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10 years ago
yes brad I would also like to know where all them people are and how they are doing now…
10 years ago
That is interesting Brad, and agree with you and Rich without long term results not sure how reliable that is.
Do you remember what the logic was for avoiding those things in the report?
I have it, but its a damn long report and I have only glanced over it at this point, I also wanted to do my own research. Sorry to hear you have been struggling this long.
10 years ago
ive read the report.. in my early days and its not a good idea haha .. im in month 7 now …….strange how a lot of things in there were happening to me like elbow pain ive never had etc and other things but you have to move on and say its not my story and heal as best you can….
How many here were Floxed by levaquin and how many by cipro?
Vanessa's In pain
10 years ago
Im one week out after taking five or six days of pills. I felt horrible taking them, and ended up the culture of my urge showed no sign of anything! I don’t know how I got this medication when on my med chart it said I had a severe reaction to Avelox? Anyways, please if any of you can help me with this pain on the back of my ankles, and legs. I cannot get comfortable to sleep, and I have two kids to care for. Can any of you help me? Tell me what to do to get this pain under control and out of my legs and ankles and knees? I’m aching like an old lady even on my back especially where my bra strap hits! Help! Email if you can give me any pointers please. My email is Thank you in advance! From a mommy who has kids to care for. Help!
10 years ago
Jason, the same thing happens to me, and I’m 4 months out. Personally for me, jogging is way to risky unless I’m crossing the street or chasing my 5 year old.
Last week I walked for 30 min and my legs were really hurting!! Then yesterday I walked 25 min to the store, walked back 25 min carrying heavy grocery bags. Yesterday minimal pain and today just mild soreness. So there’s no rhyme or reason for this mess. I have horrible days when I think I’m going to have to leave my job, and then I have “good” days where I think healing is underway. I am hopeful though that despite the pain, fear, suffering….no long term damage will be done 🙂
10 years ago
I was floxed in 2013 after taking 2 cipro pills. Jus started feeling somewhat ok but started to break out in hives. Went to derm and got a steroid shot. It stopped the hives and bad itching. Now joints are hurting more and I have burning sensation in thighs. Is there anything that might help?
10 years ago
It’s just so crazy to me the different tollebences and thresholds for this thing. I see people have these horrible reactions after 2 pills then there me. I called my drs office was curious howany times I’ve taken cipro and how long. I tok it on 2008 at least a month if not 2. I took it twice in 2009 for a month each time of not 2. Took it on 2010 for 2 to 4 weeks. Then the capper….this past June/July for 8 1/2 weeks and THEN 1 week Levoquin in sept and finaly cipro again for 6 days on sept. Then my body said holly shit dude…
10 years ago
I want to announce this to the whole world! After 3 years of finger joint pains and discomfort, for the first time today, I was able to crack my knuckles without increased pain or fear of damaging the joints. What a beautiful sound when it crackles under my pressure.
That’s why sometimes, I always try to avoid anti-biotics, it really has an adverse effect with too much intake. A natural way like herbal medicines would really do the work for similar illness.
10 years ago
I think I am floxed and need advice!!
On January 19th, went to Dr. A for cough that would not go away. Also, pulled muscle from coughing. It was from back to underarm to chest (right side) and hurt when coughing. He gave me a cortisone shot and Cefprozil. On 2nd to last dose, broke out in hives from cefprozil. Did not take last one.
On Feb 5th, back to dr and saw Dr B (A was out of the office). Upper respiratory with fever. Had z-pack; no problems.
Feb 21st ~ back to Dr. A for bronchitis. He prescribed levofloxacin (500 mg for 7 days) and methylPredisolone. I did not realize until last week you are not supposed to take the two together because of problems with tendonitis. Took it with no problems except for a day of diarrhea on the 3rd day.
March 2nd ~ Stomach virus that lasted about 14-18 hours (vomiting, diarrhea, and fever). Pretty sure virus.
While on the levofloxacin no problems except the back of left knee was a little sore. After virus, I noticed knees both making popping sounds which they have not done previously. On the March 3rd, a friend in Monroe shared on FB a news clip about the dangers of Levofloxacin and how taking it with cortisones makes it worse. Of course, I had to google it read the horror stories about people needing all kinds of surgeries, not walking, etc.. For the last 5 days, both of my knees (mostly the backs) and upper calves (like I want to get a Charlie horse) have been sore. My wrists a little sore (I have been typing more than usual). Not sure I am being a hypochondriac or just the way I have been sitting or not exercising. Mom says maybe I need magnesium because of virus.
