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9 years ago
Hey guys,
I’m having my first cycle of symptoms again. It’s been a little over two months since my last Cirpo pill. I started off having bad leg pain, anxiety, GI issues, the works. I’ve actually been GREAT these past couple of weeks with no symptoms at all. Now for the past two or three days I’ve been feeling weakness in my knees again and some stomach issues as well. I stopped supplementing heavily like I was in the beginning. I thought I was in the clear but I guess not :(. Back to Mag spray and epsom salt baths.
9 years ago
Hey All,
I just talked to one of the doctors that Rene so kindly recommended to me. He looked over my case and has decided that he can help me. He even cleared an appointment for me for tomorrow. It brought tears to my eyes. I don’t want to get too excited because my boyfriend says until they help me they are all suspect. Lol he is very protective of me. I am pretty weak and the dizzy spells are getting out of hand. I am going to try for a walk out side later. I just feel like the room is spinning. Hopefully the doctor will help me tomorrow. Thank you so much Rene for your help.
Hey, everybody, for those in the eastern upstate NY area, I just saw a naturopathic dr. who is familiar with cipro poisoning and has dealt with patients. Her name is Joanne Halloran, and she has a website with her office info etc. on it. just FYI… 🙂
9 years ago
Stephanie, that’s great news! 🙂 I wish you continued healing!
9 years ago
Well, I have now received TWO phone calls, several weeks apart, from a suicide prevention hotline, alerted after messages I sent to the White House re FLQ toxicity. I think they just look for key words and then “farm them out” to different people. But I took full advantage of it. I told her I was not currently suicidal, but it was included because it is a side effect, and I then went on to talk about all the side effects, damage to central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, damage to DNA, mitochondria, bone, collagen, etc etc, the fact that it’s an adjunct chemo drug and has no business being used for simple infections. I told her the stats from the freedom of information act and how they probably represent only 1% of actual numbers. I told her the FDA an the mfrs have known for DECADES and every day that nothing is done more people are needlessly injured. I told her everything I could think of to say and then I made a request. I said “thank you for your concern, but I didn’t write because I was feeling suicidal. I wrote because this has been going on for decades and it has to stop. Hundreds of thousands have been injured or died, and with every passing day there are more new victims. Someone from the White House reached out to you to tell you to call me. I want you to reach back to that person and pass along everything I have said. Just tell them to google FLQ or cipro toxicity. This has to stop. The FDA is doing nothing. Hundredred of thousands of us are screaming, only no one can hear us. Please pass this along.” Then we hung up. I hope she does pass it along.
9 years ago
Linda, that is shocking they called you! But I love the way you are UNFAZED and just used it as an opportunity to inform !
Good news! After 5 long years I am doing headstands and yoga, the supposedly uncurable joint pain is mosty gone, little tinnitus, whatever tore in my shoulder is almost completely healed. My stomach is coming along nicely with SCD ( just made 24 hour yoghurt last night, going to test today if fully fermented dairy doesn,t provoke pain ). I can really feel the difference when I don’t eat right. Insomnia came back recently as well as vertigo, but going through some homeopathic remedies and meditating is helping.
If the antibiotics did not mess up your digestion, my impression is that you are probably going to get better faster. But if they did, do not despair, it might be a long time to rebuild your system, but it is possible. You can like green vegetables and you don’t need bread and pasta in your life if they are triggers for you.
I feel like I am starting to live again. I have ideas. I want to go places. I still have problems but I am not overwhelmed by them. I am looking forward to the rest of my life.
Give yourselves a big hug and take care, everyone 🙂
Does anybody know how long relapses typically last?? I’m approaching my 3rd week into relapseand everyday is a little worse than before!!: ( after about 3.5 months of 85% recovery it is really hard to come back into this painful state. At least I hope this is a relapse, and not me just getting worse and worse:/
9 years ago
Update on yogurt: backfired on me in terms of pain, great for digestion ! So in my case, I am undeniably sensitive to dairy in terms of cracking popping and pain, but my stomach loved it.
