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9 years ago
So I’m about 10 months out and feeling much much better as far a tendon and muscle pain go. I’m back to running/walking @ the gym and resuming all activities w very minimal pain. My vision seems to be getting more floaters and after images, and just this week I experienced what felt like heart palpitations and lightheadedness. I have no idea if this is related to levaquin, but I have read horror stories that these drugs cause heart damage. Has anyone else experienced heart issues that have improved over time??
Hi everyone, I’ve come back to this group in search of some hope! Been bed bound now for 2 1/2 years. It’s 2 years since my last FQ. I’ve been trying many of the treatments which others have found helpful, but am still deteriorating, and I can’t see how it’s ever going to stop. I really don’t know if there is any hope for me. Things that help other people seem to make me worse. I’ve pretty much bankrupted us trying alternative treatments. Me being like this has had an adverse effect on the health and happiness of my husband and kids too. If anyone has ever heard of someone who has been floxed as severely as me and then recovered, I could really do with hearing about it please, before I give up completely.
9 years ago
Hi all. The Funeral Director’s of America (FDA) are going to finally make changes to the food labels. There are a couple changes for the positive believe it or not. They are allowing public input until Oct this year, you just have to write a short message and submit it and don’t even have to provide contact info:
I sent them a somewhat snarky message as you can see below, I might have missed some things I am sure, hopefully you can catch them and add them to your message. Feel free to copy and paste some of this into your message if you like:
Hello there. First of all, thank you for some of the positive changes to the food labels going forward, things like serving sizes and “added sugar” being denoted are important changes that provide more accuracy, and more honesty.
On that note, can we PLEASE in the name of God and anything and everything else Holy and sacred, get rid of this “Natural Flavours” pharse in place of the what is REALLY going into the food?
“Natural Flavors” is the biggest load of BS, and more and more people know it. Its an umbrella for GARBAGE, and should have been outlawed decades ago, we need to know EXACTLY what is in the food we buy and eat, and that should be our right as a consumer. Yet that right is abused allowing companies to “hide” things in food from the people buying it, and it’s nothing short of criminal, and YOU allow it!! STOP IT! Thank you
More needed changes not proposed:
GMO foods need to clearly indicate, they ARE GMO! PERIOD! Honesty again, if we are going to buy food with cancer causing pesticides and other garbage that you have allowed to be possible in it, people need to know that without a doubt. This is now one of the biggest crimes against Humanity in the last 100 years all made possible thanks to your relaxed rules, congratulations. On that note, can we stop having Industry waste dumped into the water supply? Good grief
“17 percent of these sizes no longer fit with American eating”? That is a joke sorry, its more like 77%
Sugar needs to have a RDV attached to it just like everything else. Not rocket science, get it on there
Country of Origin needs to be indicated, where it is packaged is really secondary here and you know that
Many more examples of this as I know you know damn well, but at least fix those critical ones, and just maybe the public will come close to knowing what they are actually spending money for, and putting inside their bodies. (poison, in the case of GMO’s and Hydrofluoric Acid aka “Fluoride”)
Thank you
9 years ago
I am scheduled for an MRI with contrast tomorrow for something unrelated to my floxing. has anyone had a bad reaction to the substance they inject into you for the contrast. I have been on the mend, but have had some bad days here and there and certainly don’t want anything to set me back. Any thoughts would be appreciated as always.
9 years ago
Hi all,
Re contrast , I would be wary, personally I avoid it like the plague unless absolutely necessary. Contrast of any type is very often NOT needed as often as they like to tell us it is, they can very often get a clear enough picture without it, so in my opinion please make sure that contrast is absolutely necessary for the reason you need the scan .
There is one form of contrast , Gadolinium, I would not agree to have under any circumstance myself, ( see link ) even if I did not have kidney damage, this is in fact now being investigated by the federal death agency ( FDA ). I will say we have had various people pop up over time mentioning being damaged by contrast in the various groups, but also we have others who do not seem to have ( at least any noticeable) problems with it. In my opinion as usual it is something people need to get their OWN ( full as possible ) informed consent on by researching it in depth in order to weigh up the risk vs benefits in order to make an informed decision.
One thing I will say here is that here ( in the UK ) I have been reliably informed by medical professionals more than once, that if you are ever in a situation where you are unable to advocate for yourself & the decision is made that you DO need contrast for a scan, then they will go ahead & give it to you anyway UNLESS this is listed as a drug allergy in your medical records, so if anyone in the UK is not wanting a form of contrast under any circumstance, I would strongly suggest getting it added to the ( getting longer by the day ) list of drug allergies we tend to have.