Last night, my knees and calves are still sore; more than earlier in week. Mostly behind knee and upper calve. Every now and then ankle area and top of foot is sore if I stand on it to long. Also right wrist to elbow. Not sure if I am looking to much into this. Like I said earlier reading all these stories on internet is making me stress out and probably making it worse. LOL!! I feel like I am waiting around for a tendon to rupture. Several places on internet said to take magnesium?
I teach and just came home from school. My upper right calf was really in pain and felt like I was going to get a bad charlie horse. I have another appt with Dr A this afternoon. No more of this medicine or steroids for a while.
I have a few questions:
A. Can you get floxin poisoning two weeks after the last does? It seems like a lot of the stories I have read that people have the reaction immediately.
B. What can I take in the meantime? I have read Vanessa’s story below and it sound a lot like me. How many doses of Vit C and Magnesium.
C. Have you downloaded the book mentioned above? plan on buying it this afternoon.
D. Has anyone just had mild floxin problems that did not last too long?
Sorry so long. I feel like I am getting stressed about all this and keep worrying if it will get worse before it gets better.
10 years ago
Thank you everyone for the advice!!! I went to the local vitamin store. They were out of the spray on magnesium; so will order from Amazon. I have vitamin C from GNC. It is only 500 mg. The lady at the vitamin store said we need at least 2000 everyday. will look into buying another kind later.
Kel ~ just seeing your email. Thanks for the recommendations of vitamins. I bought the magnesium complex at the store. The lady said to take two at supper and two at breakfast. I think I will start out with just one to make sure it does not upset my tummy. If ok, then will increase dosage.
We had a beautiful day today. After the rain, the highs were in the 70’s. So took advantage of it and read a book in the sun for about in hour. It seemed to take my mind off of everything.
I have been taking tylenol off and on for the last few days. I did make the mistake of taking an advil on Wed, so that might have increased pain. So, I teach at a high school and climbed the stair on WEd. So maybe this might have hurt legs, too? I am going to try to take it slow this weekend and relax and pray. Hopefully, this will help!!
Thank you so much everyone!!
10 years ago
Here is some addtional information regarding the Magnesium issue regarding dosage and why some feel worse……and the options to supplement:
by Carolyn Dean.
There are five main reasons why you might feel worse after taking magnesium.
1. You’re not taking enough: When people feel worse with magnesium, I believe that the 1,300 enzyme systems that require magnesium just get jump-started and They Want More! (I used to write that magnesium was necessary in 325 enzyme systems but now we’re learning that 80% of the enzyme systems in the body require magnesium, which means 1,300!)
In the above statement, our reader said she couldn’t take more that 200-300 mg. But all 1,300 enzyme systems want a piece of the action once they’re been woken up! And with each enzyme system pumping away they are using up the little magnesium you gave them and, like I said, They Want More!
This doesn’t mean that you’ll have to keep increasing your magnesium ad infinitum! You will reach a saturation point of your magnesium stores and actually be able to decrease your magnesium intake. However, our reader above isn’t going to get anywhere near the amount she needs if she keeps getting the laxative effect on 200-300mg. That’s one of the main reason I decided to promote Pico-Ionic Magnesium. It’s absorbed 100% at the cellular level and has no laxative effect. So you can take as much as you require to eliminate all your magnesium deficiency symptoms.
2. You’re taking too much: You can also feel worse on magnesium if you take too much, too soon. This usually happens if you have fatigue and weakness from magnesium deficiency. Anyone in this category should start very slowly on any new supplement or drug. If you take a high dose of magnesium right from the start it’s like taking muscles that powered a bicycle and expect them to power a jet. Your body might just be so weak that revving up 1,300 enzyme systems all at once makes you feel jangled and even anxious because you don’t know what’s going on. Start with ¼ of the recommended dose of magnesium and work up as your body adapts.
3. You’re on meds and as your health conditions improve, your meds are suddenly becoming “toxic.” That’s because you may not require them anymore! Check with your doctor when you are using magnesium to treat health conditions and want to wean off your meds. For example, magnesium helps lower blood pressure. If you continue to take the same amounts of BP meds, your BP might get too low. This is not a “side effect” of magnesium. It’s a side effect of taking drugs when you don’t need them. Magnesium balances blood pressure. If you have low BP to begin with and are not on meds, start magnesium very slowly because, as I describe in #2, you want your body to slowly adapt to a mineral you may have been deficient in for a long time.
