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10 years ago
I was floxed too. Frozen shoulder, tendonopathies 3 areas, foot and leg gramps and cyclical numbness, shooting pain down both arms, throbbing in my arms, 2 ganglion cysts, (geographic tongue- unbeluevably cured with Nystatin 1, 100,000 )as prescribed by my toxicologist ENR Dr Dan Dennis on Howell Mill in Atlanta. Also stsrted at Progressive Medicsl Centsr for IV treatments with Glutathione, Magnesium and Myers to detox further. Taking Jigsaw magnesium as well. FYI this category of drug has fluoride added to it so the Antibiotic can cross thd blood brain barrier. When people say it is minimal fluoride to swallow, ask them to give it to their children and or swallow it themselves and risk the complications.
10 years ago
Thanks Destruida, I went to Sprouts and bought something that has both the d mannose and cranberry concentrate. I’m hoping that it will do the trick if I do indeed have some bladder infection issue.
10 years ago
Anyone try intravenous immunoglobulin treatment? I was floxed by levofloxacin 7 wks ago and have had numerous problems including peripheral neuropathy, diagnosed by nerve conduction testing, that this treatment is supposed to help. It is to act as a decoy to attract the antigens attacking my cells to go after the newly introduced ones and stop the damage from occurring. I just finished my first round of treatments and was told it would take 3-6 mos to notice a difference. I have 3 maintenance treatments to go, once a month. I am praying this works as I have been a prisoner in my home for the last few months and cannot take much more. I am extremely active and miss my life. Would love positive input. I am trying different things recommended by fellow floxies, md and what I research. Any and all input is welcomed, thank you
10 years ago
Heather and Destruida, how long do you think I need to give myself before I resort to going to the doctor for antibiotics?? I will have to ask for anything else besides fluoroquinolones though. Thank you.
10 years ago
Hi everbody,
I’have a question about my eyes troubles. To remember (since a few weeks, I have dry eyes (put euphrasya drops to help) and a “weird” vision. I can see, it’s not trouble or double but it’s very hard to read at my computer or to read a book. It’s like someting is “blocked”. Its’ diffult to describe. I’ve pain behind my eyes and eyes floaters and flashes at night.
I went to the ophtalmologist who said that he can see nothing stange except the floaters and he send me to an orthoptist. The ortho said that my eyes tend to not word good together, my muscles are weak (yeah, like all the muscles in my body) and she will learn me some exercices that I have to do everyday to “remuscles” my eyes. Do you think that it can make my muscles worse?
Does anybody has the same trouble (weird vision, like blocked) (I think that Rich has quite the same) and has any improvment. In that case, what help?
I’m struggling with my ears problems since 8 months (no improvment but I try to “do with”) and I’m not sure that I’ve the courage to do with my eyes trouble…
I know that PPI drugs are harmful as our FQS, but did someone used them for some period and saw improvements, achieving to stop with no problems? I suspect more and more that my GI problems are linked to my liver (feeling discomfort in this region and the relapse was caused by alcohol).
10 years ago
how old are you sophie …. my eyesight was pretty crap before this anyway without glasses I have to wear them all the time
10 years ago
I had a blood test done that supposedly measures levels in your white blood cells of various nutrients and antioxidants. The results are interesting. I have 3 glaring deficiencies. Two, B12 and D are not new. I’ve been taking supplements for that a little while now. But, and Renee you’ll love this, magbesium is also low. And, I had been doing 400 mg of mag glycinate a day for a month when I got tested.
There’s other nutrients that aren’t optimal. A bunch. But those 3 are the only deficient ones. Just thought I’d pass that on.
10 years ago
I feel like your original post could have been written by me. We have very similar flox symptoms: severe tinnitus (nothing like waking up in the morning with that annoying ringing that reminds you that you’re floxed), tendons and joints popping, heart racing, vision problems, feeling like you are brain damaged.
I took about 16 days of 1gm per day of Cipro in Jan of 2012 and went over a year with nothing more than severe golfers tendonitis and some shoulder pain and then when I tried p90x about 15 months after Cipro my body exploded and I developed all of these symptoms. It’s crazy. I THINK I have finally come to a place where things aren’t progessively getting worse. They aren’t getting better but maybe the nightmare of things getting worse is over.
I’m sorry you are going through this. It is very frightening. Especially the brain “fog” which feels like my IQ has gone down significantly, and the eye issues. The tinnitis is always there for me and drives me crazy sometimes. I feel like it might have affected my hearing as well. I think it’s possible I have some hearing loss.
