again for stressing it Rene) Tendons, Muscles definitely feel better after and joints are a little better overall I think too, but its going to take time and I do wonder how much I can really heal my joints and damaged cartilage. I am taking some other things for joints, and I have a couple more to try including making this Mag water which I will do ASAP since its easy and cheap overall.
Tonight I tried the MAG/MSM oil vs just the MAG and noticed it still stung in same areas a little but left less of a residue (less MAG I guess). Hard to tell if any other difference, but for sure these are drying out skin which of course is already dry thanks to Winter (stinging on my hands and fingers likely due to dry skin, but also on my neck skin is not dry and it stings there too). I will make the homemade oil from flakes and try that too soon as well.
10 years ago
I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news here, after posting so many posts with helpful info, but google DNA adducts, and look for Wiki has to say about them (very nasty) 🙁 I found a 10 page study that led me to this, you can google “Long Term Adverse Reactions to Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Treatments from DNA-Adduction pdf” to find the report, it is at the first link that comes up from
This sheds a little more insight to the why and how DNA damage is occurring. I won’t get too much into here, and I know this has been expressed before on this site, but once chemicals attach themselves to the DNA not only is it damaged but it hinders the replication, regeneration and repair process and future cells that do get replicated are also damaged (explaining why some people don’t “heal”).
More research is needed (they say at end of report), and I know I’ll be doing more of my own to try and figure out what else we can do and will report on anything new I find. There is a bunch of “crap” they found in the blood of each person 3 years later, its a complex subject and likely goes too far in depth for a “layman” like me to fully comprehend and then try and come up with useful ways to combat all the issues, but damn it I will try anyway I refuse to just “do nothing”.
10 years ago
I’m sure we all have our least favorite symptom. For me, PN has always been my biggest fear. I don’t get a lot of burning pain. Some but not a lot. But I do get very cold and achy feet. Such an unpleasant sensation. If I’m in the sun it’s not a problem. When I’m on them and moving a lot they’re usually okay. But on weekends when I don’t move as much, that cold ache sets in. Ugh.
10 years ago
I am a teacher and I have to have a TB test this week. I am terrified. I have been reading the potential side effects and I am very concerned that I will have a bad reaction due to my adverse reaction to fluoroquinolones. Phenol is one of the ingredients in the test. A few months ago a teacher posted that she had the test and was fine. I would appreciate any input anyone can offer. I am improving and I can’t imagine having to go through more health issues due to a test.
10 years ago
Hi all fellow floxies, this is a question for the ladies, or maybe the men have had this too. Starting 2 days ago I got a pain in my right breast, right in the middle. This morning I also have it in my left breast, same area, by the nipple. I’ve looked online and yes, there are tendons there. Has anyone else had these symptoms? I also ran across something interesting…it won’t help me, being a vegetarian, but apparently bone broth is just the best thing for tendon rebuilding. Makes sense when you think about it. I have been able to work, limited to a few hours only, and starting later in the day, when the aches have dulled a bit from meds. Thanks for any responses, hang in there everyone.
10 years ago
I had the same pain also. It was a few months into my problems. It started with pain under my arms. My hands swelled also. At that time I was also misdiagnosed with Lupus. This is another side effect I believe tied to antibiotic. Two months later I started to improve. The symptoms travel around our bodies and then stop. I am doing much better now. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Tom Lehrer’s nearly 87 years old. I s’pose you’re all too young to know him.
“If you visit American city,
You will find it very pretty.
Just two things of which you must beware:
Don’t drink the water and don’t breathe the air.
Pollution, pollution,
They got smog and sewage and mud.
Turn on your tap and get hot and cold running crud.
See the halibuts and the sturgeons
Being wiped out by detergents.
Fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly,
But they don’t last long if they try.
Pollution, pollution,
You can use the latest toothpaste,
And then rinse your mouth with industrial waste.
Just go out for a breath of air,
And you’ll be ready for Medicare.
The city streets are really quite a thrill.
If the hoods don’t get you, the monoxide will.
Pollution, pollution,
Wear a gas mask and a veil.
Then you can breathe, long as you don’t inhale.
Lots of things there that you can drink,
But stay away from the kitchen sink.
The breakfast garbage that you throw in to the Bay,
They drink at lunch in San Jose.
So go to the city, see the crazy people there.
Like lambs to the slaughter,
They’re drinking the water
And breathing – cough – the air.”
Melanie kemp
10 years ago
Hi Rene
Dizziness subsided 🙂
Think I went a bit overboard with it. I’ll go slower. Feel pretty ok now and in fact my head feels a bit better than usual
Thanks 🙂
10 years ago
Is anyone afraid of having another illness and needing a doctor or hospital? Is there a place for us? (“West Side Story”)
10 years ago
Can anyone shed a little HOPE about Joints healing over time?