4. You’re taking too much Vitamin D: Here’s what happens. You feel great on your magnesium and then you begin to feel worse after adding a high dose Vitamin D supplement. Magnesium is required to transform Vitamin D from its storage form to its active form. That means if you take the extremely high doses that allopathic doctors are now recommending you can plummet into magnesium deficiency and not know what the heck is happening. In general, I don’t recommend more than1,000-2,000 iu of Vitamin D daily for this reason. And never take Vitamin D without magnesium.
5. You are taking too much calcium and it’s pushing out your magnesium: Read Why I Hate Calcium to understand why the most prescribed mineral is not a piriah because it’s causing heart disease in women.
6. You’re just taking magnesium and becoming dehydrated because you don’t take any other trace minerals. Read The Solution for Dehydration and take 1/8-1/4 tsp of sea salt in every pint of water you drink. How much water per day? Half your body weight in ounces of water. My new ReLyte, mineral and electrolyte formula is the next step in proper mineral balance.
7. Magnesium is getting into your cells and detoxifying chemicals and heavy metals. Sometimes this can feel like a healing reaction. That’s why with a pico-ionic magnesium like ReMag, which is 100% absorbed at the cellular level, I recommend to build up your dosage slowly as the cells detoxify and are finally able to work efficiently.
10 years ago
I’ve Asked this question earlier but didn’t get a response so I apologize for asking again. I now know that it’s not a good idea to get a steroid shot but unfortunately I did and now I’m back hurting all over again including joints. I was floxed in 2013. What can I do or take at this point to get some relief from this pain. Is this something that I can resolve? Any advice would be appreciated.
10 years ago
At first, thank you so much Lisa for the website, it gives hope and good advice. I saw so many awful stories in the internet, that made me more depressed than I’m. So, reading success stories is good for the moral and helps me a lot. THANKS!
Second, sorry for my english, but I’m swiss and I speak french.
I’v been floxed in june 2014 (5 pills of avelox) for a sinusitus that don’t react at an other antibiotic (cefpodoxime). I had steroid with the avelox… no a good things 🙁
I react strongly with cns issues: pannic attack, my heart was racing like crazy, severe insomnia, hearing hallucinations, very bad tinnitus, anxiety, etc. I felt I was dying. I had very mild pain in my tendons, all my joints were popping and a had muscles pain but not to bad. I took mg, vit c, CoQ10 and eat healthiest as I can. I try to mediate and make deep breathing.
Everthings went away except the tinnitus. But in september, after an homeo traitement to try to detox my body my situation as worsen. It calm down (exept the tinnitus) since december when the tinnitus became massive with hyperacusis. Insomnia, pannic attack, heart racing etc returned. The hyperacusis seems to calm down but the tinnitus is a nightmare. Sometings I think that I will jump through my window because it’s so awful.
I’m exausted. Since a few week I’ve trouble with my eyes: floaters and it’s hard to see my computer screen or to read a book. The doc that I said that I didn’t lost my vision. But, I have trouble to see, it’s hard to explain, it’s not double or blurry but strange. At night, I see flashes in my eyes, like if there is electricity in my brain, ans I feel like my brain is “zapping”. I have convultions. It’s so frightening!!! Do you think that my brain is brocken? does anybody has a suggestion to help with my eyes trouble and my brain? I eat bilberries, carrots and take supplement with luthein.
I have also loss of memory and it’s hard to concentrate. It’s like I cannot think like before, like I’m becomming stupid. I’m very very very scared of this, and scared that everythings are getting worse and never recover (my joint are popping so much as well).I’affraid, very affraid of beeing a dummy, having Ahlzeimer, beeing blind and or deaf… or more…
I know that compare to a lot of people, I don’t have so much pain like tendons issue. But I’m scared that the damages to the brain will never recover. Do you think that brain can heal? What can do?
Thank you so much for your answers. I send you a lot of courage from Switzerland!
10 years ago
Tank you so much Daniela! Your french is great!!!
I’m happy that you have recovered from the intellectual trouble, but so sorry for the vertigo 🙁 I hope you will find a solution soon. What about vestibular reeducation, it maybe related with your internal ear?