Thanks for this website. I’m also recovering from Cipro poisoning. On the 20th March this year I went to a urologist, having some discomfort that felt like a UTI but without any serious symptoms. This is an inconvience I could have lived with, I just wanted to get an opinion from an expert if nothing was serious.
She examined me and screened me, could not find anything wrong. I was told that I had an inflammation. She prescribed 1000 mg Cipro single pull a day. That same night I took the pill and immediately had an extreme flu like reaction. I informed her the the next day, she said that reaction is not coming from Cipro. To cut the story short I did not any additional pill. A month later, my salivary glands stated misbehaving, also, started to get swelling lymph node behind my right jaw intermittently. On the second month I started to have sore muscles, needle pains, peripheral nerve pains. That’s when I noticed I have poisoned by s single dose of 1000mg Cipro. These symptoms come and go, sometimes I can’t sleep.
I have had great improvement recently. I take Multivitamin, Mg, and L glutathione. I must say my recovery had been significant. There is hope. Also, exercising is helping a lot. There is Hope…
9 years ago
Rene, I developed gastro issues immediately after cipro. All of a sudden I could no longer eat grains, not even rice, but I didn’t realise this for a few years. I have been getting a lot better since I switched to a mostly vegetable diet. In fact, I need to eat a lot of greens every day. I had a terrible setback a month ago with chia seeds, which swell up and create a thick gel, but I am finally getting over it. Horrible fad food!
Working on the gastro seems to be the key to my recovery.
9 years ago
Rene- When you say you can’t tolerate grains or dairy, do you have an immediate gastro reaction? I ask because I don’t seem to react to those foods, but maybe I do in more subtle ways.
9 years ago
Grapefruit is perhaps the most interesting anti-urinary infection agent we have yet stumbled upon in our research. A remarkable case study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary medicine in 2005 titled, “The effectiveness of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) seeds in treating urinary tract infections,” found that the seeds of the grapefruit were highly effective in killing antibiotic-resistant UTIs:
Three middle-aged males and one female were diagnosed as having urinary tract infections (UTIs) between 2001 and 2003 in the Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesa, a unit of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. Of the 4 patients, only the female was asymptomatic. The 3 males had Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella species, and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively, in their urine samples, while the female had Escherichia coli. All 4 patients were treated with grapefruit seeds (Citrus paradisi) orally for 2 weeks and they all responded satisfactorily to the treatment except the man with P. aeruginosa isolate. However, the initial profuse growth of Pseudomonas isolate in the patient that was resistant to gentamicin, tarivid, and augmentin later subsided to mild growth with reversal of the antibiotic resistance pattern after 2 weeks’ treatment with grapefruit seeds. These preliminary data thus suggest an antibacterial characteristic of dried or fresh grapefruit seeds (C. paradisi) when taken at a dosage of 5 to 6 seeds every 8 hours, that is comparable to that of proven antibacterial drugs.”
9 years ago
Potential AID for Folks w/ Mitochondrial Issues, Oxidative stress and lower antioxidant capacity, Depressed glutathione synthesis, oxidative phosphorylation, increased lipid peroxidation, and neuro inflammmation.”
A groundbreaking study published in 2014 in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA titled, “Sulforaphane treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD),” found that a broccoli sprout extract significantly improved the behavior of boys and men with ASD. The researchers pointed out that, presently, no conventional, mechanism-based treatment is available for ASD. Sulforaphane was selected, in part, because its physiological effects are well characterized and ideal for those with ASD:
Dietary sulforaphane, of recognized low toxicity, was selected for its capacity to reverse abnormalities that have been associated with ASD, including oxidative stress and lower antioxidant capacity, depressed glutathione synthesis, reduced mitochondrial function and oxidative phosphorylation, increased lipid peroxidation, and neuroinflammmation.”
The placebo-controlled, randomized pilot study of 44 males, ages 13-27, showed that after 18 weeks of treatment with a sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extract, 46% had significant improvements in social interactions and 42% has significant improvements in verbal communication.
Additionally, more than half the participants showed decreases in abnormal behaviors, including irritability, hyperactivity and repetitive movements. Of note, once treatment stopped, most of the behaviors returned to pre treatment levels. For more details on the study, read a Medscape report on the study, including an interview with the study’s lead researcher.
