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9 years ago
Is it possible to get refloxed from keflex??? I only took about 1,000mg….stopped cuz it gave me stomach cramps. I was feeling well on my way to recovery until I took this. All my tendon issues/ pain seemed to have returned w a vengeance: (
9 years ago
Question regarding HCL…so I understand that this will work if you don’t have enough acids in your stomach but what if the problem is too much acid?
9 years ago
Hey Jason,
Yes I get lightheaded upon standing up a lot and barometric pressure does seem to affect things.
The two best remedies for NCS are high salt intake and drinking A LOT of water. I have never passed out fully but I live in a presyncopal state a lot. I have sort of general dizziness, lightheadedness and brain fog.
All of these symptoms are intensified greatly if I am dehydrated. I try to exercise still about 1-2 times a week but in great pain from Cipro. I have to be ultra hydrated and down a salt pill or a handfull of salt with a midodrine 5mg before doing any exercising.
Midodrine is a pressor which raises your BP.
If I can get my joints to heal I can get my NCS condition back in control. I’m getting desperate here.
9 years ago
It’s been 3 1/2 years since Cipro and more things have gotten worse than better over time. Nothing has worked so far for me. I am starting to think of alternative treatments such as glutathione IV, Vitamin C IV, H2o2 IV, and stem cell therapy. Has anyone tried any of these?
9 years ago
Has anyone tried DGL for acid reflux?
9 years ago
Been awhile since I’ve posted, but has anyone had issues of feeling beyond run down, sluggish, no energy? I haven’t had that issue before, now I feel like that everyday, for the lady month or so. It’s really concerning me. It is like everything is sore and tired nonstop.
I’m less than a month from my two year anniversary
9 years ago
Linda and Jason, thank you so much for your responses! I seem to be having mild to moderate symptoms pretty much throughout the day…on empty stomach and awhile after I’ve eaten. Even when I don’t eat protein with my meals. Since they say to take HCL only when you have a protein meal to aid in protein digestion it’s a little confusing for me. I really don’t want to go to my doctor because I know she will just tell me to take the ranitidine or omeprazole. When I used to get acid reflux flare-ups I would take the omeprazole twice a day before meals and once I got better I would discontinue the meds. It’s been well over a year since I last took them but last week I had a really bad flare-up and my first instinct was to take the meds but then since being floxed I’m afraid when it comes to meds. I’m 9 mos out. Thank you both again…
9 years ago
Hi Jen. Yes I am no different than you in that respect symptom-wise, my most common time to have heartburn is always right before bed, which is usually and hopefully at least 3 or better 4 hours after eating. If I am having a “bout” of it, then I will wake up with it, and it can carry on through the day where only actually putting food in there shuts it up.
I’ve taken the HCL on empty stomach before but I guess its not recommended by them as part of a “protocol”. It makes sense, that on a very light meal or empty stomach you really shouldn’t need extra acid but note, really we are now talking about two different things now; treating the underlying issue to help long term with a protocol, vs. just treating a bout of symptoms to alleviate them short term.
When in doubt, always check with our friends at EC with a quick google search:
I agree with you that if you go to your MD, 90% chance he will say take Rx since 9 out of 10 Doctors are just “pill pushers for profit” always treating symptoms. If someone just wants a short term alternative to that, you have 7 pages of people trying natural cures commenting on what has worked best for them at the link above. I think I and others listed a few other things last page too, not sure if I mentioned it but Ginger is reported to work in many forms and I have done this with success before also.
I’ve tried DGL before too, here is a note about it from one website: Quote” The natural solution for ulcers, deglycyrrhizinated licorice root (DGL), can also be an effective acid reflux treatment. The suggested dose of DGL is two tablets, chewed about 20 minutes before meals, three times a day or it can be taken shortly before bedtime if you suffer mostly from nighttime acid reflux. Use only chewable DGLβit must be mixed with saliva in order to be effective.”
9 years ago
I have to get two crowns done. Anyone have procedure done without anesthesia?
9 years ago
Thank you Jason and Rene.