Did your trouble become worse months after your floxing? (it’s 8 monts now for me) Do you also had trouble with your eyes and your hear? I can’t image living with a tinnitus that get worse en worse, and also with my eyes wich are so strange.
I’l give a try to the millepertuis but I know that millepertuis is photosensistive and the fq are also, so I’m wondering…
I think of taking melatonin to sleep, has somebody good reaction with it?
I stopped eating bread and pasta but a eat a lot of nuts like brazil nut, for the selenium… I’ll try to stop.
10 years ago
Thank you for the answer. I’m so happy that you can sleep pretty normal now, it’s great! I’ve read a lot of your posts and you’re doing well! enjoy the sleep, I think your body’s recover while sleeping. I hope your other symptoms are improving as well.
I definitively buy some melatonin. Do you have a good brand name? I live in Switzerland and we only can have melatonin with prescription and the doctors prefer giving benzo, which I wan’t. So, I have to buy melatonin on internet (hiherbs) and I’m a bit stressed taking buying supplements on internet. So advices for good stuff are greatly appreciated.
One more question, I’ve taken avelox (5pills), which is a 3rd generation of fq, seems to be most effective, more bioresponsive than cipro for example. Does anybody knows if it mean that it’s more toxic or bad to recover? because I’ve seen a lot of success stories with cipro or levaquin but not avelox (or the one I found were almost negative stories…)
And one more “clue” that could maybe help someone. Directly after my floxing, I went to somebody who made reiki and works with magnetism, kind of healer. My most issue was tinnitus but I had insomnia (not so bad like now) and mild pain in my knees and exteme tiredness. He couln’t do anything for the tinnitus but had help me with the others issues, mostly with tiredness. It gave me energy to go ahead and calm me down. I think that he helps my body to repar itself.
I also ussed to breath lavender and camomilla essentiel oil before sleeping. It had help me when the insomnia were not so hard like now.
10 years ago
sophie you sound like me I had still have some eye flashing in month 8 and one ey went blurry for a while and I know the feeling of eyes being off but cant explain… like your trapped in your head eyes only and perhiphal is weird… it got a little better for me and the flashes have died down from how bad they were… like a lightning show… I also had a brain zap
10 years ago
Any advice on natural remedy for possible bladder infection? 🙁 I’m not sure if I have it but afraid to go to the doctor…cipro prescribed to me for bladder/kidney infection 7 months ago is how I got floxed…
yes brad I would also like to know where all them people are and how they are doing now…
That is interesting Brad, and agree with you and Rich without long term results not sure how reliable that is.
Do you remember what the logic was for avoiding those things in the report?
I have it, but its a damn long report and I have only glanced over it at this point, I also wanted to do my own research. Sorry to hear you have been struggling this long.
ive read the report.. in my early days and its not a good idea haha .. im in month 7 now …….strange how a lot of things in there were happening to me like elbow pain ive never had etc and other things but you have to move on and say its not my story and heal as best you can….
What about baking soda???
How many here were Floxed by levaquin and how many by cipro?
Im one week out after taking five or six days of pills. I felt horrible taking them, and ended up the culture of my urge showed no sign of anything! I don’t know how I got this medication when on my med chart it said I had a severe reaction to Avelox? Anyways, please if any of you can help me with this pain on the back of my ankles, and legs. I cannot get comfortable to sleep, and I have two kids to care for. Can any of you help me? Tell me what to do to get this pain under control and out of my legs and ankles and knees? I’m aching like an old lady even on my back especially where my bra strap hits! Help! Email if you can give me any pointers please. My email is Thank you in advance! From a mommy who has kids to care for. Help!
Jason, the same thing happens to me, and I’m 4 months out. Personally for me, jogging is way to risky unless I’m crossing the street or chasing my 5 year old.
Last week I walked for 30 min and my legs were really hurting!! Then yesterday I walked 25 min to the store, walked back 25 min carrying heavy grocery bags. Yesterday minimal pain and today just mild soreness. So there’s no rhyme or reason for this mess. I have horrible days when I think I’m going to have to leave my job, and then I have “good” days where I think healing is underway. I am hopeful though that despite the pain, fear, suffering….no long term damage will be done 🙂
I was floxed in 2013 after taking 2 cipro pills. Jus started feeling somewhat ok but started to break out in hives. Went to derm and got a steroid shot. It stopped the hives and bad itching. Now joints are hurting more and I have burning sensation in thighs. Is there anything that might help?