The dosing schedule was determined by body weight:
100 lbs or less: one capsule containing 50 µmol (232 mg) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
101–199 lbs, 100 µmol (two capsules of 232 mg each) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
More than 200 lbs: 150 µmol (three capsules of 232 mg each) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
9 years ago
According to a recent article, you can now avoid getting a biopsy to diagnose Celiac disease. “A combination of four tests (IgA anti-dpgli, IgG anti-dpgli, IgA anti- tissue transglutaminase, and IgA anti-endomysium) yielded positive and negative predictive values of 99% and 100%…”- (see link “Intestinal Biopsy is not Always Required to Diagnose Celiac Disease”)
Unfortunately, there are currently no laboratory tests available to determine if you have gluten-sensitivity. Gluten-sensitivity is best discovered by completing an Elimination Diet for a minimum of 28 days and then adding gluten-containing foods back in to see if you have a negative response.
9 years ago
I guess diet reactions are unique for everyone. In my case I have noticed that on the days that I take too much coffee, all my peripheral nerve discomfort come back, under armpits, in my lymph nodes behind my ears etc.. Apparently the caffeine strips off the Mg in the body according to one article I read.
This has really changed my life and I regret the day I took this single 1000mg Cipro ( devil pill).
9 years ago
I feel your pain Andile, as if being floxed isn’t bad enough, it can take away your ability to tolerate coffee too. I used to be a coffee freak. I used to drink about 4-12 shots a day. Now I’m lucky if I can drink a shot or two a week.
9 years ago
Did anyone notice a lot of healing and improvement after their mercury feelings were removed? Did it improve symptoms from peripheral neuropathy?
9 years ago
Rene I actually removed the last 4 mercury fillings I had this summer. I did go to a holistic dentist. I have seen some improvements to my health but I was curious to see if anyone had removed them also and had seen much recovery. Its been 9 weeks since I had them removed and I did it all with no anesthesia. All of my mouth was ozonated. I think these fillings were keeping me from healing further from the levaquin toxicity which I last took 4.5 years ago.
9 years ago
Hi there Daniela! I live in San Antonio and my ND sent me with a biological dentist-Dr. Daggat. He is super nice and a very good holistic dentist. He also give ozone therapy via the ears and vitamin c ivs. He was nervous to not use anesthesia but I did fine. I made history. They are super nice in his office. Everything they use is organic and they are 99.9% fluoride free.
9 years ago
BTW about chia, I ate one cup soaked in one cup water — it did not say on the packaging that chia seeds expand 27 times their volume ! After one month, I still feel the effects . I hope it passes soon, literally.
So I’m about 10 months out and feeling much much better as far a tendon and muscle pain go. I’m back to running/walking @ the gym and resuming all activities w very minimal pain. My vision seems to be getting more floaters and after images, and just this week I experienced what felt like heart palpitations and lightheadedness. I have no idea if this is related to levaquin, but I have read horror stories that these drugs cause heart damage. Has anyone else experienced heart issues that have improved over time??
Hi everyone, I’ve come back to this group in search of some hope! Been bed bound now for 2 1/2 years. It’s 2 years since my last FQ. I’ve been trying many of the treatments which others have found helpful, but am still deteriorating, and I can’t see how it’s ever going to stop. I really don’t know if there is any hope for me. Things that help other people seem to make me worse. I’ve pretty much bankrupted us trying alternative treatments. Me being like this has had an adverse effect on the health and happiness of my husband and kids too. If anyone has ever heard of someone who has been floxed as severely as me and then recovered, I could really do with hearing about it please, before I give up completely.
Hi all. The Funeral Director’s of America (FDA) are going to finally make changes to the food labels. There are a couple changes for the positive believe it or not. They are allowing public input until Oct this year, you just have to write a short message and submit it and don’t even have to provide contact info:
Here is the article where I found out about this:
Here is the link contained in the article where you actually submit your feedback:!submitComment;D=FDA-2012-N-1210-0537
I sent them a somewhat snarky message as you can see below, I might have missed some things I am sure, hopefully you can catch them and add them to your message. Feel free to copy and paste some of this into your message if you like:
Hello there. First of all, thank you for some of the positive changes to the food labels going forward, things like serving sizes and “added sugar” being denoted are important changes that provide more accuracy, and more honesty.
On that note, can we PLEASE in the name of God and anything and everything else Holy and sacred, get rid of this “Natural Flavours” pharse in place of the what is REALLY going into the food?
