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my sweet lord
9 years ago
As i mentioned before, the first three months are the acute phase. After that phase most symptoms begin to calm down very slowly. If you may have something in particular that you don´t see much improvement in, there are things you can do to focus on them.
For most neuropathy issues magnesium chloride in liquid form rubbed on the area is the best way to go. I used it everyday when i got floxed, i would rub my feet and legs with magnesium chloride, I did it for the whole first year. I still use it too.
As a general rule you want to avoid all things that are not natural, the liver and kidneys have been damaged bigtime! and can not remotely metabolize drugs, vaccines, even certain coatings on vitamin pills and tablets.
Do not take unnecessary risks, there are natural alternatives to everything!
You just need to ask and search, that is what i have been doing for the last five years since i got floxed. everyday day i learn something new.
Remember you will recover and heal, but if you are in the first three to four months it may seem daunting due to the severity and cascade of symptoms you are experiencing.
During this time, take it easy don´t push too hard. permit your body to get back on its feet. the body is totally damaged from quins bigtime!
Fluoroquinolones are in a class by themselves, they are not normal antibiotics.
They are the nuclear weapons of the pharmaceutical industry, the damage they do takes a lot of patience, intelligence and wisdom to overcome.
But you are in good hands because those here that have recovered, will help you along your path to recovery.
We know what you are going through because we were there also!
Mark S
9 years ago
What’s the scoop on dry saunas? My local fitness center has one and I feel like it would be beneficial. We need to get this poison out of our bodies and sweating seems like a good way to do that. I’m going to try it after swimming tonight. Thoughts?
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Good job you are all there. The timing of your comments is just incredible and so appropriate for me personally.
I just went upstairs then down and my right foot is hurting. The burning has increased in my right leg and foot. Why?
A dr prescribed nitrofurantoin for a urine infection. The information leaflet warns against prescribing it with a quinolone. Nitrofurantoin causes nerve damage , hair loss, peripheral neuropathy, thrombocyopaeia, aplastic anemia, .Perhaps the message is getting through to Big Pharma. Well here is another one for them, why don’t your stick the fluoroquinolones where the sun don’t shine?
BTW codeine causes headaches, pain behind the eye, etc,etc, etc. Depression, demotivation, feeling of disconnection from reality, hallucinations etc, etc.
9 years ago
So just another tale from my experiences of shitty doctors who just ran tests for no reason: I had mutiple cat scans of my body and MRIs they lead to we don’t know what’s wrong with you. Two doctors wanted me to get lymph node removed and thank goodness for the surgeon who felt my neck on the day of the surgery who said that he refused to cut me and leave me with a four inch scar on my neck. I was told I had cancer till I went to the main cancer center and had to sit with people fighting off cancer which was so depressing. I had a leading hematologist draw blood and say whatever it is it’s not cancer it’s not blood it’s something else. Took me months and lots of money to discover what it was every time I asked my first naturopath who was scared of getting sued for giving me cipro kept saying no. So I got fed up with that one and found my super amazing current naturopath who is my hero. Works long hours and always fits me in for IVs tells me when he doesn’t know why and says I’m sorry I will figure it out. For anyone out there go to a naturopath who is familiar with nureological issues. If they aren’t they may not be aware of the dangers in these drugs!!!!
9 years ago
I’m exactly a year out and just noticed today that my left calf, ankle, foot is significantly smaller than my right!!!! This never happened before and was never like this.
I called my parents crying and panicking. Is this muscle wasting? Atrophy?? I’m terrified 🙁
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi Gang
I have read all the postings on drugs and I agree. I am scared stiff of taking any medication but have to take warfarin for a history of blood clots so cranberry is forbidden.
I am sick of drs suggesting a drug for this and another one for that. They are all toxic to people esp when one has been floxed.
I have developed all sorts of allergies and hypersensitivities since being floxed.
Also developed gluten, wheat, yeast, soy, cows milk intolerance. Nightmare.
HRT gave me blood clots then the rest followed on. I have been prescribed ciro about four times but like some of the members of this forum I did not realise what was happening to me at the time and put it down to other things. For example restlessness, problems with co ordination and walking, numbness of the legs , diminished ankle, plantar and knee reflexes.
Numbness was attributed to the phenytoin, statins, ppi, pantoprazole. Then when I had three antibiotics prescribed in one go I woke up with heaviness and coldness of he legs, small petechial all over my legs.