It’s just so crazy to me the different tollebences and thresholds for this thing. I see people have these horrible reactions after 2 pills then there me. I called my drs office was curious howany times I’ve taken cipro and how long. I tok it on 2008 at least a month if not 2. I took it twice in 2009 for a month each time of not 2. Took it on 2010 for 2 to 4 weeks. Then the capper….this past June/July for 8 1/2 weeks and THEN 1 week Levoquin in sept and finaly cipro again for 6 days on sept. Then my body said holly shit dude…
I want to announce this to the whole world! After 3 years of finger joint pains and discomfort, for the first time today, I was able to crack my knuckles without increased pain or fear of damaging the joints. What a beautiful sound when it crackles under my pressure.
That’s why sometimes, I always try to avoid anti-biotics, it really has an adverse effect with too much intake. A natural way like herbal medicines would really do the work for similar illness.
I think I am floxed and need advice!!
On January 19th, went to Dr. A for cough that would not go away. Also, pulled muscle from coughing. It was from back to underarm to chest (right side) and hurt when coughing. He gave me a cortisone shot and Cefprozil. On 2nd to last dose, broke out in hives from cefprozil. Did not take last one.
On Feb 5th, back to dr and saw Dr B (A was out of the office). Upper respiratory with fever. Had z-pack; no problems.
Feb 21st ~ back to Dr. A for bronchitis. He prescribed levofloxacin (500 mg for 7 days) and methylPredisolone. I did not realize until last week you are not supposed to take the two together because of problems with tendonitis. Took it with no problems except for a day of diarrhea on the 3rd day.
March 2nd ~ Stomach virus that lasted about 14-18 hours (vomiting, diarrhea, and fever). Pretty sure virus.
While on the levofloxacin no problems except the back of left knee was a little sore. After virus, I noticed knees both making popping sounds which they have not done previously. On the March 3rd, a friend in Monroe shared on FB a news clip about the dangers of Levofloxacin and how taking it with cortisones makes it worse. Of course, I had to google it read the horror stories about people needing all kinds of surgeries, not walking, etc.. For the last 5 days, both of my knees (mostly the backs) and upper calves (like I want to get a Charlie horse) have been sore. My wrists a little sore (I have been typing more than usual). Not sure I am being a hypochondriac or just the way I have been sitting or not exercising. Mom says maybe I need magnesium because of virus.
Last night, my knees and calves are still sore; more than earlier in week. Mostly behind knee and upper calve. Every now and then ankle area and top of foot is sore if I stand on it to long. Also right wrist to elbow. Not sure if I am looking to much into this. Like I said earlier reading all these stories on internet is making me stress out and probably making it worse. LOL!! I feel like I am waiting around for a tendon to rupture. Several places on internet said to take magnesium?
I teach and just came home from school. My upper right calf was really in pain and felt like I was going to get a bad charlie horse. I have another appt with Dr A this afternoon. No more of this medicine or steroids for a while.
I have a few questions:
A. Can you get floxin poisoning two weeks after the last does? It seems like a lot of the stories I have read that people have the reaction immediately.
B. What can I take in the meantime? I have read Vanessa’s story below and it sound a lot like me. How many doses of Vit C and Magnesium.
C. Have you downloaded the book mentioned above? plan on buying it this afternoon.
D. Has anyone just had mild floxin problems that did not last too long?
Sorry so long. I feel like I am getting stressed about all this and keep worrying if it will get worse before it gets better.
Thank you everyone for the advice!!! I went to the local vitamin store. They were out of the spray on magnesium; so will order from Amazon. I have vitamin C from GNC. It is only 500 mg. The lady at the vitamin store said we need at least 2000 everyday. will look into buying another kind later.
Kel ~ just seeing your email. Thanks for the recommendations of vitamins. I bought the magnesium complex at the store. The lady said to take two at supper and two at breakfast. I think I will start out with just one to make sure it does not upset my tummy. If ok, then will increase dosage.
We had a beautiful day today. After the rain, the highs were in the 70’s. So took advantage of it and read a book in the sun for about in hour. It seemed to take my mind off of everything.
I have been taking tylenol off and on for the last few days. I did make the mistake of taking an advil on Wed, so that might have increased pain. So, I teach at a high school and climbed the stair on WEd. So maybe this might have hurt legs, too? I am going to try to take it slow this weekend and relax and pray. Hopefully, this will help!!
Thank you so much everyone!!