“Natural Flavors” is the biggest load of BS, and more and more people know it. Its an umbrella for GARBAGE, and should have been outlawed decades ago, we need to know EXACTLY what is in the food we buy and eat, and that should be our right as a consumer. Yet that right is abused allowing companies to “hide” things in food from the people buying it, and it’s nothing short of criminal, and YOU allow it!! STOP IT! Thank you
More needed changes not proposed:
GMO foods need to clearly indicate, they ARE GMO! PERIOD! Honesty again, if we are going to buy food with cancer causing pesticides and other garbage that you have allowed to be possible in it, people need to know that without a doubt. This is now one of the biggest crimes against Humanity in the last 100 years all made possible thanks to your relaxed rules, congratulations. On that note, can we stop having Industry waste dumped into the water supply? Good grief
“17 percent of these sizes no longer fit with American eating”? That is a joke sorry, its more like 77%
Sugar needs to have a RDV attached to it just like everything else. Not rocket science, get it on there
Country of Origin needs to be indicated, where it is packaged is really secondary here and you know that
Many more examples of this as I know you know damn well, but at least fix those critical ones, and just maybe the public will come close to knowing what they are actually spending money for, and putting inside their bodies. (poison, in the case of GMO’s and Hydrofluoric Acid aka “Fluoride”)
Thank you
I am scheduled for an MRI with contrast tomorrow for something unrelated to my floxing. has anyone had a bad reaction to the substance they inject into you for the contrast. I have been on the mend, but have had some bad days here and there and certainly don’t want anything to set me back. Any thoughts would be appreciated as always.
Hi all,
Re contrast , I would be wary, personally I avoid it like the plague unless absolutely necessary. Contrast of any type is very often NOT needed as often as they like to tell us it is, they can very often get a clear enough picture without it, so in my opinion please make sure that contrast is absolutely necessary for the reason you need the scan .
There is one form of contrast , Gadolinium, I would not agree to have under any circumstance myself, ( see link ) even if I did not have kidney damage, this is in fact now being investigated by the federal death agency ( FDA ). I will say we have had various people pop up over time mentioning being damaged by contrast in the various groups, but also we have others who do not seem to have ( at least any noticeable) problems with it. In my opinion as usual it is something people need to get their OWN ( full as possible ) informed consent on by researching it in depth in order to weigh up the risk vs benefits in order to make an informed decision.
One thing I will say here is that here ( in the UK ) I have been reliably informed by medical professionals more than once, that if you are ever in a situation where you are unable to advocate for yourself & the decision is made that you DO need contrast for a scan, then they will go ahead & give it to you anyway UNLESS this is listed as a drug allergy in your medical records, so if anyone in the UK is not wanting a form of contrast under any circumstance, I would strongly suggest getting it added to the ( getting longer by the day ) list of drug allergies we tend to have.
This is imo quite a good link in respect to various forms of contrast /scan info
This was on my Facebook feed and I want to post because someone had asked about taking tylenol for pain. This has a chart of meds to avoid with mitochondrial problems, which FLQs pose.
Thanks for this website. I’m also recovering from Cipro poisoning. On the 20th March this year I went to a urologist, having some discomfort that felt like a UTI but without any serious symptoms. This is an inconvience I could have lived with, I just wanted to get an opinion from an expert if nothing was serious.
She examined me and screened me, could not find anything wrong. I was told that I had an inflammation. She prescribed 1000 mg Cipro single pull a day. That same night I took the pill and immediately had an extreme flu like reaction. I informed her the the next day, she said that reaction is not coming from Cipro. To cut the story short I did not any additional pill. A month later, my salivary glands stated misbehaving, also, started to get swelling lymph node behind my right jaw intermittently. On the second month I started to have sore muscles, needle pains, peripheral nerve pains. That’s when I noticed I have poisoned by s single dose of 1000mg Cipro. These symptoms come and go, sometimes I can’t sleep.
I have had great improvement recently. I take Multivitamin, Mg, and L glutathione. I must say my recovery had been significant. There is hope. Also, exercising is helping a lot. There is Hope…
Rene, I developed gastro issues immediately after cipro. All of a sudden I could no longer eat grains, not even rice, but I didn’t realise this for a few years. I have been getting a lot better since I switched to a mostly vegetable diet. In fact, I need to eat a lot of greens every day. I had a terrible setback a month ago with chia seeds, which swell up and create a thick gel, but I am finally getting over it. Horrible fad food!
Working on the gastro seems to be the key to my recovery.
Rene- When you say you can’t tolerate grains or dairy, do you have an immediate gastro reaction? I ask because I don’t seem to react to those foods, but maybe I do in more subtle ways.