I understand that shingles or a cold sore can also cause peripheral neuropathy and tendonitis.The virus lies dormant then becomes reactivated at times of stress, infection etc, etc .it damages the nerve pathways causing peripheral neuropathy.
The treatment is an anti viral!
Today an educated intelligent person told me that fluoride gas was used to gas people in Nazi Germany. I was unaware that flouride is a gas.
I don’t know how true that is. I do not know what to believe anymore!
Does anyone know if what I was told is the truth or not?
Hope I am allowed to state this on the forum.
Does anyone know anything about a GENTLE AND SAFE probiotic for a urine infection please?
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Hi everyone
With regard to the 450 liver enzyme system in the liver being compromised/damaged by shitty drugs esp by the fluoroquinolones people with the 450 problems should not take grapefruit or pineapple.
Neurontin and gabapentin were both discontinued in me due to their serious side effects. Tegretol often used for nerve pain causes cardiac arrhythmias, heart block, atrio ventricular conduction problems. Pls google the side effects of Neurontin.
One of the rarer side effects of Gabapentin/lyrica is cortical myoclonus a movement disorder.
ALL THE ANTI EPILEPTICS CAUSE DEPRESSION and other very serious side effects.
However be guided by your dr.
I hope this helps you find a doctor who can help you.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Ozone literature:
10.Rectal insufflation with OZONE if effective for Proctitis, Colitis, Prostatitis,
anal fissure, Candidiasis; vaginal insufflation is effective for Cadidiasis and other
yeast infections, Trichamoniasis and other forms of vaginitis; bladder insufflation
is effective for Cystitis and bladder fistulas, as well as cancer.-quote.
Does anybody know if tattoos are safe post flox? Are there any risks involved??
Mark S
9 years ago
Sweet friends,
This site has been amazing for me since I was floxed in July. So many wonderful people who are willing to offer support and wisdom. I can’t thank all of you enough, especially Lisa. With that being said, I am going to take a break from Floxie Hope for a while. It does seem to raise my general anxiety and stress, and I truly believe that worsens all symptoms. My body and spirit need a break. I took a break off the forum about a month after my floxing and it seemed to really help. I’m sure I will come back eventually. But in the meantime, everyone stay strong. One day we will all return to perfect health and this will be nothing more than a bad memory.
Best regards,
9 years ago
Rene I have to tell you big txs again for the reco to dr Marco he is such a caring individual and works so hard to help me. I think that everyone should have a dr Marco!!! Thank you
As someone who has been around for a very long time, & who has been monitoring this conversation in fact for quite a while, I will give my opinion once here on this horrendously ignorant ( or maybe playing at ignorant ) person.
I will be commenting no further on this subject .
The most effective thing I find is to IGNORE a person like this, & their comments completely. A response of ANY sort is what this person is seeking. Every time a response is made to this person, it is simply fuelling their fire, IGNORE THEM, Blank them, DO NOT reply to them. They are not worth your precious time. & imo, please keep in mind that manipulation can come in many disguises. We can easily become puppets on a string & get tangled up in mind games without us even realising it is occurring. I have a background in psychology, & this particular person, I feel wants to play at puppet master.
Seriously, whether they do, or not want to play, it actually makes no difference, as nothing anyone can say here, no matter HOW well sourced, well informed, no matter how much information, no matter how well presented, will EVER change their opinion or their views. because 1/ either they are playing mind games & manipulating ‘ under the radar ‘, & are therefore not actually interested in anything we try to tell them, as they actually have another agenda completely, or 2/ if truly ignorant, then they are wilfully so, & therefore in that case, the eyes of course are completely useless, when the mind itself is blind.
In my personal opinion the comments ARE tantamount to psychological abuse , however It is not my site to say what or what should be left up to be read by others. However If it was my site, personally I would delete these particular comments, as this sort of thing can potentially demoralise, not only newly floxed people, but everyone here. This can happen even when these comments are just glanced at again, even when perhaps just scrollng through. If we have read them before, we know they are there. & the brain will clock them & automatically register them & also register them as negative emotionally. Demoralisation can therefore occur without us even realising it is happening, simply because it is occurring subconsciously.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
tattoos involve getting pricked by a needle. Not once but many times with ink (ink is a toxic substance). Anytime anyone uses a needle there is a risk of infection, that is why hospitals and clinics use antiseptics to clean the skin are before an injection.