Here is some addtional information regarding the Magnesium issue regarding dosage and why some feel worse……and the options to supplement:
by Carolyn Dean.
There are five main reasons why you might feel worse after taking magnesium.
1. You’re not taking enough: When people feel worse with magnesium, I believe that the 1,300 enzyme systems that require magnesium just get jump-started and They Want More! (I used to write that magnesium was necessary in 325 enzyme systems but now we’re learning that 80% of the enzyme systems in the body require magnesium, which means 1,300!)
In the above statement, our reader said she couldn’t take more that 200-300 mg. But all 1,300 enzyme systems want a piece of the action once they’re been woken up! And with each enzyme system pumping away they are using up the little magnesium you gave them and, like I said, They Want More!
This doesn’t mean that you’ll have to keep increasing your magnesium ad infinitum! You will reach a saturation point of your magnesium stores and actually be able to decrease your magnesium intake. However, our reader above isn’t going to get anywhere near the amount she needs if she keeps getting the laxative effect on 200-300mg. That’s one of the main reason I decided to promote Pico-Ionic Magnesium. It’s absorbed 100% at the cellular level and has no laxative effect. So you can take as much as you require to eliminate all your magnesium deficiency symptoms.
2. You’re taking too much: You can also feel worse on magnesium if you take too much, too soon. This usually happens if you have fatigue and weakness from magnesium deficiency. Anyone in this category should start very slowly on any new supplement or drug. If you take a high dose of magnesium right from the start it’s like taking muscles that powered a bicycle and expect them to power a jet. Your body might just be so weak that revving up 1,300 enzyme systems all at once makes you feel jangled and even anxious because you don’t know what’s going on. Start with ¼ of the recommended dose of magnesium and work up as your body adapts.
3. You’re on meds and as your health conditions improve, your meds are suddenly becoming “toxic.” That’s because you may not require them anymore! Check with your doctor when you are using magnesium to treat health conditions and want to wean off your meds. For example, magnesium helps lower blood pressure. If you continue to take the same amounts of BP meds, your BP might get too low. This is not a “side effect” of magnesium. It’s a side effect of taking drugs when you don’t need them. Magnesium balances blood pressure. If you have low BP to begin with and are not on meds, start magnesium very slowly because, as I describe in #2, you want your body to slowly adapt to a mineral you may have been deficient in for a long time.
4. You’re taking too much Vitamin D: Here’s what happens. You feel great on your magnesium and then you begin to feel worse after adding a high dose Vitamin D supplement. Magnesium is required to transform Vitamin D from its storage form to its active form. That means if you take the extremely high doses that allopathic doctors are now recommending you can plummet into magnesium deficiency and not know what the heck is happening. In general, I don’t recommend more than1,000-2,000 iu of Vitamin D daily for this reason. And never take Vitamin D without magnesium.
5. You are taking too much calcium and it’s pushing out your magnesium: Read Why I Hate Calcium to understand why the most prescribed mineral is not a piriah because it’s causing heart disease in women.
6. You’re just taking magnesium and becoming dehydrated because you don’t take any other trace minerals. Read The Solution for Dehydration and take 1/8-1/4 tsp of sea salt in every pint of water you drink. How much water per day? Half your body weight in ounces of water. My new ReLyte, mineral and electrolyte formula is the next step in proper mineral balance.
7. Magnesium is getting into your cells and detoxifying chemicals and heavy metals. Sometimes this can feel like a healing reaction. That’s why with a pico-ionic magnesium like ReMag, which is 100% absorbed at the cellular level, I recommend to build up your dosage slowly as the cells detoxify and are finally able to work efficiently.
I’ve Asked this question earlier but didn’t get a response so I apologize for asking again. I now know that it’s not a good idea to get a steroid shot but unfortunately I did and now I’m back hurting all over again including joints. I was floxed in 2013. What can I do or take at this point to get some relief from this pain. Is this something that I can resolve? Any advice would be appreciated.
At first, thank you so much Lisa for the website, it gives hope and good advice. I saw so many awful stories in the internet, that made me more depressed than I’m. So, reading success stories is good for the moral and helps me a lot. THANKS!
Second, sorry for my english, but I’m swiss and I speak french.