The eye issues: photophobia, floaters, extreme dryness and visual disturbance. I’ve had the occassional flashy and ziggie too. The loss of vision is very hard to explain. It’s hard to read anymore and I hate that! I used to love reading. Here is how I would describe it: It’s almost as if you are missing pinpoint visual spots in your immediate peripheral vision. That probably doesn’t make any sense at all to most people but maybe it would to you. For example… if you were to look at the sun and then try to read it would be very difficult and almost impossible. I feel like It’s almost as if you looked at 20 very small suns and then tried to read…. I notice my eyes sort of scanning all over the place trying to pick up the letters that my eyes initially don’t pick up. It’s like they just see parts of the letters but not the whole letters.
This might make you feel better: I was floxed before but didn’t know it. I took Levaquin in 2002 or so and had painful knees and some serious depression and vision problems. I knew something was wrong with my eyes so I went to see an optometrist. They did their tests….. nothing. It was the exact same issues that I am experiencing now but much milder. The good news is that I did recover from that floxing. My eyes got better. This time for me…. who knows? But that should at least give you some hope about your eyes.
I would be careful about what sort of herbals etc you put into your body. I’ve tried a few and I feel like one in particular might have made me worse. PQQ. Maybe it was coincidence but after I took a few of these all my symptoms got worse.
If you drink coffee… stop. This was extremely hard for me. I used to drink 3-5 lattes a day. I went to the ER last year feeling like I was going to die. I would have these episodes where I felt like my heart was bouncing around in my chest. I think I might have been having an arrythmia (FQ’s can cause torsades) or something but they didn’t see anything on the EKG. I stopped coffee completely and my anxiety and heart issues went away. FYI, caffeine is metabolized by the same cytochrome P450 enzyme as cipro. If there is any cipro left in the body…. the caffeine will compete with cipro at this enzyme for its metabolism. I am intolerant to coffee now. I used to be able to drink it right before bed and now if I have the smallest amount I feel like I am going to crawl out of my skin.
From what I personally have read most people recover cognitively years after being floxed.
Hang in there Sophie. I pray for a quick recovery for you.
God bless
10 years ago
I believe I am fighting a bladder infection. I am allergic to most antibiotics. I have been taking d-mannose, probiotic and turmeric. I have some kidney pain but it seems to be improving. Can a kidney infection clear up on its own? I don’t feel I am getting worse but I am concerned that if left untreated it may cause problems. I do have some problems with dizziness. I am allergic to septa, ceftin, tetracycline, augmentin. I have read about an antibiotic monaural. Has anyone tried this? I would appreciate any feedback.
10 years ago
mike did you have any visual episodes like a brain blink..i had a few times…it was like i blinked with eyes open…..i get the periphal thing and has got better in my 8th month….it went bad around month 4 and felt like i was trapped in my head and could only see forward…and one eye went abit blurry …better now
10 years ago
i think the best way someone described it once was that the eyes felt like they were abit to lose power any time..
10 years ago
Hey Rich,
No I never had anything like brain blink. That sounds terrifying. I’ve had some comets and flashing lights cross my vision which freaks me out.
My vision is just not what it used to be. It is really strenuous to read now. I’ve noticed when driving, that I’ve almost pulled out in front of a few cars because I’m missing little spots in my vision. I even look different in the mirror. It’s like I can’t fully see my face. It’s pretty scary…. hoping it gets better over time. I’m thinking about going to an optometrist but I have a funny feeling that everything will appear normal to them and it will be a waste of my time.
10 years ago
Thank you Michael. I will look into it. I did a test strip at home for uti and it tested positive for leukocytes. I just returned from Urgent Care and they said it was not a bladder infection. They are sending out for culture to be sure. I am having pain left rib cage radiates to back with burning. I am glad I am not on an antibiotic but concerned because of dizziness and pain. I will look at the link. Hopefully that is the problem. Thank you for the information.
Speaking of lavender, this is where to find the best oil in the world, in my opinion, and it’s a heavenly place, too, and still using the distillation machinery installed 65 years ago by her grandfather. When you visit, as your climbthe hill, you’re gradually surrounded in the scent and then you emerge from the woods onto the hilltop of flowers – it’s unforgettable.
9 years ago
Only took 4 pills generic Cipro “poison.”500 mg. Needed to take them
for a before surgical procedure so I
don’t get an infection. It’s a new 5 day radiation treatment for breast cancer
called the Savi catheter. It was too big
I had them take it out! My toxicity started on the day after I stopped my
4th pill. My urine looked like apple juice!