Considering the fact that you are recovering from quins, it would be advisable to not get a tattoo today or anytime in the near future.
If by any chance someone who is recovering from quins decides to get a tattoo they risk getting an infection,
and then what would the person do?
They would have to resort to an antibiotic to kill the infection, and that is where things get really serious, because our bodies can not metabolize synthetic drugs anymore, not in a normal way.
My advice to you is this,
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Licorice root is an effective anti-inflammatory, Burdock Root has traditionally been used to support healthy and vital skin,Yellow dock root is used to help alleviate stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion, according to the University of Michigan Heath System. It is a bitter herb thought to stimulate the digestive function, helping to increase both digestive enzymes and stomach acid. For example, just drinking dandelion root tea by itself would help cleanse the liver.
Personally i would try each one separately at a very low dose and slowly mix them to watch for reactions in my body.
When i got floxed i used herbs mostly to help me sleep, sleep was and still is my main concern. I still have problems sleeping. I still use teas from time to time for sleep, along with magnesium. Magnesium is my main supplement.
For the liver:
milk thistle, dandelion, schizandra, barberry, kelp, Oregon grape root, yam, peppermint, yellow dock, aloe vera, cat’s claw, spearmint, and high antioxidant teas such as citrus aurantium, green tea, rose hips, rosemary, parsley.
I used mint oil in my water when i got floxed, it helped me with the nausea, it kept it at bay. I would put a drop of mint oil (make sure it´s for food and not for massage) in a liter of water. i would drink that during the day.
9 years ago
Has anyone heard of getting stem cell therapy for damaged tendons? There’s a lot of imformation out there that seems promising 🙂
my sweet lord
9 years ago
I´ve looked at stem cell therapy, and yes it looks promising. Right now i´m researching ozone injections for tissue repair and strengthening.
I have an ozone machine and use it regularly, it is not a magic wand but there are certain advantages to its use for many metabolic reactions in the body. I do insufflations.
All therapies as long as they are not toxic are worth looking into, each one has a specific outcome.
Medicine is a complex science that is why i like it, because you never stop learning. The other thing i like is that our world is very big and there are many things being done around the world naturally that most people are unaware of.
I love medicine but unfortunately like all the sciences, a lot of it is being manipulated by interest groups that want to make money out of people´s suffering. The U.S.A. is the biggest offender here. Federal agencies are completely manipulated by big pharma get and to keep people sick for the rest of their lives!
There is a really interesting doctor i came across the other day, his approach is very intelligent, he is using many advanced concepts and therapies in alternative medicine/natural medicine to heal people.
This is what he does.
There are five management principles that need to be addressed to make certain that your health program will enable you to harness the remarkable healing capabilities of the human body–
Give your body what it needs to heal. With proper food choices, nutritional support, bio-identical hormones, and voltage/electrons/ oxygen.
Avoid those things that make you worse (such as certain foods or behaviors, allergens, toxins, etc.).
Detoxify or de-infect the things that you can not get rid of without assistance (such as viruses, parasites, Lyme and Lyme-like microbes, yeast, toxic metals, chemicals, dental or joint implants to which you are reactive, etc). Some of the strategies we have found helpful include Biopuncture, specific supplements, UVBI, oxidative therapies, and Photon Directed Action (PDA), etc.
Address structural issues (such as vertebral and sphenoid bone misalignment, scars, post-traumatic adhesions, etc.) that prevent healing. This may involve removing or neutralize any interfering physical scars through techniques such as Neural Therapy, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), Tennant Voltage Biomodulation, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) and or use of low-force and non-force adjustments.
Reprogram any maladaptive emotional imprints or core beliefs that may be sabotaging you from achieving long term success. Some describe these as post-traumatic events but with one major difference, the imprint may be subconscious and thus not easily addressed with counseling or traditional psychotherapy. Techniques to consider include through NeuroEmotional Technique (NET), Psychosomatic Energetic testing with REBA, Emotional Field Therapy, Bio-Reprogramming® , and/or Family Constellation Therapy (Hellinger).-quote. Dr. Kaslow.
my sweet lord
9 years ago
Stephanie we heal and recover, but we are never the same again.
My answer is no.
Floxies can not take unnecessary risks. I could give you a million reasons why.
I have seen too many people get into big problems for even the slightest mistakes!
Me included, i talk from experience.