9 years ago
Here is a very interesting link to a short German documentary regarding the Vaccine issue. For those that want to learn more about this subject, and are of mind that these new vaccines that are being marketed to adults and causing equally severe injuries as fluoroquinolones, for everything from Gardasil, and the flu. The science is important, especially when it has not been intercepted and distorted to favor profit for the manufacturers.
As per usual, my suggestion when researching anything, is to ALWAYS follow the history or the subject you are researching back to the source as far as possible, this is where the truth can often be found.
For anyone interested in looking into vaccines I highly recommend getting hold of the book ‘ Dissolving illusions ‘, by Dr Suzanne Humphries / Roman Bystrianyk. This rather unconventional book is a real eye opener, detailing information, facts /figures from long overlooked medical journals / books & many other sources.
Anyone here developed problems with allergies to pets after Cipro? I mean being fine around cats for example prior to Cipro and afterwards not anymore. Just asking out of curiosity. π
Well yes, what exactly contaminated the early vaccines in anyones guess. In respect to Leicester, people who lived there of course saw their friends, relatives, children dropping like flies from smallpox despite being inoculated. despite a high vaccination rate. From the earliest days of vaccination people were opposing the law, as so many children suffered severe health issues & died after the procedure was carried out. I suppose a bit like throwing a stone into a pond creating a ripple of dissent which just gets bigger.
Has anyone here that has confirmed they are hyper-sensitive to MSG (and all hidden sources) after the drug ever had this effect diminish and are no longer “hyper-sensitive”????
I have confirmed my GABAA-receptors are screwed up from these drugs as I am now hyper-sensitive to this bluddy MSG where I was not before. I have done some testing with Whey products and Hydrolyzed products and they now cause my MASSIVE brain fog of ridiculous proportions where before I was using these same products without this ill effect. Definitely not happy about this, products I am using for my joints that work are now no good for me π
Jeepers more research to do on how to possibly deal with this now. Lisa, Rene, Debs, anyone, any knowledge of what can be done other than “avoidance” and have Gaba and L-Theanine constantly on hand to take and for when you inadvertently ingest the stuff? Have studies shown this is permanent damage? I have not looked into this yet
Mary Hop
9 years ago
Ok, I am jumping subjects a bit here but have a question about magnesium. I am taking 600-800 mg magnesium citrate and it really made a difference in many area. Researched more and found MagMind and want to try that since I have CNS symptoms. So….here is my questions. Since it is more absorbable, do I take it alone or do I take the citrate to equal my 600-800 mg? The Mag mind is just 144mg. but from 2000 mg of magtien which I found confusing. Tried googling some info but did not come up with the answer to my question. I thought maybe someone here might know or at least have an educated guess.
9 years ago
Since we are talking about Mag here, I would like to stress again just how easy and cheap it is to make the Magnesium Bicarbonate Water. Its dirt cheap, you can buy a bottle of Milk of Magnesia for $3, just make sure you buy one that has NO additives what-so-ever, the only ingredients should be Magnesium hydroxide and purified Water. Then buy 1 Liter Carbonated Water for $1, again the only ingredient here should be Carbonated Water, nothing else. So we are talking $4 here, and this will make about 10 – 12 Litres of Water, almost enough for a week.
Here is how easy it is to make. Open the bottle of Water and pour out about 1/2 cup (and do whatever with it). Shake MoM and then Measure 3 TBSP and slowly pour it in water. Shake bottle vigorously for 10 – 15 seconds, put it in the fridge. 1 hour later, remove bottle and shake it again for 10 -15 seconds, put back in fridge. DONE! It couldn’t be easier. Bottle should be “sunken in” if the reaction worked properly.
This is now a Magnesium Bicarbonate concentrate, I add about 2/3 of a cup of this to 2 liters of RO Water, and drink water through the day. Note this water is not exactly Mag Bicarbonate but estimated to be very close to it.