The SCD Diet insists that yoghurt have a 24 hour incubation, which I was not able to confirm because the container I made it in was cold when I got to it in the morning. I don,t know at what point overnight it had cooled off so that may have something to do with it.
Now that I have all this delicious organic yogurt, I know I am probably going to eat it. There are other theorists who have the three day rule for food allergies: supposedly you can clear a food by not having it for 2-3 days.
I am disappointed as I only had 1/4 – 1/2 a cup yesterday, although I did taste some from the starter the day before. It’s a setback but I’ve had those along the way and not going to let this defeat me. If anything, it’s a very clear confirmation of my dairy sensitivity in terms of pain.
Still have the beet kvas brewing for probiotics. I also used a bit of whey to start it off, so if that is also a problem, I know I have the option of going back to sauerkraut made with salt. In fact, I should go out and get some cabbage and start one right away as a backup..
I planned a major overseas trip for December so I have given myself a deadline to get either my body or my mind in order. I’ll take either one 😉 but hopefuly both !!!!
Again, I am not going to let this get me down ! It’s going to be a little hard today but I’ll take a step back and regroup.
Joe Biden quoted his mother on TV a few days ago:
“As long as you’re alive you have the obligation to strive, and you’re not dead until you’ve seen the face of God.”
[still snap crackle and popping , ugh ]
9 years ago
So it’s been four days of vitamins and today I hit a wall. My feet are burning I am so dizzy I want to cry. The muscles on the left side of my face are so freaking tight I feel like they are going to rip. Magnesium doesn’t help me at all. Is this part of the detox cause it blows.
9 years ago
Yogurt pulse test: Stiff in morning, stinging in fingers and toes. Loud tinnitus. Rash. Tried a teaspoon of yogurt this morning and did the pulse test, surprisingly no elevation. But definitely having symptoms from it !
9 years ago
The one and only symptom i seem to be left with is a weak and sometimes painful left leg, mainly the ankle area. With the occasional stomach problems. I guess I should consider myself “lucky” after reading all the nasty things that others here are dealing with. Still, it’s hard not to feel cheated when I can’t run or do other physical things a normal 24 year old man should be able to do. Hope this relapse goes away, about a week into it.
9 years ago
Can anyone tell me how long it takes for your voice to come back to normal so people can understand you when you speak? It’s been 4 months of people saying can you text me I can’t understand you. I usually am good at dealing with it but I just had enough today. Sorry just tired of texting my boyfriend when we are sitting in the same room.
The answer Stephanie In my experience is as usual, ” how long is a piece of string ? ” . Stephanie I had this sort of thing for varying amounts of time, many months often, & it was exceedingly annoying. I often experienced this along with the inability to understand what people were saying to me at the same time, also combined with the inability to follow the conversation, i.e. if the conversation was complicated (contained many twists & turns for example, contained many concepts ) & to top it all, I could at times not understand what I was saying as soon as I had said it. If I was unlucky enough to experience all this together It was as if the person I was trying to speak to was literally speaking a different language, & I had been dropped into that country completely naked where I did not speak it at all, & therefore had no instructions of how to make people understand me in any way in order for me to work out how to to survive there. I was SO relieved when it eventually sorted itself out This sometimes , ( if literally being unable to form words correctly ) or speak loudly enough to be heard no matter how hard you try, can be physical, caused by the FQs degenerative weakening effects on the connective tissues, Some of it I feel can be at times autonomic nerve related, our brain is a VERY bizarre thing at times.