Lucy Sky
9 years ago
Thank you for your kind comments. On reflection I have decided that the troll will win if I did withdraw from this website/forum so will stay.
As i mentioned before, the first three months are the acute phase. After that phase most symptoms begin to calm down very slowly. If you may have something in particular that you don´t see much improvement in, there are things you can do to focus on them.
For most neuropathy issues magnesium chloride in liquid form rubbed on the area is the best way to go. I used it everyday when i got floxed, i would rub my feet and legs with magnesium chloride, I did it for the whole first year. I still use it too.
As a general rule you want to avoid all things that are not natural, the liver and kidneys have been damaged bigtime! and can not remotely metabolize drugs, vaccines, even certain coatings on vitamin pills and tablets.
Do not take unnecessary risks, there are natural alternatives to everything!
You just need to ask and search, that is what i have been doing for the last five years since i got floxed. everyday day i learn something new.
Remember you will recover and heal, but if you are in the first three to four months it may seem daunting due to the severity and cascade of symptoms you are experiencing.
During this time, take it easy don´t push too hard. permit your body to get back on its feet. the body is totally damaged from quins bigtime!
Fluoroquinolones are in a class by themselves, they are not normal antibiotics.
They are the nuclear weapons of the pharmaceutical industry, the damage they do takes a lot of patience, intelligence and wisdom to overcome.
But you are in good hands because those here that have recovered, will help you along your path to recovery.
We know what you are going through because we were there also!
What’s the scoop on dry saunas? My local fitness center has one and I feel like it would be beneficial. We need to get this poison out of our bodies and sweating seems like a good way to do that. I’m going to try it after swimming tonight. Thoughts?
Good job you are all there. The timing of your comments is just incredible and so appropriate for me personally.
I just went upstairs then down and my right foot is hurting. The burning has increased in my right leg and foot. Why?
A dr prescribed nitrofurantoin for a urine infection. The information leaflet warns against prescribing it with a quinolone. Nitrofurantoin causes nerve damage , hair loss, peripheral neuropathy, thrombocyopaeia, aplastic anemia, .Perhaps the message is getting through to Big Pharma. Well here is another one for them, why don’t your stick the fluoroquinolones where the sun don’t shine?
BTW codeine causes headaches, pain behind the eye, etc,etc, etc. Depression, demotivation, feeling of disconnection from reality, hallucinations etc, etc.
So just another tale from my experiences of shitty doctors who just ran tests for no reason: I had mutiple cat scans of my body and MRIs they lead to we don’t know what’s wrong with you. Two doctors wanted me to get lymph node removed and thank goodness for the surgeon who felt my neck on the day of the surgery who said that he refused to cut me and leave me with a four inch scar on my neck. I was told I had cancer till I went to the main cancer center and had to sit with people fighting off cancer which was so depressing. I had a leading hematologist draw blood and say whatever it is it’s not cancer it’s not blood it’s something else. Took me months and lots of money to discover what it was every time I asked my first naturopath who was scared of getting sued for giving me cipro kept saying no. So I got fed up with that one and found my super amazing current naturopath who is my hero. Works long hours and always fits me in for IVs tells me when he doesn’t know why and says I’m sorry I will figure it out. For anyone out there go to a naturopath who is familiar with nureological issues. If they aren’t they may not be aware of the dangers in these drugs!!!!
I’m exactly a year out and just noticed today that my left calf, ankle, foot is significantly smaller than my right!!!! This never happened before and was never like this.
I called my parents crying and panicking. Is this muscle wasting? Atrophy?? I’m terrified 🙁
Hi Gang
I have read all the postings on drugs and I agree. I am scared stiff of taking any medication but have to take warfarin for a history of blood clots so cranberry is forbidden.
I am sick of drs suggesting a drug for this and another one for that. They are all toxic to people esp when one has been floxed.
I have developed all sorts of allergies and hypersensitivities since being floxed.
Also developed gluten, wheat, yeast, soy, cows milk intolerance. Nightmare.
HRT gave me blood clots then the rest followed on. I have been prescribed ciro about four times but like some of the members of this forum I did not realise what was happening to me at the time and put it down to other things. For example restlessness, problems with co ordination and walking, numbness of the legs , diminished ankle, plantar and knee reflexes.
Numbness was attributed to the phenytoin, statins, ppi, pantoprazole. Then when I had three antibiotics prescribed in one go I woke up with heaviness and coldness of he legs, small petechial all over my legs.