Here is WHY you want to make this cheap and easy to make water:
Remember Floxies have damage to their Mitochondria, here as you can see Dr. Sircus is calling this water “The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail”. I don’t know what more needs to be said, that is some extremely high praise, and this is coming from someone who is an expert on Magnesium.
In my unprofessional opinion of course. Please read the article if you are still not convinced, its a great article and sure convinced me to do it, I had to buy the MoM from another country too as Canada is too stupid to have pure MoM on the shelf (Don’t buy the Philips brand it has bleach in it!)
Here are a few quotes from the article, which show you WHY this is critical for Floxie IMO:
“Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely. Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught.” (Me => this is why detoxing this junk is so important)
“Increased oxidative stress, which correlates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, is especially dangerous to the mitochondria, which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress.”
“The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and itβs about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist.”
“Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits. Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water. Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail.”
“Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other β they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria.”
The bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. All the info in the article and quotes I put above are important, but that right there is one powerful statement, I don’t know how accurate it is, but I banked on it and hope you will too. There are many many more technical jargon’s, statements, references etc in the article.
shela Thompson
9 years ago
Hello im new to this site I’ll post my story later due to my weak state im in this morning but im happy that i live to see another day.
The Flox report is NOT the bible for floxing, & as a result it should never to be taken as set in stone. It does however give a very good general outline of ‘ the floxing experience ‘ & as someone who has experienced many floxings I feel it is a very useful resource when it is used in the correct way . This includes the most important part of all which is to make sure before a person reads anything else, they read the introduction FIRST. I cannot state this fact enough, to read the introduction FIRST is SO important .
The introduction to the flox report explains how it should be used, & also exactly how it should be interpreted . Unfortunately. too many people completely ignore & skip the introduction as is often the case with ‘ small print ‘ & then the report can be completely misinterpreted, people can end up terrified & end up thinking they might never get to a place where they might eventually feel recovered, which of course for many, is just NOT the case.
In respect of the sun , yes Jason, The FQs are indeed photo toxic. to both human & animal I unfortunately know that all too well, win I was still unaware of what had happened to me, my beautiful cat Shadow, was permanently blinded by Baytril. enhanced by him going outside. This caused irreversible retinal degeneration, a FQ ADR which is particular to cats.
Is it possible to get refloxed from keflex??? I only took about 1,000mg….stopped cuz it gave me stomach cramps. I was feeling well on my way to recovery until I took this. All my tendon issues/ pain seemed to have returned w a vengeance: (
Question regarding HCL…so I understand that this will work if you don’t have enough acids in your stomach but what if the problem is too much acid?
Hey Jason,
Yes I get lightheaded upon standing up a lot and barometric pressure does seem to affect things.
The two best remedies for NCS are high salt intake and drinking A LOT of water. I have never passed out fully but I live in a presyncopal state a lot. I have sort of general dizziness, lightheadedness and brain fog.
All of these symptoms are intensified greatly if I am dehydrated. I try to exercise still about 1-2 times a week but in great pain from Cipro. I have to be ultra hydrated and down a salt pill or a handfull of salt with a midodrine 5mg before doing any exercising.
Midodrine is a pressor which raises your BP.
If I can get my joints to heal I can get my NCS condition back in control. I’m getting desperate here.
It’s been 3 1/2 years since Cipro and more things have gotten worse than better over time. Nothing has worked so far for me. I am starting to think of alternative treatments such as glutathione IV, Vitamin C IV, H2o2 IV, and stem cell therapy. Has anyone tried any of these?
Has anyone tried DGL for acid reflux?
Been awhile since I’ve posted, but has anyone had issues of feeling beyond run down, sluggish, no energy? I haven’t had that issue before, now I feel like that everyday, for the lady month or so. It’s really concerning me. It is like everything is sore and tired nonstop.
