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9 years ago
I’m one of the lucky ones that caught my issue early. The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution Ebook was a huge help to me. Read the book if you’re suffering and follow their recommendations, especially around magnesium and D3 it was a huge help.
i ordered a bottle of this today, it was diificult to find capsules, since i avoid any and all fillers and or addtitives.
i open he capsules and take the powder with water. i´m currently battling myralgia parestethica and i am sure this will help me.
Sian i found something you can look into, it´s allimax. It is a concentrated allicin product, allicin is the antibiotic molecule in garlic. it is natural and very effective along with vitamin c and bioflavonoids you should not encounter any problems when you see the dentist.
Research suggests that adding a high-quality Allicin is designed to help maintain a healthy natural defense system to your diet may provide individual health benefits. Allicin, the primary active agent generated by garlic is being used for general well being and is supported through extensive research.
British scientists have developed a proprietary process through which the naturally occurring Allicin in garlic is extracted, stabilized and concentrated.
Lucero Rojas
9 years ago
Hi everyone! Has anyone felt that you were getting a uti even when drinking a lot of water and only water. I felt today like I wanted to get a uti but it can’t be since I have been drinking just water about 3 L a day. Why will it be that I am experiecing that feeling. Will it actually be a uti or maybe so sort of inflammation or weird feeling because of Cipro! Need help pls!!!!
Blessings to all
9 years ago
Has anyone experienced upper back pain on one or both sides to go along with irregular/miscolored bowel movements? I’m almost positive that my anxiety is the root cause of my troubles these days. What are good ways to relax and cope with the daily anxieties of being a floxie?
9 years ago
The horrendous anxiety we often experience ( & that is actually nowhere strong enough a word to describe this ) to the point where we want to climb out of our skin is actually known as Akasthesia . I have in one of my previous floorings years ago experienced FQ induced akasthesia myself along with psychotropic drug induced akasthesia both at the same time . Oh boy !, I would definitely not want to go these again . Words cannot describe what that was like . I am so glad that mine has resolved now . I used to wake up every morning for around 18 months after my last floxing & immediately I felt as though I had just missed getting run over by a bus, it hit me just like that , & I had to make myself get up no matter how ill I felt, as If I continued to just lie there, I would have wave after wave after wave of horror wash over me until I did.
9 years ago
Thanks for all the tips, guys! As someone who has never suffered bad anxiety before being floxed, this is a very new feeling for me. Clearly my body does not recognize it at all and needs help adjusting.
soy is not a health food, it´s bad for the stomach.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Essential reading for all floxies.
The G.A.R.D. (Summary)
Through ten years of medical and nutritional research, I developed The G.A.R.D.– an elimination diet for the treatment of most conditions afflicting man and his four-legged companions. The original meaning of the acronym was the glutamate & aspartate restricted diet, being derived from the fact that The G.A.R.D. placed a premium on the elimination of two non-essential amino acids, glutamic and aspartic acid, the parent proteins in MSG and aspartame (NutraSweet), respectively. These two neurostimulating amino acids play a major role in epilepsy, migraines, insomnia, ADHD, autism, fibromyalgia and numerous other neurodegenerative diseases. It was not hard to see that the food sources of these amino acids- grains, dairy, soy/legumes, and nuts/seeds- were also playing a major role in the manifestation of these common medical conditions.
The worst offenders- gluten (from wheat, barley, rye), casein (from dairy), and soy- were also the leading causes of damage to the intestinal lining in sensitized individuals, resulting in villous atrophy of the small intestine, which is the diagnostic lesion of celiac disease. What I came to see was “the big 4” were the only foods that caused our intestinal villi to shrink away, often leading to severe nutrient malabsorption. No wonder gluten intolerants suffered from major deficiencies in calcium, iron, iodine, B complex, C, trace minerals (e.g. zinc, selenium, magnesium), and even severe weight loss. The banishment of these “four horsemen” led to a steady stream of incredible testimonials, as the intestinal tract of these afflicted individuals healed and their myriad of symptoms resolved. The second meaning of The G.A.R.D. was born- the gut absorption recovery diet.
Mike (Mr. recovered from FQ taken six years ago, then brought it all back by taking a steroid)
9 years ago
I keep coming up with more questions…
– Has anyone tried physical therapy to deal with sore/stiff/painful legs and heels? The overwhelming answer seems to be to NOT push yourself, so I assume this isn’t advised….but I’m getting so frustrated, I keep feeling like I need to be doing more for my legs. I’m getting an MRI of my heels/lower legs tonight to see if there is any apparent damage to the tendons. My feeling is that if there no apparent damage, it may be safe to try PT. Am I wrong to be thinking like that?