I slept for a week, could not eat fr nausea. I did eat one of those days
& threw up. Couldn’t stand the sound of
the TV. My skin turned slightly yellow. I don’t have any pain thankfully. Started
drinking Pedialyte. It really helped! I have more energy & can eat broth soups w/some added celery, garlic &
a few fresh ravioli. Eating ice chips to
stay hydrated & lots of water w/spash
of OJ or cranberry. This “poison drug”
needs to be banned! I’m 65 & beat
breast cancer; however, taking this “poison”was the worst of my days on earth!!! I’d rather give birth to triplets!!!
9 years ago
When I first discovered my floxing, I would read symptoms and think to myself, “ok, at least I don’t have that pain, symptom, or discomfort. However, as time passes (floxed 3 yrs ago) symptoms slowly are appearing. Now it’s my teeth! I wore braces as an adolescent, I don’t drink alcohol, smoke, or even drink coffee(I prefer the occasional in n out burger, Food is my vice!) I’ve noticed my enamel is thining and the tips of my front teeth are beginning to look jagged or eroded, and my gums throb, if that makes sense. I’m wondering if the floxing increased acidity in stomach? Or is it all that mag citrate I’ve been supplementing with? Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. My dentist said she will put some coating to see if that helps and told me to have my stomach checked by my doctor , she, of course, said she had never heard of antibiotics causing damage to teeth.
Anyway, On another note, I’m beginning to realize, I will never be complete physically as I once was, my body is different and altered. I now must learn to adapt and unlearn certain habits to accommodate this change, it’s brutal, my loved ones support me, but it’s hard for them to understand, they think I’m just getting old at 36 yrs of age. I believe this toxicity ages us super fast with cell death and mito dysfunction, it’s brutal, had to get that off my chest, thanks forum.
Foryou and for Daniela – try the Sensodyne website. They have one paste that gradually coats the tooth with a protective layer,but I’ve forgotten the active ingredient – if it’s harmless, Sensodyne might help.
9 years ago
hi, im recovering from flagyl and cipro by detox restoring healthy foods and choosing right supplements for me transfer factor help my immune system now im back to a normal life although some issues but it no longer control my lives i can now do some normal people do .. time healthy foods . detox and foods thats essential to me its my first year since i took 18 pills of flagyl and 10 cipro my period also help me iron .. restore restore goods food i have my kefir and many good foods and transfer factor which has colostrum for immune system shitake mushroom and many more it help a lot.. have speedy recovery for everyone
9 years ago
never take any western medicine i believe trumeric juice help me after that i got boils after finished that i feel better .. do some alternatives support and boost our immune system and educate our natural killer in our body 🙂
I was floxed too. Frozen shoulder, tendonopathies 3 areas, foot and leg gramps and cyclical numbness, shooting pain down both arms, throbbing in my arms, 2 ganglion cysts, (geographic tongue- unbeluevably cured with Nystatin 1, 100,000 )as prescribed by my toxicologist ENR Dr Dan Dennis on Howell Mill in Atlanta. Also stsrted at Progressive Medicsl Centsr for IV treatments with Glutathione, Magnesium and Myers to detox further. Taking Jigsaw magnesium as well. FYI this category of drug has fluoride added to it so the Antibiotic can cross thd blood brain barrier. When people say it is minimal fluoride to swallow, ask them to give it to their children and or swallow it themselves and risk the complications.
Thanks Destruida, I went to Sprouts and bought something that has both the d mannose and cranberry concentrate. I’m hoping that it will do the trick if I do indeed have some bladder infection issue.
Anyone try intravenous immunoglobulin treatment? I was floxed by levofloxacin 7 wks ago and have had numerous problems including peripheral neuropathy, diagnosed by nerve conduction testing, that this treatment is supposed to help. It is to act as a decoy to attract the antigens attacking my cells to go after the newly introduced ones and stop the damage from occurring. I just finished my first round of treatments and was told it would take 3-6 mos to notice a difference. I have 3 maintenance treatments to go, once a month. I am praying this works as I have been a prisoner in my home for the last few months and cannot take much more. I am extremely active and miss my life. Would love positive input. I am trying different things recommended by fellow floxies, md and what I research. Any and all input is welcomed, thank you
Heather and Destruida, how long do you think I need to give myself before I resort to going to the doctor for antibiotics?? I will have to ask for anything else besides fluoroquinolones though. Thank you.
Hi everbody,
I’have a question about my eyes troubles. To remember (since a few weeks, I have dry eyes (put euphrasya drops to help) and a “weird” vision. I can see, it’s not trouble or double but it’s very hard to read at my computer or to read a book. It’s like someting is “blocked”. Its’ diffult to describe. I’ve pain behind my eyes and eyes floaters and flashes at night.