I am getting very worried about the lasting and long term effects of the damage to collagen, cartlidge, etc. Today my joints were all acting up as bad as the day I stopped taking the poison, which meant every time I got up and walked 10 steps I had about 25 joint cracks, and I am sadly not exaggerating. This along with my almost constant sore lower legs has me worried about the future and scared to exercise (note I am only about 7 weeks out)
I have read a few stories where people who were muffed up fairly bad recovered mostly down the road, but still have to put up with these crazy cracking joints. Is this damage permanent? Has anyone had these joints and then they healed and stopped cracking?
Important (from FQA Toxicity on Facebook):
We Need Your Support – FQ Congressional Hearing Request
1 March 2015 at 02:02
There needs to be a Congressional Hearing regarding the FDA’s failure to properly warn the public of the serious adverse reactions associated with fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
A Congressional Hearing support letter has been written that may easily be copied and pasted into emails. We are asking floxed advocates, family members, friends, co-workers, etc. to email the following Senators and staff (some of whom are members of the Senate Health Committee). Each person will send off eight emails in total. The more people who write in the better!
Read more:
10 years ago
Joints or tendons pop — stop all dairy; stretching; stay warm.
Brain fog — stop all wheat, grains; deep breathing, meditation.
Not perfect, but a great improvement. Remember, a lot of supplements and most homeopathic have lactose; many powdered spices have wheat added to make them pour nicely.
10 years ago
Has anyone had success supplementing with ginger and turmeric? Herb form as well as supplement form?
10 years ago
Hi Rene. I am very sure I posted this already, not sure what happened but I don’t see it anymore so it must not have posted correctly. Just in case you missed this important detail in Sircus article I linked to further up about the Bicarbonates, and how they really augment and help the MAG, I am re-posting it because it looks VERY important. This is from a 3rd party site, pay special attention to the very last part at the bottom that really seems critical and why I will make this water ASAP (finally found clean MoM to use, yayyy):
Quote” According to noted magnesium author Marc Sircus, bicarbonates are the perfect delivery system to transport magnesium directly into the mitochondria.
To quote Sircus:
“It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated “Unique Water” which, it has been asserted, slowed the aging process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett’s theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease.
Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases…”
“…Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion”
Dominic York
10 years ago
Guys. I have a theory about a possible cure: Cholestyramine, Glutathione Injections and Sauna Detox. Think about it. After sweating excessively/working out, flourine/ antibiotic toxins in our bodies flow in the bloodstream. (This is all hypothetical, This may be completely inaccurate) The theory is that during a sauna detox, after a glutathione injection, the toxins in our bloodstream will bind with the glutathione. As the toxin-glutathione molecules bind, they will leave the body with aid from the Cholestyramine. Maby it’s crazy enough to work? 🙂
10 years ago
Does anyone still draw useful conclusions from the Flox Report? I guess for a while it was the best resource available. In particular, after studying it thoroughly a couple years ago, I focussed on the fact that it specifically advised NOT to take magnesium. It also advised against CoQ10 and even Fish Oils. And so I avoided Mg for the last 2 years. I have now started Mg supplementation, (oral and transdermal) as I believe that my body has to be severely Mg deficient, and if so, unable to have a chance of healing itself. I think the Mg may be making my neuropathy symptoms worse, (hard to tell) but I can’t sit by any longer without trying to restore Mg (particularly as I have really not been improving over the last couple years post-floxing). I’m also taking CoQ10 now against the Flox Report’s advice as I believe it may be helpful in restoring health to the mitochondria. I wonder what happened to the authors of the Flox Report. It would be useful to hear what had happened to the floxies in their study. Seems a waste for them to have done all that work and then not to make it a longitudinal study (albeit with a limited sample size).
Does anyone know whether inhaled steroids are ok? I have had this cough for almost three months and would hate to let it turn into something chronic. Have tried herbal teas, cough syrup, natural cough remedies with honey and herbs, cough drops, avoiding cold air and nothing has helped. The doctor gave me this as last resort.
I am losing my mind with all the issues I am having post floxing!!!! So exhausting physically and emotionally! And to be fearful of taking drugs to help recovery is just too much!!!
Sorry for spelling errors….Read your pulse is how it should have been written.
Can anyone recommend a water filtration system to remove flouride, that works well. There are so many brands and I’d rather use reviews than marketing to figure out which one is right for me. Buying water is crazy expensive and hurtful for the environment. I’m leaning toward an under the counter system. Thanks everyone! Lisa, my case is still under review at my insurance for the IVIG treatment. I’m hoping to hear something soon, was told could take up to 45 days! I’ll just sit and wait around while it gets worse, don’t rush on my acct…crazy!!!