– Has anyone here had a phone or in person consultation with Dr. Jay Cohen? He seems to be an expert on all of this. I’m just wondering if it’s worth the call to him….everyone here has so much knowledge about all of this already, I sort of feel like he may not have anything additional to add. Just curios if anyone has benefited from speaking with him. This is his website if you are unfamiliar:
– Can someone elaborate on what “nerve pain” feels like? Would I know it if I had it? I have sharp pains throughout my legs, especially in both Achilles, twitching muscles and feet, and intense head pressure. Are any of these things considered “nerve pain”? I assume it’s mostly muscular pain in my legs, and I have no idea what the pain is in my head. I’m just not sure if I should be trying to address nerve pain specifically.
-Speaking of head pressure, has anyone else had this symptom? I’ve had my head pressure for six years now, and it was just made worse by taking a corticosteroid. I’ve learned to live with it, but would like to know if anyone else has either been able to get rid of it or at least manage it.
Mike your symptoms are neuropathy related, i understand your frustration but one of the things i’ve learned is that neurological issues take a considerable time to heal. One of the reasons i mention methylcobalamin consistently is because it is very important for neurological healing. Physical therapy can actually do more damage if the PT does not know what floxing is. Head pressure is due to inflammation, methylcobalamin will address that issue. We recover but the thing is we are never the same as before. You will recover again and heal mike, but it will be slow and the positive side is that you know a lot of how to manage the recovery. Nerve pain is different form muscle pain in the sense that muscle pain goes away after a couple of days, nerve pain takes longer to heal, one of the factors in healing is vasodilator foods, foods that control inflammation. I suggest you do your own PT and work around your pain levels, go slowly and be consistent, I´m managing a severe myralgia paresthetica right now, i massage my leg 24/7 to ease the pain, i also take hemp oil and use different balms and oils to massage my leg, i´ve started using hemp oil to massage my leg and it seems to help, look into hemp and cdb oils, they are good for inflammation and healing. Also look into methylcobalamin. You are not alone Mike, we are with you in your journey.
I’m one of the lucky ones that caught my issue early. The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution Ebook was a huge help to me. Read the book if you’re suffering and follow their recommendations, especially around magnesium and D3 it was a huge help.
Ultra-high dose methylcobalamin promotes nerve regeneration in experimental acrylamide neuropathy.
In conclusion, our results showed that methylcobalamin does indeed enhance the recovery of peripheral nerve repaired in end-to-side configuration.
i ordered a bottle of this today, it was diificult to find capsules, since i avoid any and all fillers and or addtitives.
i open he capsules and take the powder with water. i´m currently battling myralgia parestethica and i am sure this will help me.
Sian i found something you can look into, it´s allimax. It is a concentrated allicin product, allicin is the antibiotic molecule in garlic. it is natural and very effective along with vitamin c and bioflavonoids you should not encounter any problems when you see the dentist.
Research suggests that adding a high-quality Allicin is designed to help maintain a healthy natural defense system to your diet may provide individual health benefits. Allicin, the primary active agent generated by garlic is being used for general well being and is supported through extensive research.
British scientists have developed a proprietary process through which the naturally occurring Allicin in garlic is extracted, stabilized and concentrated.
Hi everyone! Has anyone felt that you were getting a uti even when drinking a lot of water and only water. I felt today like I wanted to get a uti but it can’t be since I have been drinking just water about 3 L a day. Why will it be that I am experiecing that feeling. Will it actually be a uti or maybe so sort of inflammation or weird feeling because of Cipro! Need help pls!!!!
Blessings to all
Has anyone experienced upper back pain on one or both sides to go along with irregular/miscolored bowel movements? I’m almost positive that my anxiety is the root cause of my troubles these days. What are good ways to relax and cope with the daily anxieties of being a floxie?
The horrendous anxiety we often experience ( & that is actually nowhere strong enough a word to describe this ) to the point where we want to climb out of our skin is actually known as Akasthesia . I have in one of my previous floorings years ago experienced FQ induced akasthesia myself along with psychotropic drug induced akasthesia both at the same time . Oh boy !, I would definitely not want to go these again . Words cannot describe what that was like . I am so glad that mine has resolved now . I used to wake up every morning for around 18 months after my last floxing & immediately I felt as though I had just missed getting run over by a bus, it hit me just like that , & I had to make myself get up no matter how ill I felt, as If I continued to just lie there, I would have wave after wave after wave of horror wash over me until I did.