I’v been floxed in june 2014 (5 pills of avelox) for a sinusitus that don’t react at an other antibiotic (cefpodoxime). I had steroid with the avelox… no a good things 🙁
I react strongly with cns issues: pannic attack, my heart was racing like crazy, severe insomnia, hearing hallucinations, very bad tinnitus, anxiety, etc. I felt I was dying. I had very mild pain in my tendons, all my joints were popping and a had muscles pain but not to bad. I took mg, vit c, CoQ10 and eat healthiest as I can. I try to mediate and make deep breathing.
Everthings went away except the tinnitus. But in september, after an homeo traitement to try to detox my body my situation as worsen. It calm down (exept the tinnitus) since december when the tinnitus became massive with hyperacusis. Insomnia, pannic attack, heart racing etc returned. The hyperacusis seems to calm down but the tinnitus is a nightmare. Sometings I think that I will jump through my window because it’s so awful.
I’m exausted. Since a few week I’ve trouble with my eyes: floaters and it’s hard to see my computer screen or to read a book. The doc that I said that I didn’t lost my vision. But, I have trouble to see, it’s hard to explain, it’s not double or blurry but strange. At night, I see flashes in my eyes, like if there is electricity in my brain, ans I feel like my brain is “zapping”. I have convultions. It’s so frightening!!! Do you think that my brain is brocken? does anybody has a suggestion to help with my eyes trouble and my brain? I eat bilberries, carrots and take supplement with luthein.
I have also loss of memory and it’s hard to concentrate. It’s like I cannot think like before, like I’m becomming stupid. I’m very very very scared of this, and scared that everythings are getting worse and never recover (my joint are popping so much as well).I’affraid, very affraid of beeing a dummy, having Ahlzeimer, beeing blind and or deaf… or more…
I know that compare to a lot of people, I don’t have so much pain like tendons issue. But I’m scared that the damages to the brain will never recover. Do you think that brain can heal? What can do?
Thank you so much for your answers. I send you a lot of courage from Switzerland!
Tank you so much Daniela! Your french is great!!!
I’m happy that you have recovered from the intellectual trouble, but so sorry for the vertigo 🙁 I hope you will find a solution soon. What about vestibular reeducation, it maybe related with your internal ear?
Did your trouble become worse months after your floxing? (it’s 8 monts now for me) Do you also had trouble with your eyes and your hear? I can’t image living with a tinnitus that get worse en worse, and also with my eyes wich are so strange.
I’l give a try to the millepertuis but I know that millepertuis is photosensistive and the fq are also, so I’m wondering…
I think of taking melatonin to sleep, has somebody good reaction with it?
I stopped eating bread and pasta but a eat a lot of nuts like brazil nut, for the selenium… I’ll try to stop.
Thank you for the answer. I’m so happy that you can sleep pretty normal now, it’s great! I’ve read a lot of your posts and you’re doing well! enjoy the sleep, I think your body’s recover while sleeping. I hope your other symptoms are improving as well.
I definitively buy some melatonin. Do you have a good brand name? I live in Switzerland and we only can have melatonin with prescription and the doctors prefer giving benzo, which I wan’t. So, I have to buy melatonin on internet (hiherbs) and I’m a bit stressed taking buying supplements on internet. So advices for good stuff are greatly appreciated.
One more question, I’ve taken avelox (5pills), which is a 3rd generation of fq, seems to be most effective, more bioresponsive than cipro for example. Does anybody knows if it mean that it’s more toxic or bad to recover? because I’ve seen a lot of success stories with cipro or levaquin but not avelox (or the one I found were almost negative stories…)
And one more “clue” that could maybe help someone. Directly after my floxing, I went to somebody who made reiki and works with magnetism, kind of healer. My most issue was tinnitus but I had insomnia (not so bad like now) and mild pain in my knees and exteme tiredness. He couln’t do anything for the tinnitus but had help me with the others issues, mostly with tiredness. It gave me energy to go ahead and calm me down. I think that he helps my body to repar itself.
I also ussed to breath lavender and camomilla essentiel oil before sleeping. It had help me when the insomnia were not so hard like now.
sophie you sound like me I had still have some eye flashing in month 8 and one ey went blurry for a while and I know the feeling of eyes being off but cant explain… like your trapped in your head eyes only and perhiphal is weird… it got a little better for me and the flashes have died down from how bad they were… like a lightning show… I also had a brain zap
Any advice on natural remedy for possible bladder infection? 🙁 I’m not sure if I have it but afraid to go to the doctor…cipro prescribed to me for bladder/kidney infection 7 months ago is how I got floxed…