I’m less than a month from my two year anniversary
Linda and Jason, thank you so much for your responses! I seem to be having mild to moderate symptoms pretty much throughout the day…on empty stomach and awhile after I’ve eaten. Even when I don’t eat protein with my meals. Since they say to take HCL only when you have a protein meal to aid in protein digestion it’s a little confusing for me. I really don’t want to go to my doctor because I know she will just tell me to take the ranitidine or omeprazole. When I used to get acid reflux flare-ups I would take the omeprazole twice a day before meals and once I got better I would discontinue the meds. It’s been well over a year since I last took them but last week I had a really bad flare-up and my first instinct was to take the meds but then since being floxed I’m afraid when it comes to meds. I’m 9 mos out. Thank you both again…
Hi Jen. Yes I am no different than you in that respect symptom-wise, my most common time to have heartburn is always right before bed, which is usually and hopefully at least 3 or better 4 hours after eating. If I am having a “bout” of it, then I will wake up with it, and it can carry on through the day where only actually putting food in there shuts it up.
I’ve taken the HCL on empty stomach before but I guess its not recommended by them as part of a “protocol”. It makes sense, that on a very light meal or empty stomach you really shouldn’t need extra acid but note, really we are now talking about two different things now; treating the underlying issue to help long term with a protocol, vs. just treating a bout of symptoms to alleviate them short term.
When in doubt, always check with our friends at EC with a quick google search:
I agree with you that if you go to your MD, 90% chance he will say take Rx since 9 out of 10 Doctors are just “pill pushers for profit” always treating symptoms. If someone just wants a short term alternative to that, you have 7 pages of people trying natural cures commenting on what has worked best for them at the link above. I think I and others listed a few other things last page too, not sure if I mentioned it but Ginger is reported to work in many forms and I have done this with success before also.
I’ve tried DGL before too, here is a note about it from one website: Quote” The natural solution for ulcers, deglycyrrhizinated licorice root (DGL), can also be an effective acid reflux treatment. The suggested dose of DGL is two tablets, chewed about 20 minutes before meals, three times a day or it can be taken shortly before bedtime if you suffer mostly from nighttime acid reflux. Use only chewable DGLβit must be mixed with saliva in order to be effective.”
I have to get two crowns done. Anyone have procedure done without anesthesia?
Thank you Jason and Rene.
Here is a very interesting link to a short German documentary regarding the Vaccine issue. For those that want to learn more about this subject, and are of mind that these new vaccines that are being marketed to adults and causing equally severe injuries as fluoroquinolones, for everything from Gardasil, and the flu. The science is important, especially when it has not been intercepted and distorted to favor profit for the manufacturers.
As per usual, my suggestion when researching anything, is to ALWAYS follow the history or the subject you are researching back to the source as far as possible, this is where the truth can often be found.
For anyone interested in looking into vaccines I highly recommend getting hold of the book ‘ Dissolving illusions ‘, by Dr Suzanne Humphries / Roman Bystrianyk. This rather unconventional book is a real eye opener, detailing information, facts /figures from long overlooked medical journals / books & many other sources.
Anyone here developed problems with allergies to pets after Cipro? I mean being fine around cats for example prior to Cipro and afterwards not anymore. Just asking out of curiosity. π
Well yes, what exactly contaminated the early vaccines in anyones guess. In respect to Leicester, people who lived there of course saw their friends, relatives, children dropping like flies from smallpox despite being inoculated. despite a high vaccination rate. From the earliest days of vaccination people were opposing the law, as so many children suffered severe health issues & died after the procedure was carried out. I suppose a bit like throwing a stone into a pond creating a ripple of dissent which just gets bigger.
Has anyone here that has confirmed they are hyper-sensitive to MSG (and all hidden sources) after the drug ever had this effect diminish and are no longer “hyper-sensitive”????