Thanks for all the tips, guys! As someone who has never suffered bad anxiety before being floxed, this is a very new feeling for me. Clearly my body does not recognize it at all and needs help adjusting.
a comprehensive list of b12.
soy is not a health food, it´s bad for the stomach.
Essential reading for all floxies.
The G.A.R.D. (Summary)
Through ten years of medical and nutritional research, I developed The G.A.R.D.– an elimination diet for the treatment of most conditions afflicting man and his four-legged companions. The original meaning of the acronym was the glutamate & aspartate restricted diet, being derived from the fact that The G.A.R.D. placed a premium on the elimination of two non-essential amino acids, glutamic and aspartic acid, the parent proteins in MSG and aspartame (NutraSweet), respectively. These two neurostimulating amino acids play a major role in epilepsy, migraines, insomnia, ADHD, autism, fibromyalgia and numerous other neurodegenerative diseases. It was not hard to see that the food sources of these amino acids- grains, dairy, soy/legumes, and nuts/seeds- were also playing a major role in the manifestation of these common medical conditions.
The worst offenders- gluten (from wheat, barley, rye), casein (from dairy), and soy- were also the leading causes of damage to the intestinal lining in sensitized individuals, resulting in villous atrophy of the small intestine, which is the diagnostic lesion of celiac disease. What I came to see was “the big 4” were the only foods that caused our intestinal villi to shrink away, often leading to severe nutrient malabsorption. No wonder gluten intolerants suffered from major deficiencies in calcium, iron, iodine, B complex, C, trace minerals (e.g. zinc, selenium, magnesium), and even severe weight loss. The banishment of these “four horsemen” led to a steady stream of incredible testimonials, as the intestinal tract of these afflicted individuals healed and their myriad of symptoms resolved. The second meaning of The G.A.R.D. was born- the gut absorption recovery diet.
I keep coming up with more questions…
– Has anyone tried physical therapy to deal with sore/stiff/painful legs and heels? The overwhelming answer seems to be to NOT push yourself, so I assume this isn’t advised….but I’m getting so frustrated, I keep feeling like I need to be doing more for my legs. I’m getting an MRI of my heels/lower legs tonight to see if there is any apparent damage to the tendons. My feeling is that if there no apparent damage, it may be safe to try PT. Am I wrong to be thinking like that?
– Has anyone here had a phone or in person consultation with Dr. Jay Cohen? He seems to be an expert on all of this. I’m just wondering if it’s worth the call to him….everyone here has so much knowledge about all of this already, I sort of feel like he may not have anything additional to add. Just curios if anyone has benefited from speaking with him. This is his website if you are unfamiliar:
– Can someone elaborate on what “nerve pain” feels like? Would I know it if I had it? I have sharp pains throughout my legs, especially in both Achilles, twitching muscles and feet, and intense head pressure. Are any of these things considered “nerve pain”? I assume it’s mostly muscular pain in my legs, and I have no idea what the pain is in my head. I’m just not sure if I should be trying to address nerve pain specifically.
-Speaking of head pressure, has anyone else had this symptom? I’ve had my head pressure for six years now, and it was just made worse by taking a corticosteroid. I’ve learned to live with it, but would like to know if anyone else has either been able to get rid of it or at least manage it.
This video explains methylation among other things, it is very good!
Mike your symptoms are neuropathy related, i understand your frustration but one of the things i’ve learned is that neurological issues take a considerable time to heal. One of the reasons i mention methylcobalamin consistently is because it is very important for neurological healing. Physical therapy can actually do more damage if the PT does not know what floxing is. Head pressure is due to inflammation, methylcobalamin will address that issue. We recover but the thing is we are never the same as before. You will recover again and heal mike, but it will be slow and the positive side is that you know a lot of how to manage the recovery. Nerve pain is different form muscle pain in the sense that muscle pain goes away after a couple of days, nerve pain takes longer to heal, one of the factors in healing is vasodilator foods, foods that control inflammation. I suggest you do your own PT and work around your pain levels, go slowly and be consistent, I´m managing a severe myralgia paresthetica right now, i massage my leg 24/7 to ease the pain, i also take hemp oil and use different balms and oils to massage my leg, i´ve started using hemp oil to massage my leg and it seems to help, look into hemp and cdb oils, they are good for inflammation and healing. Also look into methylcobalamin. You are not alone Mike, we are with you in your journey.