I understand that shingles or a cold sore can also cause peripheral neuropathy and tendonitis.The virus lies dormant then becomes reactivated at times of stress, infection etc, etc .it damages the nerve pathways causing peripheral neuropathy.
The treatment is an anti viral!
Today an educated intelligent person told me that fluoride gas was used to gas people in Nazi Germany. I was unaware that flouride is a gas.
I don’t know how true that is. I do not know what to believe anymore!
Does anyone know if what I was told is the truth or not?
Hope I am allowed to state this on the forum.
Does anyone know anything about a GENTLE AND SAFE probiotic for a urine infection please?
Hi everyone
With regard to the 450 liver enzyme system in the liver being compromised/damaged by shitty drugs esp by the fluoroquinolones people with the 450 problems should not take grapefruit or pineapple.
Neurontin and gabapentin were both discontinued in me due to their serious side effects. Tegretol often used for nerve pain causes cardiac arrhythmias, heart block, atrio ventricular conduction problems. Pls google the side effects of Neurontin.
One of the rarer side effects of Gabapentin/lyrica is cortical myoclonus a movement disorder.
ALL THE ANTI EPILEPTICS CAUSE DEPRESSION and other very serious side effects.
However be guided by your dr.
I found the link below
I hope this helps you find a doctor who can help you.
Ozone literature:
10.Rectal insufflation with OZONE if effective for Proctitis, Colitis, Prostatitis,
anal fissure, Candidiasis; vaginal insufflation is effective for Cadidiasis and other
yeast infections, Trichamoniasis and other forms of vaginitis; bladder insufflation
is effective for Cystitis and bladder fistulas, as well as cancer.-quote.
This is for the troll…
Does anybody know if tattoos are safe post flox? Are there any risks involved??
Sweet friends,
This site has been amazing for me since I was floxed in July. So many wonderful people who are willing to offer support and wisdom. I can’t thank all of you enough, especially Lisa. With that being said, I am going to take a break from Floxie Hope for a while. It does seem to raise my general anxiety and stress, and I truly believe that worsens all symptoms. My body and spirit need a break. I took a break off the forum about a month after my floxing and it seemed to really help. I’m sure I will come back eventually. But in the meantime, everyone stay strong. One day we will all return to perfect health and this will be nothing more than a bad memory.
Best regards,
Rene I have to tell you big txs again for the reco to dr Marco he is such a caring individual and works so hard to help me. I think that everyone should have a dr Marco!!! Thank you
As someone who has been around for a very long time, & who has been monitoring this conversation in fact for quite a while, I will give my opinion once here on this horrendously ignorant ( or maybe playing at ignorant ) person.
I will be commenting no further on this subject .
The most effective thing I find is to IGNORE a person like this, & their comments completely. A response of ANY sort is what this person is seeking. Every time a response is made to this person, it is simply fuelling their fire, IGNORE THEM, Blank them, DO NOT reply to them. They are not worth your precious time. & imo, please keep in mind that manipulation can come in many disguises. We can easily become puppets on a string & get tangled up in mind games without us even realising it is occurring. I have a background in psychology, & this particular person, I feel wants to play at puppet master.
Seriously, whether they do, or not want to play, it actually makes no difference, as nothing anyone can say here, no matter HOW well sourced, well informed, no matter how much information, no matter how well presented, will EVER change their opinion or their views. because 1/ either they are playing mind games & manipulating ‘ under the radar ‘, & are therefore not actually interested in anything we try to tell them, as they actually have another agenda completely, or 2/ if truly ignorant, then they are wilfully so, & therefore in that case, the eyes of course are completely useless, when the mind itself is blind.
In my personal opinion the comments ARE tantamount to psychological abuse , however It is not my site to say what or what should be left up to be read by others. However If it was my site, personally I would delete these particular comments, as this sort of thing can potentially demoralise, not only newly floxed people, but everyone here. This can happen even when these comments are just glanced at again, even when perhaps just scrollng through. If we have read them before, we know they are there. & the brain will clock them & automatically register them & also register them as negative emotionally. Demoralisation can therefore occur without us even realising it is happening, simply because it is occurring subconsciously.
tattoos involve getting pricked by a needle. Not once but many times with ink (ink is a toxic substance). Anytime anyone uses a needle there is a risk of infection, that is why hospitals and clinics use antiseptics to clean the skin are before an injection.