I have confirmed my GABAA-receptors are screwed up from these drugs as I am now hyper-sensitive to this bluddy MSG where I was not before. I have done some testing with Whey products and Hydrolyzed products and they now cause my MASSIVE brain fog of ridiculous proportions where before I was using these same products without this ill effect. Definitely not happy about this, products I am using for my joints that work are now no good for me π
Jeepers more research to do on how to possibly deal with this now. Lisa, Rene, Debs, anyone, any knowledge of what can be done other than “avoidance” and have Gaba and L-Theanine constantly on hand to take and for when you inadvertently ingest the stuff? Have studies shown this is permanent damage? I have not looked into this yet
Ok, I am jumping subjects a bit here but have a question about magnesium. I am taking 600-800 mg magnesium citrate and it really made a difference in many area. Researched more and found MagMind and want to try that since I have CNS symptoms. So….here is my questions. Since it is more absorbable, do I take it alone or do I take the citrate to equal my 600-800 mg? The Mag mind is just 144mg. but from 2000 mg of magtien which I found confusing. Tried googling some info but did not come up with the answer to my question. I thought maybe someone here might know or at least have an educated guess.
Since we are talking about Mag here, I would like to stress again just how easy and cheap it is to make the Magnesium Bicarbonate Water. Its dirt cheap, you can buy a bottle of Milk of Magnesia for $3, just make sure you buy one that has NO additives what-so-ever, the only ingredients should be Magnesium hydroxide and purified Water. Then buy 1 Liter Carbonated Water for $1, again the only ingredient here should be Carbonated Water, nothing else. So we are talking $4 here, and this will make about 10 – 12 Litres of Water, almost enough for a week.
Here is how easy it is to make. Open the bottle of Water and pour out about 1/2 cup (and do whatever with it). Shake MoM and then Measure 3 TBSP and slowly pour it in water. Shake bottle vigorously for 10 – 15 seconds, put it in the fridge. 1 hour later, remove bottle and shake it again for 10 -15 seconds, put back in fridge. DONE! It couldn’t be easier. Bottle should be “sunken in” if the reaction worked properly.
This is now a Magnesium Bicarbonate concentrate, I add about 2/3 of a cup of this to 2 liters of RO Water, and drink water through the day. Note this water is not exactly Mag Bicarbonate but estimated to be very close to it.
Here is WHY you want to make this cheap and easy to make water:
Remember Floxies have damage to their Mitochondria, here as you can see Dr. Sircus is calling this water “The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail”. I don’t know what more needs to be said, that is some extremely high praise, and this is coming from someone who is an expert on Magnesium.
In my unprofessional opinion of course. Please read the article if you are still not convinced, its a great article and sure convinced me to do it, I had to buy the MoM from another country too as Canada is too stupid to have pure MoM on the shelf (Don’t buy the Philips brand it has bleach in it!)
Here are a few quotes from the article, which show you WHY this is critical for Floxie IMO:
“Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely. Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught.” (Me => this is why detoxing this junk is so important)
“Increased oxidative stress, which correlates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, is especially dangerous to the mitochondria, which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress.”
“The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and itβs about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist.”
“Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits. Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water. Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail.”
“Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other β they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria.”
The bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. All the info in the article and quotes I put above are important, but that right there is one powerful statement, I don’t know how accurate it is, but I banked on it and hope you will too. There are many many more technical jargon’s, statements, references etc in the article.
Hello im new to this site I’ll post my story later due to my weak state im in this morning but im happy that i live to see another day.
The Flox report is NOT the bible for floxing, & as a result it should never to be taken as set in stone. It does however give a very good general outline of ‘ the floxing experience ‘ & as someone who has experienced many floxings I feel it is a very useful resource when it is used in the correct way . This includes the most important part of all which is to make sure before a person reads anything else, they read the introduction FIRST. I cannot state this fact enough, to read the introduction FIRST is SO important .
The introduction to the flox report explains how it should be used, & also exactly how it should be interpreted . Unfortunately. too many people completely ignore & skip the introduction as is often the case with ‘ small print ‘ & then the report can be completely misinterpreted, people can end up terrified & end up thinking they might never get to a place where they might eventually feel recovered, which of course for many, is just NOT the case.
In respect of the sun , yes Jason, The FQs are indeed photo toxic. to both human & animal I unfortunately know that all too well, win I was still unaware of what had happened to me, my beautiful cat Shadow, was permanently blinded by Baytril. enhanced by him going outside. This caused irreversible retinal degeneration, a FQ ADR which is particular to cats.
Here is Shadows story