For those helped by Iv therapy (I have tried IV glutathione and some lipids and ozone before) what might help the most with nerve issues? I am already doing iron infusions as my ferratin was dangerously low. However, I would like to start back on some IV therapy. My doctor said he has never done the lipoic acid IV but could get it.(has anyone done this since it’s supposed to help with nerves? He is very big on phospholipids and can do glutsthione and magnesium. However he thought I should have a magnesium loading test to see if I can hold onto magnesium. He also does vitamin C which I have never had (but had test to see if I can get it). My last issues after about 21 months are continued pain in my legs with some prickling and tingling and skin sensitivity. It has gotten a lot better than the early days believe me but it is still not OK
9 years ago
Regarding Brain Fog and being Floxed, there was a LOT of discussion about this in past pages, as well as anxiety which can go with it. This drug is known to damage the Gaba receptors in the Brain, this has several ripple effects, 2 of the worst being Brain Fog and anxiety as a direct result of the Gaba/Glutamate balance in the Brain being thrown off, and Floxies being hyper-sensitive to Glutamate and its many sources.
In order to alleviate this there are 2 main things someone can do, the first is to avoid all sources of Glutamate, which includes MSG and Glutamine. There are over 50 hidden sources of MSG, and there are other subtle sources that look innocent enough but all of these will ramp up Glutamate in the brain, and when someone has damaged Gaba receptors this spells HUGE trouble, in the aforementioned forms.
So one is avoid all these, another is supplementing, I don’t remember all the things mentioned the in the past, but for sure Gaba itself is good, and has worked for myself many times when I have accidentally taken a Glutamate source, or have been out in a restaraunt where you are subject to a whole whack of nasty additives like MSG and many more. L-Theanine is also supposed to help in a similar way, I tried it as well but found the actual Gaba more effective.
9 years ago
America’s Most Wanted: BAYER
Help end Bayer’s chemical assault on bees
America’s bees are dying at some of the highest rates ever, struggling to survive a deluge of next-generation pesticides called “neonics” unleashed by multinational chemical giants like Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer — the world’s largest manufacturer of these bee-killing chemicals. Why is this a problem? One out of every three bites of food we eat relies on bees for pollination. Tell Bayer’s CEO to save our bees and stop selling highly toxic neonic pesticides in the U.S.
Last August, Monsanto paid mom bloggers $150 each to attend a three-hour, invitation-only brunch at the company’s research and farm facility in Northern California. Attendees were offered a tour of the facility, along with commentary from two Midwestern moms with family farm backgrounds who rhapsodized about Monsanto’s work to feed the planet.
This wasn’t the first event of its kind.
The most egregious case concerns Dr. Kevin Folta, chair of the horticultural sciences department at the University of Florida. The New York Times describes Dr. Folta as “among the most aggressive and prolific biotech proponents,” yet he apparently only publicly acknowledged his ties to Monsanto after the emails were released.
In fact, according to US Right to Know—the group that filed the initial FOIA requests—before the emails were released, Dr. Folta repeatedly denied having any ties to Monsanto! A cursory look at the evidence shows just how deep Dr. Folta’s involvement with Monsanto is:
Folta received a $25,000 unrestricted grant from Monsanto in 2014. In an email to a Monsanto executive, Dr. Folta wrote, “I am grateful for this opportunity and promise a solid return on the investment.”
In another email, Dr. Folta told a Monsanto executive that he is “glad to sign on to whatever you like, or write whatever you like,” during a discussion of which propaganda strategy would be most effective.
When Monsanto’s PR firm created a website called “GMO Answers,” where scientists responded to supposed myths about GMOs, Dr. Folta was given pre-drafted responses by Monsanto’s PR reps, and on several occasions used these answers nearly word for word.
This past May we reported on what seemed like a coordinated media attack against Chipotle after the company announced it would be using exclusively non-GMO ingredients in its food.
A new negative ad campaign shows that Chipotle’s success, despite the media onslaught, is continuing to worry the biotech and Big Food industries. The ad campaign, called “Chubby Chipotle,” claims that Chipotle’s advertising is a hypocritical means of selling high-calorie burritos.