I went to the ophtalmologist who said that he can see nothing stange except the floaters and he send me to an orthoptist. The ortho said that my eyes tend to not word good together, my muscles are weak (yeah, like all the muscles in my body) and she will learn me some exercices that I have to do everyday to “remuscles” my eyes. Do you think that it can make my muscles worse?
Does anybody has the same trouble (weird vision, like blocked) (I think that Rich has quite the same) and has any improvment. In that case, what help?
I’m struggling with my ears problems since 8 months (no improvment but I try to “do with”) and I’m not sure that I’ve the courage to do with my eyes trouble…
I know that PPI drugs are harmful as our FQS, but did someone used them for some period and saw improvements, achieving to stop with no problems? I suspect more and more that my GI problems are linked to my liver (feeling discomfort in this region and the relapse was caused by alcohol).
how old are you sophie …. my eyesight was pretty crap before this anyway without glasses I have to wear them all the time
I had a blood test done that supposedly measures levels in your white blood cells of various nutrients and antioxidants. The results are interesting. I have 3 glaring deficiencies. Two, B12 and D are not new. I’ve been taking supplements for that a little while now. But, and Renee you’ll love this, magbesium is also low. And, I had been doing 400 mg of mag glycinate a day for a month when I got tested.
There’s other nutrients that aren’t optimal. A bunch. But those 3 are the only deficient ones. Just thought I’d pass that on.
I feel like your original post could have been written by me. We have very similar flox symptoms: severe tinnitus (nothing like waking up in the morning with that annoying ringing that reminds you that you’re floxed), tendons and joints popping, heart racing, vision problems, feeling like you are brain damaged.
I took about 16 days of 1gm per day of Cipro in Jan of 2012 and went over a year with nothing more than severe golfers tendonitis and some shoulder pain and then when I tried p90x about 15 months after Cipro my body exploded and I developed all of these symptoms. It’s crazy. I THINK I have finally come to a place where things aren’t progessively getting worse. They aren’t getting better but maybe the nightmare of things getting worse is over.
I’m sorry you are going through this. It is very frightening. Especially the brain “fog” which feels like my IQ has gone down significantly, and the eye issues. The tinnitis is always there for me and drives me crazy sometimes. I feel like it might have affected my hearing as well. I think it’s possible I have some hearing loss.
The eye issues: photophobia, floaters, extreme dryness and visual disturbance. I’ve had the occassional flashy and ziggie too. The loss of vision is very hard to explain. It’s hard to read anymore and I hate that! I used to love reading. Here is how I would describe it: It’s almost as if you are missing pinpoint visual spots in your immediate peripheral vision. That probably doesn’t make any sense at all to most people but maybe it would to you. For example… if you were to look at the sun and then try to read it would be very difficult and almost impossible. I feel like It’s almost as if you looked at 20 very small suns and then tried to read…. I notice my eyes sort of scanning all over the place trying to pick up the letters that my eyes initially don’t pick up. It’s like they just see parts of the letters but not the whole letters.
This might make you feel better: I was floxed before but didn’t know it. I took Levaquin in 2002 or so and had painful knees and some serious depression and vision problems. I knew something was wrong with my eyes so I went to see an optometrist. They did their tests….. nothing. It was the exact same issues that I am experiencing now but much milder. The good news is that I did recover from that floxing. My eyes got better. This time for me…. who knows? But that should at least give you some hope about your eyes.
I would be careful about what sort of herbals etc you put into your body. I’ve tried a few and I feel like one in particular might have made me worse. PQQ. Maybe it was coincidence but after I took a few of these all my symptoms got worse.
If you drink coffee… stop. This was extremely hard for me. I used to drink 3-5 lattes a day. I went to the ER last year feeling like I was going to die. I would have these episodes where I felt like my heart was bouncing around in my chest. I think I might have been having an arrythmia (FQ’s can cause torsades) or something but they didn’t see anything on the EKG. I stopped coffee completely and my anxiety and heart issues went away. FYI, caffeine is metabolized by the same cytochrome P450 enzyme as cipro. If there is any cipro left in the body…. the caffeine will compete with cipro at this enzyme for its metabolism. I am intolerant to coffee now. I used to be able to drink it right before bed and now if I have the smallest amount I feel like I am going to crawl out of my skin.
From what I personally have read most people recover cognitively years after being floxed.
Hang in there Sophie. I pray for a quick recovery for you.