Grapefruit is perhaps the most interesting anti-urinary infection agent we have yet stumbled upon in our research. A remarkable case study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary medicine in 2005 titled, “The effectiveness of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) seeds in treating urinary tract infections,” found that the seeds of the grapefruit were highly effective in killing antibiotic-resistant UTIs:
Three middle-aged males and one female were diagnosed as having urinary tract infections (UTIs) between 2001 and 2003 in the Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesa, a unit of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. Of the 4 patients, only the female was asymptomatic. The 3 males had Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella species, and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively, in their urine samples, while the female had Escherichia coli. All 4 patients were treated with grapefruit seeds (Citrus paradisi) orally for 2 weeks and they all responded satisfactorily to the treatment except the man with P. aeruginosa isolate. However, the initial profuse growth of Pseudomonas isolate in the patient that was resistant to gentamicin, tarivid, and augmentin later subsided to mild growth with reversal of the antibiotic resistance pattern after 2 weeks’ treatment with grapefruit seeds. These preliminary data thus suggest an antibacterial characteristic of dried or fresh grapefruit seeds (C. paradisi) when taken at a dosage of 5 to 6 seeds every 8 hours, that is comparable to that of proven antibacterial drugs.”
Potential AID for Folks w/ Mitochondrial Issues, Oxidative stress and lower antioxidant capacity, Depressed glutathione synthesis, oxidative phosphorylation, increased lipid peroxidation, and neuro inflammmation.”
A groundbreaking study published in 2014 in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA titled, “Sulforaphane treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD),” found that a broccoli sprout extract significantly improved the behavior of boys and men with ASD. The researchers pointed out that, presently, no conventional, mechanism-based treatment is available for ASD. Sulforaphane was selected, in part, because its physiological effects are well characterized and ideal for those with ASD:
Dietary sulforaphane, of recognized low toxicity, was selected for its capacity to reverse abnormalities that have been associated with ASD, including oxidative stress and lower antioxidant capacity, depressed glutathione synthesis, reduced mitochondrial function and oxidative phosphorylation, increased lipid peroxidation, and neuroinflammmation.”
The placebo-controlled, randomized pilot study of 44 males, ages 13-27, showed that after 18 weeks of treatment with a sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extract, 46% had significant improvements in social interactions and 42% has significant improvements in verbal communication.
Additionally, more than half the participants showed decreases in abnormal behaviors, including irritability, hyperactivity and repetitive movements. Of note, once treatment stopped, most of the behaviors returned to pre treatment levels. For more details on the study, read a Medscape report on the study, including an interview with the study’s lead researcher.
The dosing schedule was determined by body weight:
100 lbs or less: one capsule containing 50 µmol (232 mg) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
101–199 lbs, 100 µmol (two capsules of 232 mg each) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
More than 200 lbs: 150 µmol (three capsules of 232 mg each) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
According to a recent article, you can now avoid getting a biopsy to diagnose Celiac disease. “A combination of four tests (IgA anti-dpgli, IgG anti-dpgli, IgA anti- tissue transglutaminase, and IgA anti-endomysium) yielded positive and negative predictive values of 99% and 100%…”- (see link “Intestinal Biopsy is not Always Required to Diagnose Celiac Disease”)
Unfortunately, there are currently no laboratory tests available to determine if you have gluten-sensitivity. Gluten-sensitivity is best discovered by completing an Elimination Diet for a minimum of 28 days and then adding gluten-containing foods back in to see if you have a negative response.
I guess diet reactions are unique for everyone. In my case I have noticed that on the days that I take too much coffee, all my peripheral nerve discomfort come back, under armpits, in my lymph nodes behind my ears etc.. Apparently the caffeine strips off the Mg in the body according to one article I read.
This has really changed my life and I regret the day I took this single 1000mg Cipro ( devil pill).
I feel your pain Andile, as if being floxed isn’t bad enough, it can take away your ability to tolerate coffee too. I used to be a coffee freak. I used to drink about 4-12 shots a day. Now I’m lucky if I can drink a shot or two a week.
Did anyone notice a lot of healing and improvement after their mercury feelings were removed? Did it improve symptoms from peripheral neuropathy?
Rene I actually removed the last 4 mercury fillings I had this summer. I did go to a holistic dentist. I have seen some improvements to my health but I was curious to see if anyone had removed them also and had seen much recovery. Its been 9 weeks since I had them removed and I did it all with no anesthesia. All of my mouth was ozonated. I think these fillings were keeping me from healing further from the levaquin toxicity which I last took 4.5 years ago.
Hi there Daniela! I live in San Antonio and my ND sent me with a biological dentist-Dr. Daggat. He is super nice and a very good holistic dentist. He also give ozone therapy via the ears and vitamin c ivs. He was nervous to not use anesthesia but I did fine. I made history. They are super nice in his office. Everything they use is organic and they are 99.9% fluoride free.
BTW about chia, I ate one cup soaked in one cup water — it did not say on the packaging that chia seeds expand 27 times their volume ! After one month, I still feel the effects . I hope it passes soon, literally.