A group called the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) is claiming responsibility for the smear campaign. We’ve written about this group before—a misleadingly named organization run by a lobbyist for Big Food. By branding itself as a libertarian organization, it hopes to curry favor with consumers, but it appears to be little more than an industry front group. In the past, they have received funding from Monsanto, Cargill, Wendy’s, White Castle, Tyson Foods, and other food conglomerates. The CCF has also run campaigns downplaying the need for GMO labeling.
What the biotech and Big Food industries are trying to do with these efforts is create an environment in which scientists, doctors, and restaurant owners are afraid to speak out on GMOs. And with bottomless war chests available to prosecute these campaigns, we shouldn’t expect them to go away.
9 years ago
So I’m pretty sure my relapse was triggered by a three day use of Nasacort for allergies. Does this sound like a possibility? So frustrating.
The link above is excellent at exposing how the “science” is replaced by Corporate greed. It focus on vaccines…..but of course it does speak to the entire CDC, FDA, Pharmaceutical players in this horrific plague on our country and others. There are many facts that most of us are already aware of, HOWEVER, there is plenty of discussion by formidable scients and doctors and mothers about a whole host of NEW phenomenon, that has occurred decades ago. I think it is of great value for all of us to remind and educate ourselves with some of the details that resonate like only the truth can. Of Course this is beyond vaccines, beyond Fluorquinolones, it is mine field of dangerous for all of us, adults and children and seniors. Amazingly, Donald Trump spoke out about vaccines, as did Paul Rand for CHOICE…..WE are NOT USSR, WE are all mighty God’s people and we must continue to gather mass power over evil.
There are many tragic heartbreaking stories for the children hurt by vaccines, but if you can mange to get through that first 20 -30 minutes… gets deeper into the whole facade of what the Medical system has become. The science is fake, hidden, manipulated. The details are worth the effort and sadness that weighs hearing the events that are occurring. I learned a lot from this film and it bolstered my understanding and protective stance for my family who is being marketed to for the latest vaccines.
God Bless us all, our families and our land and her people.
In Jesus name Amen,
Hey guys,
I’m having my first cycle of symptoms again. It’s been a little over two months since my last Cirpo pill. I started off having bad leg pain, anxiety, GI issues, the works. I’ve actually been GREAT these past couple of weeks with no symptoms at all. Now for the past two or three days I’ve been feeling weakness in my knees again and some stomach issues as well. I stopped supplementing heavily like I was in the beginning. I thought I was in the clear but I guess not :(. Back to Mag spray and epsom salt baths.
Hey All,
I just talked to one of the doctors that Rene so kindly recommended to me. He looked over my case and has decided that he can help me. He even cleared an appointment for me for tomorrow. It brought tears to my eyes. I don’t want to get too excited because my boyfriend says until they help me they are all suspect. Lol he is very protective of me. I am pretty weak and the dizzy spells are getting out of hand. I am going to try for a walk out side later. I just feel like the room is spinning. Hopefully the doctor will help me tomorrow. Thank you so much Rene for your help.
Hey, everybody, for those in the eastern upstate NY area, I just saw a naturopathic dr. who is familiar with cipro poisoning and has dealt with patients. Her name is Joanne Halloran, and she has a website with her office info etc. on it. just FYI… 🙂
Stephanie, that’s great news! 🙂 I wish you continued healing!
Well, I have now received TWO phone calls, several weeks apart, from a suicide prevention hotline, alerted after messages I sent to the White House re FLQ toxicity. I think they just look for key words and then “farm them out” to different people. But I took full advantage of it. I told her I was not currently suicidal, but it was included because it is a side effect, and I then went on to talk about all the side effects, damage to central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, damage to DNA, mitochondria, bone, collagen, etc etc, the fact that it’s an adjunct chemo drug and has no business being used for simple infections. I told her the stats from the freedom of information act and how they probably represent only 1% of actual numbers. I told her the FDA an the mfrs have known for DECADES and every day that nothing is done more people are needlessly injured. I told her everything I could think of to say and then I made a request. I said “thank you for your concern, but I didn’t write because I was feeling suicidal. I wrote because this has been going on for decades and it has to stop. Hundreds of thousands have been injured or died, and with every passing day there are more new victims. Someone from the White House reached out to you to tell you to call me. I want you to reach back to that person and pass along everything I have said. Just tell them to google FLQ or cipro toxicity. This has to stop. The FDA is doing nothing. Hundredred of thousands of us are screaming, only no one can hear us. Please pass this along.” Then we hung up. I hope she does pass it along.