God bless
I believe I am fighting a bladder infection. I am allergic to most antibiotics. I have been taking d-mannose, probiotic and turmeric. I have some kidney pain but it seems to be improving. Can a kidney infection clear up on its own? I don’t feel I am getting worse but I am concerned that if left untreated it may cause problems. I do have some problems with dizziness. I am allergic to septa, ceftin, tetracycline, augmentin. I have read about an antibiotic monaural. Has anyone tried this? I would appreciate any feedback.
mike did you have any visual episodes like a brain blink..i had a few times…it was like i blinked with eyes open…..i get the periphal thing and has got better in my 8th month….it went bad around month 4 and felt like i was trapped in my head and could only see forward…and one eye went abit blurry …better now
i think the best way someone described it once was that the eyes felt like they were abit to lose power any time..
Hey Rich,
No I never had anything like brain blink. That sounds terrifying. I’ve had some comets and flashing lights cross my vision which freaks me out.
My vision is just not what it used to be. It is really strenuous to read now. I’ve noticed when driving, that I’ve almost pulled out in front of a few cars because I’m missing little spots in my vision. I even look different in the mirror. It’s like I can’t fully see my face. It’s pretty scary…. hoping it gets better over time. I’m thinking about going to an optometrist but I have a funny feeling that everything will appear normal to them and it will be a waste of my time.
Thank you Michael. I will look into it. I did a test strip at home for uti and it tested positive for leukocytes. I just returned from Urgent Care and they said it was not a bladder infection. They are sending out for culture to be sure. I am having pain left rib cage radiates to back with burning. I am glad I am not on an antibiotic but concerned because of dizziness and pain. I will look at the link. Hopefully that is the problem. Thank you for the information.
Speaking of lavender, this is where to find the best oil in the world, in my opinion, and it’s a heavenly place, too, and still using the distillation machinery installed 65 years ago by her grandfather. When you visit, as your climbthe hill, you’re gradually surrounded in the scent and then you emerge from the woods onto the hilltop of flowers – it’s unforgettable.
Only took 4 pills generic Cipro “poison.”500 mg. Needed to take them
for a before surgical procedure so I
don’t get an infection. It’s a new 5 day radiation treatment for breast cancer
called the Savi catheter. It was too big
I had them take it out! My toxicity started on the day after I stopped my
4th pill. My urine looked like apple juice!
I slept for a week, could not eat fr nausea. I did eat one of those days
& threw up. Couldn’t stand the sound of
the TV. My skin turned slightly yellow. I don’t have any pain thankfully. Started
drinking Pedialyte. It really helped! I have more energy & can eat broth soups w/some added celery, garlic &
a few fresh ravioli. Eating ice chips to
stay hydrated & lots of water w/spash
of OJ or cranberry. This “poison drug”
needs to be banned! I’m 65 & beat
breast cancer; however, taking this “poison”was the worst of my days on earth!!! I’d rather give birth to triplets!!!
When I first discovered my floxing, I would read symptoms and think to myself, “ok, at least I don’t have that pain, symptom, or discomfort. However, as time passes (floxed 3 yrs ago) symptoms slowly are appearing. Now it’s my teeth! I wore braces as an adolescent, I don’t drink alcohol, smoke, or even drink coffee(I prefer the occasional in n out burger, Food is my vice!) I’ve noticed my enamel is thining and the tips of my front teeth are beginning to look jagged or eroded, and my gums throb, if that makes sense. I’m wondering if the floxing increased acidity in stomach? Or is it all that mag citrate I’ve been supplementing with? Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. My dentist said she will put some coating to see if that helps and told me to have my stomach checked by my doctor , she, of course, said she had never heard of antibiotics causing damage to teeth.
Anyway, On another note, I’m beginning to realize, I will never be complete physically as I once was, my body is different and altered. I now must learn to adapt and unlearn certain habits to accommodate this change, it’s brutal, my loved ones support me, but it’s hard for them to understand, they think I’m just getting old at 36 yrs of age. I believe this toxicity ages us super fast with cell death and mito dysfunction, it’s brutal, had to get that off my chest, thanks forum.
Foryou and for Daniela – try the Sensodyne website. They have one paste that gradually coats the tooth with a protective layer,but I’ve forgotten the active ingredient – if it’s harmless, Sensodyne might help.
hi, im recovering from flagyl and cipro by detox restoring healthy foods and choosing right supplements for me transfer factor help my immune system now im back to a normal life although some issues but it no longer control my lives i can now do some normal people do .. time healthy foods . detox and foods thats essential to me its my first year since i took 18 pills of flagyl and 10 cipro my period also help me iron .. restore restore goods food i have my kefir and many good foods and transfer factor which has colostrum for immune system shitake mushroom and many more it help a lot.. have speedy recovery for everyone
never take any western medicine i believe trumeric juice help me after that i got boils after finished that i feel better .. do some alternatives support and boost our immune system and educate our natural killer in our body 🙂