Hi Rene
Got the ancient minerals today. Made the spray and sprayed on legs and arms. Also did a foot soak. Really no stinging..maybe just a little. I didn’t wipe off yet but will.
Thank you
This one is especially for your Rene, but also for any other fellow Floxie that would like to “Mind their Mitochondria”.
Magnesium Bicarbonate – The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail: Essentially Dr. Sircus is saying that drinking a Magnesium Bicarbonate water is maybe the ultimate water (and it would imply that it is ESPECIALLY good for us Floxies since our DNA, Mitochondria and Magnesium levels are all under attack).
He is a big MAG evangelist, and has written many articles and at least THREE books on it. You can tell from the title what he believes about this type of water, its a good article I recommend Floxies read. Here is a little except:
[i]Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens.
Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances.
This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail[/i]
That should be enough to wet the whistle of you fellow floxies to hopefully read the article. There are many comments from people at the bottom, and a link from a site moderator on how to make it at home fairly cheap. Note the instructions and components used must be STRICTLY followed. Here is the link referenced in the comments to a PDF:
Here is a link to some people discussing the how to, and uses of it on Earth Clinic:
ps – I think between the Tart Cherry juice and the Mag oil (thanks again for stressing it Rene) Tendons, Muscles definitely feel better after and joints are a little better overall I think too, but its going to take time and I do wonder how much I can really heal my joints and damaged cartilage. I am taking some other things for joints, and I have a couple more to try including making this Mag water which I will do ASAP since its easy and cheap overall.
Tonight I tried the MAG/MSM oil vs just the MAG and noticed it still stung in same areas a little but left less of a residue (less MAG I guess). Hard to tell if any other difference, but for sure these are drying out skin which of course is already dry thanks to Winter (stinging on my hands and fingers likely due to dry skin, but also on my neck skin is not dry and it stings there too). I will make the homemade oil from flakes and try that too soon as well.
I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news here, after posting so many posts with helpful info, but google DNA adducts, and look for Wiki has to say about them (very nasty) 🙁 I found a 10 page study that led me to this, you can google “Long Term Adverse Reactions to Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Treatments from DNA-Adduction pdf” to find the report, it is at the first link that comes up from
This sheds a little more insight to the why and how DNA damage is occurring. I won’t get too much into here, and I know this has been expressed before on this site, but once chemicals attach themselves to the DNA not only is it damaged but it hinders the replication, regeneration and repair process and future cells that do get replicated are also damaged (explaining why some people don’t “heal”).
More research is needed (they say at end of report), and I know I’ll be doing more of my own to try and figure out what else we can do and will report on anything new I find. There is a bunch of “crap” they found in the blood of each person 3 years later, its a complex subject and likely goes too far in depth for a “layman” like me to fully comprehend and then try and come up with useful ways to combat all the issues, but damn it I will try anyway I refuse to just “do nothing”.
I’m sure we all have our least favorite symptom. For me, PN has always been my biggest fear. I don’t get a lot of burning pain. Some but not a lot. But I do get very cold and achy feet. Such an unpleasant sensation. If I’m in the sun it’s not a problem. When I’m on them and moving a lot they’re usually okay. But on weekends when I don’t move as much, that cold ache sets in. Ugh.
I am a teacher and I have to have a TB test this week. I am terrified. I have been reading the potential side effects and I am very concerned that I will have a bad reaction due to my adverse reaction to fluoroquinolones. Phenol is one of the ingredients in the test. A few months ago a teacher posted that she had the test and was fine. I would appreciate any input anyone can offer. I am improving and I can’t imagine having to go through more health issues due to a test.
Hi all fellow floxies, this is a question for the ladies, or maybe the men have had this too. Starting 2 days ago I got a pain in my right breast, right in the middle. This morning I also have it in my left breast, same area, by the nipple. I’ve looked online and yes, there are tendons there. Has anyone else had these symptoms? I also ran across something interesting…it won’t help me, being a vegetarian, but apparently bone broth is just the best thing for tendon rebuilding. Makes sense when you think about it. I have been able to work, limited to a few hours only, and starting later in the day, when the aches have dulled a bit from meds. Thanks for any responses, hang in there everyone.
I had the same pain also. It was a few months into my problems. It started with pain under my arms. My hands swelled also. At that time I was also misdiagnosed with Lupus. This is another side effect I believe tied to antibiotic. Two months later I started to improve. The symptoms travel around our bodies and then stop. I am doing much better now. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Tom Lehrer’s nearly 87 years old. I s’pose you’re all too young to know him.
“If you visit American city,
You will find it very pretty.
Just two things of which you must beware:
Don’t drink the water and don’t breathe the air.
Pollution, pollution,
They got smog and sewage and mud.
Turn on your tap and get hot and cold running crud.
See the halibuts and the sturgeons
Being wiped out by detergents.
Fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly,
But they don’t last long if they try.
Pollution, pollution,
You can use the latest toothpaste,
And then rinse your mouth with industrial waste.
Just go out for a breath of air,
And you’ll be ready for Medicare.
The city streets are really quite a thrill.
If the hoods don’t get you, the monoxide will.
Pollution, pollution,
Wear a gas mask and a veil.
Then you can breathe, long as you don’t inhale.
Lots of things there that you can drink,
But stay away from the kitchen sink.
The breakfast garbage that you throw in to the Bay,
They drink at lunch in San Jose.
So go to the city, see the crazy people there.
Like lambs to the slaughter,
They’re drinking the water
And breathing – cough – the air.”
Hi Rene
Dizziness subsided 🙂
Think I went a bit overboard with it. I’ll go slower. Feel pretty ok now and in fact my head feels a bit better than usual
Thanks 🙂
Is anyone afraid of having another illness and needing a doctor or hospital? Is there a place for us? (“West Side Story”)
Can anyone shed a little HOPE about Joints healing over time?
I am getting very worried about the lasting and long term effects of the damage to collagen, cartlidge, etc. Today my joints were all acting up as bad as the day I stopped taking the poison, which meant every time I got up and walked 10 steps I had about 25 joint cracks, and I am sadly not exaggerating. This along with my almost constant sore lower legs has me worried about the future and scared to exercise (note I am only about 7 weeks out)
I have read a few stories where people who were muffed up fairly bad recovered mostly down the road, but still have to put up with these crazy cracking joints. Is this damage permanent? Has anyone had these joints and then they healed and stopped cracking?
Important (from FQA Toxicity on Facebook):
We Need Your Support – FQ Congressional Hearing Request
1 March 2015 at 02:02
There needs to be a Congressional Hearing regarding the FDA’s failure to properly warn the public of the serious adverse reactions associated with fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
A Congressional Hearing support letter has been written that may easily be copied and pasted into emails. We are asking floxed advocates, family members, friends, co-workers, etc. to email the following Senators and staff (some of whom are members of the Senate Health Committee). Each person will send off eight emails in total. The more people who write in the better!
Read more:
Joints or tendons pop — stop all dairy; stretching; stay warm.
Brain fog — stop all wheat, grains; deep breathing, meditation.
Not perfect, but a great improvement. Remember, a lot of supplements and most homeopathic have lactose; many powdered spices have wheat added to make them pour nicely.
Has anyone had success supplementing with ginger and turmeric? Herb form as well as supplement form?
Hi Rene. I am very sure I posted this already, not sure what happened but I don’t see it anymore so it must not have posted correctly. Just in case you missed this important detail in Sircus article I linked to further up about the Bicarbonates, and how they really augment and help the MAG, I am re-posting it because it looks VERY important. This is from a 3rd party site, pay special attention to the very last part at the bottom that really seems critical and why I will make this water ASAP (finally found clean MoM to use, yayyy):
http://www.greenclays dot com/earthcures/making-magnesium-bicarbonate-water-additive/
Quote” According to noted magnesium author Marc Sircus, bicarbonates are the perfect delivery system to transport magnesium directly into the mitochondria.
To quote Sircus:
“It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated “Unique Water” which, it has been asserted, slowed the aging process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett’s theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease.
Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases…”
“…Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion”
Guys. I have a theory about a possible cure: Cholestyramine, Glutathione Injections and Sauna Detox. Think about it. After sweating excessively/working out, flourine/ antibiotic toxins in our bodies flow in the bloodstream. (This is all hypothetical, This may be completely inaccurate) The theory is that during a sauna detox, after a glutathione injection, the toxins in our bloodstream will bind with the glutathione. As the toxin-glutathione molecules bind, they will leave the body with aid from the Cholestyramine. Maby it’s crazy enough to work? 🙂
Does anyone still draw useful conclusions from the Flox Report? I guess for a while it was the best resource available. In particular, after studying it thoroughly a couple years ago, I focussed on the fact that it specifically advised NOT to take magnesium. It also advised against CoQ10 and even Fish Oils. And so I avoided Mg for the last 2 years. I have now started Mg supplementation, (oral and transdermal) as I believe that my body has to be severely Mg deficient, and if so, unable to have a chance of healing itself. I think the Mg may be making my neuropathy symptoms worse, (hard to tell) but I can’t sit by any longer without trying to restore Mg (particularly as I have really not been improving over the last couple years post-floxing). I’m also taking CoQ10 now against the Flox Report’s advice as I believe it may be helpful in restoring health to the mitochondria. I wonder what happened to the authors of the Flox Report. It would be useful to hear what had happened to the floxies in their study. Seems a waste for them to have done all that work and then not to make it a longitudinal study (albeit with a limited sample size).