Linda, that is shocking they called you! But I love the way you are UNFAZED and just used it as an opportunity to inform !
Good news! After 5 long years I am doing headstands and yoga, the supposedly uncurable joint pain is mosty gone, little tinnitus, whatever tore in my shoulder is almost completely healed. My stomach is coming along nicely with SCD ( just made 24 hour yoghurt last night, going to test today if fully fermented dairy doesn,t provoke pain ). I can really feel the difference when I don’t eat right. Insomnia came back recently as well as vertigo, but going through some homeopathic remedies and meditating is helping.
If the antibiotics did not mess up your digestion, my impression is that you are probably going to get better faster. But if they did, do not despair, it might be a long time to rebuild your system, but it is possible. You can like green vegetables and you don’t need bread and pasta in your life if they are triggers for you.
I feel like I am starting to live again. I have ideas. I want to go places. I still have problems but I am not overwhelmed by them. I am looking forward to the rest of my life.
Give yourselves a big hug and take care, everyone 🙂
Does anybody know how long relapses typically last?? I’m approaching my 3rd week into relapseand everyday is a little worse than before!!: ( after about 3.5 months of 85% recovery it is really hard to come back into this painful state. At least I hope this is a relapse, and not me just getting worse and worse:/
Update on yogurt: backfired on me in terms of pain, great for digestion ! So in my case, I am undeniably sensitive to dairy in terms of cracking popping and pain, but my stomach loved it.
The SCD Diet insists that yoghurt have a 24 hour incubation, which I was not able to confirm because the container I made it in was cold when I got to it in the morning. I don,t know at what point overnight it had cooled off so that may have something to do with it.
Now that I have all this delicious organic yogurt, I know I am probably going to eat it. There are other theorists who have the three day rule for food allergies: supposedly you can clear a food by not having it for 2-3 days.
I am disappointed as I only had 1/4 – 1/2 a cup yesterday, although I did taste some from the starter the day before. It’s a setback but I’ve had those along the way and not going to let this defeat me. If anything, it’s a very clear confirmation of my dairy sensitivity in terms of pain.
Still have the beet kvas brewing for probiotics. I also used a bit of whey to start it off, so if that is also a problem, I know I have the option of going back to sauerkraut made with salt. In fact, I should go out and get some cabbage and start one right away as a backup..
I planned a major overseas trip for December so I have given myself a deadline to get either my body or my mind in order. I’ll take either one 😉 but hopefuly both !!!!
Again, I am not going to let this get me down ! It’s going to be a little hard today but I’ll take a step back and regroup.
Joe Biden quoted his mother on TV a few days ago:
“As long as you’re alive you have the obligation to strive, and you’re not dead until you’ve seen the face of God.”
[still snap crackle and popping , ugh ]
So it’s been four days of vitamins and today I hit a wall. My feet are burning I am so dizzy I want to cry. The muscles on the left side of my face are so freaking tight I feel like they are going to rip. Magnesium doesn’t help me at all. Is this part of the detox cause it blows.
Yogurt pulse test: Stiff in morning, stinging in fingers and toes. Loud tinnitus. Rash. Tried a teaspoon of yogurt this morning and did the pulse test, surprisingly no elevation. But definitely having symptoms from it !