Considering the fact that you are recovering from quins, it would be advisable to not get a tattoo today or anytime in the near future.
If by any chance someone who is recovering from quins decides to get a tattoo they risk getting an infection,
and then what would the person do?
They would have to resort to an antibiotic to kill the infection, and that is where things get really serious, because our bodies can not metabolize synthetic drugs anymore, not in a normal way.
My advice to you is this,
Licorice root is an effective anti-inflammatory, Burdock Root has traditionally been used to support healthy and vital skin,Yellow dock root is used to help alleviate stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion, according to the University of Michigan Heath System. It is a bitter herb thought to stimulate the digestive function, helping to increase both digestive enzymes and stomach acid. For example, just drinking dandelion root tea by itself would help cleanse the liver.
Personally i would try each one separately at a very low dose and slowly mix them to watch for reactions in my body.
When i got floxed i used herbs mostly to help me sleep, sleep was and still is my main concern. I still have problems sleeping. I still use teas from time to time for sleep, along with magnesium. Magnesium is my main supplement.
For the liver:
milk thistle, dandelion, schizandra, barberry, kelp, Oregon grape root, yam, peppermint, yellow dock, aloe vera, cat’s claw, spearmint, and high antioxidant teas such as citrus aurantium, green tea, rose hips, rosemary, parsley.
I used mint oil in my water when i got floxed, it helped me with the nausea, it kept it at bay. I would put a drop of mint oil (make sure it´s for food and not for massage) in a liter of water. i would drink that during the day.
Has anyone heard of getting stem cell therapy for damaged tendons? There’s a lot of imformation out there that seems promising 🙂
I´ve looked at stem cell therapy, and yes it looks promising. Right now i´m researching ozone injections for tissue repair and strengthening.
I have an ozone machine and use it regularly, it is not a magic wand but there are certain advantages to its use for many metabolic reactions in the body. I do insufflations.
All therapies as long as they are not toxic are worth looking into, each one has a specific outcome.
Medicine is a complex science that is why i like it, because you never stop learning. The other thing i like is that our world is very big and there are many things being done around the world naturally that most people are unaware of.
I love medicine but unfortunately like all the sciences, a lot of it is being manipulated by interest groups that want to make money out of people´s suffering. The U.S.A. is the biggest offender here. Federal agencies are completely manipulated by big pharma get and to keep people sick for the rest of their lives!
There is a really interesting doctor i came across the other day, his approach is very intelligent, he is using many advanced concepts and therapies in alternative medicine/natural medicine to heal people.
This is what he does.
There are five management principles that need to be addressed to make certain that your health program will enable you to harness the remarkable healing capabilities of the human body–
Give your body what it needs to heal. With proper food choices, nutritional support, bio-identical hormones, and voltage/electrons/ oxygen.
Avoid those things that make you worse (such as certain foods or behaviors, allergens, toxins, etc.).
Detoxify or de-infect the things that you can not get rid of without assistance (such as viruses, parasites, Lyme and Lyme-like microbes, yeast, toxic metals, chemicals, dental or joint implants to which you are reactive, etc). Some of the strategies we have found helpful include Biopuncture, specific supplements, UVBI, oxidative therapies, and Photon Directed Action (PDA), etc.
Address structural issues (such as vertebral and sphenoid bone misalignment, scars, post-traumatic adhesions, etc.) that prevent healing. This may involve removing or neutralize any interfering physical scars through techniques such as Neural Therapy, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), Tennant Voltage Biomodulation, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) and or use of low-force and non-force adjustments.
Reprogram any maladaptive emotional imprints or core beliefs that may be sabotaging you from achieving long term success. Some describe these as post-traumatic events but with one major difference, the imprint may be subconscious and thus not easily addressed with counseling or traditional psychotherapy. Techniques to consider include through NeuroEmotional Technique (NET), Psychosomatic Energetic testing with REBA, Emotional Field Therapy, Bio-Reprogramming® , and/or Family Constellation Therapy (Hellinger).-quote. Dr. Kaslow.
Stephanie we heal and recover, but we are never the same again.
My answer is no.
Floxies can not take unnecessary risks. I could give you a million reasons why.
I have seen too many people get into big problems for even the slightest mistakes!
Me included, i talk from experience.
Thank you for your kind comments. On reflection I have decided that the troll will win if I did withdraw from this website/forum so will stay.