The one and only symptom i seem to be left with is a weak and sometimes painful left leg, mainly the ankle area. With the occasional stomach problems. I guess I should consider myself “lucky” after reading all the nasty things that others here are dealing with. Still, it’s hard not to feel cheated when I can’t run or do other physical things a normal 24 year old man should be able to do. Hope this relapse goes away, about a week into it.
Can anyone tell me how long it takes for your voice to come back to normal so people can understand you when you speak? It’s been 4 months of people saying can you text me I can’t understand you. I usually am good at dealing with it but I just had enough today. Sorry just tired of texting my boyfriend when we are sitting in the same room.
The answer Stephanie In my experience is as usual, ” how long is a piece of string ? ” . Stephanie I had this sort of thing for varying amounts of time, many months often, & it was exceedingly annoying. I often experienced this along with the inability to understand what people were saying to me at the same time, also combined with the inability to follow the conversation, i.e. if the conversation was complicated (contained many twists & turns for example, contained many concepts ) & to top it all, I could at times not understand what I was saying as soon as I had said it. If I was unlucky enough to experience all this together It was as if the person I was trying to speak to was literally speaking a different language, & I had been dropped into that country completely naked where I did not speak it at all, & therefore had no instructions of how to make people understand me in any way in order for me to work out how to to survive there. I was SO relieved when it eventually sorted itself out This sometimes , ( if literally being unable to form words correctly ) or speak loudly enough to be heard no matter how hard you try, can be physical, caused by the FQs degenerative weakening effects on the connective tissues, Some of it I feel can be at times autonomic nerve related, our brain is a VERY bizarre thing at times.
For those helped by Iv therapy (I have tried IV glutathione and some lipids and ozone before) what might help the most with nerve issues? I am already doing iron infusions as my ferratin was dangerously low. However, I would like to start back on some IV therapy. My doctor said he has never done the lipoic acid IV but could get it.(has anyone done this since it’s supposed to help with nerves? He is very big on phospholipids and can do glutsthione and magnesium. However he thought I should have a magnesium loading test to see if I can hold onto magnesium. He also does vitamin C which I have never had (but had test to see if I can get it). My last issues after about 21 months are continued pain in my legs with some prickling and tingling and skin sensitivity. It has gotten a lot better than the early days believe me but it is still not OK
Regarding Brain Fog and being Floxed, there was a LOT of discussion about this in past pages, as well as anxiety which can go with it. This drug is known to damage the Gaba receptors in the Brain, this has several ripple effects, 2 of the worst being Brain Fog and anxiety as a direct result of the Gaba/Glutamate balance in the Brain being thrown off, and Floxies being hyper-sensitive to Glutamate and its many sources.
In order to alleviate this there are 2 main things someone can do, the first is to avoid all sources of Glutamate, which includes MSG and Glutamine. There are over 50 hidden sources of MSG, and there are other subtle sources that look innocent enough but all of these will ramp up Glutamate in the brain, and when someone has damaged Gaba receptors this spells HUGE trouble, in the aforementioned forms.
So one is avoid all these, another is supplementing, I don’t remember all the things mentioned the in the past, but for sure Gaba itself is good, and has worked for myself many times when I have accidentally taken a Glutamate source, or have been out in a restaraunt where you are subject to a whole whack of nasty additives like MSG and many more. L-Theanine is also supposed to help in a similar way, I tried it as well but found the actual Gaba more effective.
America’s Most Wanted: BAYER
Help end Bayer’s chemical assault on bees
America’s bees are dying at some of the highest rates ever, struggling to survive a deluge of next-generation pesticides called “neonics” unleashed by multinational chemical giants like Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer — the world’s largest manufacturer of these bee-killing chemicals. Why is this a problem? One out of every three bites of food we eat relies on bees for pollination. Tell Bayer’s CEO to save our bees and stop selling highly toxic neonic pesticides in the U.S.
Let’s squash Bayer like a Bug!!
Americas Most Wanted: Monsanto
Last August, Monsanto paid mom bloggers $150 each to attend a three-hour, invitation-only brunch at the company’s research and farm facility in Northern California. Attendees were offered a tour of the facility, along with commentary from two Midwestern moms with family farm backgrounds who rhapsodized about Monsanto’s work to feed the planet.
This wasn’t the first event of its kind.
The most egregious case concerns Dr. Kevin Folta, chair of the horticultural sciences department at the University of Florida. The New York Times describes Dr. Folta as “among the most aggressive and prolific biotech proponents,” yet he apparently only publicly acknowledged his ties to Monsanto after the emails were released.
In fact, according to US Right to Know—the group that filed the initial FOIA requests—before the emails were released, Dr. Folta repeatedly denied having any ties to Monsanto! A cursory look at the evidence shows just how deep Dr. Folta’s involvement with Monsanto is:
Folta received a $25,000 unrestricted grant from Monsanto in 2014. In an email to a Monsanto executive, Dr. Folta wrote, “I am grateful for this opportunity and promise a solid return on the investment.”
In another email, Dr. Folta told a Monsanto executive that he is “glad to sign on to whatever you like, or write whatever you like,” during a discussion of which propaganda strategy would be most effective.
When Monsanto’s PR firm created a website called “GMO Answers,” where scientists responded to supposed myths about GMOs, Dr. Folta was given pre-drafted responses by Monsanto’s PR reps, and on several occasions used these answers nearly word for word.
This past May we reported on what seemed like a coordinated media attack against Chipotle after the company announced it would be using exclusively non-GMO ingredients in its food.
A new negative ad campaign shows that Chipotle’s success, despite the media onslaught, is continuing to worry the biotech and Big Food industries. The ad campaign, called “Chubby Chipotle,” claims that Chipotle’s advertising is a hypocritical means of selling high-calorie burritos.
A group called the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) is claiming responsibility for the smear campaign. We’ve written about this group before—a misleadingly named organization run by a lobbyist for Big Food. By branding itself as a libertarian organization, it hopes to curry favor with consumers, but it appears to be little more than an industry front group. In the past, they have received funding from Monsanto, Cargill, Wendy’s, White Castle, Tyson Foods, and other food conglomerates. The CCF has also run campaigns downplaying the need for GMO labeling.
What the biotech and Big Food industries are trying to do with these efforts is create an environment in which scientists, doctors, and restaurant owners are afraid to speak out on GMOs. And with bottomless war chests available to prosecute these campaigns, we shouldn’t expect them to go away.
So I’m pretty sure my relapse was triggered by a three day use of Nasacort for allergies. Does this sound like a possibility? So frustrating.
The link above is excellent at exposing how the “science” is replaced by Corporate greed. It focus on vaccines…..but of course it does speak to the entire CDC, FDA, Pharmaceutical players in this horrific plague on our country and others. There are many facts that most of us are already aware of, HOWEVER, there is plenty of discussion by formidable scients and doctors and mothers about a whole host of NEW phenomenon, that has occurred decades ago. I think it is of great value for all of us to remind and educate ourselves with some of the details that resonate like only the truth can. Of Course this is beyond vaccines, beyond Fluorquinolones, it is mine field of dangerous for all of us, adults and children and seniors. Amazingly, Donald Trump spoke out about vaccines, as did Paul Rand for CHOICE…..WE are NOT USSR, WE are all mighty God’s people and we must continue to gather mass power over evil.
There are many tragic heartbreaking stories for the children hurt by vaccines, but if you can mange to get through that first 20 -30 minutes… gets deeper into the whole facade of what the Medical system has become. The science is fake, hidden, manipulated. The details are worth the effort and sadness that weighs hearing the events that are occurring. I learned a lot from this film and it bolstered my understanding and protective stance for my family who is being marketed to for the latest vaccines.
God Bless us all, our families and our land and her people.
In Jesus name Amen,